Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Why conduct a trade union lesson at school. Presentation on the topic “Join a trade union. Participation in events

The Trade Union of Workers of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation is a member organization: since 1990 - the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of the Russian Federation. since 1993 – Association of Trade Unions of Non-Production Sector Workers of the Russian Federation. since 1995 - Education International (the largest international industry organization uniting 258 teachers' trade unions from 140 countries). A little history

In 2005, the Trade Union of Workers of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation celebrated its 15th anniversary, and the trade union movement organized at one time in education in Russia celebrated its centenary. Today, this union includes about 5.3 million people. Peculiar associations among teachers appeared at the end of the 19th century. Initially, this association was a congress of national teachers. The first such congress was held in 1895. The result of this meeting was an increase in the professional level of teaching staff. Issues of school construction were also partially considered. Over the years, the “Union of People’s Teachers” was born, which united democratically minded teachers. Already over the years the democratic movement has grown sharply. This was facilitated by the active association of workers and employees of various sectors of the Russian national economy. History of the trade union movement in RUSSIA

The year 1905 was marked by the emergence of legal democratic public organizations, which served as a new stage in the unification of teachers in Russia. On May 12, 1905, a meeting was held at which 256 teachers and other figures in public education created the “Union of Public Teachers and Other Figures in Public Education.” In December 1905, the second delegate Congress of the Union was held. A proposal was put forward to create an All-Russian organization based on material mutual assistance and legal protection of teachers. In 1906, the Third Congress of the Union was held, which was devoted exclusively to the problems of protecting the socio-economic and other rights of teachers. In 1907, the Fourth Delegates' Congress was held, at which the Union was recognized as a professional organization. At this Congress, ten different resolutions were adopted. This was the last congress of the All-Russian Union of Teachers and Public Education Workers.

Acting as a subject of labor law, the Trade Union supervises and controls compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, participates in management, ensures the protection of the right to work, participates in the regulation of working conditions and wages, and participates in rule-making activities. Tasks of the trade union

Members of the trade union committee of PPO GBOU secondary school 516: 1. Andreeva M.V. 2. Gensitskaya E.A. 3. Khloponya A.V. A trade union is a voluntary public association of citizens in order to protect social and labor rights and interests. One of the democratic rights of citizens of the Russian Federation is enshrined in the Russian Federation and federal law - the right to associate trade unions. According to Russian legislation, everyone over 14 years of age who has carried out labor activity has the right to create “trade unions” without prior permission, join and leave them. - Could you, schoolchildren, join “trade unions”? Why? - What relates to the economic interests of workers?

What is a trade union? The word trade union is associated primarily with communism, Komsomol, but this is not so, trade union is an abbreviation of the words “trade union”, i.e. the union of people in our industry - workers of public education and science - students and teachers. Remember that in our student trade union organization the attitude towards bureaucratic approaches is strictly negative. All our positions are elective, and each employee is responsible to all members of the trade union organization.

Areas of activity: o social and legal protection; o organization of recreation and leisure; o housing and household activities; o provision of secondary employment; o organization of law enforcement; o sports and recreational work; o information and methodological work; o organization of psychological assistance; o organization of student training through the trade union.

Rights and obligations of trade union members: Every student at a higher educational institution who recognizes the Charter of the trade union and pays membership fees can be a member of the trade union. Membership in other trade unions is permitted. Admission to trade union membership of first-year students in higher educational institutions is carried out by decision of the trade union committee. A student admitted to the trade union is issued a uniform union card. Trade union members are registered with the primary trade union organization.

A trade union member has the right: o To have the trade union protect his professional, labor and socio-economic rights and interests in state and economic bodies and in court. o Participate in trade union activities. o Take part in the development, discussion and decision-making, receive information about the activities of the trade union. o To elect and be elected as a delegate to trade union conferences and congresses, to the elected bodies of the trade union organization. o For free consultations and legal assistance. o Receive financial assistance from the funds of the trade union organization. o Receive information about the work of the trade union organization. o Use the trade union committee’s agreements with health, cultural and educational institutions and sports facilities of the city on preferential terms. o Incentives established by trade union bodies for active participation in the activities of the trade union organization. o After graduating from university, register at your place of work with an issued trade union card and enjoy all the benefits in this organization.

There is no area of ​​activity of university students that would remain without the attention of the trade union. The main activity of the primary trade union organization of university students is the protection of professional, labor and other civil, socio-economic rights and interests of students and graduate students studying at the university.

The trade union organization's focus is on the work of canteens and buffets. A specially created commission of public control under the students' trade union committee controls public catering outlets. Based on the results of inspections, measures are taken to improve the level of service. Another of the most important areas of work of the trade union organization is work to improve the dormitories of university campuses. Also no less important areas are sports and recreational, information and analytical work, as well as work related to solving housing and everyday problems and holding all kinds of cultural events.

Traditional and most significant events, which are widely publicized and quite highly appreciated, conducted by the student trade union organization: Social and legal events (providing financial assistance to needy students, organizing preferential meals, preferential accommodation in campus dormitories, etc.). Sports and recreational events (faculty health days, track and field events, military sports games, etc.). Cultural events (“Miss NSTU”, “Freshman’s Day of NSTU”, “New Year”, “Tatiana’s Day”, “Student Spring”, “Autumn Debuts”, etc. Events of the trade union of universities

Here you can: 1.receive financial assistance; 2. count on guaranteed protection of your rights; 3.participate in charity events; 4.take part in faculty, university, city and all-Russian events; interesting people, find new friends; 6.become famous in your department and university; 7.gain invaluable life experience, become a real leader!

Trade union structure: Chairman Deputy for organizational issues and records management Responsible for the work of trade unionists Social commission Household commission Deputy for public relations Cultural commission Volunteer commission Financial commission Sports commission

CHAIRMAN OF PPO GBOU Secondary School 516 Konovalova Natalya Nikolaevna Members of the Trade Union Committee: Andreeva M.V. - Occupational Safety and Health Commissioner D.I. Olshevskaya Khloponya A.V. - Chairman of the Audit Commission Igrunova T.I. - Chairman of the Cultural and Health Commission


In October, in the graduating classes of most Russian schools, trade union lessons are held, aimed at developing a conscious positive attitude towards work in the younger generation, increasing the legal literacy of young people and preparing them for independent work. After all, at age young people begin to earn money for the first time. Lessons are held with the aim of familiarizing high school students with the main articles of the Labor Code, which establish their labor rights, as well as with the functions of trade unions. Familiarizing high school students with the main articles of the Labor Code, which set out their labor rights, as well as with the functions of trade unions, is a guarantee of a successful start to their working lives. I am glad that students understand this and take an active part in learning about their rights. Many thanks to school directors, all trade union workers and teachers who take part in the trade union lesson, because in this way the younger generation learns about trade unions, about methods of protecting their social, economic and labor rights.

Krupina Lyudmila Borisovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: GBOU gymnasium 1592
Locality: Moscow city
Name of material: class notes
Subject: Trade union lesson. "What trade unions are fighting for"
Publication date: 03.02.2016
Chapter: secondary education

Trade union lesson in grade 11 "A"


Mathematics teacher Lyudmila Borisovna Krupina

lay the foundation for ways to protect your labor rights; contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards trade unions as a promising factor in the social life of Russia.
1) trace the history of the creation of trade unions in Russia, become familiar with its goals and objectives, and the activities carried out by these organizations; 2) promote the ability to analyze information about the trade union movement as an important element of civil society. 3) contribute to improving the civic culture of schoolchildren, the formation of an active life position; 4) help increase the motivation for youth participation in the trade union movement; 5) encouragement to deeply study the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, regulations of the President of the Russian Federation, the government, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
Design and equipment:
1.Epigraph to the class hour. SLIDE 2 Three “FOR”: Salary, Employment, Legality. The future of the country's economy lies in the well-being of workers. (Trade union slogans at the May Day demonstration in 2015). 2. Computer presentation.
students of grade 11 "A".

Progress of the class hour:
Teacher. Today we have an unusual class hour - a trade union lesson. The lesson is dedicated to the trade union movement. In order to start our class hour, we must first understand what a trade union is. Tell me, how many of you know what a trade union is? SLIDE 3 A trade union is a voluntary public association of citizens connected by common industrial and professional interests by type of activity, created for the purpose of representing and protecting their social and labor rights and interests. One of the most important democratic rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, enshrined in the constitution and federal law, is the right to organize into trade unions. October 2015 marked 110 years since the formation of Russian trade unions. Teacher. Why do you think the trade union movement arose in Russia later than in European countries? (This was due to the fact that for a long time Russia remained an agrarian country where industry was not developed, small-scale production existed. Until 1861, serfdom existed in Russia. Only with the development of large-scale factory production and the formation of the working class were the prerequisites created for the emergence organizations defending the interests of workers. At the beginning of the 20th century, agitation in society grew. On January 3, 1905, strikes began demanding an 8-hour working day and higher wages. The process of political and professional self-determination began. According to Russian law, everyone over the age of 14 years and carrying out labor and professional activities, has the right, without any prior permission, to create, at his own choice,
trade unions to protect their interests, join them, engage in trade union activities and leave the trade union. Could you, schoolchildren, join trade unions? (No.) What about students of vocational schools? (Yes, students of vocational education institutions (higher and secondary) can also join trade unions.) The teacher shows his union card, issued on September 13, 1977, immediately after entering the 1st year of the institute.
The main purpose of unionization
– ensuring representation of socio-economic and labor interests and rights of workers before the employer and authorities.
What caused the trade union struggle?
A natural question arises: what and with whom are trade unions fighting? Why does some “confrontation” arise between employers and employees in our rule of law state? In modern conditions, everyone, be it an employee or an employer, strives to defend their interests.
always wants to get maximum profits at minimum costs, often illegally reducing employee wages. Hence the need arises to understand in which cases the employer’s actions are legal, and in which the interests of employees need to be protected. In modern conditions in Russia, there is a need to improve the mechanisms of operation of enterprises, organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership in order to increase their competitiveness at the international level. To achieve this task, coordinated interaction between subjects of labor law is of great importance. Compliance by the employer with labor rights and interests
workers ensures a stable position for both in the sphere of labor relations. But if an employer encounters any economic difficulties, he often acts in violation of labor law standards that protect the interests of employees. The employee’s financial situation worsens, which leads to a conflict of interest, which sometimes cannot be resolved without the intervention of government authorities. The basis for stimulating any labor is material interest, namely wages. In accordance with Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages (wages) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in areas exposed to radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments) and incentive payments (additional payments and incentive allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments). Teacher. What applies to
economic interests of workers
? Student answers (wage level that can provide a decent life) Teacher. What applies to
social interests of workers
? Students' answers (obtaining a job taking into account education and desire, paying sick leave, providing benefits and housing). Teacher.
What applies to labor interests?
? Student answers (working conditions, occupational safety, etc.)
There is some discord in the interests of the employer and the employee. But you must defend your interests while strictly observing the law. Workers should not constantly demand higher wages, improved working conditions, benefits, or reduced working hours. You cannot constantly receive benefits without giving much in return. The employee is required to have skilled labor, increase productivity, and improve product quality. Without this, in modern conditions (crisis, competition), the enterprise will not survive, workers will lose their jobs, and therefore their economic interests will be infringed. In modern society, you should constantly improve your qualifications, be a competent, comprehensively developed, disciplined specialist. Trade unions monitor this and help you adapt to the team. At the same time, the trade union monitors labor discipline and the climate in the team, because this affects productivity and working conditions. Not a single employee can fully perform his job if there is a brawler and a quarrelsome person nearby. The common interests of the employer and employee are increasing labor productivity, increasing the rating of the enterprise, improving the quality and quantity of the product produced (product, intellectual product, competent graduate). In every historical period, trade unions fulfilled their task. 20-30 years In the 20th century, trade unions seriously fought and proved their viability and relevance in society. During the Second World War, trade unions subordinated all their activities to the interests of the front and the task of defeating the enemy. They provided enormous assistance in restructuring the work of all enterprises and institutions on a war footing, in mass training of professional personnel, especially women and youth.
From the 50s to the 80s. trade unions were completely subordinate to the party and administration, but were an important link in the system of state and economic management. Perestroika brought many changes in politics, economics and social sphere. This led to a change in the position of trade unions and a restructuring of all their activities. Teacher: In Russia, the associations were called the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, which includes sectoral and territorial trade unions. So, what are trade unions today? SLIDE 6
Goals of the trade union organization:
Representation and protection of social and labor rights and professional interests of Trade Union members. Ensuring control over compliance with labor legislation Organizing public control over working conditions Assisting in improving the financial situation and strengthening the health of Trade Union members. SLIDE 7
Main functions of the Trade Union:
1. Organizational 2. Function of representation and protection of social and labor rights 3. Function of rule-making 4. Function of co-management 5. Function of public control 6. Educational 7. Function of self-government Modern trade unions retain the following basic functions, which allow us to draw a conclusion about their viability and relevance:
This function permeates all areas of activity of trade union organizations. For example, organizing the work of permanent committees of the trade union committee, holding meetings, negotiations,
conferences, organization and holding of cultural and sports events, organization of recreation, organization of rallies, strikes, etc.;
Function of representation and protection of social and labor rights.
Trade union advocacy around the world covers three main areas: employment, pay and working conditions. Protection of the social and labor rights of Trade Union members is the main function of the trade union committee. The following typical life situations can be identified in the resolution of which the trade union organization takes part:  Violation of labor legislation by the administration;  Non-payment of wages;  Job reductions  Registration of old-age and long-service pensions  Incorrect assignment of sickness benefits  the need for inpatient or resort treatment  individual or collective labor dispute, etc. The trade union participates in conflict resolution, including representing the employee’s interests in court. The trade union can help its members financially (material assistance), by providing benefits (preferential loan, preferential vacation package, to a health camp for a child);
Trade unions are legislatively granted the right to act on behalf of and on behalf of labor collectives, entire industries, in interaction with state and executive authorities, employers' associations;
Public control function
(which is especially disliked by employers) The trade union monitors compliance by employers and their representatives with labor legislation, controls labor safety issues, and the implementation of workers’ labor rights. For example, authorized persons for labor protection have the right to carry out
independent examination of working conditions and ensuring the safety of the organization’s employees, take part in the investigation of industrial accidents, demand suspension of work in cases of immediate threat to the life and health of workers, check the state of labor conditions and safety, etc.
Rule-making function.
Trade union bodies (from the Central Committee of the Trade Union to the trade union committee of the institution) participate, within the limits of their powers, in the preparation of draft legislative and other regulations through the formation of proposals and amendments to draft laws and other regulations.
Co-control function.
This right to participate in the management of an organization directly or through its representative bodies is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The main forms of participation of trade union organizations in management at the establishment level:  taking into account the opinion of the trade union body in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the collective agreement. What is a collective agreement? SLIDE 8 A collective agreement (Collective Agreement) is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations in an organization and is concluded by employees and employers represented by their representatives.
When is the opinion of the trade union committee taken into account:
When dismissing members of the Trade Union, involvement in overtime work, priority in granting vacations, involvement in work on weekends and holidays, etc. receiving information from the employer on issues directly affecting the interests of employees, making proposals to improve the work of the institution, etc.

The Trade Union must assist Trade Union members in increasing their professionalism and competitiveness, and train trade union activists.
Self-government function.
The trade union organization independently determines the conditions and procedure for financial, personnel, and material support for its activities, forms and methods of work. The existence of trade union organizations in universities is very important, because student life is considered the most interesting time in a person’s life, and if you make this period eventful, participate in events, change something in the place where you study, keep abreast of events, then this will be remembered forever life. For all this there are student unions.
Final words from the teacher.
Dear boys and girls, in a year you will begin an independent life, you will study at higher educational institutions or work. The trade union is waiting for you to join its ranks. The future of trade unions belongs to the youth! Youth in the trade union movement can and must change the current situation in Russia. Questionnaire 1) Are your friends and relatives in a trade union - yes - no - I don’t know 2) Will you join a trade union - yes - no - I don’t know

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The purpose of the lesson: determine the place and role in the political structure of Russian society.


  • Define what a “trade union” is.
  • Reveal the functions of trade unions in regulating social and labor relations and their role in the formation of civil society.
  • Consider the progress of the development of the trade union movement in Russia in various socio-economic periods.
  • To update students’ knowledge and personal experience regarding participation in the trade union movement.


I. Teacher's opening speech

– We have an unusual lesson today. The lesson is dedicated to the trade union movement. Pay attention to the topic and purpose of our lesson.

Slide 1.

“Russian trade unions. History and modernity."

The purpose of the lesson: determine the place and role of trade unions in the political structure of Russian society.

Teacher. Guys, what do you know about trade unions? Who can join trade unions? What is a trade union? (Students' response).

The teacher summarizes the students' answers.

Slide 2.

Trade union is a voluntary association of citizens connected by common production and professional interests in the nature of their activities, created for the purpose of representation and protection of social and labor rights and interests.

Teacher. Let’s open the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 30, and read it.

THAT. The right to create trade unions is legally guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the Federal Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Operations” (Chapter 1, Article 2)

Question for the class: Why do workers join unions?

Answer: The main goal is to ensure the representation of social democratic, labor interests and rights of workers before the employer.

Question for the class: What do you think are the main functions of a trade union?

Slide 3.

Main functions of the trade union:

  • Organizational;
  • Regulation of social and labor relations;
  • Protective;
  • Executive;
  • Control;
  • Informational.

Teacher. What do you think is a worker's economic interests?

Economic interests:

  1. Wage level;
  2. Worthy life.
  3. Pension level.

Slide 4.

Teacher. What do we classify as the social interests of an employee?

Slide 5.

Social interests:

  1. No unemployment;
  2. Job security;
  3. Social insurance;
  4. Providing benefits;
  5. Providing housing.

Teacher. And lastly, what is the employee’s labor interest?

Slide 6.

Labor interests of the employee:

  1. Working conditions;
  2. "Social package";
  3. Job security guarantee.

Slide 7.

Teacher. Today we will walk through the pages of the history of the formation of the trade union movement. So we're going to England.

Student 1: The trade union movement originated in Great Britain at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The 19th century was a century of economic, political and colonial prosperity. The time of the industrial revolution, the emergence of wage labor, commodity-money relations, where labor becomes a commodity that has its own price. Rural England is turning into a country of cities. By the mid-19th century, the country had become the industrial workshop of the world. The formation of a class of industrial owners and proletarian workers, the contradictions between them, led to the need to create associations that defended their socio-economic interests: the length of the working day, working conditions, their safety, the level of wages. In England, the first trade unions appeared in 1792 among workers in the cotton spinning industry, then among foundry workers and miners.

Slide 8.

Student 2. In France, trade unions were created in the form of "resistance societies", such as the Paris port stevedores' society and the porters' society.
At the initial stage, trade unions were small organizations. They existed illegally, because... the bourgeoisie persecuted the workers for the great attempt to create workers' organizations. Along with protecting the economic rights of workers, workers began to enter into political struggle. The growth of political activity in European countries was facilitated by the growing influence of the trade union movement.
Before the First World War, workers in countries where trade unions were created (Great Britain, Germany, France, USA) managed, through persistent struggle, to reduce the working day to 8-10 hours in some areas, to achieve the implementation of the first measures in the field of social insurance and labor protection .

Teacher. But what about us, in Russia?
In Russia, trade unions appeared much later. This was due to the fact that for a long time Russia remained an agricultural country where industry was not developed and small-scale production existed. Until 1861, serfdom existed. Only with the development of large-scale factory production and the formation of the working class were the prerequisites created for the emergence of organizations defending the interests of workers.
Second half of the 19th century. Russia. Nikolskaya manufactory of Savva Morozov.

Class assignment: Let's read excerpts from the report card of this manufactory, for which the worker could be fined:

  • For being late and defective at work;
  • For inviting guests to the barracks without the permission of the authorities;
  • For not taking off your hat in front of the owner;
  • For washing and drying clothes in the barracks;
  • For unnecessary absence from cars;
  • For disobedience to certain orders, etc.

In total, this report card contained 735 points.

The time for receiving wages was approaching, but there was nothing to receive.

Question for the class: How do you think workers responded to such actions by employers?

– That’s right, they went on strike – this is one of the forms of workers’ struggle in the second half of the 19th century.

Slide 9.

(Student’s speech about the Morozov strike)

Student. January 7, 1885 A strike began at the textile factory of the Partnership of the Nikolskaya Manufactory of Savva Morozov Son and Co., where 11 thousand people worked. On the eve of the strike, advanced workers who had experience in revolutionary struggle held two secret meetings of initiative workers, at which they developed a plan of action and drew up demands. 8 thousand workers took part in the strike. At the insistence of the governor, who arrived with two battalions of troops, minor concessions were made to the workers on January 8. On January 11, the governor was presented with “Requirements for the general consent of workers,” which spoke of the need for state control institutions that would level wages and adopt legislative changes in terms of employment. THAT. demands were made not only to the owner, but also to the government. By order of the governor, a significant group of strikers was arrested. The workers released most of those arrested by force and demanded the release of their leader, the worker Volkov. Clashes with the troops occurred again, and only on January 17 did the authorities manage to suppress the Morozov strike. The large strikes that followed forced the government to make concessions. On June 3, 1886, a law was issued on fines and on the procedure for hiring and firing workers.


So far, workers' protests in Russia have developed spontaneously and unorganized. The workers put forward only economic demands. They did not yet have their own political organizations and trade unions, but strike committees are generally considered to be the predecessors of trade unions in Russia.

Newspapers wrote:

“This cumbersome strike made a very strong impression on the government, which saw that the workers, when they act together, represent a dangerous force, especially when the mass of workers acting together directly puts forward their demands.”

Slide 10.

Teacher. Trade unions in the proper sense of the word appeared in our country only during the revolution of 1905-1907. It was during this period that trade union committees were formed at large St. Petersburg factories - Butilovsky and Obukhovsky

Slide 11– 1917 Mass trade union movement uniting 110 professions.
Slide 12– The first leader of Soviet trade unions, Mikhail Pavlovich Tomsky.
Slide 13– During the Soviet period, trade unions united 99% of citizens. One of the most read newspapers, the Trud newspaper, became their publication.
Slide 14– 1990 Creation of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR).
Slide 15– October 2005. We celebrated the 100th anniversary of the trade union movement in Russia.
Slide 16– The leader of the FNPR is Mikhail Vladimirovich Shmakov.
Slide 17– The main slogan of modern trade unions
- Salary!
- Busy!
- Legality!
Slide 18– Currently, trade unions unite 5.5 million people.
Slide 19– Methods of influence of trade unions on the modern state:

  • Rallies;
  • Pickets;
  • Demonstrations;
  • Strikes;
  • Hunger strikes (last resort).

Teacher. In our country, a sociological survey was recently conducted on the topic: “What problems should trade union organizations solve in the first place?”

The answers were distributed as follows:

  • Salary increase – 64%
  • Protection against unemployment, improvement of working conditions – 49%
  • Expansion and strengthening of Social guarantees – 36%
  • Organization of recreation and leisure – 31%

Slide 20– The Moscow city organization of the Trade Union is the largest among regional trade union organizations.

Teacher. Let's summarize our lesson. Let's answer the questions:

  1. Define the concept of “Trade Union”.
  2. Name the date of formation of the trade union in Russia.
  3. In Soviet times, which newspaper was considered the printed publication of trade unions?
  4. What is the role of trade unions at the present stage?
  5. Name the main slogans of trade unions.

(Giving marks for the lesson).

Trade union lesson for 4th grade students What is the Trade Union for us? Alapaevskoe municipal district, branch of municipal educational institution "VSSOSH No. 3" - Bubchikovskaya secondary school. Tolmacheva Lyubov Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, highest qualification. category Goal: to introduce students to the concepts of “trade union”, the history of its formation, meaning and role in modern Russian society, to lay the foundation for ways to protect their labor rights. Objectives: educational: define what a “trade union” is, identify the goals and objectives of trade unions, the main directions and methods of their activities; consider the history of the development of the trade union movement, reveal the functions of trade unions in regulating social and labor relations; developing: continue to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue and monologue, convincingly prove your point of view, extract the main information from materials and present it competently; educational: to continue work on the formation of the civic position of students, to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards trade unions as a promising factor in the social life of Russia, to increase the legal literacy of the younger generation. Equipment: multimedia installation, electronic presentation, video, handouts.

Documents: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Labor Code, Federal Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Operations” Basic concepts: trade unions, trade union movement. Lesson progress Song 1. What does a trade union mean to us? Maybe we don't understand it yet. Don’t rush to answer, friends, you will see everything from afar. Once we finish studying, we’ll dive headfirst into the sea of ​​life. Guys, life will answer this question for us later. CHORUS: The Trade Union will be like God At the fork of seven roads. Like a living candle light outside a frosty window in the night. The trade union will melt the ice And will understand any of us From the floor of a glance, without unnecessary phrases. He lives on earth for us. 2.What does a trade union mean to us? Why are we so firmly connected to him? Every day you look for answers, As in tasks, there is more than one way. And when you understand at least a little, In life He is like a life preserver... And if in life you are like a “hedgehog in the fog”, Then he is your reliable friend. CHORUS: The Trade Union will be like God. At the fork of seven roads.

Like a living candle light outside a frosty window in the night. The trade union will melt the ice And will understand any of us From the floor of a glance, without unnecessary phrases. He lives on earth for us. . Teacher: Hello, guys! Today we are conducting not an ordinary lesson, but a trade union lesson. In a few years you will be entering adulthood. You will receive vocational education and a profession. It is important that you are fully prepared for your new role in life. I would like your work life not to be overshadowed by anything. You won’t be able to know everything about your work and its specifics right away, somewhere you will lack knowledge of the law, and sometimes there is no one to turn to for help. No one wants to spoil their relationship with their manager. It is difficult for one to achieve compliance with legal requirements. That is why there are trade unions of workers at every enterprise, which, together with employers, are interested in strengthening order in the organization. This year the union turned 100 years old. The chairman of the school PC will tell you how it all began. Speech by the Chairman of the PC: This year the trade union turns 100 years old. How did it all begin? By the summer of 1918, the period of formation, strengthening, and choosing the path of development of trade union organizations had ended. The All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU) was created, the first founding congress of which took place in January 1918. In the early years of Soviet power, they played an important role in eliminating unemployment and illiteracy, and in providing food and fuel to workers and their families. Workers, organizing unions, organized the system brick by brick. And everyone in this system was an inextricable link. The trade union entertained, the trade union raised. They raised the hinterlands, fought hunger, and increased labor productivity. Trade unions were involved in all spheres of life. Why do we now, who are so independent, need a trade union steeped in the past? Man is a social being, society is an integral part of life. And there is plenty of injustice around. For example, a manager has a lot of options: he can fine an employee or fire him

or at least reprimand. In fact, subordinates individually represent useless “cogs” of the mechanism, and there is no one to protect them. Of course, we have the right to go to court, to higher authorities, but even if legality can be restored, the employer will definitely try to get rid of the obstinate employee. But trade union organizations deal with organizational issues and often act as parliamentarians in negotiations with management. Now it’s a little clear what a trade union is and why it is needed? However, there is an opinion among employers and even employees that they cannot expect help from the trade union, and that any fight against the employer will end in victory for the latter. But there are many examples where a well-organized trade union achieved the fulfillment of demands; it can be compared to an army: just as an army is ready to repel an enemy attack, so a well-organized trade union is able to protect the interests of its members. Only such unions of workers are forced to be taken into account by employers. However, for a union to be truly strong and effective, every employee who joins the organization must take part in its life. A huge number of people take part in the life of our teachers' union. And we are the same army that occupy the non-attacking side and even less defensive, rather organizing. The school's unions remain, and they truly care about the employees who join them. Teacher: Our school annually holds summer trade union sessions for children. Presenter 2: Since 2009, our school regularly hosts summer thematic sessions “Me and the Trade Union”, “Every little one knows what the Trade Union is”, “Travel to the planets of the galaxy with the Trade Union”, “I will not part with the Trade Union”, “Me, you , he, she is a trade union family." In an accessible, playful way, children became acquainted with the basics of social and labor relations, labor rights and responsibilities, and learned to conduct a dialogue with social partners. (presentation) Teacher: Ekaterina Shugaeva, a member of the propaganda team, will talk about the work of the children’s trade union propaganda team “Simply Class”.

Shugaeva Ekaterina: presentation The “Trade Union” change was not limited to the summer holidays; the guys and I took the initiative to continue working in this direction. And in 2009, the children's trade union propaganda team “Simply Class” was created. For the first time, our children's trade union propaganda team spoke at a meeting of trade union activists with the Head of the Alapaevskoye municipal district and the Head of the Alapaevskoye municipal administration. Our incendiary speeches, where we stressed that the trade union is a reliable defense of their labor rights, left no one unattended. We were received with "Hurray!" And then we spoke bolder and more confidently at the May Day rallies in the village of V. Sinyachikha, organized by the Coordination Council of Trade Union Organizations of the Alapaevskoye Municipal District, at the municipal holiday “Day of Trade Union Activist”, at meetings with the heads of educational institutions, deputy heads for educational work. Subsequently, the geography of their performances expanded and our children’s trade union propaganda team twice performed at the regional competition of trade union propaganda teams “Trade Unions for Decent Work”, and twice became laureates of this competition. (video) We were congratulated by the Chairman of the Coordination Council of Trade Union Organizations of the Alapaevskoye Municipal Formation Shilyaeva Tatyana Valentinovna and presented letters of gratitude with good parting words and gifts with trade union symbols. Now a new generation is growing up, including you, who will worthily continue the work we have begun in forming a positive image of the trade union. Teacher: Now let’s play, let’s act out the fairy tale “Teremok” The Tale of the Teremok Characters and performers: Author, Mouse Norushka, Hedgehog - no head, no legs, Bunny Jumping, Fox Sister, Top Gray Barrel. There is a tower in Bubchikovo - it is neither low nor high. And the kids live there in the trade union, they don’t bother, they are friends with the kids of Sinyachikha and the Fakel camp.

Suddenly Mouse Norushka runs to them at the trade union. She is a merry girl, she is a laugher. She dances and sings - she lives happily with everyone in the union. She settled in Teremka and is already singing on stage. A Hedgehog runs past - no head, no legs! He knows how to glue, build, solder, and assemble any model! Who, who lives in Teremochka, who sings songs on stage? We are children, I am Mouse, Merry, beautiful and laughing! And I - Hedgehog heads, no legs. Come to our trade union. A little bunny is running past in sports pants, He jumps, gallops, he has a fitness ball, He can jump on a skipping rope and deftly kick his legs! Who, who lives in Teremochka, collects models and sings songs? We are Kids, Hedgehog and Mouse, come visit us Bunny! They all became friends! Sister Fox runs past, she is a jack of all trades, embroiders, draws, creates, she can sew you any outfit. Who, who lives in Teremochka, collects models and sings songs? Do you play sports all day long? We are the Kids, the Hedgehog and the Mouse, and the sporty Bunny! Come in, LisaMaster, we’ll live and work together! Gray Wolf ran past - he knew everything about the trade union by heart! I could draw up a collective agreement, It’s not easy to play any game. Who, who lives in Teremochka, collects models and sings songs? Do you play sports all day long? Draws, knits, glues and, of course, sews? We are the Kids, the Hedgehog and the Mouse, and the sporty Bunny! And Foxy Sister Craftswoman! Your knowledge base will also be useful to us!

They live in a trade union, they don’t bother, they are friends with the children of Sinyachikha and the Fakel camp. And you, dear viewers, come and look at us! We are happy to welcome everyone, we will find something for everyone. We accept everyone into the union, and we are never bored at all! Reflection. “What is a trade union?” questions (presentation)

Trade union lessons are needed in order to:
introduce high school students to the history of the trade union movement;
inform the children about the current stage of development of the trade union movement, labor rights and guarantees for workers;
increase the motivation of young people to participate in the trade union movement;
Help students understand the values ​​of respect and observance of the rights of each of us.
Lessons are always taught using information technology and visual materials. Representatives of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions, the district Council of the IFP, members of the Committee of the territorial trade union organization, chairmen of the PPO present at the lessons note the activity, spontaneity and emotionality of the students, and interest in gaining knowledge on this topic. In the lessons, they use such forms of work as frontal questioning, conversation, lecture elements, project activities, questioning, game moments, and performing group, collective and individual tasks.
Much attention in the lessons is paid to the concepts of “labor activity”, “labor”, “material production”, demonstrating their relationship with the quality of life, defining the content and criteria of the concept of “decent work”, giving an idea of ​​the norms of international and Russian law in the field of labor legislation; consider trends in the youth labor market in Moscow. During lessons, teachers note that today it is the trade union that remains the largest public organization of workers, which has the right by law to represent the interests and protect the rights of workers. Teachers develop in students an understanding of socio-economic processes in the field of labor relations and the ability to adapt to a new social environment. Along with the concepts of “civil society” and “rule of law”, the children get acquainted with what public organizations are and why they are needed, noting that this is an integral element of civil society. The guys get acquainted with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, discuss individual articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Operations.”
Lessons are usually interesting not only for high school students, but also for teachers and guests. All teachers and chairmen of trade union committees of educational institutions note the relevance and value of the methodological recommendations of the MGO trade union for conducting a trade union lesson, as well as a trade union meeting with a single agenda “Decent work in the 21st century”, which takes place on October 7 of each year in the primary trade union organizations of the district.
Conducting trade union lessons has become a good tradition in the district, helping to explain the role and importance of the trade union organization in the representation and protection of the social and labor rights of trade union members.

Olga SOBOLEVA, Chairman of the Southern District Organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education
