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How to start a quail farming business? Quail farm business plan


In some countries, quail meat is considered medicinal, but even if this is not true, it is dietary and valuable in terms of taste. It is clear that quail breeding as a business is very profitable, it pays off quickly, the farms are small in size, and starting a business does not require large start-up capital.

Where to start a quail business?

It is recommended to start raising poultry with a population of no more than 700 birds, since quails are very prolific, and the chicks quickly grow into adults. In about a year, your livestock will increase tenfold, and the profitability of your business will increase. To get started, you will need about 10 thousand dollars, which will be justified in a few months.

When drawing up a business plan, you need to consider the following points in detail:

  • expenses for equipment of a new farm and further maintenance of poultry;
  • planned profit;
  • product sales system;
  • possible risks;
  • legal registration of business;
  • other questions.

Even if you have some experience in quail breeding, the main difficulty in this business is not technical issues, but the ability to communicate with potential clients, convince them, work with contractors and establish the necessary connections.

The main issue in any business is making a profit, so the issue of marketing poultry meat and eggs becomes decisive when running a business. Therefore, the first question that arises during the planning process is how many retail outlets can you attract to cooperation? To increase their number, you will have to hold preliminary meetings with the owners of restaurants, shops, cafes and eateries. During the negotiations, it will become clear whether this niche is occupied by other manufacturers, what are the prospects for supplies, etc.

The main costs initially fall on the purchase of adult quails and the necessary equipment
. In addition, the poultry population has to be periodically renewed, since the productivity of a one-year-old animal is halved. To increase the quantity, eggs are taken from females aged from two to ten months, and from older individuals they are used as a food product. Quails at the age of one year are slaughtered for meat.

It should be noted that trade in raised young animals is no less profitable than the sale of meat and eggs, since new farms are constantly springing up in the country, which supports the demand for chicks.

Quail farm premises

You should start raising individuals by building a small room for them, the location of which does not play a special role. The main thing is that it is a quiet place and that the bird house meets the basic requirements put forward to it. The optimal room temperature is +18°C, air humidity is 65-70% during the entire period of maintenance. Sudden and significant changes in these indicators should not be allowed, as this can lead to a decrease in quail egg production, diseases and mortality. A stable supply of fresh air should be ensured, since they are very demanding in this regard, although at the same time they do not tolerate drafts. Optimal parameters - per 1 kg of bird weight, at least 5 cubic meters are required in summer. meters of fresh air, in winter - 2 cubic meters. meters. Its supply can be ensured using an air conditioner, and the required temperature in winter can be achieved by installing an electric heater with a thermostat.

Bright light in the room is not necessary - birds do not like it, so a brightness of 35 lux and 16-18 hours of lighting per day is sufficient. Lamps with a brightness of up to 20 lux are installed above the feeders and we should not forget that quails become aggressive from bright light. Parameter stability is monitored using appropriate instruments.

When breeding the most popular breed - Japanese quails, up to 120 birds are housed per square meter, and the height of the cages should not exceed 30 cm. The cages are installed in several tiers (up to five), taking into account ease of maintenance. It turns out that up to six hundred quails can be accommodated on one square meter of area. Although in practice this number is somewhat less, since maintenance personnel need to constantly monitor their condition and promptly remove dead individuals.

A separate expense item required for raising quails is the purchase of a diesel or gasoline generator, which is designed to prevent freezing or suffocation of the bird during possible power outages. The generator must be equipped with an automatic start system; when the lights go out, its task is to maintain the operation of the electric heater and air conditioner.

The quail business requires the presence of high-quality incubators. Homemade devices for incubation cannot be used, as they are not able to provide the required quality and reliability of the process.

To obtain eggs, birds are placed in cages at the rate of one male for two or four females. Young individuals up to eight months old are used for breeding.

Farms widely use artificial incubation of eggs, for which non-standard eggs that meet the requirements for size, color and shell thickness are removed. After this, an inspection is performed using an ovoscope, in which eggs that are cloudy or have a double yolk, as well as other defects, are rejected.

To ensure successful cultivation, the incubator maintains temperature and humidity within the following parameters:

  • The first 12 days - temperature 37.2°C, humidity 60%;
  • from 12 to 15 days - 37.2°C and 55%;
  • from the 16th day - 37.0°C and 70%.

In the first days of life, young animals are given increased attention, since even a small draft or temperature jump can kill them. The temperature in the cage in the first week of life of the chicks should not be lower than +35-37°C, in the second week it drops to +32°C, in the third to +26°C. Next, the grown chicks are moved to cages for adult birds.

Feeding quails

On average, one Japanese quail eats up to 30 grams of food daily. So, with a total quantity of a thousand heads, up to 30 kilograms are consumed daily, for which it is necessary to create a sufficient supply of feed on the farm and ensure its purchase on time.

The feed must be of high quality, balanced, with a set of necessary vitamins and microelements in order to maintain high egg production. In summer, birds should be fed fresh grass and root vegetables (cut) daily. In winter, the lack of vitamins is compensated for by sprouted oats or wheat, and wet food is diluted with fish or bone meal. Periodically, crushed shells, chalk, and fine gravel are added to the feeders, without which the bird’s egg production is significantly reduced. They are fed at the same time. Violation of this rule can lead to stress in the birds.

Sales of quail meat and eggs

The last stage of the quail breeding business is the sale of meat, eggs and young animals, and this is the main problem for the farmer. Despite the not very strong competition in this segment, it is quite difficult to find serious buyers for these products, which is due to the fact that consumers have not yet created a stable habit of consuming quail meat and eggs, unlike chicken. Poor product advertising also plays a big role, since the main suppliers are private entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient funds to organize advertising campaigns.

The first buyers most often become friends and relatives of the entrepreneur, but this is a limited sale that quickly fades away as buyers quickly lose interest in the product. Therefore, when raising a flock of several thousand quails, you should look for serious channels for selling your products. Agreements with small grocery stores are also not very promising, since their order volumes are small.

Very profitable contracts for the supply of eggs are concluded with large supermarkets, although it is very difficult to achieve such an agreement. To do this, you will have to convince the store administration that in you they will find the most profitable and reliable supplier of products. You will also need to obtain a number of permitting documents that will confirm the quality of your product and its sanitary safety.

When drawing up a business plan for opening a quail breeding farm, you need to take into account all the little things and nuances that affect profitability and profitability. For example, in the second year of life, females’ egg production drops sharply, so adult birds are slaughtered for meat. Another expense item that is invisible at first is that to speed up the processing of carcasses you will have to purchase a centrifuge for removing feathers.

As for the service staff, it makes sense to make quail breeding a family affair, since two people can easily handle a flock of 1,200 birds.

Quail breeding as a business receives mostly favorable reviews, since producers who have found distribution channels have a good income. But we must not forget that this type of activity is associated with constant care of the poultry, the absence of weekends and vacations, and endless worries about selling products. Therefore, before you start raising quails, you need to assess your capabilities and willingness to devote all your free time to the business. The profitability of your future business primarily depends on this.

Raising quails as a business
Let's find out if it's profitable?

In this article we will look at raising quails as a business. Breeding these birds usually generates income from the sale of eggs, less often from the sale of meat and chicks. Since quails do not reach large sizes, you will have to spend considerable time and effort raising birds for meat. Selling quail eggs is much simpler and more profitable; this will be discussed further. You will find more profitable ideas in the article:

Raising quails as a business: preparation

In order to create a business for raising quails with a full reproduction cycle, you will need to lay some eggs to hatch chicks. Therefore, your business equipment should consist of the following three parts:
Incubator for eggs (quails do not hatch them)
Brooder with heat lamp for chicks
Cages (20 cm in height, 180 cm2 per quail)

The cages and brooder must be equipped with a feeding system. One quail needs 34 grams of feed per day. Young animals and adults need to be fed different foods - for chicks you will need special feed, which is better absorbed by the fragile body and stimulates its growth.
Birds under 4 weeks of age (28 days) are considered chicks. Birds at any age need to be fed 3-4 times a day.

Purchasing young stock and bird characteristics

It is better to start breeding with 5-7 dozen quails, no less. For one male there are 3-5 females. Moreover, at the very beginning it is better to purchase already adult individuals, so as not to wait until they mature. Birds begin to lay eggs after 40 days of life.
! By the way, buying one individual will cost on average about 100-150 rubles. That is, for 70 birds you will need only 10.5 thousand rubles.
From one quail you can get about 30 eggs per month. Birds live up to 1.5 years on average, but practitioners advise not to keep quails for longer than six months. This is due to the deterioration of the quality of the egg, which loses its beneficial properties. A hatching egg is usually obtained from a quail at the age of 6 months, after which it is sold for meat.

Making a profit from quail farming

In a business like quail farming, the bulk of the profit comes from the sale of edible eggs. The cost of a dozen quail eggs varies from 50 to 100 rubles. In a flock of 60 animals, the proportion of females will be about 50. Receiving 30 eggs per month from each, you can earn about 15,000 rubles from the sale of eggs.

It turns out that raising 120 heads will bring 30 thousand rubles monthly, 240 - 60 thousand rubles, 360 - 90 thousand rubles, and so on.


In raising quails, as in any other similar business, it is important to calculate in advance the required number of heads to make the necessary profit. True, raising 120 birds or more will be too expensive for apartment breeding. Therefore, in order to receive tangible profits from your business, you will need a territory on your summer cottage or a specially designated place for raising a large number of quails.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

300,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital



3-5 months


20 sq. m.

Minimum area

The business associated with quail breeding is characterized by high profitability and quick payback. Within this business, two main areas can be distinguished. The first includes the direct raising of laying hens, each of which can lay up to three hundred eggs per year (an average of two hundred and fifty), and the second includes the production of dietary quail meat.

As a rule, both of these areas are combined within the same farm. Quail meat is rich in easily digestible protein, has good antioxidant properties and high taste. Despite all the advantages, with stable demand, competition in this area is not yet very high, which opens up great opportunities for beginning farmers.

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The minimum number of birds from which you can count on sufficient income from business if there is a market is 500-600 birds. Quails are highly fertile and grow quickly, which makes it possible to increase their population by 8-10 times in just one year. Quail begins to lay eggs at the age of 30-40 days. With 600 birds you can get up to 1800 eggs per year. Placing a quail farm does not require large areas.

To save space, cages with quails are usually arranged in several tiers, which allows up to 200 birds to be placed on one square meter of the poultry house. The profitability of quail egg production is estimated at 50-100%, and the profitability of meat production is two to three times lower (on average 25%). Due to the short production cycle (2-3 months), the payback on such a project is much lower than in the industry as a whole. Experts estimate it within six months.

Legal nuances of the quail business

If you are going to sell products (in our case, eggs and carcasses) produced on the lands of a personal subsidiary plot (PH), then you need to take into account the fact that the sale of products produced on such lands does not relate to entrepreneurial activity. According to the law, private household plots are a form of non-entrepreneurial activity related to the production and processing of agricultural products. Private household plots are run by a citizen and his family members in order to satisfy their personal needs on their own land plot. Accordingly, agricultural products grown while running private household plots are the property of a citizen running a personal subsidiary plot, and the sale of agricultural products by citizens running private plots is not a business activity.

If you still intend to sell the products you produce (or rather, their surplus), then you will need to obtain a document from the local administration about the presence of private household plots. Submit a document issued by the local government to the boards of the gardening partnership. This paper confirms that the products being sold were produced on a plot of land owned by the taxpayer or members of his family, and used for private farming, gardening, vegetable gardening or summer cottage construction. In addition, you will need to register your private household plot, which is kept in household books based on information provided by citizens on a voluntary basis.

The household book contains basic information about the private household plot: last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the date of birth of the owner of the land plot, full names of all family members living with him, the number of available farm birds (in our case), the area of ​​the land plot occupied by crops or plantings , agricultural machinery and vehicles that you own or have other rights to. After receiving this document, you will need to invite a commission consisting of veterinarians to draw up an inspection report. If the inspection results are positive, you will receive an inspection report, after which your farm will be assigned to one veterinarian.

It is from him that you will receive veterinary certificates in the established form for the sale of products through trade organizations. In addition, the veterinary service will issue you a veterinary certificate, on the basis of which you will subsequently receive certificates of form No. 2.

Please note: if you intend to sell your products as an individual entrepreneur, then the algorithm will be approximately the same, with only one difference. You will need to pay additional taxes and will receive a certificate of conformity for your products certifying their quality. Unlike individual entrepreneurs, private household plots sell surplus products initially received for their own needs. In this case, individual entrepreneurs are intended for the sale of agricultural products originally produced for sale. That is why private household plots can sell their products only in markets and catering establishments, but for individual entrepreneurs there are no such restrictions.

Poultry house equipment

To keep quails you will need a dry, warm room. Its area depends on your capabilities and planned volumes. So, on an area of ​​about 20 sq. meters, when placing cages on several floors, up to a thousand birds can be kept (although a population of 600 individuals will be located with greater comfort). In general, quails are quite easy to care for and are not demanding on living conditions. For their normal development, it is enough to follow simple rules. Firstly, you will need to ensure a constant temperature in the poultry house between 18-22°C. In the southern regions, it is recommended to use air conditioners in the summer. Try to exclude any possibility of temperature changes or sudden changes in temperature, otherwise this can cause stress in the bird, lead to the development of diseases and even death.

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In addition, in the room where quails are kept, it is also necessary to maintain an optimal humidity level - 65-70%. It should be well ventilated, but drafts should not be allowed to form. It is better to make the lighting dim and adjustable. Finally, since any loud sudden noise can cause stress in the bird, which in turn leads to the fact that it begins to gain weight poorly and stops laying eggs, it is necessary to ensure good sound insulation in the poultry house. You should not locate a quail farm near various manufacturing enterprises or construction sites.

When planning a poultry house with an area of ​​15-20 square meters. meters, divide it into several separate rooms. A minimum of 4 “sectors” will be required: for keeping adult birds and a brooder room for young birds, a room for placing incubators, for storing and preparing feed mixtures. These rooms can be separated by light walls made of chipboard, plasterboard, or even cellular batteries of six cells. Adult birds are kept in cages equipped with feeders and drinkers. The floor in such a cage is made at a slight slope, which facilitates the process of collecting eggs.

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One battery of six cages, which can accommodate about 250 individuals, will cost about 3,000 rubles. If you have the time and skills, you can save on this expense and make your own birdcages from sheets of plywood, metal, reinforcement and galvanized welded mesh. The cost of the battery in this case will be 1.5-2 times less. According to experienced quail breeders, to make one cage that can hold up to twenty birds, you will need 1 square meter. meter of galvanized mesh, and for one cage battery per hundred birds - approximately 1.5 square meters. meter of metal sheet, 0.7 sq. meters of plywood, 4.5 sq. meter of galvanized mesh. For cages per thousand birds, up to 50 square meters will be required. meters of mesh, 6-7 sq. meters of plywood and 16 sq. meters of metal sheet.

For raising young birds, as a rule, ordinary wooden or plywood boxes of standard sizes 65x65x25 cm are used. Boxes can also be made with your own hands. Additional costs include equipping such pens with special lamps for heating and lighting, which help create optimal temperature and light conditions.

The main disadvantage of quails is their lack of the instinct to hatch eggs as a result of domestication. Therefore, to breed them you will need an incubator that maintains a temperature of 37 to 39°C. Like cells, an incubator can be made independently, to order, or purchased in a store. Drawings for building an incubator can be found on specialized websites on the Internet. The cost of this equipment can range from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles. Such a wide range of prices is explained by the features of a particular model. Larger incubators with additional functions and capabilities (for example, temperature and humidity control devices, a device for automatically turning eggs ten times a day, etc.) will accordingly cost more. Good models can be found for 5,000 rubles.

Additional equipment includes a feather removal machine for plucking feathers from the carcass. Of course, this can be done manually, however, with large volumes of meat production, this operation will take a lot of effort and time. Feather removal machines help to significantly improve the quality of products and their appearance, since their use does not damage the poultry skin during plucking. The feather removal process is as follows. Bird carcasses are placed in a drum. When rotating, they hit the punching fingers and lose feathers (the quality of processing is quite high - automated equipment allows you to remove up to 95% of feathers). The water entering the drum washes the removed feathers and fluff into the tray. The cleaning time for carcasses per load is several minutes. In an hour, a low-power machine can process about a hundred carcasses. The cost of such equipment is 7500-10000 rubles.

Feeding and caring for quails

Quails grow quite quickly: the weight of newly hatched quails does not exceed 6 grams, but by the end of the first month it increases 15 times! After 2-3 months they gain sufficient body weight and begin to lay eggs. However, this is only possible with proper care of the bird and proper organization of its feeding. An adult quail eats about 30 grams of food per day. However, experts advise planning daily feed consumption in the amount of 35 kg of feed per 1000 birds. Feed can be purchased ready-made or you can mix feed mixtures yourself. Ready-made feeds for quails, which have a more intense biochemical metabolism than other poultry, are dry or moistened mixtures of crushed cereals (corn, wheat, barley, millet), which contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, soybean or sunflower meal, chalk, premix, etc.

The diet of quails that lay eggs should also contain feed based on animal products - fish or meat and bone meal, milk powder. Mealworms, earthworms and various insects can also be used to fill the shortage of animal feed.

Experienced farmers prefer to prepare feed mixtures themselves rather than purchasing ready-made feed, which may require a grain crusher and/or grass cutter (the cost of such specialized equipment is 3,500-5,000 rubles). All feed must first be thoroughly chopped and then mixed.

Feed for quails may also consist of the following components (as a percentage of the total weight of the feed): yellow corn - 20, millet - 15.7, wheat - 19, sunflower cake - 4.9, milk powder - 4, meat and bone meal - 12, fish meal – 12, dry yeast – 6, herbal flour – 3, ground shell – 2, table salt – 0.3, mineral additive – 0.5. 100 g of such feed contains 22.6% dry proteins, 2% calcium, 1.6% phosphorus and 0.6% sodium. An adult bird is given food 2-3 times a day at the same time. In winter, quails are fed with sprouted greens of millet, onions, oats and wheat, and in summer they are given unlimited quantities of leaves of cabbage, beets, alfalfa, nettles, lettuce, spinach and clover. The exact recipe for the feed mixture (composition and proportions of ingredients) depends on the feed supply of the region where the farm is located, and, as a rule, is compiled independently by each farmer.

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The cost of feeding birds depends on several conditions, but primarily on the region and ingredients. Fattening of quails for meat begins when they reach 30 days of age. For such fattening, special feed for broilers is used (80% of the total feed) plus boiled peas (20%). Good performance can be achieved by increasing the content of corn and feed fat in the poultry diet. But under no circumstances should birds be suddenly switched to a fattening diet, otherwise this may lead to illness or death of the quail.

This transition is carried out over three to four days, replacing part of the old diet with a new one. For example, on the first day they give a little more than half of the old food, and the rest - new food. Over the next three days, the percentage of the usual food is constantly reduced. Quail meat is fattened for about a month. At the same time, for the first three weeks, dim lighting is maintained in the cages of the fattened young animals around the clock.

Subsequently, females and males are kept separately. The cages of females are illuminated intermittently: for one hour of light - two hours of darkness, and in males the daylight hours are reduced to eight hours. In well-fed birds, a layer of subcutaneous fat is visible on the chest. Their weight reaches 200 grams in two months (for comparison, egg-laying quails at the same age weigh no more than 130 grams).

It will take two to three people to care for a flock of 600 birds. At first, you can take on these functions, and then, as your income grows, you can hire assistants who will feed the birds, care for them, clean the cages, collect eggs, and monitor the optimal conditions for keeping the quails.

Sales of products

Quail carcasses are sold through markets, supermarkets, as well as to restaurants and cafes, kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums, tourist centers, etc. A quail carcass retails for 80-90 rubles. Quail eggs cost from 2 rubles per piece, depending on the region. An additional source of income for such farms is the sale of quail up to one week old at a cost of up to 25-30 rubles per head and at a month of age at a cost of 40-45 rubles.

The primary costs for setting up such a farm for 600-700 heads amount to up to 300 thousand rubles, taking into account all costs, including equipment. The payback period in this case is, as mentioned above, 4-6 months, due to the high fertility of birds.

Many farmers who do not have sufficient capital in the amount of 250-300 thousand rubles to organize industrial production begin by purchasing a small number of quails, followed by breeding and growing them. They gradually increase the required number of livestock, which can take up to six months. This is a good option for a small farm, but it is worth taking into account the fact that the payback period for such a project will be significantly higher (up to a year), and the profit, accordingly, will be lower.

As a rule, experienced farmers who do not have large start-up capital practice the following scheme. They buy several hundred hens under the age of two months, since they cost half as much as adult laying hens, as well as several dozen cockerels under the age of one month (about 15-20 hens per male). The birds are then raised to the required age. In this case, groups are first formed to lay eggs for incubation.

It is best to initially establish sales of eggs, since they can be obtained in the first two months of the farm’s existence. First, you can sell them to acquaintances and friends, and then develop new markets. It is advisable to purchase incubators at the very beginning of the farm’s existence, which will increase the profitability of your business. Thus, you can start with a population of 300-400 birds, and then within a short period of time (about six months) increase it to more than 1000 units, not counting the young animals and eggs kept in the incubator.

It is best to sell eggs and carcasses through retail chains. This will require additional packaging costs, but it's worth it.

To increase profitability, many poultry farms try to use every opportunity. For example, large poultry farming enterprises even sell quail droppings, which is an excellent natural fertilizer purchased by both individual private households and large farms.

Another source of income is the sale of educational materials and even full courses on quail breeding. If you know how to do something well, then why not make money on your knowledge and experience? To do this, you can create your own website on the Internet (the minimum cost is 1,500 rubles). Prepare detailed text and video materials and sell them for the price of a printed book (500 - 1000 rubles).

Sysoeva Lilia

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Raising quails in rural areas can be a good way to earn money for a family. Unpretentious birds feel great in different climatic zones. They continue to lay eggs and reproduce under the most normal conditions. A competent approach and knowledge of the intricacies of the quail breeding business guarantees a stable income.

Quail farming has a number of advantages. The meat of these birds has excellent taste, which is appreciated by consumers. Positive reviews about the beneficial properties of quail eggs are confirmed by high demand.

Females begin laying eggs early, at the age of 1–2 months, and remain productive for up to one year. After this period ends, one-year-old birds are sold for meat. The short production cycle allows you to get your first income fairly quickly.

Conditions for raising birds

Small quails do not require a wide space for breeding. Necessary conditions for keeping 30 birds:

  1. A clean, ventilated room with an area of ​​5–10 square meters. meters;
  2. Air temperature 18–22 degrees C;
  3. Correct diet.

The first step to starting a quail business is to purchase special cages. The size of such cells is from 0.8 to 1 meter in width and about 30 cm in height. This area can accommodate from 50 to 80 individuals. To save space, it is recommended to create tiers of 4 cells, which will allow you to contain up to 320 heads per square meter.

Cage batteries should be designed in such a way that it is convenient to care for birds, remove droppings and maintain cleanliness. In addition, they must be equipped with drinking bowls and feeders.

Breeding quails at home requires the purchase of additional equipment. In an artificial environment, females lose the ability to hatch eggs, so an incubator will be required to hatch young animals. The costs of its acquisition depend on the capacity and functional features. On average, the cost ranges from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. Professional incubators with a capacity of up to 3,000 eggs will cost the farm owner about 80 thousand rubles.

After the quails hatch, they are moved to a special cabinet - a brooder, where the required temperature and light are maintained.

Particular attention should be paid to the lighting in the room where the birds will be kept. Installed in The light bulbs in the room must be at least 35 lux. Additionally, 20 lux lamps are mounted above the feed trays. Exceeding the brightness of the light will cause the birds to become aggressive.

Quail farming as a business requires intensive manual labor. One person can serve up to 600 heads daily.

Before deciding whether it is profitable or not to keep quails, you need to calculate the cost of feed. Stores sell ready-made mixtures that are used to feed chickens, but it will be more economical to make your own mixture from grain crops:

  1. Wheat from 25 to 30%;
  2. Corn 25%;
  3. Barley and grain of other crops 5% each;
  4. Food additives up to 5%.

Birds of each age require different portions:

When starting a home business, the owner must know which breeds of quail are most profitable to breed. Some species are not suitable as a source of income and are decorative. The main breeds used for breeding are:

  • Japanese quail;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Estonian quail;
  • French breed.

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Business plan for quail breeding

Calculations for opening a quail business for 600 individuals will be approximately as follows:

  1. Rented premises area 20 sq.m. 12–15 thousand rubles (this expense item is removed if you have your own premises in the household plot);
  2. Purchase of young quails 20–25 thousand;
  3. Purchase of equipment (cages, incubator, brooder) 30 thousand rubles;
  4. Feed costs are 3–5 thousand rubles.

The starting capital that will be required at the initial stage will be 65–75 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses for maintaining a household consist of utilities, transportation of finished products, and purchases of feed. The average amount of fixed costs is about 15,000 rubles.

Profitability will help determine whether it is profitable to keep a quail farm. To correctly assess profitability, it is necessary to divide the revenue into three options for selling products: eggs, meat, live poultry.

Proceeds from the sale of eggs

The average female can lay an average of up to 20 eggs per month. Some of them should be set aside for
increase in bird heads, about 1/3. The cost of a quail egg on the market is 5 rubles. The ratio of females to males on the farm of 600 animals is 50% to 50%. Every month one female eats 900 grams of grain worth 20 rubles.

  • Amount of income: 300 females * 20 eggs * 5 rubles = 30,000
  • Feed costs: 300 females * 20 rubles = 6000

Sale of meat

The average weight of a quail carcass is 250 grams. The average cost of quail meat on the market is 100 rubles. Up to 100 carcasses are sold monthly.

100 rubles*100 pieces = 10000

Sale of live birds

Additional income can come from the sale of young or grown quail. The cost of one bird is 80 rubles; up to 50 birds can be sold monthly.

50 birds*80 rubles=4000

Profit and payback

Financial calculations show how much you can earn in the quail business. Proceeds from the sale of eggs, meat and live poultry will amount to 44,000 rubles. The amount of fixed maintenance costs is 15,000 rubles. Thus, monthly earnings from 600 heads will be 29,000 rubles. The return on investment will occur within 3–4 months.


When choosing a business, aspiring entrepreneurs look at different options. Today, the quail business is considered profitable, but you can be convinced of this only after it has been established. People who create quail farms are called quail farmers. Whether quail farming as a business is profitable or not can be understood from the first months. If you look at the quail business from the outside, there is no need to talk about benefits. Comparing chicken eggs and quail eggs, the cost per piece for an incubator will be high. Quail eggs are valuable because they contain a large amount of substances that are not found in any other egg. This product is cholesterol-free and much smaller in size.

There is no doubt about the value of a quail egg, although there are many myths surrounding them. But if we talk about benefits, then the presence of useful substances in large quantities is an indisputable fact .

The cost of the carcass is not cheap, and the birds eat little. If the quail's weight does not exceed 300 g, the feed will require no more than 30 g. A laying hen requires more attention and feed per day, it needs three times more, and weighs more than a quail. Quail does not require much space, and there is no need to walk the bird; it is enough to build an extension on the dacha area. A quail farm and a business plan for it, done correctly, will quickly begin to pay off.

These products have recently become popular, but the market shelves are not filled with egg and quail meat products.

For everyone, a quail farm as a business is something new, but, like any other business, legality is first required, since the products are sold to consumers:

  1. To work with food, a veterinary certificate is obtained.
  2. Opening a quail farm is not difficult, but first it is better to become familiar with some issues, for example, how many heads are suitable for maintaining a poultry farm.
  3. To obtain accurate information, SNiPs are reviewed.
  4. A poultry house is built separately for the birds, only after that the buildings, which are located no closer than 100 meters from a residential building, are registered. The distance that must be maintained is called the sanitary protection zone.

The border area appears in the form of trees and shrubs, so if they were not there before, several trees will need to be planted. This will include a business plan for a quail farm. Each livestock production entails the accumulation of manure; for this purpose, a separate manure collector is built, which is pre-concrete, the pit will be covered with a lid on top. Everyone chooses the appropriate pit option for themselves. A pit in an inclined form is relevant if a vehicle will be driven to remove accumulated manure.

Every day they try to collect droppings from the poultry houses. If you contact the sanitary and epidemiological station, professionals classify poultry droppings as organic waste, so it can be used as fertilizer.

If a quail business is officially registered, then a pit is indispensable, and, as an alternative, plastic barrels are installed.

Removing droppings is an important matter; it must be done so that neighbors do not write slander.

One person can handle a thousand quails; this requires preparing a business plan for quail breeding and the following equipment:

  • where the birds will be housed;
  • for the young and remaining flock at home;
  • feeding bowls and sippy cups;
  • conduct electricity;
  • incubator for a minimum number of eggs (3000);
  • a special insulated box for rearing hatched heads;
  • heating, including for the room where the quails will sit;

Consumables, which include feed and bedding, are taken into account in the business plan.

If the quail breeding business is intended for private households, then first of all extensions or a special room are built. Cells are purchased ready-made, but it is possible to make them yourself, and also use modern materials, which will reduce the cost of producing cells. Their size should be about one square per 70 birds. If you want to roughly calculate the quail business, you can take the cost of finished cages.

A thousand quails require approximately 3,000 seats. Often the cost of the cage includes waterers and feeders.

Whether quail farming as a business is profitable or not is understood only from the moment this activity begins. There are different incubators on the market that differ in the number of eggs.

These are smart devices that are mandatory:

  1. Products with intellectual memory make human work easier, but they are also expensive.
  2. There are also cheap options that can hold quail eggs in a certain quantity.
  3. Small quails are placed in special brooders; the capacity is small, so you will need several of them.

For wholesale purchases, customers are given an attractive discount.

If we talk about initial costs, then large financial investments will not be required. The business plan must immediately include this point. And there is no need to say that the business is profitable.

Good thermal insulation of the walls is required, in this case the heating will be of high quality, the main question will concern the size of the premises used. If the area is small, a conventional fan heater will be sufficient.

A quail farm is in demand as a business; you can use your own hands to reduce the cost of the process. The brooder and cages are made independently. Anyone can do this, they just need to install additional infrared lamps. You will have to purchase an incubator, since you often set the wrong temperature manually and set the wrong humidity, and you will have to turn the eggs by hand up to six times a day, which is not always possible. And if the embryos die, problems will arise.

To open a quail farm you will need to buy eggs for the incubator. You will have to pay up to 20 rubles per piece, and you will need about three thousand of them. A business plan for a quail farm most often provides for two types of quail breeds - broilers and egg breeds; Estonian quails are quite expensive. They do not have very good egg production, and the size of the bird is average. Texas whitebirds are also common. We must not forget that at this moment the minimum amount of electricity is consumed. In any of these cases, you will need to purchase starter feed; one bag is presented in the form of 40 kg. The bird is fed with compound feed for a month; feeding the young animals will require a lot of feed.

It’s not enough to properly organize and make a business plan for quail breeding; they require good feeders and a balanced diet for growth and development:

  1. The feed contains microelements and other components.
  2. Quails need feed in accordance with the established menu; in this case, adult quails will lay eggs well and the quails will grow quickly.
  3. The quail breeding business involves purchasing ready-made feed, but if necessary, you can make it yourself.

Everyone chooses what is affordable. Care does not require practical skills; even a novice poultry farmer can easily cope with this task. Raising quails brings two products - meat and eggs. With meat, the situation is more complicated, since a large number of individuals are kept for slaughter.

With eggs everything is much simpler. For four females, one male is enough, but families must be kept separately.

Small quails require special care.

Although every newly opened quail farm requires a business plan, the poultry farmer chooses breeds according to personal preferences. Beginners begin breeding quails at home with Japanese breeds that appeared in the last century. They are highly profitable and would be an ideal option for breeding. Professional quail breeders prefer not to crossbreed different breeds. During molting, Japanese birds lay eggs well. Laying quails for eggs are selected very carefully. Thus, pharaoh birds are heavy, so they are not suitable for beginners, but they can be kept to renew the flock.

Kiteverse birds are a cross between Japanese quails and pharaohs, the distinguishing feature is their large weight. Keeping and breeding quails has its own specific characteristics. Texas Whites and Pharaohs will be the best breeds for slaughter. Japanese quails and English white quails are excellent egg producers, the number of quails is quite high and they are unpretentious to any living conditions.

Each type of quail has corresponding requirements. Accordingly, the incubator should replace the maternal instinct to hatch eggs. Before purchasing quail cages, it is very important to choose the right incubator. This device will replace the hen and create favorable conditions for the embryo. When making a homemade device, you will need to purchase high-quality materials. So, for example, the body is made from plywood or from an old refrigerator, the main thing is that it is very warm inside. Various thermal insulation materials will be an excellent option for insulation.

Electric incandescent lamps are installed in the structure, and it is also necessary to leave ventilation holes to create the necessary microclimate:

  1. The optimal temperature in the incubation chamber should be 37 degrees, with a humidity of 70%, and sometimes for a short period of time - up to 90%.
  2. The design is not simple and requires constant human participation.
  3. The complete elimination period takes 17 days.
  4. If the eggs have been laid for no more than a week, they are suitable for breeding.

If we talk about business development, it will not bring mountains of gold if you do not establish contacts for selling products. Sales options primarily include the market. This method is proven and accelerated; entrepreneurs will be happy to sell this product. The restaurant business also uses quail meat and eggs in dietary dishes. Often you don’t even have to sell the products anywhere, since word of mouth allows you to sell healthy food to your friends, sometimes multi-day orders are even created. If necessary, advertisements are placed in the newspaper, which also attracts many buyers. An impressive number of free message boards and groups can be found on the Internet.

By creating the right care for quails, the business will quickly improve, and it will be possible to update and improve the farm equipment.

Each population of birds, and especially if plans are to create a large farm, require serious work.

Main advantages:

  • minimum costs - relevant if you don’t have to rent premises and land for business (everything is organized on your own territory);
  • profit comes quickly - quails are bred in the shortest possible time, eggs and meat are popular, and prices are not cheap, but vary depending on the region;
  • quickly the birds become adults, such an individual gives birth to chicks. If we are talking about broilers, then two months is enough for meat breeds;
  • there are 400 quails on six acres, but you shouldn’t get that many at once, as you’ll still have to learn how to deal with them correctly;
  • quails are not afraid of tight spaces;
  • This product is in demand because it is healthy and relates to a healthy diet.

Disadvantages of raising quails:

  • if birds are not afraid of cramped living space, then climate control is important, because at night the bird experiences stress and additional offspring will not be produced. Shocks are dangerous for birds, so it is not recommended to move the incubator from one place to another;
  • a diverse sales market, difficulties appear only at the initial stage, and then, when regular customers appear, the business will quickly begin to develop.

As can be seen from the above, there are more positive aspects of business than disadvantages.

Even two months is enough to develop this industry. It is important for businessmen to approach issues wisely and be quick. It is enough to start with a small number of quails, which will walk around in the garden, after which they will gradually reach 400 pieces. If the bird is egg-laying, it will produce up to 25 eggs, respectively, this number of quails per month will produce 8,000 eggs, and even taking into account small losses, the amount will be impressive. The annual income will be about 400 thousand, but if we talk about net profit, it is less. It is easy to learn how to care for quails, cleaning up after them, feeding them and carrying out all manipulations is simple. Finding suppliers is more difficult, but if sales improve, the birds will bring in income, and they will even have to expand the territory.

The quail business is a responsible business; on the farm you will have to work a lot with your hands, without knowing vacations, weekends and holidays. You should not allow strangers onto the farm, as quails get used to one owner and become agitated around strangers. Each entrepreneur uses developed and proven technologies and his own experience for care and breeding.

Quail eggs are valued because they are a treasure trove of minerals and vitamins, so the demand for them is huge:

  1. Eggs are eaten raw and there is no fear of salmonellosis.
  2. Birds are not capricious, but they are afraid of drafts.
  3. If the farm is large, then it is better to make automatic ventilation and heating through a water system. This will save energy and the air will not dry out.

If you need to increase your return on investment, but there are no sales, reduce costs.

Producing the necessary equipment yourself will save tens of thousands of rubles.

Preparing your own feed will also save you a certain amount of money, but it is important to make feed mixtures fresh and balanced. Cages are a simple piece of equipment that is easy to make and you don’t even have to think about it.

Features of registering a subsidiary plot

Today, attention is paid to legal business, so it is better to register a subsidiary farm. It's easy to do. When contacting the administration, a personal subsidiary plot is registered. The administration will tell you in which cases registration of a farm is required, and in which individual entrepreneurship.

Having passed the initial stage, there is no doubt about further success. Before investing in a business, evaluate the profitability and determine whether there will be demand and whether the cost will pay off. Low-calorie product suitable for women and nursing mothers. For greater efficiency, exotic breeds are presented. It is not recommended to keep different birds together. Own pasture in the summer season will allow the birds to get everything they need. A profitable business, average investment and inexpensive maintenance are obvious advantages. An economically profitable enterprise will appeal to animal and bird lovers.
