Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The most famous breeding scientists. Russian scientific breeders Scientific breeders and their achievements methods used

History of selection

Initially, selection was based on artificial selection, when a person selects plants or animals with traits that interest him. Until the XVI-XVII centuries. selection occurred unconsciously, that is, a person, for example, selected the best, largest wheat seeds for sowing, without thinking that he was changing the plants in the direction he needed.

Only in the last century did man, not yet knowing the laws of genetics, begin to use selection consciously or purposefully, crossing those plants that satisfied him to the greatest extent.

However, using the method of selection, a person cannot obtain fundamentally new properties from bred organisms, since selection can only identify those genotypes that already exist in the population. Therefore, to obtain new breeds and varieties of animals and plants, hybridization (crossing) is used, crossing plants with desirable traits and, subsequently, selecting from the offspring those individuals whose beneficial properties are most pronounced.

Scientists who contributed to the development of breeding and genetics

1) G. Mendel

This German scientist laid the foundations of modern genetics, establishing in 1865 the principle of discreteness (discontinuity), inheritance of traits and properties of organisms. He also proved the method of crossing (using the example of peas) and substantiated three laws that were later named after him.

2) T. H. Morgan

At the beginning of the twentieth century, this American biologist substantiated the chromosomal theory of heredity, according to which hereditary characteristics are determined by chromosomes - the organelles of the nucleus of all cells of the body. The scientist proved that genes are located linearly among chromosomes and that genes on one chromosome are linked to each other.

3) C. Darwin

This scientist, the founder of the theory of the origin of man from the ape, conducted a large number of experiments on hybridization, in a number of which the theory of the origin of man was established.

4) T. Fairchild

For the first time in 1717 he received artificial hybrids. These were carnation hybrids resulting from crossing two different parental forms.

5) I. I. Gerasimov

In 1892, the Russian botanist Gerasimov studied the effect of temperature on the cells of the green alga Spirogyra and discovered an amazing phenomenon - a change in the number of nuclei in the cell. After exposure to low temperature or sleeping pills, he observed the appearance of cells without nuclei, as well as with two nuclei. The first ones soon died, and cells with two nuclei successfully divided. When counting the chromosomes, it turned out that there were twice as many of them as in ordinary cells. Thus, a hereditary change associated with a mutation of the genotype was discovered, i.e. the entire set of chromosomes in a cell. It is called polyploidy, and organisms with an increased number of chromosomes are called polyploids.

5) M. F. Ivanov

An outstanding role in animal selection was played by the achievements of the famous Soviet breeder Ivanov, who developed modern principles of selection and crossing of breeds. He himself widely introduced genetic principles into the practice of breeding, combining them with the selection of rearing and feeding conditions favorable for the development of breed properties. On this basis, he created such outstanding breeds of animals as the white Ukrainian steppe pig and the Ascanian Ramboulier.

6) J. Wilmut

In the last decade, the possibility of artificial mass cloning of unique animals valuable for agriculture has been actively studied. The basic approach is to transfer the nucleus from a diploid somatic cell into an egg from which its own nucleus has been previously removed. The egg with the replaced nucleus is stimulated to fragment (often by electric shock) and placed in animals for gestation. In this way, in 1997 in Scotland, Dolly the sheep appeared from the nucleus of a diploid cell from the mammary gland of a donor sheep. She became the first clone artificially obtained from mammals. This particular incident was the achievement of Wilmut and his employees.

7) S. S. Chetverikov

In the twenties, mutation and population genetics arose and began to develop. Population genetics is a field of genetics that studies the main factors of evolution - heredity, variability and selection - in specific environmental conditions of a population. The founder of this direction was the Soviet scientist Chetverikov.

8) N. K. Koltsov

In the 30s, this scientist, a geneticist, suggested that chromosomes are giant molecules, thereby anticipating the emergence of a new direction in science - molecular genetics.

9) N. I. Vavilov

The Soviet scientist Vavilov established that similar mutational changes occur in related plants, for example, in wheat in ear color and awning. This pattern is explained by the similar composition of genes in the chromosomes of related species. Vavilov's discovery was called the law of homological series. Based on it, one can predict the appearance of certain changes in cultivated plants.

10) I. V. Michurin

I was engaged in the hybridization of apple trees. Thanks to this, he developed a new variety, Antonovka six-gram. And his apple hybrids are often called “Michurin apples”

Achievements and main directions of modern selection

Over the last century, breeders have made amazing progress. Grain yields increased 10 times. In developed countries, up to 100 c/ha of wheat, rice, and corn are obtained. New potato varieties yield almost 1,000 kg/ha - this is four times higher than the yield of previous varieties. Successes are also observed in the selection of other crops.

Through hybridization of geographically distant forms and selection, Academician P. P. Lukyanenko obtained highly productive varieties of Kuban wheat “Bezostaya 1”, “Aurora”, “Caucasus”. Academician V.N. Remeslo developed wonderful frost-resistant varieties of winter wheat “Mironovskaya 808”, “Yubileinaya 50”, “Kharkovskaya 63”. In different regions of Russia (in Siberia, the Volga region) and abroad, varieties of spring wheat obtained by A.P. Shekhurdin and V.N. Mamontova are widely used: “Saratovskaya 29”, “Saratovskaya 36”, “Saratovskaya 210”. Saratov varieties occupy more than half of the sown areas of spring wheat. "Saratovskaya 29" has excellent technological properties and serves as a standard for baking qualities.

Academician V.S. Pustovoit in Kuban obtained a sunflower variety containing up to 50-52% oil in the seeds.

A serious problem is associated with the preservation of cultural forms: the cultivation of only certain varieties sharply reduces the gene pool and reduces adaptability. With climate change or other reasons, the variety may disappear. During the selection of high-oil sunflower varieties in the Kuban, individuals with a tendency to ripen late were selected. This trend began to develop, the sunflowers ripened later and later and finally stopped ripening before the rains and began to rot in the fields. Restoring cultivated varieties turned out to be not an easy task: by that time, V.S. Pustovoit’s varieties had replaced all other sunflower varieties around the world.

A significant contribution to the selection of new animal breeds was made by the domestic breeder M. F. Ivanov. He bred one of the most productive breeds of wool and meat fine-wool sheep in the world - the "Ascanian Ramboulier", a highly productive breed of pigs, the Ukrainian Steppe White, and a meat-and-milk breed, the Kostroma breed of cows. To obtain the “Ascanian Ramboulier,” the best representatives of Ukrainian Merino sheep were crossed with “American Ramboulier.” As a result of nine years of selection work on crossing an outstanding producer of the “Large White” breed brought from England with the best local breeds, the “Ukrainian Steppe White” breed was obtained, which in weight, early maturity, fertility and product quality is not inferior to the “Large White”, but tolerates local conditions.

Hybridization with wild species gives cultivated forms resistance to environmental conditions and immunity to diseases. A hybrid of fine-fleece and coarse-wool sheep with wild argali ram - archaromerinos - can use high-mountain pastures that are inaccessible to ordinary sheep. Hybridization of yak with cattle was carried out. As a result of the successful use of heterosis, broiler chickens are bred. The intergeneric hybrid of beluga and sterlet - bester - is unpretentious and can be grown in stagnant bodies of water.

Selection of microorganisms is aimed at creating genetic lines (strains) that provide maximum productivity of useful substances. The waste products of bacteria and unicellular eukaryotes (algae, yeast and molds) are used in various fields of industry and medicine. The activity of microorganisms is the basis for the fermentation of dough, the production of most dairy products, kvass, winemaking, brewing, sauerkraut, feed additives, as well as the production of medicines and biologically active compounds.

In order to increase the efficiency of selection, the range of hereditary variability of the original organisms can sometimes be expanded using mutagenesis. Bacteria have a haploid set of chromosomes, so each mutation manifests itself in the phenotype already in the first generation, facilitating selection. The high speed of reproduction allows you to quickly obtain significant offspring. The resulting strains are subjected to multiple selection with subculture on nutrient media and monitoring for the formation of the required product.

The use of this technology makes it possible to obtain strains that are significantly more productive than natural forms. Thus, molds have been obtained that produce thousands of times more antibiotic than the original forms. New strains of microorganisms synthesize vitamins B1 and B12 in quantities necessary for humanity, which animals and humans are unable to produce.

Anchor points:

Significant progress has been made in the field of zoning of cultivated plants in different climatic conditions.

Reproduction of hybrid - Michurin varieties is carried out vegetatively.

In conditions of continuous population growth, it is important to develop new highly productive breeds of animals and plant varieties.

Check yourself:

Give examples of the achievements of domestic breeders in the field of crop production.

Tell us about the methods of selection work of I.V. Michurin.

Give examples of the achievements of our country's breeders in the field of animal husbandry.

§ 53. Selection methods and its achievements

The main methods of selection are selection, hybridization and mutagenesis.

Selection. The breeding process is based on artificial selection. In combination with genetic methods, it allows the creation of varieties, breeds and strains with predetermined traits and properties. In breeding, there are two main types of selection: mass and individual.

Mass selection is the selection of a group of individuals based on external (phenotypic) characteristics without checking their genotype. For example, with mass

selecting from the entire population of chickens of one or another breed, birds with an egg production of 200-250 eggs per year, a live weight of at least 1.5 kg, a certain color, do not show an instinct for brooding, etc. are left for breeding on farms. All other chickens are culled. In this case, the offspring of each hen and rooster are assessed only by phenotype.

The main advantages of this method are its simplicity, cost-effectiveness and the possibility of relatively quick improvement of local varieties and breeds, and the disadvantage is the impossibility of individual assessment of the offspring, due to which the selection results are unstable.

With individual selection (by genotype), the offspring of each individual plant or animal in a series of generations is obtained and evaluated, with mandatory control of the inheritance of traits of interest to the breeder. At subsequent stages of selection, only those individuals are used that gave rise to the largest number of offspring with high performance.

The importance of individual selection is especially great in those branches of agricultural production where it is possible to obtain a large number of descendants from one organism. Thus, using artificial insemination, up to 35,000 calves can be obtained from one bull. For long-term preservation of the seed, the deep freezing method is used. Already in many countries of the world there are sperm banks of animals with valuable genotypes. Such sperm is used in breeding work.

Selection in breeding is most effective when combined with certain types of crossing.

Methods of hybridization (types of crossing) in selection. All the variety of types of crossing comes down to inbreeding and outbreeding. Inbreeding is closely related (intrabreed or intravarietal), outbreeding is unrelated (interbreed or intervarietal) crossing.

In inbreeding (inbreeding), brothers and sisters or parents and offspring (father-daughter, mother-son, cousins, etc.) are used as the initial forms. This type of crossing is used in cases where they want to transfer the majority of the genes of a breed or variety to a homozygous state and, as a result, consolidate economically valuable traits that are preserved in the descendants (Fig. 8.4).

At the same time, during inbreeding, a decrease in the viability of plants and animals and their gradual degeneration are often observed, caused by the transition to a homozygous state of recessive mutations, which are predominantly harmful.

Non-related crossing (outbreeding) allows you to maintain or improve properties in the next generation of hybrids. This is due to the fact that during outbreeding, harmful recessive mutations become heterozygous and the first generation hybrids often turn out to be more viable and fertile than their parental forms. Heterotic forms are obtained through outbreeding.

Heterosis (from the Greek heterosis - change, transformation) is the phenomenon of increased vitality and productivity of first-generation hybrids compared to both parental forms. In subsequent generations, its effect weakens and disappears.

A classic example of the manifestation of heterosis is a mule - a hybrid of a horse (mare) and a donkey (male). This is a strong, hardy animal that can be used in much more difficult conditions than its parent forms.

A similar phenomenon is widely known among plants. Thus, the gross grain yield of the heterotic corn hybrid was 20-30% higher than that of the parent organisms (Fig. 8.5).

Heterosis is widely used in the breeding of plants and animals to increase their productivity, as well as in industrial poultry farming (for example, broiler chickens) and pig farming.

Autopolyploidy and distant hybridization. When creating new plant varieties, breeders widely use a number of methods for artificially producing polyploids. The method of autopolyploidy (a multiple increase in the number of sets of chromosomes of one species) leads to an increase in the size of cells and the entire plant as a whole. Compared to the original diploid organisms, polyploids, as a rule, have a larger vegetative mass, larger flowers and seeds (Fig. 8.6, 8.7). Polyploid forms are more viable than diploid forms. About 80% of modern cultivated plants are polyploids.

The method of remote hybridization also provides valuable results. It is based on the phenomenon of allopolyploidy - a change in the number of sets of chromosomes based on the crossing of organisms belonging to different species and even genera. For example, interspecific hybrids of cabbage and radish, rye and wheat, wheat and wheatgrass, etc. have been obtained. Hybridization of wheat (Triticale) and rye (Sekale) has made it possible to obtain a number of forms, united by the common name triticale. They have high yields of wheat, winter hardiness and unpretentiousness of rye, and resistance to many diseases.

Obtaining polyploid animal breeds and introducing them into agricultural practice is a matter of the future.

Mutagenesis. In recent decades, work has been carried out in many countries around the world to obtain induced mutants. Thus, in many cereals (barley, wheat, rye, etc.) mutants induced

X-rays. They are distinguished not only by increased grain yield, but also by shortened shoots. Such plants are resistant to lodging and have noticeable advantages during machine harvesting. In addition, short and strong straw allows further selection to increase the size and weight of grains without fear that increasing the yield will lead to lodging of plants.

Achievements of modern selection. Over the past 100 years, through the efforts of breeders, the yield of grain crops has been increased almost 10 times. Today, a number of countries are experiencing record harvests of rice (100 c/ha), wheat, corn, etc.

Excellent varieties of wheat were created by Russian breeders P.P. Lukyanenko (Bezostaya 1, Aurora, Caucasus), A.P. Shekhurdin and V.N. Mamontova (Saratovskaya 29, Saratovskaya 36, ​​Albidum 43, etc.), V.N. Craft (Mironovskaya 808, Yubileynaya 50). These varieties are distinguished by high yield, resistance to lodging, good baking and flour-grinding qualities in various climatic zones.

Russian academician B. C. In just 25 years, Pustovoit has achieved an increase in the yield of various sunflower varieties by 20%. He created varieties whose oil content reaches 54-59%. In addition, over the years, the harvest of achenes has tripled, and the collection of oil has quadrupled.

Great success has also been achieved by Belarusian breeders. From 1925 to 1995, scientists from the Belarusian Research Institute of Potato and Fruit and Vegetable Growing (on the basis of which three institutes were created in 1993 - the BelNII of Fruit Growing, the BelNII of Vegetable Growing and the BelNII of Potato Growing) developed 69 varieties of potatoes, more than 70 varieties of vegetables, 124 varieties of fruit and 23 varieties of berry crops.

Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Academician P.I. Alsmika developed well-proven potato varieties - Temp, Dokshitsky, Ravaristy, Agronomichesky, Ogonyok, Zubrenok, Belorussky Ranniy, Lasunak, Orbita, Belorussky-3, Sintez, etc.

In recent years, more than 20 varieties of potatoes have been zoned in the republic with a potential yield of 500-700 c/ha, a high content of dry substances, resistant to diseases and pests, with high tasting qualities, suitable for processing into semi-finished food products.

Belarusian varieties of berry crops, the author of which is Doctor of Agricultural Sciences A.G. Voluznev, have become widely popular in the republic and neighboring countries. The most common of them are the varieties of black currant - Belorusskaya sweet, Cantata, Minai Shmyrev, Pamyati Vavilova, Katyusha, Partizanka; red currant - Beloved; gooseberries - Yarovoy, Shchedry, strawberries - Minskaya, Chaika.

Belarusian breeders (E.P. Syubarova, A.E. Syubarov, etc.) have bred 24 varieties of apple trees - Antey, Belorusskaya Malinovaya, Bananovoye, Belorussky Sinap, Minskoye, etc.; 8 varieties of pears - Beloruska, Maslyantaya Loshitskaya, Belorusskaya Late, Ber Loshitskaya, etc.; 9 varieties of plums - Early Loshitskaya, Narach, Kroman, etc.; 9 varieties of cherries - Vyanok, Novodvorskaya, etc.; 15 varieties of cherries - Zolotaya Loshitskaya, Krasavitsa and many others.

Belarusian breeders have bred and zoned many varieties of grains and leguminous plants, technical and forage plants. Selection work in theoretical and practical directions on these crops is carried out at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, at the Belarusian Agricultural Academy (Gorki, Mogilev region), Belarusian Research Institute of Agriculture and Feed (Zhodino, Minsk region), Grodno Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture farms, regional

state experimental stations.

Significant progress has also been made in creating new and improving existing breeds of animals. Thus, the Kostroma breed of cattle is distinguished by high milk productivity, which reaches more than 10 thousand kg of milk per year. The Siberian type of Russian meat-wool sheep breed is characterized by high meat and wool productivity. The average weight of breeding rams is 110-130 kg, and the average sheared wool in pure fiber is 6-8 kg. Considerable achievements have also been made in the selection of pigs, horses, chickens and other animals.

As a result of long-term and targeted selection and breeding work, Belarusian scientists and practitioners developed a black-and-white type of cattle, which, under good feeding and management conditions, provides a milk yield of 4-5 thousand kg of milk per year with a fat content of 3.6-3.8%. The genetic potential of milk productivity of the black-and-white breed is 6.0-7.5 thousand kg of milk per lactation. There are about 300 thousand heads of livestock of this type on Belarusian farms.

Specialists of the breeding center of the BelRussian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry created the Belarusian black-and-white breed of pigs and the Belarusian intrabreed type of large white breed of pigs. These pig breeds are different

the fact that animals reach a live weight of 100 kg in 178-182 days with an average daily gain in control fattening of over 700 g, and the litter is 9-12 piglets per farrowing.

Selection work continues to enlarge, increase the precocity and performance of horses of the Belarusian draft group, improve the productive potential of sheep for wool cutting, live weight and fertility, to create lines and crosses of meat ducks, geese, highly productive breeds of carp, etc.

The main methods of selection are selection, hybridization and mutagenesis. Selection in combination with genetic methods makes it possible to create varieties, breeds and strains with predetermined traits and properties. The main methods of hybridization in breeding are inbreeding - closely related (intra-breed or intra-varietal) and outbreeding - unrelated (inter-breed or inter-varietal) crossing. In addition, when creating new plant varieties, breeders widely use the methods of autopolyploidy and distant hybridization.


BREEDING AS A SCIENCE Breeding is the science of methods for creating new and improving existing plant varieties, animal breeds, and strains of microorganisms. Conditions for successful breeding work: A.) initial diversity of plant varieties, animal breeds, their wild ancestors and related species; STUDY B.) hereditary variability; B.) the role of the environment in the development and manifestation of the studied characteristics; D.) patterns of inheritance of traits; D.) forms of artificial selection.

TASKS OF ANIMAL PLANT BREEDING breeding new and improving existing plant varieties, animal breeds and strains. Breed and strain are called microorganisms*; *Variety, a sustainable increase in the productivity of a group (population) of living organisms, artificially created by man and an increase in the productivity of breeds of domestic animals and certain hereditary characteristics of varieties of cultivated plants, strains of microorganisms. All individuals within a breed, variety and strain have identical, hereditarily fixed morphological, physiological, increased resistance of varieties, breeds, strains to viral, biochemical and economic characteristics and bacterial, fungal diseases properties, as well as the same type of reaction to the action of environmental factors.

MAIN DIRECTIONS OF BREEDING 1) high yield of plant varieties, fertility and productivity of animal breeds; 2) product quality (for example, taste, appearance, keeping quality of fruits and vegetables, chemical composition of grain - protein content, gluten, essential amino acids, etc.); 3) physiological properties (earliness, drought resistance, resistance to diseases, pests and unfavorable climatic conditions); 4) intensive path of development (in plants - responsiveness to fertilizers, watering, and in animals - “payment” for food, etc.).

BREEDING OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS 1. Plant breeding 2. Animal breeding The main methods of plant breeding are hybridization and The main methods of animal breeding are hybridization and selection. Peculiarities of animal selection a) any breed is a complex heterozygous system; Selection methods depend on the form of reproduction. b) late puberty; c) few offspring; d) generational change occurs after a few years; e) taking into account exterior characteristics, since they are criteria for the breed. Domestication is the process of transforming wild animals into cultivated breeds (~20 -30 thousand years ago). Domestication is the first stage of selection; as a result of unconscious selection, domestication and changes in the gene pool of domesticated animals occurred, their appearance, productivity, and behavior changed.

METHODS 2. 3. 5. 1. 4. 6. 7. ANIMALS BREEDING PLANT BREEDING METHODS OF BREEDING Hybridization: It is carried out using simple and complex crosses. Polyploidy Multiple increase in the set Fixed cultural Artificial Introduction of animal sperm into the Majority of gametes Simple - single crosses between two chromosomes. The way plants are used to inseminate sexual females is brought into contact and created by parental forms. extremely rarely - when developing conditions for their fusion. artificial method, with polyploids. Complex ones - in which more than two METHODS OF ANIMAL BREEDING BREEDING new mulberry breeds are involved - in which the sperm from the male Autoploid PLANT parental forms or the silkworm is re-crossed in advance. increased valuable for receive Artificial hybrid offspring with one of the parents Economically valuable By availability compared to Used to obtain the original set of chromosomes. selection (selection of characteristics and according to the exterior of a person, a large number of offspring Alloploids - have in a.) Crossing of phenotypic By adaptability to distant Intraspecific, interspecific, parental (combinations from valuable breeding males. local environmental conditions. unrelated breeds that differ in genome intergeneric summed crossing , pairs): signs). (outbreeding) contrasting with contacts with heterosis in place, for signs leading to origin in ability. sets of different chromosomes Leads to heterosis. It turns out (geographically distant) obtaining heterozygous humans and the possibility of species. infertile offspring (mule - or genetically distant populations and increasing the content in captivity of a hybrid of a donkey and a horse) productivity (unrelated) Polyembryony Obtaining mutations controlled by humans, under several Artificial Artificial formation Formation of several x-ray, embryos a.) massive Not applicableembryos from ultraviolet, gamma - and in relation to mutagenesis by influence between close ones. It is used in one testicle b) Crossing Self-pollination of further one zygote of valuable breeds with a chemical When (ovule). substances, etc., heat rays, temperature, cross-pollinating and closely related relatives for the introduction of development of one of the embryos of cross-pollinating plants, followed by their production. It is used mainly in the selection of microorganisms. by way of homozygous (pure) lines c usually displaces everything for gestation into the uterus of plants b. ) individual with desirable traits Rigid rest (inbreeding) of artificial selection of outbred animals is used. It is used for the impact of individual selection of sheep of pure lines and for (large identical in order to obtain homozygous Cellular Obtaining cattle, descendants using asexually valuable for humans self-pollinating plants (pure) lines etc.) cloning reproduction according to characteristics

SCIENTISTS - BREEDERS AND THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin Nikolay Vasilievich Tsitsin Georgy Dmitrievich Karpechenko Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov Boris Lvovich Astaurov

IVAN VLADIMIROVICH MICHURIN Developed methods for the selection of fruit and berry plants using the method of distant hybridization (selection of parental pairs, overcoming uncrossability, etc.) (October 15 (27), 1855, small Vershina estate near the village of Dolgoe, Pronsky district, Ryazan province, - June 7, 1935, the city of Michurinsk Tambov region) Russian biologist and breeder, Honored Worker of Science and Technology. Awarded the Order of St. Anna, 3rd degree (1913), Lenin (1931) and the Red Banner of Labor.

METHODS OF SELECTION AND GENETIC WORK BY I. V. MICHURIN Methods Methods Essence of the method Examples 4. Geographical Crossing of hybrid hybrids Wild Chinese apple tree Raising in (under 2. Impact 1. Biologically With distant hybridization for Wild Mongolian almonds Crossing of representatives Hardening of hybrid representatives Vladimir cherry 6. Method When raising young seedlings Pear g 5. Mentor method and long-term overcoming qualities for (increasing the howl) X hybrid (Chinese X contrasting species of natural on the Ussuri Winkler method zones X remote desirable different X cherry X Bere conditions addressed non-crossing and David's wild peach = attention to obtaining a seedling . mediator of dominance), a wild species in almonds Mediator Beauty = hybridization of geographically distant regions royal (France) = Bere hybridization: use for what seedling Kandil-sinap) most varieties with the desired properties white seed storage medium, character and degree Selection = cherry grafted onto plant-educator, from Kandil-sinap with nutrition, impact of low-hardy plants. X the goal is to instill in the north (good taste, as an intermediary hybrid the necessary winter Michurina Cultivated peach of which these qualities are poor in nutrition (frost-resistant) a) interspecific qualities (taste, resistance) almond Intermediary = winter hardiness) temperatures, they want to get. The older, more powerful, longer-lasting mentor is Bellefleur-Chinese peach soil, frequent replantings according to Advanced bird cherry = hybrid 3. b) intergeneric Multiple, Selection Hard crossing: representatives of Cherry X acts to the north, the stronger its influence (advanced to the north) size, shape , winter hardiness, (hybrid rootstock) from different genera to obtain new many varieties of apple trees X Cerapadus immune properties, interspecific Chinese (scion) = quality, good taste 7. Mixing To overcome the pollen of Bellefleur-chinese plants was mixed, the taste, color of the fruit and their lightness qualities and high pollen of non-crossbreeding of the maternal asthenia with (slow, late-ripening yield (incompatibility) pollen of the paternal, variety) its own pollen irritated the stigma, and it perceived foreign pollen 1. 2.

GEORGIY DMITRIEVICH KARPECHENKO (April 21, 1899, Velsk, Vologda province, Russian Empire - July 28, 1941, Kommunarka execution site of the NKVD of the USSR, Moscow region, USSR) Soviet geneticist scientist. He died during the years of Stalin's repressions. Works in the field of remote hybridization. Due to artificially induced polyploidy, he was the first in the world to obtain fertile hybrids of plants belonging to different genera. He laid the theoretical foundations for the use of distant hybridization in breeding work and significantly expanded the understanding of possible ways of genetic engineering of flowering plants. Karpechenko's classic work on cabbage-raspberry hybrids was published in 1927.

NIKOLAI VASILIEVICH TTSITSIN (December 6, 1898, Saratov * INTRODUCTION - July 17, 1980, Moscow) - intentional or accidental Soviet botanist, geneticist and breeder. Academician of the Academy of Sciences new to the territory of the USSR (1939), VASKhNIL (1938; in 1938 - a given territory. 1948 vice-president). ACCLIMATIZATION Twice - adaptation of the Hero of Socialist Labor of plants to life in (1968, 1978); Winner of new, unusual Lenin (1978) and climatic conditions. Stalin Prize, second degree (1943). He developed the theoretical basis for the creation of new species and forms of plants through distant hybridization of cultivated plants with wild ones. For the first time he developed wheat-wheatgrass and rye wheatgrass hybrids. Proof of obtaining perennial wheat. We have obtained new varieties of branched soft winter wheat, cold- and heat-resistant forms that have group and partial immunity to fungal diseases. Contributed to the development of the scientific basis for the introduction and acclimatization of plants, the organization of introduction work in the country. * Under his direct leadership, the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences was created.

NIKOLAI IVANOVICH VAVILOV (November 13, 1887, Moscow, Russian Empire - January 26, 1943, Saratov, USSR) Geneticist, botanist, breeder, geographer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Organizer and participant of botanical and agronomic expeditions. He died during the years of Stalin's repressions. Died in prison. In 1955 he was posthumously rehabilitated. Identified ancient centers of the formation of cultivated plants. He created the doctrine of the world centers of origin of cultivated plants. Substantiated the doctrine of plant immunity. Discovered the law of homological series in the hereditary variability of organisms. He made a significant contribution to the development of the doctrine of biological species. Under the leadership of Vavilov, the world's largest collection of seeds of cultivated plants was created. He laid the foundation for a system of state testing of field crop varieties. He formulated the principles of activity of the country's main scientific center for agricultural sciences and created a network of scientific institutions in this area.

TEST WORK 1. Population of plants artificially created by man. 2. The process of forming or obtaining hybrids, which is based on the combination of genetic material of different cells in one cell. 3. A scientist who received the six-hundred-gram Antonovka in 1888. 4. The process of transforming wild animals into cultivated breeds. 5. The method by which the almonds were obtained. Intermediary. 6. The scientist who obtained a hybrid of cabbage and radish, called Raphanobrassica.

  • Slide 2

    What is selection?

    • BREEDING (from the Latin selectio - choice, selection), a science that develops methods for creating varieties and hybrids of agricultural plants and animal breeds with the traits needed by humans. A branch of agricultural production engaged in the breeding of varieties and hybrids of crops and animal breeds. The main directions of selection: plants for productivity or animals for productivity; on product quality; plants - for winter hardiness, drought resistance, resistance to diseases and pests, adaptability to high doses of fertilizers and other methods of intensive technologies; animals - for fertility, etc. Selection methods: selection, hybridization, mutagenesis.
  • Slide 3

    Mikhail Fedorovich Ivanov

    • Ivanov Mikhail Fedorovich, Soviet livestock scientist, academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1935). Graduated from the Kharkov Veterinary Institute (1897). In 1897, a local doctor in the Oryol province. In 1898, he became familiar with livestock farming in the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy and attended a course of lectures at the agricultural department of the Zurich Polytechnic Institute. In 1900-13, associate professor, then professor at the Kharkov Veterinary Institute. From 1914 until the end of his life, he was a professor at the Moscow Agricultural Institute (now the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev). In 1926-30, professor at the Moscow Zootechnical Institute and professor at the Moscow Institute of Sheep Breeding. In 1935 he was elected a member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.
  • Slide 4

    Institute of Animal Husbandry

    • Ukrainian Institute of Livestock Husbandry of Steppe Regions Scientific Research named after. M. F. Ivanova VASKHNIL. Located in the village of Askania-Nova, Kherson region. Organized in 1956, reorganized from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hybridization and Acclimatization of Animals (“Askania-Nova”), created in 1932 on the basis of the Askania-Nova State Nature Reserve (in 1940 it was named after Academician of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences M.F. Ivanov). The Institute works to create new and improve existing breeds and types of animals; studying the patterns of heredity and variability of economically useful traits; technology for keeping and feeding sheep based on integrated mechanization; methods of acclimatization, hybridization and domestication of wild ungulates and birds; creation of new research methods in animal husbandry.
  • Slide 5

    Karakul breed

    • Karakul breed of sheep, a breed of fat-tailed, coarse-wool sheep of the smushkovo direction. Most researchers classify this breed as one of the most ancient and believe that it was created by the peoples of Central Asia through long-term selection of local sheep. Most Karakul sheep have a half-humped head, a deep body, a tail with a large deposit of fat, ending in an S-shaped skinny appendage. The rams are mostly horned, the ewes are polled. The weight of rams is 55-65 kg, the weight of queens is 45-50 kg.
    • The main product of Karakul sheep is smushki. The wool of adult sheep has good rollability and is used to make coarse woolen fabrics and carpets. Trimmed (for two haircuts) from rams 3.5-3.8 kg, from queens 2.0-2.2 kg. Breeding work with the breed is aimed at improving the quality of karakul and expanding its range. They are bred in Iran, Afghanistan, South-West Africa, the republics of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, some areas of Ukraine and Moldova.
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    Ascanian breed

    • Askania breed of sheep, a fine-wool breed, bred at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry ("Askania-Nova") by Academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences M.F. Ivanov in 1925-34 on the basis of systematic selection and selection of local merino sheep for wool and live weight and crossing them with American Ramboulier lambs. Much attention was paid to the feeding and maintenance of animals. Sheep of strong constitution, good
    • physique. This breed is outstanding in wool and meat productivity. The live weight of rams is 110-140 kg, the largest is up to 180 kg. The average wool clipping from rams is 10-12 kg. The world record for shearing wool is 30.6 kg. Sheep are well adapted to arid climates. The breed is widely used to improve coat quality. Bred in the south of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
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    Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin

    • MICHURIN IVAN VLADIMIROVICH (15/27.10.1855-7.06.1935), Russian breeder, gardener-geneticist. Born into the family of a small nobleman. In 1875 he created an experimental hybridization nursery in the city of Kozlov, Tambov province, where he collected collections of plants and developed new varieties of fruit and berry crops. In 1923, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR recognized Michurin's experimental nursery as an institution of national importance. On its basis, the Selection and Genetic Station of Fruit and Berry Crops was organized, later reorganized into the Central Genetic Laboratory named after. I. V. Michurina.
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    • Method of preliminary vegetative rapprochement. An annual cutting of a hybrid rowan seedling (scion) is grafted into the crown of a plant of another species or genus, for example, a pear (rootstock). After 5-6 years of nutrition due to substances produced by the rootstock, some change occurs, a convergence of the physiological and biochemical properties of the scion. During the flowering of rowan, its flowers are pollinated by pollen from the rootstock. In this case, crossing occurs.
    • Mediator method. It was used by Michurin when hybridizing cultivated peach with wild Mongolian almond (in order to promote peach to the north). Since direct crossing of these forms was not possible, Michurin crossed the bean plant with the semi-cultivated David's peach. Their hybrid was crossed with a cultivated peach, which is why it was called an intermediary.
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    Other methods

    • Pollination method with a mixture of pollen. I.V. Michurin used various types of pollen mixtures. A small amount of pollen from the mother plant was mixed with pollen from the father plant. In this case, its own pollen irritated the stigma of the pistil, which became capable of receiving foreign pollen. When pollinating apple flowers with pear pollen, a little apple pollen was added to the latter. Some of the ovules were fertilized with their own pollen, the other part with foreign pollen (pear pollen).
    • Mentor method. To develop desirable qualities in a hybrid seedling, the seedling is grafted onto a plant that has these qualities. Further development of the hybrid occurs under the influence of substances produced by the plant-educator (mentor); the hybrid enhances the desired qualities. In this case, during the development of hybrids, a change in the properties of dominance occurs. The mentor can be either a rootstock or a scion. In this way, Michurin developed two varieties of apple trees: Kandil-Chinese and Bellefleur-Chinese.
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    Results of the work of I. V. Michurin

    • The results of I.V. Michurin’s work are amazing. He created hundreds of new plant varieties. A number of varieties of apple trees and berry crops will move far to the north. They have high taste qualities and at the same time are perfectly adapted to local conditions. The new variety Antonovka six hundred grams gives a yield of up to 350 kg from one tree. Michurinsky grapes withstood the winter without covering the vines, which is done even in the Crimea, and at the same time did not reduce their marketability. Michurin showed with his works that human creative possibilities are limitless.
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    • Scientists and breeders cross the best plant varieties or animal species to obtain the desired properties in the “offspring”.
    • Michurin made a great contribution to the development of genetics and berry crops, conducted experiments on artificial polyploidy, studying heredity in connection with the laws of ontogenesis and external conditions, created the doctrine of dominance, substantiated the possibility of changing the genotype under the influence of external conditions; created a theory of selection of initial forms for crossing.
    • Ivanov revealed a number of factors in the formation and development of various traits, as well as the properties of the Karakul smushka and developed a scientific classification of smushki, which formed the basis for grading (evaluation) and the modern system of breeding work for breeding Karakul sheep.
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    • "Big Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2006"
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    Outstanding breeders

    Full name




    Dmitrievich Karpechenko

    Works withcabbage-raspberry hybrids: An amphidiploid hybrid of cabbage and radish, called Raphanobrassica, turned out to be reproductively isolated from its parents, capable of reproducing only “in itself.” It represented a clear model of a new taxon created by man for the first time in an experiment - not even a species, but a generic rank,was engaged in the hybridization of geographically distant varieties of barley. They were shown for the first timethe possibility of the appearance of cells with a double number of chromosomes under the influence of colchicine. Conquered infertility in plants.

    Shekhurdin Alexey Pavlovich

    Based on the material obtained from crossing T. aestivum with T. durum, a whole galaxy of promising forms was createdawnless durum wheat - from Kandikans 76/10 to Saratovskaya 34. An important achievement of the scientist was his development of a new, original selection method, calledcomplex stepwise hybridization.


    Nikolay Vasilievich

    Soviet botanist and breeder. I was interested in the problem of creating moreproductive varieties of the main food crop - wheat - based on distant hybridization. He crossed wheat with wheatgrass and for the first timereceived a wheat-wheatgrass hybrid. He widely involved wild and cultivated plants that had gone through independent evolutionary paths in crossing. Uit was possible to create varieties of winter soft branched wheat, that is, forms that previously did not exist in nature at all.

    Lukyanenko Pavel Panteleimonovich

    In the mid-50s he wasthe world famous winter soft wheat variety Bezostaya 1 has been created . Introduction of this variety into productionallowed to increase wheat grain yields are one and a half to two times higher everywhere . There is no other breeder in the world who would give humanity so many beautiful varieties of wheat -43 varieties created .


    Vasily Stepanovich

    Head of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production and the Laboratory of Sunflower Breeding of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Oilseeds.Conducted experiments with sunflower, winter wheat, rye, millet, corn and castor beans. Since 1924, he directed the breeding station of oilseeds in Krasnodar.




    Brought outhighly productive breeds of pigs and sheep. Introduced toUkraine highly productive white English pigs turned out to be unadapted to local conditions. The local outbred pig had good adaptability to steppe conditions, good fertility, unpretentiousness,but relatively low quality meat . Breedercrossed a boar of the white English breed with local pigs. The first generation hybrid females were again crossed with a purebred White English boar. From the descendants, sires with the most valuable traits were selected. As a result of crossing, a new breed of pigs was developed -Ukrainian steppe white. Using the same method, he developed a new breed of sheep -Ascanian fine-fleece or Ascanian ramboulier.




    “We cannot wait for favors from nature; taking them from her is our task”

    Russian biologist and breeder, author of many varieties of fruit and berry crops, was engaged inhybridization of apple trees . Thanks to this, hedeveloped a new variety, Antonovka six-gram. And his apple hybrids are often called “Michurin apples”. He developed 300 varieties of fruit and berry crops.




    In 1939, he developed new agricultural technology for millet, which increased yields.

    1. Vernalization of grain crops. This method provided a significant increase in yield and allowedsow varieties of spring wheat in more northern than beforeareas. 2. Cotton minting-removal of shoot tips(1936). This agrotechnical technique ensured an increase in pre-frost cotton harvest by 10-20%.

    3. Withdrawnwinter wheat variety Odesskaya 3 , frost-resistant and drought-resistant, spring barley variety Odessky 9; cotton variety Odessa 1, which has become the main variety of cotton growing 4. Were suggestedmethods of sowing the tops of potato tubers , which made it possible to increase harvesting in conditions of shortage of seed material; activities forfight against beet weevil ; Biological methods for controlling plant pests have been proposed.




    A Soviet scientist found thatrelated plants experience similar mutational changes . This pattern is explained by the similar composition of genes in the chromosomes of related species. Vavilov's discovery was calledlaw of homological series . Based on it, one can predict the appearance of certain changes in cultivated plants.Opened centers of origin of cultivated plants (1926).

    In 1939, he sharply criticized Lysenko’s anti-scientific views at a meeting of the Leningrad Regional Bureau of the section of scientific workers. At the end of his speech, Vavilov said:“We’ll go to the stake, we’ll burn, but we won’t give up our convictions.”


    Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky

    Biologist, naturalist, geneticist.Was at the origins of radiation genetics, radiation biogeocenology . Participant in the first experiments related tostudy of mutations in wild populations . Creator of the doctrine of microevolution, phenogenetics, biophysics . He described the coordinate system for the implementation of genes, formulated the concept of hereditary constitution, put forward the idea of ​​idiosomatic groups of variability, developed a general scheme for the manifestation of a gene, etc.




    In the 30s, a geneticist suggested that chromosomes are giant molecules, thereby anticipating the emergence of a new direction in science - molecular genetics, the founder of experimental biology



    In the last decade, the possibility of artificial mass cloning of unique animals valuable for agriculture has been actively studied. The basic approach is to transfer the nucleus from a diploid somatic cell into an egg from which its own nucleus has been previously removed. The egg with the replaced nucleus is stimulated to fragment (often by electric shock) and placed in animals for gestation. In this wayin 1997 in Scotland, from the nucleus of a diploid cell from the mammary gland of a donor sheep, Dolly the sheep. Shebecame the first clone , artificially obtained from mammals. This particular incident was the achievement of Wilmut and his employees.


    Sergeevich Chetverikov

    In the twenties of the 20th century, mutation and population genetics arose and began to develop. Population genetics is a field of genetics that studies the main factors of evolution - heredity, variability and selection - in specific environmental conditions of a population.The founder of this direction .
