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Plasticine sleigh. DIY New Year's craft. How to make Santa Claus' New Year's sleigh from plasticine with your own hands step by step Santa Claus' sleigh from plasticine

With the approaching New Year holidays, not only children, but also adults are waiting for miracles and gifts. Anyone can create a magical atmosphere in their home, and for this you don’t need to go to the store; you can create them yourself.

The toy Snow Maiden and Santa Claus can be seated not just under the New Year tree, but in a sleigh made of cardboard. In addition, Santa Claus's sleigh can be an original idea for gift wrapping or a stand for sweets and fruits. They are easy to make and take very little time to make.

Making a sleigh out of cardboard with your own hands

You can make this craft together with your child; he will be delighted with the New Year’s preparations and spending time together. There are many master classes on making cardboard sleighs. Some of them are suitable for working with children younger age, and there are also those that can be offered to older children.

Cardboard sleigh of Santa Claus: step by step

To create a craft, the following materials and tools will be useful: multi-colored thick cardboard, foil, scissors, paint, glue and various decorative elements.

First you need to cut out the parts from which the child will later assemble Santa Claus's sleigh. The template for such crafts in most cases has a standard appearance.

Make two identical parts from blue and white cardboard and glue them together. After this, the paper blank is folded along the marked lines and the sled is glued together.

The craft can be decorated using foil. From it you just need to cut out two parts in the shape of the sides, only a little smaller, and glue them to the base on the sides. You can decorate the sled using paints, stickers in the shape of snowflakes, etc.

Such a sleigh is not the limit; a beautiful fruit stand can be made using thick cardboard, corrugated paper and padding polyester.

First you need to find a suitable template, trace it on cardboard and cut out two parts. Corrugated paper should be glued to one of the copies and the excess should be trimmed along the contour. In the same way, glue two parts on both sides.

The next step is to cut out the bottom of the sled. Cut out a rectangle of the desired width from cardboard, adding a centimeter on each side for indentation. The part is bent, divided into three parts: the base of the sled and two backs (small and large). The indentations also need to be bent, coated with glue and glued to the side parts.

Two strips should be cut out of padding polyester and glued to the sides, simulating snow and covering the un-glued edges of the cardboard. You need to wait until the sleigh is dry and fill it with sweets or fruits.

Sweet New Year's sleigh

It's easy to make such a Santa Claus sleigh with your own hands. Any child will love this little candy gift. It’s easy to create a sweet souvenir, and its cost will be low, so you can please all the children you know with such a New Year’s surprise.

To make one sweet gift you will need two candy canes, one flat chocolate bar, candies, a glue gun, a ribbon and a bow for decoration.

Step-by-step instructions

Following the instructions, Santa Claus's sweet sleigh can be made quickly and without any problems.

  1. The first step is to create the base of the sled. To do this, a large chocolate bar is glued to the candy canes using a glue gun. It should be taken into account that very little glue is used in this work.
  2. Four flat candies are glued in a row on top of the chocolate.
  3. The next layer will already consist of three candies.
  4. Next, you need to glue two more candies on top. The resulting “pyramid” is completed by one candy. To make the sleigh neat and beautiful, you need to select candies of the same size, while the wrappers should be bright and varied.
  5. At the end of the work, the sweet gift should be decorated with a ribbon and a gift bow.

Original packaging enhances the effect of gifts. Santa Claus's sleigh is original idea for and souvenirs. They are not difficult to make, the work will take little time, but the effect will be irresistible and will surprise everyone. You can do this craft together with your child to give a joint gift to your loved ones for the New Year. Moreover, creativity has a beneficial effect on the development of children.

Let's start making ours. Roll four small white balls and two larger white balls.

Roll all the white balls into cone-shaped rolls with one pointed tip.

Bend the resulting white rollers slightly.

Attach to the larger white rollers one small white roller on each side (the horns).

Head and ears.

Roll one light brown ball of the desired size and two small dark brown balls.

Roll a light brown ball into a roller and give it the shape of an egg (head). Roll the dark brown balls into cone-shaped rolls with one pointed tip.

Use the head of a match to squeeze out two holes in the deer’s head (nostrils) and flatten the dark brown cone-shaped ridges into cakes (ears).

Correctly attach the ears and antlers to the deer's head.

Roll two small purple balls, two larger white balls (eyes) and two tiny black beads (pupils).

Roll out the purple balls into spindle-shaped rolls and attach the black pupils in the center of the eyes.

Flatten the purple rolls into small spindle-shaped cakes (eyelids).

Cover the top of the eyes with purple eyelids and attach the eyes to the deer's head in the correct location.


Roll one small light brown ball, one larger green ball, and one large light brown ball.

Roll out a small light brown ball into a cone-shaped roll with one pointed tip (tail) and flatten the green ball into a round cake. Roll a large light brown ball into a roller and give it the same shape as in the picture (torso).

Lift the narrow end of your torso up. Using two halves of a toothpick, attach a green cake (green collar) to it. The ends of the toothpick should remain outside. Attach the ponytail in the desired place and lift its tip up.

Place the deer head on the ends of the toothpick.

Roll four light brown balls of the desired size and four smaller purple balls.

Roll the light brown balls into four blunt-ended rolls (legs). Roll out the purple balls into four small spindle-shaped pointed rollers (hooves).

Bend the four hooves as shown in the picture. Hold the stem with one hand and insert a toothpick into the stem with a rotating motion with the other. Then remove the toothpick, break off one sharp tip and reinsert the toothpick with the blunt end into the hole formed. The blunt end of the toothpick should reach the work surface.

Place your feet on your hooves. Place the deer body on the ends of the toothpicks. Plasticine deer ready.

Plasticine sleigh.

To make a sled, roll a large red ball. Press the ball onto the work surface and line one side of the ball. Use your fingers to squeeze out a hole, stretch the edges and give it the same shape as in the picture (sleigh). Roll out a very long yellow roller and attach it in the desired location. The base (invisible) of the sled is a small cube of white plasticine. Insert two halves of a toothpick into the top of the cube and place a sleigh on the ends.

Gives everyone gifts. Millions of children around the world look forward to Santa Claus every year, writing letters to him mentioning that they behaved well. whole year. They ask you to give them a specific thing. This article describes how to make Santa Claus from plasticine. Sit back comfortably - and let's start sculpting!

Tools and materials

To create the main New Year's character, we will need: plasticine of various colors, a special knife for working with the material used - a stack. You also need a board on which the entire work process will take place. If you have already prepared all this, let's start sculpting Santa Claus from plasticine with your own hands.

Santa Claus made of plasticine

In order to make such a character, you will need plasticine in white, beige and red colors. Beige can be replaced with pink or another color that resembles skin tones.

  • We start, as always, with the head. Roll a ball out of beige plasticine. Next, we take a small piece of white plasticine and, having rolled it out, carefully attach it to the head, thereby depicting the beard of Santa Claus.
  • Next, we sculpt a body from plasticine. For it, we need to roll out an oval and, on one side, using our fingers, flatten it a little.
  • On the smaller side of the body we attach the head.
  • We make hands from red balls, gradually rolling them into sausages. One side of the arms should be thicker than the other: the lower, the more voluminous - this is how we depict the sleeves of Santa Claus's fur coat. We attach the sleeves on both sides of the body.
  • We will sculpt the hands from white plasticine. To do this, simply roll small balls and attach them to the bottom of the sleeves.
  • Go ahead. Let's move on to the face of Santa Claus made from plasticine. Roll a small beige ball that will serve as the nose. Glue it in the middle of the face.
  • The eyes are exactly the same, only white, balls. Glue them just above the nose. The pupils can be made either from black plasticine, or simply dotted with black paint.
  • For eyebrows you will need a very tiny amount of plasticine. Roll it out into two tiny sausages and attach it above the eyes.
  • The mustache remains. White plasticine needs to be rolled into balls and flattened with your fingers to a plane. We place the mustache directly under the nose.
  • Add a small red dot under the mustache - this will be the mouth.
  • Now let's see how to make a Santa Claus hat from plasticine. We lay the foundation with red: we make a triangle, and below, with white we make a snake - fur. Attach a pompom - a white ball - to the tip of the cap.

Santa Claus is ready!


The face of Santa Claus can be made in other ways. For example, give him a wavy beard or attach flowers to his cap, as shown in the photo below.

You can also make a simpler version: without eyebrows and even without a mouth - as in the photo below.

Santa Claus's sleigh

How to make a sleigh for Santa Claus from plasticine? You will need brown, yellow and white plasticine.

  • Roll several balls from brown plasticine and two balls from yellow.
  • Roll out two brown sausages and bend the ends on one side. These will be skis.
  • Next we sculpt the legs connecting the skis to the seat of the sled. We take four smaller balls, roll them out into very short sausages and attach them to two skis.
  • We take the largest of the balls, roll it out to a flat rectangular shape, use a stack to cut out boards on the seat and attach it to the legs.
  • From two more medium-sized balls we roll out the parts for the back.
  • We roll two yellow balls into snakes and decorate the back of the seat along the contour.
  • We use brown to make a handle for the sleigh. We put small dots on the sides with white.

Now the sleigh is ready!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden made of plasticine

You can also make his granddaughter and assistant Snegurochka next to Santa Claus. To make it you will need plasticine in blue, white, yellow and black colors.

  • From white plasticine we roll a ball - the head of a snow maiden. We take the yellow color, roll it into a ball, flatten it on a board and glue it onto the top of the head - one fourth of it. Using a stack, we give the Snow Maiden bangs.
  • We make the nose and eyes of the Snow Maiden in the same way as the head - we roll small balls and place them on the face. We also cut out the mouth using a plasticine knife.
  • Let's move on to sculpting the body. We make a large sausage from blue plasticine and attach it to the head. We sculpt the sleeves of the fur coat in the same way, only the sausages should be smaller in size. At the end of the handles, using a stack, cut out the thumb. At the junction of the end of the sleeve and the beginning of the hand, we glue a thin sausage made of white plasticine, as if depicting fur on the sleeves. Same white fur We attach it at the bottom of the fur coat, in the neck area, and in the middle of the body from top to bottom.
  • In order to make the Snow Maiden's braids, you need to roll out two strips of yellow plasticine and rewind them together.
  • We make a kokoshnik from blue: we make a ball, flatten it in our palms and use a stack to cut out the shape of the kokoshnik. We attach it from above to the head. That's all, the Snow Maiden is ready!

We discussed how to make Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from plasticine, now we will try to make snowmen.

Snowmen made of plasticine

To sculpt a snowman you will need mostly white plasticine. If desired, you can make a hat, scarf and buttons - you can choose any color.

  • For the head we roll a white ball. We cut out the mouth using a stack. The eyes are black balls, the nose is orange. Blush on the cheeks can be depicted using paints.
  • The body is a white cone. We attach the head to it, as well as arms - sausages and legs - the same sausages, only larger in size.
  • We make the button from a ball, which then needs to be flattened using your fingers.
  • A scarf is a flat snake, at the end of which, using a special knife for plasticine, we make tassels.
  • We begin to sculpt the hat from a wide flattened snake, the relief of which is also given with a knife. At the top we attach a flat, cone-shaped piece of red color, at the end of which we attach a white ball.

The snowman is ready! This is how easy it is to make Father Frost, his sleigh, the Snow Maiden and snowmen. Good luck!

All children are waiting for the good Father Frost in winter with the desired gifts. And everyone knows that he travels around the planet on a loaded sleigh pulled by reindeer. We already know how to make a deer from plasticine, but in this lesson let's start creating a sleigh. We hope both your child and you will be interested in such creativity. Feel free to get down to business, guided by our guide.

1. Bright plasticine in rich colors and a cheerful pre-holiday mood are the key to a successful time with your child. Buy a set for plasticine creativity.

2. Since any plasticine is a soft material, you should choose some kind of base for the sleigh seat. Let it be a matchbox or any other rectangular box. Make a large canvas out of bright red plasticine by kneading a piece in your hands and pressing it with your fingers onto the board until it forms a cake.

3. Fold one narrower side of the box down. Place a red blanket on top.

4. Level the surface of the red blanket from the inside and outside, carefully gluing the plasticine to the surface of the box, create a carriage for Santa Claus.

5. For edging, take bright plasticine, for example, yellow. Pull the soft pieces into thin long threads.

6. Glue the yellow border around the entire perimeter of the red carriage, pressing down with your fingers to fix the plasticine.

7. Roll out a long rope to sculpt skis. For this you can use orange, brown, white or any other color of plasticine.

8. Bend the long piece in the middle, then press with your fingers to create a flat ski.

9. Attach the skis to the carriage, this way you will complete a real fairy tale sleigh.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Now all that remains for Santa Claus is to load the sleigh with gifts and gems and go on a New Year's journey. We also suggest you make Father Frost himself and his granddaughter Snegurochka.

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IN New Year's Eve travels around the world. He delivers gifts to all the children, and he gets around on a sleigh. All children know this, and enjoy watching cartoons and fairy tales about a kind grandfather. And you can feel like the same wizard if you mold some kind of New Year’s attribute from plasticine. In this lesson we will show you how to make Santa Claus' New Year's sleigh from plasticine with your own hands step by step.
To make a luxurious, rich sleigh, it is better to use red plasticine, as well as some kind of base, to save material and make the object the desired shape.

Other lessons on the topic New Year:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Take Matchbox, a stack and a block of red plasticine to create a sleigh for Santa Claus.

Mash up most of the red plasticine and apply a thin layer to the box, smoothing it out on all sides with your fingers. You should get a red block.

Using a thin yellow thread, create a neat edging around the entire perimeter of the sleigh carriage.

The next step is to prepare the skis for the sled. These parts can be made from gray plasticine, showing that they come in steel.

Attach two blue or gray balls to the top as well.

Place the skis symmetrically at a certain distance from each other, measuring it with the width of the sled. Place the cabin on top and press the part down so that it sticks.

The plasticine sleigh is already ready, and blue snowflakes or other patterns are suitable as decoration.
