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Repeated danger. "All great love must end tragically, it's a classic" - Max Frei. The Book of Loneliness. Outer and Inner worlds

One of the worst hexagrams. Luck turned away from you, you fell into a streak of failures and troubles. Do not lose heart, in a maximum of a few months the situation will begin to change for the better. Now the most important thing for you is the help and support of others - pay special attention to relationships with them. Act prudently and slowly, otherwise you risk making many mistakes.

your wish

The fulfillment of your desire is delayed. First you need to correct the mistakes made in the past.

Explanation of the hexagram

full explanation of the 29th hexagram → Xi Kan: Repeated danger

Explanation of each feature

explanation of the features of the hexagram from bottom to top

This hexagram has a name that can be translated and understood in two ways: it is either a danger or an abyss. Therefore, if commentators pay some attention to understanding it through the word danger, then the text itself gives images of the abyss at every step. Its appearance in the bottom place of the text is explained by the fact that the previous state, indicated in a number of the nearest hexagrams, gives an image of a relatively peaceful human existence. But the most peaceful sojourn, if insufficient attention is paid to preparing for future predicaments and disasters, leads to some debauchery. On epistemological paths, commentators note here the replacement of the act of cognition by the memorization of already accumulated experience. But if the main attention were paid to stating the very fact of the danger of being in the abyss, then this would not correspond to the nature of the "Book of Changes", which aims to give a person a warning and indicate ways to overcome certain situations in life. A vivid image of the trigrams that make up this hexagram is an uncompromising movement among the lagging behind inert environment. By the way, R. Wilhelm gives an interesting interpretation of the image of the trigram kan. Here, all strong features express not so much weakness as something opposite to strength, i.e. inertia, rigidity. And R. Wilhelm about the image of a stream that rushes between icy shores. In the same way, the moral activity of a person should be directed through the habitual views surrounding him, traditional ideas, etc. From this, the main tone is already outlined, taken in this hexagram, which consists in a swift call to the search for truth, i.e. the inner truthfulness that the text speaks of. For only inner truthfulness can lead to the fact that the actions of a person will be harmoniously included in the development of the world and therefore will cause approval. Thus, in the text we read: A repeated danger. The owner of the truth - only in the heart of accomplishment. Action will be approved.

Insofar as this situation indicates the search for inner truth, insofar as it cannot be assumed that it already exists at the very beginning. Therefore, the first position says that the inner truth can still be found. Here a person is still completely in the abyss, qualitatively different from what can be achieved as a result of a given situation, i.e. in the abyss of ignorance, in the abyss of lies, wrong. Therefore, here the "Book of Changes" only states: In the beginning, a weak trait. Double abyss. You will enter a cave in the abyss. Misfortune.

In the abyss referred to here, as has already been pointed out, old habits, experience accumulated before, can replace the content of a new act of cognition. Therefore, although the second feature is, in general, favorable in the symbols of the Book of Changes (and favorable precisely because it represents the quality of balance), although here this feature symbolizes a relatively favorable attitude towards inner truth, yet inner truth is still not reached. At every step, a person is still in danger. Only the active conquest of inner truthfulness can lead to any results. That's why the text says here: Strong trait in second place. There is danger in the abyss. When you get something, you get something.

The exit from the internal to the external, from the environment in which a person is in this moment, is characteristic of the third position, as we know from numerous previous examples. But the quality of this situation as a whole has its effect here in the sense that the exit from the abyss does not yet guarantee the final departure from it, because behind one abyss there can be another, as the very title of the hexagram shows. Therefore, the text also indicates the possibility of new abysses into which a person falls in his action - the search for truth. The most important thing here is not to rely too much on yourself. Therefore, an action that proceeds only from personal initiative and is not considered to be help from outside cannot be favorable. That's why the text says: Weak trait in third place. Whether you come or go, there will be abyss after abyss. Let it be dangerous, but still there is support. If you enter a cave in the abyss, do not act.

That which is not yet known, in a certain sense lies beyond the limits of consciousness, outside. Therefore, when moving to the outer upper trigram, we can talk about a new act of cognition as such. This new act of cognition can and must arouse in a person the previously accumulated experience in order to subsequently be harmoniously synthesized with it. A new act of knowledge excites a person, as wine excites him. But a new act of cognition, on the other hand, must itself, in turn, be clothed in some form from previously accumulated experience. Like food lying in a bowl, he should be clothed in the shape of this bowl. At the same time, it must be remembered that, in the final analysis, truth is simple in itself, and this simplicity of truth is expressed in the image of a simple earthen jar, which the text speaks of. If this is understood in this way, then a person can resort to everything that helps him on the path of synthesizing a new act of cognition, and in this synthesis a window should open before him for insight into the truth. Approximately such an interpretation of these images can be found in Wan Yi's commentary. However, these images were interpreted differently. There are various interpretations built on the same text: Weak trait in fourth place. Just a mug of wine, a bowl of food, and in addition you need only an earthen jug. Making commitments through the window. In the end there will be no blasphemy.

Here, despite all the favorableness of the fifth position, it is still impossible to talk about the elimination of this situation. And it must be remembered that the whole situation is a dangerous abyss. Here, in fact, only the beginning of the process of exit from the abyss. It cannot yet be accumulated; cannot disappear. But the abyss - the water agitated by the storm - is already fading into the background here. The stormy surface is replaced by the water surface. This is the only thing that can be achieved here. But if this is achieved, then the beginning of a correct way out of this situation has been laid. So, in the text we read: Strong trait in fifth place. The abyss is not filled. When you already level it, there will be no blasphemy.

Since the sixth position is the position of re-development, insofar as that new act of cognition, which was mentioned in the previous stages, the act of cognizing the truth necessary to exit from the abyss, is here also re-development, i.e. it dominates the experience accumulated before. But the experience of previously acquired knowledge is that which can systematize what is known again, that which can and must bind and strengthen it. Therefore, the knowledge accumulated in the old days must be strong, reliable and strong. Without this connection between the old and the new, a person can only get confused, get lost in the wilds of unsystematized experience acquired again. If a person got into such a state, then it would not be so easy to get out of it, precisely because of his quality. So the text warns here like this: Above is a weak feature. For binding, you need a rope and a lasso. Conclusion in the thicket of thorns. And you won't get anything in three years. Misfortune.

One of the four worst combinations. Your life is characterized by losses and defeats at this time. The only thing you can do is to reduce the number of strokes of fate to the minimum possible. Be patient and wait until the goddess of happiness once again honors you with a look. You have a lot of time, do scientific research. After 2, at most - after 5 months, the situation will begin to change for the better. Until then, keep calm and don't lose heart. This is a period when self-analysis and a sober assessment of the situation are much more important than a desperate struggle with fate.

This hexagram has a name that can be translated and understood in two ways: it is either a danger or an abyss. Therefore, if commentators pay some attention to understanding it through the word danger, then the text itself gives images of the abyss at every step. Its appearance in the bottom place of the text is explained by the fact that the previous state, indicated in a number of the nearest hexagrams, gives an image of a relatively peaceful human existence. But the most peaceful sojourn, if insufficient attention is paid to preparing for future predicaments and disasters, leads to some debauchery.

On epistemological paths, commentators note here the replacement of the act of cognition by the memorization of already accumulated experience. But if the main attention were paid to stating the very fact of the danger of being in the abyss, then this would not correspond to the nature of the "Book of Changes", which aims to give a person a warning and indicate ways to overcome certain situations in life.

A vivid image of the trigrams that make up this hexagram is an uncompromising movement among the lagging behind inert environment. By the way, R. Wilhelm gives an interesting interpretation of the image of the trigram kan. Here, all strong features express not so much weakness as something opposite to strength, i.e. inertia, rigidity. And R. Wilhelm about the image of a stream that rushes between icy shores. In the same way, the moral activity of a person should be directed through the habitual views surrounding him, traditional ideas, etc.

From this, the main tone is already outlined, taken in this hexagram, which consists in a swift call to the search for truth, i.e. the inner truthfulness that the text speaks of. For only inner truthfulness can lead to the fact that the actions of a person will be harmoniously included in the development of the world and therefore will cause approval. Thus, in the text we read:

Repeated danger. To the possessor of the truth, accomplishment is only in the heart. Action will be approved.

Since this situation indicates the search for inner truth, it cannot be assumed that it already exists at the very beginning. Therefore, the first position says that the inner truth can still be found. Here a person is still completely in the abyss, qualitatively different from what can be achieved as a result of a given situation, i.e. in the abyss of ignorance, in the abyss of lies, wrong. Therefore, here the "Book of Changes" only states:

Weakness in the beginning. Double abyss. You will enter a cave in the abyss. Misfortune.

In the abyss referred to here, as has already been pointed out, old habits, experience accumulated before, can replace the content of a new act of cognition. Therefore, although the second feature is generally favorable in the symbols of the Book of Changes (and favorable precisely because it represents the quality of balance), although here this feature symbolizes a relatively favorable position regarding inner truth, yet inner truth is still not reached. At every step, a person is still in danger. Only the active conquest of inner truthfulness can lead to any results. That's why the text says here:

Strong trait in second place. There is danger in the abyss. When you get something, you get something.

The exit from the internal to the external, from the environment in which a person is at the moment, is characteristic of the third position, as we know from numerous previous examples. But the quality of this situation as a whole has its effect here in the sense that the exit from the abyss does not yet guarantee the final departure from it, because behind one abyss there can be another, as the very title of the hexagram shows. Therefore, the text also indicates the possibility of new abysses into which a person falls in his action - the search for truth. The most important thing here is not to rely too much on yourself. Therefore, an action that proceeds only from personal initiative and is not considered to be help from outside cannot be favorable. That's why the text says:

Weak trait in third place. Whether you come or go, there will be abyss after abyss. Let it be dangerous, but still there is support. If you enter a cave in the abyss, don't act.

That which is not yet known, in a certain sense lies beyond the limits of consciousness, outside. Therefore, when moving to the outer upper trigram, we can talk about a new act of cognition as such. This new act of cognition can and must arouse in a person the previously accumulated experience in order to subsequently be harmoniously synthesized with it. A new act of knowledge excites a person, just as wine excites. But a new act of cognition, on the other hand, must itself, in turn, be clothed in some form from previously accumulated experience. Like food lying in a bowl, he should be clothed in the shape of this bowl.

At the same time, it must be remembered that, in the final analysis, truth is simple in itself, and this simplicity of truth is expressed in the image of a simple earthen jar, which the text speaks of. If this is understood in this way, then a person can resort to everything that helps him on the path of synthesizing a new act of cognition, and in this synthesis a window should open before him for insight into the truth. Approximately such an interpretation of these images can be found in Wan Yi's commentary. However, these images were interpreted differently. There are various interpretations built on the same text:

Weak trait in fourth place. Just a mug of wine, a bowl of food, and in addition you need only an earthen jug. Making commitments through the window. In the end there will be no blasphemy.

Here, despite all the favorableness of the fifth position, it is still impossible to talk about the elimination of this situation. And it must be remembered that the whole situation is a dangerous abyss. Here, in fact, only the beginning of the process of exit from the abyss. It cannot yet be accumulated; cannot disappear. But the abyss - the water agitated by the storm - is already fading into the background here. The stormy surface is replaced by the water surface. This is the only thing that can be achieved here. But if this is achieved, then the beginning of a correct way out of this situation has been laid. Thus, in the text we read:

Strong trait in fifth place. The abyss is not filled. When you already level it, there will be no blasphemy.

Since the sixth position is the position of re-development, insofar as that new act of cognition, which was mentioned in the previous stages, the act of cognizing the truth necessary to exit from the abyss, is here also re-development, i.e. it dominates the experience accumulated before. But the experience of previously acquired knowledge is that which can systematize what is known again, that which can and must bind and strengthen it.

Therefore, the knowledge accumulated in the old days must be strong, reliable and strong. Without this connection between the old and the new, a person can only get confused, get lost in the wilds of unsystematized experience acquired again. If a person got into such a state, then it would not be so easy to get out of it, precisely because of his quality. So the text warns here like this:

Above is a weak feature. For binding, you need a rope and a lasso. Conclusion in the thicket of thorns. And you won't get anything in three years. Misfortune.

Unfortunately, the appearance of the Xi Kan hexagram does not bode well - everything will be bad, so bad that it may even seem that darkness itself has gathered over you. But do not despair, because as the Chinese say, it is the darkest hour before dawn. Everything will be fine, but how well depends on how you go through this period.

The Xi Kan hexagram has the semantic name “double abyss”, which indicates big troubles, you may feel as if you have fallen into a double trap - all sorts of attempts to change the situation will lead to new problems. But that's no reason not to make an effort. It’s just that now you seem to be in a swamp, yes, with every step the unsteady swamp draws deeper and deeper, but in this way you are still approaching the shore. Therefore, one should, no matter what, move, carefully monitoring the situation and choosing the safest moments in it. That is, you should not go ahead, but you should not stop either. Purposefulness and reasonableness will help you quickly go through this terrible segment of your life path.

Your movement through the darkness should be as calm as possible. This does not mean that it is dangerous for you to experience emotions, especially since you still cannot completely eliminate them. The main thing is to try not to allow extreme manifestations of emotions, and in case of any distortions, quickly return to a balanced state. In other words, it is important not only to be calm, but psychologically collected and mobile, all the time striving for an adequate emotional state. And this will help you constant introspection, honest and uncompromising.

In order for this dark period to pass quickly, and you not only come out of it as a winner, but also come out where you need to, you should always remember your main goal Don't forget for a moment what you really want in life. This will not only allow you to quickly pass the black stripe, but will also give you strength so that you can fully live after it and ascend to new heights of life.

Eight of the sixty-four hexagrams are duplicated in the I-Ching. This is one of them because the Water trigram is doubled. When Water, the symbol of trap and danger, is doubled, attention is focused on the danger itself. You are in a situation of real danger. And what's worse, your efforts to get out of it will not help, but will only aggravate the situation even more.

Since the circumstances are not in your favor, let us remind you once again: you will not be able to get rid of inferior elements, and each such attempt will only increase the danger. When you are in a cycle of failure, your luck is at its lowest.

What to do? Any attempt to eliminate the danger, making efforts to this end or relying on wit, will not bring results. But you cannot retreat, the danger is both ahead and behind you. The only thing left is to face the situation and endure the "trap" for as long as circumstances require. It will be hard, painful, sometimes even unbearable, but there is no other way out.

The main thing is to confront the situation, firmly and confidently holding on to your moral principles. Do what needs to be done. Do not for a moment compromise your feelings of fairness and honesty. If you adapt to the situation while maintaining moral integrity, your True Self will remain intact.


Will not be implemented.


Temptation, pain. Your partner will not understand you. No chance of success.


Incompatible personalities; troubles and problems are everywhere. If the marriage is completed, there will be no love in it, and it will be fleeting.

Pregnancy, childbirth

There is a real possibility of a miscarriage. Most likely, there will be complications during childbirth. If a child is born, it will be a boy.

Health status

The disease is too dangerous and difficult to treat.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

You will waste your time and energy.


Cancel it. If you go, there will be an accident or you will be robbed.

Exam, test

Very bad rating.

Work, business, specialization

Unfavorable for this period. Wait for the best moment.


Long rainy period.

lucky color

Black, blue-green.

Lucky numbers:

1, 6

Changing Traits


Stubbornness and banging his head against a brick wall entailed a serious danger. You yourself have driven yourself into a thorny forest from which there is no way out. Because of your low self-control, long-term problems and relationship chaos are looming. Returning to the True Path and waiting is the only solution.

Fifth (dominant)

Don't put in more effort than you need to and don't set too high goals. This is the kind of wisdom that is needed right now. If you are not arrogant or self-satisfied, you will achieve your goals without unnecessary danger. On the this stage the danger will disappear on its own, with little or no effort on your part.


Bluffing and pretending to be strong will not eliminate danger. Be frank with others, act simply and sincerely, and you will recognize the situation and find a way out.


Are you in dangerous situation, between two pits (abysses). You cannot move forward or backward, otherwise you will fall into the abyss in both cases. In order to realize the full gravity of the danger (you are not fully aware of it at the moment), you must get together, think calmly about your situation and do nothing until the situation changes.

Second (dominant)

Danger forces you to act impulsively. But the danger cannot be eliminated in one move. You must go gradually, step by step, to avoid failure.


Since you have already crossed several times with the same danger, you resignedly submitted to fate and ceased to resist evil. This false attitude is a consequence of the flaws in your personality that separate you from the True Path. You must recognize the weakness and begin to eliminate them. Only then will you return to the Path and remain in harmony with the cosmos.

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The symbol belongs to the four most unfavorable hexagrams. There is a difficult period of life with losses and failures.

One of the worst combinations. Pay close attention to the recommendations in order to survive this period with the least loss.

Now your life is characterized by defeats and blows of fate. To reduce losses from endless setbacks, be patient and don't lose heart. The only thing that can be done is to remain calm and wait for the return of the goddess of happiness.

You will have to wait a long time, from two to five months, enough time to do scientific research. The situation will begin to change for the better, the problems will go away.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 29. Repeated danger

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question - Xi-kan - Repeated danger.

The hieroglyph depicts a combination of a hat and wings and denotes a thought carried far ahead by repeated and repeated efforts.

C - teach, practice, rehearse, instruct. repeat lesson; again and again. Prepared, skillful, familiar with something. Motivation, impulse.

The hieroglyph depicts a hole in the ground, a deep hole into which a stream of water flows.

Kan - a trap, a trap, a grave, a dangerous place; crevice, abyss, pit, steep cliff, abyss.

Test, critical moment, crisis. Reckless risk in extreme danger, take risks.

Semantic connections of hexagram 29. Si-kan

Read associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of danger, which cannot be avoided. You need to conquer your fear and overcome the obstacle that appears before you again and again. Get used to the danger, go without looking back at the risk. Call on all your energy to help and practice with concentration, train. Do not be afraid and do not allow cowardice. Only strong will and decisive action will allow you to get out of the situation with honor.

At this critical moment, you may fall into a trap. But in what is happening there is a connection with the spirits that will help you. Remember that the time to focus and take decisive risks is now. Listen carefully to the voice of your heart and intuition. Every danger has its hidden meaning. Heaven sends you trials and dangers to prevent pride and excessive exaltation. So the rulers use the danger to protect the peace of their possessions. The development of protection against danger is in itself a merit and an accomplishment. Remember, the earth has plains and mountains.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the twenty-ninth hexagram.

[To the possessor of the truth, accomplishment is only in the heart. Action will be approved]

I. At the beginning of the six.

Double abyss. You will enter a cave in the abyss.

— Misfortune!

II. Nine second.

There is danger in the abyss.

- You get something when you get it.

III. six third.

Whether you come or go, [there will be] abyss after abyss.

Let it be dangerous, but still there is support. You will enter a cave in the abyss.

- Don't act!

IV. Six fourth.

[Total] a mug of wine and a bowl [of food], and in addition you need [only] an earthenware jug.

Making commitments through the window.

- In the end, there will be no blasphemy.

V. Nine fifth.

The abyss is not filled.

When you already level it, there will be no blasphemy.

VI. Top six.

For binding, you need a rope and a lasso. Conclusion in the thicket of thorns.

“And you won’t get anything in three years.
