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The evil sorceress turned the brothers into black birds. The Queen is an evil sorceress (Slovak folk tale). Debt repayment methods

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Once upon a time there lived a sorceress in the world, and she had three sons, who were connected with each other by ardent brotherly love. But the old mother did not trust them and thought that they wanted to steal her power from her.

So she turned her eldest son into an eagle, which was supposed to nest on a high rock.

And only occasionally could it be seen how it swam in the sky in wide circles.

The second she turned into a whale, and he had to live in the depths of the sea.

And only occasionally could it be seen how it floated to the surface and threw out a powerful jet of water.

And only for two hours a day, both of them returned to their human form.

The third son, frightened that his mother, perhaps, would turn him into some predatory animal, into a bear or a wolf, quietly left his mother.

And he had heard that an enchanted princess was sitting in the Castle of the Clear Sun, waiting for her deliverer.

Everyone who wanted to save her had, however, to endanger his life, and besides, since twenty-three young men had already died a cruel death because of her, only one more young man could undertake to deliver her - and then no one would ever I could save her from witchcraft.

And since this young man had a fearless heart, he decided to visit the Castle of the Clear Sun.

For a long time he had to wander around the wide world, and yet he could not find that castle.

And finally, during these searches, he ended up in a large dense forest and did not know how to get out of it.

And suddenly he saw two giants in the distance, who beckoned him to him with their hand.

When he approached them, they said: “We are arguing about the hat and cannot come to any decision: we are both equally strong and therefore neither of us can take this hat from the other; but you, little people, are smarter than us, and therefore we want to provide you with the solution of our lawsuit. - “Do you want to compete because of an old hat?” the young man told them.

“Yes, you don’t know what her properties are! After all, this hat is not simple, but magical: just put it on and wish to find yourself anywhere - at the same moment you will be there. - “Well, then give me this hat,” said the young man, “I will go forward along the road, and when I call you, run to me, and whoever runs up to me first will get the magic hat.”

He put on his hat and went on ahead, and, thinking about the princess, completely forgot about the giants, and walked and walked along the road.

And in the midst of his miserable thoughts, he sighed from the depths of his soul and exclaimed: “Oh, how I wish I were now in the Castle of the Clear Sun!” And as soon as he uttered these words, he already found himself on a high mountain, in front of the gates of the castle.

He entered the castle and went through all the rooms until he found the princess in the last room.

But how frightened he was when he looked at her: the face of the princess was ashen-gray, all in senile wrinkles, her eyes were cloudy, her hair was dirty red.

“Are you that princess whose beauty is rumored all over the world?” he exclaimed.

“Ah,” she answered, “this appearance does not belong to me, and to the eyes of people I can only present myself in such an ugly form; but in order to give you an idea of ​​my real appearance, I will let you look at me in a mirror that does not deceive and will show me in my real form.

She gave him a mirror, and he saw in it the reflection of a girl of wondrous beauty.

He also saw that large tears were streaming down her cheeks from grief. Then he asked her: “In what way can you get rid of the spell? I'm not afraid of any danger!"

She said: “Whoever obtains the crystal ball and brings it to the magician who has bewitched me will thereby destroy his power, and I will be returned to my true human form. But, alas! she added. “So many have already lost their lives because of this, that I feel sorry for you, young man, if you decide to be subjected to the same the greatest dangers". “Nothing can stop me from doing this,” he said, “but tell me what I must do.” “You will know everything now,” said the princess. - When you come down from the mountain on which the castle stands, then below, by the spring, you will see a wild bison, and you will have to fight with him. And if you manage to kill him, then a fiery bird will rise from it, which carries a red-hot egg in itself, and in that egg instead of a yolk there is a crystal ball. But that bird will not drop its eggs until it is forced to do so, and if it falls to the ground, it will burn and burn everything around, and the egg itself will melt, and with it the crystal core, and all your efforts will be in vain.

The young man went down to the spring, where the bison met him with snorts and bellows.

After a long battle, the young man plunged his sword into him, and the aurochs collapsed to the ground.

At the same moment, a fiery bird flew out of the bison and was about to fly away, but the eagle, the brother of the young man, who followed him from behind the clouds, fell on that bird, drove it to the sea and hit it with its beak so that it dropped the egg.

That egg did not fall into the sea, but on a coastal fishing hut, which immediately began to smoke and almost caught fire.

But then huge waves rose to the sea, swept over the hut and put out the fire.

Those huge waves were raised in the blue sea and caught up to the shore by another brother of the young man, turned by the evil will of the mother sorceress into a whale.

When the fire was extinguished, the young man began to look for the egg and found it safely.

It did not melt from the flame, only its shell was cracked from the rapid cooling of the egg, and the young man could easily get a crystal ball out of it.

When the young man came to the wizard and offered him that core, the wizard said: “My power is destroyed, and from now on you are the lord of the Castle of the Clear Sun. In this way, you can also return to your brothers their human form.

Then the young man hastened to the princess.

And, as soon as he entered her room, he sees that she is standing there in the full splendor of her beauty.

And then, filled with bright joy, they exchanged wedding rings with each other.

The tales of Lera Bannikova, Masha Lokshina, Lena Nekrasova, Artem Levintan, Dani Levillian, Dasha Popova and Masha Chernova were awarded with special diplomas.

We present the work of the guys.

Chernova Masha

Strong love

Late in the evening, an evil sorceress settled in the castle. She wanted to become the most powerful sorceress in the world in order to take over the world. To do this, she came up with a plan. The sorceress wanted to turn into a beautiful princess who lived next door, and turn the princess into some kind of animal or bird. Then she could take possession of her kingdom and the neighboring one.
The princess of that kingdom had beautiful black hair, green eyes, and a slightly snub nose. The princess's name was Aurora. She was friends with a prince from a neighboring kingdom.
The prince's name was Charles. He was a real prince.
The sorceress wanted to turn Aurora into a fat Christmas goose to be eaten at Christmas, but the princess turned into a beautiful swan because she was very good, kind and beautiful. The swan princess flew away through the open window and settled in the forest.
Charles went to look for Aurora because he loved her very much. He rode on a horse and stumbled upon the sorceress's palace. The cunning sorceress came out to the prince in the form of Aurora and said to him:
- Get me out of here as soon as possible!
Charles did not believe the witch, he felt that the princess was somehow not the same as always.
Then the angry sorceress cast a spell on him so that the prince would believe her every word. But the prince's love was so strong that her charms did not work.
Charles did not show that the spell did not work on him. And he took the sorceress - Aurora through the forest. They drove up to the river. The bridge was very fragile, and he would not have sustained the three of them. Charles let the horse go first. As the horse walked over the bridge, the bridge suddenly became wider, and the horse passed as if nothing had happened. Then came the witch. But the bridge did not expand, but on the contrary, it began to narrow even more. The sorceress fell off the bridge, but clung to the stone. Charles helped her out - he held out his hand to her. But then he suddenly grabbed her by the neck and began to shake her over the abyss, asking: "Where is the real Aurora?" The sorceress replied: “You will never find her! She flies in the forest with wild birds!” Charles threw the witch into the abyss.
The prince went to look for the princess in the forest. One thing he knew for sure was that the princess was now a bird. He thought: “Well, why didn’t the spell lift?” In thought, he came across a lake where birds swam - white and black swans. And the prince suddenly felt that his beloved was here. A white bird flew up to him. He felt that it was her, it was Aurora. He took the bird in his arms and carried it to his palace.
A good old wizard lived in Charles's palace. The wizard told the prince that the spell could be broken with a kiss. Charles kissed the bird and it turned into Aurora.
They lived happily ever after, had many children and died on the same day.

Nekrasova Lena

Tale of a cat

Once upon a time, there was a good sorceress. Her name was Cecile. She could turn evil creatures into good ones. She had an evil black cat named Melida. Cecile did not know that she was evil, because Melida only became angry at night. When Cecile slept, Melida turned into a spirit, and in order to become a cat again in the morning, she had to find any ordinary black cat and kill it. Without it, she could not regain her cat form.
On a summer night, when Cecile was fast asleep, Melida, as always, turned into a spirit and went to look for her new victim. She searched all night, but she didn't find it.
When morning came, the spirit of Melida sat on an apple tree that grew in the yard. But in doing so, he was very wrong.
The fact is that Cecil's brother Jack, who was famous for his incredible strength, picked apples from this apple tree every morning. This morning Jack came in as usual and shook the apple tree. As soon as Melida did not try to stay in the branches, she fell down anyway.
Jack covered her like a butterfly with a handkerchief, put it in his pocket, and took it to Cecile. Cecile began to ask the spirit who he was, where he came from and what he was doing on her tree? The spirit realized that Cecile was not going to do anything wrong, and revealed that he was actually Melida's enchanted cat.
Cecile felt sorry for Melida and all the other cats that her spirit had to kill at night. So she turned the spirit back into a cat.
Now it's forever.

maritime history

One girl went to the sea with her mother and father. Dad and mom sunbathed in the sun, and the girl bathed and swam far, far away. Here a violent storm began. The circle was carried away from the girl, and she drowned.
She woke up at the bottom. Many colorful fish swam around. As soon as she opened her eyes, a large, very beautiful fish swam up to her. Oddly enough, the girl could breathe, speak and even hear. She tried to surface, but she did not succeed, because two jellyfish held her hands. As soon as she twitched, one of the jellyfish stung her. It didn't hurt very much.
The girl looked around. She saw that she was in an old ship, and she also saw a door through which a large beautiful fish swam in. The girl mustered her strength and tried to escape. And she succeeded. She opened the door and was free.
She surfaced close to the shore and saw that her father and mother were still sunbathing in the sun.

Life in a dream

The girl Zhenya played a lot of computer games. One day, her father gave her a strange game. It was called "Lost - you will not go out again." Zhenya began to play with it. She suffered for a long time, nothing worked out for her, and most importantly, she could not leave the game either. Evening came. Zhenya left the computer on. At night, she had a dream in which she played her new game, and completed all the tasks with ease, although during the day she did not succeed.
In the morning Zhenya started playing computer again. Into the same game. And again she could not get out of it. At night, the girl had a terrible dream. Zhenya woke up, saw a hole in the wall and looked into it. She saw how the sun was shining, although it was night, how the children were playing... And she went in there. It was very similar to the game that her father gave her. As soon as Zhenya entered, she saw that there was no way out. The girl began to hammer at the wall, but all in vain. She ran to the children, but they were not alive, but just dolls. So the girl remained to live in her dream.

Tarasova Kristina

Little Fairy

On the shore of a large lake, a little Fairy lived in a beautiful house. She had a magic wand.
With her help, the Fairy helped the unfortunate and made everything beautiful around her house. On the other side lived an evil Mage. He did not like the Fairy because she is kind. He wanted to destroy her. The magician turned into a gray wolf and ran to the other side of the lake. The fairy noticed a lame wolf and ran out of her house, taking medicine with her. The wolf began to whine, but the Fairy felt something was wrong. She took out her wand and cast a spell. The wolf turned into a magician again. He started throwing fireballs at her. The Little Fairy decided not to use her magic and hid behind a tree. She took a ball of thread from her pocket, quickly pulled it between the trees and called the Magician. "I'm here! I'm here! the Fairy shouted, luring the Mage. The evil wizard did not notice the trap, stumbled and stretched out on the grass. The fairy instantly plucked a dandelion, because she knew that if you blow on the Magician, he will explode. She did just that. The fairy gathered all her strength and blew. The magician is gone. A real holiday began in the forest, everyone sang and had fun!

Marmontov Andrey

There lived a lumberjack in the world. His name was Jack. He worked all day at work. And he received a meager salary. And then he met the goblin. And the goblin said: "Don't cut down the trees, take this purse, but promise that you will use it if you count all the money in it." Jack said, "I promise!" - and, grabbing his wallet, he ran home.
He did not eat and did not sleep, but he counted and counted everything. Counting and counting, he died counting the third million.

Levintan Artem


In one fairy forest lived animals that could talk. They had a wise ruler - a bear named Stepan. But grief happened to him: his daughter disappeared. The king of the forest kingdom gave an order: whoever finds his daughter will receive half of the forest castle.
The hare decided on this act. He came to the palace to the king of the forest kingdom and told the king that he would go look for his daughter. The next morning, the hare took the sack of food and walked away from the kingdom. As he walked, he saw a weeping bird. The hare asks: “Why are you crying, bird Horus?” Horus replies: "I can't find food for my chicks." The hare says: "Take half a loaf of bread." The bird said, “Thank you, hare. What can I do to you? He asks: "Did you see who stole the princess?" She replies: "I saw who stole it - it's a wolf." They went along the path.
They go, go and see - the path ends. And suddenly two fox cubs crawl out of the bushes. The hare asks: "Did you see where the wolf went?" And the foxes answered: “We saw it, but we will tell you if you take us with you.” He agreed and they went together. And suddenly they noticed that the rain was coming. The hare said: "We should find shelter before it starts to rain."
They saw a spruce in the distance and went to it. We spent the whole day under it. The next morning they woke up and saw mice running around in the distance. And when the mice approached them, the hare asked: “Did you see where the wolf and the princess went?” And the mice said they were over there, and begged to be taken with them.
They walked and walked and saw that there was a big river ahead. And the hare says, "Let's build a raft." Everyone agreed and started building the raft. Two foxes dragged roots, and a hare took logs and tied them with roots. The next morning the raft was ready to sail. Their whole team was assembled, and they swam.
They swam - swam and suddenly saw an island. And they landed on this island and went into the cave. They found the princess there, untied her and ran with her to the raft. But the wolf noticed them and ran after them. But they were already on the raft, and the hare gave the command to sail away. But the wolf went crazy. He wanted to jump on the raft. But the raft was far away. The wolf jumped and fell into the water. And drowned.
When the hare brought the princess, her father fulfilled his promise.

Popova Dasha

Spring came

It was bad for the animals this winter. Titmouses say - we want warmth, bunnies say - we want warmth, and winter has become even more angry. The squirrels who had stocked up hid some and waited for even colder days to come. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a magpie flew in and chattered: “Spring is coming! Spring!"
The animals rejoiced. Winter says: “I’ll freeze the spring, I’ll kill it!” there were many upset and disappointed faces in the forest. Bunnies, squirrels, cubs cried, because spring could not cope with winter: the cold snow did not leave, it lay as if nothing had happened. Small thaw patches glowed, but the snow immediately covered them. Winter did not want to give power to spring. And then spring decided to outwit winter. She went to the meadow and began to defrost it. Winter rushed to sweep it away, and spring ran into the forest, warmed the Christmas trees and animals. Winter couldn't do anything.
Spring won, and each animal gave her a snowdrop. In the end, a whole mountain of snowdrops showed off in the warm hands of spring.

Larionova Dasha

A story about all sorts of things

Lived - there were an old man with an old woman near the blue sea. The old man went fishing. The first time he caught Emelya on the stove - it did not help! The second time he caught a trough, thought about it ... He thought and threw the trough. The third time I caught the golden frying pan. He took it home and said: “Here you are, old, golden frying pan, now you will bake pancakes for me.” Well, the old woman began to bake. I cooked it and put it on the window to chill. And the frying pan was not simple, it was rejuvenating. Whoever fries something on it and eats what he cooks will become forever younger. But the old man and the old woman did not know this. They wanted to live and live, which is probably why they got the golden frying pan. When the pancakes had cooled, the old woman set the table. The old people began to eat. When they ate and looked at each other, they could not believe their eyes! Who were they? In my opinion, they dreamed of being a boy and a girl. And they began to live even better than they lived!

Ivanov Vova

magic stick

Once upon a time there was an evil man Gazli in a village. And the good boy Samm worked for him. One day the owner sent the boy to fetch brushwood in the forest. There was little brushwood in the forest, and it took him a long time to collect it. When he picked up an armful of brushwood and came home, the owner began to scold Samm for staying in the forest for a long time. At this time, an old man came up to Gazley's house. He walked from afar and was very thirsty. The old man asked Gazli for a drink of water, but he drove the poor fellow out of the yard. Samm took pity on the old man and gave him a whole ladle of water. For this, the old man gave the boy a stick. This wand was magical. If you say to her: “Well, help me out with a stick,” then the stick began to beat the one who offended the boy.
One day, the stick beat the evil owner of Gazley, and since then he has never offended the boy Samm.

Levillen Danya

friendly trees

Two trees grew nearby - an elm and a hazel. They were very friendly with each other.
One clear winter morning, the peasants arrived there. They cut down these trees, loaded them onto sledges and took them to their home. And now the hazel says: - Farewell, brother! Now we'll never meet again. And how fun and friendly we lived!
- Farewell, my comrade, and remember me! replied the elm.
Time has passed. The peasants made sledges and skis from elm, and ski poles from hazel.
The guys came to ride from the hillock.
- Hello, buddy! - exclaimed the skis, seeing the walnut sticks. - Now we will meet daily on this hillock and will always be friends.
Both hazel and elm were very pleased with their fate.
That's the end of the tale, whoever wrote it, well done.

Arosyeva Ira

two kittens

Once, when I was relaxing in the country, I made friends with the girl Alice. And in her country house there were two abandoned kittens, a brother and a sister, however, we did not know their names.
The kittens lived under Alice's house. And in the morning and in the evening they came to me for a walk. The boy was grey, and the girl was red and white. I fed them milk and cookies. They really liked the food. They climbed trees. When they didn't like something, they bit slightly. They were very fond of running around the well one after another.
Once a boy climbed onto the roof of our house and could not get down. And we are from the attic window. Meanwhile, his sister climbed a tree and could not get down. And then we went down from the attic and removed it. In order for the kittens to overwinter, we built a house out of the box, laid a warm rug there and put food and drink there.

Bannikova Lera

Two stars

Once upon a time there was one small beautiful star in space, and no one noticed it. But once a small star saw next to her the same very small - a small star. The next night she went to that little star. And told her that she wanted to have a girlfriend. She readily agreed, and they happily went for a walk together.
They went farther and farther away from the house and did not notice how lost they were. The stars began to look for the way home, but they did not find it. They began to look for other planets and stars.
The first planet they came across was the strange name Mercury. The stars asked Mercury: "Where is the Blue-Red region?" Mercury said that this area was little known, and he did not have a map. Mercury invited them to go to his younger brother Pluto.
But Pluto did not have the map that the stars needed. Then Pluto said that the stars should go to his friend - Saturn.
Stars flew to Saturn. On the way, we almost fell into a black hole, but finally got there.
Saturn had the card that the stars needed. Saturn showed the stars where their area is located, called the comet and severely punished the comet to take the stars to their home. The little stars landed on a comet and in a few moments flew to their house.
But the comet did not want to part with them. Then they came up with an activity that was interesting for all three of them.
The comet began to deliver stars to different planets and stars, and the stars studied everything they saw.
Since then, the stars have never been lost. And, perhaps, visited the planet Earth.

Lokshina Masha

There lived a king. He had a daughter - a beauty - a beauty! He decided to marry her. The ball was fun! Suddenly all the candles went out, the curtains came off and an evil sorcerer appeared There - There. He approached the king and asked for the hand of his daughter. The king refused. Then the evil sorcerer got angry, growled and turned the princess into a green prickly cactus. And disappeared.
The king grieved. I watered the cactus all the time, put it in the sun on the window. So two months passed. The king called to himself all the gardeners, all the botanists and said: "Whoever removes the spell from my daughter, I will give her as a wife and another half of the kingdom."
Botanists thought for a long time, but no fertilizer helped the cactus (princess).
At night, one astrologer jumped out of bed with the words "Eureka!", - and rushed to the sovereign's bedroom. He dreamed that if the handsome prince kissed the cactus, the spell would break. It didn't take long to find Prince Charming! The next day, as always, going out onto the porch, the king saw the carriage. Prince Ivanushka was sitting in it. Seeing the cactus, the prince asked to stop the carriage. He took a prickly cactus in his hands and wanted to buy it, since the prince did not have only a cactus in the garden. But suddenly all the horses were stung by bees at once. The horses rushed to run, and the prince flew face-first into the cactus and kissed him! The princess is smitten! And they fell in love with each other!

Nikolaeva Zhenya

giraffe and turtle

Lived - there were two friends: a giraffe and a turtle. The tortoise's birthday was coming up soon: she was 250 years old. The holiday was going to be great. Only one thing upset the giraffe, he did not know what gift to give the turtle. And the turtle loved to dance, but could not, because it moved very slowly. Then the giraffe came up with a great idea: he will give her two pairs of roller skates.
It's turtle's birthday. The giraffe solemnly handed her the skates and taught her how to ride them. When the stars lit up in the evening, the dancing began. And in the center, a giraffe and a turtle on roller skates danced the most cheerfully.

Sipeikin Nikita

flying hat

Once, when my friend Vova was visiting me, we decided to read. We sat on the bed, Vovka opened a magazine about cars. Suddenly it became cool, I looked at the open window. And for some reason there was a hat on the windowsill. The hat is that grandfather's favorite. I wanted to take it, but it jumped up and fell to the floor. Suddenly the hat rose, we were frightened and ran into the next room. Vovka told me that N. Nosov had such a story, there was a kitten under his hat. And suddenly we heard from the next room "Kar! Kar!" I say: "So this is, right, a crow? Maybe a hat - a vacuum cleaner?"
And then grandfather came and saw a flying hat and picked it up. And we all saw a little crow. We went to the yard and let him out.

From the site administration

Quiz for elementary school with answers on the topic "Birds in Literature".

Krupskaya Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher additional education.
Place of work: MBOU DOD "DEBTs" GO, Ufa, Belarus.
Description of work: the quiz can be used by teachers of additional education and teachers primary school in the lessons of extra-curricular reading and the world around; the quiz is intended for children aged 7-11 years old, studying in grades 1-4 of elementary school; it is desirable to coincide with the quiz to the year of literature or to the holiday "Day of Birds".
Quiz questions can be divided into options if the students answer in writing or divided into two classes if they answer orally, and check the answers to the questions with the guys.
The quiz can be used for various purposes, for example: knowledge testing, generalizations, consolidation and others; questions will help to form the skills of careful reading of books, will contribute to instilling interest in selective reading, developing memory, cultivating love for the book and the world around.
Quiz questions with answers.
1. What bird saved the animals from the Cockroach K. Chukovsky? (Sparrow).
2. What kind of poultry did Nils make friends with in S. Lagerlöf's "Journey with Wild Geese"? with goose)
3. What Domestic bird in a Russian folk tale, she laid not a simple, but a golden egg? (Hen Ryaba).
4. What birds did Garshin's traveling frog fly with? (With ducks).
5. What bird did Thumbelina save from the winter cold in the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen? (Swallow).
6. What bird did the ugly duckling turn into in the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen? (into a swan).
7. What brave, domestic bird in a Russian folk tale drove the fox out of the hare's hut? (Rooster).
8. From which bird in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin suffered Tsar Dadon? (From the Golden Cockerel).
9. What bird did the caliph turn into in Gauf's tale? (In a stork).
10. What bird was the king in the kingdom of Crooked Mirrors in V. Gubarev's fairy tale? (Parrot).
11. What kind of poultry was the minister in A. Pogorelsky's fairy tale? (Black chicken).
12. What bird saved the life of the emperor of China in the tale of G.-Kh. Andersen? (Nightingale).
13. What bird did the prince of a small kingdom decide to give to the imperial daughter in the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen's "Swineherd"? (Nightingale).
14. What kind of birds did the evil stepmother of Eliza's brothers turn into in the fairy tale of G.-Kh. Andersen? (In wild swans).
15. Which bird tried to help Gerda find Kai? (Crow).
16. What bird did the evil sorceress turn the princess into in Gauf's fairy tale "Dwarf Nose"? (Into the goose).
17. What bird is in the fable of I.A. Krylova lost her cheese? (Crow).
18. Which bird read the moral in the fable of I.A. Krylov's "Quartet" (Nightingale).
19. What birds came to visit the cat in the fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak "Cat's House" (Rooster and chicken).
20. Which bird gave the donkey Eeyore his own tail for his birthday? (Owl).
21. What birds helped Aibolit get to Africa? (Eagles).
22. Which bird's feather was found by Ershov's hero "Humpbacked Horse"? (Firebirds).
23. What bird made a costume for Pinocchio from Malvina's old dresses in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Woodpecker).
24. What bird guarded the death of Koshcheev? (Duck).
25. Which bird in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale said about Pinocchio: “The patient is rather dead than alive”? (Owl)
26. What bird combed Malvina in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Hoopoe).
27. What kind of poultry helped Pinocchio to get into the tavern of the "Three minnows" unnoticed by Karabas Barabas? (Rooster).
28. With what bird Pinocchio flew away from the robbers? (Swan).
29. Which bird brought fried game for Malvina. (Hawk).
30. What bird galloped and mooed like a cow in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Confusion"? (Sparrow).
31. What kind of poultry did the mother mouse invite to the nanny to the stupid mouse in the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak “The Tale of the Silly Mouse”. (Duck and chicken).
32. With what bird did the pig want to sing together a wonderful song in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Telephone"? (With a nightingale).
33. What poultry in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Confusion" wanted to croak like frogs? (Ducklings).
34. What are the three birds riding in the company of friends in the "Song of Friends" by S. Mikhalkov. (Chizh, rooster, parrot).
35. What bird did Vasilisa the Wise turn into and fly away in the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”? (Swan).
36. Which birds in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Telephone" complained:
"We ate too many frogs today
And our stomachs hurt!”? (Herons).
37. What cubs have African bird in the fairy tale of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit":
and measles and diphtheria, and smallpox and bronchitis, and a headache and a sore throat? (Ostrich).