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Household appliance repair shop business. Our own business: we organize a business for repairing equipment. Information about the company

If you are tech-savvy and comfortable with electronic devices, and can’t spend a day without fixing something, then the refrigerator restoration business is what you need! Or let's say you have friends refrigerator repairman, well, what about you, an entrepreneur with a capital “E”, it’s simply a sin not to take advantage of creating good capital from this. In this article we will try to explain how to start your own small business by repairing refrigeration units at home, and as a result, earn a good income.

What's the benefit?

In such a matter as repairing refrigerators, there is one big advantage - it is a minimum of costs and investments. This is especially important when you want to start, but you doubt whether it will trample or not. Of course, you will still have to spend a certain amount, at least to purchase a minimum quantity of the most popular spare parts for refrigerators, and of course, you can’t do without freon. But if you compare the costs of opening a cafe, hairdresser or store, then buying equipment for repairing refrigerators is a trifle. The advantages of working at the customer’s home are convenience for the client, since taking the refrigerator to a service center is quite problematic in terms of time and money. For the master, the advantage is that you don’t have to pay for renting the premises. After business goes up, you can, of course, rent a room and organize a workshop, hire not one, but several craftsmen, as well as buy a delivery vehicle. But all this will happen later, and at the beginning of opening a business, you will have to minimize costs.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need a good refrigerator repair specialist. If you have it, then 50% of success is in your pocket. Discuss the terms of cooperation with him. If this is a beginner, without tools, then it would be fair to split the profit from each order 50/50, since you need to buy everything you need. If the master is experienced and has his own tool, then offer 60-70% of the total income.

Your primary task will be to find a client, for this you need to launch a good advertising company - this is very important at the beginning of starting a business, and then word of mouth will significantly simplify the task of finding clients, but this is subject to good quality of work performed, service and a flexible pricing policy. To get started, try placing ads in local newspapers, radio and television. Banners around the city with the inscription, for example, “ refrigerator repair in Kharkov at the lowest prices at home"will definitely do their job. It will be great if you advertise in public transport in your city, in trolleybuses, subways, minibuses, etc. Hire a person to post notices and hand out sheets of paper at the subway exit with a repair list. How well you succeed as an advertising agent will affect your income.

One of the important conditions for any business is minimizing the initial capital. It is this factor that allows you to minimize possible risks. But there are very few such business ideas and all of them, as they say, are worth their weight in gold. One of these promising options is refrigerator repair. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of costs, but there is also no need to invest amounts, as when organizing a large engineering company (for example, Ingersoll Rand).

You should initially focus on household refrigerators, as well as refrigeration equipment for small businesses. It is the easiest to maintain and repair, and therefore does not require special knowledge and experience from you (and the specialists you hire). In most cases, refrigerators have a fairly simple design, and therefore repairs consist of identifying faults and replacing failed parts with new ones.

Minor faults can be corrected on the spot. To do this, you need to have with you not only a set of tools but also several thermal relays and temperature sensors for various (the most common) models. They are the ones that most often fail.

More complex breakdowns can only be repaired in a workshop, and therefore you need to take care of the premises, part of which may serve as an office. When the level of orders becomes constant, part of the staff will always be busy in the workshop, and part - on the road. For a repair company in a small town, 4 people are enough - 2 on the road, 2 in the workshop.

In order to organize the delivery of equipment, you will need transport. One cargo Gazelle will be enough. This can be either a personal car or a cargo taxi, with which you enter into an oral (or written) agreement. If the city is small and there are not many orders (especially large ones), then it is not at all necessary to have a driver on staff.

It’s another matter if you have a large volume of orders, or you cooperate under a contract with authorized services. Then you will have to send some of the equipment that cannot be repaired in your workshop there, and for this you simply need transport.

It is quite difficult to make any profit calculations, but you can roughly estimate that with an average cost of home repairs of 500-700 rubles and repairs in a workshop of 1500-3000 rubles, provided there is a good number of orders, it is quite possible to receive 200-300 thousand net income per year. a month, which even for 4 staff and one driver is a lot of money.
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In this material:

Having skills in servicing and repairing household appliances, you should think about organizing your own business. This activity is in demand today, because electrical appliances someday fail. This article will help you create a business plan for a household appliance repair shop. Here we will consider all the nuances that a future entrepreneur should know about in order to achieve success in his business.


A workshop for repairing household appliances is a promising idea for a business, because there are more and more electrical appliances, and their design is becoming more complicated due to the development of technology, while there are not enough qualified craftsmen. Due to the ever-increasing prices of appliances, most people cannot afford to buy a new household appliance, but prefer to repair the old one. Men who have already opened a business of this kind note that there is a demand for repairs:

  • washing machines;
  • refrigerators;
  • electric ovens and stoves;
  • freezers;
  • coffee machines;
  • TVs;
  • computers.

In their opinion, it is profitable to maintain and repair large, expensive equipment. With small appliances the situation is different.

At the initial stage, the following questions need to be considered:

  • whether the population in the area where it is planned to organize this business is solvent;
  • Are there many competitors, what services do they provide?
  • Are spare parts for household appliances available and are there reliable suppliers?

Having decided to start, you need to decide whether the workshop will repair equipment from one well-known brand or from different manufacturers. The second option is preferable, as it will allow you to expand your audience and receive more orders.


To register, the future businessman comes to the tax office and writes an application for registration of individual entrepreneurship. If he plans to serve only individuals, then they choose the UTII taxation system. If it is assumed that the workshop’s clients will also be legal entities, it is more convenient to pay taxes using the simplified tax system.

The OKVED code chosen is 52.72. When registering, you will have to pay a state fee. The documents are reviewed by the tax inspector within 5 days.

Reference. There is no need for a cash register for the workshop, because payments to clients can be made at home.

Premises and location

To run a household appliance repair business, you will need a spacious premises. It’s good if you can rent a hangar located in the central part of the city for a low fee. If an entrepreneur cannot afford rent in the center, premises in a residential area will do, as long as it is densely populated. The area is divided into 2-3 zones:

  • collection point for applications and equipment;
  • stock;
  • workshop.

Attention! The area of ​​the room depends on how large the equipment is planned to be repaired. If these are washing machines, refrigerators and electric stoves, you will need an area of ​​at least 80 m2.

If the budget is very limited, at first you can do without a room. Many technicians repair appliances directly at clients’ homes. However, one should not write off the fact that spare parts need to be stored somewhere, for example, in a garage.


At the initial stage of work, craftsmen need to be provided with at least a minimum set of tools:

  • soldering irons;
  • wrenches;
  • screwdrivers;
  • digital multimeter;
  • oscilloscope.

As your business develops, this list should be supplemented with professional tools. For high-quality diagnostics of breakdowns, a frequency meter, spectrum analyzer and other equipment are useful.

The room will have to install powerful lamps, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Shelving is needed to store spare parts. You will also need several pieces of furniture for the craftsmen - a table, chairs.

The workshop should have a set of the most popular spare parts at its disposal. This will allow you to serve customers faster. If you're on a budget, it's worth finding a supplier of spare parts that can deliver them quickly when you need them.

Attention! You will have to spend 500,000-1,000,000 rubles on the purchase of spare parts.

To transport equipment you need a car - a gazelle or rough. By buying a used car, you can save money, provided that the vehicle is running.


To organize a business repairing household appliances, you need smart craftsmen. While the flow of clients is small, the entrepreneur can cope on his own, but in the future he will have to look for help. It is necessary to interest workers in completing more orders. The best remuneration system in this case would be the calculation of a rate and a percentage of revenue.

When drawing up a business plan for a repair shop, it is worth including in it a cost item for paying for the services of an accountant. If an entrepreneur is ready to keep records himself, he will be able to save 15-20 thousand rubles monthly.


The profitability of a company depends on the flow of clients. To attract them, use all available means:

  • outdoor advertising;
  • leaflets;
  • radio;
  • social media;
  • bulletin boards;
  • own website.

Attention! Most people find equipment repair specialists via the Internet, so creating a website is mandatory.

Customers are attracted by various promotions and free services, such as diagnostics. Its cost is usually already included in the price of the repair. Another great idea is to give small discounts on each subsequent repair. Buying old household appliances from clients that cannot be restored will help you acquire rare spare parts.

Possible risks

Since competition in this service industry is high, it is necessary to think about possible risks in advance. For a start-up company providing household appliance repair services, the main thing is to have a staff of qualified workers, because the company’s reputation depends on the quality of work.

The company's pricing policy is also important. An entrepreneur must set reasonable prices for services in order to attract more customers and still make a profit. How successful a business will be depends on the reliability of suppliers and the speed of supply of spare parts. If customers have to wait a long time for their refrigerator or washing machine to be repaired because parts are out of stock, they will turn to another repair shop.


The initial investment in opening a workshop for repairing household appliances is 600,000-4,000,000 rubles. The amount of costs depends on what equipment will be purchased at the initial stage. If an entrepreneur limits himself to a modest set of tools and begins to repair clients’ household appliances at their home, then large investments will not be required right away.

Here is an approximate price list for the workshop (prices are in rubles):

  • visit of a specialist to your home – 500;
  • washing machine repair – 2000-4500;
  • refrigerator repair – 2000-7000;
  • repair of small equipment – ​​from 1000.

Business profitability is 6-10%. Despite the slow rate of return on investment, this type of activity is stable. If you organize an advertising campaign correctly, there will always be customers. In the first 1.5-2 years of operation, the entrepreneur will have to develop a client base, pay rent for premises and wages to employees, and also purchase modern equipment and spare parts. But when the business pays off, the net profit per month will be 100-300 thousand rubles.

Attention! The well-promoted workshop serves 8-15 clients daily, the average bill for services is 1500-2000 rubles. The monthly income will be 300,000-500,000 rubles.

You need to work scrupulously when drawing up a business plan for a household appliance repair shop. It is important to clearly state what equipment will be needed at the first stage, and what can be purchased later. Finding skilled craftsmen is another point that needs to be given primary attention. An advertising campaign will help you quickly attract customers. Without these three components it is impossible to achieve success.

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Technology surrounds us very closely in everyday life and simplifies manual labor, making it a comfortable and enjoyable activity. But even the most expensive and modern models of household appliances can break down. Buying new ones is not always profitable, but it is reasonable to repair old equipment so that it can serve for another couple of years. Therefore, the demand for repair services has always been and will be in demand in cities with any population size. Below is a business plan for a household appliance repair shop. The example was calculated for a regional center.

Information about the company

Main activity: repair of large and small household appliances. The workshop is expected to perform maintenance, adjustments and warranty services under a contract with a local appliance retailer.

Legal form: individual entrepreneurship.

The main consumers should be residents of the city and nearby settlements of another region or republic. This may be explained by the fact that residents of neighboring areas have an easier time getting to the city than other large population centers. In addition, the city has regular bus services to neighboring regions of the republic.

Goal: within a year, the workshop must withstand the onslaught of competitors, gain the trust of consumers, pay off debts accumulated during the founding of the project: for rent, purchase of equipment, spare parts, furniture and many other costs.

Over the next 2-3 years, the workshop should become one of the best and respectable workshops in the field of consumer services and repairs on the equipment repair market. But to achieve the maximum goal, it is necessary to gain the trust and respect of consumers. Service quality indicators must be such that clients are responsive and loyal to their provider.

Location: semi-basement in a large residential area of ​​the city. The workshop area will be about 120 square meters. m. It includes a reception area, workplaces for mechanics, a separate room for the director, and a warehouse for repaired and accepted household appliances.

Let's look at the table of workshop premises areas:

Form of ownership of the premises: lease, confirmed by a rent agreement.

Taxation: simplified taxation system (income minus expenses).

Opening hours: every day from 10:00 to 19:00, including weekends. The schedule was chosen based on the standard workday for office workers, until 17:00. Most clients will be able to get to the workshop after their working day. On weekends, clients from suburban areas will be able to visit the workshop.


The IP form was selected for registration. But if you plan to work as an authorized service center for large manufacturers and retail chains, an LLC is formed. There is less trust in the individual entrepreneur, and it will be more difficult to obtain a service agreement. There are no manufacturers of household appliances in the selected city. An agreement was concluded with a local store to service their goods. According to the agreement, the workshop carries out repairs free of charge during the warranty period, in cases specified in the warranty agreement (3 months). Further, clients are served at full cost.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following package of documents:

  • Photocopies of the passport and TIN are certified by a notary.
  • Application for registration of a type of activity. When filling out, indicate the main (mandatory) type of activity and two additional ones. Even if you do not want to immediately expand your business, we recommend that you indicate additional types of activities. When the application is first reviewed, registration of additional types of activities is free; with further expansion, you will have to pay extra. The application shall indicate OKVED: 95.21 “Repair of electronic household appliances”, 95.22 “Repair of household appliances and garden equipment”, 95.22.1 “Repair of household appliances”.
  • A receipt from any bank branch confirming payment of the state duty.

Competition and pricing

Competition plays a big role in the development of an enterprise, since each company tries in every possible way to attract as many customers as possible. There are many ways to attract, we have chosen the following: home service, providing discounts for regular customers, veterans of the Second World War, the Afghan War, the Chechen War, disabled people, orphans and the elderly; delivery of repaired equipment, provision of warranty repairs in case of repeated failure.

In addition, competition improves the quality of repairs, adjustments, customer service, and reduces repair time and price.

Currently, the cost of repairs for a certain type of equipment fluctuates. This means that you need to choose a price so that the company does not incur losses.

In addition, the cost should correspond to the quality of the repair, and not vice versa.

Price list for workshop services:

Such prices are suitable for the normal development of the workshop, since they are 10% lower than competitors, but will not lead to bankruptcy.

Repair company equipment

To organize a small workshop, the following equipment and furniture are purchased:

Additionally, craftsmen will need consumables: solder, screws, nuts, glue, etc. It is planned to spend from 25,000 rubles per month on consumables.

Personnel formation

In the workshop, the administrative and management personnel include the director and accountant. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:00. In addition to the financial part, the accountant takes on the role of administrator.

Company administration salary and bonus:

Craftsmen are hired as working personnel. The number of craftsmen is at least 4 people, since the work will be carried out in shifts, according to the schedule: two days after two. Each employee is responsible for repairing a specific device. Workers are interchangeable during vacations and excused absences.

A cleaning lady is hired as support staff. The work schedule of support staff is 2 hours from 10:00 to 12:00. Responsibilities include wet cleaning and general cleaning of the premises once a month.

Salary and bonus of working and support staff:

Summary statement of the number of workers:

In total, an amount of 201,700 rubles will be needed per month for staff salaries and contributions to funds. You can safely add it to the initial capital, since for the first few months you will have to pay salaries out of your own pocket.

Implementation stages

The household appliance workshop project can be completed in 2 months. The table below shows the schedule from September 1 to November 1. Seasonality does not affect profitability, so you can open a workshop at any time of the year.

Workshop opening schedule:

All stages are planned for specific periods of time. This will help control processes and launch the workshop on time with less loss of time.

Investments and income


To open a small household appliances workshop, you will need the following initial investments:

You can reduce costs by purchasing a used tool, but then the monthly costs of its depreciation and replacement will increase. And this will increase the total consumption. Therefore, it is worth purchasing a quality tool with warranty service.

Monthly expenses

Planning income

The profitability of the workshop will not be affected by seasonality, so the main factors on which profit depends are traffic and advertising. There are no competitors near the workshop, so 1 master will bring in at least 120,000 rubles per month. The monthly revenue will be from 480,000 rubles.

Let's calculate net income by subtracting monthly expenses from revenue:

480,000 – 276,700 = 203,300 rubles.

In total, the company brings net income per year: 203,300 x 12 = 2,439,600 rubles.

We calculate profitability:

(203,300 / 827,900) x 100% = 24.55%.

Until the entrepreneur returns the main investment, the profit will be divided into the following parts:

  • 5% – non-production expenses (payment for trips to the client’s home, unexpected expenses).
  • 10% – main fund.
  • 45% – return on investment.
  • 40% – expansion.

Since only 45% will be spent on return on investment monthly, which is 91,485 rubles, we can calculate the return on investment of the project:

827,900 / 91,485 = 9 months. Taking into account all the risks, the payback of the project is 1 year.


This business plan for a household appliance repair shop with calculations can easily be adjusted to suit any region. You need to invest at least 828,000 rubles in the project. But the payback, if there is a constant flow of customers, will be only 9 months. At the same time, savings funds for business expansion were taken into account in the calculations. In a year, you will be able to open another workshop and increase your income, and thanks to the promotion of the first point, the second workshop will become profitable in 5-6 months.

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