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Three Musketeers script for the new year. Adventures of the Musketeers. Music. Father Frost with a bag and Snow Maiden with a stack of letters come out of the mansion

Script for the musical "The Three Musketeers"
Slide 1 Three Musketeers
Scene 1.
Slide 2 Tavern.
The Three Musketeers sing the song "ROSES".
D'Artagnan: Gentlemen, tomorrow is Women's Day. I don't know what to give Constance. I really want to please her.
Aramis: What could be better than flowers and decorations, sir. Give roses and a ring.
Porthos: Who needs these roses? What could be better than a good ham, or better than two?
Athos: D'Artagnan, women are smart, sweet, beautiful, charming and the best. Without them, the world would be completely dull and uninteresting; all nonsense and heroic deeds are performed for their sake. You must perform some feat for her sake.
Aramis: But you have to hurry, because the holiday is tomorrow.
Scene 2.
Slide 3 Queen's living room
The maids of honor sing Kat's song. The Queen is resting.
Queen: what a wonderful, sunny day it is today. Real spring. Tomorrow is my favorite holiday.
F1: Your Majesty, tomorrow is the ball.
Const: You, Your Majesty, will, as always, shine in a new outfit.
F2: What will His Royal Majesty give you?
Queen: I don’t even know.
The cardinal enters.
Cardinal: Did I disturb you, My Queen? I see you're in a great mood? Any reason to rejoice?
Queen: We are discussing tomorrow's ball, Your Eminence.
F1: Do you know what His Majesty will present to the Queen?
Cardinal: What impudence. The king has more important things to do. He has no time for stupid gifts. If I were you, I wouldn’t count on gifts.
Constance: Don't be upset, Your Majesty. The king will definitely give you a gift. He loves you so much.
Scene 3:
Slide 4 Royal Cabinet
King and cardinal.
King: Your Eminence, this is very important for us.
Cardinal: Yes, Your Majesty.
King: Then hurry up.
The Cardinal leaves and runs into Constance. He lingers and overhears the conversation.
Constance runs in: Ah, my king.
King: Constance, what happened? Is there something wrong with the queen?
Const: Your Majesty, I dare to remind you that tomorrow there will be a ball, your attention and, of course, the gift that you ordered are very important to the queen.
King: Oh, I completely forgot. After all, tomorrow is March 8th, time is running out, and the gift is still in England. Why didn't the cardinal remind me? What to do?
Const: now only the musketeers will have time to deliver it.
Scene 4.
Slide Cardinal's Chambers.
Cardinal and Milady.
Cardinal: Milady, it didn't work out. The king finally remembered about the pendants. That scoundrel Constance has messed up all our plans.
Milady: What can I do for you?
Cardinal: Go to England. You must get ahead of the musketeers and destroy the pendants. Hurry, time is running out.
Dance CLOCK.
Slide clock
Scene 5. Movie horse racing
Slide glade
D'Artagnan: Friends, I am going to England on behalf of the king.
Athos: Sir, you have forgotten our motto.
They fold their hands, calling names.
Athos: One for all
In chorus: and all for one. Let's hit the road!
Milady turns the signpost
Scene 6. RUSSIA
Birch slide
Matryoshka dance.
D'Artagnan: Mademoiselle, how to get to Buckingham Palace?
Russian girl: Where? What palace?
Aramis: Calm down. Won't you tell me, dear girl, where we are?
Girl: This is Khatsapetovka, two thousand miles from Moscow.
Athos: So this is Russia! This is in a completely different direction.
D'Artagnan: Let's hurry, friends, let's hurry.
Milady and two guards appear.
Athos: Madam, what a meeting! How did you end up here?
Milady: State affairs, sir. What are you doing here?
D'Artagnan: A thousand devils, we are lost. We urgently need to go to England.
Porthos: There won't be enough pistols!
Milady: I ​​can help you. A ship is leaving for England today. Here is the letter signed by the cardinal. You will be allowed onto the ship with it. Hurry up!
Milady leaves.
Athos: D'Artagnan, Milady cannot be trusted. She serves the cardinal.
Aramis: Friends, such a beautiful lady cannot be a liar.
Porthos: We still have no other choice. At least they'll feed you on the ship.
Slide the sea
Song "We are a team"
Scene 7. Japan.
Slide Japan
Dance of Japanese girls.
D'Artagnan: Rogue, this is not England!
Aramis: But what beautiful girls!
Athos: I warned you, D'Artagnan. Don't expect any good from Milady. We urgently return to the port. Let's find a ship that really goes to England.
Slide port
Scene 8. The ship's captain and the musketeers.
Sea song.
D'Artagnan: Hey, who's the captain?
Captain: What do you want?
Athos: Sir, we are looking for a ship that is going to England.
Captain: You won't find such a ship. We are going to Poland. It's just a stone's throw from England there.
The musketeers confer and enter the ship.
Slide ship
The song is OUR honor.
Scene 9. Poland.
Slide Poland
Polka dance.
Aramis: Beauties, where can we get horses?
D1: My father has a stable. He will help you.
Scene 10. England.
Slide Buckingham Palace
Slide Palace Hall
Milady and the guards.
Milady: Certificate from His Eminence, Cardinal of France!
The guards take out a casket with pendants.
Milady, admiring: How magnificent the royal pendants are, but the queen will never receive them.
Milady, addressing the guards: Stay in England. Detain the musketeers.
The musketeers burst in.
Sword fight.
The guards retreated.
D'Artagnan: Madame, you must give us the pendants! Thousand devils! Otherwise I will take them by force!
Milady: I ​​don't owe you anything! Will you fight a defenseless woman?
Athos: D'Artagnan, calm down. We won't achieve anything this way. Madam, this song is for you.
A song about women.
Athos: Will you really not give us the pendants now?
Aramis: Such a beautiful woman should be indulgent.
Milady gives them pendants: On such a holiday, a woman, even a queen, cannot be left without a gift.
Athos gives a flower, Milady gives pendants.
Porthos: And we'll celebrate this at the nearest tavern with a hearty lunch.
D'Artagnan: We don't have any time left. The ball is tomorrow.
Scene 11. Ball.
Slide ballroom
Bandmaster: King Louis XIII of France, Queen Anne of Austria.
The king and queen enter, followed by the ladies-in-waiting and the cardinal.
D'Artagnan: A gift for the queen from the king!
They take out the box.
The Queen pins them to her dress. The maids of honor rejoice.
Lit installation
Dear girls, women, ladies!
Happy Women's Day to you, happy new spring!
Again we write poems for you like novels,
We compose odes for you at night.
All confessions are only for you on this day,
All the compliments, bouquets of flowers.
May your wishes come true
Let there be spring and love in life!
Final song
Slides (4)

Characters and abbreviations:

1. Queen (White Queen) – K.B.
2. Queen of Blacks – K.Ch.
3. White King – B.King
4. King of Black – Ch.Korol
5. B.Rook – 1L.
6. B.Rook – 2L.
7. White’s knight – 1K.
8. White’s knight – 2K.
9. White’s bishop – 1C.
10.White’s bishop – 2C.
11.Pawns are white and black.

Equipment and props:

Castle decoration.
Floor covering in the form of a chessboard.
Necklace, chest, cups, food decorations, chess piece emblems, net, rope.



It happened so long ago
It’s really not easy to remember what.
Far distant lands,
In one country known to us
Two kings lived here together
On an old chessboard.
We often fought together
The queen was taken prisoner
And the knights of the pawns ate them
And very often they announced
“Check” and “checkmate” to each other.
The elephants defended everyone together,
And the horses ran briskly
To the enemy cage.
And they often died
On the battlefield. They were taken prisoner.
And yet they stood for their honor,
For your homeland.
And protecting the queen, hiding the king,
Only using castling,
A rook joined the game.
Walking slowly across the field,
Then gently tilting to the left,
Then peacefully floating to the right,
She ate everyone.
Only pawns are small, like nuts,
Strong as emerald
They built a dense wall here.
In the first ranks they go on the attack,
For reconnaissance in force, just for combat.
Paving the way for elephants
Like officers here and there.
The bishop must protect the pieces
Cover with your mighty back.
Don't let the enemy break into the field,
Disturb the royal peace.
Then everyone dispersed peacefully
Becoming in cells again,
The hot battle began again,
Which was called a chess game.
And then one winter evening,
When the darkness of the night fell,
All the figures gathered for the ball,
Dance and welcome the day.

Scene 1. "Ball"

(Ball in the Chess Kingdom. They dance a minuet. During the dance, the White Queen gives pendants to the Black King.)

My dear friend, please accept
Such a minor surprise.
As a sign of my loyalty, press me
Its you to the heart.
Feel my love -
I just keep it in my heart.


Thank you most humbly.
Well, I appreciate your loyalty.
And I will wait for your greetings
At least a thousand magical years.

(The dance continues. At the end, everyone goes to their starting points. Blacks go to the black side, Whites go to the white side.)

Scene 2. "Strike"

(The White King and Queen are eating at the table. At their table are the court pawns.)

B.King: How are you, dear?!

Great, darling.
Is it true that the Year of the Tiger will be
Alive, cheerful, mischievous?
Will we meet alone?
Shall we stay with the Blacks?


We have. I wish that on New Year's Eve,
Among the bright holiday lights
If only you could shine with pendants as before
And they would surprise us with the delights of their ideas.

Scene 3. "Despair"

The king leaves. The courtiers leave. The queen is left alone. Tragic music sounds. Dance of the Queen. (You can use the g/z from the film “The Three Musketeers”.)

Scene 4. “Gift of Fate”

The Rooks appear - the queen's ladies-in-waiting. (from the film “The Return of the Three Musketeers” (“Team”))

Oh my girls, save me!
Help your queen!
The king sensed betrayal...
To prove loyalty to him,
I should wear it to the New Year's ball
The pendants I gave at the ball!

Rook 1: To whom? Who did you give it to?

Rook 2: A gift so valuable for you!

My secret, girls, forgive me,
I will trust you here right now.

Whispers in my ear.

Rook 1: We are happy to help you! But what to do?

Rook 2: We can't achieve this alone!

Queen: Where are the horses? Where are the elephants?

Suddenly familiar sounds were heard (from the film “The Three Musketeers” - “Song of the Three Musketeers.”)

Rook 1: Here are the horses!

Rook 2: Here are the elephants!

B.K.: But can you trust them? It is forbidden?

Rook 1 and 2:(together)

Madam! Those are true friends!
There are no more devoted people in the world!
Everyone has known this for hundreds of years!

I bless you girls
And I’m sending, God willing, in good time!

The queen leaves.

Scene 5. "Team"

Sounds from the film “The Three Musketeers”. Elephants and horses appear.

Rook 1:

Friends! How glad we are to meet you today!
Hurry! There's a case! A matter of honor!

Horses(mockingly): No need for evil, insidious flattery!

Rook 1:

We promised to deliver to the Queen
Her pendants for the New Year's ball.

Rook 2: She gave them as a gift.

Elephant: To whom? Really Black?

Rook 1: Yes! To the King!


Well, lady, if it weren't for you!
And they wouldn’t undertake such a thing!


But for the sake of your kindness
Let's take a risk...


We are with you! The Queen's honor is our honor!
We must save her here!

Scene 7. "Breakthrough"

Friends perform the song “Team” from the film “The Return of the Three Musketeers.” A dance is performed on the chess field towards Black. White is met by Black pawns, bishops, knights, trying to block the path. The White Bishops “lure” the Black Bishops into a trap and cover them with a net, and the White Knights tie up the Black Knights. At this time the rooks are making their way to the Black King.

Scene 8. “Meeting with the King”

Rook 1:

Our generous lord!
Trouble has happened!

Ch.Korol: My God!


The Whites have a King for the New Year's Ball
He asked me to decorate my chest with pendants
The queen is young.

Rook 2: Give it back, please! Their…


Now. (Looks for a chest.)
The Queen's honor is dear to me!
Here. Pass it on. (Hands over the pendants.)
I will always wait for her! (Separate)

Scene 9. "Revenge"

And Ch. Koroleva overheard the entire conversation.


So this is where your devotion is!
(quiet) I will take full revenge on you!
(loud) Hey, my faithful servants!
Hurry up and drive away the messengers!
Take away these pendants!
Give them back to me as soon as possible...
(calmly) These pendants are not simple -
The power of magic lies in them.
And the title of Queen of Chess
I can only achieve it with them.


Scene 10. "The Chase."

G/z from the film “The Return of the Three Musketeers”.

The chase dance is staged on squares, taking into account the rules for moving pieces through the field in the game “Chess”. At the end, the Queen is left alone, she is surrounded by White Pawns, and the White Rooks make their way to their Queen and put pendants on her. Bishops and Knights are approaching.

Scene 11. "Meeting"

I don’t know how to thank you!
Now I’ll go to the ball with a smile now!
And I bless your friendship.
I promise to love and remember you!
Play your role on the chessboard with dignity.
And your King will be reliably protected forever.
Walk through the cells very carefully.
Before you take a step, think carefully!
What could the enemy do?
Be a little enemy!
Please go to the New Year's ball!
Surprises await us, a carnival!
Jokes, pranks, laughter,
Fun for everyone!
Today we invite Black people.
Pendants with the power of magic
All arrogance and envy are taken away.
Let the power of good triumph!

Ball. The final scene.

Alexandra Romitsyna
Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year's Adventures of the Three Musketeers" for children of the senior or preparatory group

New Year's holiday scenario

"New Year's Adventures of the Three Musketeers"

Preparatory group 2018

Music plays, children enter the hall in pairs and stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Leading: It's snowing outside the window,

Fluffy snow, New Year's.

Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone

We congratulate you today.

Reb 1.: This is a fabulous day,

Snow is falling everywhere,

He decorated the yards

For cheerful kids.

Reb 2.: Why did he try so hard?

because I guessed -

The holiday will come to us soon,

Our beloved New Year!

Reb 3.: There are guests in the hall, we are glad to see them!

The Christmas tree has grown again!

Surprises us with her outfit

I wish I could dance with you!

Reb 4.: We agree to dance

Under the decorated Christmas tree

If the music sounds

It's going to be loud!

Reb 5.: Let's have some fun

in the snow dance of December

And let's make sure again

There are only friends around here!

Reb 6.:With new happiness

Happy New Year

Let's congratulate everyone, and then

We dance in a circle

And we will dance and sing.

Reb 7.: The hands will turn to twelve

And the New Year will come.

To say goodbye to the old,

We'll have a round dance!

Dance “Silver Snowflakes”

The children take their seats.

Presenter: And now I tell you guys

I'll tell everyone a riddle

Look, don't yawn

In chorus, answer together:

She is not afraid of the winter wind,

You can't live without a snowstorm,

Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost

What are her friends' names?

Children: Snow Maiden.

Presenter: Here comes the music, the Snow Maiden is in a hurry to visit us!

(Music sounds - Snow Maiden enters)

Snow Maiden: Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you all.

Both big and small,

Nimble and remote

I am the Snow Maiden, all children

They have been friends with me for a long time,

I love frost and wind

And a snowstorm in winter.

Oh, how beautiful it is in your hall, the tree is lush

The only problem is, guys, the Christmas tree isn’t burning.

If you want, I’ll show you a miracle and light your Christmas tree!

Children: Yes!

Snow Maiden:

Come on, hurry up the Christmas tree,

Light up the lights

to make it more fun

To all the guys in the hall.

Come on, the tree one, two, three,

Light your lights!

Oh, something doesn't light up.

She probably wants you guys to ask her too.

Let the children all say in unison: “One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!”

All:“One, two, three, the Christmas tree is on fire!” (Christmas tree lights up)

Presenter: So the Christmas tree woke up,

Smiled at all the kids

We'll start a round dance

And we'll sing about the Christmas tree.

Song "New Year's Miracles"

Children take their seats

Presenter: Snow Maiden, answer our question:

Where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden:

He was delayed on the way

Should have come a long time ago

I'll call him seriously -

I’ll shout: “Santa Claus”

No, I scream rather weakly,

Let's call him together, guys

Children: Father Frost!

(Music plays. The sound of flying and Baba Yaga’s laughter is heard, Baba Yaga flies on a broom, does not notice anyone, holds a staff in her hand)

Baba Yaga: Wow, what a tree-stick, simply beautiful. How could I ruin it?

Oh, I’ll steal the lights from the tree, and my hut on chicken legs will become the most elegant in the forest, let everyone envy me. (Touches the lights with her staff) Well, get into the bag, whoever you told! (The lights on the Christmas tree go out and come back on)

Presenter and Snow Maiden: We are not bothering you, Baba Yaga!

(Baba Yaga notices everyone and jumps in surprise)

Baba Yaga: Oh. And I, and I... It’s not me, but this one... or this boy.

Presenter: Why did you, Baba Yaga, steal all the lights from our Christmas tree? And why do you have Santa Claus' staff?

Baba Yaga: But I didn’t steal it, I didn’t steal it, but I have the staff, because I found it in the forest, and Santa Claus already has a lot of things. But I, a poor old woman, have nothing (cries) I won’t give you the lights.

And what kind of gathering is this? Why fun, laughter?

I’ll throw a party for you, I’ll disperse everyone now.

I am Baba Noga-Bone Yaga... Oh! I am Baba Yaga the bone leg!

Presenter: Grandma Yaga, don’t be angry, don’t swear, don’t be angry!

You're in kindergarten, look at the guys

How beautifully everyone is dressed, it’s just a miracle! Simply amazing!

Baba Yaga: I'm canceling the fun and sending everyone home.

Presenter: We're not going anywhere, right, guys? - Yes!

For our New Year's holiday, Santa Claus will come today,

He will sing and dance with us and give gifts to everyone.

Baba Yaga: Don't wait for Santa Claus, he won't come today,

And don’t expect any gifts, you won’t bring anything!

Snow Maiden: And why is that?

Baba Yaga: Yes because! I outwitted Santa Claus

I have a magic staff, look,

I won't give it to you, don't even ask. Ha ha ha! (Baba Yaga runs away)

Snow Maiden: Guys, what should we do? That's the problem. Well, okay, although Baba Yaga is cunning, we are more cunning. Although Baba Yaga is wise, we are wiser. I'll call the French musketeers for help. They handle everything so deftly and sing songs and fight, and the pendants were returned to the queen on time. They will help me.

Whispers magic words...

Snow Maiden:

You are a magical snowflake

Fly to the ends of the earth

How to see the musketeers

Bring them with you!

Music sounds and musketeer dogs appear. Musketeers bow

Dance of the Musketeers

1 musketeer: You called us, madam

We are always at your service

That's it, friends, we are musketeers

And we are always ready to help

2 musketeer: People know everything around,

The Musketeer is your best friend!

One for all and all for one

We won’t leave anyone in trouble

Snow Maiden: Yes, dear musketeers, I called you. Could you help us? The fact is that the evil b. Yaga stole our Santa Claus's staff and magic lights from the Christmas tree, and without the staff and lights there will be no gifts or New Year. All this must be found and returned before the New Year holiday. Evil b. Yaga lives in a dense forest, and the forest is located on a magical island that can only be reached by ship.


Of course we will help.

Snow Maiden: Thank you dear friends, and take care. It’s time for me to go and tell my grandfather what happened. (Snow Maiden leaves)

1 Musketeer:

It's not an easy road ahead of us

and the musketeer is duty bound

We need to help the Snow Maiden

And we believe in this matter sacredly.

2 musketeer:

Ships on the horizon

We are on the right path with you

Let's quickly go to the ship

We will return Frost's staff

They're leaving

The pirates come out

Pirate dance

1 pirate: We are dashing robbers

All the guys are smart

Got used to robbing everyone

Everyone is happy with our spoils

2 pirate: Soon it will be New Year

All the people have fun

And we're not in the mood

No gifts, no fun!

3 pirate: Do you hear someone coming onto our ship?

3 Musketeer:

Bonjour, dashing robbers

And the guys are daring

Could you please help us

Take him to the island into the night.

4 musketeer:

We are looking for an old yaga

Over there we are on the shore

She took possession of the staff

The Snow Maiden ordered him to be returned.

3 pirate:

We will help you easily

What a problem here.

we will sail on the sea

We'll take you where you need to go.

Pirates play music and the musketeers “sail” (the musketeer stands behind the pirates)

1 pirate: Earth, earth, give up

2 pirate: We're mooring to the shore

3pirate: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye

We are sorry to part with you

Good luck on your long journey

Find the way to grandma.

The musketeers say goodbye to the pirates, the pirates leave.

Song "Winter's Tale"

Musketeer: Dense forest, darkness,

The moon is shining in the sky.

The snow is falling quietly

To the clearing and meadow.

At this hour on New Year's Eve

They dance in a circle.

That's what we'll ask them

How do we get to the hut b. Yagi

1 Christmas tree: I am a holiday tree

I go to all the houses.

And beads on needles

I give it to you today.

Beautiful, elegant,

With a huge star!

I hope you enjoy it

Meet me here!

2 Herringbone: I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!

I love beads, sparkles - any decorations.

But believe me, it’s my great misfortune

I only wear an outfit once a year.

Christmas tree dance

1st Musketeer: Dear Christmas trees, do you know where the kingdom is? Yagi?

I know everything about trouble

I will help you, musketeers

It's not far to go

Two kilometers away

You'd rather hurry

Return your grandfather's staff.

Musketeers: Thank you dear Christmas trees.

Music sounds, they walk around the Christmas tree, and suddenly a bumblebee flies in. Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Baba Yaga: Wow, wow, wow! (Looks around.) Oh, brooms and whisks! Fu-fu, it smells like Russian spirit! Oh, look... (looks at the musketeers) we have dear guests! You, dear killer whales, (strokes the children)…. Yes, you are too thin. To me on business... (getting better... or what? Eh? Why did you come, I ask?

Musketeers: Hello Grandma Yaga! Grandma Yaga, please give us Santa Claus' staff. There will be no New Year without a staff.

Yaga. I can not….

Musketeers: Why?

Yaga: But because I need him myself. Santa Claus didn’t give me a gift, he didn’t invite me to New Year’s. Maybe I also want to celebrate the New Year, otherwise I’m all alone. See, I'm bored! Oh, boring... (grieving)

Musketeers Yagulenka, beauty, don’t worry! Tell me what you want!

Yaga: But I want you to dance with me!

Musketeers Of course, of course, Yagulechka, we will dance with you. And then give us back the staff.

Yaga: Okay, I'll return it. But first, let's dance.

General dance “Ice Ceiling”

Musketeers: Well, give me the staff, Yaga

Baba Yaga: I can not.

Muskers: Like this. After all, we agreed

Baba Yaga: I have one more condition! If you play with me, then I’ll definitely give it to you.

Relay race “Running in felt boots”

Musketeers: Well, b. Yaga give me the staff.

Baba Yaga: Okay, they respected grandma and danced and played with me. So be it, I’ll give you the staff. Take it.

Musketeers: Thank you, Grandma Yaga, Happy New Year! Come join us for a holiday!

The Musketeers are leaving

Leading: Guys, in my opinion everything ends well in our fairy tale, let's call Santa Claus together and start celebrating the New Year!

Children: Father Frost!

Children call Santa Claus, music sounds, Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost.

There are so many people in the hall!

A glorious holiday will be here.

So it's true what they told me

That the guys are waiting for me.

I went through all the obstacles,

The snow covered me.

I knew that I would be welcome here,

That's why I rushed here.

I came from a good fairy tale,

There will be games, there will be dancing.

In the meantime, I'm just for beauty

I'll brown everyone's noses.

Santa Claus loves him very much

Pinch children's noses.

(Addresses the children.)

Do you want me to pinch your nose?

It will be wonderful:

Blue or red.

(Tries to “pinch” the children’s nose.)

In the summer I lay down on my side,

Shouldn't we dance the hopaka?

Santa Claus dances to a folk melody.

Father Frost: I’m coming to you for a holiday today

Not alone came here.

With Snow Maiden's granddaughter

I have walked a hundred paths.

How I love New Year

The carnival will start again

People will dance

Is everything ready for the celebration?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, I have to confess to you... Baba Yaga stole your staff. I called the musketeers for help. But they are somehow late... Trouble awaits us!

Father Frost: What are you saying... Yes. Here's the deal. Well, let’s wait, and for now the guys and I will sing a song.

Round dance song “Zimushka-winter”

The music sounds and the musketeers enter: Santa Claus, We have fulfilled our duty and are returning your staff to you!

Father Frost: Well, my dear musketeers, you did well, you did a great job, now the holiday can begin.

I see the tree is not on fire

What should we do, what should we do?

We will light the lights

We'll start a round dance.

Let's all say together:

“Come on, Christmas tree, burn!”

And the tree will light up

Multi-colored lights.

Children: Well, let the Christmas tree burn! (2-3 times)

Father Frost:

Apparently someone didn't scream

Maybe someone kept silent?

Maybe the parents didn't scream?

Help us.

Stand up, guys.

Everyone is about to dance in a circle,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Round dance "Hot time"

Father Frost: Oh, where is my mitten? Apparently I dropped it somewhere?

Presenter: Here it is a mitten, we have it. But we won’t give it to you, right, guys? Grandpa, catch up with your mitten

Game "Mitten"

Father Frost:

Somehow the parents stayed too long,

Everyone come out in a circle

We'll play once.

Musical game with parents and children “Gilded Fish”

Snow Maiden.

Well, guys, on New Year's Day,

Whatever you want,

Everything will always happen.

Everything always comes true!

Why don't I hear poetry?

Who's ready to read poetry?

Children read poems to Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Thank you, well done

They pleased me with poetry.

According to custom, gifts

I'm supposed to give it.

I won't let anyone

Break this custom!

He looks around and realizes that there is no bag.

Father Frost: Snow Maiden. Granddaughter, have you seen my bag?

Snow Maiden: No, grandpa didn't see it.

Father Frost: Here I am, a fool with a hole in my head. Apparently, I was in such a hurry to get to the holiday that I dropped the bag in a snowdrift.

Well, it’s okay, I have a magic staff. Now I’ll knock on them and say the magic words.

Eniki, beniks, gingerbreads, brooms!

Addresses the Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden, come on, look, my gifts haven’t appeared in the snowdrift over there?

The Snow Maiden digs up a snowdrift, and there is a bag of gifts.

(Music plays. Father Frost and Snow Maiden hand out gifts.)

Snow Maiden: It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye, we congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts! Let both adults and children celebrate the New Year together.

Father Frost: So be healthy! Goodbye guys, Bearded Frost wishes you happiness!

Leading: With this our holiday is over, once again we congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday, happiness to everyone, success!

The children leave the hall to the music.


(Music soundtrack "The Three Musketeers" 2013)

Kochetov Ilya : Dear friends! We invite you on a journey to France in the mid-17th century. Back then, ladies were sophisticated and feminine, and men were bold and desperate.

Pavlov Andrey : And the nobles fought duels for literally any reason to defend their honor! It is no coincidence that the famous novel “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas is dedicated to this era.

Kochetov Ilya: What is the secret of the popularity of this work, especially now, at the beginning of the 21st century?

Pavlov Andrey: Vivid images, strong characters, intrigue from the first to the last page, but the main thing is friendship, because people need it at any time and in any state!

Kochetov Ilya: So, ladies and gentlemen, this is our New Year's version of The Three Musketeers.

Pavlov Andrey: We dedicate this performance to Alexandre Dumas and Mikhail Boyarsky.

All students in chorus: "One for all and all for one!"

New Year's adventures of the musketeers

Scene 1 (D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, Aramis, Constance)

Courtiers walk across the stage, pretending to have a conversation.

An old melody sounds. Constance enters the stage in a raincoat with a bouquet of flowers.

New Years is soon. The royal palace has already begun to prepare for the holiday. Tailors sew magnificent outfits for the king and queen. There are 10,000 diamonds on the Empress’s dress – it all sparkles! (pauses) It's so cold! We need to quickly run home before the flowers fade. The Queen was kind enough to allow me to take them from the royal greenhouse. Now everyone in the Louvre is preparing to meet the Russian ambassador in order to conclude some kind of important treaty with Russia. And the king even learns Russian. That's it, I'm running, my fingers are just getting numb (he blows on his hands, trying to warm them up).

Constance moves slightly to the left edge.

The song from the movie “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice...” plays.


Who is singing this? This is D'Artagnan and his friends! They returned to Paris. How wonderful!

The musketeers come to the center in front of the stage. (Music fades) Courtiers walk around the stage, pretending to talk, just strolling. Some ladies with dogs.

Aramis: D'Artagnan, here we are again in Paris! Admit that you missed our capital?

D'Artagnan: Of course, Aramis, what could be better than the most wonderful city in the world?

At this moment, Constance approaches the edge of the stage and throws a rose to D'Artagnan. D'Artagnan runs onto the stage, bows to Constance, and she bows to him.

D'Artagnan: Good afternoon, Constance! What I missed most during the war was your smile!

Constance: You are very kind, Monsieur D'Artagnan, but I have to go. See you at the Louvre!

He leaves the stage, waving his hand.

Other musketeers appear on stage, all the courtiers leave.

Athos: Let's have a nice feast for the New Year! Let's call all the musketeers from our regiment. I am paying for everyone!

Porthos: Great idea! The innkeeper will roast us this (shows with his hands) pig!

D'Artagnan: Mister Porthos, I think that this will be too few for a whole regiment of musketeers.

Porthos: Then we will ask you to roast three of these piglets from Mr. Cardinal’s personal pigsty. They say the cardinal has the fattest pigs...

The musketeers move slightly away from the center.

At this moment, the music of the cardinal's guards sounds. The guards and Count Rochefort enter the stage.

Gentlemen of the Guards, be vigilant, the enemies of the cardinal and France are everywhere! Your task is to stop any conspiracies! No freedom of thought, no! The only thing that matters is what our wise Cardinal Richelieu says!

Guardsmen (in unison) Long live the cardinal!

Rochefort (turns) Bah! My old friend D'Artagnan! So we met! (Pushes him as he passes by.)

D Artagnan:

Count Rochefort! Did you want to insult me? Defend yourself, sir!

Everyone fights with swords (2 minutes) The guards are pushed back and they run away.

D Artatanyan: Thank you, friends! I couldn't have done it without you.

Athos: That's why friends exist, to help out in trouble.

Porthos: To be in joy and in sorrow.

Aramis: Do you remember our motto, gentlemen musketeers?

All in chorus: One for all and all for one!

Leaving the stage

Scene 2

In the queen's chambers

The harpsichord sounds. Maybe some song. (1 minute)

Countess Diana de Crecy:

Higher majesty! I hasten to report to you that your dress for the New Year's ball is almost ready! It remains to sew another 15 bows and decorate them with emeralds and amethysts.

Great, Diana! We'll have a lot of fun at the New Year's ball! And this time Mr. Cardinal will not interfere with us. He simply won't have a reason.

You can expect anything from the cardinal, Your Majesty. He sees enemies and conspiracies everywhere.

Duchess Jeanne de Montpensier:

Your Majesty, please look at the album with new fabric samples.

Thank you, Zhanna, what would I do without you? I really like this pink one. Doesn't she wrinkle?

This is a wonderful fabric, Your Majesty. You made the best choice! By the way, the Russian ambassador presented you with furs as a gift. Do you want me to bring them?

A little later, Zhanna. I'm thinking about something else now. What jewelry to wear to the ball? What do you think, Diana?

Diamonds, Your Majesty, and only diamonds!

Let me say, Your Majesty... If there are already so many shiny stones on the dress, then perhaps choose more modest jewelry so as not to distract attention from your face and hairstyle?

The Queen nods and smiles.

Beatrice and the Queen:

Your Majesty, how would you like to decorate the hall for the New Year's ball?

Beatrice, I just wanted to consult with you...

Maybe antique motifs, Your Majesty. Apollo and the muses on the north wall, Zeus surrounded by his family next to the royal throne, Orpheus and Eurydice where the musicians sit.

Wonderful, Ancient Greece, never goes out of style.

I will convey this to the painters, and we will give Zeus a resemblance to our king.

Well, dear ladies, now let's rehearse the dance!

A melody sounds. 2-3 couples dance a minuet for about 3-4 minutes.

Scene at the Cardinal's

(melody sounds)

The guards stand in a row in front of the cardinal


My heroes, I am grateful to you for your service! For December you will receive a triple salary!


We are glad to serve you, Your Eminence! Long live the cardinal!

(they leave) Rochefort appears, Milady is standing in the corner.


Count Rochefort, you have finally arrived! I've been waiting for you since the morning.

Excuse me, Your Eminence, we were patrolling the streets of Paris, as you wanted.

Of course, keep up the good work. But I have one more delicate matter for you and Lady de Winter. By the way, where is she?

I'm here, Your Eminence. Ready to carry out any, even the most dangerous assignments!

I know that I can only rely on you, my friends. France will perish if it does not have such faithful servants. Listen, we need to disrupt the New Year's ball at the Louvre at any cost. I have to ban him!

Lady de Winter:

Sorry, Your Eminence, but there must be a serious reason for this.

Very serious. This ball takes place even when there is military action!

This is why I called you. Think! Think! The Queen has too much influence on the King. This ball should not happen - I decided so!

Lady de Winter

To be honest, I can't think of anything.

Wait, I have an idea.


Wonderful, Rochefort, wonderful! I was not mistaken about you! Speak quickly!

Now we are preparing to sign an agreement with Russia. Negotiations are difficult. The king even began to learn Russian to impress the ambassador.

What if you steal the Russian language textbook that the king uses to study? And all his notes, all his notebooks and dictionaries? Negotiations may break down. We will blame English spies for everything, and under this pretext we will ban the New Year's ball, because we're talking about national interests of France.

You are simply a genius, Rochefort! Lady de Winter will help you. Take action, and here is your reward as a deposit! (Gives everyone a bag of gold).

Scene “The King Learns Russian!”

King, Count Rochefort, Duke

Music sounds, a table, chairs, books and notebooks are brought onto the stage. Safe box.

The courtier comes out - the Duke of Artois:

Great, now we are all ready for the royal lesson. You know (addresses the audience) kings must also learn, and not only in childhood. Now, in order to impress the Russian delegation, the king is learning Russian. If you only knew how hard it was for us to get the textbook! It was a whole story! It was brought from Moscow secretly and they paid for a whole chest of silver coins!

(The King enters and sits down at the table) Your Majesty...

King: Ah, Duke, I am so grateful to you for this trouble. Have you done the translation?

Duke: Yes, sire! Here he is (gives a notebook).

Rochefort enters: Your Majesty, good afternoon! Would you like to begin?

King: Yes, don’t delay Rochefort. I hope to still have time to go hunting. Somehow I didn’t understand the cases. I just can’t remember them, no matter how hard I try.

Rochefort: Now we will repeat everything. (Addresses the audience) So, Nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional.

King: Thank you. Well, now I remember!

Rochefort: Your Majesty, open your textbook to page one hundred and fifty-five.

King: How tired I am! Russian is a very difficult subject! Duke, open your textbook to page one hundred and fifty-five.

Duke. Just a minute, Your Majesty! (Opens the textbook and gives it to the king).

The king pretends to read.

King: Well, that’s enough for today, Rochefort, I’m already ahead of the curve. I still have a meeting with Mr. Cardinal.

Rochefort: I dare not detain you any longer, farewell, Your Majesty. Farewell Duke.

King: (nods) Tomorrow evening, Rochefort. Come tomorrow evening! (Rochefort leaves) Duke, put the textbook in the safe, so that the rats don’t gnaw it! Order to have more cats in the palace. Those that exist can no longer cope. The cardinal's holy books were chewed, can you imagine? Bound in leather!

Duke: It will be done, Your Majesty!

The king leaves. The Duke puts the textbook in the safe. He also leaves. The lights go out. Milady and Rochefort appear with candles or lanterns. They open the safe, take the textbook and leave.

Milady: It's done! Now I’m going to England with the textbook, and no one will find me there!

Rochefort: Quickly, my lady! The ship in Calais is already waiting for you!

Scene "Cardinal and King: There will be no holiday!!!"Duke D'Artois:

Your Majesty, Mr. Cardinal asks to be received by urgent matter!


Yes, Duke, of course, call him! I hope the news will be pleasant! I can't stand bad news! Yesterday at dinner the cardinal talked to me for so long about the enemies of France, about English spies, that I... almost fell asleep! This is all empty talk! The cardinal hinted that it would be stupid to hold New Year's balls at such a difficult time, but the queen ridiculed him.


Yes, Your Majesty, the Queen’s jokes are always very witty, but here comes Mister Cardinal...

The Duke moves a little away from the center.

The cardinal enters with the guards (they stand to the side, the king, the cardinal in the center):

Good morning, sir! You see, my work for the good of France begins at five in the morning! This is a very serious matter, a conspiracy is brewing!

King (displeased):

Your Eminence, what are you saying! CONSPIRACY? In the morning? Is it really so hard to wait until the king sleeps and drinks coffee?

Alas, sir, the British want to ruin our treaty with Russia; five spies were captured in Paris and have already confessed to everything. True, one of them escaped... with securities... With your Russian language textbook, sir! And Your Majesty’s notebooks, and all the dictionaries! So your plan to charm the Russian ambassador and sway him in our direction may fail.

What to do? Mister Cardinal, tell me what should I do?

Trust me, Your Majesty! I will arrange everything, the guilty will be punished, but... now, as you understand, there should be no holidays in the palace, none! And first of all, the New Year's ball! Under the fancy dress there may be a spy, an enemy of France, and it is difficult to say who will be the victim this time! (Pause) However, you have me, your faithful and devoted servant, as well as my soldiers! (Addresses the guards) Are you ready to defend the king and France?

Guardsmen I step forward slightly (in unison) That’s right! You can rely on us! (Everyone leaves the stage)

Scene Queen and Constance

(Sad melody sounds)

Queen (wipes away tears with a handkerchief):

Oh, what a pity that there won’t be a New Year’s ball! What boredom reigns in the palace! Soon we will all breathe with the permission of Mr. Cardinal! My wonderful dress is hanging in the closet in vain! And who can I trust among the ladies of the court? Some of them report everything to the cardinal! My every word! (wipes away tears)

Constance approaches and curtsies:

Your Majesty, you can trust me, I have never let you down!

Constance, dear child, what can be done? This Russian language textbook has disappeared, negotiations with Russia are under threat.

On your behalf, I will ask the musketeers for help, they will help us and find those who dared to steal the royal textbook.

That would be wonderful, Constance! So which of the musketeers will help there?

D Artatnyan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, Your Majesty! The bravest and most noble!

(The melody “Song of the Musketeers” sounds - track 3)

Fight with the Cardinal's friends


Milady (holding a backpack with books):

This time the victory will be mine! The Musketeers will never find me here! So I got even with this friendly team - they won’t fulfill the queen’s instructions, and there won’t be a ball! Well, I’ll get lots and lots of money from the cardinal! Now I will climb a high cliff and throw the king's books into the sea. There will be no traces of my crime left! Friendship does not help, the main thing is your own benefit and money!

The Musketeers Appear


Friendship helps, Lady de Winter, and how it helps!


Give us the books, madam, as soon as possible!


Friends, be careful, I think I saw the guardsmen behind these rocks.

D'Artagnan comes closer to Milady:

Lady de Winter, we have come to return what you stole from the king!


Guardsmen, to the rescue! Count Rochefort, where are you? (he wants to throw his backpack from the stage into the sea) Help!

(guards appear)

There is a brawl (about 4 minutes) accompanied by music. The Musketeers won.

Count Rochefort is wounded, my lady takes him away:

D Artagnan:

My friends, we have fulfilled the queen’s instructions, now all that remains is to deliver the stolen goods to Paris! Let's look at the royal Russian language textbook (rummages in his backpack and points into the hall) Here it is!


Let's not waste time! Hurry up friends!


How about we have a snack first? I haven't eaten all day! There must be an inn a mile from here. Exploits can wait!


Feats cannot and cannot wait for those who believe in us and hope for our help! To Paris, friends, you can’t stay here! The guards will soon come here with a new detachment.

D Artagnan:

Gentlemen, Aramis is right, let's hurry!

(leave the stage)

The guards appear (prowl the stage)

Where are these musketeers?

They were just here!

Let's chase, we won't let them get away!

Scene Ball


Courtier 1.

Dear friends! I invite everyone to the New Year's ball! France signed an agreement with Russia, the king said a wonderful speech in the purest Russian language, as if he lived not in Paris, but in Moscow! And the Russian ambassador will personally play the queen’s favorite melody on a Russian musical instrument.

King (syllable by syllable, with accent): On ba-la-lay-ke!

Kostya Gusev plays the balalaika.

Second courtier:

Despite all the machinations of the cardinal, the ball will take place! Because the friendship and loyalty of the musketeers turned out to be stronger than the thirst for money and intrigues!

Third courtier:

Have fun ladies and gentlemen! May the New Year bring you happiness and joy, success and prosperity, health and great mood!

Musketeers (in chorus) And may your true friends always be with you! One for all and all for one!

Modern dance to K. MARO (5 minutes)


Everyone takes the stage


The 5th grade performed in front of you!

Everyone on stage (in chorus)

Happy New Year, school 103!

In chorus:

One for all and all for one!

Melody Song of the Musketeers

Holiday script for older and older children preparatory groups

To the sound of cheerful music, children run into the hall and line up in a semicircle.
First child: What is the very first word?
Second child: What is the brightest word?
Third child: What is the most important word?
Fourth child: His babies are babbling in the yard!
Fifth child: It’s on the first page in the Primer!
Sixth child: It will never be misspelled!
Seventh child: They say it everywhere with a smile!
Eighth child: Whisper it quietly, say it loudly!
Ninth child: The cherished word of any child!
Tenth child: What is the most tender, kind word?
Children (all together): Mom!
All children sing the song “About Spring”, after which they sit on chairs.
Any nonsense for your sake
Our ancestors did it easily.
Because of your beautiful eyes
Madness is still not uncommon.
Oh women! And how many times
The men looked after me!
Today here and at this hour
They're in a hurry to meet you
Three Musketeers!
Let's close our eyes for a moment and mentally transport ourselves to the 17th century.
Musical loss.
Presenter: So, France, Paris. Queen Anne of Austria herself is about to arrive!
Three musketeers enter to the music and bow with their hats.

Musketeers (together): Queen Anne of Austria!
All the children stand up. The queen enters and bows to the children and spectators.
Queen: Madam! Monsieur! I organized this ball in honor of beautiful ladies. I will say more: I have prepared gifts for all of you! (Shows the casket.) So far this is a surprise. And now I announce the opening of the ball! So, polonaise!
Children perform a polonaise together with the musketeers.
After the end of the dance, Cardinal Richelieu appears. He stands with a sour expression on his face.
Queen: Cardinal, do your teeth hurt?
Cardinal: What makes you think?
Queen: Yes, you look kind of unhappy.
Cardinal: Ah, Your Majesty! You are hopelessly behind fashion. Is this a dance? In England there are completely different trends now.
Queen: And what?
Cardinal: Wait a minute!
The music of the Beatles is playing. The Cardinal and Anna are dancing.
At the end of the dance, the cardinal twirls the queen and, while she dances alone, takes away the casket. The music fades out, and the queen notices with horror that she is missing.
Queen: Ah! My casket! My presents! Oh, that treacherous Richelieu! He is only capable of nasty things! What should I do? (Wrings his hands and laments.)
A girl approaches the queen.
Girl: My queen! I know how to help you! Our friends the musketeers are ready to serve Your Majesty!
The musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis appear in turn and introduce themselves to the queen.
Queen: Gentlemen Musketeers! The ending of this holiday will depend on you. Find and return the gift box!
The Musketeers bow to the Queen and she leaves.
Athos: Well, friends, let's go! One for all…
All together: And all for one!
The “Song of the Musketeers” from the movie “The Three Musketeers” sounds.
Then the musketeers leave.
First child:
They will sail across seas and oceans,
They will visit different distant countries.
Second child:
Three friends don't care about obstacles!
We will sing a song about friendship for them on the way!
The children all sing the “Song of Friendship” together.
The cardinal appears with a casket.
Cardinal: I'm so glad! I'm so glad! It seems my plan was a success. I have the casket, and the holiday is hopelessly ruined! (Grieving, he wrings his hands.) Oh, poor Queen Anne! What will happen to the pendants now! Ha ha ha! Speaking of pendants! Perhaps the royal musketeers are already rushing in my wake! And where are they now?
(Takes a mirror out of his pocket.)
My light, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the whole truth!
Answer quickly, where are the three friends?
They would rather feel worse!
Oh, so it’s Ukraine! I'll hide behind the fence!
The musketeers appear.

All children: Hello bulls!
Girl (dressed in Ukrainian costume): Oh, yaki garny lads! Sit down and jump! Enjoy some dumplings!
Boy (in Ukrainian costume):
Without a merry dance, the holiday is not bright!
We will dance Ukrainian hopak for you as a gift!
Children perform "Gopachok".
When the dance ends, a cardinal dressed in a Ukrainian costume runs in, singing and dancing. The musketeers approach him.

Cardinal: Why! Ran! Going to Russia, to the Muscovites!
Athos: Well, friends, let's go! One for all…
All Musketeers: And all for one! (They leave.)
Cardinal (taking off his Ukrainian suit): Well, I haven’t been to Russia yet. They say the women there are very beautiful. (Takes out a mirror.)
My light, mirror, tell me...
Aha, here comes the Moscow province!
Three musketeers come out to the musical interlude of “Song of the Musketeers.”
I see wonderful freedom;
I see fields and fields...
This is Russian expanse,
This is Russian land!
Porthos: Madame, monsieur, our respects!
Children: You are welcome!
Boy (in Russian costume):
After all, you came to our holiday,
But they didn’t chew the rolls!
Come on, people, don't yawn!
Sing a song for the musketeers!
Children sing the song “Golden-domed Moscow.”
Girl (in Russian costume):
Hey gentlemen, take off your hats,
Get up to dance with our girls!
Children in Russian folk costumes Together with the musketeers they dance the “Russian Dance” dance.
Musketeers, don't yawn,
Take your tools!
Let's play a Russian song,
Soulful and sad!
An orchestra of Russian folk instruments plays "Date".
The cardinal appears in a blouse and cap, he plays the balalaika and sings a ditty
Porthos: Dad, was Cardinal Richelieu passing by?
Cardinal: Well, I ran. He moved to the North. To Kolyma! (You can indicate the region where the matinee is held.)
The musical passage of the opening phrase from the song “How delightful are the evenings in Russia” plays.

Birch landscape, sunsets, alleys...
A dashing trio, and fun, and walks...
How delightful evening in Russia!
Let it all be a dream, let love be a game...
How delightful evening in Russia!
Presenter: But it’s time for you to hurry on the road again!
Porthos: Well, friends, let's go! One for all…
Together: And all for one!
The musketeers leave to the music.
Who's looking gloomy over there?
The music starts again!
Get ready, kids.
Waiting fun game!

Game "Put on a wreath."

A gloomy cardinal appears and looks in the mirror.
Cardinal: My light, mirror, say... Oh-oh-oh! (Sings.) Snow to the left, snow to the right! (Hides.)
The phonogram of a blizzard sounds.
In the foreground is a tent, a shaman (child) is sitting near it near the fire.
The musketeers appear. They shiver, showing how frozen they are.
Shaman: Hey a white man, come here! Warm yourself, my fire! However, a snowstorm is coming. We need to invite the reindeer to the camp.
The musketeers sit down near the fire. The shaman beats the tambourine, chanting: “Hey-ya!”
Children dance the dance “Chukchi Tunes”.
After the end of the dance, a cardinal dressed in a fur coat appears.
Cardinal (singing): I’ll take you to the tundra... It’s cold, however!
Partos: Dad, did Cardinal Richelieu pass by here?
Cardinal: I ran, I ran. He ran south to warm himself! (Runs away, shouting: “Hey-ya!”)
Athos: Well, friends, let's go? One for all…
Together: And all for one!
Presenter: Take your time! Let's warm up our mothers and grandmothers after the cold cold!
Children invite their mothers to the Duckling Dance. After him, everyone sits down and the musketeers leave.
Cardinal: In this wild north, I froze all my bones! I still can’t bend over. But to the point, to the point... (Looks in the mirror.)
My light, mirror, tell me...
The wonderful city of Baghdad stands in the East, and the East is a delicate matter! (Hides.)
The musketeers come out to the music, one of them holds a vessel.
Presenter: Musketeers, where did you get this ancient vessel? Let's open it - what if we're lucky and there's something valuable in it?
Opens the vessel. A phonogram of an oriental melody sounds, and a genie appears from behind the scenes (played by an adult).
Genie: Oh my saviors! Tomatoes of my soul! I sat in this vessel for three thousand years and became completely wild. Now you become my masters! Would you like roast lamb? Do you want a peach garden? ABOUT! I know what pleases the souls of the young lords. Abra-mop-kadabra! (Claps his hands three times.)
Girls in oriental clothes appear and dance an oriental dance.
Genie: Well, how do you like my gift?
Porthos: Oh, genie! You showed us a nice dance!
Athos: But help us with something else: find the chest with gifts!
Aramis: We had to walk so many miles - we couldn’t find him.
Genie: Oh, tomatoes of my soul! Oh my lords! Why didn't you say it right away? For me it’s just one sneeze! Abra-mop-kadabra! (Claps his hands three times.)
Spinning around himself, the cardinal runs in and gives the casket to the musketeers.
Genie: Disappear!
Well then, friends! The time has come
