Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Organization and procedure for conducting final classes of internal affairs bodies. VII. The procedure for organizing service and combat training. With changes and additions from

cancelled/lost force Editorial from 08.10.2002

Name of documentORDER of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2002 N 965 "ON APPROVAL OF THE MANUAL FOR ORGANIZING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF EMPLOYEES OF MINISTRY AFFAIRS BODIES"
Document typeorder
Receiving authorityMinistry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Document Number965
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date08.10.2002
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice3983
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice03.12.2002
Statuscancelled/lost force
  • "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 233, 12/10/2002
  • "Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal bodies executive power", N 2, 01/13/2003

ORDER of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2002 N 965 "ON APPROVAL OF THE MANUAL FOR ORGANIZING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF EMPLOYEES OF MINISTRY AFFAIRS BODIES"


In order to improve the professional preparedness of employees of internal affairs bodies to successfully perform operational tasks in maintaining law and order and fighting crime, I order:

1. Approve:

1.1. Organizational Guide vocational training employees of internal affairs bodies Russian Federation(Appendix No. 1).

1.2. Timetable for gradual transition to new uniform selection and special initial training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, recruited for the first time to serve in the internal affairs bodies (Appendix No. 2).

2. For bosses structural divisions the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts, ministers of internal affairs, heads of main departments, departments of internal affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, departments of internal affairs in transport, district departments of material, technical and military supply, departments ( departments) of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs at sensitive facilities of the Public Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, educational, scientific research, medical and other institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

2.1. To carry out, from the fourth quarter of 2002 in accordance with the schedule, a phased transition to a new form of selection and special initial training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, who are recruited for the first time to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2.2. Organize in the system of service and combat training the study of the Manual by privates and commanding officers with the subsequent acceptance of tests from the heads (chiefs, commanders) of internal affairs bodies (units, institutions).

2.4. Take into account the level of service and combat readiness of employees when making a decision on appointing them to a higher position, determining the amount of official salary for the position held, establishing percentage bonuses to official salary, as well as during certification.

2.5. Ensure the practical orientation of service-combat training and strict implementation of training programs in the process of service activities. The content of service and combat training should be linked to current areas of the fight against crime and the operational situation in the region.

2.6. To create conditions in internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) that will promote an increase in the level of professional skills of employees. Taking into account the operational situation, the state of special, fire and physical training of rank and file and commanding personnel, the combat readiness of units, introduce, through the redistribution of staffing levels, inspector positions with functional responsibilities for providing training in the service-combat training system.

3. GUK MIA of Russia (A.A. Strelnikov), GUVDTiS SOB MIA of Russia (V.V. Zakharenkov) to provide the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with practical assistance in the transition to a new form of selection and special initial training of employees internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation recruited for the first time.

4. The heads of structural units of the central apparatus and units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia should ensure the annual development and sending to the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs of the Russian Federation of approximate thematic plans for special training, reviews and other educational and methodological materials reflecting advanced forms and methods solving crimes and ensuring law and order for study in the system of service and combat training.

5. The heads of educational and scientific research institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia provide assistance to the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs in improving the service and combat training of privates and commanding personnel by providing the existing educational and material base, conducting classes for teaching staff, development and publication teaching aids, methodological training of lesson leaders.

6. Establish that before the complete transition to a new form of selection and training, according to the schedule, the organization of special initial training for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, recruited for the first time, is carried out in accordance with the previously existing procedure.

7. Control over the implementation of this Order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister, Colonel General E.B. Solovyova.



1. Manual on organizing professional training for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation<*>determines the procedure for organizing professional training of ordinary and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation<**>.

2. An organized and purposeful process of mastering and constantly improving professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful implementation of tasks assigned to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as professional training of employees) is organized in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The main objectives of professional training are:

training of qualified personnel for the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of modern law enforcement;

training employees in skillful and effective actions that ensure the successful implementation of operational and service and service-combat missions;

improving skills management team on management, training and education of subordinates, on the introduction into practice of operational and official activities of the achievements of science and technology, advanced forms and methods of work, the foundations of the scientific organization of labor;

the formation of professional self-awareness of employees, a sense of responsibility for their actions, the desire to constantly improve their professional skills, taking into account the specifics of activity in specific departments of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation;

training employees in techniques and methods to ensure professional and personal safety in emergency situations and extreme conditions official activities;

development and continuous improvement of employees' practical skills in applying coercive measures in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and human rights;

maintaining constant readiness among employees to resolutely and skillfully suppress various illegal manifestations using physical force, special means and firearms;

formation of high psychological stability of the personality of employees, development of their powers of observation, vigilance, memory, thinking and other professional psychological qualities and mental processes;

improving skills in handling special equipment and special means, operating vehicles and communications equipment, electronic computer equipment.

4. Mastering the necessary knowledge, abilities, skills, maintaining them at the proper level and striving to achieve professional excellence is the official responsibility of all employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

5. Heads of structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate, OUMTiVS, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Special Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, educational, scientific research , medical and other institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia<*>are obliged to provide the necessary conditions for high-quality professional training of subordinates, take direct part in conducting classes with employees.

6. The heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) are responsible for the organization and state of professional training of employees at a level that ensures their successful implementation of operational and official tasks.

7. General leadership Professional training of employees is carried out by the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia<*>.

8. Direct supervision of professional training of employees is carried out by the relevant departments for personnel and educational work bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs.

9. Organizational and methodological support for professional training in internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions), monitoring its condition, and providing the necessary assistance are carried out by professional training units.

10. In internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) that do not have a professional training unit on their staff, these functions are assigned to deputy heads for personnel and educational work or to one of the trained employees from among the middle or senior management.

11. Summing up and evaluating the work on professional training of employees is carried out at the end of each year. An annual report on the state of professional training of employees in the prescribed form is sent to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia by January 5.

12. Control over the organization and state of professional training of employees is carried out in order to assess its impact on the results of the operational and official activities of the internal affairs body (division, institution). When carrying out control, the following is checked:

the quality of special initial training for employees hired for the first time, advanced training, and retraining of personnel;

practical orientation of training;

the quality and regularity of classes in service and combat training, the completeness of reflection in the content of these classes of priority areas in the fight against crime, the characteristics of the operational situation, the specifics of the operational and official activities of employees;

employees’ assimilation of program material and the ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in practice;

assigning qualification titles to employees;

the presence and condition of the educational and material base, material and technical support for classes in service and combat training;

participation of heads of the internal affairs body (division, institution) in the professional training of employees;

other indicators of the organization of work and the quality of professional training of employees.

13. The state of professional training of personnel is checked during:


control checks;

targeted inspections;

final checks of professional training of employees.

14. When inspecting internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions), checking the professional training of employees is mandatory.

15. During a control inspection of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions), the professional training of employees is checked as necessary.

16. Targeted inspections of professional training are carried out during the academic year in accordance with the work plans of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions), as well as as necessary.

17. Final inspections of the professional training of employees at the place of duty are carried out at the end of the academic year by commissions formed by the heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions). At least 30% of the structural units of the internal affairs body (division, institution) are subject to a final inspection. In this case, 100% of the employees of the inspected departments are subject to inspection and evaluation.

18. During inspections, the list of issues to be considered and assessed is determined in accordance with the official assignment or by the inspector himself.

19. Based on the results of professional training inspections, a certificate is drawn up and attached to the inspection materials. Copies of the certificate are attached to the accounting and reporting documentation in the personnel departments of the inspected internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) to monitor the elimination of identified deficiencies, and also remain with the inspectors for a report on the work done.

II. Special initial training

20. The process of accelerated acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills and standards of behavior necessary to perform official duties specific position In the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs (hereinafter referred to as special initial training), persons who are hired for the first time to serve in the internal affairs bodies in the positions of ordinary and commanding personnel undergo training before independently performing official duties.

21. Special initial training in training centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia<*>is carried out sequentially in two stages:

during the passage probationary period(internships by position);

after appointment to a position and assignment of a special rank.

22. The duration, structure and content of special initial training for each job category of employees are determined by the relevant educational, thematic plans and programs developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

24. Special initial training at the training center is carried out in full-time education or in the form of external studies.

25. The right to study in the form of an external study at the second stage of training is enjoyed by employees who have graduated from educational institutions of higher education. vocational education legal profile.

Permission to train a student in the form of an external study is given by the head of the internal affairs body (division, institution) based on a reasoned report from the head of the recruiting body.

Employees undergoing external training perform their duties in the internal affairs body (division, institution) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

26. Employees who have higher education and served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as employees reinstated in service in internal affairs bodies, do not undergo special initial training. Retraining is organized with them in the manner prescribed by this Manual.

27. The organization of special initial training in training centers is entrusted to the personnel units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia organizes special initial training for employees of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) in certain job categories.

28. The list of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and training centers, the procedure, specific dates for conducting training sessions, as well as the number of students are determined by the annual Plan for special initial training, advanced training and retraining of ordinary and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia<*>.

29. Personnel divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, based on an analysis of staff turnover and turnover, existing and expected shortages, form annual staffing plans for subordinate training centers.

30. The timing (dates) of special initial training gatherings are determined by annual plans - schedules approved in the prescribed manner. The organization of special initial training should provide for a uniform frequency of training sessions and occupancy of training centers throughout the calendar year. The recruitment of regular training camps at training centers is carried out in accordance with the recruitment plans. Plans - schedules, plans for recruiting training camps are communicated in advance to the personnel departments of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) and training centers.

31. The selection of candidates for referral to special initial training (enrollment) and registration of personal files is carried out by the personnel departments of the internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) in the prescribed manner.

Personnel departments of the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs in the established order select candidates in advance for each vacant position or position released by the deadline for staffing the training center, inform them of the conditions and procedure for sending them to study, the requirements for the level of general and physical preparedness, the timing of the entrance examinations.

Personal files of candidates are sent to training centers for the duration of entrance examinations and, after they are completed, are returned to the constituent bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs.

32. Candidates selected for enrollment in service (study) are sent to the training center by the established deadline to pass entrance examinations.

33. Entrance tests, which include checking the level of general and physical preparedness, are organized by training centers in the prescribed manner.

The grades received by candidates in the entrance examinations are entered into the examination sheet, and after the formation of study groups, they are transferred to the appropriate log of study sessions.

Training centers provide information on the results of entrance tests to the management of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions).

34. Persons recommended for enrollment in service (study) are provided with it in agreement with the appointing body (division, institution) of internal affairs before the start of classes. required time for dismissal from a previous job and solving other urgent problems.

35. Upon the recommendation of the head of the training center, candidates who have successfully passed the entrance tests are appointed as trainees for specific positions with a probationary period by order of the head of the completing body (division, institution) of internal affairs, which has the right to appoint to the position.

A contract for service in the internal affairs bodies is concluded with them in accordance with the established procedure.

Copies of orders for admission to service in internal affairs bodies and contracts for personnel departments of component bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs are sent to the appropriate training center.

36. By orders of the heads of training centers, trainees are enrolled in special initial training as students. Extracts from orders are sent to the constituent bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs, in which trainees occupy regular positions and where their personal files are stored.

37. Candidates who have not passed the entrance examination may be sent by the appointing body (division, institution) of internal affairs to the training center again within the time frame specified provided for by the plan- schedule, after appropriate independent preparation.

38. During special initial training at the training center, trainee trainees are given a probationary period of three months.

By decision of the head of the relevant body (division, institution) of internal affairs, which has the right to hire, the duration of the probationary period may be increased.

39. At the end of the probationary period, the personnel departments of the constituent bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs, together with the training center, based on the decision of the certification commission, prepare a conclusion on the suitability of the trainee for the position held (Appendix No. 1).

The conclusion is approved by the head of the body (division, institution) of internal affairs in which the trainee holds a full-time position, and is the basis for hiring a trainee who has completed the probationary period, or for his dismissal as having failed to pass the probationary period.

40. Dismissal of persons who have not completed the probationary period or who have ceased labor Relations in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, is carried out by orders of the heads of the relevant bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs.

41. Monetary and clothing allowances for students appointed to positions, as well as other payments provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (including travel expenses), are made in the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs in accordance with the positions held.

42. Planning and organization educational process is built in accordance with the established procedure on the basis of a working curriculum developed by the training center in accordance with the curriculum. Students must be previously familiar with the curriculum and class schedule.

43. Students are required to master academic disciplines in full, provided for by the curriculum and class schedule, comply with academic discipline, the procedure and timing of passing intermediate and final control.

44. The educational practice of students is carried out, as a rule, in the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs, in which the students occupy full-time positions. The organization and management of educational practice is carried out by the heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum. At the end of the internship, feedback is sent to the training center.

Control over the organization and completion of training practice is carried out by the personnel departments of the component bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs and training centers.

45. Involving students in economic and other work not related to the educational process is not allowed.

46. ​​Students who have completed the curriculum in full and have passed educational practice in the body (division, institution) of internal affairs and who have successfully passed final exams and tests at the training center are considered to have completed special initial training.

47. For students who have not passed final exams and tests in any subject, their studies at the training center are extended for up to 10 days to prepare and retake the failed exams (tests).

48. In accordance with the established procedure, graduates are sworn in at the training center as an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

49. The head of the training center issues an order for students to complete special initial training and send them for service in the internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions). The training center issues a certificate of special initial training (Appendix No. 2), which is sent to the internal affairs body (division, institution) at the graduate’s place of service for inclusion in the personal file.

50. The decision to admit an employee who has undergone special initial training to independently perform official duties is made by the head of the internal affairs body (division, institution) and is formalized by an appropriate order, an extract from which is attached to the employee’s personal file.

III. Training in educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

51. The organization of training in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is regulated by relevant legislative and other regulations legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

52. Vocational training in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out in accordance with state educational standards, model curricula and programs of academic disciplines.

IV. Advanced training and retraining

53. Advanced training is carried out for the purpose of continuously replenishing and updating the professional knowledge of employees, acquiring new skills and abilities.

54. Advanced training for a specific position (specialty) is mandatory at least once every three years.

Extraordinary advanced training for a specific position (specialty) is carried out upon appointment to a higher position (from the head of the department, equal or higher) in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other federal executive bodies, at courses (trainings) in training centers.

55. Advanced training is organized:

55.1. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - for employees of structural units of the central apparatus, units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts, apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Department of Internal Affairs, OUMTiVS, Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Main Directorate of Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the head composition of city regional authorities (from the head of the department, their equals and higher), educational, research, medical and other institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as for employees of individual job categories according to the annual Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the basis of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other federal executive authorities, at the request of the listed bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs.

55.2. Personnel departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - for employees of city district internal affairs agencies according to the annual plans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the basis of subordinate training centers, as well as on the basis of educational institutions of other federal bodies executive power.

56. The specific duration and content of training for each job category of employees are determined by the relevant educational, thematic plans and programs developed educational institutions The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and training centers, together with bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs in the areas of operational and official activities.

The duration of short-term training is at least 72 hours.

57. Curriculum, thematic plans and advanced training programs are approved:

57.1. For employees of structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, heads of main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts, ministers of internal affairs, heads of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Internal Affairs Directorate, OUMTiVS, Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, educational, scientific research, medical and other institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and their deputies - the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, supervising the activities of the Main Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

57.2. For all other official categories of employees of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) - the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

58. Advanced training of personnel of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) is carried out on the basis of annual plans.

59. The professional development plan is developed by the personnel departments of the internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) for each job category of employees.

60. The total need for advanced training is determined based on the staffing level for each category of employees as of the end of the year, minus:

average personnel shortage over the last 2 - 3 years;

students in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

persons with less than three years of work experience in their position;

persons subject to dismissal from internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) in the planned period;

women on leave (maternity leave, child care) or who have children under three years of age.

The annual requirement is determined by dividing the total need by the frequency of advanced training, that is, by 3 years.

61. The list of educational institutions, categories of students, their number, as well as specific terms (dates) of training are determined by the Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

62. Applications from bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs, drawn up in accordance with annual plans for advanced training of personnel, are submitted to the Main Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia by June 1 of the year preceding the planned one.

63. Bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs, based on the Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, compile lists of employees sent for training by name, bring them to the attention of the relevant managers and candidates for training.

At the same time, the terms (dates) for holding training camps in training centers for employees of official categories not provided for by the Plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are determined.

Employees sent for advanced training are required, on the instructions of the educational institution, to prepare an abstract.

64. Immediate superiors are obliged to plan in advance the vacation of candidates for study, control their study of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and prepare abstracts on the instructions of educational institutions.

65. Upon arrival to study, employees aimed at advanced training are interviewed or tested on their knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia regulating the activities of departments of internal affairs bodies in areas of operational and official activity.

Based on these data, educational institutions analyze the level of preparedness of employees,, if necessary, make changes and additions to training programs, and send proposals to internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) to improve the quality of training for employees in the course of their official activities.

66. At the end of training camps, employees take tests and exams, and they are issued a certificate of the established form.

67. Retraining is carried out in order to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to perform official duties in new position.

68. Retraining of employees of internal affairs bodies (institutions, divisions) is mandatory when moving them to another new position and is organized on the basis of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other federal executive bodies, training centers and at the place of service of employees.

When organizing retraining, you should be guided by the requirements set out in paragraphs 55 - 59, 61 - 63, 66 of this Manual.

69. If it is impossible to form in an educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a training center, a training group from among employees of one job category of at least 15 people, retraining is organized by the heads of the internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) at the employee’s place of service.

70. Retraining of an employee at the place of duty is carried out according to a plan under the guidance of the immediate superior for a period of at least three months from the date of taking up the position or inclusion in the reserve list for promotion, through the employee’s independent study of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , official responsibilities for the new position and acquisition of necessary professional skills and skills.

71. The retraining plan is developed by the employee and the immediate superior, agreed upon with the heads of the relevant departments in the area of ​​operational activities and approved by the head of the internal affairs body (division, institution).

72. An employee is considered to have undergone retraining at the place of duty if he has acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to the extent necessary for the independent performance of new official duties, and has successfully passed the tests and exams of the commission headed by the head of the relevant unit in the area of ​​operational activities.

73. A certificate of the employee’s completion of retraining at the place of duty (Appendix No. 3) is attached to his personal file.

74. Employees studying in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are not sent for advanced training and retraining.

75. Customized form advanced training and retraining of an employee, which allows them to acquire new knowledge, practical skills and abilities necessary for the successful performance of official duties in their current or new position (hereinafter referred to as internship), provides for:

independent theoretical training;

acquisition of professional and organizational skills;

studying the organization of operational and official activities;

study of legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and their application in practical activities;

participation in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and organizational and administrative documents;

performance functional responsibilities officials (as an acting official);

participation in business trips, meetings, and other official events;

studying other issues related to employee development.

76. The internship is organized for employees of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions):

enrolled in the personnel reserve for promotion;

appointed to positions of management of internal affairs bodies (from the head of the department, their equals and above);

appointed to positions of management, teaching and scientific staff.

77. Internships for heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) are carried out in the manner determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

78. The duration of the internship is agreed upon with the head of the body (division, institution) of internal affairs in which it is carried out, and is set from 5 days to 1 month, depending on the job categories of employees.

79. An employee undergoing an internship is assigned a supervisor. Plans and training plans for employees are approved by the relevant heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions).

80. The internship is carried out:

at the place of service or in other bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs for positions held or for positions for which employees are included in the personnel reserve for promotion;

in other federal executive authorities and foreign states (if necessary and in accordance with the established procedure).

81. Managers (from the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate, OUMTiVS, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and above) and employees who are in the personnel reserve for nomination to these positions, as well as other persons undergo an internship in structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, upon calls from these divisions.

82. The management, teaching and scientific staff of educational and research institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, training centers, as necessary, undergo internships in educational and research institutions, training centers or divisions of internal affairs bodies corresponding to the profile of training specialists for the authorities (divisions , institutions) internal affairs.

83. The organization of internships is entrusted to the heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions), who are obliged to:

determine the procedure, time, place of the employee’s internship, as well as the internship supervisor;

approve the internship plan and report on its results;

conduct interviews with the employee undergoing the internship on the issues being studied;

supervise the work of the internship supervisor and the employee undergoing the internship.

84. The internship supervisor is obliged to:

together with the employee, develop an internship plan and approve it with the boss who is responsible for organizing the internship;

familiarize the employee undergoing the internship with job responsibilities and the organization of work of the body (division, institution) of internal affairs in which the internship will be conducted;

provide the employee with the necessary methodological and practical assistance in studying the issues covered by his internship plan;

monitor the progress of the internship plan;

prepare, together with the employee, a report on the implementation of the internship plan.

85. An employee undergoing an internship must:

together with the internship supervisor, develop an internship plan and carry out the activities of the plan within the established time frame;

take part in operational and service events and classes in service and combat training conducted at the place of internship;

keep records of work done;

write a report on the internship.

86. Based on the results of the internship, the internship supervisor draws up a certificate - review, which indicates the body (institution, division) of internal affairs where the internship was conducted, the time of its implementation, planned and completed activities.

This certificate - review, together with the internship report, is sent to the employee’s place of duty for inclusion in his personal file.

V. Training in the process of operational and official activities (service and combat training)

87. Training in the process of operational activities provides for a system of measures aimed at consolidating and updating in a planned manner necessary knowledge, abilities and skills of employees, taking into account the operational situation, the specifics and profile of their operational and service activities (hereinafter referred to as service and combat training).

88. Service and combat training includes:

88.1. Service training consisting of the following sections:

public - state training;

special training;

professional psychological training;

technical and forensic training;

medical training.

88.2. Combat training, consisting of the following sections:

tactical training;

fire training;

physical training;


training on civil defense.

89. The purpose of the service-combat training section, which is a system of state-legal orientation of employees (hereinafter referred to as public-state training), is to form the professional and moral character of an employee who conscientiously and consciously performs his official duties.

90. In classes on social and state training the following is carried out:

developing a solid knowledge of the state policy of the Russian Federation and strengthening the civic sustainability of employees;

orienting the consciousness of employees towards loyalty to state interests and the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

formation of a clear position of the employee in assessing events in social and political life;

formation of high moral qualities ensuring strict compliance with the provisions of the Oath of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation;

training employees in the ability to think logically, competently, politely and reasonably answer citizens’ questions, provide them, if possible, with the necessary legal assistance and advice, and conduct a discussion correctly.

91. Organizational leadership and methodological support for public and state training and the development of annual thematic plans are carried out by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

92. The purpose of the main section of service-combat training, which is a system of professional-applied orientation of employees (hereinafter referred to as special training), is to develop in employees the most effective ways execution job responsibilities and mastery of advanced techniques and methods for solving operational and service problems.

93. In special training classes with senior, middle, junior commanding and rank-and-file personnel in the areas of their operational and official activities, the following are studied and practiced:

experience in the work of bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs of the Russian Federation and foreign states in the fight against crime and terrorism, in ensuring public order, protection of life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens, property, interests of society and the state from criminal and other illegal attacks;

legal basis for the operational and official activities of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) in emergency circumstances, as well as when employees use coercive measures;

conditions and methods of complying with the law when conducting special operations and security measures;

techniques and methods for successfully solving operational and official tasks by employees of various specialties;

issues of necessary defense and extreme necessity, conditions and limits of the use of physical force, special means, firearms based on modeling specific situations of operational and official activities;

issues of engineering training and the basics of explosion safety (fortification equipment of checkpoints, checkpoints and other structures; camouflage and covering of positions occupied by units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; characteristics of explosives and explosive devices of industrial and handicraft production; typical methods and places of installation and camouflage of explosive devices, mines - traps; actions of employees when detecting explosives, explosives, devices and accessories; security measures when detecting, marking and neutralizing explosive devices);

experience in interacting with the media in order to successfully solve operational and official problems.

94. During special training classes with senior staff of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions), the following are studied and practiced:

the organizational structure of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, city district authorities and the optimization of their management functions;

experience of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in the fight against crime and terrorism, ensuring public order, protecting the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens, property, interests of society and the state from criminal and other illegal attacks;

practical organizational and management activities, and modern forms and methods of these types of activities in the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs;

means and methods that ensure the effective implementation of various operational and official tasks;

practical skills, as well as best practices in interaction between heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government and the public, the media;

modern means, methods and forms of training employees in professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

95. The purpose of the service-combat training section, which is a system of professional-psychological orientation of employees (hereinafter referred to as professional psychological training), is to develop in employees the readiness to successfully overcome the psychological difficulties of operational work and the use of psychological knowledge and skills to effectively perform their duties in any operational situation.

96. In classes on professional psychological training with senior, middle, junior commanding and rank-and-file personnel in the areas of their operational activities, the following are studied and developed:

necessary psychological knowledge for adequate assessment and consideration of psychological aspects of operational and official activities;

professionally important psychological qualities (emotional stability, observation, memory, thinking, attention and others);

psychological resilience to overcome difficulties professional activity, including in extreme conditions;

psychological readiness to use firearms;

the ability to use psychological techniques to increase the efficiency of solving operational problems.

97. In professional psychological training classes with senior staff of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions), the following are studied and practiced:

psychological techniques and methods that promote effective management subordinates (creating positive moral - psychological climate in the department, conflict resolution, individually - psychological work, leadership style and other issues of management psychology);

psychological resistance to stressful situations in management activities;

practical skills, as well as modern means, methods and forms of educational work with subordinates to strengthen the rule of law and discipline among them, using the fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology.

98. In technical and forensic training classes, the following are studied and practiced:

rules for using and operating techniques for special equipment supplied to internal affairs bodies (forensic equipment; technical means of security, inspection and control; means of communication; special transport; technical means of ensuring security traffic; means of equipment and supplies; organizational technology; surveillance equipment; surgical technique, etc.). Best practices in the use of this equipment in the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs and law enforcement agencies of foreign countries;

techniques and methods of using modern technical and forensic tools and methods for ensuring the detection and investigation of crimes (practical skills in detecting, recording, seizing and examining traces and other material evidence when inspecting a crime scene, etc.);

tactical - specifications, rules for using and operating techniques for special equipment available in the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs (personal armor protection, active defense, special operations support)<*>.

<*>Practical training of techniques and methods of using special means in typical situations of applying coercive measures and during special operations is carried out in tactical and physical training classes.

99. In medical training classes, theoretical knowledge and practical skills are formed:

providing self- and mutual assistance in case of traumatic injuries and injuries, accidents and sudden illnesses;

prevention of infectious and occupational diseases;

compliance healthy image life (work and rest schedule, rational nutrition, personal hygiene and other issues related to ensuring the health and performance of employees).

100. In tactical training classes, the actions of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) and individual employees are studied and practiced when solving operational and official tasks, including in emergency circumstances and during special operations.

Tactical training classes for management personnel and for all other employees are usually organized separately.

101. During tactical training classes, all employees study and practice:

individual and collective actions as part of service squads and combat formation groups (including the use of special means) in typical situations of detaining offenders in a building or on the ground, stopping and searching vehicle, entering premises, suppressing riots, etc., as well as coordinating the actions of employees of regular service squads and groups;

personal safety techniques in typical and non-standard situations of forceful suppression of various illegal manifestations;

techniques and methods for ensuring personal safety in case of accidents, disasters, fires, floods and other extreme situations;

rules for the use of topographic maps, plans, diagrams, photographs of the area and other graphic documents;

techniques and methods for preparing and maintaining graphic documents, compiling descriptions of individual areas of the area;

techniques and methods for reading topographic maps, measuring and orienting on the map and on the ground;

102. The main tasks of tactical training for the leadership of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) are:

improving knowledge in the field of theory of management of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) in emergency circumstances;

formation of practical skills in the organization and training of command and control bodies, grouping of forces and means for action in emergency circumstances;

consolidation of practical skills in collecting, summarizing and analyzing information about the operational situation, forecasting the development of events, making rational management decisions, planning and managing the actions of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) and interacting forces;

formation of moral and psychological stability to perform operational and official tasks in special conditions;

studying new techniques, methods and forms of preparing and conducting special operations, generalizing and introducing best practices in conducting special operations by law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

103. During tactical training classes, leaders additionally study and practice:

methods of quickly and competently defining and communicating operational and official tasks to subordinates, preparing and conducting command and staff, operational and tactical exercises, staff training and other events;

the procedure for managing the forces and means of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) in difficult operational conditions using modern special means, technical means of communication and automation;

other issues of tactical training that arise in the process of operational activities.

104. Conducting tactical training with management personnel is assigned to:

in structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - to the Main Organizational and Inspectorate Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the GUVDRO SOB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, city district authorities, combat units of the police patrol service, private security, State Inspectorate road safety<*>- to the relevant headquarters units.

105. For all other employees, tactical training classes provide for formation and practice.

106. During fire training classes the following are formed and practiced:

practical skills in handling firearms (removing a weapon from a holster, putting it into combat readiness, firing a shot, eliminating delays when firing, etc.)<*>;

<*>Persons who have not received the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities and have not learned safety measures when handling weapons, and have not studied the conditions for performing exercises, are not allowed to practice shooting with military weapons.

shooting techniques with aiming at stationary and moving targets under conditions of limited time for shooting;

shooting techniques without aiming, including at multiple targets;

techniques and methods of suppressing illegal actions with the help of service firearms, tactics of using and using weapons in operational activities (making a decision to open fire, choosing a target to hit, shooting in various conditions, etc.);

other issues of fire training that arise in the process of operational activities.

107. During physical training classes the following are formed and practiced:

practical skills in the use of combat techniques (including in personal armor, summer and winter uniforms, against the background of physical and mental stress) in conditions as close as possible to real situations of forceful combat with offenders;

professionally important physical qualities of employees;

knowledge and ability to use tools physical culture and sports to ensure health and high performance;

other issues of physical training that arise in the process of operational and official activities.

108. During drill training classes, regulations governing drill training, rules for wearing the established uniform and employee equipment are studied, as well as drill techniques are practiced and drill inspections are conducted in order to develop among employees:

exemplary appearance, smartness;

combat training and coordination of joint actions;

the ability to quickly and accurately carry out orders from superiors, develop a sense of responsibility for the accurate execution of commands, and discipline.

109. Civil defense training provides for the formation of the readiness of employees for personal protection and the protection of material and technical means of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, and is carried out for the purposes of:

improving employee knowledge about the damaging factors of nuclear and chemical weapons, bacterial (biological) agents, the consequences of natural disasters and methods of protection against them;

developing practical skills in organizing and conducting events aimed at maintaining public order in cities and other populated areas, along evacuation routes, ensuring the protection of material and cultural values;

developing practical skills in using personal protective equipment, using the protective properties of equipment, structures and terrain;

preparation for carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work at the facilities of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions);

studying other issues related to the provision of civil defense measures.

VI. Forms of service and combat training

110. Forms of training reflect the coordinated activities of the lesson leader and students, carried out in the prescribed manner and in a certain mode.

110.1. Typical forms of service and combat training are:

lectures, seminars, individual training (used to develop knowledge);

practical classes (used to develop skills and abilities);

training sessions for employees in the areas of their operational and official activities;

self-training of employees;

professional-applied and physical-health-improving events (training before going on duty, professional skills competitions, “Health Days”, relay races, sports competitions, etc.);

physical exercises in the daily routine (morning physical exercises, industrial gymnastics, physical training breaks, etc.).

110.2. Self-training of an employee as a form of continuous, systematic replenishment and deepening of knowledge, consolidation of practical skills includes:

study of current and newly adopted legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with mandatory note-taking in official notebooks of the main provisions and requirements of these documents in relation to the specifics of the operational and official activities of a particular employee ;

regular familiarization with new legal, social, state and specialized literature, media materials;

practical work to improve skills in mastering special equipment and special means, as well as firearms and combat techniques;

formation of professionally important psychological and physical qualities;

other issues of self-improvement of one’s professional skills.

VII. The procedure for organizing service and combat training

111. Service and combat training of employees is organized in the bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs at the place of service on a weekly basis work time in accordance with this Manual.

112. To organize classes in service and combat training, the heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) issue an order in which:

reflects the results of employee training in the past academic year, shortcomings in training, and ways to eliminate them;

tasks for the new academic year are determined based on priority areas in the fight against crime, the level of professional preparedness of personnel and the operational situation in the region;

the days of the week (month) are established for classes in the sections of service and combat training according to the approximate calculation of hours (Appendix No. 4);

the number and composition of study groups, their leaders, and persons responsible for maintaining accounting and planning documentation are determined. The professional training units of the personnel apparatus annually organize one or two-day educational and methodological training sessions for persons responsible for maintaining accounting and planning documentation.

113. Classes in service and combat training begin:

in internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) - in January;

in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - simultaneously with the beginning of the academic year.

Classes in the sections of service and combat training continue for 10 months. In the physical training section, classes continue throughout the year.

The academic year ends with final classes and acceptance of tests for sections of study.

114. To organize and conduct classes in service and combat training, training groups are created taking into account the official categories and specialization of employees of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions):

114.1. Service and combat training in structural units of the central apparatus and units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out:

at a permanent seminar - with assistants to the Minister of Internal Affairs, the First Deputy Minister, Deputy Ministers and their assistants, heads of staff of Deputy Ministers, assistants, heads of structural units of the central apparatus and units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and their deputies;

in training groups of heads of structural units of the central apparatus and units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - with all employees;

in groups of department heads - with department employees.

114.2. Service and combat training in the management apparatus of the main directorates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the federal districts, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate, OUMTiVS, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Special Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out:

at a permanent seminar - with the leadership of the above-mentioned internal affairs bodies and their structural divisions;

in training groups of heads of departments (divisions, divisions), their structural units - with all employees;

at training sessions of the heads of city district authorities - with the heads of city district departments of internal affairs and other independent units at the rate of two days a day (at least 20 hours) twice a year;

at training sessions of employees in the areas of their operational and official activities - with management, senior and middle management of subordinate internal affairs bodies, taking into account specialization and work experience at the rate of two days (at least 24 hours) twice a year<*>.

<*>The training sessions can be held in a base unit or unit that has high results in the relevant area of ​​operational and official activity and has the necessary educational and material base.

114.3. Service and combat training in the city district internal affairs agencies and combat units of the PPSM, VO, and traffic police is carried out:

at a permanent seminar - with heads (commanders) of units;

in training groups of heads (commanders) of units - with all employees.

114.4. Service and combat training in educational, scientific, research, medical and other institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out:

at a permanent seminar - with the heads of incoming departments, departments, laboratories, departments;

in training groups of heads of departments, departments, laboratories, departments - with all other employees.

115. For classes in service and combat training, the head of each training group based on the recommended topics<*>an annual thematic plan is being developed (Appendix No. 5), reflecting the specifics and best practices of operational and official activities, the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the level of education and professional employee competence.

<*>A list of topics on social and state training is developed for each academic year by the State Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. An approximate list of topics for special training is developed for each academic year by structural units of the central apparatus and units directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in areas of operational and official activity. The relevant divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the OUMTiVS, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the GUVDRO SOB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia clarify and supplement this list of topics, taking into account the priority areas of the fight against crime in a particular region and send it to lower authorities (divisions) of internal affairs for use in drawing up an annual thematic plan for special training.

The thematic plan is approved by one of the heads of the body (division, institution) of internal affairs who supervises the official activities of employees of a particular training group.

116. The schedule of classes for service and combat training for each training group is drawn up for the quarter in the prescribed form (Appendix No. 6) taking into account the thematic plan. Its implementation is ensured by:

116.1. In structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

at a permanent seminar - the head of the Main Organizational and Inspectorate Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

in training groups of heads of structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - heads of structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

in the training groups of department heads - heads of departments (divisions) of structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

116.2. In the main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Department of Internal Affairs, OUMTiVS, the Department of Internal Affairs (OVD) of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Special Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

at a permanent seminar - chiefs of staff units;

in training groups of heads of departments (divisions, divisions), their structural units - heads of relevant units;

at training sessions for the heads of city district authorities - the heads of staff units;

at training sessions of employees in the areas of their operational and official activities - heads of industry divisions of the main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in federal districts, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate, OUMTiVS, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Special Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia<*>.

<*>To conduct the collection, a separate thematic lesson plan is drawn up for employees of each specialization, as well as for employees who have worked in their position for less than three years. Thematic plans are approved by the manager in charge of the relevant area of ​​operational and official activities.

116.3. In the city district authorities and combat units of the PPSM, VO, and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

at a permanent seminar - heads of city railway agencies and commanders of combat units;

in training groups of heads (commanders) of units - heads (commanders) of the relevant departments (units).

116.4. In educational, scientific research, medical and other institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

at a permanent seminar - the head of the institution;

in training groups of heads of departments, departments, laboratories, departments - heads of relevant structural units (department, laboratory, department and others).

117. Persons conducting classes in service and combat training for each topic studied must have an appropriate plan - outline.

118. Employees are required to study in advance the literature recommended on the topic of classes and keep notes during classes in a work notebook.

Employees who miss classes study the material covered on their own.

119. Leaders and inspectors of higher authorities, teaching staff of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, specialists from law enforcement agencies and other federal executive authorities are involved in conducting classes in service and combat training.

120. Heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) are obliged to:

organize service and combat training of employees and personally conduct classes in sections of service and combat training;

resolutely suppress formalism and simplification in the organization and conduct of classes;

ensure control over the organization of classes in internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions);

at least once a quarter, at operational meetings, review the state of service and combat training of personnel in connection with the indicators of their operational and service activities;

exercise control over the conduct of classes by checking notes and notes in office notebooks;

sum up the results of employee studies for the past academic year and determine tasks for the new academic year;

create the necessary environment and conditions that stimulate among personnel the need to constantly improve their knowledge in their specialty, the ability to solve operational tasks, skills in handling weapons, special equipment and communications;

improve existing and introduce new forms and methods of employee training;

carry out work to develop and equip the educational and material base of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions);

give an assessment to the subordinate leader of the training group for the state of readiness of personnel to perform operational-service and service-combat missions;

during the academic year, test the knowledge of students during seminars and practical classes through interviews, tests, test shooting and other forms.

121. The head of the body (division, institution) of internal affairs bears personal responsibility for the state of training and the level of service and combat training of personnel, and the timely submission of a report for the past academic year.

122. Units involved in organizing and conducting service and combat training are obliged<*>:

<*>As a rule, these units are included in the structure of personnel departments of internal affairs bodies.

organize training for employees in accordance with the areas of their operational and official activities;

exercise control over the organization of employee training in the process of operational and official activities;

carry out work to analyze the results of service and combat training in connection with the indicators of the operational and service activities of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions);

make proposals for improving the organization and conduct of service and combat training of employees;

provide, within their competence, assistance to internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) in developing thematic plans, taking into account the priority areas of the fight against crime and the operational situation in the region;

provide assistance in educational and methodological support for service and combat training;

provide practical assistance in conducting classes in service and combat training (conducting consultations, demonstration, open, methodological and other classes);

cooperate with educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, using their educational and sports facilities and involving teaching staff in conducting classes, preparing teaching materials and teaching aids;

carry out work on training leaders of classes in fire and physical training from among the most trained employees;

take part in the inspection (verification) of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions) on issues of professional training of personnel in accordance with the established procedure and within the limits of their competence;

develop proposals for the creation or improvement of the educational and material base for service and combat training;

organize and conduct sports competitions in service and applied sports;

maintain accounting and reporting documentation on issues of service and combat training, monitor the progress of this work;

together with the heads of internal affairs bodies (divisions, institutions), work to train qualified specialists in order to create a professional core among employees;

participate in the work certification commissions bodies (divisions, institutions) of internal affairs, give an opinion on the personal professional preparedness of the employee and make proposals on his further professional suitability.

123. The activities of units involved in organizing service and combat training are carried out on the basis of the work plan of personnel units, the order on the organization of professional training for the academic year, as well as instructions from the management of the body (division, institution) of internal affairs and the immediate head of the personnel unit.

VIII. The procedure for recording, monitoring and evaluating service and combat training

124. Accounting for the results of training and the level of preparedness of employees is kept in the journals for recording classes for service and combat training (Appendix No. 7).

125. Annual reporting on the results of employee training, the state of the educational and material base of service and combat training, the qualitative composition of the provided staffing table employees involved in organizing service and combat training and other necessary information, is presented in the prescribed manner:

heads of city district internal affairs agencies and combat units of the PPSM, VO, traffic police - to the personnel divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the GUVDRO SOB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

heads of structural divisions of the central apparatus and divisions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate, OUMTiVS, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, educational, scientific research, medical and other institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - in the State Administration of Internal Affairs Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

126. Monitoring of the organization and state of service and combat training is carried out in order to determine:

the relevance of the topics studied in relation to the specifics of operational and official tasks performed by employees;

the level of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as their relationship with indicators of the operational performance of personnel;

the quality and regularity of classes, the success of the curriculum;

the relationship between practical and theoretical classes in thematic plan and class schedule;

participation of management personnel in the educational process;

employee attendance;

reasons for organizational and methodological omissions;

the presence and condition of the educational and material base, material and technical support for service and combat training;

state of accounting and reporting documentation and office work.

127. The level of service and combat training is determined:

in theoretical and practical classes;

on tests when summing up the results of training for the year;

when checking an internal affairs body (division, institution).

128. When conducting inspections, the following are assessed:

in sections of service and combat training (except for fire and physical training) - at least 30% of employees of the payroll of the internal affairs body (division, institution);

for fire and physical training - the number of employees in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

129. The level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities in certain sections of service and combat training can be determined by tickets, during an employee survey, as well as by current assessments available in the training log.

130. In the sections of service and combat training the following are exhibited:

for special training, fire training, physical training - grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”;

for other sections - marks "passed" or "fail".

131. The assessment of an employee for special training is determined:

“excellent” - if the employee clearly and completely answered questions about the content and basic requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, defining the priority areas of his official activities, consistently and exhaustively listed the sections and paragraphs of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, regulating its actions in solving various operational and official tasks (using the example of 1 - 2 typical situations) and when applying coercive measures to offenders (using the example of 1 - 2 typical situations), and also demonstrated solid mastery of other issues defined by this Manual and constituting the content of his special training;

“good” - if the employee answered questions correctly, but not completely, about the content and basic requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, defining the priority areas of his official activities (without specific sections and paragraphs) regulating him actions when solving various operational and official tasks (using the example of 1 - 2 typical situations) and when applying coercive measures to offenders (using the example of 1 - 2 typical situations), and also demonstrated an average mastery of other issues defined by this Manual and constituting the content of its special preparation;

“satisfactory” - if the employee, only after additional leading questions, revealed the content and basic requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, defining the priority areas of his official activities, incompletely indicated legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia regulating its actions in solving various operational and official tasks (using the example of 1 - 2 typical situations) and when applying coercive measures to offenders (using the example of 1 - 2 typical situations), and also demonstrated a superficial mastery of other issues identified this Manual and the content of its special training;

"unsatisfactory" - if the employee could not answer the question correctly questions asked on legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, defining the main content of its operational and official activities and regulating the legality of its actions in solving typical operational and official tasks (including when applying coercive measures against offenders), as well as did not answer other questions specified by this Manual and which constitute the content of his special training.

132. The assessment of an employee in fire and physical training is carried out on the basis of the requirements of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

133. An individual assessment of an employee for service and combat training is given on the basis of grades and marks for each section<*>and is defined:

<*>During inspections, the list of sections for which marks are given is determined in accordance with the official assignment or by the inspector himself.

“excellent” - if three grades are “excellent” (or two grades are “excellent” and one is “good”) and all grades are “passed”;

“good” - if three grades are not lower than “good” (or two grades are not lower than “good” and one is “satisfactory”) and all grades are “passed”;

“satisfactory” - if all three grades are “satisfactory” (or two grades are “satisfactory” and one is not lower than “good”) and all grades are “passed”;

“unsatisfactory” - if the employee received an unsatisfactory grade or a “failed” mark in one of the sections.

134. The assessment of the body (division, institution) of internal affairs for special training is given on the basis of individual assessments of employees and is determined:

“excellent” - if at least 80% of employees received positive individual assessments, with more than 50% of them receiving “excellent”;

“good” - if at least 80% of employees received positive individual assessments, with more than 50% of them receiving “excellent” and “good”;

“satisfactory” - if at least 80% of employees received positive individual assessments;

“unsatisfactory” - if less than 80% of employees received positive individual assessments.

135. The assessment of the body (unit, institution) of internal affairs in fire and physical training is carried out on the basis of the requirements of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

136. The assessment of the body (unit, institution) of internal affairs for service and combat training is given on the basis of assessments of the body (unit, institution) of internal affairs for special, fire and physical training and is determined:

“excellent” - if three ratings are “excellent” (or two ratings are “excellent” and one is “good”);

“good” - if three ratings are not lower than “good” (or two ratings are not lower than “good” and one is “satisfactory”);

“satisfactory” - if all three ratings are “satisfactory” (or two ratings are “satisfactory” and one is not lower than “good”);

"unsatisfactory" - if an unsatisfactory grade was received in one of the sections.

Appendix No. 1
to the Organization Manual
vocational training
employees of internal affairs bodies
Affairs of the Russian Federation


Sample \r\n \r\n APPROVED \r\n _______________________________________ \r\n (Deputy Minister, Head of the Municipal Internal Affairs Directorate, \r\n Internal Affairs Directorate of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, Department of Internal Affairs \r\n for Personnel and Educational Work) \r\n _______________________________________ \r\n "__" __________ 20__ \r\n \r\n CONCLUSION \r\n ON CHECKING COMPLIANCE FOR THE POSITION occupied \r\n RESULTS OF THE PROBATIONAL PERIOD \r\n \r\n Trainee _______________________________________________________ \r \n (last name, first name, patronymic) \r\nYear of birth ________________ Education ________________________ \r\nService in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ______ \r\n __________________________________________________________________ \r\n The probationary period is established from "__" __________________ 20__. by \r\n"__" ___________________ 20__ \r\n \r\n 1. Text of the conclusion \r\n \r\n 2. Conclusion \r\n \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\ n_______________________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n \r\n________________________________ _______________________________ \r\n (position, special rank, (position, special rank, \r\n ______________________________ _______________________________ \r\ninitials, surname of the official initials, surname of the chief \r\ n_______________________________ _______________________________ \r\n persons of the internal affairs body) training center) \r\n_______________________________ _______________________________ \r\n "__" ___________ 20__ "__" ___________ 20__ \r\n \r\nWith the conclusions of the conclusion _____________________________________ \r \n (agree, disagree) \r\n \r\n __________________________________ \r\n (trainee signature; in case of disagreement \r\n the reasons for disagreement with \r\n the conclusions of the conclusion are stated) \r\n \r\n"__" ______________ 20__ \r\n \r\n Notes. In the "Conclusion" section, one of the following \r\nconclusions is given: \r\n - can be appointed to the position; \r\n - subject to dismissal as having failed the test; \r\n - may be appointed to another position (which one is indicated) \r\nwithout an additional probationary period. \r\n \r\n \r\n

  • Topic 3. Basics of stopping combustion in a fire. Fire extinguishing agents.
  • Topic 4. Classification of natural and man-made emergencies. Consequences of the impact of emergencies on the human environment.
  • Topic 5. Tactical capabilities of GPS units for extinguishing fires and eliminating emergencies.
  • Topic 6. Basic (main) actions of units to extinguish fires and conduct emergency operations.
  • Topic 7. Organization of management of the main (main) actions when extinguishing fires and conducting emergency operations.
  • Topic 8. Responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of participants in fire extinguishing.
  • Topic 9. Work on extinguishing fires and eliminating emergencies in an unsuitable for breathing environment.
  • Topic 10. Fire extinguishing and emergency response in unfavorable climatic conditions.
  • Topic 11. Extinguishing fires and eliminating the consequences of emergencies due to lack of water.
  • Topic 12. Fire extinguishing and emergency response in conditions of particular danger to personnel.
  • Topic 13. Extinguishing fires and eliminating the consequences of emergencies in transport.
  • Topic 14. Tactics of extinguishing fires and carrying out rescue operations in damaged buildings and structures.
  • Topic 15. Actions of specialized units and formations when moving to places of extinguishing large fires and conducting emergency operations in the service area.
  • Topic 16. Conducting priority emergency response measures in case of an accident.
  • Topic 17. Primary emergency rescue operations (pasr).
  • Topic 18. Study of the departure area, objects (sites).
  • A list of fire extinguishing objects recommended for use during training with fire crews and duty shifts as decided by the local firefighting team.
  • Topic 1. Organization of state pension.
  • Topic 2. Ensuring the stability of buildings and structures in case of fire.
  • Topic 3. Ensuring the safety of people in case of fire.
  • Topic 4. Fundamentals of fire and explosion hazard analysis of technological processes.
  • Topic 5. Fire safety regime during the operation of gas heating devices.
  • Topic 6. Procedure for checking the fire safety condition of the residential sector.
  • Recommended list of topics for self-study.
  • Topic 1. Introduction to the course “Fire-technical training. Firefighting and emergency rescue equipment.”
  • Topic 2. Organization of operation of fire and rescue equipment.
  • Topic 3. Fire pumps.
  • Topic 4. Basic fire and emergency rescue vehicles for general use.
  • Topic 5. Basic fire-fighting and rescue vehicles for intended use.
  • Topic 6. Special fire trucks.
  • Topic 7. Automatic stationary fire extinguishing installations.
  • Topic 8. Communications and automatic fire alarm installations.
  • Topic 9. Special rescue equipment and mechanized firefighting and rescue tools.
  • Topic 10. Fire water supply.
  • Recommended list of topics for self-study.
  • Topic 1. Introduction to the course “Fire drill training”.
  • Topic 2. Safety requirements when organizing and conducting classes.
  • Topic 3. Training of personnel to work in pre-trial detention.
  • Topic 4. Pps.
  • Recommended list of exercises for fire drill training.
  • Topic 1. Organizational structure of the state republic (territory, region, city).
  • Topic 2. Notification signals and actions of personnel upon receipt of signals.
  • Topic 3. Damaging factors of modern means of attack and their impact on the fire situation in the affected area.
  • Topic 4. Defense structures and their equipment.
  • Topic 5. Radiation, chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric monitoring devices.
  • Topic 6. Fire safety support for civil society events.
  • Topic 7. Organization of fire reconnaissance in affected areas.
  • Topic 8. Sanitary treatment of service personnel. Degassing, decontamination and disinfection of weapons and equipment.
  • Topic 9. Human anatomy and physiology. Psychological state of people in extreme situations.
  • Topic 10. General requirements for first aid.
  • Topic 11. First aid for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains.
  • Topic 12. First aid for head and spine injuries.
  • Topic 13. First aid for wounds and bleeding.
  • Topic 14. First aid for burns and frostbite.
  • Topic 15. First aid for injuries caused by poisonous and dangerous chemicals.
  • 5.2.8. Occupational Safety and Health.
  • Topic 1. Basic requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and labor protection.
  • Appendix 2
  • Vocational training plan _____________________________ for 200__.
  • Schedule
  • Thematic plan (type) for individual training of radiotelephone operators (dispatchers) of GPS units
  • Thematic plan (type) of individual training for drivers of GPS units
  • Thematic plan (type) of individual training for senior masters (masters) of civil service departments of civil service units
  • Journal of classes, attendance and progress of personnel undergoing individual training
  • 1. Recording attendance and academic performance (theoretical course)
  • 2. Internship results (practical course)
  • 3. Accounting for the results of monitoring classes (internship)
  • Annual plan for time distribution by disciplines and months of training in the training system for personnel on duty shifts of GPS units
  • 1. Recording attendance and academic performance __________________________________________
  • 2. Accounting for the completion of individual tasks
  • 3. Accounting for learning outcomes for ______ academic year __________________________
  • 4. Accounting for the results of monitoring classes
  • Approximate calculation of hours by sections of service training for the academic year
  • Thematic lesson plan for service training
  • Reference
  • 2.10. Training of personnel on duty shifts.

    2.10.1. Training of personnel on duty shifts is a purposeful activity of officials of the educational institution, a unit of the State Border Service, to train personnel of the State Border Service during the period of duty, carrying out a planned system of measures in order to ensure the constant readiness of duty shifts, the successful performance of official, production tasks and functional responsibilities.

    2.10.2. The procedure for organizing and conducting training sessions for personnel on duty shifts is established annually by order (instruction) of the chief:

    OU by special units of the State Border Service and orders issued on its basis by the heads of these units.

    The order analyzes and approves the results of personnel training for the past year, by ordera plan for the distribution of time by discipline and month of study, a thematic lesson plan are approved, periods of study are determined, the persons responsible for organizing the educational process are determined for the new academic year. It is allowed to combine an order on the organization of training for personnel on duty shifts with an order on the procedure for organizing and conducting classes in the system of special training for the position in compliance with the requirements imposed on it by this Program.

    2.10.3. Training of personnel on duty shifts is carried out during the period of duty. The academic year begins on January 15 and ends on December 15.

    Heads of State Fire Service units and their educational institutions are given the right to interrupt the training process for a period of no more than 30 days to strengthen the service, prepare and improve the educational material and technical base, conduct sports events and provide household services for personnel.

    Classes are not held on state and national holidays.

    To organize and conduct classes with personnel, each department must be equipped with a classroom, as well as premises, buildings and structures in accordance with the Design Standards for Fire Protection Facilities.

    2.10.4. Documents for planning the training of personnel on duty shifts:

    training plan for personnel on duty shifts for the year (Appendix 6);

    schedule of training sessions (Appendix 7);

    schedule of joint training for personnel of State Fire Service units, fire-fighting bases, regional specialized teams, specialized fire departments on training in how to work with special fire and rescue equipment;

    annual plan for the distribution of time by discipline and month of study (Appendix 16);

    thematic lesson plan for the year;

    class schedule (Appendix 8);

    schedules for the management of a body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, tasks for emergency situations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local government body of the Moscow Region), the State Fire Service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, State Fire Service units and their educational institutions PTUiZ for solving fire-tactical tasks, training schedules for gas and smoke protection workers (if these schedules are appendices to the State Fire Service Professional Training Plan), a list of objects to be studied in operational-tactical terms, a list of objects for conducting fire-tactical exercises and classes to solve fire-tactical problems 1.

    Note: planning documents, protocols and examination sheets, outline plans (developments) for conducting vocational school and classes decided by PTZ, group exercises (business games), plans for conducting fire analysis are stored in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for at least three years; lesson plans, notes and methodological developments for conducting other types of classes - during the next academic year.

    2.10.5. The order of study of topics and the number of hours for their development are determined and planned, depending on the operational and tactical characteristics of the departure area (protected object) and the tasks performed by the GPS unit, evenly throughout the academic year.

    The training load should be 2-4 training hours during one duty day and at least 18 hours per month for each duty shift, the duration of the training hour is 45 minutes.

    Classes are recorded in the training log for duty shift personnel (Appendix 9). It is the main document for recording the work and implementation of thematic plans, training programs and class schedules on duty shifts. All types of classes are entered into the journal, grades are given to personnel based on the results of ongoing monitoring, as well as test marks and exam grades.

    2.10.6. Persons conducting training classes for duty shift personnel must develop in advance and have a methodological plan on the topic being studied during the training (Appendix 10).

    The topics studied during classes are noted down by the staff in special notebooks.

    Employees (workers) who missed classes are given individual assignments by the lesson leaders on the missed topics for independent study, after completion of which the employees (workers) are interviewed by the lesson leader. Accounting for issuance and fulfillment individual tasks is kept in section 3 of the Logbook for training sessions on duty shifts, attendance and progress of personnel. Control over the issuance of individual assignments and interviews is carried out by the corresponding heads of duty shifts.

    2.10.7. During PA maintenance days, no practical exercises with travel to a protected area are planned. The class schedule during this period is drawn up in such a way that classes can be held at any convenient time during the current duty day.

    2.10.9. The study of new types of fire and rescue equipment, regulations and other documents received by the unit must be planned in the relevant disciplines at the expense of the total number of hours allocated by this Program, and taken into account in the log of training sessions for the preparation of the duty shift.

    2.10.10. Practical exercises on the ground, training grounds and objects are carried out in conditions as close as possible to real ones, in compliance with labor protection rules and ensuring safe conditions for performing exercises and standards.

    2.10.11. Personnel of the GPS units equipped with RPE are required to undergo training in an unsuitable for breathing environment (TDA) under the direct supervision of the head of the unit (deputy head of the unit) of the GPS, in the fresh air underleadership of the boss duty shift.

    2.10.12. Classes on the firing range of psychological training are planned by a professional training plan and a thematic plan for the preparation of duty shifts for the year. The number of training sessions that ensure a satisfactory level of adaptation to the influence of factors simulated on psychological training firing line shells is determined taking into account the service life, but should not be less than two per year (one each in the summer and winter periods).

    2.10.13. Development of standards for PSP carried out according to the schedule during scheduled classes and depending on the daily routine, but at least once during two duty days.

    The results of the development of standards are summed up in the duty shift and in the State Fire Service division quarterly and annually, and based on the results, the best in all job categories are determined. Results for the year are announced by order (instruction) of the head of the unit.

    The list of standards is determined by the head of the State Fire Service unit and is included as a separate section in the annual thematic lesson plan. The numbers of standards to be worked out during the time provided for by the daily routine are planned as separate positions in the schedule of classes for preparing duty shifts. The results of the training are taken into account in the journal, indicating the completion time and assigning grades.

    2.10.14. Drivers of fire-fighting and rescue vehicles, as well as members of duty shifts, vehicle repair and maintenance technicians, senior diagnosticians, senior technical control masters, senior technical equipment mechanics, senior motorists and motorists undergo training for duty shifts together with all personnel on duty shift. In practical exercises, they usually participate with their crew and perform actions in accordance with the report card of crew duties.

    2.10.15. Assistant chiefs of duty shifts, chiefs of crews, senior instructors of the gas and smoke protection service, senior instructors of the gas and smoke protection service and chemical (radiation) protection (intelligence), senior communications and special equipment masters, senior communications masters (part of the duty shift), senior respirator technicians (respiratory specialists) Duty shift personnel are trained together with all duty shift personnel. In practical classes, they act, as a rule, as the leader of the lesson with their crew or perform actions in accordance with the report card of crew duties or job descriptions.

    2.10.16. Training of personnel on duty shifts of special units of the State Fire Service, regional specialized units and specialized fire departments for extinguishing large fires, fire vessels, units providing service on a rotational basis and protection of nuclear power plants, is organized and carried out in the manner determined by this Program. Documents for planning the training of personnel on duty shifts must take into account the functions, goals and objectives assigned to these units, as well as the requirements of regulations (rules) of the relevant federal executive authorities in the field of ensuring fire safety service areas and protected facilities.

    2.10.17. Training of ordinary and junior command staff of duty groups of fire communications services 01 EDDS (TsUS, TsPPS) and technical parts TsUS, PTC (OTS), mobilization readiness bases are carried out on the basis of the current system of service training together with middle and senior command staff of the relevant units.

    2.10.18. The procedure for organizing and maintaining vocational technical training and training for solving fire-tactical problems (hereinafter referred to as PTUiZ) is regulated by the Instructions for tactical training of commanding fire department personnel, unless otherwise established by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Professional training plans (schedules for conducting vocational training and training to solve fire-tactical problems) must provide a clear distinction (use special symbols, a different color, etc.) of the types of exercises and classes, as well as exercises and classes planned to be held at night ; indicate for each exercise and lesson an official acting as a RTP;

    PTUiZ, not provided for by the professional training plan (schedules for their implementation), are planned by the plans of the main organizational activities of the body specially authorized to solve the tasks of civil defense, the tasks of the PLES of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local government bodies of municipalities), divisions of the State Fire Service and their governing bodies.

    2.10.19. State Fire Service units are invited to participate in vocational training schools so that all duty shifts participate in them an equal number of times, and the head of each State Fire Service unit acts as a fire extinguishing manager, and his deputies act as fire officials.

    Fire-tactical training exercises are conducted by:

    the head of the educational establishment of the State Post Service of a subject of the Russian Federation (closed administrative territorial entity) and his deputies, heads and deputy heads of the structural departments of the educational establishment, whose functions include the organization of service and training, the head of the Central Control Center of the State Post Service, the head of the SPT - at least once every year (each of them);

    SPT- at least once a year (every shift);

    municipal fire chief, head of the OGPS and their deputies, according to job descriptions responsible for organizing service, training and fire fighting - at least once a year;

    other persons - in the manner determined by the heads of the RC for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Emergency Management, a body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, emergency management tasks of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (OU State Fire Service of a subject of the Russian Federation), a body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, emergency management tasks of a local body self-government of the municipality, educational institutions, special and military units of the State Border Service.

    Showcase vocational schools are carried out in the fire department of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation at least twice a year with the involvement of the management personnel of the fire department of municipalities.

    Control and testing vocational schools carried out in the fire department of municipalities at least once a year (timed to coincide with the summing up of the preparation of duty shifts).

    It is allowed to conduct control and verification exercises at the expense of training exercises.

    2.10.20. Fire-tactical (tactical-special) exercises with the deployment of C&S of regional specialized units of the State Fire Service and fire fighting bases carried out at least once a year.

    2.10.21. The number of training and control exercises, by decision of the PTZ, is determined in such a way that the heads of the State Fire Service units and their deputies, who have access to independent management of fire extinguishing, act as RTP at least once a year each, and the heads of duty shifts - at least twice once a year each, and the personnel of each duty shift participated in them an equal number of times during the year, and at least twice in control and testing exercises (one each in the summer and winter periods).

    The lesson leaders are:

    a) heads of SPT duty shifts (each shift) - at least twice a year (with duty shifts of units corresponding to the SPT shift number);

    b) the head of the SPT - at least twice a year (observing the alternation of duty shifts of units throughout the year);

    c) the head of the OGPS and his deputies (each) - at least one lesson per year for each unit (alternating and evenly distributing duty shifts of units among themselves).

    d) the head of the State Fire Service unit and his deputies (each) - in all cases, during planned classes for the preparation of duty shifts with the personnel of the duty shift, as well as at least two classes per year at night (alternating and evenly distributing duty shifts of the unit between themselves);

    e) other persons - in the manner determined by the heads of the RC for civil defense, emergency situations and emergency situations, and the body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, emergency situations tasks of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (OU State Fire Service of a subject of the Russian Federation), a body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, emergency situations tasks local self-government body of the municipality, educational institution, special and military units of the State Border Service.

    Classes according to the decision of the PTZ, the frequency of which is indicated in paragraph 2.10.21, subparagraphs “a-c”, are recommended to be timed to coincide with the planned PTZ classes conducted in the fire department by its head. Conducting classes at other times is determined by the heads of the RC for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and LPSB, a body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, tasks for emergency situations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (OU State Fire Service of a subject of the Russian Federation), a body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, tasks for emergency situations of a local government body municipal formations, educational institutions, special and military units of the State Border Service.

    Depending on the presence of GPS units in the departure zone of the regular SPT, the head of the body specially authorized to solve the tasks of civil defense, the tasks for emergency situations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (OUGPS of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, OU by special units of the State PS) has the right to establish a different one, in comparison with that provided for in clause 2.10.21a) frequency of participation in classes, while maintaining the requirement of the first paragraph of clause 2.10.21 of this Program.

    2.10.22. Control and testing exercises, as decided by the PTZ, are carried out in the amount established by the head of the body specially authorized to solve civil defense tasks, tasks for emergency situations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (OU of the State Fire Service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, educational institution of special and military units of the State Fire Service), but not less than twice a year for each duty officer change of the unit being inspected (one lesson dedicated to summing up the results of the academic year in the winter and one in the summer).

    2.10.23. During inspection fire department subject of the Russian Federation(fire department of a municipal entity, fire department of a closed administrative territorial entity) conduct control and testing vocational schools; when inspecting State Fire Service units stationed on the territory of a municipal formation protected by fire protection, which is the administrative center (capital) of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, directly subordinate to the head of the State Fire Service Establishment, as well as facility units, they conduct inspection exercises according to the decision of the PTZ. The head of the relevant educational institution, State Fire Service unit, territorial fire department is notified in advance of the timing and purposes of such exercises and classes by the official entrusted with carrying out the control.

    2.10.24. Training of personnel of the educational establishment and units of the State Fire Service in order to ensure fire extinguishing at the facilities of the RF Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, and facilities of other federal executive authorities is regulated by a bilateral agreement or instruction on interaction.

    2.10.25. Heads of State Fire Service departments are obliged to ensure that, when conducting practical exercises with on-site visits, they work out and adjust the relevant fire extinguishing plans and cards and check the serviceability of the fire-fighting water supply.

    2.11. Special training for the position.

    2.11.1. Special training for the position of ordinary and junior commanding staff of State Border Guard units is organized annually and carried out in the form of special seminars or instructor-methodological classes and is announced by order (instruction) of the chief:

    RC for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and State Emergency Safety and Security Affairs and orders issued on its basis by the head of the body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, tasks on emergency situations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (OU State Fire Service of a subject of the Russian Federation), a body specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, tasks on emergency situations of a municipal local government body education and order (instructions) of the head of the State Border Service unit;

    OU by special units of the State Border Service and orders issued on its basis by the heads of these units

    The dates of seminars and classes for job categories in the system of special training for the position are planned by the State Border Service Professional Training Plan:

    a body specially authorized to solve the problems of civil defense, tasks on the human rights protection system of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and are included in the corresponding position of the Professional Training Plans of the body specially authorized to solve the problems of civil defense, tasks on the human rights protection system of the local government body of the municipality and the State Fire Service unit;

    OU by special units of the State Border Service and are included in the professional training plans of these units.

    Orders (instructions) of the same superiors approve the composition of training groups, thematic plans for conducting training for the year separately for each training group (job category), those responsible for preparing and conducting classes, and the procedure for testing the knowledge of students.

    It is allowed to combine an order on the organization of special training for a position with an order on the procedure for organizing and conducting classes in the training system for personnel on duty shifts in compliance with the requirements imposed on it by this Manual.

    Classes are organized and conducted during official or free time, within the time limits established for the training of personnel on duty shifts.

    2.11.2. The following undergo special training:

    heads of duty shifts (workers), senior masters (foremen) of the gas and smoke protection service (reconnaissance), assistant chiefs of duty shifts, crew chiefs, senior instructors of the gas and smoke protection service, senior instructors of the gas and smoke protection service and chemical (radiation) protection (intelligence), boatswains, senior respirator workers (respirators) - on instructor-methodological classes (by groups of job categories) at least once every six months for eight hours(with duty shift supervisors - workers - quarterly for seven hours);

    senior drivers (drivers) of fire-fighting and rescue vehicles, vehicle repair and maintenance technicians, senior master diagnosticians, senior technical control masters, senior technical equipment mechanics, senior communications and special equipment masters, senior communications masters, radiotelephonists (dispatchers) ), helmsmen, senior motorists and minders - at a permanent seminar (by groups of job categories) at least once every six months for eight hours;

    junior fire prevention inspectors - at a permanent seminar once a quarter for 6 hours.

    Junior fire prevention inspectors of facility units can study on-the-job at courses organized by the administration of protected facilities.

    When junior inspectors move from one sector to another or when the responsibilities of their position change, an internship of 15 days is organized for them in the manner prescribed by this Program.

    2.11.3. Classes in the system of special training for the position are usually organized and conducted:

    with the personnel of the State Border Guard detachments and the State Border Guard units included in their composition - on the basis of the corresponding detachments;

    with personnel of GPS units that are not part of the detachments - on the basis of the relevant units.

    By decision of the head of the body specially authorized to solve the tasks of civil defense, the tasks of emergency situations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, classes can be conducted on the basis of the training center (point) of the State Fire Service with the participation of personnel from all units of the State Fire Service of the fire department of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the relevant job categories. In this case, classes are planned by the Schedule of training sessions at the training center (point) of the State Border Service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Off-duty specialists are also involved in classes that are considered a form of industrial training.

    2.11.4. For each seminar (instructional and methodological lesson) for each job category, a schedule of classes is drawn up in the form of Appendix 8.

    Classes and the results of ongoing monitoring are taken into account in a separate section in the log of classes in the system of special training by position, attendance and performance of personnel (Appendix 9).

    Persons conducting special training classes for their position must have a methodological plan on the topic being studied.

    The topics studied during classes are noted by the personnel in special notebooks (allowed together with notes from training sessions for preparing duty shifts).

    2.11.5. Special training includes:

    study of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of fire safety, decisions of state and executive authorities, regulations and documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, relevant RCs and bodies specially authorized to solve the tasks of civil defense, tasks for emergency situations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Main Directorate of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on issues of organization of work GPS, taking into account the job and functional competence of the trainee;

    studying the forms and methods of using licensing activities, certification and insurance in order to strengthen the fire protection of facilities;

    studying the methodology of organizing and conducting practical classes;

    practical development of forms and methods of fire-technical inspection of facilities, implementation of other supervisory functions at facilities;

    studying the fire hazard of technological processes of objects;

    conducting classes on solving PTZ, analyzing fires, conducting group exercises;

    studying the organization of fire extinguishing in populated areas and facilities, territorial and duty services;

    practical work with fire and rescue equipment, technical means and communications;

    exchange of work experience;

    development and acceptance of standards for the subjects studied;

    study and practical solution of other issues necessary to ensure fire safety of facilities and high-quality performance of duties of the position.

    2.11.6. Employees (workers) who missed classes are given individual assignments by the lesson leaders on the missed topics for independent study, after completion of which the employees (workers) are interviewed by the lesson leader. Records of the issuance and completion of individual assignments are kept in Section 2 of the Journal of Classes, Attendance and Progress of Personnel in the Special Training System for the Position. Control over the issuance of individual assignments and interviews is carried out by the corresponding heads of duty shifts.

    Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 31, 2015 N 385
    "On approval of the Procedure for organizing the training of personnel to fill positions in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation"

    With changes and additions from:

    4. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.


    * Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 49, Art. 7020.

    Registration N 37228

    Defined new order organizing training of personnel to fill positions in the internal affairs department.

    Now we're talking about O the following types preparation. Professional education. Training in basic and secondary general education programs integrated with additional general developmental programs aimed at preparing minors for service in the internal affairs department. Mastering basic professional skills educational programs. Additional vocational education. Professional service and physical training.

    Personnel training is organized on a planned basis.

    Heads (chiefs) of bodies, organizations, divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia provide training police officers at the level necessary to perform official duties, they are directly involved in conducting classes with employees, control and bear personal responsibility for the activities.

    2. Heads (chiefs) of units of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (with the exception of the Main Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, educational, scientific, health care and sanatorium organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, district departments of material and technical supply of the system The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as other organizations and divisions created to carry out the tasks and exercise the powers assigned to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, carry out, no later than three months from the date of entry into force of this order, an inspection of the personal files of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation with the purpose of identifying persons to be sent to vocational training under vocational training programs.

    4. Department civil service and personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation performs the functions of the head unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the field of personnel supply and, together with bodies, organizations, and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, provides personnel training.

    5.1. Organize and provide training for employees of internal affairs bodies at the level necessary to perform official duties, take direct part in conducting classes with employees, exercise control and bear personal responsibility for the organization and condition of personnel training.

    5.2. Quarterly, before the 30th day of the last month of the quarter, they send (with the exception of the heads of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level) to the DGSK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia a report on the state of vocational training, additional vocational education by categories of employee positions, the functioning of organizations carrying out educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (as of the 25th day of the last month of the quarter), according to the form established by the DGSK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (the Operational Search Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Bureau of Special Technical Measures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation send a report once a year before December 30 of the current year).

    6. Personnel departments, including professional training departments, and employees who are assigned responsibilities for personnel training, carry out, within their competence, the functions of organizing personnel training.

    8. Assessment of the organization and state of personnel training in bodies, organizations, divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out by personnel departments during inspections, control and targeted checks of the activities of bodies, organizations, divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. When assessing the organization and state of personnel training of bodies, organizations, divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, quality, efficiency, practical orientation, timeliness, organization and conduct of personnel training activities, scientific and methodological support of the learning process, the use of innovative educational technologies and modern technical means are checked. training, the state of the educational and material base, the professional knowledge and skills of employees necessary to perform official duties, the personal participation of managers (supervisors) and their deputies responsible for areas of operational activity in personnel training.

    9. Employees participating in inspections, control and targeted checks of the activities of bodies, organizations, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the areas of operational and official activities, during their implementation, carry out analysis, evaluate the quality and effectiveness of training of personnel of units in the relevant areas of operational and official activities, and also take part in conducting classes on the most relevant topics.

    10. In the course of mastering vocational training programs, basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, higher education employees undergo special training to act in conditions involving the use of physical force, special means and firearms.

    11. Employees recruited for the first time to serve in internal affairs bodies, before independently performing official duties, undergo professional training under vocational training programs for the position of “Policeman” in order to acquire basic professional knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies necessary to perform official duties, including in conditions involving the use of physical force, special means and firearms.

    12. Employees undergo professional training under retraining programs in order to obtain the competence necessary to perform a new type of operational activity, acquire new qualifications, as well as under advanced training programs in order to improve and (or) obtain new competence necessary for operational activity activities, and (or) improving professional level within the framework of the existing qualifications for the position being filled.

    13. Employees from among the rank and file and junior command staff, regardless of their level of education, undergo professional training under advanced training or retraining programs at least once every five years.

    14. Professional training of employees under vocational training programs is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities, on a full-time basis, unless otherwise established by this Procedure.

    15. Training under professional training programs according to an individual curriculum and accelerated training are not allowed, with the exception of professional training of employees holding positions of senior management.

    16.1. For employees holding positions of senior management, the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to individual educational plans, including the possibility of accelerated training. Training according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated training for the specified category of employees within the framework of the professional training program being mastered, is carried out in the manner established by local regulations Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    16.2. For employees filling positions of middle and senior command staff, employees filling positions of junior command staff in organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (with the exception of educational, scientific, health care and sanatorium-resort organizations, district logistics departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, organizations, subordinate to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), who on the date of entry into force of this order have more than ten years of service in the internal affairs bodies calendar years provided they complete their training no later than January 1, 2017. The relevant personnel departments are obliged to send these employees for vocational training in organizations engaged in educational activities, according to vocational training programs, taking into account the need to comply with the deadline established by this subparagraph.

    *(11), including daily dismissal - for students living in the locality at the place of deployment educational organization The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the educational division of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as those who have the opportunity, under the conditions of transport communications, to return daily to their place of permanent or temporary residence.

    19. Food provision for students enrolled in full-time professional training programs is carried out at the expense of the federal budget with three meals a day according to the standards established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and their accommodation is carried out in departmental housing stock without charging a fee.
