Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

''1s'' success story. Founder of 1s - RBC: 1s and accounting are like “glory to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union” Developers 1s accounting

In 1975, he entered the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MGUESI), and in his second year began working in the specialty “Automated Control Systems” in the research laboratory at the institute.

In 1980, Boris graduated from the institute and remained to work at the university as an engineer, where he created computer-aided database design systems for domestic factories and taught a workshop on the course “Fundamentals of Database Design.” In 1987, he moved to work at NIPIstatinform of the USSR State Statistics Committee as a senior researcher and gradually rose to head of the self-accounting department. There he created an “electronic teletype,” which allowed him to connect personal computers instead of networked electromechanical boxes, and then began selling it.

One day, returning from Yakutia, Boris saw that another Yakut state company had placed an order for a teletype. But he didn’t want to go back. Then Nuraliev suggested that a local engineer do the work for half the cost of the program. The engineer readily agreed. The entrepreneur realized that people willingly agree to work under such conditions, and that this must be used. At the end of the year, electronic teletype specialists were already all over the Soviet Union and had sold more than 6 thousand boxes with the program.

In 1991, Nuraliev founded the 1C company. A year later, the first accounting program “1C: Accounting” appeared, which was initially auxiliary software for working with accounting. “1C: Accounting” was written by Boris’ brother Sergey Nuraliev. He worked as an accountant at a company and was tired of paperwork. Having seen the program, Boris wanted to distribute it.

Boris Nuraliev at SPIEF 2017. Source:

In 1994, the 1C company developed the 1C: Enterprise program. To date, this product is the company's best-selling product. In the same year, remembering the success with the distribution of teletype programs, Nuraliev began to develop franchising. The entrepreneur now believes that this was one of his best business decisions.

In addition to 1C: Enterprise, the company has developed the 1C:Tutor series, 1C:School, the 1C:Bitrix web project management system, as well as the computer games Prince and IL-2 Sturmovik. In addition to software development, the company organizes the sale of foreign and domestic programs for the mass market.

Boris Nuraliev and Sergey Belousov are the founders of Acronis. Source:

Nuraliev is also investing in education. The company has created a network of partner training centers. According to Nuraliev, in these centers they teach 75 thousand adults, and now they are actively engaging children in programming.


Ideas are nothing, implementation is everything. In Russia there is always an abundance of ideas. I myself have a list of 1.6 thousand ideas. You choose an idea and go for it. The main thing is furious persistence. Flair is also important. Feel the idea: it will work, it won’t work, what needs to be corrected?

No matter how valuable and talented a person is, if he is a bastard at heart, it is better not to have anything to do with him. When I assembled my very first team - it was still at the design institute of the USSR State Statistics Committee - I took only acquaintances and those whom they recommended. Those who could solve the necessary problems, whom I trusted and with whom it was comfortable to interact.

Information technology is an industry where you can’t just sit back and wait it out. Everything changes very quickly in IT, and you need to push it all quickly. At the same time, it is important to maintain the stability and image of a stable company

Quality is a complex category. Here is a copywriter, they ordered a text for him - he writes, cares about the quality. And there is a writer, for example JK Rowling, who wrote about Harry Potter - the whole world reads it. Was she thinking about “quality” when she wrote? She created and realized her talent. Developing circulation software that is used by millions is a very creative process, more a matter of life than a question of price/quality.


According to various estimates, from 50 to 70 percent of Russian accounting departments use 1C software. Some people like these programs, others not so much, but it is a fact that “1C: Accounting” is the most used accounting program in the country.

Boris NURALIEV, the founder and permanent director of the 1C company, does not recognize ties or business suits at all, and prefers the chaos of the computer room to the silence of his personal office. This man, with the appearance of a laboratory director from the mid-80s, is one of the most successful people in the country. He managed to build the largest company in the CIS software industry, a leader in the number of programs created and sold and the size of the dealer network. The 1C multimedia business works like clockwork, clearly proving that Russian soil can give birth to its own Bill Gates.

Boris Georgievich Nuraliev was born on July 18, 1958 in Moscow. In 1980, he graduated with honors from the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute (MESI) with a degree in Automated Control Systems, Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialist in automation of design of systems for machine processing of economic information. Since 1980, he worked at MESI as an engineer, then as a junior researcher. Since 1987, he worked at VNIPIuchet of the Central Statistical Office of the USSR (now NIPIstatinform of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation) as a senior researcher, head of a sector, head of a department, and chief engineer.

They say about Boris Nuraliev that he is an unusually lucky person - he managed to create such a company, has the gift of foresight, and that all his endeavors are simply doomed to success. But this is now, when these very initiatives have already been implemented and the results are visible. In fact, many of his projects caused outright misunderstanding on the part of the market.

We can say that Boris Nuraliev began to make non-standard decisions from the beginning of the creation of a small enterprise 1C for the sale of packaged software products. The first was Lotus 1-2-3. No one was doing this back then. At customs, a batch of unusual goods was mistaken for washing powder and therefore were vigilantly guarded - powder was in great short supply in those years.

The next unconventional move was the decision to engage in distribution and build our own sales network. At that time, many did not understand why share profits with someone else.

When 1C launched its own product 1C: Accounting on the market in 1992 and began promoting it through the existing partner network, many were again perplexed: why develop something when you can make money on what others have created.

They did not understand Boris Nuraliev in 1995, when the first franchise community on the Russian software market was created. Now this project is considered one of the most successful, but no other domestic IT company has yet managed to create something similar. In 1998-1999, when after the crisis many companies not only cut staff, but simply closed, Nuraliev spoke about the need to expand implementation centers, put their work on an industrial basis, and let partners develop industry-specific solutions.

1C implementers successfully survived the August crisis, and, according to some estimates, the business volume of franchisees implementing 1C:Enterprise programs in 1998 amounted to approximately $100 million.

Of course, we are not able to do everything we would like, but, according to Boris Nuraliev, what the company is already doing is no worse, and in some cases even better, than the majority. According to numerous surveys, the 1C company with a staff of 220 people, relying exclusively on its own resources, ranks first in the IT market sector in the territory of the former USSR.

The company is the official distributor of more than 70 foreign and domestic software manufacturers. The most famous of the 1C developments are:

1C: Accounting is the best-selling program in the CIS, used in more than 400,000 companies; integrated automation system 1C:Enterprise; series of training programs 1C:Tutor; games (Prince, IL-2), encyclopedias, other programs for home and office.

Based on the results of independent studies and press ratings, Boris Nuraliev has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most authoritative personalities in the Russian computer business (DATOR Top100, TOP PROFI, Laminfo ratings).

For his great contribution to the implementation of the government program for reforming accounting and financial reporting of the Russian Federation, Boris Georgievich was awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin in 1999, and in 2000 - the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation G. N. Seleznev.

Speaks English. Married, has 3 children.

The history of 1C Enterprise begins back in 1991. The beginning of its development is as vague as that of many other domestic software of the early nineties.

Version history

The history of 1C begins in the early nineties - the first versions of 1C were released under DOS - these were 3.0, 4.0, 5.0. The principle of reflecting business transactions with “documents” is just beginning to emerge in them, and the concept of “printed form” is being introduced. The first version of the built-in language appeared, which was used to edit transactions in the system. Naturally, the DOS versions did not gain much popularity in those days.

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The first version of 1C for Windows

In 1995, 1C began selling the next version of 1C enterprise - 6.0. The program, written for Windows OS, becomes a real hit in its field. Perhaps it was only thanks to version 6.0 that a huge number of accountants decided to start mastering the computer; in those years, a home computer was an absolute rarity. 1C Accounting is sold throughout the country with great success. Basically, 1C has reached its current level thanks to a unique distribution system - a network of partner companies.

New level - 7.7

The next step in history was the new version released in 1998 for Windows 95 - 1C 7.0. This was a real breakthrough in its field. 1C Enterprise now has compatibility with MS SQL. A full-fledged configurator and debugger appears in 1C.

It would seem that what could be better than 7.7?

And in 2002, version 1C of the enterprise was born - 8.0. Eight differed from its predecessors in improved performance - 1C was preparing to compete with the world giants in the field. Among the innovations in 8 are a unique query language, a data composition system, and much more. Later there was version 8.1, which differed from its older brother in a completely redesigned client-server interaction system, the presence of web services, improved access control systems, etc.

Output 8.2

The release of platform 8.2 gave us new concepts in the 1C sphere - thin client, web application. Now the system could operate stably on narrow communication channels. And 1C looks especially beautiful in the browser. 8.2 also brought us a new metadata object - “External Data Sources”, with which you can directly connect to third-party sources: sql, dbf, excel databases, etc.

Clouds and gadgets - new trends 8.3

Humble Entrepreneur

- Director of the famous company "1C". He follows a modest lifestyle. This is expressed both in the simple environment of the work office and in clothing. The entrepreneur drove the Volga on his own until the mid-2000s. It was replaced by the new Audi A8 only after it was no longer allowed in ministerial parking lots. The man who heads a company that earns tens of billions of rubles annually prefers a sweater to a jacket, and also wears bright yellow sweatshirts to corporate events.

1C has existed for more than twenty years. All this time, the composition of shareholders and financial indicators have not been advertised. What is known is that among the owners there are about a dozen employees, and the company has bypassed such well-known grants as Oracle and Microsoft. Russian management software is more readily purchased than foreign analogues. In the domestic market it is second only to the German company SAP. Its products are successfully used in their work by representative offices of such international holdings as Toyota and Komatsu.

Secret of success

Boris Nuraliev is confident that the secret of his organization’s success is that business is built through partners. Since 1987, he worked at the Research Institute of the State Statistics Committee and held the position of head of the self-accounting department. His team wrote a teletype program and then began selling it. To save time, they invited local engineers to do everything themselves. For this a 50% discount was provided. Within a year, a network of such specialists was formed throughout the country, and sales totaled 6,000 boxes.

Based on successful practice, Boris Nuraliev introduced a rule that became the basis of his relationships with all partners. He gave them 50-55% of the cost of the product or service. Thus, 1C did not work directly with end customers. This was the responsibility of the partners. This innovation significantly distinguished the company from Western vendors, including Oracle and SAP. The businessman developed his idea of ​​turning distributors into partners when he began producing his own products.

Business development

In 1992, with the help of his brother Sergei, we managed to establish accounting in the company. The program was written in the DOS operating system. With its help it was possible to prepare tax reports and solve other simple tasks. Because Mini Accounting was cheap, it was great for small businesses. It cost $30, the dealer received half the amount. Sergey Nuraliev built a macro programming language into it, thanks to which the software adapted to accounting requests from different companies. That year, her sales were 300 boxes monthly.

Two years later, 1C released its next development, Accounting 6.0, for Windows. Since the company was actively developing, technical support for the new program was required. The businessman ceded this function to his partners. But many dealers refused to risk serving end consumers. As a result, Boris Nuraliev changed the format of the relationship. He turned part of the dealer network into a franchise network. Thus, partners received the opportunity to work under the 1C brand, as well as advertising and technical support.

During the crisis in 1998, sales of software for accountants fell only by half, but the business part of the market recovered very quickly. Already at the end of autumn 1999, monthly sales were higher than before the crisis. Then 1C entered another market. In 2001, the entrepreneur released the game “IL-2. Stormtrooper." It was very popular and was included in the Top 25 games of all time. At this time, other enterprises began to implement new resource management systems. Therefore, 1C focused on its core business.

Boris Nuraliev said that all mergers and acquisitions were carried out at his own expense, without the help of creditors. However, while expanding in the market, I had to abandon acquisitions with personal funds. One of the investors was Elena Ivashentseva, who holds the position of senior partner at Baring Vostok Capital Partners. The funds received from this transaction were used to accelerate the creation of new ventures with partner companies. Their number in 2011 was more than a hundred. Also, Boris Nuraliev bought assets so that investors would perceive 1C as a diversified business.

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Educational institution

"Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation"

Department of Accounting


On the topic: “History and development trends of the 1C Accounting program”

Performed by UFF student, third year group B-31

Anisko E.V.

Scientific supervisor: Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor

Astafieva V.A


The 1C company specializes in the development, distribution, publication and support of computer programs for business and home use.

The founder of the company is its permanent director Boris Georgievich Nuraliev.

The first prerequisites for the creation of the 1C company appeared in the USSR; At the Research Institute of the State Statistics Committee, the programming department, headed by B.G. Nuraliev, was faced with the task of creating a program that would produce the requested result from the database in 1 second. According to one version: this is where the abbreviation “1C” originates, which means “1 second”.

However, we cannot confirm this fact, since the company hides the true origin of the name.

After the collapse of the USSR, Nuraliev founded the 1C company. Initially, the money was invested in the development of our own sales network; the Lotus program (a competitor to MS Excel) was sold. Not every enterprise could afford to purchase this package - it was very expensive. But this did not prevent the creation of a network of dealers, through which 1C accounting products, etc. are still distributed.

At the same time, accounting programs appeared, such as “Parus”, “Infin”, “Info-accountant”. 1C analyzed why their clients use Lotus and made a strategic decision - to create their own accounting program.

The history of the creation of 1C Accounting is quite mysterious, as is the creation of the company itself. In 1992, Boris invited his brother Sergei to help set up accounting in the company. Sergei (the chief architect of all the company's business software) wrote a simple accounting program for himself in the DOS operating system. The software product, even in the initial edition, turned out to be quite successful and Boris assumed that this product would find demand. “The average salary of an accountant was about $12, and no one would pay a lot of money to automate the work of a cheap employee,” recalls Nuraliev. The 1C Mini-Accounting program was cheap, suitable for small businesses and solved simple problems: it could be used to maintain financial records and prepare tax reporting. And it only cost $30.

By the time of its appearance, 1C was weaker than many already existing programs, but it had an advantage - it had a built-in programming language that made it possible to modify configurations, changing them to suit the needs of each enterprise. At the same time, a highly qualified programmer was not needed.

The program was shown at the Comtek-92 exhibition. In fact, the 1C stand was built for Lotus, but Nuraliev offered visiting dealers to take “Accounting” as well, promising to take the program if they couldn’t sell it. Few returned. That year, sales of “Mini Accounting” amounted to three hundred boxes per month.

Firms that were selling this program began to act not only as sellers, but also as implementers in enterprises, receiving additional money for this. Now, for such companies, income from the implementation and maintenance of 1C exceeds income from sales of the programs themselves. It also gave jobs to many programmers.

In 1996, the famous 1C Enterprise package was released, which has its own long history. The first versions, naturally, were released for earlier OSes. Only since the creation of version 7.0 in 1997, they were suitable for Windows 95 and higher. This system was supposed to automate not only accounting, as it was before, but also other areas of the enterprise; it was a new and universal tool. It was this version that brought 1C to the forefront.

In 1999 version “1C Enterprise 7.7” was released. It was a new and very powerful product.

In 2003, the 1C 8.0 platform was released. In terms of functionality, this version competed with Western systems (version 7.7 was not considered in the West). It was much more versatile and better. However, at the beginning, the 1C Enterprise 8.0 platform contained many errors and, in the first years of implementation, the opinion was formed that version 8.0 was crude and it would be better to work on 7.7.

1. Important differences from version 7.7

1. The ability to switch user interfaces in 1C:Enterprise mode has been introduced. Now the user can select the interface that is most suitable for performing current tasks, can quickly switch to another interface while working with the program, perform any actions, and then just as easily switch back.

2. Required fields may be marked with a red dotted line to attract the user's attention. This makes entering data into large or unfamiliar forms faster.

3. Interactive output of the list into a text or spreadsheet document is supported. This makes it easy to save or print, for example, a list of documents.

4. The “Go to” menu item has appeared, which allows you to move to related information, for example, to document movements in the register or to subordinate elements of the directory.

5. The database can store arbitrary information across several dimensions. For this purpose, a new configuration object has been introduced - Register of information. It supports periodicity so that information can be drilled down by time or document position.

6. The user can independently define new types of subcontos in 1C:Enterprise mode, and in one application solution there can be several lists of subconto types.

7. New configuration objects have been introduced - Buisness process And Task. They are designed to combine individual operations into chains of interrelated actions leading to the achievement of a specific goal.

8. In all 1C:Enterprise 8 extensions, there is external processing that can restore a database that was destroyed when the computer was turned off incorrectly or the power was turned off.

9. Web extension. This software product expands the scope of application of 1C:Enterprise 8. It allows you to organize access through a web interface to the functionality of application solutions for new categories of users, including those who do not have the 1C:Enterprise platform installed on their computers. These can be mobile users, employees of geographically remote departments, visitors to online stores and web portals.

10. Has extensive integration capabilities with other applications that support COM technology. For example, this is most office applications (Excel, Word). Working with them as COM objects provides high speed and reliability.

11. You can store photographs and files of other applications (for example, contracts in Word format) in the database, since a special data type has been introduced for this purpose.

12. ActiveDocument technology is supported. This technology allows you to edit documents visually (for example, Word or Excel) directly in the 1C:Enterprise 8 window, while user interface elements (menus, command bars, etc.) are replaced with those provided by the editor. More details about the changes can be found at the link: .

In 2006 The 1C Enterprise 8.1 platform was released. The main problems with system performance were resolved (8.0 did not work well with a large number of users), new features were added and old errors were fixed.

One of the main goals of creating 1C: Enterprise 8.1 was to introduce significant architectural changes without changing the “visible” functionality of the technology platform. This is necessary in order to more fully comply with modern ideas about building corporate systems, lay the foundation for future development of the system and test new approaches to building the 1C:Enterprise system. accounting optimization analytical report

Another, no less important task was to increase the scalability of the system for large deployments. The experience of partners was studied, bottlenecks were identified and a significant reworking of the internal mechanisms of the platform was carried out.

In 2009, the 1C Enterprise 8.2 platform was released. A lot of work was done to further improve the performance of the system, and the main areas were: client-server interactions, work through thin communication channels via a WEB browser.

2. New in version 8.2 of the 1C platform: Enterprise 8

1. Work in thin client and web client modes

Thin client And web client - these are two new client applications. In addition to the usual file access and connection to the server via a local network, they allow you to connect to the information base via the HTTP protocol through a specially configured web server. The thin client and web client provide users with a new mode - managed application mode.

Thin client is installed on the user's computer. At the same time, it has a significantly smaller distribution size than the old client application and uses fewer hardware resources. The thin client is supplied both as part of a complete platform distribution and as a separate distribution.

Web client does not require preliminary installation. It is executed not in the operating system environment, but in the Internet browser environment (Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox). The user just needs to launch his browser, enter the address of the web server on which the information base is published, and the web client will “come” to his computer and begin executing.

2. Oracle Database support

Support for the new DBMS has been implemented - Oracle Database. The development was carried out in collaboration with specialists from Oracle Corporation. Now the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform supports working with five DBMSs:

· file,

· Microsoft SQL Server,

· Oracle Database.

3. New interface design

The Managed Application mode uses a new interface design that is focused on comfortable and efficient work. It follows modern trends and at the same time takes into account the strengths of the previous interface.

4. Expanded reporting management capabilities for developers and users.

For each configuration report, a developer or consultant can create multiple variations of that report. Each option can present report data in a different way. The user selects one of the ready-made options and runs the report.

5. Aggregate mechanism for optimizing the construction of analytical reports.

Using the mechanism units allows you to significantly reduce the time it takes to generate reports. This is especially important for large information databases containing hundreds of thousands and millions of records in registers. More details about the changes can be found at the following link:

May 29, 2013 1C announces the final release of platform 8.3. There are no fundamental differences in the programming language, however, many features have been added, in particular full support for the Linux OS.

3. New in version 8.3 of the 1C platform: Enterprise 8

1. Work on mobile devices. Works on iPads, laptops and other mobile devices.

2. Cloud technologies. Common applications for accounting and doing business via the Internet. No need to install on your computer, just register and go.

3.Multi-platform. Works under Windows or Linux OS. The system may contain computers with different operating systems.

4. Business processes. They allow you to create formalized descriptions of typical sequences of work performed in an organization, and on their basis, create lists of tasks that need to be performed by a particular employee of the organization at the moment.

5. Integration. Interaction with virtually any external programs and equipment based on generally accepted open standards and data transfer protocols.

6. Work via the Internet. Work in thin client via the Internet or directly in an Internet browser, without installing the system on the user’s computer.

7. Interface mechanisms. Modern interface design and increased comfort for users when working with the system for a long time.

8. Implementation methods. Self-deployment, implementation with the help of franchisees, large corporate implementations.

9. Usability. Easy to learn for beginners and high speed for experienced users. Significant acceleration of mass input of information and efficient use of the keyboard. More details about the changes can be found at the link: []

1C also sells computer games.

In recent years, the company has been actively developing; it has practically no competitors in the “accounting” market. All universities are trying to teach work in the software products “1C Accounting”, “1C Enterprise”, just as the basics of MS Windows are taught in schools. Therefore, the 1C company is rightfully considered the domestic Microsoft.

This is also indicated by the tactics of recent actions in the market: the one hundred percent takeover of Buk, which was developing computer games, by the 1C company. And the recent (February 2009) merger of 1C with another well-known company - a localizer and distributor of computer games "Soft Club".

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