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How wheels are made for cars. What are car tires made from? How to make a protector

I continue with interesting and useful articles. The first one was about . Today I want to talk about rubber or tires. What are they made of and how do they travel to our shelves? Many people mistakenly think that everything is based on oil, many are even sure that it is 90% of it, but this is not entirely true. AT the dawn of their appearance, tires were almost 100% a product of nature...

Before I tell you about modern tires, let me dig into history and tell you about rubber at the dawn of its production.

What is rubber?

Let it be known that the main component of rubber is made from rubber, and this is a very natural material that is extracted from rubber trees. In southern Africa, such trees have existed for a very long time; it is even difficult to calculate their age. However, Europeans became acquainted with them in the 16th century, when Christopher Columbus returned to his homeland.

If you break down the word “RUBBER” into its components, you get “KAU” - plant, tree, “UCHU” - cry, flow. That is, if literally translated, this is a “crying tree”, from the language of the Indians of the Amazon River tribe. However, there is also a scientific name - “CASTILLA”, it grows on the banks of the Amazon River in the impenetrable jungle.

"CASTILLA" is a very tall tree, it will grow 50 meters in height and flowering continues all year round. In the skin, leaves and inflorescences, there is a lot of so-called milky juice, which contains natural rubber. Due to the fact that these trees are very large, branches or flowers often broke, and at the point of the break, the tree “cryed” with such sap.

These are the two main plants that produce natural rubbers. In Central Asia, as well as on the shores South America, Brazil, Peru, the island of Sri Lanka, there are entire plantations of such trees that exist for only one purpose - to extract this juice! This has been an established business for a long time.

The top five “popular” plants also include: “CASSAVO”, “TALCO TREE” and the “IN-TIZI” shrub. All of them are sources for subsequent rubber production.

As I wrote above, rubber was brought to Europe a very long time ago, but K. MACKINTOSH, not to be confused with computers from APPLE, decided to use it for the first time, he was the first to impregnate a raincoat with this composition, thanks to which it turned out to be practically waterproof . In cold weather it became dense and waterproof, but in hot weather it became a little “sticky”. It should be noted that MACKINTOSH learned this method from the Indians from the Amazon; for several centuries they had been impregnating their clothes, as well as plants needed for the production of house roofs, with rubber - the waterproof characteristics were greatly increased.

So we indirectly owe the appearance of rubber to the Amazon Indians! Watch the short video.

Rubber production

Well, here we come to the most interesting part - the production of rubber itself, and these are not necessarily car wheels, rubber is now used everywhere, even in hair ties.

Once the rubber sap is collected, it is still a long way from producing rubber. Initially, latex is produced from it, this is an intermediate link. However, pure latex is now used everywhere, from medicine to industry.

The juice is poured into large vats and stirred in large vats of acid, usually for 10 hours. After which it hardens. This is already latex.

Afterwards it is passed through special rollers, thus removing excess moisture. The result is a long and fairly wide ribbon.

This tape is run under special knives and crushed. If you look at this composition, it looks like an overcooked omelette.

I burn this air mass in large ovens under the influence of fairly high temperatures - 13 minutes. Now it turns out elastic and biscuit-like, it is pressed into blocks and sent to production.

Of course, in the networks you will not find the exact formula for the production of rubber, much less tires, all this is kept strictly secret. However, the essence of the process has not changed over the past 100 years and has long been known to everyone.

To make rubber, you need to take these latex briquettes and vulcanize them. Sulfur and other “hidden” ingredients are also added to this composition. All this is added to a special boiler, heated, mixed, and after such manipulations rubber appears.

As soon as it is heated to 120 degrees, it is rolled out with special rollers to thin strips. That's where it cools down.

After these strips, read the article.

Modern tires fortires

In the modern world, tires for wheels are made mainly of rubber. But it can be not only natural, but also synthetic. Yes, now we have learned to produce synthetic rubbers. Rubber has the largest share in the composition, usually 40-50% of the total mass.

Next, soot (or carbon black) is added to the rubber. The mass fraction of the wheel is approximately 25-30% of the total mass. It is added for greater structural strength, as well as to withstand high temperatures. Soot, as it were, holds rubber molecules together making them much stronger, they can easily withstand friction and temperature during emergency braking. Without this carbon (soot), tires would run 10-15 times less.

The next additive is silicic acid. Some manufacturers replace carbon with it, since it is cheaper and has high molecular adhesion properties. However, others completely refuse it, stating that it provides insufficient wear resistance! However, if you still analyze the composition of many leading companies, then it is present in the composition, it improves grip on wet roads. Information varies on how much is added, but if you take the average it is approximately 10%.

Other additives are resins or oils. There are more of them in winter tires and fewer in summer tires, they give a “softening role” to the rubber and prevent it from being so “oaky”. This is especially important for winter options. Adding about 10-15%.

Well, the last and very important thing is the specific secret compounds of the manufacturer, there are also about 10% of them, but they can greatly change the parameters of the finished tire. They are kept, of course, in strict confidence.

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Rubber materials and combined rubber products cannot be replaced by other products. The unique combination of characteristics and performance qualities allows the use of such materials in complex work processes, complementing the design of machines, machine tools, devices and building structures. Modern production The production of rubber has made significant technological progress, which is reflected in the quality of the products. Technologists strive to increase the durability, strength and resistance of products to external factors.

What raw materials are rubber made from?

Most rubber materials are obtained from the industrial processing of synthetic and natural rubber mixtures. This treatment is achieved by cross-linking rubber molecules with chemical bonds. Lately Powdered raw materials are used for the production of rubber, the characteristics of which are specifically designed for the formation of injection molds. These are ready-made compositions based on liquid rubber, from which ebonite products are also produced. The vulcanization process itself is not complete without special activators or agents - these are chemicals that help maintain optimal working qualities of the mixture. Typically, sulfur is used for this task. These are the components that form the basis of the kit required to make rubber. But, depending on the required performance qualities and purpose of the product, technologists introduce production stages at which the structure of the product is enriched with modifying elements.

Additives for modifying rubber compounds

During the manufacturing process, the rubber mixture can be filled with accelerators, activators, vulcanization agents, softeners and other components. Therefore, the question of what rubber is made of is largely determined by auxiliary additives. For example, regenerates are used to preserve the structure of the material. With the help of this filler, the rubber product can be subjected to secondary vulcanization. A considerable part of modifiers does not affect the final technical and operational properties, but plays a significant role directly in the manufacturing process. The same vulcanization process is corrected by accelerators and retarders of chemical reactions.

A separate group of additives are plasticizers, that is, softeners. They are used to lower the temperature during vulcanization and disperse other ingredients in the composition. And here another question may arise - how much do additives and the rubber itself affect the chemical safety of the mixture being formed? That is, what is rubber made from from an environmental point of view? In part, these are truly hazardous mixtures that include sulfur, bitumen and dibutyl phthalates, stearic acids, etc. But some of the ingredients are natural substances - natural resins, rubber, vegetable oils and wax components. Another thing is that in different mixtures the ratio of harmful synthetics and natural ingredients may change.

Stages of the rubber product manufacturing process

The industrial production of rubber begins with the process of plasticization of raw materials, that is, rubber. At this stage, the main quality of future rubber is acquired - plasticity. Through mechanical and thermal treatment, rubber is softened to a certain extent. From the resulting base, rubber will be subsequently produced, but before that, the plasticized mixture is subject to modification with the additives discussed above. At this stage, a rubber compound is formed, to which sulfur and other active components are added to improve the characteristics of the compound.

An important step before vulcanization is calendering. Essentially, this is the molding of a raw rubber mixture that has been enriched with additives. The choice of calendering method is determined by the specific technology. Rubber production at this stage may also involve extrusion. While conventional calendering aims to create simple rubber forms, extrusion makes it possible to produce complex products in the form of hoses, O-rings, tire treads, etc.

Vulcanization as the final stage of production

During the vulcanization process, the workpiece undergoes final processing, due to which the product receives characteristics sufficient for operation. The essence of the operation is to apply pressure and high temperature to a modified rubber mixture enclosed in a metal mold. The molds themselves are installed in a special autoclave connected to a steam heater. In some areas, rubber production may also involve pouring hot water, which stimulates the process of distributing pressure through the fluid. Modern enterprises are also striving to automate this stage. More and more new molds are appearing that interact with steam and water supply nozzles based on computer programs.

How are rubber products produced?

These are combined products that are obtained by combining fabric materials with a rubber mixture. In the process of manufacturing rubber products, paronite is often used - a hybrid material obtained by combining heat-resistant rubber and inorganic fillers. Next, the workpiece undergoes rolling processing and vulcanization. Rubber products are also produced using syringe machines. In them, the workpieces are subjected to thermal effects, after which they are passed through the profiling head.

Equipment for rubber manufacturing processes

The full production cycle is carried out by a whole group of machines and units that perform different tasks. The vulcanization process alone is served by boilers, presses, autoclaves, formers and other devices that provide intermediate operations. A separate unit is used for plasticization - a typical machine of this type consists of a spiked rotor and a cylinder. The rotation of the rotor part is carried out by means of a manual drive. Rubber production is not complete without cooking chambers and calender units, which roll out rubber mixtures and apply thermal effects.


The manufacturing processes of rubber products are largely standardized both in terms of mechanical processing and chemical exposure. But even if the same production equipment is used, the characteristics of the resulting products may be different. The tires prove it too. domestic production, offering different sets of performance properties. The largest share of rubber products in the Russian segment of the industry is occupied by automobile tires. And in this niche, the ability of technologists to flexibly modify compositions in accordance with stringent requirements for the final product is especially evident.

In the 21st century, all manufactured cars and trucks are capable of traveling at high speeds, thanks to a perfect device and new technologies. This has led to the need to modify and improve most vehicle systems to provide better handling and safety for the driver and passengers. One of the significant improvements is the tires, which take on many functions related to handling and ensuring safety when driving at high speeds. Today we will find out what car tires are made of, what their composition, characteristics and, finally, purpose are.


A device such as a car wheel performs rotation transmitted to it by an engine. Due to this, the car moves at a certain speed. In addition to rotation, the wheels on the front axle can turn, and due to this, the trajectory of the car changes.

The composition of the wheel, regardless of its size, volume and type, includes only two or three functional elements. Thus, the wheel disk serves as a rigid support and base for the tire. As a rule, the disk is made of metal alloys or steel. This avoids damage to the suspension during movement and deformation of the struts and frame. It is important that the disc is not made of material that is completely devoid of the ability to deform. Otherwise, the suspension will completely absorb all the impacts and, ultimately, fail.

Another part of the wheel is a device called a rubber bladder, which completely matches the tire in size and volume. The purpose of the chamber is to provide a constant volume of air and prevent deformation of the rubber when driving on uneven roads and driving over potholes.

The only question remains open - what is the tire itself for then? What functions does it perform?

In fact, it turns out that the service life of the suspension, the safety of the driver and passengers on the road, and a number of other factors that are vitally important when operating a car depend on it.

For example, a summer tire is designed to provide a maximum contact patch on the ground and dry asphalt. In wet weather, it also serves as protection against aquaplaning - extremely dangerous phenomenon, which consists in the occurrence of a sudden skid when driving through puddles at high speed.

Winter models, regardless of the presence of studs, are designed to provide the maximum level of vehicle control when driving on snow and ice. Special requirements apply to studded tires. Thus, it is necessary to ensure a minimum noise level emitted by the studs, as well as a high service life of the studs themselves, which tend to wear out with frequent driving on asphalt.


The purpose of tires is a fairly simple question, although worthy of discussion. However, knowledge of the purpose of this integral element alone is not enough. An important question is also the composition of a modern tire, as well as the purpose of all the elements that are included in it.

The basis of a modern tire is the tread. The level of controllability of the car on dry and wet surfaces and, as a result, the safety of all people inside the car depend on the tread pattern, its height, type and other data.

The tread depends, first of all, on where the car will ultimately be used. For example, let’s take for consideration summer tires for driving on asphalt. Their tread has a small height and a rectangular pattern with diagonal cuts. The low height is intended to reduce noise when driving on asphalt, as well as reduce the beating of the steering wheel and the load on suspension parts. The cuts are made in this form in order to squeeze water out of the contact patch when driving through puddles: this will prevent hydroplaning and the risk of skidding.

Winter tires, as a rule, have a more complex terrain and a larger tread height. This is logically explained by the fact that such a tire is not intended for driving on dry asphalt, but for actively overcoming ice and snow barriers. Here, road traction plays a big role when driving on snowy surfaces, since it tends to slide and create a serious obstacle for the driver when driving.

A separate category of tires is the off-road type. Such models are intended primarily for driving in deep snow, mud and swampy areas. The main task of such a tread is to make every effort to prevent the wheel from slipping and slipping, as well as to actively displace dirt and snow from the contact patch.

Such tires are somewhat reminiscent of tractor tires; they have a tread of extremely large height and size. Obviously, such tires are very noisy, and when driving on high speed The driving characteristics of the car will leave much to be desired. However, when driving off-road, such tires are indispensable, as they will provide excellent maneuverability and handling on dry and liquid dirt.

Detailed view

Let's take a closer look at the composition of a modern tire and the purpose of each of its elements.

The tread, as already mentioned, plays a key role in ensuring the removal of water from the contact patch when driving on asphalt and reliable traction when driving on snow and ice.

Another integral element of a tire that is part of its composition is its frame. What is it made of? The carcass is made of a thin steel thread that evenly covers the entire inner surface between the tire and the tube. The main function of the carcass is to ensure maximum rigidity and elasticity of the tire, as well as to resist impacts when driving over potholes and uneven surfaces.

By the way, there may not be a camera - most of the models presented today are tubeless, which allows for a longer service life and less likelihood of damage along the way.

The tire manufacturing technology also includes the use of a so-called breaker. The breaker is located between the tread and the frame and takes on a fairly important role. Its first function is to ensure uniform tire pressure on the contact patch. Thus, the contact area of ​​the tread with the road surface increases, and at the same time, the controllability of the vehicle as a whole increases. The second function is maximum protection of the frame from deformation. This allows you to achieve a longer service life and less tread wear.

The bead is another extremely important part that makes up a car tire. At its core, the bead is designed to reliably connect the rubber and the disc, which allows for maximum tightness. It is worth recalling that most tires produced today have tubeless manufacturing technology, and therefore maximum tightness here plays not just an important, but a key role.

The side part is designed to protect the tire and wheel from impacts coming from the side. There really is such a risk, and therefore the tire manufacturing technology is such that the side part is made as reinforced as possible and has the thickest layer of rubber.

What material is the tire made of?

The material from which a car tire is made is a mixture of natural and synthetic rubbers. Depending on the volume, purpose and type, the composition can be different, become harder or softer, change its properties differently depending on temperature, and also resist skidding and loss of control.

Summing up

Car tires are the most important and integral part modern car. The service life of the suspension and the safety of the driver and passengers depend on the quality of their manufacture and properties. For this reason, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing tires, which can more than once save the life of both you and your iron horse.

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