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How to open a rabbit farm and start making money. Is it profitable to breed rabbits? Business plan for breeding rabbits. Breeds of rabbits for breeding for meat

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Rabbits, business plan, and its creation

This story was told by an entrepreneur who lives in the Moscow region, Andrei Kalashnik, the owner of a large rabbit farm. Andrey built his rabbit farm on the purchased territory of a former collective farm. His rabbit business is located on the outskirts of the village and brings good profits. His staff includes: a veterinarian, an accountant, a driver, a tractor driver and three rabbit care workers.

Rabbit farming business plan

How did the idea of ​​breeding rabbits come about?

I was born and raised in a village. My parents also raised rabbits. I adored these cute animals, tinkered with them, and eventually my passion for them grew into a business. So, having collected a small capital, I built a farm.

I had no experience in running a business, but I understood perfectly well that I needed some kind of plan by which I could work and grow my business.

Business plan - my path to prosperity

After thinking about it and looking through a lot of information on the Internet, I realized that I needed a valid business plan. But where can I get one, one that will work in my conditions and help me implement my project?

I understood that it was the business plan that would help me deal with the most important issues, such as:

  • purchase of breeding rabbits and purchase of grain;
  • animal care;
  • sale of finished products.

My friends advised me to contact RBC to purchase a business plan, but after learning the price, which was 50 thousand rubles, I refused their services.

My next step was the idea of ​​downloading a business plan on the Internet, which I tried to do, but again failed. All the nonsense that was infested with free Internet sites did not correspond in any way to a truly working business plan.

Something had to be done, because I didn’t want to go bankrupt and therefore I was intensively looking for a way out of the situation. My first attempts to start a business without a business plan were like a small child trying to walk, who stumbles, falls, gets up and falls again.

I started to panic and was afraid of losing all my investments.

A solution was suggested to me by a friend of mine who purchased a ready-made business plan template for ridiculous money and, with the help of specialists, adjusted it to the conditions of his business.

I did just that, bought a business plan for 550 rubles, reviewed it, wrote down all the necessary and changing figures, such as exchange rates, fuel costs, feed prices, etc.

After that, I turned to an economist I knew and with his help, using the acquired template, we developed a real, working business plan, which led me to success and my business to prosperity.

So, to sum it up, I got the following result. I bought a template for a future business plan for ridiculous money - 550 rubles.

An economist I know, with my help, adjusted it and adjusted it to my conditions for 5 thousand rubles.

As a result, I spent 5,550 rubles on a real and most importantly working business plan for a rabbit farm.

It’s much cheaper if I turned to RBC or a consulting company, and they started developing everything from scratch.

Now my business is thriving, I plan to buy purebred rabbits and build another farm, and all thanks to the acquired business plan template, which I bought for literally pennies.

Rabbit breeding business

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the business plan for a rabbit farm:

Business plan for a rabbit breeding farm

The proposed business plan is drawn up in relation to one of the most effective areas of agricultural production. This is an opportunity to work in small areas.

Rabbit meat has an exceptionally low cost. No other farm animal has such a growth rate.

The document itself is an indispensable tool for creating a stable enterprise. It contains information about how much initial capital is required, how to make calculations, and what the sequence of first steps is. The project is relevant and its implementation can begin immediately.

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The business plan contains sections:

1. Privacy

Along with the usual warnings about the procedure for non-involvement of third parties, in the purpose information section. He emphasizes the economic efficiency of the project. This is essentially a commercial proposal for negotiation.

2. Summary

The section formulates the general direction, for example, “the creation of a rabbit farm with a turnover of 3 years, by such and such a director, with a commercial loan in the amount of so many millions of rubles.”

There are basic parameters - payback period, investor income, interest rate on the loan, the procedure for paying interest on the loan and repaying borrowed funds. Other important indicators, including the economic effect of sales. Namely, the overall effect on the conditional life cycle.

Table No. 1. Potential for creating rabbit farms in Russia

3. Timing and stages of implementation

A table has been prepared for this information. Only the start (after receiving the loan) and end dates are noted separately.

4. Characteristics of the object

Here is the information on rabbit breeding that a beginning farmer needs. These are the characteristics of rabbit meat in terms of protein content, amino acids, and other nutrients. The properties of skins, types and sizes of wool are described.

The breeds proposed for breeding are described. Advice is given on maintenance, feeding, care, diseases, and treatment methods.

5. Marketing plan

The principles of decision-making taking into account the competitive environment and market are considered. The main question is to supply only meat, or both meat and furs.

The section also introduces the complex management of this industry based on the individual number of each individual. There is information about the hardware of such a system for both animal engineers and accountants.

An example of a mini-farm’s positive experience with this type of marketing is given.

Table No. 2. Competitive environment of new rabbit farms in Russia

6. Equipment and technologies

The contents of the enterprise are revealed with the help of drawings and drawings. This is the truss frame and filling. The quantity and its list include cages and cells, hay nurseries, drinking bowls, feeders, ventilation systems, manure removal, and other equipment.

Explanations are given on the assembly of shelving, the installation of water and heat supply systems and other practical recommendations.

Technological instructions contain guidelines for reproduction, working with young animals, and slaughtering techniques, taking into account the preservation of the quality of the skins.

7. Financial plan

The rates of all taxes are listed and sales forecasts are given in tables of real figures. Forecast for the coming years, based on the declared economic effect and market conditions.

  • Project Description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Product Description
  • Marketing Plan
  • Calendar plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open?
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for the construction of a rabbit breeding farm. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment.

We propose to consider a sample business plan for the construction of a farm for breeding rabbits in a locality with a population of 20,000 people.

Project Description

The purpose of the business plan is to justify the feasibility of creating a farm for breeding rabbits for meat production.

General information:

  • Population of the village: 20 thousand people;
  • Land area: 0.16 hectares;
  • Number of jobs: 4 people;
  • Organizational and legal form: peasant farm, number of members - 3 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 400 thousand rubles, borrowed funds (bank loan) - 1.21 million rubles;
  • Total cost of the project: 1.61 million rubles.

Indicators of economic efficiency of project implementation:

  • Net profit for the year: 859,824 rubles;
  • Bar profitability = 63.6%;
  • Project payback = 25 months.

The total investment for opening a farm will be 1.61 million rubles.

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of the farm will be peasant farm(KFH). The head of the peasant farm will be I.I. Ivanov.

Which tax system to choose for this business

As tax systems The single agricultural tax (USAT) will be applied. Tax rate is 6% of profit.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registration of the peasant farm with the Federal Tax Service has been carried out;
  2. A plot of land measuring 16 acres was purchased for the construction of a farm for raising rabbits. Currently, the procedure is underway to transfer the land plot to the appropriate type of permitted use.
  3. The search for an organization supplying and installing a shed rabbit keeping system has been completed;
  4. There is an agreement with a large farm to purchase 250 adult breeding rabbits from them.

The farm will consist of 3 members, including the head of the peasant farm. All of them have a family connection, in accordance with the legislation on the formation of peasant farms. In addition to members of the peasant farm, hired labor in the amount of 4 people will also be involved.

Product Description

Since the farm will be a meat farm, it will contain the popular Californian breed of rabbits. The average weight of an adult male reaches 5 kg. Female rabbits of this breed are very fertile and feed up to 8 rabbits per litter. The young animals of this breed are distinguished by their growth energy and by the age of 2 months they gain weight of 1.8 kg, and by the age of 3 months the weight of the rabbit is 3 kg and it can be slaughtered for meat. The Californian breed rabbit has white hair on the body, and the tips of the paws, ears and tail are dark brown.

In a year, one female rabbit brings up to 30 young rabbits (3.5 litters). The optimal age for the reproduction of offspring is considered to be up to 2 years. For the full life cycle of a rabbit, about 14 kg of feed and 7 kg of hay are needed, or about 100 rubles in costs.

In order to sell 500 kg of marketable meat monthly, about 250 rabbits must be slaughtered and the same number of animals must be born. Plus, part of the born livestock should be released for reproduction. This productivity will be provided to our farm by 207 females and 8 males.

In addition to meat, skin, liver, fluff and other by-products will also be sold.

Download rabbit farming business plan,

Marketing Plan

The main channels for selling manufactured products include:

  1. City markets and retail outlets;
  2. Wholesale resellers who pick up meat;
  3. Processing enterprises, factories, restaurants.

The following events will be held to promote our products:

  1. Advertising in the media, newspapers, magazines;
  2. Posting information on the Internet on bulletin boards;
  3. Establishing personal contacts with large enterprises;
  4. Advertising on billboards located on federal highways with high traffic;
  5. Creating your own business card website.

The farm’s personal vehicle (GAZelle) will be used to deliver products to sales points. Some of the products will be sold to wholesale resellers directly from the farm. The sale of meat will comply with all food safety standards and be accompanied by veterinary certificates.

In the future, it is planned to increase production volumes to 1 ton of marketable rabbit meat per month.

Farm revenue structure.

It will be possible to reach the planned revenue figures only after 120 days, when the first offspring grows.

Rabbit breeding technology

Our farm will use a shad housing system. This system is a modern way of keeping rabbits. The shed is a canopy with two-tier cages grouped under it. This system allows you to save rabbitry space and protect rabbits from unwanted natural processes, such as overheating (heat), wind, and rain.

The shad contains 72 cages, of which 32 are reserved for females with rabbits, and the remaining 40 cages are for males and young animals for rearing.

By installing a shad system on our farm, processes such as feeding and watering animals, manure removal, and feeding hay to bedding will be mechanized.

A suspended road will be created inside the shad for distributing feed with a carrying capacity of up to 120 kg. Ventilation in the shad will be carried out through shafts in the manure channels. The cages will be equipped with bunker feeders and automatic drinkers.

For winter housing of animals in the sheds, a heating system and heating of nest boxes will be installed.

To slaughter livestock on the farm, it is planned to build a slaughterhouse that will comply with all SES standards.

The planned staffing of the farm will include 4 people:

The responsibilities of the handymen will include caring for the rabbits, including feeding and watering, removing manure, transferring baby rabbits, males and females, from one cage to another and other household tasks.

The slaughterman's responsibilities will include the process of slaughtering adult livestock and cutting up the carcass. The slaughterer will butcher up to 15 heads per day.

Issues of supplying feed, selling meat, as well as accounting and other administrative issues will be resolved by members of the peasant farm.

Calendar plan

The list of activities and their costs for opening a farm are presented in the form of a calendar plan:

In total, the activities to open the farm will take 85 days and 1.61 million rubles will be spent.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To organize a farm, investments in the amount of 1.61 million rubles will be required. Of these, 400 thousand rubles are own funds and 1.21 million rubles are borrowed funds (bank loan).

The main expense of a farm will be the payment of wages to farm workers. The farm will pay wages in the amount of 44 thousand rubles per month. The second largest item of monthly expenses will be the cost of feed and bedding - 17.5 thousand rubles per month.

Insurance contributions will be paid for 7 people, that is, not only for hired workers, but also for 3 members of the farm in a fixed amount - 36 thousand rubles per year per person.

How much can you earn by breeding rabbits?

Calculation of indicators of economic efficiency of a farm is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

Net profit based on annual sales of rabbit products will be 859,824 rubles.

The profitability of a rabbit breeding farm, according to business plan calculations, is 63.6%. The payback of the project with such indicators will occur after 25 months of farm operation.

We recommend download rabbit farming business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

First of all, you should decide on the legal form of the enterprise. In the case of rabbit farming, you can register as an individual entrepreneur or private household plot. After this, you should work on organizational, production and financial plans, which spell out:

  • Conduct a profitability assessment and analyze competitors.
  • Rent a plot of land (if you do not have your own dacha or village).
  • Build several premises for rabbits, equipped with cages and sheds, as well as places for depositing young individuals.
  • Equip a feed warehouse for storing grain and hay, as well as premises with the necessary equipment for caring for animals.
  • Build a room for slaughtering rabbits.
  • Purchase meat animals.
  • Establish work with the sales market.

Which equipment to choose

For industrial breeding of rabbits, it is better to use a shed housing system. To do this, you will need to build cells in several tiers, one on top of the other in a row.

Please note that these animals do not like dampness, so it is necessary to purchase waterproofing, and heaters may also be required. Feeders, manure removal equipment and pumps that continuously supply water to animals are also required.

Breeding rabbits is a great idea for a profitable business. Rabbits are endowed with good fertility and rapid maturity. One adult female rabbit can produce more than 25 rabbits per year. And this indicator suggests that an entrepreneur can receive the same amount of skins for further sale and 60 kilograms of dietary meat. The beneficial properties of rabbit meat have been repeatedly discussed by nutritionists.

Business Features

Planning a rabbit breeding farm should begin with an awareness of the positive and negative aspects that the future entrepreneur will encounter when building and developing a rabbit farm.

The positive points include:

  • rapid return on costs;
  • rapid reproduction of rabbits under good conditions;
  • significant profitability of the idea;
  • small start-up capital for farming development;
  • minimal competition;
  • low tax rate.

Considering all the positive aspects, we can consider that rabbit breeding as a business will be a good starting point for increasing your home capital.

Breeding rabbits as a business, profitable or not?

To engage in rabbit breeding, you need to take into account all the disadvantages and advantages of this business, correctly calculate the maximum profit, and draw up a business plan. Only in this case can you count on the successful development of the chosen direction. The work of breeding rabbits does not tolerate spontaneous decisions. A businessman must evaluate his strengths and capabilities and be prepared for some unforeseen moments in running a household.

Having finally decided on the type of business, you should not immediately invest huge amounts of money in a new enterprise, limiting yourself in terms of living expenses.

A well-drafted business plan will help you correctly distribute all primary expenses. Also, every entrepreneur can turn to the state for help, which allocates subsidies and grants for agricultural development. Additional funds will never be superfluous for the success of the business. Therefore, when the farm begins to make a profit, the owner will appreciate the advantage of the funds allocated from the state.

Drawing up a business plan

Costs of doing business:

  • designing animal cages - 40,000 rubles;
  • acquisition of young animals (count on a quantity of 100 heads) - 40,000 rubles. The price will vary depending on the region of residence and the breed of animals;
  • purchase of feed - up to 100,000 rubles;
  • related services (heating, plumbing, examination by a veterinarian) - 15,000 rubles per year.

Expected payback:

  • sales of meat from previously purchased individuals will bring about 2200 kilograms natural weight;
  • the sale of skins will entail additional revenue. The price of a skin depends on its quality and size;
  • rental of males for further reproduction is estimated at about 20,000 rubles.

Important: Considering that this will be a small rabbit farm, the business plan is drawn up with minimal investment and an approximate expected profit can be foreseen.

Options for registering activities

The next stage for starting your own business is choosing a legal form of business. An entrepreneur can register his type of activity in two ways: as an individual entrepreneur or as a peasant farm. Registration in the form of a peasant farm is particularly advantageous. This is explained by the fact that tax benefits have now been introduced for farms.

This system has its downside. When you retire, you can only count on the minimum age benefit. Working as an individual entrepreneur, a businessman can count on a defined pension, as he paid taxes on time. Before registering your farm, consider which option is more profitable for you.

Individual entrepreneurs have great opportunities to sell their own products. This will give a chance to sell meat not only in the market, but also in large stores and shopping centers. The Unified Agricultural Tax form of taxation helps reduce the tax percentage, taking into account the constant sale of agricultural products. The tax amount is 6% of net income.

Peasant farm (peasant farm)

Peasant farms have the same advantages as individual entrepreneurs, but with one distinctive feature. It can be issued by a certain category of citizens who own business property and can carry out agricultural activities.

Peasant farms do not require any documents: charters, names and special agreements. Every person is able to register a peasant farm in his name and become its director, in a word, a full individual entrepreneur. The main advantage of peasant farms is the possibility of receiving government subsidies and preferential tax rates.

IP (individual entrepreneur)

The IP form is most suitable for breeding rabbits.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you need to provide the tax office with:

  • passport and its copy;
  • application to open your own enterprise;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a copy of the taxpayer identification code.

Important: To confirm your status, all these documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund.

Tax form for rabbit farming

The taxation system applies to all types of business activities, so for your own business you should choose the most suitable option. One of the beneficial and convenient forms of taxation is the simplified regime. The tax in this case is calculated from the difference between costs and income. Tax percentage fluctuates from 6 to 15%, But no more than 25% from the sum.

Economic activity type code

Individual entrepreneurs need to pay attention to the type of activity of OKVED. For a rabbit breeding business, the code is A.01.25.2, which involves raising animals on a farm. But there is a limitation in this paragraph: the sale of leather and skins of animals as a result of their illegal capture is not allowed.

Material and technical base

Breeding livestock will be convenient and profitable if the entire material and technical base, or at least its main part, is mechanized. The shad system is ideal for a rabbit breeding business. This design is a covered wooden or metal room with rabbit hutches inside.

Necessary sanitary requirements

There are special veterinary and sanitary standards for keeping rabbits. Their main requirement is that the animals must be kept clean. The appearance of individuals must be presentable. The premises must be periodically disinfected, and if insects and rodents are present, they must be destroyed. In case of illness or infection, you need to stock up on specially isolated cells.

Place for a mini farm

To build a mini-farm on your own territory, no additional permits are required. All an entrepreneur needs for this is material for construction and a certain area. The only problem is that the permissible distance from agricultural buildings to residential buildings is regulated.

Such matters are under the control of local governments. Therefore, before constructing a new building, find out whether it can be built in the planned location.

An excellent place for a mini-farm is on an elevated area or on an area with a slight slope.

Cages with pets should not be installed in low-lying areas, as they do not tolerate low humidity well. It is better to make the site for the farm concrete or fill it with gravel. The water supply system and storm drainage system must be adjusted.

On the mini-farm area 900 m 2 can be grown freely up to 900 heads. The overall picture of this project looks something like this:

  1. Premises for breeding rabbits - 400 m 2.
  2. Mini-workshop for processing or production of feed - 250 m 2.
  3. Building for storing equipment and other materials - 50 m2.
  4. Construction for a slaughterhouse with refrigerators - 50 m2.
  5. Manure collector - 40 m2.

Important: when planning premises for keeping rabbits and other buildings, you need to take into account the possibility of free access and access to the cages.

The length of the cage for adult heads can be up to 150 cm, width - 80 cm. The height of the front wall is approximately 65 cm, the back - up to 45 cm. To make it convenient for staff to remove manure from the cages, the floor in them must be made with a slight slope back.

The best material for durable cages is galvanized welded mesh with cells of 20 by 20 millimeters.

The cages must be divided into two identical compartments - the feeding and nesting compartments. Between the compartments there is a mesh with cells measuring 35 by 50 mm or 25 by 25 mm. To save space in the cages, feeders should be placed under the manger. This design will allow you to accommodate up to 70 cages, which will make it possible to raise up to 500 units of young animals in good conditions.

Feed shop

This name refers to a room for storing large quantities of concentrated feed stocks. Compound feed and grain mixtures should be enough to feed for 3 months. If the entrepreneur has the opportunity, the mini-workshop can be equipped with a compact grain crusher with a capacity of 500 kg/h. The premises can also be equipped with equipment for the production of feed.

In the feed shop, you can allocate a separate room for storing equipment, additional feeders, and building materials.

Where to buy feed

Many reputable production companies can offer ready-made feed for all types of animals at wholesale and retail prices. When purchasing a large batch of feed, ask the seller for a certificate for the products being sold.

This certification documents the quality and safety of the products presented. High-quality feed contains nutrients, vitamins, microelements and has all the valuable properties that are necessary for the nutrition of your animals.

How to save on feed

The main expense in a rabbit business is the purchase of feed. Buying compound feed for rabbits is very expensive, it is not always possible to grow grain, and cutting the nutritional allowance is fraught with poor weight and decreased productivity in animals. The only correct solution to reduce your own costs is to make your own feed.

For these purposes, you will need a powerful grain crusher and a feed granulator. By crushing and grinding, animal feed is prepared for several days. Grain waste is also added to this composition. This is where the savings come in, because grain waste is several times cheaper than buying mixed feed.

Important: Separately crushed grain is not very popular for rabbits, so it needs to be mixed with ready-made feed.

For a small number of heads (up to 40 pieces), you can prepare root crops, succulent grass and silage for the winter. For a livestock of 1000 or more, this procedure is useless. This will require a lot of time and the involvement of additional personnel. Hay can be used as preparation. They need to be stocked up in advance, and in winter this product will be an additional source of vitamins for animals.

A mechanized production process on the farm can save a lot of time. Automatic water supply will replace the labor-intensive manual delivery of buckets. A mini-tractor will not only be able to deliver food to the cages, but also take away the collected manure.

Slaughterhouse and refrigeration equipment

For mass slaughter of animals, refrigeration equipment must be provided on premises. As an option - an extension to the main visit with refrigerators. The slaughterhouse has an equipped area for blood drainage. A special furnace for burning waste and illiquid goods is also installed in the room.

A well-thought-out system allows you not to be distracted from the main process. This means that the work process should not be interrupted by other activities - slaughter, cutting, packaging and freezing.

Manure collector

The manure collector is a cesspool with concrete barriers and an open top. The depth of this place should be up to 3 meters, choose any width and length. The location of the manure collector is at the very end of the territory, away from the main workshops, cages and premises for storing feed supplies.

As for odors, they should not spread throughout the entire area. You should always monitor the filling of the pit so that it can be raked out in a timely manner.

What breed of rabbits is it profitable to breed?

The main product of any mini-farm is meat, so you need to choose meat breeds. Downy, crossbred and others do not need to be bred if your goal is business profitability. Although you won’t see much difference in weight between rabbits of different breeds, the meat rabbit still grows faster and gains good weight. The most popular meat breeds are Californian, White New Zealand, and Red New Zealand.

Meat breeds

The advantages of meat breeds include their rapid growth, meatiness, early maturity, and fertility. Rabbits at three months of age reach 4 kg, given that the average daily gain is 45 grams. Giant rabbits at four months of age reach a weight of about 5 kg.

Important: for high-quality breeding of offspring, do not purchase young animals from dubious poultry markets. There are specialized agricultural exhibitions where the best specimens for breeding are presented. At such an event you can find regular suppliers with a product guarantee.


Keeping decorative rabbits has become fashionable among residents of apartments and houses. For this purpose, various dwarf breeds with an easy-going character and attractive appearance have been bred. An entrepreneur who plans to breed only ornamental species should evaluate all the advantages of the activity and pay attention to some of the disadvantages. It is very important to calculate your capabilities in advance.

Business process: raising and feeding rabbits

The business process of breeding rabbits for meat includes solving several main problems:

  1. Organizing proper feeding of rabbits.
  2. Planned breeding of animals

Organization of feeding

The rabbit is a herbivore, but to get valuable meat, grass alone will not be enough. Lush grass and natural food make up only 20% of the diet. The remaining 80% is made up of other feed.

There are a large number of diets for rabbits, but it is ideal to adhere to this regimen:

  • in the morning, rabbits feed on lush grass;
  • at lunchtime and in the evening, include feed and mixtures of grains in their diet;
  • drinking bowls must be filled at all times.

Rabbit breeding

The breeding process also has its own scheme, according to which the number of adult rabbits and males for mating is calculated. So, for example, you can get litters from each female rabbit 3 times a year. In a year, one female can expect to give birth to up to 24 rabbits. Therefore, for every 10 cells with females there should be 1 cell with two males. Although the number of cubs born may vary, and the death of the young cannot be accurately predicted. Here we need to take into account the factor of natural selection.

Technology and methods of breeding rabbits

As for the technological process of raising rabbits for meat as a business, it is considered simple. Experts in this field offer various techniques, from ancient, grandfatherly, methods (retro) to assembly line techniques with quick results. And each method is effective in its own way. But 4 methods are considered the most popular:

  1. Cellular.
  2. Shadowy.
  3. Yamochny.

To understand their essence, you need to consider each method separately.

Keeping rabbits in a cage is a convenient method. In such structures it is easy to organize feeding, caring for animals and cleaning. To protect from wind and rain, the cages should be installed under a canopy. Living rabbits outdoors contributes to their health, increasing their resistance to various diseases and the quality of their fur.

But it must be taken into account that severe frosts can have a detrimental effect on animals. Treatment and prevention of colds can result in additional expense.

Shed method

This system is capable of increasing profits and brings good results in unlimited areas. Cages with animals are installed in dense rows in several tiers. The floors in the cage itself are designed with a slope, this simplifies cleaning in the cages due to their self-cleaning.

Placing cages close together saves time in distributing feed. The shed system in its essence is the same mini-farm with the same distribution of rabbits on both sides.

This system is called the acceleration method. Its principle is to raise a special type of animal that grows quickly and gains the required weight. The main essence of the method is keeping animals in ideally clean spacious cages, feeding them regularly and supplying them with water. Rabbits must constantly eat and gain weight.

Another principle of this technique is late weaning of the cubs from the female rabbit. This method has gained popularity and is a success among rabbit breeding entrepreneurs.

Pit method

This technique is closer to the natural habitat of animals and has its pros and cons.

Advantages of the method:

  1. In a familiar environment, animals grow rapidly.
  2. It is possible to locate the farm in any area.
  3. There are almost no expenses required for the construction of pits.
  4. Cleaning holes requires a minimum of time.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  1. It is difficult to raise a large rabbit in such an environment.
  2. Inconvenient catching of animals for slaughter.
  3. There is no way to control mating.
  4. There is a risk of infection, which is detrimental to the offspring.

Ways of implementation

The main point of profit is the sale of meat and animal skins. To achieve a good result, you need to think through and consider all the ways. In other words, to achieve your goals and make a profit, you need to try not just one method, but all possible ones.

Own customer base

Acquaintances, friends, neighbors may fall into this category. It doesn't matter where they learn about your business, whether it's through word of mouth or an advertisement in a newspaper. The main thing for buyers is a favorable price and quality of products. And over time, there will be plenty of people willing to buy fresh rabbit meat from the mini-farm.

Sales of rabbit carcasses through restaurants

This idea is very attractive, but very difficult. Offers to sell carcasses to such establishments are often rejected. Agree, not every restaurant has rabbit dishes on its menu. Although there are establishments where regular customers are gourmets who love unusual dishes. And if there is a diet food restaurant in your locality, then you can safely go to the administrator or chef and offer your products.

But in order to become a supplier of rabbit meat to reputable restaurants, an entrepreneur will need a conclusion from a veterinary service. The local sanitary and epidemiological station should also give an opinion on the quality of your products.

The shops

Establishments of this kind do not always sell rabbit meat. If they agree, they will require the appropriate documents, for the preparation of which the businessman will spend a lot of time and money. As an option, sales points can be organized to sell products.

Retail chains for selling prepared meat offer purchasing prices that are too low, which is unprofitable for your business. This sales method is suitable if production volumes exceed 6–7 tons of meat per year. In this case, you still need to think about selling the skins.

Additional sources of income

The owner of a farmland can make money not only by selling meat, but also by selling rabbit skins and droppings as fertilizer.

Selling skins is not always profitable if you live in a small region. Although there is always a buyer for every product, you need to find one. The skins must be in marketable condition and well cleaned.

You can offer your products to fur manufacturing enterprises or private ateliers. Demand for products generates large incomes, and if this does not exist, the entrepreneur will have to especially carefully advertise the valuable product and the medicinal properties of fur skins.

Organic fertilizers have always been valued in agriculture. Selling such fertilizers in large quantities can bring significant profits. You can sell vermicompost obtained as a result of fermentation; it will become a real boon for summer residents. Highly concentrated liquid fertilizer is also readily purchased by gardening enthusiasts who seek to increase the productivity of their land.


Any farm must be equipped with certain tools. Farm equipment:

  • drinking bowls,
  • feeders,
  • cells,
  • trolleys,
  • buckets,
  • pallets,
  • grain crusher.

Income and expenses of a business raising rabbits

Raising rabbits on a farm with proper organization of production will bring significant income. Additional expenses will not be required if your property has its own territory and equipped premises of the required size. Bringing the premises into compliance with the requirements for keeping animals always involves additional costs.

Important: all costs for building cages, making feeders and purchasing the necessary equipment will be required only in the first year of doing business. In the second year there will be no such expenses, you will only have to pay tax, purchase feed and pay utility bills.

Rabbit farming as a business: advantages and disadvantages

Significant advantages of rabbit breeding include:

  • profit at any time of the year;
  • rapid growth of animals;
  • rabbit fertility;
  • low tax percentage;
  • minimum competition.

The disadvantages of the business are:

  • the need to prepare a package of documents for the sale of meat;
  • frequent diseases of young animals;
  • the need to comply with sanitary standards for keeping animals.

Breeding rabbits will bring its owner a good income, and a rabbit farming business will not require large investments. And if you set a goal for yourself, then you can become an entrepreneur of the highest level from scratch and have a business with constant profitability.

Meat is one of the most consumed foods, but despite the huge amount of its production and consumption, sometimes situations arise when this product may be in short supply.

Rabbit farming is a profitable investment

We often see this situation: in stores there are only a few types of meat, these are beef, pork and lamb. The rest of the meat, rabbit, is unprofitable, so it is not so often found on the shelves. If you use the opportunity correctly, it will only play into your hands: all you need is effort and initial capital.

In this article, we will tell you how to build a rabbit business, and also provide a preliminary business plan for raising rabbits at home or on a farm in the countryside.

Rabbit farming as a business is no longer a new idea, but its implementation has not yet gained demand. This is the advantage of keeping rabbits: you can easily create a business, this will be facilitated by low competition in this market and the need for fresh homemade meat, because it will always find its buyers.

Yes, significant investments will be required, as in any other business, so before you start your business from scratch, think about how realistic it is for you to raise rabbits, and save a certain amount to start. Further, investing in a business will also be costly: maintaining a farm in conditions suitable for rabbits to live is not a cheap pleasure.

But there is no doubt that the profitability of rabbit farming will be high, because if you have initial capital, rabbit breeding as a business will be your most profitable investment.

Is it profitable to breed eared animals?

People who want to keep rabbits for business at home often wonder: is it profitable to breed rabbits? To answer this question, we can confidently say that rabbit farming is a profitable business.

Not only has competition in this matter not reached a high level, but the type of meat itself also plays an important role. The thing is that rabbit meat is best absorbed in our body (about 90%), moreover, it is practically low-fat, which is why it is dietary.

Quite a few people today are going on a diet (the reasons for this phenomenon are very diverse), so dietary meat will certainly be popular among this category of consumers. There are also many dishes that would simply lose their flavor without rabbit meat.

Rabbits provide tasty and dietary meat

If you put in some effort, you can quickly establish contact with retail outlets, or, if you're lucky, even with a restaurant. In this case, you will have the opportunity to set your own price for the product.

  • market with little competition;
  • demand for meat;
  • own price for manufactured products;
  • profitable business.

The downside is large capital investments.

I think you no longer have any doubts about whether it is profitable to breed rabbits. But here, as in any business, acumen is very important, so if you are starting a business from scratch, try to immediately establish contact with the consumer market so that rabbit breeding as a business does not bring you losses.

How to develop rabbit farming professionally?

Rabbit farming as a business in our country is underdeveloped. Keeping rabbits at home is more typical for rural residents, but it can only be called a business with a stretch: the number of animals usually does not exceed fifty, and they are raised exclusively for personal purposes (own meat).

Mini-farm - the optimal solution for beginner rabbit breeders

The main reason for the unprofitability of the rabbit business is that farmers simply do not have knowledge in this area. Regarding breeding rabbits at home, then, taking into account normal conditions, the animals could even live in an apartment.

But there is no better option than raising rabbits on a mini-farm or farm, because there are completely different conditions and, even more so, the opportunity to expand the business.

Acquisition of the younger generation

Starting a business from scratch is always difficult; this article will tell you what to do and in what order.

The first step will be the acquisition of young animals. You need to determine for what purpose you will raise rabbits: for meat or skins.

If the focus is on meat products, then the emphasis should be on early maturing breeds of rabbits:

  • giant (gray, white);
  • silver;
  • chinchilla.

At two months of age, such rabbits can weigh up to 2 kg.

White giant rabbits

In the case of raising animals for skins, breeds must be selected based on their fur (it must be thick and of an unusual color):

  • Alaska;
  • fiery black;
  • Thuringian.

It is worth saying that in Europe such breeds have long been bred on a large scale. These species are still rare in our area, so they will be a little difficult to buy, and their skins will be expensive in cost.

But in reality, there is no point in raising rabbits just for their skins, since there will be nowhere to put the products. In order for the skins to be of high quality, careful care of the animals is required: separate cages (so that the fur is not damaged in fights), which will incur extra costs. In addition, such breeds weigh little and grow much more slowly.

This means that breeding rabbits will be profitable if you get rabbits of such breeds as Flanders, silver, chinchilla, and gray giant. These breeds weigh a lot, reproduce quickly and have high-quality fur. As a result of experiments, you yourself will choose which breed will be optimal for farming.

Buy adult rabbits from the very beginning; the ideal option would be to purchase a pair of females with a male. Typically, a female can give birth six times in a year (6-7 rabbits on average). As a starting point, this is a great option.

For breeding you need to buy adult rabbits

Farm space

When you start a business for breeding these animals from scratch, you need to pay attention to the area where the animals will live. A good option is a farm in a place remote from the city, quiet and peaceful.

In principle, five acres of land will be enough for you, but it is better to have plenty of space (if you are going to start a large-scale business).

Since it will be possible to build a room in which food will be stored, or make a lawn for rabbits to walk.

If you live in a private house, then everything is much simpler here: a barn or shed can become a home for animals, the main thing is that it is warm and equipped for rabbits to live in.

Let's summarize: in order to build a farm from scratch, you will need a spacious plot, preferably in a village (in an apartment, rabbit breeding is possible exclusively for your own purposes).

A promising site is if it has space not only for a rabbit farm, but also soil for growing animal feed (your own clover, oats, and alfalfa will save you a lot of money in the future).

Raising rabbits requires a lot of space.

Habitat arrangement

Rabbits are bred in two ways: in cages and in pits. We will look at them in comparison and determine which method is more profitable and convenient.

The cage requires a lot of care: it needs daily cleaning, and it takes a lot of time to pour food and water into each cage. The advantage of raising rabbits in pits is that they are cleaned once a week, and the food is poured into a common feeder, which is much more convenient.

If we take a closer look at cleaning the premises where animals will live, then manure is much easier to remove from the floor in pits with a shovel than to pick it out of the cages.

Another important detail for the farm owner is the productivity of animals, their ability to reproduce quickly. And here again, keeping animals in pits wins: in such conditions, there are practically no cases of empty nesters (missed pregnancies). For comparison: in a cage, a female rabbit can give birth up to four times in one year, while when breeding in pits, this number increases to approximately eight times.

Another factor is feed usage. When breeding rabbits in pits, food is used more rationally, since it is not wasted: there will always be an animal willing to eat.

A group of rabbits in a pit

There is an opinion that by running through burrows, rabbits gain weight more slowly. But that's not true. Rabbits raised in pits, on the contrary, weigh 200-300 grams more than cage ones, since they have an accelerated metabolism.

Up to two hundred rabbits can be kept in one pit, but it is recommended that the number of animals does not exceed one hundred. Again, savings: instead of so many cells, one hole that will save food, labor, materials and space.

In addition, the risk of rabbits being stolen is reduced, because in this case the animals will simply hide in holes, from where it is much more difficult to get them out.

As you can see, raising rabbits in pits is much more economical and convenient than keeping them in cages; you will simply simplify the care of the animals and the premises. But the choice is yours.

Purchase of feed

In order for rabbits to gain sufficient weight, their diet must include a complex of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Compound feed in this case is an ideal option, but it should not be a single food; add hay, fruits, vegetables, grains, and mineral supplements can be given in winter.

Hay is an important component of a rabbit's diet.

Business plan

Here we will roughly calculate what the initial investment should be, what future expenses will be, and what profit rabbit breeding will bring you in the future.


Land rent will cost on average from 20 to 80 thousand rubles per year. If you have your own plot, this amount is not taken into account.

Purchasing cells

If you purchase Mikhailov’s mini-farm, its purchase will cost you 19 thousand rubles (calculated for 20 individuals). For industrial cultivation you will need at least three of these cells – already 57 thousand rubles.

If you are going to raise rabbits in pits, the amount will decrease significantly - you will only need a minimum of materials to furnish housing for the animals.

Mikhailov's mini-farm

Buying rabbits

If we take the average cost, then one individual rabbit is estimated at 300 rubles (of a regular breed). Considering that you will need approximately 60 animals, you will spend 20-30 thousand rubles on this.

Purchase of feed

The fattening period lasts four months, during which time the amount of food eaten by one rabbit reaches 15 kilograms. Let’s take 12 rubles for the estimated cost of feed, then the total costs will be about 30 thousand rubles.

In total, the starting investment should be from 120 to 170 thousand rubles, but this is only if you initially decided to launch large-scale production.


On average, a female rabbit produces from 36 to 48 offspring per year. If all the rabbits survive, then each individual, upon reaching four months of life, will weigh 2-3 kilograms. By simple calculations we get 144 kilograms of meat per year (and this is only from one rabbit).

With the cost of rabbit meat being 200 rubles/kilogram, the revenue for the product will be 28.8 thousand rubles.

The sale of rabbit skins (if you take 48 offspring) will amount to an income of 9.6 thousand rubles.

Beautiful rabbit skins are highly prized

Of course, this business plan was made without taking into account force majeure, losses, and so on. When you draw up a business plan for rabbit breeding, take into account the mortality rate of young animals - 30% per year.

Rabbit farming is a profitable business if you start it right. Yes, it will require a certain initial capital, arrangement of life and care for animals, control of the life of rabbits, their nutrition and productivity. But what kind of business will become profitable without effort?

Naturally, it will take a lot of your energy to start your own business from scratch. But in general, if you take up the business with grasping hands, calculate everything correctly and invest money wisely, then raising rabbits will not only pay off within one year, but will also help the farm owner in the future to receive a stable income from the development of the business.

Every rabbit breeder will be glad to learn from our article the basics of rabbit breeding as a business. We also attach one of the popular and effective business plan options that can ensure your success in this endeavor.

Prerequisites for breeding rabbits

Many people like rabbit meat, because it is tasty, tender and dietary, completely justifying its cost. Rabbit fur is a wonderful raw material for making warm, cozy winter clothing, from fur coats to hats and children's mittens. It can also be imitated as the fur of rare breeds. The down of this animal is in great demand in the production of velor, suede and knitwear.

Considering that there are no more prolific animals in the world than rabbits, their breeding business can bring you a large income, paying off in the first year. Just one female in a year can give you half a centner of meat and about three dozen skins from her offspring. If this is a downy female, you get a whole kilogram of down. Just one, and that’s not the limit! But on a rabbit farm more than a dozen of these animals can be bred.

Video about rabbit breeding

You need to be a serious business person to raise rabbits. Don’t start starting a business without first taking care of knowledge about this craft, its pros and cons, and also without being armed with a business plan and the necessary funds. What kind of animal is a rabbit, how does it feed, reproduce, what illnesses it suffers from, how to treat it - all this needs to be known before breeding begins and taken into account in the process.

The simplest scheme in case of an acute shortage of the family budget may be several purchased cages, or even simple homemade ones. However, this is not the best way to get rich, because you won't be able to breed enough rabbits this way. Although, unlike industrial rabbit breeding, private farming is usually not so automated, and feed is used, as a rule, cheaper and easier, purchased cages, building materials and the rabbits themselves for breeding will not soon pay off.

Many people like rabbit meat, because it is tasty, tender and dietary, fully justifying its cost

Having a sufficient area of ​​land, you can breed animals in a pit. A small hole can accommodate up to two hundred rabbits, and they dig holes for themselves and multiply there without your special attention. There may be several holes. A major disadvantage of this method is that rabbits from the pit are not suitable for the subsequent sale of skins, only for the sale of meat. However, this is a very profitable method; several carcasses a day are easily sold out at the market.

Breeding rabbits as a business is especially important with good financial investments. The more you invest, the more you get. Good money helps keep animals in decent, best conditions. But the better the yield from them, the better the conditions that determine health, growth, reproduction rate, quality of skins, and marketing opportunities. This means that carcasses, skins and fluff can be sold more expensively and more often.

  • Animal breeding work is properly organized;
  • You can choose the ideal time for prevention, mating, and litters;
  • Feed is consumed more economically;
  • It is much more convenient to carry out breeding work.

Cages can be placed both indoors and outdoors, it depends on climatic and weather conditions

Cages can be installed both indoors and outdoors, depending on climatic and weather conditions. In the summer they are taken out into nature, and the rabbits wintering takes place indoors. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the constant change in the microclimate in the rabbitry - regulate the content of water and ammonia vapor, ventilate the room. If the winter in your area is warm, not frosty, the cages can be left outside in winter.

What cells should be like:

  • The farm uses cages made of different materials - wood, metal, adobe, and even brick.
  • Galvanized metal mesh is recommended.
  • For cells to be easily transported, they must be mobile. With a lightweight and simple design that allows them to be easily cleaned and the rabbits themselves inspected, they can be stacked in multiple tiers, saving space.
  • When placing cages in tiers, provide a slight slope and waterproof roofs so that the urine and feces of rabbits do not fall on the “lower floors”.
  • The floor should consist of mesh or slats based on oak, maple or beech. This allows you to maintain cleanliness. To eliminate dermatitis on rabbit feet (pododermatitis) and swelling, an additional wood floor is installed under the mesh.

The choice of design for rabbit hutches is very wide.

The choice of design for rabbit hutches is very wide. They can have a square or round shape, be short or long, accommodate one rabbit or many, and have a single or multi-tiered design. There are even specialized “houses” for males, young rabbits or females with offspring. In order to walk young animals, it is recommended to cover the walks.

Gaining increasing popularity shad rabbit breeding system. It differs from the external cage in its increased convenience regarding working conditions, such as, for example, simple mechanization, which allows you to quickly remove manure and deliver water and food to rabbits. At the same time, labor productivity increases incredibly. A single worker can serve up to one hundred and thirty females with over a thousand rabbits in their litters - twice as many as when using conventional cages. Having spent once on sheds, you free yourself from paying salaries to a second employee.

Advice to rabbit breeders raising rabbits for fluff and skins: provide the animals with the opportunity to constantly live in the open air. The quality of the product becomes much higher.

Breeds of rabbits are classified according to their yield: downy, meat and meat-skin breeds

Breeds of rabbits are classified according to their output: downy, meat and meat-skin breeds. The latter includes not only the famous chinchilla, but also the butterfly, giants (gray and white), silver and black-brown. Valuable breeds produce, accordingly, valuable fur, but not everyone can afford to breed them. However, among the variety of breeds, you can definitely choose the one that would be most convenient for you to breed based on your means, conditions and goals.

Breeding downy breeds of rabbits is currently not very relevant, since it is not possible to sell fluff and skins everywhere, which were booming in popularity in Soviet times. Therefore, for novice businessmen, we recommend starting rabbit breeding with meat breeds.

You can breed rabbits either by crossing individuals of different breeds or by mating individuals of the same breed (purebred). The first option helps to improve such qualities as: early maturity, fertility, vitality, economy in feed consumption without compromising the weight and quality of meat. Since these qualities appear less and less with each new generation, crossbred rabbits are usually sent to slaughter immediately after fattening. Using the second option, rabbits develop new valuable qualities that are preserved from generation to generation, and, if necessary, then enhanced by the first method.

You can breed rabbits either by crossing individuals of different breeds or by mating individuals of the same breed.

To make your business grow faster, you can increase the fertility of females and the number of litters per year. This is achieved very simply - immediately after the birth of the cubs, the female meets the next male. This comes out without any problems, but you need to take into account that in this case the female ages faster if she is not fed properly. This is done with the help of a sufficient amount of varied and concentrated green food, which replenishes the high energy expenditure of females during simultaneous pregnancy and lactation.

A healthy female rabbit gives up to 8 litters of about a dozen rabbits per year. Monitor the consistency of the females' productivity - over time it decreases, and the females have to be culled.

As we have already mentioned, the importance of proper rabbit nutrition for the prosperity of your business is enormous. Any food used must contain the entire set of nutrients and additives necessary for the growth and development of animals - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Rabbits should not need clean water either. What feeds are used for this?

Rabbits should not need clean water either.

  • Green, consisting of a variety of non-poisonous herbs, fresh tree branches, and other fresh greens;
  • Rough, represented by hay and dry branches;
  • Juicy, represented by cabbage, silage and tubers, among which the most popular are beets, Jerusalem artichokes, carrots and turnips;
  • Mineral, consisting of bone meal, table salt, old slaked lime and chalk;
  • Concentrated, which includes various feeds, legumes and cereals, as well as food waste.

As you can see, rabbits are not very picky about food, they simply require variety. However, females during lactation and cubs additionally need animal feed rich in proteins and a spectrum of B vitamins. They include: fish meal, meat and meat and bone meal, milk (both fresh and dry), as well as skimmed milk.

In parallel with the topic of nutrition, attention should be paid to the prevention of diseases in animals. By nature, rabbits have very weak immunity, and there are many diseases to which they are susceptible, including those that affect people. In order to protect broods from diseases, you should not only keep the cages clean at all times, but also consult a competent veterinarian and vaccinate all rabbits against the most common infections.

In parallel with the topic of nutrition, attention should be paid to preventing animals from diseases

Being in any way connected with business activities in the countryside, you can seriously think about how useful it will be for you to also start breeding rabbits. Is such a business profitable for you personally? Finding the answer to this question is best started by reading the business plan for rabbit farming. We present one of the best examples for this endeavor below.

Business Plan Review

This business plan describes all the intricacies of the rabbit business, allowing you to assess the degree of profitability of such a project in business. To call this project exclusively rural would be incorrect. After all, rabbit breeding can also be done in partnerships organized by gardeners and gardeners, or in urban suburbs. Therefore, a closer definition of the category for breeding rabbits, the business plan for which we present, is a livestock business. The easiest way is to start with breeding meat breeds in order to then sell rabbit meat, so below we will focus on this.

Of the organizational and legal forms of doing business, the optimal form for rabbit breeding is an individual entrepreneur. It involves significantly lower taxes, a simplified form of accounting, as well as mutual settlements with end consumers.

The easiest way is to start with breeding meat breeds, and then sell rabbit meat.

Since the demand for rabbit meat, firstly, is not too high, and secondly, it depends on the sales region, this project is considered moderately successful, and also highly dependent on your ability to find end consumers.

To determine the profitability of rabbit breeding specifically in your region, you should analyze the local market in the field of livestock farming, and rabbit farming in particular. This will allow you to identify potential buyers, wholesale and retail, and determine their needs. The latter will help you not to waste more than necessary financial resources on starting a business.

In our example, your enterprise will be a rabbit breeding farm for 60 heads, which subsequently has the opportunity to expand its specialization, in addition to meat, also selling skins and liver.

Having settled the rabbits in cages, hire a worker to take care of your farm

Production plan:

  1. Select a suitable plot of land, both in terms of natural conditions and rent. You should choose a plot of at least five acres in area. On a smaller one it will be impossible to arrange all the cells and the necessary utility rooms.
  2. Buy cages for rabbits. If financial resources allow, it is best to buy ready-made ones - they are more functional, stronger, and the rabbits themselves are more comfortable in them. However, if you are not free enough financially, you can make the cages yourself.
  3. Buy the rabbits themselves. The initial livestock is purchased immediately in the quantity indicated above. Of the 60 heads, 40 are females, and only 20 are males. The choice of breed depends on the factors that we have already touched on above.
  4. Having settled the rabbits in cages, hire a worker to take care of your farm. At the same time, take care of purchasing feed, having previously calculated the required quantity based on the number of animals, the frequency of purchase of feed, and the recommendations of experienced rabbit breeders.

The easiest way to sell meat is by locating the farm near district or regional centers

Even before all these operations, a sales plan should be formed in order to eliminate the factor of overproduction and make the sales itself more efficient. The easiest way to sell meat is to locate the farm near district or regional centers where large supermarkets are located. Other significant buyers may also be meat markets and stores, meat counter owners, and private individuals. If, in addition to selling meat, you also sell skins, it will matter how far away private fashion designers and fur studios are located.

Financial plan

Speaking about the financial plan, we have come close to the question of exactly how much money you can earn in a year by engaging in private rabbit breeding. Below we will outline all the main columns of expenses and income.

How much will you need to spend:

  • For renting a plot – 20-80 thousand rubles. annually. This spread is determined by the difference in rental costs in different regions of the country and specific locations in the regions.
  • Purchasing or creating rabbit cages – 10-40 thousand rubles. one-time. We recommend that you do not skimp on quality and buy functional and durable cages in specialized stores.
  • Purchase of rabbits – 18-30 thousand rubles. for sixty heads. The cost depends on the region and breed.
  • The cost of compound feed is 50-100 thousand rubles. annually. Costs also vary by region.
  • The employee's salary is 10 thousand rubles. per month, total - 120 annually.

As you can see, rabbits are not very picky about food, they simply require a variety of it.

Total costs in the first year: 218-370 thousand rubles.

How much will you receive:

  • For the sale of meat - 300-370 thousand rubles. in the first year. This is an approximate figure, based on the calculation that each of forty female rabbits will bring about twenty rabbits per year, each weighing almost two kilograms, in total - one and a half tons of meat from 800 rabbits annually, with a meat cost of 200 to 250 rubles per kg.
  • For the sale of skins - 160 thousand rubles. This is if we take into account the average price for a skin - 200 rubles.

Total income for the first year: 460-535 thousand rubles.

Thus, the net profit for the first year of operation of the enterprise will be from 90 to 235 thousand rubles, on average – 160 thousand rubles.

Video about the secrets of rabbit breeders

You can increase your profits even further. To do this, send the most active and healthy rabbits not to the cutting room, but to mating, while simultaneously increasing the total number of cages. This will involve additional expenses, but your income will increase proportionally.

When breeding rabbits, it is important to consider the main thing - once you start a business, do not stop halfway, treat the matter with all the attention, and you will undoubtedly be rewarded with a decent, stable profit!
