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New business ideas. What is needed to open a hookah bar, and how to do it correctly Where to open a hookah bar

People who like to relax and smoke a hookah after a hard day at work are only increasing every year. If regular cigarettes cause irreparable harm to your health, then hookah can be absolutely harmless when prepared with juice or milk, without the use of tobacco.

Due to the great demand for the service, it makes sense to talk about opening a hookah bar as a business with minimal investment and quick payback.

In today's article we will discuss in detail how to open a hookah bar from scratch. How much does it cost and what documents are needed to legally operate an establishment of this type?

How to legally open a hookah bar?

It is worth noting that there are some difficulties in organizing this type of business. Due to the law banning smoking in public places, it is quite difficult to open a hookah bar in a food establishment. But as they say, you can always find loopholes in the law. You have two options for business development.

Opening a hookah bar in a cafe

If you want to be clean before the law, you must understand that the smoking ban directly affects public catering establishments. And smoking a hookah is a violation that will entail penalties. On the other hand, opening a hookah bar in a room where other services are not offered is not a profitable business. The only option is to offer your visitors hookahs without nicotine mixtures, for example, fruit, milk, wine and others. Thus, you do not break the law, customers are happy, and you make your profit.

Illegal sale of hookah

Many entrepreneurs take this risky step, because most visitors prefer to smoke hookahs containing tobacco. But it is worth remembering the strict sanctions that may befall you. If you're willing to take the risk, you can try to outsmart the checking services, but we wouldn't recommend you do this.

Business plan for a hookah bar

The question of how much it costs to open a hookah bar is quite difficult to answer. It all depends on many factors that significantly affect the amount of financial investments. On average, you will need from $5,000 to open a hookah bar.

Financial expenses:

  • Collection of all necessary documents for business registration;
  • Renting a premises – the price depends on the area, renovation of the premises, as well as its location;
  • Indoor renovation. Depending on the condition, you will need to shell out a certain amount of money for repairs so that the room meets all norms and standards;
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture for a hookah bar;
  • Purchase of hookahs and smoking mixtures;
  • Staff salaries;
  • These are the most important and necessary costs, of course, there may be others, it all depends on the format of the establishment.

Business registration

In order to legally start your business, you need to register with the relevant authorities.

First of all, you should decide on the material and legal form of the activity. You can choose one of two options - registration as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity (LLC).

In addition, you should obtain the necessary permits from the fire and sanitary services, a license to sell alcohol (in the case of selling alcoholic beverages in an establishment). In addition, do not forget that the sale of strong alcoholic beverages requires the registration of an LLC; take this nuance into account.

Hookah bar location

Naturally, location is important and significantly affects the attendance of an establishment. Therefore, take full responsibility when choosing and decorating a room for a hookah bar.

Deciding on the format of the establishment

  • Hookah bar. If you have a solid start-up capital, I recommend that you stop at opening a bar. This establishment should be opened in a crowded part of the city, preferably in the center or business district. In addition to the main functions, such as selling food and drinks, you will be able to offer your customers an additional service - hookah smoking.
  • Separate room with hookah in the restaurant. If the starting capital is small, then you can open a hookah bar by renting a place in a popular catering establishment. This is not easy to do, because it is quite difficult to find a suitable option, but as they say, no task is impossible.

Purchase of equipment

To provide this service, you should not only rent premises, but also purchase the necessary equipment.

Necessary equipment for a hookah bar:

  1. Hookahs (from 10 pieces);
  2. Smoking mixtures, charcoal, tobacco (if you offer a hookah with nicotine filler);
  3. Replaceable cups, hoses and tubes;
  4. Spare flasks;
  5. Burner, tongs, foil, etc.

Buying equipment is not a very expensive part of a business plan. Therefore, you will not incur any special costs at this stage.

As for the interior and furniture, everything should be decorated with taste. The environment should be inviting and clients should feel comfortable in the room.

Video on the topic

Staff workers

To work in a bar, you will need to hire a staff whose responsibilities will include serving customers. In addition to cooks, waiters, and bartenders, it is also necessary to hire professional hookah workers. You should not trust inexperienced specialists to refill your hookah; it is important to find competent employees who understand the technology, the characteristics of different types of tobacco, its aromas and tastes. Believe me, clients are very demanding, because for many, hookah smoking is not just an action, but a whole procession in a special atmosphere.

The employees of your establishment should be attentive to each client, friendly, hospitable and not intrusive. If you want your establishment to be in demand among visitors, then be very responsible when choosing staff.


An establishment of this format should operate both during the day and at night. Most clients prefer to visit hookah bars after work, that is, the main flow of clients will be in the evening, somewhere after 18.00. Therefore, it is worth organizing promotions in the first half of the day in order to attract more people and thereby stay in the black.

Working on weekends and holidays is the most profitable for bars and hookah bars, because there are many more clients, so an establishment of this type must be open at this time.

Advertising of the establishment

We have already discussed the main issue of how to open a hookah bar, now it’s worth talking about an equally important point - attracting customers.

When drawing up a business plan for a hookah bar, you must take into account the costs of advertising, without which it will be almost impossible to turn the establishment into a highly visited place.

  • Advertising around the city. The most profitable and not too financially expensive option for attracting customers is to distribute advertising leaflets with the address of the establishment in crowded places in the city.
  • Promotions and discounts. A very effective method of attracting people's attention. Agree, nothing pleases you more than the opportunity to receive an additional discount on a service or take part in another profitable promotion. Therefore, I recommend that you organize various promotions and provide discounts on services to your regular customers.
  • Bright sign. A simple, but nevertheless very smart way to attract the attention of passing people. Therefore, do not neglect this type of advertising; a bright, glowing sign at night will certainly be appreciated by your customers.

Now you know how to open a hookah bar from scratch and how much it costs. I hope this article will help you navigate and not make mistakes when opening a hookah bar.

To open a hookah bar according to the law, it is necessary not only to obtain permission from the owner of the premises to smoke, but also to create a good ventilation system to protect random people from smoke.


There are many articles on the global network about how to easily and simply open a hookah area or room, that this business is one of the simplest. The costs are estimated at completely inadequate amounts of 20-80 thousand rubles, and the authors do not write about any precautions. So, let’s look at what is needed to open a hookah bar: let’s try to understand this problem, find out whether there are special rules regulating the industry, and calculate how much the project will actually cost.

What is a hookah bar?

An establishment that serves special devices for smoking aromatic tobacco on water can safely be called just that. There are 2 key business models: opening a separate place and creating a hookah area at a restaurant or bar. The second option is more preferable, as it allows you to quickly promote a new location. However, it is also more difficult to implement: whatever one may say, the majority of visitors will have to be protected from the “aromatic smoke”, otherwise this may result in problems with attendance.

Is the smoking mixture considered tobacco?

The controversial issue is a stumbling block between supporters and opponents of “aromatic smoke”. Most products are still based on tobacco, therefore, it is subject to all legal restrictions. It is quite difficult to prove the opposite, and supervisory authorities will not always enter into lengthy discussions with businessmen.

Stages of opening a hookah bar:

  1. Registration of organizational and legal form. The ideal solution in this case is an LLC, since the newly created establishment will have to purchase equipment, coal, tobacco by bank transfer.
  2. Renting premises. You cannot smoke tobacco in non-stationary retail facilities, so you will have to make a choice in favor of permanent buildings.
  3. Obtaining the owner's permission to smoke. This requirement is indirectly enshrined in regulations, but in the near future it will be formulated verbatim.
  4. Bringing the premises into compliance with fire safety standards. It is necessary to create a suction and exhaust system to protect people who do not use the services of the establishment from tobacco smoke.
  5. Installation of equipment for smoking hookahs. In order to also comply with the requirements of labor legislation regarding the protection of employee health, it is possible to introduce special devices that allow you to heat up tobacco without significant human effort.
  6. Organization of visual information about smoking in the establishment. This step will not be superfluous: it will allow you to avoid formal claims from inspection organizations.

The further process of opening an establishment is no different from creating an ordinary cafe or restaurant: if the premises are redeveloped, it must be agreed upon with the relevant departments (Gospozhnadzor, Gosexpertiza, Rospotrebnadzor, architectural and planning department). If the establishment will serve alcoholic beverages, you must obtain a license for the retail sale of alcohol.

Before starting activities, it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor, namely its territorial body. You will also need standard contracts on the basis of which the facility will be serviced: garbage removal, etc.

Fire safety requirements and protection of the population from tobacco

At the moment, the rules for opening an establishment of this kind are indirectly regulated by several regulations:

  1. PPB-S-3-81 (general safety requirements for various public facilities, are advisory in nature);
  2. (information about where smoking areas cannot be established);
  3. Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia N 756/pr, Ministry of Health of Russia N 786n dated November 28, 2014 “On the requirements...” (comes into force on October 14, 2015);
  4. Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor No. 114 of May 30, 2003 “On the introduction... GN”;
  5. Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Advertising” (restrictions on business promotion).

The list goes on: it all depends on the working conditions and the imagination of the inspection authorities. However, the listed regulatory framework contains some barriers to the smooth operation of business.

Here are the most important points of these acts:

  1. There must be at least 1 foam fire extinguisher per 100 square meters of area, but at least 1 unit in each room (that is, if there are 2 or more rooms, they must have 1 device).
  2. The premises must have a fire warning system. The standard time for evacuation of visitors depends on the degree of fire resistance of the building.
  3. The smoking area must be protected from people who do not want to breathe harmful smoke. This means that when organizing a hookah bar at a restaurant or cafe, you need powerful climate control equipment (pull and exhaust ventilation system) to remove harmful substances.
  4. It is very difficult to advertise an establishment of this type according to the law: the range of items that are prohibited is wide.

Fire safety requirements may vary depending on the specific subject of the Russian Federation and even the city. Therefore, before opening an establishment, you should familiarize yourself with local practice and make sure that local legislation does not contain special “recommendations” for businessmen.

A hookah bar cannot be organized in the following permanent premises:

  • Intended for educational purposes, including for physical education;
  • Created to provide rehabilitation, medical, and sanatorium services;
  • Organized as a hotel, place of temporary residence (accommodation);
  • Dedicated to non-stationary retail facilities, trade and consumer services;
  • At the gas station.

These restrictions are stipulated by Federal Law No. 15 of February 23, 2013 “On the Protection of...”, while the criteria themselves are rather vague. However, the owner may allow smoking of tobacco in isolated rooms where there is sufficient ventilation.

Gaps in legislation

All of the above requirements currently apply to tobacco smoking. Some mixtures used for hookahs can do without this ingredient. Therefore, possible claims of regulatory authorities can be dismissed by proving their inconsistency.

Will the requirements for hookah bars be tightened?

Here are the key points of the new act (at the time of preparation of the material, it was not approved and did not enter into legal force):

  • Non-tobacco mixtures, which previously were a “loophole” when organizing smoking in restaurants, will be consolidated at the formal level;
  • Smoking hookah will be prohibited along with smoking tobacco (thus, all the above prohibitions will apply to each type of mixture, without any exceptions);
  • The use of aromatic smoke in certain buildings and areas adjacent to them may be prohibited along with regular tobacco smoking;
  • Requirements for open areas for hookah smoking, as well as for enclosed spaces, will be established by the Ministry of Health together with the State Construction Committee;
  • All articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses that provide for liability for smoking tobacco will be supplemented with the word “hookah”;
  • A special norm is being introduced for legal entities: for violation of the requirements for open and closed areas for hookah smoking (at the time of preparation of the material they do not exist), administrative liability will be introduced - a fine of 20 to 30 thousand rubles (for an official), from 50 to 80 thousand rubles (for a legal entity).


So, for a long time, the opening of establishments for smoking aromatic smoke was not directly regulated by law, as our express analysis of existing legal acts showed. However, after the ratification of the above draft Federal Law, work in this direction will intensify. There is no doubt that government agencies will immediately introduce strict requirements for hookah smoking premises. Therefore, the question of opening such an establishment “according to the law” remains open: we will definitely return to it as regulations change.

People who want to add an element of novelty to everyday life are often attracted to the traditions and customs of other peoples. Hookah smoking, which was originally an integral part of the life of the peoples of the Middle East, quickly became widespread, including in Russia, thanks to tourists. Today, businessmen make good money by opening establishments specially designed for these purposes.

There are several reasons why entrepreneurs may be interested in a hookah bar business plan with calculations for 2018. First of all, this is the popularity of this type of leisure among domestic consumers. In addition, there is still some shortage of smoking clubs on the market, as a result of which newcomers should not be afraid of competition. Finally, such a business is characterized by good profitability and high margins: a markup on hookah of 250–400% allows you to easily compensate for all the costs of maintaining the establishment and make a decent profit.

Business Features

As a business, a smoking club belongs to the sphere of organizing leisure and entertainment. Therefore, businessmen who are interested in how much it will cost to open a hookah bar, solely for the purpose of finding a source of income that does not require constant participation, should understand that this is impossible. In order for an establishment to become popular, it is necessary not only to recreate a special atmosphere in it, but also to constantly work on the assortment, hold various events, and improve the quality of service.

The main principle of operation of hookah bars is the high speed of table turnover. Ideally, guests should smoke several hookahs within two hours, relax and give way to the next visitors. It’s worse when customers smoke one hookah for a long time, play board games and do not bring profit to the establishment.

There are several methods to combat this phenomenon:

  • By serving several hookahs at the same time, you can reduce the duration of the service cycle. An average company can smoke one hookah for 4-5 hours, while two or three allow its members to achieve satisfaction twice as quickly;
  • Using the “anti-cafe” principle, you can charge guests not for the hookah, but for the time spent at the table. In this case, the number of hookahs served to them at the same time is regulated so that the company has time to relax in two hours;
  • Any items for organizing leisure time distract people from the main thing - the process of smoking. Of course, the establishment should have board games, a TV or game consoles, but guests should not focus their attention on them.

It is easy to build a business providing hookah smoking services - today this type of leisure attracts the attention of a wide variety of consumers, including young people. Listing the advantages of creating a smoking club, it should be noted that:

  • If you are planning to open a hookah bar from scratch, you can count on a market that is relatively free from competitors, even in large cities;
  • This idea is characterized by a high level of profitability, good profitability and an acceptable payback period;
  • When drawing up a business plan for a hookah bar with minimal investment, you should expect interest in the establishment from a wide target audience;
  • There are profitable franchises that allow you to open a hookah bar from scratch in 2018 - the cost of paying a lump sum fee according to the terms of their owners does not exceed 120–200 thousand rubles, and royalties amount to 5–15 thousand rubles monthly.

Hookah bar without tobacco

Since it is impossible to properly open a classic-looking hookah bar in a catering area, many cafe owners offer their guests a variety of mixtures that do not contain tobacco - smoking stones, syrups, herbal mixes. By analogy with electronic cigarettes, such hookahs are not subject to legal restrictions, but the absence of a tobacco component does not delight any category of consumers;

Hookah bar without food

An establishment that provides visitors exclusively with smoking services in a specially designated area is also completely legal from the point of view of legislation, if food and drinks are not sold on its territory. To get around this limitation, some smoking clubs take into account the cost of coffee or tea in the price of a hookah and serve it to guests as a “gift”. In addition, a business plan for opening a hookah bar can be developed in the form of the above-mentioned “anti-cafe”, charging clients a fee for staying on the territory of the establishment and providing them with hookahs along with drinks, formally free of charge.

Methods of legalization

The variety of formats of smoking establishments is a clear illustration of attempts by entrepreneurs to circumvent the requirements of anti-tobacco legislation. To find out how to open a hookah bar legally in 2018, you need to carefully study the current restrictions on the smoking process. In Russia it is prohibited:
  • Smoking mixtures containing tobacco on the territory of any catering establishments;
  • Open smoking rooms in premises belonging to cafes and restaurants;
  • Allow minors into smoking areas;
  • Smoking hookahs and cigarettes on cafe terraces (this issue remains controversial, since the court and Rospotrebnadzor see the situation differently).

At the same time, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows:

  • Smoking other mixtures that do not contain tobacco on the territory of public catering establishments (as noted above, such hookahs do not attract the public);
  • Smoking tobacco mixtures outside the territory of catering establishments, in special places.

Thus, today, to the question of whether it is possible to open a hookah bar legally, there is only one answer: yes, if it is a closed club. Not being a cafe or restaurant, such an establishment will not have signs of catering if there are no drinks or food on the menu. However, guests cannot be prohibited from bringing snacks with them, and if they have a receipt, they can safely eat them while smoking a hookah.

The closed club format requires that each guest express his consent to the fact of smoking on the premises in writing and present some document confirming his age. On your first visit, a short questionnaire is filled out, after which the visitor becomes a member of the community and gets access to hookahs.

How to open a hookah bar from scratch: step-by-step instructions in most cases recommend registering an individual entrepreneur, since an LLC is necessary mainly when organizing alcohol trade. When hiring workers, you also need to register with the pension and health insurance funds. Next, you should obtain permission to operate the establishment from the sanitary and fire control services, and also conclude agreements with the relevant contractors for waste disposal, deratization and disinfestation, recycling of fluorescent lamps and washing of uniforms.

When choosing a taxation system, the UTII system, popular among owners of public catering establishments, cannot be used. An acceptable alternative may be the simplified tax system with payment to the state of 15% of the net profit.

Room and interior

Finding a suitable premises for a smoking club is not easy: the place must not only be characterized by high traffic, but also comply with the requirements of legislation and fire safety regulations, and also meet the entrepreneur’s capabilities regarding rent. Looking through various options, many beginners think about whether it is possible to open a hookah bar in a residential building. There is no direct prohibition in this matter, however:

  • The club premises must be transferred to non-residential use;
  • The hall should be equipped with high-quality sound insulation;
  • When planning to open a hookah bar in a residential building, it is necessary to install the air ducts of the exhaust system above the roof of the building so that neighbors do not smell the tobacco;
  • A separate entrance to the establishment should not be located from the entrances.

Premises intended for smoking tobacco are subject to separate technical and regulatory requirements, which are mentioned in some examples of hookah bar business plans. According to these rules:

  1. An entrepreneur should obtain written consent from the property owner to convert the premises into a smoking club;
  2. Fire evacuation plans must be posted in the hall;
  3. There must be at least one fire extinguisher for every 100 m² of area;
  4. The hookah bar should be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system that provides at least 15 air exchanges per hour;
  5. Connection to electrical networks must be designed for a load of 12–15 kW;
  6. The room must be able to connect to heating, water supply and sewerage systems.

When calculating how much money you need to open a hookah bar, you should assume that to create a medium-sized establishment you will have to rent and renovate a hall with an area of ​​100–120 m². The room must be divided by screens, partitions or curtains into several zones intended for receiving clients, and also provide space for a bar counter, bathrooms, administration room, and warehouse.

Smoking clubs differ from other entertainment establishments by their characteristic atmosphere of peace and leisure. Therefore, before developing a detailed business plan for a hookah bar, you need to study the methods of interior design, appearance and specifics of work of similar establishments located in eastern countries. The following tools will help create the necessary mood among visitors:

  1. Color palette. In general, designers recommend using muted pastel shades, although colorful Arabic carpets and red lighting in seating areas are no less popular;
  2. Furniture. Soft sofas decorated with a large number of pillows are best for relaxation. Ottomans, frameless chairs and tables with short legs should also be designed in oriental style;
  3. Sound accompaniment. Music seems to be one of the most effective tools for creating the appropriate atmosphere. Of course, it is almost impossible to select compositions that are pleasing to the ears of the vast majority of visitors, and therefore this issue remains under the jurisdiction of the owner of the establishment. However, the music should definitely be low and unobtrusive in order to avoid creating obstacles for guests’ communication;
  4. Light. Bright ceiling lighting is contraindicated for hookah bars. Preference should be given to wall or spotlights of low power.

Equipment and equipment

When purchasing equipment for a smoking club, an entrepreneur must find the optimal combination of reliability, functionality and cost. For example, in retail stores the same sofas sometimes turn out to be much cheaper than from suppliers of specialized furniture for catering, but their low strength contributes to an undesirable reduction in service life.

A slightly different strategy should be followed when choosing hookahs: in practice, inexpensive universal models made in Egypt have proven themselves to be the best. On the other hand, to attract sophisticated guests, you can purchase several unusual examples with backlighting, a painted glass bulb, or additional cooling of the smoke.

When calculating how much it costs to open a hookah bar, we must not forget about the issues of organizing visitors’ leisure time. For these purposes, establishment owners purchase various board games, organize areas for those who want to watch TV or play on a console, broadcast sporting events, and even organize oriental dance evenings. What you need to open a hookah bar from scratch:

Equipping a hookah lounge with an area of ​​100 m²

Name price, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Technical systems
Security alarm 30000 1 30000
Fire alarm 25000 1 25000
Ventilation system 195000 1 195000
Audio system with overhead speakers 38000 1 38000
Laptop 18000 1 18000
Multifunction device 9000 1 9000
Wi-Fi router 2000 1 2000
Internet connection 2000 1 2000
Three-seater soft sofa 21250 16 340000
Bag chair 1200 16 19200
Low table 1500 8 12000
Administrator's chair 1500 1 1500
Drapery and zoning 120000 1 120000
Wall light 1200 20 24000
Furniture pillow 500 48 24000
Metal hanger 2200 8 17600
Bar counter 95000 1 95000
Food equipment and utensils
Ice maker 12000 1 12000
Coffee machine 71000 1 71000
Tea cup 150 50 7500
Coffee cup 170 50 8500
teaspoon 50 50 2500
Sugar bowl 250 8 2000
Napkin holder 220 8 1760
Cash machine 12000 1 12000
Chromed fire extinguisher 3500 2 7000
Hookah storage rack 3500 1 3500
Lockers for staff clothing 3200 6 19200
Employee uniform 1500 8 9000
Plumbing kit 15000 2 30000
Entertainment and leisure
Checkers/Chess/Backgammon in a set 3500 8 28000
Cards 600 8 4800
Domino 500 8 4000
TV 55” 45000 1 45000
Egyptian hookah 2800 16 44800
Forceps 200 2 400
Hole puncher 150 2 300
Ershik 170 2 340
Coal basket 900 2 1800
Ignition for coals 1100 2 2200
Hookah cup 100 16 1600
Spare flask 1300 4 5200
Two hose splitter 800 8 6400
Additional hose 800 8 6400
Total: 1309500


Any efforts of an entrepreneur aimed at studying questions about business plans and detailed concepts of an establishment may be useless without polite, correct and qualified personnel. To operate a small smoking club you need:

  • Administrator. The responsibilities of the administrator include meeting guests, finding out their preferences regarding the type of tobacco and drinks, escorting them to a free table, registering new club members;
  • Hookah man. This specialist must have the highest qualifications. When hiring, preference should be given not to creative individuals who spend half an hour creating a unique mix, but to efficient employees who can prepare a high-quality hookah in five minutes without unnecessary frills;
  • Waiter. Must accept orders for making coffee or tea, provide board games to visitors, make payments and issue a receipt;
  • Cleaning woman. A public establishment, especially one decorated with carpets and rugs, must be cleaned daily. In addition, in a smoking club, someone must wash dishes, wipe tables and clean hookahs.

Entrepreneurs calculating how much it costs to open a hookah bar in a small town can use the staffing table below, compiled for an establishment operating in two shifts. Those who have as their goal the conquest of the metropolis will have to increase employee salaries by at least 50%; on the other hand, the average bill of a smoking club located in the regional center is also significantly higher.

Staffing schedule of the hookah bar

Range of services

When listing what is needed to open a hookah bar from scratch, among other activities it is necessary to mention the development of an assortment of hookahs and leisure facilities offered by the establishment. In addition to regular tobacco, an entrepreneur can include a huge number of flavored mixtures in the hookah card:

Hookah fillers

Flavors of tobacco blends
Apricot Grape Coconut Mint
A pineapple Cherry Cinnamon Peach
Orange Pomegranate Latte Rose
Watermelon Melon Lemon Plum
Banana Jasmine Raspberries Chocolate
Vanilla Strawberry Honey Apple
Fillers for bowls and flasks
apple pomegranate juice absinthe
grapefruit melon wine sambuca
a pineapple milk cognac rum

Entrepreneurs who are struck by the thought: “I want to open a hookah bar,” sometimes pay excessive attention to the issues of organizing the leisure time of visitors, forgetting about the main goal - selling hookahs themselves. In order not to distract guests too much from smoking, you can limit yourself to the following entertainment:

  • Board games. This category includes backgammon, chess and checkers, cards, lotto and even the well-known Monopoly;
  • Gaming consoles. They should be used with caution, since during the game customers not only forget about the hookahs, but also make noise, thereby creating discomfort for other visitors;
  • TV programs and films. A more neutral option that allows you to attract a specific target audience to watch sports broadcasts or popular films. However, we should not forget that guests with other interests may be disturbed by too loud a sound.

Promotion of a hookah bar

How to open a hookah bar according to the law and avoid fines for promoting its services? After the introduction of the provision banning any promotion of tobacco use, owners of completely legal smoking clubs were faced with the following:

  1. Advertising materials cannot depict not only people smoking, but also objects associated with this process - pipes, hookahs and their parts, tongs and other accessories;
  2. Advertising must not mention or encourage smoking;
  3. Booklets can only be distributed to interested adults;
  4. Leaflets and flyers cannot be posted or placed in mailboxes;
  5. It is formally prohibited to publish advertisements on social networks.

Of course, some neglect these requirements, but when choosing between legal and illegal ways to promote a hookah bar, it is still better to prefer the first option: the risk of fines and even the closure of the establishment is not justified by the immediate increase in the number of customers. However, there are not many legal ways left:

  • You can promote a website containing information about the hookah bar and the services it offers, as well as a table booking mechanism. Access to the resource should be limited to persons who have confirmed their majority;
  • Social networks remain a good way to advertise this year. The community page must contain a warning that the materials published here are prohibited for viewing by persons under 18 years of age;
  • Word of mouth also works great for hookah bars. Exclusive offers (for example, a special mix or a hookah man trained in Arab countries) in combination with the high-quality provision of basic services can arouse active interest among the target audience;
  • A hookah bar operating in the format of a closed club needs to constantly use its established contact base and interact with clients who have previously visited the establishment. You can send them information about discounts or promotions by email or SMS, inform them about upcoming events and new services.


Opening a full-fledged hookah bar can hardly be called: the cost of the hookahs themselves is low, but repairing and decorating the hall, buying furniture, installing a ventilation system will require much more significant investments from the entrepreneur:

Initial Investment

Article Amount, rub.
SPD registration 4000
Rental during renovation 75000
Design project 100000
Repair work 300000
Signboard 25000
Equipment 1309500
Marketing expenses 20000
Administrative expenses 10000
Total: 1843500

When figuring out how much it costs to open a hookah bar in Moscow, some of the values ​​given here should be increased by 30–50%: for example, finding a company willing to carry out repairs at a rate of 3,000 rubles/m² is quite difficult. Rent near metro stations with high traffic can also reach 1,500–2,000 rubles/m² per month.

We should not forget that to achieve success, it is not enough to simply find the necessary capital and open a hookah bar from scratch in 2018: the costs of maintaining the functioning of the business, purchasing consumables and paying employees may seem unreasonably high for a beginning entrepreneur. Therefore, it is advisable to have some reserve of funds for current expenses so as not to go bankrupt in the first month of work.

Operating expenses of a hookah bar

Revenues and profitability

Obviously, entrepreneurs are primarily interested in the question of whether it is profitable to open a hookah bar. To determine the profitability of an establishment, you need to make some calculations using basic input data - the cost of the service and the expected attendance of the club.

Analyzing the data presented on the Internet, you can see that hookah bars, with slight variations, set the price for hookahs in the range of 900–1200 rubles, changing it depending on the type of tobacco, filler for the flask and the use of fruit as a bowl. If each company stays at a table for two hours, then a club operating from 12:00 to 2:00 can theoretically sell 56–60 hookahs per day. However, in the initial stages you should not expect such an intense flow of customers, so when making calculations you should assume that the establishment will be half-loaded. The cost of one hookah prepared with wine, juice or milk for a company of four people is:

Cost of hookah

Considering how much it costs to open a hookah bar from scratch in the format of a full-fledged smoking club, you can calculate the main economic parameters of the enterprise and calculate the payback period for investments:

Economic indicators of hookah bar

Is it worth opening a hookah bar in 2018? Obviously, this business is distinguished by good profitability and guaranteed payback even with a minimal flow of visitors. However, an entrepreneur must be prepared for the fact that he will have to invest at least two million rubles in the business, and then expect their return within a year.

Video on the topic


In conclusion, here are some tips for budding entrepreneurs from experienced hookah bar owners who have been serving visitors for many years:

  1. You should not experiment with elite types of tobacco and unusual mixtures. It is better to offer a wide range of inexpensive but high-quality Egyptian products;
  2. You should not purchase the most expensive or designer hookahs, since the difference between them and ordinary products when smoking is impossible to notice. On the other hand, cheap Chinese consumer goods will also not decorate the establishment;
  3. Is it worth opening a hookah bar with alcohol? It is better to completely remove hot drinks from sale and even prohibit customers from bringing them with them. Firstly, the behavior of drunk guests becomes unpredictable, and secondly, any inspector can issue a huge fine to the establishment;

You can work endlessly as a hookah man in a cool bar, but somewhere in the depths of your soul a thought always creeps in: what if you open a hookah bar yourself? Using your experience and knowledge, you can do everything a hundred times better, take into account mistakes, attract your client base...

Everything looks simple, and now you are already collecting the last money to rent the premises, but what next? Are you ready to face the collection of documents, personnel selection, meetings with security services, master plans, and careless landlords?

There are many obstacles on the way to your own hookah bar, which we decided to talk about. People who have already walked this path, stories of success and failure: all the most important things to create a thriving business in a new series of articles.

What you need to open a hookah bar from scratch: how it all starts

Yes, desire alone is not enough 😉

And even an impressive starting capital is not a guarantee of success (although it will make your fate much easier). You will have to understand the laws, look for premises, perhaps come to an agreement with the “neighbors” and in general it is necessary to think through the concept to the smallest detail!

By the way, each region faces different problems. In large cities there is huge competition, plus there is the prospect of a very large income, so bars attract the attention of all kinds of services. Everyone will have to come to an agreement.

“Different regions have different attitudes towards our “penumbral” business. In some regions, inspections come every week and demand something that they themselves do not understand. They came to my friend and asked for a “license to run a hookah business” (!!!), but they couldn’t find out anything beyond a humorous answer.

Check for employment of personnel, firefighters, etc. These people should become, at a minimum, friends, and at maximum, frequent visitors.”Arseniy, hookah bar “Cosmo House”, Belgorod.

Naturally, a responsible owner will make sure that there is nothing to complain about, otherwise there is a risk of fines or even closure. But even if these issues are “solved,” guests are unlikely to appreciate the lack of proper sanitation, poor ventilation, and staff who speak little Russian.

Therefore, it is important to take care of all the points from the beginning. Yes, when creating your first hookah bar, it’s difficult to take everything into account; a lot will come with experience, and something will need to be completed or changed during operation. But a serious-minded person with an entrepreneurial spirit will not spend money on creating a frankly failed bar.

If you want to open a hookah bar according to the law, you will have to work out all the requirements: from registration (individual entrepreneur or legal entity) to official employment of personnel with the appropriate salary level and installation of high-quality ventilation (which will entail large costs).

And then you will have to develop the concept of the establishment, plan the design, assortment, and menu. Searching for premises, renting and repairing are generally worthy of a separate book. Well, the icing on the cake will be promotion and advertising campaigns so that people other than your friends will come to the opening :)

Where to open a hookah bar

One of the most difficult and important issues to be resolved. Firstly, you should decide on the location. In the central parts, rent will be more expensive, and there is likely to be more competition there. Having 5 similar competitors within walking distance is unlikely to be a plus.

Secondly, find out the potential target audience. If you see students as your guests, choose an area close to educational institutions. Sometimes the best place will be a residential area with a small selection of places to relax. People like to spend time close to home after work.

Third, To avoid problems, choose a place where there are no playgrounds, schools, or hospitals nearby. It is better if it is a separate building or an area in a non-residential building.

Huge plus: availability of parking, open area, terrace, panoramic windows (if the rented area is at a height), proximity to transport.

How much does it cost to open a hookah bar?

Budget planning is the most important step, since miscalculations and overestimation of one’s capabilities will inevitably lead to problems.

Key points to consider when drawing up an estimate:

  • Rent price, and when drawing up the contract, payment is made for the first and last month, or the amount for the first month + deposit (returned after the expiration of the contract, provided that there is no need for repairs). In any case, this is double rent.
  • Payment of personnel. You can't hire people without a guaranteed salary, so budget for the salary amount for all employees. If you manage your business correctly, in a few months you will be in good profit, and salaries for team members will be deducted from income.
  • Services of a designer, repair team, building materials. If you hire a designer, he will help you calculate the price of services and materials. And when you do everything yourself, you will have to monitor prices manually: go to hardware stores, call offices.
  • Purchase of equipment. It all depends on your capabilities and desires; if you want to diversify your kitchen, but now there is no money to buy stoves, start with a simple menu. You will have to purchase good hookahs and accessories, a coffee machine, dishes, teapots, and cutlery.
  • First purchase of products. It will definitely be different from subsequent ones, because you don’t know the consumption yet, you don’t know what the flow of clientele will be, but you need to have enough of everything! Make sure there is enough tobacco, tea, drinks, clean water and snacks.

Calculate how much all this will cost and add another 20-30% of the amount received. This will be able to cover additional costs that are guaranteed to arise. For example, servicing cashless payment terminals, purchasing uniforms (sometimes this is done after several months of productive bar operation), etc.

In order to feel more or less confident, you need to have at least 800,000 rubles, provided that you have a small space, promotion and weak competition are enough. It is better to enter the business with an amount of at least a million.

No one advises taking out a loan to open a hookah bar; this is too risky a step and has a lot of live anti-advertising. Obligations to creditors often drive you into a deep hole and lead to bankruptcy. It’s better to calculate expenses, save up funds and do it on your own. As a last resort, borrow only part of the necessary funds (up to 30%).

It is not uncommon to attract investors; usually there are 2-3 co-founders, whose contributions are distributed for different needs.

What is a franchise and what advantages does it provide?

Naturally, using a name that has already been promoted can be very useful. On the other hand, along with simplified promotion conditions, you receive a package of obligations and relative restrictions in terms of design, menu, and assortment.

Such an establishment will never be completely yours. Therefore, you have to analyze the benefits of opening a franchise.

The name doesn't always matter. If the conventional bar “Shisha” is popular in Moscow, this does not mean that they have even heard of it somewhere in Taganrog. Also, a well-known cafe in Belarus is unlikely to immediately become popular in Russian cities.

Therefore, if the popularity of the “Brand” is not too great, it is not logical to rely on a well-promoted name; the geography of popularity plays a role.

But there are advantages that are much more profitable. For example, special terms of delivery from the supplier (discounts, wholesale, special taste only for your franchise, branded accessories, etc.), design proposals for design and any other goodies that are difficult to get without well-known colleagues and sponsors.

What documents are needed to officially establish a bar?

“I want to open a hookah bar, but can I do it legally?” This question often worries potential owners of smoky bars, and for good reason, since the legal framework for such businesses is weak and does not have clear boundaries/requirements.

Documentation is a very sensitive issue, since at this stage there is no clear regulation in the legislation of the procedure for maintaining hookah bars. Now the procedure is the same as for establishing a regular catering business, which is why the business is called “penumbral”.

They are registered in a variety of variations: individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, some act as private individuals, but you won’t be able to tell the difference until you try it yourself. The fact is that each type of entrepreneurship has its own benefits and responsibilities. For cafes in a small town and in big cities, different types of entrepreneurial activity will make sense.

Therefore, with the issue of proper registration, you should seek advice from a qualified lawyer.

Among other documents there will be plans for reconstruction, redevelopment, ventilation, and a fire safety plan in the end.

More about the legalization of the hookah business in our friend’s video brent-chef and co-owner of the hookah bar NO NAME BAR (Moscow/Khimki) Maxim Maksimych:

Since August 2017, a law banning hookahs and vapes has been actively discussed, which can significantly complicate the procedure. It is still at the draft stage and is unlikely to be accepted in its current form. Still, update your knowledge of the legal framework before you get ready to start a business in 2018.

Additional “papers” will be needed if you want to sell not only food and hookahs, but also alcohol. You will have to obtain a license to sell alcohol - this is expensive and quite difficult. In addition, there will be a new expense item for cleaning dishes, and maybe security. It depends on what kind of guests will come to you 😉

Details about opening a hookah bar from mouth Brand-chef and co-owner of the hookah bar NO NAME BAR (Moscow/Khimki) Maxim Maksimych in the video:

Main problems + bonus: real story of failure

If you have read up to this point, then you are already aware of many pitfalls. Ventilation, service checks, advertising, problems with “neighbors” if a hookah-bar opens in a residential building - this is not a complete list of obstacles.

“Advertising is not allowed due to the anti-tobacco law, difficulties may arise with neighbors in the rented premises, inspections by Rospotrebnadzor”Ksenia Mayorova, administrator of the hookah bar “el Sotano”, Kolomna.

It’s really difficult to predict everything, but by protecting yourself in all directions, unforeseen situations will not be able to shake your confidence.

  1. If you know, how much money is needed, add a little more to this amount– a financial cushion will be an ideal help for solving emergency situations.
  2. In advance test the waters among suppliers, compare prices, including delivery, discuss preferential terms for wholesale and find the most profitable options.
  3. Make a competent business plan. And if you don’t know how to do this, or don’t want to make a mistake, get ready for additional expenses on the services of planning specialists.
  4. Be responsible when choosing staff. It can be difficult for a young bar to attract top specialists, but even young employees with little experience can be different. Choose those who have the “fuse”, the general idea or their own vision of the work. A hookah man with his own client base will be a huge bonus.
  5. Consider all advertising options that can be implemented within the framework of the anti-tobacco law.
  6. Do not skimp on fire safety, high-quality ventilation and compliance with sanitary standards. The relevant services can close the bar in no time due to problems in these areas. In addition to closure, serious fines may be issued.

Now you know how to properly establish a hookah bar, and in order to avoid making other people’s mistakes, read the man’s story about the unsuccessful opening of an establishment: “

How popular is hookah bar in general? Many people are scared off by the 2013 anti-tobacco law. When preparing hookah, both tobacco-free and tobacco-containing mixtures are used, so other owners of cafes and restaurants, who previously had a so-called hookah area in their establishments, abandoned this idea.

Therefore, from the point of view of legislation, a hookah bar is an absolutely legal type of business activity, subject to compliance with the requirements prescribed by law. This article contains a comprehensive answer to the current question in Russia about how to open a hookah bar and how legal it is.

Opening a hookah bar involves drawing up a clear business plan with the following stages:

  • Find a room - on the territory of an existing restaurant or cafe (which is more profitable) or separate;
  • Prepare it for opening in compliance with all legal requirements;
  • Decorate and decorate the premises;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment, decide on additional assortment.
  • Find suppliers of tobacco and non-tobacco mixtures, related products (foil, coals, etc.)
  • Launch an advertising campaign;

Basic startup costs

  • Business registration. The cost is about 1000 rubles. – from 20,000.
  • - about 1000 rubles.
  • Premises rental – from 20,000.
  • Design project for a hookah bar – from 30,000 rubles.
  • Decoration and equipment of the premises - about 200,000 rubles.
  • Installation of ventilation systems, fire safety, etc. to start operating - about 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of hookahs and spare parts for them – from 50,000.
  • Hookah maker consumables (tobacco, coals, foil, etc.) – from 10,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses – 50,000 rubles.

Thus, you will need an initial investment of 400,000 rubles. It’s better to have at least 600,000 rubles in order to be able to pay rent for the premises, pay salaries to employees, etc. if unforeseen circumstances arise.

What is better - opening your own hookah bar from scratch or buying a ready-made business?

Although buying an existing business is a simpler and for many a logical decision, it is not a universal way out of the situation. An owner can sell an existing business for a number of reasons, which usually take a long and expensive time to resolve.

They usually sell an unprofitable business, because one that is working brings good profits to its owner. Usually the most popular reason for selling a business is the founder changing his field of activity. And usually, this is just a beautiful legend for buyers.

When buying a hookah bar, it is important to consider:

  • Location.
  • Presence of competitors nearby;
  • Compliance of the premises with fire safety conditions and Rospotrebnadzor requirements;
  • Decoration of the premises, style of the establishment;
  • Turnover for the last few quarters;
  • Competence of employees;

When purchasing an existing business, it is optimal to hire a business consultant or coach to analyze the company. The reason for selling a hookah bar can be anything, but buying a business that is obviously unprofitable means throwing money away.

Premises requirements

To open your own hookah bar, the requirements for the premises are regulated, first of all, by the law on the prohibition of smoking. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to certain factors:

  1. The room must have fire alarm, good exhaust hood, ventilation system.
  2. A kitchen should not be placed in a room where hookahs are smoked. Therefore, to open a hookah cafe, you need to open two different premises next door, delivering food and drinks from the cafe to the hookah bar to order. You can also agree to rent a separate area at an existing cafe or restaurant (if hookahs are not on their menu and are not offered to guests).
  3. The room must also correspond SES standards.
  4. A hookah bar is an establishment where people come to sit quietly, smoke and relax. Often its operating hours are 24 hours a day, which may not be liked by residents of nearby houses, so if you open a hookah bar in a residential area, you should take into account the factor of neighbors.
  5. The ideal choice for a place for a hookah bar is premises adjacent to an existing bar or restaurant. A constant flow of customers in a restaurant is very convenient, since if you agree with the restaurant owner and allocate a certain percentage of the profit to him, he will actively advertise your services, and everyone will be happy.

To open a small hookah bar you will need space at least 50 square meters. It is necessary to equip the room by dividing it into individual smoking areas (so that guests can sit in privacy), and allocating several larger areas for offices for large companies.

For zones designed for one or two people, it is enough to allocate about 2-3 square meters area. For large companies - from 5 to 10 squares.

Important! To open a hookah bar, it is completely inappropriate to rent a separate room. It is much more profitable to equip a separate area for any entertainment establishment.

Good to know! When choosing a location, pay attention to the average bill of the establishment where your hookah bar will be located. It must be from 1000 rubles. The minimum number of visitors at a given point per day must be at least 60 people.

Room decoration

Hookah comes from eastern countries, so it is logical to use an oriental theme when decorating the interior. Soft pillows, low tables, all kinds of fabrics, even a mini-tent for a large company - everything can be included.

It is advisable to invest in a good designer who can create a truly unique and recognizable style for the establishment. This, of course, depends on the starting capital with which you plan to launch.

A good audio system and thoughtful lighting are a must. Intimate, subdued soft light creates a cozy atmosphere in the establishment, allowing visitors to truly relax.

Documents required to open a hookah bar

If you don’t want to wait in horror for an unscheduled inspection from Rospotrebnadzor, before opening a hookah bar you should take care obtaining all necessary permits:

  • Certificate of (individual entrepreneur or LLC);
  • Permission from the fire department;
  • Permission from the SES;
  • License to sell tobacco products (if you plan to serve hookahs with mixtures containing tobacco);
  • License for retail sale of alcoholic beverages (if it is planned to sell alcoholic beverages in addition to hookah);


Hookah lovers often have it at home and smoke it regularly. Therefore, the idea of ​​hiring people without experience and quickly teaching them how to make hookahs is often doomed to failure.

An ordinary person who is not a hookah fan will not notice the mistakes of incompetent employees, but with hookah fans these mistakes should not be allowed. Therefore, finding employees will be quite difficult.

Who can be considered a good hookah piper?

  • A hookah maker must be able to make many different hookahs - fruit-based, water-based, wine-based, designer hookahs;
  • He must replace the coals in the hookah on time;
  • He must really love hookahs - only a truly enthusiastic person can devote himself completely to work.
  • An experienced hookah man creates a special atmosphere with his mere presence, and guests come to such establishments precisely for this.

Usually a hookah man works according to the following payment system: exit fee + percentage from hookah sales + tips from guests.

Exit fee: from 500 rubles.

Usually the cost of a hookah– from 500 to 3500 rubles. The hookah man receives up to 20% of sales.

Sufficient for working in a small establishment two hookah workers. Since an establishment of this format is usually 24 hours a day, hookah workers must work in shifts.

Expenses for from 30,000 rubles per month.


Opening a hookah bar is something that pays for itself quickly – on average, from 3 to 6 months. No major investments required - from 400,000 rubles.

The minimum net profit from a hookah bar is from 80,000 rubles per month. And if you comply with the requirements described in the article, there should be no difficulties with the law and inspectors.

How to open a hookah bar from scratch? Detailed instructions in this video:​
