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The drinking part of the graduation script is new. Scenario graduation in a cafe. “Good luck, graduates! Scenario "Graduation hit parade"

Publication date: 11.10.2016

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Scenario of the unofficial part High school prom in 11th grade

Good evening, dear friends! Let's start the informal part of our prom. Take your seats at the festive table in our Graduate Cafe.

Dear graduates!

You will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes,

Where are the sunny dreams, where are the star paths,

Where chuckles and sadness are heard in the songs.

Everyone is in high spirits

Everything froze in solemn excitement

For those who have been waiting for this moment for a long time,

Let the ball roll! High score!

The right to open our prom provided to the principal of the school, Elena Viktorovna Krikyants (Speech by the director. Dinner break)

You know, in youth, a person is not able to perceive time as a circle, he perceives it as a road leading forward to new horizons.

But in fact:

Time is running at full speed

He is calling you.

Flew year after year

It's been many days and now...

There comes a moment of goodbye

The moment of the final line ...

Here's to parting soon...

Let dreams come true!

Of course, everyone's dreams are different, but today our school, this hall, music, and mood united everyone. Tonight is a memory of the past, conversations about the future, declarations of love, vows of friendship and fidelity, as well as dances, contests, games.

Dear friends, do you know that the school is a production that produces a very high-quality product, which is called "GRADUATE". But whether this product corresponds to the issued certificate, we will now check.

Blitz Poll

Please state your last name:

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev)

Mikhail Vasilyevich (Lomonosov)

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

Elena Viktorovna (Krikyants)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

Arthur Conan Doyle)

Valentina Vyacheslavovna (Nikolaeva)

Name the performer of the song "Regions, quarters ..."? Enable the beginning of the song

The scent of roses and lilies blows,

Reflecting in the depths of the mirrors

Girls, airy like fairies

They enter, breathing a little, into an elegant hall.

It seems that they are not more tender and more beautiful,

Only happiness awaits them ahead!

School ball, like Natasha's first ball,

Full of waiting for love.

Music and bright clothes -

Graduation night is amazing!

Believe, hopes come true

And dreams will not turn into smoke.

And teachers native faces,

And friends cheerful eyes ...

Prom night won't happen again

Noisy like a spring storm.

Dear Guys! Boys and girls! Sirs and ladies! Everyone is jealous of you today.

Your youth, your beauty, your optimism. Today is your holiday, you are the hosts of this evening, and I turn to you with a request. So that you invite your teachers, your parents, your friends to the school waltz.

The song "School mates" sounds

We are going to a distant time, when you came to school for the first time, with moms and dads, grandparents. The first solemn line, the first teacher who led you to the first grade, seated you at your desks, asked you to keep your back straight, your hands on your desk ... and from that moment your school life began. Gnarled sticks, circles, squiggles, naughty hands. Do you remember?

Friends, I invite a boy and a girl from the class.

1. Do you remember the first day you came to school? What was he like?

Solar? Cloudy?

2. Do you remember any moment that would make you sad or happy in the first grade.

3. Do you remember your first teacher? what was her name?

With all my heart, in low words

Who else to talk about today

How not about the one who has been with you for so many years,

Everyone has only one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class,

And the first teacher, and the first lesson,

And the first boisterous school bell.

The word is given: ________________________________

And now I invite mom and dad of any of you.

1. Do you remember the day you took your child to school for the first time?

2. How did your child feel about going to school?

3. Did your children go to school willingly or under the influence of suggestion?

4. What joyful moment warmed your hearts in the first days of study?

These are the memories of the distant happy childhood evokes first class

And what do the graduates want to say to their favorite school now?

1 graduate.

Oh school! My cradle!

Has anyone loved you like me!

Your trampled flower beds

In the midst of the turmoil,

broken branches of trees,

Your dried flowers

Your scribbled desks

Your broken door

Your torn cards!

How will we be without them now?

written on the corners,

Throw papers and notes

Or leave them here in the tables.

Oh, school, school!

I will not forget the rubbish that, without shaking off at the entrance,

Bring to class my friends!

3 graduate.

And that window with a huge hole,

And two birches by the river.

Oh school! Long will be remembered

You are your graduates.

Many adults believe that children have lateral thinking. Let's check it out.

Container with philosophical content (Barrel of Diogenes)

Stick carefully inserted into the wheel (Spoke)

A place where the smart won't go (Mountain)

The first cash advance to a future Nobel Prize winner. (Scholarship)

A phenomenon that can be explained by the law of universal gravitation (Falling)

Science-Based Void (Vacuum)

The child who instead kindergarten goes to college (Wunderkind)

Purposeful Cut (Vector)

Short meter (Yard)

Free sound producing device (Roth)

You, dear parents, of course, are far from being children. Now we will hold a competition for erudition. Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. Tale of farming for growing vegetables (Turnip)

2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)

3. On the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)

4. About the hard way bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)

5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)

6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)

7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)

8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then

still found her prince (Thumbelina)

Well done!!!

Feast, dancing.

And I again invite one representative from each class or table, in no particular order. Answer honestly and quickly.

1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?

4. How often did you run away from lessons?

5. From whom did you like to cheat?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

7. Which "5" was the most joyful for you?

8. What subject have you studied all 11 years, and for 11 years its name has not changed?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. Your most favorite place At school?

Now questions for parents (if parents cannot answer, graduates help):

1. Surprise on the teacher's chair (button)

2. Bad globe (map)

3. Dating club for parents and students (parent meeting)

4. Album for autographs of parents (diary)

5. From 2 to 5 (score)

6. Place where they serve 11 years (school)

7. Signal to the beginning and end of torment (call)

8. Schoolwide President (Principal)

9. There is in every office (board)

10. Boys don't wear this (skirt)

11. All teachers are looking forward to this (vacation)

Now for the teachers:

You only need to tell the truth, something but the truth, and not quite the truth,

those. what is in the heart.

1. Where do negligent students come from?

2. What are boys and girls made of?

3. Remember the new words that you took from your students' vocabulary?

5. What do you remember about the 11th grade?

6. Who was the best in the class?

disciples, before forever being silent?

8. Which student gave you the biggest headache?

9. How many steps does the staircase in front of the school have?

10. What season do you like the most and why?

Dance block with competitions:

1. Pair dance on the newspaper. After each stage, the newspaper is folded in half.

2. Balloons between partners. Which pair will fall or burst, are eliminated from the game.

Everyone is invited to the tables.

Theatrical competition.

While you reminisce, I invite 14 brave volunteers

boys and girls.

I would like (I think that parents and teachers will also be interested to know) to see what kind of theater skills you have.

After all, you are entering a new, adult life, and, as you know, “the whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors!”

Now I will distribute cards on which only one word will be written.

These are your roles, but you do not say a single word, you show everything with pantomime. (The guys should go to an impromptu stage).

Cards: Night, tree (2 people), gate (2 people), hostess, wind, dog, owner, curtain (2 people), sparrow, horse, gypsy thief.

A curtain. Night. The wind howls. Trees sway. A gypsy thief sneaks between them, he is looking for a stable where a horse sleeps. Here is the stable.

The horse is sleeping, he is dreaming of something, he is slightly moving his hooves and quietly

neighs. Not far from him, a sparrow perched on a perch, he is dozing,

sometimes opening one eye, then the other ... A dog is sleeping on the street. Trees

they make noise, because of the noise you can’t hear how the gypsy thief makes his way into the stable,

opening the gate. Here he is grabbing the horse. The dog is barking. The hostess ran out of the house, groaned, screamed. She calls her husband. The husband jumped out with a gun in his hands. The gypsy runs away. The owner leads the horse to the stable. The dog jumps for joy. Sparrow flies around. The trees rustle, the wind continues to howl...

The owner strokes the horse, throws him food. The owner calls the hostess into the house. Everything calms down. Sleeping dog. A sparrow is napping. Standing, the horse falls asleep, he occasionally shudders and neighs quietly. A curtain.

Well done! Thanks everyone!

Impromptu theatre.

"About the graduate"

Once you were very small, and we told you fairy tales. Do not think that this time has passed, now you will have such an opportunity - to tell a fairy tale.

All the characters, at the mention of their character, say the following phrases:

Graduate: "And what am I? I'm nothing..."

Laziness - mother: "Ba-a-ldezh!"

Headmaster: "What's going on here?"

Class teacher: "They are good!"

Mom: "Where does the school look?!"

Dad: "Get a belt!"

Classmates: "It's good to play the fool!"

Once upon a time there was a Graduate .... So he would have lived in peace, but seized the Graduate ... Laziness-mother ..... The Headmaster was the first to worry ..... And the Graduate to him ... All because she was whispering in his ear Mother Sloth…..The principal of the school...... called the Class Teacher..... The Class Teacher... ..went to the Graduate…..Yes, only Sloth Mother still whispers to him..... Then the Class Teacher ...... called Mamanya ...... Let's go Mamanya .... and the Class Teacher… the Director…..And the Director said……And the Class Teacher answered..... . And Mom said ..... To which the Graduate replied .... .Because Mother Laziness whispered in his ear ..... Mom went ... .. for Dad ...... Dad came ... .., Mamanya….., Class teacher…… and Principal…… to the Graduate…… And the Graduate to them…… And Mother Laziness to him…… And Papanya rushed.. .... for Odnoklassniki ......, because any business in a team is better solved. Odnoklassniki came running….. And I would like to tell them Mother Sloth….., but only the Director said at first…… then the Class teacher added….. Mamanya spoke…… Dad shouted loudly…..After that Odnoklassniki entered into a dispute ... .. To which the Graduate replied ......

Graduate Oath

(I read in phrases, and the children repeat in chorus)

"I, a graduate of School No. 24, solemnly swear to continue my education, to be honest and fair, not to tarnish the title of graduate of 2016. If I break this oath, then let:

    my favorite jeans are torn,

    the batteries in my player will run out,

    the laces in my sneakers get tangled,

    the wheels of my rollers will fall off,

    Spill Pepsi on my favorite suit

    my favorite TV series will suddenly end,

    I will never be lucky in lotteries!

We swear! We swear! We swear!

Feast, dancing.

Game divination

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, when will I go to college? ("cuckoo")

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many more years will I have to study? ("ku-ku" - as much as you want)

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, in how many years will I have a family? ("cuckoo", ...)

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many children will I have? ("cuckoo", ...)

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many rubles of scholarships will I get? ("ku")

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, in how many years will we all meet? ("cuckoo", ...)

Well, we already have the first winners, we congratulate them and continue the competition. Raise your hands, those who have never made paper airplanes. I don't think there will be many. And now those who want to remember how this is done, I ask you to come to me. Just let's limit the number of participants - no more than 7 people. Here are the sheets of paper, and now, to the music, we will first see who will make the airplane faster. So, we started. (Make airplanes). Wonderful. And now all participants will stand along this line and launch airplanes (each plane must be signed). (Planes launch.) So what? Here are our winners. We gladly reward them and invite them to take their places in the hall.

And now the Graduate Club. I want to ask you to participate in this dad competition. I see dads are already coming to our playground. Wonderful. Our game is entirely dedicated to children. So, dear dads, - our first tour, which we called "My Child". I will ask each participant two questions.

(To the first pope).

1. How much did a lined notebook cost in that memorable year your child started school?

A. 4 kopecks

B. 2 kopecks +

B. 3 kopecks

2. What was the name of your child's first teacher?

(Second Pope).

1. How old was your child when he started school?

2. Where does it open Entrance door to our school?

A. Inside.

B. Out.

(Third Pope).

1. How much did a checkered notebook cost in 1989?

A. 5 kopecks

B. 2 kopecks +

B. 3 kopecks

2. How many floors are there in the school (gymnasium)?

If one dad does not answer the question, then the other two automatically win. If two have the same chance, then additional questions are asked.

Additional questions.

1. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on 10 hands? (50).

2. The stick must be cut into 12 pieces. How many cuts will be needed? (eleven).


After the first round, one dad will have to leave our game. But first, we invite him to our impromptu music studio, where, to your applause, he will perform the Hit of the Year. (A popular song is taken).

So, for the first time on this stage, dad with a hit...


We thank you, and please take our souvenir as a keepsake.

And we continue with our dads. And our next competition is intellectual.

(To the first pope).

Your task is to name the unifying words.

1. Swedish, dinner, round (table).

2. White, Andreevsky, festive (flag).

3. Blue, morning, London (fog).

(Second Pope).

1. Trade, postal, German (brand).

2. Home, push-button, spoiled (telephone).

3. Extraordinary, maternity, unpaid (vacation).

(Additional questions).

1. Great, responsible, No. 1 (fast).

2. Black, March, scientist (cat).

3. Straight, red, fifth (corner).


So, we already understand which dad to fight in the final, and which one to go to our Graduate Restaurant, which is also good. In front of you is a salad. You must eat it and unmistakably name the ingredients from which it is prepared.

Salad recipe: banana, orange, kiwi, apple, lemon.


Amazing. Your wife is lucky. Since you so easily guess the contents of the dish, two conclusions arise: either you yourself cook well, or you like to eat deliciously. But it is not important. The main thing is that you did not make a mistake (well, only if just a little bit) and get a prize for your great game.


And I congratulate you (referring to the 3rd pope). You are in the final. Let's start: the questions will be from different areas. Your task is to answer quickly, i.e. in 2-3 seconds. Ready? We started.

1. Every self-respecting woman in this country, having no means at hand, can make a headdress, a cold snack and a small conflict out of nothing.

England, France, Germany (France).

2. Name your child's favorite school subject.

4. On the train, the stopcock is red. What color is the stopcock on an airplane? (no stop valve).

5. What is the name of the famous artist Karachentsov?

Andrey, Nikolay, Alexey (Nikolai).

6. Your maiden name.

7. Your wife's favorite color (ask the wife after the answer).


Well, that's all the questions. Now we'll see how our finalist did.

A prize and a medal "Dad of the Evening" are awarded.


And now a new competition. There are such birds that are pink, beautiful, with a bent nose ... I forgot what they are called (Hints are heard from the audience). These three spectators, who are shouting the loudest, will come up to me now. I think you understand that I deliberately pretended to forget. But no one should be forced to leave. Volunteered themselves. Now we will play the game "Flamingo". Do you remember how flamingos walk? Raising your legs high. Now for each of you we will put five bottles in a row, and you must step over them with your eyes closed. Whoever steps over first and does not knock down, he will become the owner of the prize.

The participants are blindfolded, unwound, brought to the starting line and ... the bottles are quietly removed.



They went great. We played you a little, but we prepared prizes for everyone.

There is nothing complicated here. Here, you see, I have several pairs of multi-colored ribbons clamped in my hands. Let those who want to dance come and take hold of the ends of these ribbons. Then I will open my fist, and you yourself will determine by the ribbons who will dance with whom. Our next competition is old sayings in a new way. I will begin a well-known proverb, and you will finish it.

I agree, only one condition: the proverb should be about school.

And this is your task, try to change its ending in such a way that everyone understands that this proverb is about school. Will you try?

I'll try.

The host calls the beginning of the proverbs, and the host attaches “school” endings to them.

1. You can’t spoil porridge with oil ...

... said the quick-witted one, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case.

2. He who seeks will always find ...

... thought the quick-witted one, looking into his neighbor's notebook during the test.

3. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth...

... exclaimed the polite one, knocking over a glass of coffee from his friend at recess.

4. Smoking is harmful to health ...

... compassionate sympathized, telling the head teacher that his friends were smoking in the school toilet.

5. A penny saves a ruble ...

6. You will know a lot - you will soon grow old ...

... I decided calmly when I received another deuce in the lesson.

7. Business time is an hour of fun ...

... said cheerful, winding home from the music lesson.

8. Time is money…

…decided the prudent one who went to football instead of doing homework.

9. If you want to be healthy, temper yourself ...

...exclaimed the caring one, pushing his friend into the school pool.

10. Walk in step - do not know fatigue ...

... announced business, loading classmates during a hike with axes and a sack of potatoes.

But now the long-awaited day has come, which we have been waiting for with great impatience, because today the 11th grade students graduated from school and received matriculation certificates.
For 11 years, day after day, they went to this bright, a little sad holiday.
School days are the best time in the life of any person, but for you they have already become history and they will never return.

And today's holiday is the start of a new, interesting, adult life, where new victories and achievements, new acquaintances and knowledge await you.
Oh, how we all envy you!

The president himself wanted to come to us for the holiday, but decided that he would not find the right words, and would not be able to say as inspired as the respected and unsurpassed school principal Shushara N.P.

Dear adults, we already had graduations, you and I know what it is, it’s all in the past for us, but our guys have 1 graduation, and I will now introduce you to the graduation program.

So, there lived-were students of the 11th grade of secondary school No. 37.

They dreamed of finishing school as soon as possible and becoming adults. And then the day came - high school graduation.1. "Last Call"

The girls did their hair, put on evening dresses and heard enthusiastic exclamations.2. "Oh, what a woman"

After the presentation of certificates, they went to celebrate as a friendly company.

3. "Guess what we have"

A lot of congratulations were received by the graduates that day. 4. "Wish"

And also there were incendiary dances. 5. "There were dances"

At the end of the evening, all their dreams and desires were launched into the sky.

6. "In a big balloon"

Songs dancing and so all night long until the morning. 7. "Saw the night"

Then, like all normal graduates, they went to meet the gentle dawn.

8. "Tenderness of the dawn"

And in the morning mobile phones were torn from calls of parents.9. S. Mikhailov - "Where are you"

We got home somewhere in the morning and immediately.10. "Tired toys sleep"

But bright, kind, unforgettable impressions remained for life, because

11. "This will never happen again"

Whoever agrees, who has gone through all this, let him applaud loudly!

And let's raise our glasses to a successful graduation and to your graduation.

3 toast

For love…. For the love that lives in everyone's heart. For parental love, for the love of children for parents, teachers, school, for their native land, for the love that these boys and girls will certainly meet, for that one and only, because without it, nowhere, it moves our planet.
Today is not only a holiday for graduates, today is a holiday for their parents.
And we all present warmly congratulate you on the fact that your children today have overcome the 1st step in their lives - having graduated from high school.
How quickly time flies, it would seem that quite recently your children were small ....
And now I would like every graduate and graduate to come up to their parents, kiss their moms and dads and thank them, and for what let everyone come up with for themselves.
And as a sign of a high degree of respect for parents, I propose to drink the next glass while standing.
Parent interview(according to the model of the game "Teasers in a neighbor's way": answer in one word the first letter of the name of your neighbor).

1. Where would you like your child to go to study further?

2. And how will you react if your daughter says tomorrow that she is going to work as a model in a modeling agency?

3. Would you like your child to repeat your fate?

4. How do you see your child in the future?

5. How will you react if in a month your daughter says she is getting married?

6. How will you react if tomorrow your daughter says that I'm tired of Bratsk, I'm leaving to live in New York?

And now I would like to turn to those people who helped you, dear graduates, to become what you have become: smart, educated, erudite, competent, of course, these are your favorite teachers. Who taught you the ABC of life.

Game "ABC of life":alphabetize what you were taught in school.
B- nobility
B - mindfulness
J- love of life
Z- caring for others
And - diligence, etc.
And now I propose to raise a glass to the teachers.
Teacher Interview(according to the model of the game "Teasers in a neighbor's way": answer in one word the first letter of the name of your neighbor).
1) What do you think when looking at a student with a kilo of makeup on her face?
2) It is known that working with teenagers is not always easy, what is your catchphrase of the lesson?
3) Each teacher has his own secrets of mastery, what words do you find to talk the most silent student?
4) Surely you have a secret to survive in this profession?
5) What would you like to wish the graduates?
6) (class teacher)
Share with us the most intimate: do you love your students?

Dear Tatyana Yakovlevna, your guys have just passed their exams, you, of course, were worried and worried about them.
Now graduates will also worry about you - we have prepared a small test exam for you. After its successful delivery, you will be awarded the title of the best class teacher. Come out, please, to us, in the center of the hall ...
(Pointing to the hall) Meet. This is the examination board.
Task number 1.
Over the years, you've probably learned the list of children by heart.
So, task 1: tell me, who is numbered in the class magazine? - 1, 8, 14, 19.
Task number 2 : Select the desired answer.
What should a student do to please you?
A - Demand the continuation of the lesson.
B - Come at least to the middle of the lesson.
B - Don't come to class.
Task number 3 . For him, we need the help of graduates.
Task: each graduate receives a plate with a letter. From these letters, the class teacher must compose a word that is fully related to today's holiday. (High school graduation).
Yes, yes, yes, you passed the test for 12 points.
music - "YOU KNOW HER"
The word is given to the class teacher.
Thank you, Tatyana Yakovlevna, for your amazing work!
For sincerity, generosity of the soul without deceit,
For the fact that at least the years go and go,
She will always be a wonderful mother to you!
Rite of the Hearth of Knowledge
One large candle for the class teacher and small ones by the number of graduates (candles in a metal case with plastic cups).
Each graduate approaches the class teacher and she, giving a parting word to the graduate, sets fire to his candle.
The graduate puts a burning candle at the bottom of the glass. And departs. Graduates dance around the class teacher until the music ends.

After that, everyone puts cups on the floor together in the form of the number 2015 and a group photo.
But, I would like to continue the prom, of course, with a beautiful waltz.
Dear graduates, it is interesting to know where you see yourself in 10-15 years from now?
Alumni Interviews
Believe in yourself, strive for the intended goal and everything will be fine.
I propose to conduct a fortune-telling (in a hat, a note or a presentation-game ????)
- You are expected to move to permanent residence in London
-You will become the owner of a large gas station
- To be a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada
-Your place in the circus arena
-Your husband will be an oil tycoon
-Be your screen star
- You will conquer the whole world
-People will borrow money from you, because you will have a lot of money
As you can see, life is not preparing a bad future for you, so do not forget teachers and school, become their sponsors.
Dear friends! Nothing brings friends together like choral singing.

TALE "VASYA-VASILEK":flower, butterfly, hare, wolf, Little Red Riding Hood.

Competition "Milk a cow"

On a stick, a chair, 1 ordinary medical glove is fixed for each participant in the competition, we make tiny holes at the end of each finger and pour water into the glove. The task of the participants is to milk the glove.

Contest "My Wish"»

The game is good because guests can sit quietly at the table. The host has a closed box in his hands, inside of which there are notes with the desires of everyone. For example: "I want to change gender to the opposite", "I want to dance a striptease in a nightclub", etc. The music turns on, and the host passes the box to the guests, and they begin to pass it to each other. At the moment when the host turns off the music, the person who had the box in his hands takes out a note from there and reads it out loud. After the note has been read, the music turns on again, and the box is passed on.

Music contest "Where can I get such a song?"

Guests think of lines from different songs and remember. The host takes turns asking questions to the guests or describing a situation, to which they answer with a line from a hidden song. For example, the presenter says the situation: "You are washing in the bath. You just lathered your head, as the lights were turned off." What are you saying? - "Is it my fault that I love?".

For example:
1. A young man gives you flowers for your birthday. You smile politely and say...
2. You are late for the bus. Run and shout to the driver...
3. You were late for work. The boss calls you and scolds you. You embarrassedly answer...
4. What does your mother want for the night?
5. You are in a zoo in front of a cage with a monkey that makes faces at you. You can't stand it and scream...
6. At a party you make a toast ...
7. Your car was stolen. Your reaction...
8. They confess their love to you. You blush, turn pale, and finally whisper...
9. You are on the program "Field of Miracles". Won a prize. In the black box are the keys to the car. You scream with joy...
10. On a fishing trip, instead of a fish, you pulled out a talking pike that told you...

11. When seeing you off to graduation, your parents told you…

12. Before the exams, everyone wished you “No fluff, no feather”, and you shouted to everyone ...

13. You found yourself on the lists that entered the university, you screamed with happiness ...

14. On the very first day of classes at the university, you were late for the first class and, entering the classroom, told the teacher ...

15. You have a first date, you are very worried, and your mother advised you ...

16. While studying at the university, you made friends with many new people and told them the following about yourself ...

17. Wherever you study, but being far from Bratsk, when you are bored, you always sing this song ...

18. You received your first scholarship and, to celebrate, call your parents and inform ...

19. Parents are afraid to let you go alone / alone to study in another city, you calm them down and say ...

20. You had a chance to go on a trip around the world, you sang from overflowing delight ...

DANCE MARATHON.Requires 3-5 pairs of participants.

Stage 1.

The guys have their hands behind their backs, the girls hold their partners by the ears. (Lezginka).

Stage 2.

All participants have their hands behind their backs. We dance, clinging to each other's noses. (Gypsy).

Stage 3.

Favorite stage of all men. Men stand behind the girls, press them to themselves. (Lambada).

Stage 4.

Men and women press their backs to each other. They cross their arms with each other in the "castle". (Rock'n'roll). Men are lifting girls on their backs... Now girls are lifting men.

Stage 5

Guys take girls by the hand. (Tango).

Guests choose the best couple of participants.

Game: Swap
So we get up in 2 rows. We look at ourselves and at the neighbors carefully, remember what you came in, what kind of eyes you have, hair color. So, I name some quality, and if you have this quality, then you beautifully move into another column in the dance, and so the music sounds, if you don’t have this quality, then you dance on the spot. So:
Those with brown eyes change places.
Those who managed to drink today change places.
Swap blondes and blondes.
Those with green eyes change places.
Change places those who turned green from boredom.
Those who love physical education lessons change places.
Those who came in trousers change places.
Those to whom the sea is knee-deep change places.
The funniest ones change places.
Beautiful girls change places.
Strong guys change places.
Those who have a great mood change places.

Those who received the certificate change places.

Game "Parts of the body"

Game "Dance teacher" (dressing 1 graduate).

Dance with a whistle (split into pairs according to the received tokens: Ruslan - Lyudmila, Master and Margarita).

Dance battle

children's instruments, 1. button accordion.2. piano.3. inflatable guitars.4. trumpet 5. drum and 6. vocalist, put masks on them...glasses....everything is fun..parents and children participate (I have 3 guitars) I represent the Chupa-Chups group. The musicians come out in turn to perform their solo, and then the general song .... and then the heat has gone!!!

Theater of Miniatures
Impromptu based on the folk thriller "Turnip".
Characters: Graduate, Mother Sloth, School Principal, Class Teacher, Mom, Dad, Classmates.

Actors at the mention of their role say the following phrases: Graduate - “What about me? I’m nothing ...”, Mother Sloth - “Ba-a-ldezh!”, School principal - “What's going on here?”, Class teacher - “They are good with me ...”, Mamanya - “Wherever the school looks ?!", Dad - "Get a belt!", Classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

Once upon a time there was a Graduate... And so he would have lived peacefully, but seized the Graduate... Laziness-mother... The Headmaster of the school was the first to worry... And the Graduate to him... All because Laziness was whispering in his ear- Mother... The Headmaster... called the Class Teacher... The Class Teacher... went to the Graduate... Yes, only Mother Laziness still whispers to him... Then the Class Teacher... called Mamanya... Send Mom ... and the Class Teacher ... to the Director ... And the Director said ... And the Class Teacher ... And Mom ... And the Graduate answered this ... Because Mother Laziness whispered in his ear ... Mom went ... for Dad ... Dad came ..., Mom ..., the Class teacher ... and the Director ... to the Graduate ... And the Graduate to them ... And Mother Laziness to him .. And Papanya rushed ... for Odnoklassniki ... because any business in a team is better solved. Odnoklassniki ran in... And I would like to tell them Mother Sloth... but only the Director first said... Then the Class Teacher added... Mom spoke... Papanya shouted loudly... After that, Odnoklassniki entered into an argument... To which the graduate replied...

Competition: "Nimble fingers"
1) Those who have mobile phones with them are invited to participate. Who will be the first to call the class teacher? (prize and exit)
2) Who will be the first to send SMS "Graduation 2015!" to the number of the class teacher?
3) Who will quickly calculate on the phone on a calculator and give the correct result? 5784-4673+904= 2015 (year of issue)
4) Using the calendar on your phone, what day of the week will June 26, 2020 have?
Competition "Lazy dances".
So, the task is not easy.
Now, without getting up from the chair,
You have to start dancing.
This will be our order.
Body parts are different...
Wonderfully beautiful.

Let all the guests wait for records
And the legs themselves dance. (Only the legs of "Letka Enka" dance)

Our hands are not for boredom...
Let only the hands ("handles") dance

Let's go down and...
our belly will dance ("east")

Doesn't express a face here
What we sit on the porch
Let the people be "well done"
And dance to our face. ("Cupid's bow")

On this day and at this hour
Together everything goes to the dance!!! (legs, arms, stomach, face).

Dear graduates, today you are embarking on a great sea of ​​life, and already in this voyage, each of you should become a captain. How will your future fate - time will tell.
The final
Dear friends!
Today, in front of your eyes, the graduates received a start in life, which was confirmed by the presentation of certificates. Childhood is over, school days, lessons, cheerful laughter of girlfriends are left behind.
Yes, life is fleeting, everything changes in it, fashion, money, prime ministers, presidents change, except for one human desire to be happy.
But everyone understands happiness in their own way, for some it is a huge amount of money, luxury cars, yachts, but people have noticed that only those who manage to find their way in life are happy. On the path of which you will meet good friends, respect, understanding, luck, your love, you will be able to realize your skills and reveal your talent, live an interesting, eventful life. Therefore, we wish you to have all this in your life in full.
Do not forget your school and the teachers who gave you a start in life, do not forget your school friends, your hometown and its inhabitants, it does not matter if you become famous or be a housewife, a happy mother of your children, you will forever remain in the memory of your teachers beloved children. How easy it is to dial 10 digits on your mobile and send SMS, or go to social networks and leave your congratulations. Leave only a good trace about yourself in life!

Good evening, dear friends! Let's start the informal part of our prom. Take your seats at the festive table. Let's start the holiday, congratulate all the graduates. So the long-awaited day has come - the last day of your school life. But it seemed, quite recently, you, first-graders, crossed the threshold of the school for the first time, holding huge bouquets of flowers in your hands, and in your eyes there was a question: “What will happen next?”. And now, when I look at you - so beautiful and young, I see the same question in your eyes: "What will happen next?"
“And what will happen next? What's next?
Already beyond that line, beyond that threshold.
And then - there will be a different plot.
And the new one will end with an epilogue.
And not shying away from the plot of yesterday,

While another is being created,
The uniqueness of this moment
In some new face it will be repeated.
And again it will rain to roam the garden,
And the garden will smell fresh and moist.
And will it be with us or not dreams -
Basically, it doesn't matter that much."
And today it is important that you received certificates of complete secondary education and I propose a toast to the uniqueness of this moment! After all, tonight is the first and last such evening in your life.
Table pause.
You know, in youth, a person is not able to perceive time as a circle, he perceives it as a road leading forward to new horizons.
But in fact:
Time is running at full speed
He is calling you.
Flew year after year
It's been many days and now...
There comes a moment of goodbye
The moment of the final line ...
Here's to parting soon...
Let dreams come true!
Of course, everyone's dreams are different, but today our school, this hall, music, and mood united everyone. Tonight is a memory of the past, talks about the future, declarations of love, vows of friendship and fidelity, as well as dances, competitions, games.
Now I want to give the floor to our director Serebryansky E. A. (Director's speech. Dinner break)
Dear friends, wonderful words have now been said, but do you know that a school is a production that produces a very high-quality product, which is called “GRADUATE”. Let me read you his description and a memo on caring for him.
But whether this product corresponds to the issued certificate, we will now check.
Please state your last name:
1. Dmitry Ivanovich (Mendeleev)
2. Pyotr Ilyich (Tchaikovsky)
3. Mikhail Vasilyevich (Lomonosov)
4. Wolfgang Amadeus (Mozart)
5. Arthur Conan (Doyle)
6. Who is the author of the book "The Adventures of Chippolino"? (Rodari)
7. What was the name of the poet Yesenin (Sergey)
8. Who owns the phrase: “The most difficult thing is the demand on yourself”
(Makarenko, Fonvizin, Pushkin)
9. “The more a person knows, the stronger he is” (Chekhov, Gorky, Tolstoy).
Dear friends, I propose to go on a journey "On the Waves of Our Memory".
We are going to a distant time, when you came to school for the first time, with moms and dads, grandparents. The first solemn line, the first teacher who led you to the first grade, seated you at your desks, asked you to keep your back straight, your hands on your desk ... and from that moment your school life began. Gnarled sticks, circles, squiggles, naughty hands. Do you remember?
Friends, I invite one student from each class.
1. Do you remember the first day you came to school? What was he like?
Solar? Cloudy?
2. Do you remember any moment that would make you sad or happy in the first grade.
3. Do you remember your first teacher? what was her name?
And now I will give the floor to the teacher who met you on the first day of school, 11 years ago.
With all my heart, in low words
Who else to talk about today
How not about the one who has been with you for so many years,
Who taught you to read, count, write.
Everyone has only one time in their life
There is your first, your memorable class,
And the first teacher, and the first lesson,
And the first boisterous school bell.
The word is given: ________________________________
And now I invite one parent from each class.
1. Do you remember the day you took your child to school for the first time?
2. How did your child feel about going to school?
3. Did your children go to school willingly or under the influence of suggestion?
4. What joyful moment warmed your hearts in the first days of study?
(These are the memories of a distant happy childhood that the first class evokes)
- Many adults believe that children have non-standard thinking. You,
Certainly not children. Now we will hold a competition for erudition.
Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:
1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. On the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)
6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)
7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then
still found her prince (Thumbelina)
Well done!!!
The scent of roses and lilies blows,
Reflecting in the depths of the mirrors
Girls, airy like fairies
They enter, breathing a little, into an elegant hall.
It seems that they are not more tender and more beautiful,
Only happiness awaits them ahead!
School ball, like Natasha's first ball,
Full of waiting for love.
Music and bright clothes -
Graduation night is amazing!
Believe, hopes come true
And dreams will not turn into smoke.
And teachers native faces,
And friends cheerful eyes ...
Prom night won't happen again
Noisy like a spring storm.
Dear Guys! Boys and girls! Sirs and ladies! Everyone is jealous of you today.
Your youth, your beauty, your optimism. Today is your holiday, you are the hosts of this evening, and I appeal to you with a request. So that you invite your teachers, your parents, your friends to the school waltz. With this waltz
we will open BAL. But before the music starts, I would like to announce a competition for the best name for the evening (do not suggest the name "Prom").
Think, and later we will summarize.
Waltz sounds.
Guys, our evening continues, dance, have fun! (dance break 20-30 min.)
- during a slow dance, the music suddenly stops, the partner must run around the partner and sit on his knee (a prize for the first couple ...)
- dance marathon (waltz, lambada, ducklings, tango, etc.)
Well, we are sailing further along the waves of our memory. And now they are flashing by: the second and third grades. Ripped soiled trousers, bruises, abrasions, bruises. Parents rushing to the shops in search of another pair of shoes, notebooks, a briefcase.
And here is the fifth grade, the sixth ..., cuffs to the boys, pulling the braids of girls, notes on discipline in diaries, going to meetings with parents.
Do you remember?
And I again invite one representative from each class or table, in no particular order. Answer honestly and quickly.
1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?
2. Where does childhood go?
3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?
4. How often did you run away from lessons?
5. From whom did you like to cheat?
6. Who is the youngest in your class?
7. Which "5" was the most joyful for you?
8. What subject have you studied all 11 years, and for 11 years its name has not changed?
9. What is your favorite moment in class?
10. What is your favorite place at school?
Now questions for parents (if parents cannot answer, graduates help):
1. Surprise on the teacher's chair (button)
2. Bad globe (map)
3. Dating club for parents and students (parent meeting)
4. Album for autographs of parents (diary)
5. From 2 to 5 (score)
6. Place where they serve 11 years (school)
7. Signal to the beginning and end of torment (call)
8. Schoolwide President (Principal)
9. There is in every office (board)
10. Boys don't wear this (skirt)
11. All teachers are looking forward to this (vacation)
12. You can’t live on this at school (salary)
Now for the teachers:
You only need to tell the truth, something but the truth, and not quite the truth,
those. what is in the heart.
1. Where do negligent students come from?
2. What are boys and girls made of, how does this show up in the classroom?
3. Remember the new words that you took from your students' vocabulary?
4. Are there vitamins in the fruits of enlightenment?
5. What do you remember about the 11th grade?
6. Who was the best in the class?
7. If you were to lose your voice, what 5 words (only 5) would you say
disciples, before forever being silent?
8. Which student gave you the biggest headache?
9. How many steps does the staircase in front of the school have?
10. What season do you like the most and why?
Dear graduates! Your parents have been by your side all these years.
I'd like to give the floor now; members of the parent committee: ________________________
They just handed me a package for graduates, and in it ...
1. Chewing gum ... to strengthen teeth worn out during the "nibbling of science."
2. Handkerchiefs... for wetting tears in moments of sadness and mourning for an irrevocably gone childhood.
3. Tablets "Odobrin". Ingredients: kindness, love, happiness, affection. In adult life, where you enter, such qualities are necessary.
"Ozlobin" - why did they put him? Yeah, here's the summary - apply the night before the exam. Yes, then this medicine will also come in handy for you.
4. Some notebooks (or a Graduate's book). Clearly, these are notebooks of Graduates. They will lie here during the evening. Parents and graduates on their pages can leave their impressions of the evening, wishes and parting words ...
5. Water bottle - "Source of knowledge" ..., from a school drinking tank.
Dance block with competitions:
1. Pair dance on the newspaper. After each stage, the newspaper is folded in half.
2. Balloons between partners. Which pair will fall or burst are eliminated from the game.
Everyone is invited to the tables, we continue our journey.
And now the seventh, eighth grades, inscriptions flash on the walls of the school, in the corridor, on the desks: “Lena + Vasya, Kolya is a donkey, Tanya is a Fool! Etc. and so on.".
And what nicknames does the echo about you, dear teachers, in my opinion,
none of the subject teachers was left without attention. And the parents somehow began to get more nervous, to go to school more often ... by invitation.
While you reminisce, I am inviting 14 brave volunteers.
Boys and girls.
Theatrical competition.
I would like (I think that parents and teachers will also be interested to know) to see what kind of theater skills you have.
After all, you are entering a new, adult life, and as you know - "the whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors!"
Now I will distribute cards on which only one word will be written.
These are your roles, but you do not say a single word, you show everything with pantomime. (The guys should go to an impromptu stage).
Cards: Night, tree (2 people), gate (2 people), hostess, wind, dog, owner, curtain (2 people), sparrow, horse, gypsy thief.
A curtain. Night. The wind howls. Trees sway. A gypsy thief sneaks between them, he is looking for a stable where a horse sleeps. Here is the stable.
The horse is sleeping, he is dreaming of something, he is slightly moving his hooves and quietly
neighs. Not far from him, a sparrow perched on a perch, he is dozing,
sometimes opening one eye, then the other ... The dog is sleeping on the street. Trees
they make noise, because of the noise you can’t hear how the gypsy thief makes his way into the stable,
opening the gate. Here he is grabbing the horse. The dog is barking. The hostess ran out of the house, groaned, screamed. She calls her husband. The husband jumped out with a gun in his hands. The gypsy runs away. The owner leads the horse to the stable. The dog jumps for joy. Sparrow flies around. The trees rustle, the wind continues to howl...
The owner strokes the horse, throws him food. The owner calls the hostess into the house. Everything calms down. Sleeping dog. A sparrow is napping. Standing, the horse falls asleep, he occasionally shudders and neighs quietly. A curtain.
Well done! Thanks everyone!
And now I would like to replenish the knowledge of parents and give them some expressions from the "School Explanatory Dictionary":
1. Teacher and students - Alibaba and 40 thieves
2. Teacher and student - wolf and lamb
3. Student's answer at the blackboard - reporting with a noose around his neck
4. Student's notebook, checked by the teacher - scarlet sails
5. The student went home for a diary - "traveling over three seas"
6. Unit for a hint - grief from the mind
7. The writings of a student - notes of a madman
8. Sunday - a ray of light in a dark kingdom
9. A student got a "2" - an optimistic tragedy
10. The student's exit to the board - going through the torment
1. Without what, not a single exam or test can do? (spur)
2. How does the lesson begin and end? (call)
3. The most important person in the school? (director)
4. Weapons for fighting between students? (ruler)
5. What is often our enemy? (language)
6. What is a school day indispensable for? (turn)
7. How can you not call a schoolboy Gusev? (goose)
8. Is the globe the size of a ball? (globe)
9. What can get dirty at the board? (with chalk)
10. Furniture that is sometimes confused with a notebook? (desk)
11. Twelve months? (year)
12. Nine months? (academic year)
13. Where is the student looking when counting the raven? (window)
14. School cafeteria specialty? (porridge)
15. Teacher's "rapier"? (pointer)
16. A truant's refuge? (cinema)
17. "Cool excuse"? (reference)
18. What is the meaning of a student's life? (holidays)
And our journey through the waves of memory continues. Here appeared the 9th,
10th. ABOUT! These hairstyles, earrings, shoes, costumes, perfumes, and what characters ...! Resentment, independence, freedom, replicas ..., moaning parents
with their emaciated wallets. Teachers got nervous, swallow pills...
Quiz for parents:
1. How much pocket money do you think your children need?
2. Are you happy that your children have grown up?
3. Do you recognize your children with your eyes closed?
And now I ask you to fill glasses with lemonade and drink for loving parents and wonderful teachers.
Dear friends! Nothing brings friends together like choral singing. That's
now we will try to sing in chorus, divided into two teams: 1st (parents and teachers), 2nd (graduates).
You have to guess and sing the melody:
1. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis (somewhere in the world).
2. A song about a city where trains do not go and planes do not fly (the boy wants to go to Tambov).
3. Song about crazy appetite and unwillingness to work (Antoshka)
4. Song about a harmless animal that the whole house hates (Black cat)
1. Song about using a smile as electricity (from a smile...)
2. A song about a country where you can meet the firebird and the golden horse (small country).
3. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers (we are going, we are going, we are going).
4. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows (cheburashka)
- And finally, the pier is visible, and on the pier - the 11th grade. sensitive,
charming, beautiful, obedient! So we arrived at the pier, and you
the sea of ​​life awaits, and already in this voyage each of you must become a captain. How will your future fate - time will tell.
1. Do you swear to remember your native school, to respect and honor your teachers?
2. Do you swear to come to a meeting with your friends at least once every five years,
teachers and classmates?
3. Do you swear to send your future children to the school you attended
Then I ask you to raise your glasses for love, fidelity, for school, for a new life!!!
Dance break and summing up the results of the competition for the best name of the evening.
Dear friends! All good things come to an end. And our evening is coming to
Let's do it quietly, let's do it in a low voice, let's say goodbye lightly...
Dawn meeting:
- Whoever sees the sun first wins a prize!
"Dance Marathon"
Two teams - adults and graduates form two teams - lines opposite each other. In turn, each line performs the appropriate dance movements to the music recorded in advance. phonogram, going towards each other according to the "wall to wall" type.
"Musical Chair"
Girls dance around the boys to the music. The music stops, the girls jump into the guys' arms. Pairs are gradually removed. The winner pair remains.
"Competition - surprise"
Who wants to win a prize? Everyone comes out and starts counting their pockets.
Whoever has the most wins the prize.
"Farewell to Childhood"
Relay, we pass the toy - the first stage, the teams sing a karaoke song - the second stage, dance on command - the third stage.
Until the time has come for quick mobile competitions, during the festive feast it is proposed to tell fortunes about your fate. The guys take objects - symbols from a large dish, and the leader explains their meaning:
Pea - an unprecedented harvest on the plot of the parents;
The key is to become a builder;
Ring - attend a wedding;
Geographical map - travel around the world;
Coin - become a bank employee;
Heart - meet serious love;
Wallet - find a treasure;
Bay leaf - become an advanced worker;
Button - become a cutter;
Mirror - win the beauty contest;
Thread - a long road awaits you;
Wheel - get a "foreign car";
fishing hook - catch the groom (bride), this year;
Soap - star in the series;
Candy - a sweet life awaits you;
Clothespin - someone will cling;
Rusk - become a famous baker;
Birch leaf - someone will stick;
Finishing the festive feast and moving on to the "active" program of the evening, you can bring festive cakes with candles into the hall.
Before you set sail
In the sea of ​​wanderings and the life of storms,
You taste, friends, goodbye
Those sweet big pies.
To have enough strength on the road,
Try to take a deep breath
At the moment of farewell on the school doorstep
Candles you try to blow out.
May you remember this hour
Let the warmth of parting and meeting
It will stay with you for a long time.
During the dance marathon, various competitive programs are held,
where not only graduates, but also teachers and parents should be involved.
Sample contests:
1. In the style of "rap" (according to the soundtrack) to most clearly and artistically state the laws of physics (Ohm's Law, the First Law of Thermodynamics, etc.)
2. "Erasing the deuce" - the "deuce" drawn with a pencil on the Whatman paper must be destroyed as soon as possible.
Parting word:
You can expand your horizons
If you go out more often.
Adults forbid children
What they can't do on their own.
When a decision needs to be made
Act quickly and decisively.
Get help! You need to cheer for your studies!
Don't be afraid to talk about flaws
If they are strangers.
And about successes, if they are yours.
Theoretically, almost everything is possible
Actually - nothing!
Wishes to graduates.
Literature teacher. The classics not only asked eternal questions:
“What to do?”, “Who is to blame?”, “To be or not to be”, but they also tried to answer
on them. Life will pose many questions and require many answers to them. Be prepared for this.
Astronomy teacher. May yours always shine brightly in the sky
guiding star.
Biology teacher. We are all children of nature. Treat her with love
and she will repay you in kind.
Geography teacher. Our land is huge. It has many roads. I wish you to find your own and not go astray.
Mathematics teacher. The grief that a friend shared with you becomes 2 times less, and the joy that you shared with a friend becomes 2 times greater. Remember this guys!
Drawing teacher. The palette of life is bright and varied. In difficult times, remember that, in addition to black, there are many other colors and shades.
OB teacher. In the life of every person there are extreme situations. God grant that at a critical moment you have a second wind.
History teacher. You write the next page of history.
Try to make as few mistakes as possible on this page.
Final song (to the motive "We wish you happiness")
In a world full of roads
It's time for you to leave.
There will be sun, light and rain, snow and thunder,
But let each of you remember
That in any of your, even difficult times
The school will believe in you and remember you kindly.
We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this big world
Like the sun in the morning, let it enter the house.
We wish you happiness, and it should be like this
When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others!
The path will be hard or easy
Would still like to return
Time flying past your school years.
No matter how difficult fate
Remember, always familiar windows of light await you.

Scenario of the informal part of the prom in the 11th grade "Star Ball"

Description of the material: the scenario is recommended to class teachers of grades 9.11, secondary vocational institutions, teachers-organizers for graduation parties

Event progress:

(guests gathered in the hall, standing waiting for graduates in a "living corridor")
Leading: Farewell moment, alas, friends, has come -
The door to the unknown is open...
We invite you to our festive hall
Pupils, but ... yesterday already now!
We meet school graduates …… 201!
……….(by name) applause, sat down.
That's behind the year of your studies.
And there were ups and downs.
And tonight we all want
To remember every moment.
So the moral is this: today we need
Our graduation party to celebrate
fun, playful, friendly! ... Do you agree?
At a noisy cheerful feast, at a rich beautiful table,
Let's fill our glasses with sparkling and delicious wine!
And now let's greet each other:
Everyone raised their hands together
They waved their right hand.
Well, the left hand goes down while
On the knee. Not yours, but your neighbor's.
Right hand hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We embrace indecently.
Did you like it? Great!
Swayed left, right.
You are rocking great! Bravo!
Now let's stroke your belly.
Let's smile to the fullest.
Let's push the neighbor on the right.
We wink at the neighbor on the left.
Slightly bent over the table
Reaching for a glass
We take a glass in hand
Together we get up from our places.
We continue the fun
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the right!
A glass so as not to sweat
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the left!
And with a neighbor opposite,
Support the team!
Let's shout loudly: "Congratulations-la-eat!"
And we all drink to the bottom!
School, graduation - ___________ (this phrase is repeated by graduates)
The long-awaited graduation - ____________________
We have been waiting for him all year - _____________________
A sleepless night awaits us! _____________________
Together we make an oath, ________________________
We will not let the school down. _____________________________
We swear we won't get drunk _____________________
We swear we won't fight _______________________
Let's sing and dance, let's play contests!!
So, first contest!
Please state your last name:
1. Dmitry Ivanovich ... (Mendeleev)
2. Peter Ilyich .... (Chaikovsky)
3. Mikhail Vasilyevich (Lomonosov)
4. Wolfgang Amadeus (Mozart)
5. Arthur Conan (Doyle)
6. Who is the author of the book "The Adventures of Chippolino"? (Rodari)
7. What was the name of the poet Yesenin (Sergey)
Many adults believe that children have lateral thinking. Of course, you are not children. Now we will hold a competition for erudition.
Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:
1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. On the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to consumption ***** (Kolobok)
5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)
6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)
7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then
still found her prince (Thumbelina)
Well done!!!
Dear Guys! Boys and girls! Sirs and ladies! Everyone is jealous of you today. Your youth, your beauty, your optimism. Today is your holiday, you are the hosts of this evening, and I appeal to you with a request. So that you invite your parents to the school waltz! With this waltz we will open the BAL. But before the music starts, I would like to announce a competition for the best name for the evening (do not suggest the name "Prom").
Think, and later we will summarize.
Waltz sounds.
The years flew by unnoticed
Goodbye school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And boldly go into a big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!
For graduates! (Background)
Dear friends! Nothing brings friends together like choral singing.
And now we will try to sing in chorus, divided into three teams: 1st (parents), 2nd (graduates), 3rd (teachers)
You have to guess and sing the melody:
1. A song about a harmless animal that the whole house hates (Black Cat) 2. A song about a crazy appetite and unwillingness to work (Antoshka)
3. Graduates:
1. Song about using a smile as electricity (from a smile...)
2. A song about a country where you can meet the firebird and the golden horse (small country).
For teachers:
1. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers (we are going, we are going, we are going).
2. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows (cheburashka)
Chorus: A song that explains the rotation of the Earth around its axis (somewhere in the world).
Well done! And now I will ask everyone to fill their celebratory glasses.
Today is the day of farewell to childhood.
What could be more touching
Let me come here, to this place,
Invite the principal of the school. To your applause, I want to give the floor to the director of the school S ... .. L.A.
Leading: Dear Guys! There are only 3 girls in our class. I invite them to the center. (go to center)
You have to complete "Homework" (sheets with assignments are distributed). Please read and follow them. Who is faster is the winner!
1. Read the assignments aloud.
2. Clap your hands 4 times, turning around after each clap around your axis.
3. Hug the class teacher.
4. Jump in place 3 times.
5. Kiss any 2 people from the audience.
6. Shout: “Goodbye, school!”
7. Place the worksheet on the floor in front of you.
8. Sing the first verse of the song "They teach at school."
9. Complete tasks 7 and 8.
How careless you are! Immediately it is written in Russian: READ all the tasks aloud, complete tasks No. 7 and 8.
Leading: And now, I want you all to dance! But since everyone is already tired, then the dances will also be called lazy!
The game "Lazy dancing" 6-7 people (separate table) dance without moving; sitting, without the participation of the legs; without arms and body (only facial expressions).
Leading: Once you were very small and we told you fairy tales, do not think that this time has passed, now you will have such an opportunity - to tell a fairy tale.
The characters, when their role is mentioned, say the following phrases:
Graduate- "And what am I? I'm nothing ...",
Laziness - mother- "Ba-a-ldezh!",
Head teacher- "What's going on here?"
Classroom teacher- "They are good for me!"
Mommy- "Where does the school look?!"
Daddy- "The belt will get!"
Classmates- "It's good to play the fool!"
Once upon a time there was a Graduate ... So he would have lived in peace, but seized the Graduate ... Laziness-mother ... The Headmaster was the first to worry ... And the Graduate to him ... All because it was not his ear that was whispered to him by Laziness-mother ... The principal of the school ... called the Class teacher ... The class teacher ... went to the Graduate ... Yes, only Mother Laziness still whispers to him ... Then the Class teacher ... called Mamanya ... Let's go Mom .. and the Class Teacher ... to the Director ... And the Director said ... And the Class Teacher ... answered. And Mamanya ... said. To which the Graduate ... answered. Because Mother Laziness was whispering in his ear ... Mommy went ... for Daddy ... Daddy came ..., Mommy ..., Class teacher ... and Director ... to the Graduate ... And A graduate of them ... And Mother Laziness to him ... And Papanya pulled ... for Odnoklassniki ... because any matter in a team is better solved. Odnoklassniki came running ... And I would like to tell them Mother Laziness ... but only the Director first said ... then the Class Teacher added ... Mamanya spoke ... Papanya shouted loudly ... After which Odnoklassniki entered into an argument. ..To which the Graduate replied...
That's the end of the tale, and who listened, well done!
Leading: Dear friends! Today we have a new class in our school. This event is joyful and sad at the same time. Joyful, because a new generation of graduates is entering an independent life, and sad, because graduates are saying goodbye to school today. School! How much is associated with it! Behind childhood, there are many roads ahead, the choice of your favorite business. How exciting the first feeling of adulthood, independence. Exams are left behind, and with them years of carefree childhood. And ahead, ahead is a great life, everything that was dreamed of, everything unknown, exciting. This memorable quiet evening seems to prophesy for you, who enter into life, a clear and calm fate. How you want it to come true. Good luck, happiness, love, dear graduates! Toast - For the future!!
Leading: Dear friends! Now I will give you cards on which movie characters or book characters are written. Which couple will find each other is quick to talk about it. Cards:
Pinocchio - Malvina
Kashchei - Baba Yaga
Ruslan - Lyudmila
Prince Gvidon - The Swan Princess
Onegin - Tatiana
Wolf - Little Red Riding Hood
Romeo - Juliet
Master - Margarita
Leading: SO! couples found each other (we get to know who found whom)
Couples met, hugged, kissed!
Well, now the next thing ... in every family there is a white and black stripe and our couples are no exception. Imagine that a black streak has come and lovers do not talk to each other, BUT COMMON BUSINESS SHOULD BE DONE! (you can ask what's up, what do you think?)
Since you are not talking, you must understand each other without words.
The PRIZE will be given to the pair that will be more original.
I give you a card with a certain task written on it, and he pantomime shows what the girl should do. Shows until she guesses (and so each pair for one task) the best is determined by the guests.
Moderator: Says...
FAVORITE MUST..... (and pantomime begins)
1. go to the market and buy a flower pot.
2 buy champagne
3. buy beef tongue
4. chicken breast
5. beef liver
6. buy fish.
Toast - For love and understanding!

Now the mobile game is a relay race:
Relay race with gloves (for children and parents)
Required: 2 pairs of gloves.
Two equal teams line up, each in its own column of one person. The first person in each column has a pair of gloves. On a signal, the first player in each column turns around and puts on gloves for the next player. This second player then removes the gloves, turns around and puts on the gloves for the third player. This continues until the last player takes off their gloves. The team that finishes first wins.
Leading: Much is already in the past for you: the last school bell, and the happiest ticket for the final exams. Many things come to mind in these moments. When you are only 17-18, you can already safely say that school has been your life for 11 years. The first teacher introduced you to the world of knowledge by the hand. And now I want to give the floor to your first teacher: Sschankina Lyubov Afanasyevna. Let's meet with applause!
Leading: And now I want to give the floor to your closest and dearest teachers, who walked through school life next to you, helped you with a kind word and offered their hands in difficult times.
We don't always notice
How many worries we have
And patient work
The teacher gives.
With barely noticeable gray hair
On a dark blond strand
She stands in front of you
Stacking up notebooks.
And you love, like him, like me,
EE- and let's face it:
She is your second mother.
And who is more precious than mom?
And now I will ask everyone to fill their glasses. I want to raise these celebratory glasses to our wonderful teachers!
Dear our teachers!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Our land will always be
Your work is beautiful!
For teachers! (background)
Leading: Dear graduates! Are we going to leave the school just like that? Let's at least in a comic form remember what we were taught in school lessons. For 11 years, teachers have been putting grades in your diaries. Today we give you the opportunity to evaluate your knowledge of your favorite subjects yourself (it is proposed to get the carved numbers and the name of the subject out of the bag without looking).
Leading: So, we have designated our today's holiday as "Star Ball". Think about it, because really every person carries a starlight. The light of the star under which he was born. And, as it turned out recently, the character of each person is to a large extent determined by the constellation of the zodiac under which he was born. Today we decided to check whether this is indeed the case. Having found out in advance the distinctive features of each of the signs of the zodiac from astrological books, we selected tasks for our graduates in accordance with them. And now we are the first to invite to the middle of the hall to your applause all the fiery signs of the zodiac. They are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. (music screensaver). The fire that patronizes people born under these zodiac signs endows them with indefatigable energy, huge creative potential. So, people born under the sign of Aries often find themselves in music. There are many actors, directors, producers among Lions. There are also many musicians among Sagittarians, although in the work of Sagittarius sometimes they cannot avoid a certain imitation. Based on these characteristics, we decided that these people are certainly capable of becoming real pop stars, or at least reincarnated as them for a few minutes. (Participants of the competition are invited to sing fragments of Russian pop hits, they try to present themselves as performers). And now I will ask our participants to take their places under your thunderous applause.
Leading: And now I will ask everyone who was born under the sign of Air to come out to your applause. These are Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. (musical accompaniment). These people are endowed with a rich imagination and often amaze others with the originality of their thinking. Gemini often manifest themselves in the field of literary creativity, as well as advertising. Libra is distinguished by exquisite taste, a sense of proportion and light harmony. Aquarians are people of an original way of thinking, full of new ideas, plans, projects. Sometimes the innovative ideas of Aquarians are ahead of their time. It is to such people that we decided to offer to create a draft menu for the dining room of the school of the future and explain what, in their opinion, it should be and why. (Graduates are offered a sheet of drawing paper and markers. After a while they present their project. Cheerful music sounds). I think we are all convinced that the astrological horoscope is absolutely confirmed. Applause to our participants. And now I invite everyone to support our participants on the dance floor. Everybody dance!
Competition "Pigtail"
Two teams of 4 people. One participant holds three ribbons of different colors on his outstretched hand. It is proposed to tie a pigtail to three other participants. (Cheerful music) Prizes for the winners.
Leading: I invite everyone to the festive table. I will ask everyone to fill their celebratory glasses, because I want to raise this toast to our dear, beloved, most, dearest parents.
Dear dear parents,
Happiness to you, health, long years!
We have always seen a bright image in you,
We don't have anyone else!
For warmth, for your kind souls
And for raising us
For care and patience for a long time
May God bless you!
For parents! (Background).
Leading: I want to invite our guys to the stage. For you the contest "4 hats". It is necessary to perform tasks clearly on command under the account:
On "one" - put your hand on the head of a neighbor on the right
On the "two" hat of the neighbor on the right, put on your head
On "three" - shake each other's hands together
On "four" - shout out: "Glory to the graduates of 201 ... of the year !!!" (raising hands up)
Leading: And now I want to give the floor to our graduates.
The floor is given to the parents.
Leading: So, have you forgotten the name of our holiday? "Star Ball". Therefore, now I will ask everyone who is patronized by the Earth to come to me under your applause. These are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (music) Usually these people are very practical, they constantly feel solid ground under their feet, they usually put into practice the ideas that fire signs supply. So, Taurus often manifest themselves in the art of theater and staging. Virgos are known for their sharp analytical mind and practical acumen. And stubborn Capricorns make great leaders. Based on the qualities inherent in people born under these signs, we decided to offer them to show their abilities in the next competition. Now our participants will show episodes from everyday school life with facial expressions and gestures, and you will need to voice what they had in mind. (“Lesson”, “Change”, “In the school cafeteria”, “Physical education lesson”). Applause to our participants. Please take your seats at the festive table.
And now I will ask people whose patronizing element is Water. These are Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios. Usually these people are sentimental and extremely sensitive. Cancers are especially prominent in social work and teaching. Scorpios are endowed with a sharp critical mind, the ability to instantly navigate in any situation and make optimal decisions with lightning speed. Pisces find themselves in psychiatry and have an amazing gift for combining pure creativity with businesslike, practical aspirations. All people born under the sign of Water are attached to their home, and the school has been your second home for 11 years, so we will ask you to tell us about it by composing a quatrain using these words ... We made sure that here the astrological characteristics in mostly true. Applause to our participants.
Now support our participants on the dance floor.
Competition "2 Sultans" (for Sasha and Nikita) It is necessary to invite as many women present as possible to your "harem". Then, women decorate their "sultan" with improvised means and elements of clothing + praise their "master". That “grief” that was the most sincere and convincing wins.
Contest "Number three"
A prize is placed on 2 chairs, 2 young people stand around the chair. At the word "Three" you must grab the prize. So, ready, let's get started!
We caught fish while fishing
And inside the small fishes they saw
Yes, not one, but two.
Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look on guard do not sleep
And wait for the command one, two, five.
When you want to remember poetry
Don't bite them until late at night
And repeat them to yourself
And one, and two, and preferably five.
Wife once at the station
I had to wait three hours
Applause to the winners!
Competition "Items with letters (T) and (C)"
I will ask to form a team of parents of the class, and a team of teachers. Now you should wake up: the first team is to collect all the items starting with the letter "T", and the second team is to collect the letter "C". The team with the most items wins. We give you 5 minutes ... So, applause for the winning team.
Leading: The time is already late, it's time to check in what condition our guests are.
Contest "Guess"
Donkey husband (donkey)
Goat husband (goat)
Dragonfly husband (dragonflies)
If kittens were born to a cat, then she (lambed)
The dog has puppies
A pig has piglets (farrowed)
A cow has a calf (calved)
The hen has chicks (hatched)
Little donkey (foal)
Little bear (teddy bear)
Little hare (hare)
Little goat (goat)
Little fox (fox cub)
Small horse (foal)
Applause to the participants!
Leading: Guys, let all your desires, all your dreams come true in life. Let the road of life be easy, and only real and true friends meet on the way. But, and we do not say goodbye, but we tell you until we meet again. We love you! Forever yours: Valentina Sergeevna!


Before the beginning of the evening, graduates stand at the entrance to the hall. Music sounds, balloons are distributed to the children. Teachers, parents, invited, are placed in advance along the entire route of the graduates. The host conditionally divides them into groups, giving out the necessary props, which will symbolize the different elements through which graduates need to go through, entering into "adult" life. The first group is supplied with sparklers - they represent the element of “fire”, the next group can sprinkle water on the graduates moving along the “corridor” - this will be the element of “water”, the third group, symbolizing the element of “air”, will fan with fans, the fourth element - “earth » - it can be rose petals. A solemn signal sounds. The leader's voice is heard:
School... you had a residence permit here for ten years...
But after a few hours, after leaving us,
We want you to meet here so close
Anything that can scare you all of a sudden.
Today we called on all the elements,
Which can interfere with you -
Fire and water and dashing winds -
So that in adult life you walk confidently.
And inviting you to the path of the elements, I want to,
So that everyone can adequately accept you.
And in order not to know you loneliness -
You should only walk in pairs.

Drum roll sounds, theatrical noises reflecting the elements that await the guys. Graduates are formed in pairs.

Before the elements, only a kind word to you -
Walk boldly, knowing the essence.
Well, graduates, are you all ready?
Then go ahead! And may the path be happy!

Music sounds, graduates pass along the "corridor" and take their seats.
Teachers, parents and all invited come in next.

Greetings to all, those who are in this hall,
Greetings to all those who hear us,
Greetings to all those you knew
What a mischievous eleventh grade!
Let the voices sound louder today
Let's bring everyone together for the last time
And this school year will end,
We will tear off the last page of the calendar!
And here is the last page
Your school calendar is over.
Today we have gathered to say goodbye -
We are sad and a little sorry.
But let there be no place for sadness,
Let the music burst into this room.
We are inviting you to the evening
At the graduation, a wonderful school ball!
That's all…
This phrase usually ends his speech. But today ... today is a special case, and I decided to start with it. That's it - your time at school is over. Surprisingly quickly rushing, it left a lot of memories - pleasant and not very. Dictations, control, school holidays and picky (as you thought) teachers are a thing of the past.
Ten years of waiting, and now the long-awaited day has come when it - a well-deserved certificate - is in your hands.
The road to life is open. There are serious trials ahead of you, another life ahead. But this exciting moment, you will remember forever. And after more than a dozen years, you will remember your school years and graduation within the walls of your native school, which has become a second home over the years of study.
I am convinced that everything you have planned will come true. And in the moments of your achievements, sometimes defeats, you will definitely remember your school, teachers, their instructions and wishes.
I wish you good luck, happiness. And the older generation will do everything possible so that you can study, work and achieve the goals that you, the younger generation, are striving for ...
Once again, I sincerely congratulate all of you on your graduation from school, good luck, patience and a little bit of luck!

Come into life boldly!
Be creative in life!
Love the world and the people around you!
Do not forget those to whom you owe knowledge!
Be grateful to those who gave you life!
And then happiness will find you.
And everything you dream about will come true!

And now you are dreaming about how to quickly sit down at the festive table and at least have a bite to eat after the solemn line with touching words and the presentation of long-suffering certificates. I won't bore you! So, the most wonderful graduates, reputable teachers and respected parents, I congratulate you on a soft landing and a free landing in the hall of the cozy Courage cafe.

Let's open the feast! I ask everyone to bring the devices to full readiness, aim at the dishes you have liked for a long time and fill the first glasses.
I am happy to remind you that today is June 21, 2008, and you will always remember this date as the date of a big milestone.

I propose the first toast!
Pour sparkling champagne!
And every graduate and every guest
Wish each other well, do not regret.
Let anger not know the place in the heart.
We drink to the end of school days
For gains and losses,
(to parents and teachers)
for your suddenly grown-up children,
for their tickets to life - for certificates!

Three telegrams are attached to the decree. The first is to respected parents from the administration of secondary school No. 1:
“We address you with words of gratitude, congratulations and announce that the school has completed its productive task, and now parents can receive a new product, an improved modification called “Graduate”. Product description and instructions are included.
Product description: The Graduate is a complex synthetic product, which includes the texts of textbooks, the explanation of teachers, the instructions of parents, the teachings of the media, as well as their own fantasies and dreams, Napoleonic plans and self-doubt, creative ideas and an ineradicable tendency to idleness. The product has a charming appearance and absolute unpredictability of behavior.
Due to the complexity of the composition and device, it requires a careful attitude and compliance with special rules of care.
Memo for the care of the product "Graduate":
Care carefully and carefully: feed, dress, take for walks, entertain, groom and cherish.
It is recommended to praise as often as possible without paying attention to his behavior, which sometimes is far from ideal.
It is not recommended to wash the upper part of the product, in other words, to arrange a “washer”, do not boil! Don't squeeze! Do not clean!
With strict observance of the rules of care, the product will serve you for many years.
And now, raise your hands, those who were the headman in the class for the last school year? You are entrusted with the honorable mission of expressing gratitude to your class teachers

Toast to parents
The music sounds: "Oh, if only the dream came true."

Orientation north I want you to...
Bought me a coat
Went north
Take me to the tundra

Wow, you know I love you...

I intercepted one letter on the Internet, although reading other people's letters is not beautiful, but I think it will be interesting to you, and its addressee is unusual - WWW. To the village of

“Hello, grandfather. Like our entire dynasty, I study in the city. Here is graduation. Here no one fights with herrings, but I'm afraid it will be worse. At the graduation, you see, some waltzes will be played, but I never danced them. And we are forced to drink Sprite soda or, even worse, tea. And I'm already quite healthy and my blood boils, and I want to dance. Therefore, take me away, and I will wash your Mercedes and clean your Finnish bathhouse. Just don’t leave me to dance waltzes and drink soda. Your grandson Wang Zhuk."
but seriously, dear graduates, I will ask you to dance a wonderful waltz dance for us only once, because today we have a graduation ball, and what would a ball be without a waltz?
Cavaliers invite ladies
Sons invite mothers
Former students - teachers,
Dads - their adult daughters!!!

Do not be afraid of school bad weather,
You passed your last exam.
Tomorrow to the institutes, and today
A magical school ball awaits you!
As if vapors are flying through the air,
I love waltzes, I don’t know dances better.
And here again the graduation ball continues
Charming waltz, waltz of hopes and desires.

Game "Favorite Lesson"
Today our graduates were told so many kind words, so many congratulations. Meanwhile, the graduation party is also a holiday for those who patiently led you all these years to the certificate, who every day met their students in bright classrooms. This is also a celebration of your teachers, who invested their knowledge and skills in you. How they did it, and what it cost them, the students themselves will show.
Graduates take cards with the name of school lessons. The graduate must, without words, explain to those sitting what subject he represents. Those seated guess.

Now I will ask three brave parents to come to me.

The game "Skins"
Think back to when your children were very young. Let your children come to you now. Who can complete the task faster.

Game "Hairdresser"
A graduate is sitting in front of us.
All exams are in the past, but what will happen tomorrow?
Just imagine for a moment
That now he is the author of his fate.
Maybe he will go to college
Maybe he will open his own business
And what roads await them
Our favorite heroes?
Speaking in ordinary language, of course, we are all interested in who our graduates will become, what profession they will master. Now I invite three participants. You choose your assistants. Inflate the balloon, splash it with shaving foam. Who will "shave" the ball faster and not burst it.

"Portrait of a Beloved Teacher"
Draw a portrait of your favorite teacher. Participants are invited to take turns drawing a portrait of their favorite teacher, the first one draws the eyes, the second - the nose, the third - the lips. Participants do not tell each other which teacher they are drawing, at the end the portrait is signed and presented to the class teacher. Along the way, it turns out who painted what teacher.

"Dance till you drop"
5 teams of 5 people each are called. Parents from both classes, graduates from both classes are teachers. Each team draws the name of the dance they must perform. Spectators determine the winners.

"Mom, I'll feed you"

two mothers are called, and their children. Bibs are put on for mothers, children are blindfolded, children must feed their mothers with yogurt with their eyes closed.

The final.
Dear friends, I hope you enjoyed the evening, but it does not end there.
Dear parents and teachers, we are approaching the most interesting and beautiful moment of our holiday "Defile - parade" of graduates. I ask you to make yourself comfortable in your seats and get ready for the colorful action. And I ask you graduates to the podium, now each of you is the main character. To this beautiful music, I invite you to walk through this hall, let everyone look at you and rejoice for each of you.
(the song "about school" sounds)

Applause to our graduates, look how beautiful they are, how wonderful and how big they are already! Graduates, I will ask you to stand in a big round dance.

Dear graduates, now I will say the words, and you will repeat the word "I swear."

Happy occasions do not dare to miss,
Do not get tired of looking for joy.

Whatever happens in life, try
Never give up on success.

Do not squish your nose and do not lose heart,
Obstacles are steadfastly overcome.

In the field, in the forest, at the institute, in the country
This year catch the bird of luck.

Provide yourself and others with love,
Decorate yourself with both mind and health.

Do not dare to be lazy and tired,
Count your money in your wallets.

How can you have more fun now,
So that in the future the evening could not be forgotten !!!

The song "Childhood - Kuban" sounds a moment with a ball.
