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Warcraft legends. Legends of Arkain: The First Books. Dragons in the service of good

Open this amazing collection of original stories and immerse yourself in the world of exciting adventures that take place in the Warcraft universe. Thrag Highmountain, the brave tauren we met in the second book of the Warcraft: Shadows in the Ice trilogy, returns to the world of the living... in the guise of the undead. A mechanic gnome with a knack for talking nonsense at the most inopportune moment is the only one who can calm down the ferocious troll. The collection includes four stories filled with adventure, battles, dramatic events and humor.

The work belongs to the genre art, photo. It was published in 2018 by AST. The book is part of the "Warcraft. Legends" series. On our site you can download the book "Warcraft. Legends. Volume 1" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book, and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

Legends of Arkain is a Warcraft 3 campaign series set in a fantasy world called Arkain.
Its peoples have been battling the demons that have been trying to subdue the mortal races since ancient times. Orcs, humans, and even the walking dead will have to give them a fight... or become slaves of the devilish invaders forever.
They need to remember that history is written by the winners.

Key Features

Three storylines

Take command of one of the three most powerful races of Arkain: the majestic people of the Empire, the mighty orc robbers or the mysterious living dead, and help them fight back the demonic invasion in your own way.

The fate of Arkain is in your hands

From time to time you will need to make decisions that can affect the future course of events. They will be able to affect both the plot and the characters, and sometimes even transform the course of entire missions. The situation is similar with additional tasks: not completing them is also a kind of choice.

New troops

The playable races are based on the existing ones in Warcraft 3, but have been significantly reworked. You will meet both old acquaintances and new, unseen fighters.

Three difficulty levels

Campaigns can be played at different levels of difficulty, affecting the ease of passage.
For example, on easy, opponents will not restore lost buildings.

AI on Jass

The artificial intelligence of the enemies in these campaigns is written in the Jass programming language. Now opponents are smarter than usual.

Parties to the war


People have existed in Arkain for a long time. With their allies - dwarves and elves - the human kingdoms fought for many centuries with the orcs who plundered their lands, and when the time came for a new invasion of demons, their forces were not enough to survive.
However, far from the Great Sea, from the west, the Empire, a powerful human state, came to their aid. The rescued immediately became subjects of Emperor Theodore II and thus gained a chance to drive the demons from their lands.
Once upon a time, people already tried to get rid of the demonic threat forever. Then they failed. Now they are determined to fight again to the end - until the last of their enemy...or the last man is left.


According to the legends, the orcs are guests from another continent, who arrived a long time ago and quickly settled in the human kingdoms. But even the old-timers cannot say whether these rumors are true, or whether the orcs have always been on human land.
It is only known that, once united, their clans were a formidable force that managed to conquer vast expanses of the earth and inflict painful blows on other races. However, power played a cruel joke with the orcs: other peoples, especially demons, cruelly took revenge on their offenders, halving their ranks.
The orcs, who survived only because their enemies were also fighting with each other, had to give in and give the captured lands to their former owners. They formed an alliance with the trolls, but never recovered from their defeat. Unable to start a war, the clans plunged into a chaos of disunity and strife.
However, the Greenskins are still a thorn in the side of other races, living off raids and looting. Orcs are still plentiful. If they unite under the rule of a great leader - who knows, perhaps the time for a new invasion will come.


The Living Dead are the most mysterious of Arkain's factions. Of course, everyone knows necromancers and other summoners of the undead, but as a full-fledged people, the undead are a real secret for everyone.
A long time ago, a group of necromancers who went crazy with their power decided to take over the world with the help of a huge army of the undead. But suddenly - some days after the attack on the human kingdoms - their onslaught stopped. The only trace of the existence of those necromancers was only their corpses.
They were taken care of by a powerful, but unknown to any mortal or demon, high lich named Aridon, the self-named Guardian of Arkain. He has the desire and power to subdue any reanimated dead. This age-old observer wants only one thing: the balance of world forces. At least, balance in his mind.


If there is a people whose age is comparable to the age of Aridon, then these are demons. Their diabolical horde has long been considered the scourge of mortal races. It is possible that there were not only brutal invasions or enslavements in their history, but in this case, except for the demons themselves, no one is able to say about it.
The Daemonfolk are made up of several legions, each commanded by a powerful dreadlord. Which one is a mystery to other races.
The demon lands are located far to the east of the mainland, separated by a monstrous rift - the so-called Abyss. Of all mortals, perhaps only demon slaves have ever managed to cross it.

Each world keeps its secrets and legends. world legend Warcraft from Blizzard in ten years from a simple fairy tale about the invasion of green-skinned invaders turned into a huge epic world with its heroes, memorable places, dates and ancient history.

We now take Azeroth for granted, for granted. Well, who doesn’t know that the local gnomes are undersized, the elves are eared, the tauren bellow, and the undead smells bad. But if you think about it - where did these Lordaeron, Kalimdor, Khaz-Modan come from? What are the roots and origins of past and current wars? And how did Azeroth come to life (unlife) like this?

To understand the present, you need to know the past. It is necessary to look into the depths of centuries, where the answers to all questions are hidden. It is necessary to open and read the history of Azeroth.

The Titans and the Formation of the Universe

Nobody knows exactly how it all started. All the witnesses, no matter how many there were, will not tell anyone anything. AT recent times in Azeroth, the theory of the Big Boom is popular - not otherwise, at the suggestion of goblin scientists. Eared professors claim that at first everything was Very Empty and Dark, but suddenly there was a deafening explosion, the worlds scattered like billiard balls, and everything began to spin. “However, it is possible that the One Goblin created us all,” they immediately add modestly.

For a long time the worlds spun Christmas decorations in the void, and the roar of the explosion echoed among them. It seemed that everything was ready to settle down, but then giant creatures came out of the noise from nowhere. Shining stars reflected on their metallic bodies. They were robots, although in those days they preferred to call themselves titans.

With a grunt, they swept asteroids into a heap, tidied up among the planets, fashioned mountains and seas on them, breathed in the atmosphere - where oxygen, and where methane.

The universe has become noticeably cleaner. But the second law of thermodynamics cannot be deceived. Creatures from the world of entropy and chaos, nicknamed by the titans the Distorted Underworld, threatened to nullify all the efforts of the ironskins. Demons from the Lower World most of all disliked cleanliness and order, striving to inherit and spoil wherever possible: “I hate good deeds! And I see dark deeds!”

But the titans are hardworking people. Such is their titanic share. Annoying creatures everywhere and everywhere received a good thrashing.

Sargeras and his betrayal

Demons cannot be driven out for good - they will always find a gap in the fence in order to find themselves again where they were not invited. Very soon annoying creatures brought the titans to the handle. And then the iron pantheon gathered, rattling its hinges, and began to look for the last one.

The last one was quickly found - the titans pushed out of their ranks a simple bronze robot named Sargeras.

Here you are with us and will be responsible for the demons. Sign, get a broom and go.

Why me? - the bronze guy was indignant.

Because it's necessary. Because the demons got everyone worse than cockroaches, and you are the strongest with us. Because the party gave the order. What needs to be said?

Thank the robots... - Sargeras mumbled without enthusiasm and set to a hopeless job alone.

For thousands of years, Sargeras hunted demons and swept them into the Underworld. It was easy, but very boring and pointless work. The demons didn't get smaller. What bothered the bronze giant most of all was a band of eredar sorcerers who populated the worlds, swine there, turned all the inhabitants into demons and went into the sunset. Seeing the piles of cigarette butts, broken bottles and syringes left behind by the Eredar, Sargeras now and then fell into a deep depression.

Another armed group, calling themselves the Nathrezim, amused themselves by sowing stupid, evil, fleeting things in all the worlds that came to hand. And the population of the planets that were under the bad influence all of a sudden began to swing sabers and dashingly go into cavalry attacks on each other. When Sargeras saw these ugly fratricidal wars, he had a nervous breakdown: he ran around in circles for a long time, clutching his bronze head, shouting obscene words and complaining to the whole world about the injustice of the titans:

It's just not fair! With my impressionable nature, with my subtle spiritual organization, I should have been born a poet. And who did he become? Cleaner! Modest. No one needs! Nobody's favorite cleaner. Sargeras the cleaner!

But there was no one to listen to the complaints of the bronze warrior - all the titans had just left to watch the competition of robot guitarists.

Who needs this order anyway? Breaking is not building. The universe is still waiting for heat death, which means that my work is simply not needed by anyone! Well, nothing. Until now, you have known me well. Now you get to know me from the bad side!

After saying these historic words, Sargeras defected. The titans shrugged when they found the abandoned broomstick and crossed the bronze one off the payroll. The rebel wandered for a long time through the far corners of the Universe and continued to boil, heating up more and more. Soon he looked no longer like a bronze robot, but like a walking open-hearth furnace. “What kind of star is wandering there, in the distance?” - the careless titans asked each other, not yet knowing how much headache the cleaning robot would give them.

And Sargeras shook out the eredar with nathrezim from the garbage bag and lined up the demons in front of him in an uneven square. At first, the creatures, stunned by such treatment, did not even recognize the former janitor in the molten titanium.

Equal! Attention! From now on, I am your commander-in-chief! - Titan immediately took the bull by the horns. He sustained a Mkhatov pause and continued:

Fellow demons! I will make a real army out of you. Will you be the best army of this universe - if only you would not shame the matter - that's it, that's the point! How to eat one without the other can not resist. I must, then, go - that's the whole story, such is my commander's hand.

With a keen eye, the robot examined the ranks of demons and found the most decent-looking one:

Kil-Jaeden, nicknamed the Deceiver, Comrade Chief, the demon replied lazily.

You're going to recruit my armies. You will deceive - I will pull the horns on the tail.

Hands down, comrade chief.

What's your name, you little stinky creature?

Archimonde Dirty, sir! Yes, sir!

Lead my troops into battle. With a commander like you, they won't get lost - just follow the smell.

Sir is sir!

The demons settled in the barracks. Training has begun. Sargeras, who completely got used to the role of the Dark Lord, mercilessly drove them around the planets, forcing them to sing a battle song in chorus: “We will defeat the titans! And we will inherit everywhere!”

Kil-Jaeden was sternly warned against any attempt to deceive Sargeras. Political work yielded results: the demon did not cheat, but actually brought vampires from the distant frontiers, masters of horror, ready to serve the new dark lord. Delighted, Sargeras created a secret intelligence service out of vampires, engaged in the search for primitive worlds and preparing them for invasion. The "Fifth Vampire Column" worked like clockwork, and the bloodthirsty Tikhondriy the Dark turned out to be the best Stirlitz among the newcomers.

Distinguished and dirty Archimonde, gladly taking on the role of commander of the countless army of Darkness. But instead of relying on the vampire intelligence agencies, he secretly created his own security force under the guidance of the simple and rude Mannoroth the Destroyer.

Soon, Sargeras had a huge, well-trained and well-drilled demonic army under his arms. In the universal void, the horned creatures huddled together and burned fires at a halt, puffing on their pipes (so they awkwardly imitated the fiery appearance of their leader). Looking at the endless rows of fires that stretched for many parsecs around, the bronze robot thought for a long time. And finally yelled:

You will be my Burning Legion!

The next morning, the Legion set out on its first campaign.

The Old Gods and the Creation of Azeroth

While the distant worlds, one after another, bowed before the might of Sargeras, the titans, who did not know the telegraph, continued to enthusiastically sculpt cakes from the planets. Azeroth was one of the planetoids they came across at that time.

One, two - got it!

Looking closely, the surprised robots discovered that the seemingly uninhabited planet is inhabited by elemental spirits who do not like to look at the iron faces flashing in the sky. The spirits already had their good old elemental gods. This fact did not bother the titans at all:

We don't care - paid. In fact, the planetary restructuring plan has been hanging in our institution for two hundred years, and you've had time to appeal.

The program is the program, the five-year plan is sacred. The new planet must be sterilized - and the robots quickly gave the old gods a ragnarok, spraying insecticide on the planet. Everyone got it - the fiery Ragnaros, the stone Terazane, the airy Al-Akir and the sea Neptulon. They all raised their paws, submitting to brute force and space bulldozers.

The same thing, - the titans said instructively, put the old gods into the stain, dryer, straightener and pushed young Azeroth deep underground. The godless world was ready for global cleaning and settling according to the plan.

From the revived stone, the robots created the Earth race, sprinkled the entire population with naphthalene and piled it in a distant cave, instructing the sea giants to look after the warehouse. While the giants delved into the essence of the order, the robots took up the manufacture of the fjords, plains and mountain ranges of a single continent. In order not to go far for precious energy, the robots, without further ado, dug the Well of Eternity and filled it with high-quality high-octane magic.

We don't know exactly what happened next. Maybe the titans left the well in Azeroth on purpose, maybe they just forgot to bury it when they left for other worlds. But the fact remains - the land saturated with magic quickly filled with fauna and flora.

The Titans left the remade world at night, when the darkness that came from the east once again descended on their creation. And like true romantics, they called the continent "the land of eternal starlight."

Ours is Kalimdor.

Dragons in the service of good

But, leaving Azeroth, the robots did not leave him unattended. The pet war dragons remained on the planet as a limited contingent of progressors, representing centralized power, authority, and so on in Kalimdor.

Huge, powerful and very evil, they loitered over Kalimdor, hunting down and sniffing out sedition. And the five Great Dragons were placed in charge of the dragon army. Well done, miracle heroes, one more beautiful than the other.

The scales of Nozdormu, the household dragon that once belonged to the chief titan Aman-Thul, cast bronze. Nozdormu didn't care for trifles. He guarded the fate of the world and time itself, which earned him the nickname "Forever Late".

The dragoness Alexstrasza preferred red to all colors, from a distance resembled a flying Ferrari and was responsible for the life of all the creatures of Azeroth. She rescued chicks that had fallen from the nest, removed cats from trees, and in gratitude, she was the only one among dragons to receive the royal title (which, however, did not mean anything significant).

Green Ysera worked on the vegetable part. But she was never seen in the skies of Azeroth - and all because Ysera loved to ask a snork very much and did not get out of her cave, managing to follow the rainforests right in her sleep. Of course, she was nicknamed "Sonya" and nothing else.

The fourth color dragon was Malygos, the mage - he was always recognized by his characteristic cyanotic blue. He didn’t do anything special - he flew, let out tricksters with firecrackers from nothing to do and guarded magical secrets. So was Nelfarion, the stylish black dragon who had been put in charge of the land.

So far, there were no people who wanted to steal the whole Kalimdor, so Nelfarion, along with Malygos, always disappeared in taverns. Ysera slept, Alexstrasza rushed from nest to nest, and Nozdrome was guarded every second, although no one encroached on time either.

The Burning Legion's invasion was mere centuries away.

The Waking World and the Well of Eternity

Abandoned by the titans, the Well of Eternity not only became the source of life for all of Kalimdor, it irresistibly attracted packs of small mammals. It soon became clear that it had the same effect on them as Clark's Black Obelisk. The animals quickly descended from the trees, stood up on their hind legs and turned into humanoids - wild, but cute. Rapid evolution was not in vain for them, atavisms made themselves felt, and the ears of the first intelligent race (not counting those stored in the caves of the Earth) remained pointed. But in all other respects, the savages turned out to be simply handsome - tall, immortal, well-tailored, deftly molded.

The night elves (which, you guessed it, were them) for some unknown reason fell in love with the stars and called themselves Kaldorei, "children of the stars." The elves quickly figured out what the power was. All of the life energy was fed from the Well, and at first the elves built their first cities only around it. The first religion of the new race likened the mirror surface of the Well to the moon in heaven, and the priests taught ordinary elves that during the day the goddess Elune herself rests from night walks in the sky. The elves believed and continued to explore the magical properties of the inexhaustible source of life.

Spreading rapidly across Kalimdor, the elves soon came across the dragons, which surprised them a lot. Only Ysera ignored the eared Livingstons - she was sleeping, and she didn’t care about anything. The rest of the dragons got together and decided to treat the elves as harmless eccentrics for the time being.

By the way, the night elves did not immediately begin to read trees and, in general, all plant matter. They developed a passion for trees, bushes, and grass only after meeting the demigod centaur Cenarius, nicknamed "Silver Hoof." He had long guarded the rainforests alone and now decided to use the elves as assistants. No one wanted to quarrel with him, so the eared creatures patiently sat at the ecological lectures of Cenarius and meekly took notes of them. This benefited the forests - they were not cut down even when the night elves settled throughout the continent.

But the elven queen Azshara, using her official position, rebuilt her residence right on the banks of the Well. Arrogant, she bathed in a well and in luxury, forgot about the aspirations of a simple eared people and even called herself and her close associates High Elves. The people were silent - then the dark elves were not fond of revolutions, although no one liked the impudence and arrogance of the Highest.

Meanwhile fundamental research The Wells of Eternity continued. Scientists took samples, carried out physical analyzes, tried to find out the composition and nature of the energy substance, and even immersed deep-sea submersibles into the Well several times. Gradually success came, and with them - dizziness. The elves were able to harness the free magical energy, which Azshara and her court quickly found out about. The unrestrained exploitation of the Well began. Old Cenarius shook his head in vain - the amount of consumed magical energy grew exponentially every day.

Unlimited power finally corrupted the High Elves. The well was used solely by Azshara and a few of her close priests. To all questions, the queen arrogantly answered: “What! Even though I'm greedy, but from the bottom of my heart. The rulers of the elves became terribly far from the people.

But who cared? Except perhaps the young, promising druid scientist Malfurion Stormrage, who more and more often said: “Be in trouble! Oh, be in trouble! Feels my heart, it will not end well.

War of the Ancients

The elves did not even suspect that the more they used the Well of Eternity, the more noticeable Azeroth became among other planets. By the time it came to megaton spells, the planet glowed in the radio range no worse than any neutron star.

Sargeras was just trying on titles and wondering if "Destroyer of Worlds, Great Enemy of Existence, Dark God of the Nameless Void, with his feet on the Universe" sounded good, when he felt a disturbance in the great Power. Turning on the receiver, he quickly caught the elven transmissions and immediately rushed to the intelligence department, where he gave the vampires who overlooked the promising planet a terrible thrashing.

Nothing can be ordered! he yelled at Tichondrius. - You have to do everything yourself!

Frightened vampires for twenty-four hours prepared for the leader operational information on Azeroth. As it turned out, the source of the indignation is a gigantic supply of free magic in the Well left by the titans.

Just magic and energy was not enough for the Dark Lord, who was interrupted by dynamos and portable generators. He personally led an army of a million thug demons and delivered a pep talk to them. Archimonde and Mannoroth saluted and gave the command to march.

Sargeras' plan was truly devilishly cunning. He got in touch just at the moment when Queen Azshara and all her attendants were lying under a magical high. The dialogue of the bronze robot with the dumbfounded Azshara went something like this:

Who's there? whispered the queen.

I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good.

Wow, a whole god! Come in, of course. Now I'll open the portal, - Azshara perked up noticeably.

I can't get through, I'm too big. First, I'll let my retinue pass, agreed?

No problem. For a real god, we organize everything according to the first category.

Azshara gathered in the throne room everyone who could be distracted from looking at the pink elephants, explained to them that a god was coming (no one was surprised). Then she explained once again that it was God, and not another vision - and together with the courtiers opened a portal right in the Well of Eternity, so as not to pull the power cord far.

Those are not frightened idiots, - Archimonde muttered quietly, looking at the opening window to Azeroth.

Certainly, Sargeras sighed. - It's time to scare. Well, this is your finest hour. Start your blitzkrieg.

Archimonde took the radio and gave a short order. The first mobile assault columns entered the glittering portal. (After some ten thousand years, the orc hordes from Draenor will enter Azeroth in the same way).

The forward assault troops instantly captured the queen's palace without meeting any resistance. The demons went through the portal in an endless stream, immediately deployed in battle formations and began to implement the plans of the command and personally comrade Sargeras.

Hell fell upon the sleeping elven cities. The demons of hell summoned by the sorcerers, the infernal paratroopers fell from heaven to earth like fiery meteors. Infernal guards marched across the fields and forests of Kalimdor, rattling their otherworldly chains. Packs of horned magical bloodhounds burst into defenseless villages. In several places, the soldiers, alerted in time, were desperately defending their positions. But the forces were unequal, and the elves retreated step by step.

Awakened by the noise and distant cannonade, Malfurion Stormrage put on his glasses, looked out the window and immediately realized that they had finished the game. He had long suspected something was wrong, seeing how his own brother Illidan, who fell into the ranks of the High Elves, slowly but surely sat down on a magical high from the Eternal Well.

But this time, the terrified Illidan really got through.

Remember what all this magical nonsense leads to! hissed Malfurion. - You and I need to immediately go in search of Cenarius, so if anyone helps the elves, it's him. But you will need to tie.

Of course of course! Illidan muttered. - I'm completely tied up!

Look at me. Let's take Tyrande with us into the woods, it's not safe here.

Tyrande was the name of a young priest, for whom both brothers were dying - at least until Illidan became so addicted to magic that all amorous affairs became a light bulb to him.

For a long time the three elves walked along guerrilla paths to Moonglade. Illidan felt visibly sick - he was sweating and constantly cold even near the fire. When the elf was finally found Cenarius, he was brief:

Think? What to think? You have to stomp! Only dragons can do anything with this horde, and even then ... If the demons still escaped from the portal, I'll tell you straight, it's damn hard to push them back. Dragons are our last hope.

Early in the morning, a joyful cry was heard over the capital of Kalimdor: "Dragons fly!"

All five dragons flew into battle with the demons - even Ysera woke up to save Kalimdor. The flight commander was Alexstrasza, her glittering red scales terrified even the demons accustomed to everything.

Cenarius, having caused an air strike, did not waste time - he woke up his faithful Forest Brothers from hibernation. Military doctrine suggested using them in guerrilla raids behind enemy lines - it's hard to think of a better use for a crowd of walking trees. But this time it was necessary to go for broke in order to develop success on earth, if the dragons achieve it at all. Entire forests, with the support of small groves, moved to the capital.

The remnants of the elven armies also launched a psychic attack on the detachments of demons guarding the Well. And what was the queen doing at that time? She, alive and well, was looking forward to meeting with the god and was preparing to expand the portal in the Well so that Sargeras himself could pass through it. To do this, it was necessary to gather together the magical powers of all the High Elves. Portal specialists ran all over the palace, catching the jumpers. But the forces were not enough.

The shadow of the dragon wings fell on the palace. And five winged guards fell upon the demons.

Deciphering the negotiations of the dragons will help to restore the subsequent events:

Attention, I'm red. Cover, I dive, then I go into a combat turn.

Got you, Red. Black, hang up.

Yes, how many of them are here!

Heavy anti-aircraft fire. Maneuvers, maneuvers!

They go through the Well.

Left, left! [inaudible] Blue, light up!

I'm going to the third turn. Red, you have a demon on your tail.

I can't shake it off!

Stay above the target.

He's on my tail!

Stay on target!

Great spit, green...

Black, where, where? Keep in formation!

Nelfarion, what are you doing?!

Red, watch out! [unintelligible screams over the air] ...oh, fuck him!

Fire, fire!

Black, you're crazy! Nelfarion!

- You don't know the full power of the Dark Side!!! I am no longer Nelfharion. I am the Black Coat!

The black dragon Dethwing, the Deathwing, formerly Nelfarion, attacked the rest of the dragons without any warning and with a few well-aimed spit fires forced them to retreat. A sudden betrayal morally crippled the colored team. All of them unanimously decided that the game was not worth the candle, and, in fact, they did not need to defend Azeroth - health was more expensive.

Malfurion saw with his own eyes the outcome of the battle in heaven. He managed to jump into the trench and go to the rear before the demons, inspired by an unexpected ally, finally took over the battlefield.

"Light! Light! They crawl into the light! The well must be closed. Otherwise, everyone is dead, ”the young scientist whispered to Cenarius and Tyrande. “We need to break into Azshara's palace at all costs and destroy the portal itself! By the way, where is Illidan? He was just here...

To be continued.

So. Last time we talked about Warcraft books translated into Russian. Today is the turn of the manga. To be honest, I'm not a fan of manga, anime and other creations of Japanese (Chinese? Korean?) culture, but I acquired Warcraft manga. And to be honest, I can say that it is very, very good. So, let's talk about the released manga.
Manga World of Warcraft. Death Knight
Author(s): Dan Jolley (author), Rocío Zucci (artist)
Publisher: Eksmo
Release date: August 5, 2010
Total volumes: 3, in Russian: 1.

In World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King, Thassarian is a renegade death knight, one of the few who has managed to free himself from the Lich King's grip. Although Thassarian has turned his incredible powers against his former master, he is still feared and despised by most of the Alliance's comrades. Countless players assisted Thassarian in the game as he fought against the Lich King's minions in Northrend, but the details of his past life known only to a few. Death Knight is Thassarian's story, revealing the origins, motives, and deepest secrets of Warcraft's newest death knight avatar.
Outcome: a very exciting story, interestingly presented, a dramatic story that is not embellished with anything and in any case does not end with a happy ending. High-quality drawing and translation, no less high-quality cover.

Manga World of Warcraft. Solar spring.
Author(s): Knaak R., Jae Hwang Kim.
Release year: 2007
Publisher: Eksmo
Volumes in the series: 3 In Russian: 3

Volume 1: The fate of all of Azeroth depends on the outcome of this journey full of dangers and mysteries. The blue dragon Kalec, on behalf of his lord Malygos, is sent in search of the Sunwell, a powerful source of magic. However, he is not the only one who seeks to get the Well. And if not for the beautiful Anveena, Kalec, who took on a human form, would hardly have been able to survive and continue on his way…
Volume 2: The blue dragon Kalec sets off in search of the Sunspring, the source of magic. Whoever takes possession of the Spring will gain the key to great power, so it is not surprising that not only dragons, but also minions of the Lich King are looking for him. Thanks to the help of the beautiful Anveena, a lone knight named Jorad Mace, and Tyrygosa, Kalec's fiancée, the young dragon manages to escape the battle with the dark elf Darkan alive. Now the path of Kalec and his friends leads to the top of a distant mountain - somewhere there lives a hermit magician who knows the secret of the Spring. However, among the snow and ice, they are destined to meet not only friends...
Volume 3: The final book of the trilogy will open the veil of secrecy over the personalities of the heroes who are faced with new villains and dangers on their way.
Outcome: A very, very significant manga for the history of Warcraft, which makes it clear who Kylek is, the solar well (and in particular, who is the girl circling in it), as well as telling about the first tauren - the death knight and many others. Translation quality is disappointing. Salty ... spring? Not a well? And this is not the only mistake. But okay. The quality of the illustrations and the cover is still excellent.

Manga World of Warcraft. Legends.
Author(s): Richard Knaak, Dan Jolley, Troy Luther, Mike Wellman
Year of release 2006-2010
Publisher: Eksmo
Volumes in the series; 5, in Russian: 5.

Volume 1:
Trag Highmountain, a fearless tauren, broke the sphere of Ner'zul, and for this he faces a punishment worse than death - the Lich King wants to make Trag his minion ...
Wanting to help the lost warriors, Halsand, a poor farmer, volunteers to escort them to the camp, where an army has gathered, intent on freeing Andorhal from the cursed Scourge. But upon arrival at the place, it turns out that only a hundred soldiers will have to attack the Scourge...
How to win friends
Lazlow is an unfortunate dwarf inventor who, in addition, has an amazing ability to talk out of place all the time. Is it worth mentioning that he has no friends in the city? .. But when a huge troll attacked the inhabitants of the city, Lazlo was the only one who could defeat the terrible monster! Will Lazlo manage to use one of his inventions and defeat the terrible troll?
fair trade
Nori Blackfinger is known everywhere as a skilled blacksmith, his blades guarantee victory in any battle! But he doesn't care at all about who can sell deadly weapons and who can't... When he sold the sword to the famous bandit and assassin Havok, the events that followed changed Nori's life forever...
Volume 2:
Continuation of the saga of Trag, a brave tauren who has risen from the dead. In his wanderings, he meets Thrall, the liberator of the orcs, and this acquaintance changes his fate. From the authors of The Sunwell Trilogy, Richard Knaack and Jae Hwang Kim.
Warrior. reunion
Liren, an orphan raised by dwarves, seeks to find her parents. Together with a twin sister named Loania, who was raised by the high elves, they go in search of. The family will be reunited, but not at all the way the sisters dreamed...
Long road with Miles
Kova Broadhorn, a young tauren shaman, receives a dangerous task: to find a prophetic hermit. However, she will not have to travel alone, but in the company of the impudent dwarf Miles Corbender. They are forced to fight together with the enemies, although the hardest thing for them is not to kill each other.
Family values
Jaruk Bloodfir, a noble orc, suffers in silence, unable to stop the extermination of peaceful draenei, led by his own brother... But everything changes when Jaruk saves a girl named Liina...
Volume 3:
The third part of the adventures of Trag Highmountain, a brave tauren reborn as the undead. His quest to face the Lich King takes him to the frozen lands of Northrend, where he meets new allies - and new enemies.
Knight blood
A blood elf and a Forsaken warrior seek to avenge the deaths of their loved ones on the merciless captain of the Scarlet Crusade. A blind thirst for blood pushes them on a cursed path of confrontation with fate... and death.
What you need for the new year
The story is about a misfit goblin named Krizz looking for a way to make some easy money... even if it means playing the role of Santa Claus. But his fake smile becomes sincere when he helps a little dwarf girl in trouble...
Hunting excitement
Heming Nesingwary, Azeroth's greatest hunter, turns out to be the sole protector of three saber-toothed kittens. Will he be able to save the kids from a gang of ruthless hunters for valuable fur?
Volume 4:
The final part of the story about Trag Highmountain, a brave tauren reborn as undead. Trag's long and difficult journey comes to an end when he comes face to face with the Lich King... in a battle for his own soul.
Bloodsail Pirate
The three boys went to the coast to go fishing at their leisure. How could they think that they themselves would be caught in a net? It just so happened that the guys had to join the gang of the most cruel pirates who ever plied the South Seas...
Blood is not water
Silas Darkmoon and his Darkmoon Fair roam the cities, putting on shows for the amusement of the crowd. Silas always said that they are one family and must protect their own. And then one day, cruel fate decided to test their "family ties" for strength ...
Turned into a warrior
The mother of the great Thrall, liberator of the orcs, was Draka, and she was once the weakest and sickliest child of the Frostwolf clan. But the girl was determined to become a real warrior so that her parents and clan could be proud of her. To do this, she has a long way to go...
Volume 5:
Turned into a warrior
An exciting conclusion to Draka's journey of the orcish Frostwolf clan. Few people know that the mother of the great hero Thrall in her youth was a weak and sickly girl. However, she was not afraid to go on a journey full of dangers to become a worthy member of her clan. From one of the New York Times' most popular authors, Christy Golden, the story of how the chief's mother-to-be turned herself into a warrior!
Warrior: Shoulder to Shoulder
Separated at birth, twin sisters Loania and Liren met and united in their youth to free their mother from the curse of unlife. Now they are determined to save their father from the cursed tower of Karazhan... But are they willing to sacrifice each other to save him?
First Guardian
Thousands of years ago, when the magical city-state of Dalaran was besieged by the demons of the Burning Legion, it turned out that not a single magician could cope with these creatures on his own ... And then a secret magical order was founded. Now you have the opportunity to learn the history of the first Guardian of Tirisfal!
cleansing fire
The mystery of the origin of the Headless Horseman. The noble paladin Sir Thomas Thomson was a servant of the Light and a fierce fighter against the undead Scourge. But how did it happen that this brave hero became Hallow's End's terrifying nightmare?
The dwarven king Magni Bronzebeard, the orc chieftain Thrall, the mage, and Theramore ruler Jaina Proudmoore are plagued by nightmares. Face to face with their hidden fears, the legendary heroes realize that the most ferocious battle is fought in their own souls.
Outcome: Probably the best of the Warcraft manga. The workmanship is still top notch. Each book has several stories about the characters of Warcraft - primary and not. The stories are not the same - some are funny, some are sad, some are instructive - others are just for fun. I highly recommend reading.

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