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The gingerbread man is the author of a fairy tale. The Gingerbread Man - American Folk Tale - Children's Library. Intellectual abilities of heroes

A person who loves fairy tales remains a child in his soul for life. Immerse yourself in the magical world of a fairy tale yourself and open it to your children. Fairy tales leave no place for evil in our everyday life. Together with fairy-tale heroes, we believe that life is beautiful and amazing!

The Gingerbread Man

In Russian
In English

Gingerbread man (in Russian)

And now you will hear a tale that someone's great-great-great-grandmother told
to my little granddaughter many, many years ago

Once upon a time there was a little old man and a little old woman
in a small house on the edge of the forest. Everything in their life
argued, only one thing was missing - the old man and the old woman did not have children. And then one day, when the old woman
rolled out gingerbread on the table,
she took it and made it in the form of a little man!
With arms, legs, with a head - and put it in the oven.

After a while, the old woman came up to see if the gingerbread was baked.
And as soon as she opened the oven door, the little gingerbread man
jumped out of it and rushed out of the house with all his might.

The old woman called her husband, and both of them rushed after him. But not so
just catch the gingerbread man! Now he ran to the threshing floor,
where the peasants threshed grain. And, running past, he sang:

And from a little old man!

All the peasants rushed after him. But no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't catch up.

A little man ran to the field where the mowers were mowing the grass. He ran and sang:

I ran away from the little old lady

And from a little old man

And from peasants with threshers,

And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!

The mowers could not stand such ridicule - everyone rushed after the gingerbread man.
They run as fast as they can, but they can't catch up!

And to meet the little man - the cow goes, he sang to her:

I ran away from the little old lady

And from a little old man

And from peasants with threshers,

And from braids with braids,

Angry cow - gore! And she also rushed after the gingerbread man.
Just can't catch up. And towards him - a pig. The man sang:

I ran away from the little old lady

And from a little old man

And from peasants with threshers,

And from braids with braids,

And from a horned cow,

And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!

The pig screeched and rushed after it... Only it can't catch up!
The gingerbread man runs fast. Runs, runs, and a fox meets him.
The man started his song:

I ran away from the little old lady

And from a little old man

And from peasants with threshers,

And from braids with braids,

And from a horned cow,

And from a pot-bellied pig,

And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!

And the fox ran after him. And foxes run fast - so the fox
quickly caught up with the gingerbread man and began to eat him.

- Oh oh! shouted the gingerbread man. "They took a quarter off me!"

And then:

- Oh, oh, half of me was bitten off!

And finally:

- Ai, ai, three-quarters bit off! Well, here I am gone

And the gingerbread man said nothing more.

"The Gingerbread Man" In English

Once upon a time an old man and old woman.
So says the old man old woman
- Go me, old woman, scratched on the duct at susekam litter, not naskrebesh
a flour bun.
She took the wing of an old woman, according to duct poskrebla by susekam
pomelo and scraped together a handful of flour two.
Kneaded flour to sour cream, concocted the loaf, fried in butter and put a chill
on thewindow.
Gingerbread Man lay, lay, took and rolled - a window on the bench,
the bench on the floor, pó floor to the door, jumped over the threshold - but in
the shadow of the
porch to theporch, the porch into the yard, the yard outside the gates,
and more on.
Kolobok rolled on the road to meet him, Rabbit:
- Do not eat me, Bunny, I "ll sing a song:

I'm scraping the duct,
By susekam Metheny,
In cream meshon
Yes, pryazhon in oil,
In the window stuzhon.
I left my grandfather

From you, the hare, even more so going!

And rolled down the road - just saw it and the Hare!
Rolls Gingerbread Man, meet him Wolf:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I "ll eat you!
- Do not eat me, Gray Wolf, I "ll sing a song:

I Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
I'm scraping the duct,
By susekam Metheny,
In cream meshon
Yes, pryazhon in oil,
In the window stuzhon.
I left my grandfather
I retired from my grandmother,
I went to the hare
From you, the wolf, even more so going!

And rolled down the road - just wolf it and see!
Rolls Gingerbread Man, meet him Bear:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I "ll eat you!
Where are you, clubfoot, eat me!

I Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
I'm scraping the duct,
By susekam Metheny,
In cream meshon
Yes, pryazhon in oil,
In the window stuzhon.
I left my grandfather
I retired from my grandmother,
I went to the hare
I "m away from the wolf,
From you, bear, even more so going!

And again, rolled - just bear it and see!
Roll bun, Fox met him:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, which katishsya?
- Kachus the track.
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, sing me a song!
Gingerbread Man and sang:

I Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
I'm scraping the duct,
By susekam Metheny,
In cream meshon
Yes, pryazhon in oil,
In the window stuzhon.
I left my grandfather
I retired from my grandmother,
I went to the hare
I "m away from the wolf,
From the bear was gone
From you, foxes, simple enough to go!

Ah, the song is good, but I hear bad. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, sit on my
toesso sing it again, louder.

Gingerbread Man jumped on the fox's nose and began to sing loudly the same song.
A Fox once again to him:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, sit on my tongue but once in the last
Captain Grant.
Gingerbread Fox jumped into the language, and his Fox - din! - Andate.

And she decided: “I’ll make a Gingerbread Man and give it to my husband.” Meanwhile, my husband was working in the garden.

She made the Gingerbread Man eyes out of raisins, a nose out of cherries, and a mouth out of lemon peel. And put it in the hot oven. She was terribly surprised when she opened the oven, and from there - jump alive gingerbread man!

- Wow! he shouted. - Well, the heat in this oven!

The gingerbread man began to run around the kitchen, and when the farmer opened the door to the garden to call her husband, the little man ran out the threshold, shouting merrily:

The Gingerbread Man ran down the street and almost ran into a cow.

- Well, stop! the cow called to him. - You look very appetizing. Delicious I suppose?

Then the farmer and the farmer's wife appeared; they were completely out of breath from the fast run.

— Stop! Hold it! shouted the farmer.

But the Gingerbread Man kept running and ran, and even shouted on the run:

"But you won't catch it!" Because I'm the Gingerbread Man!

Suddenly, in front of him, as if from under the ground, a large dog grew up and frightened him terribly.

"Rrrrr," growled the dog. - And you smell very nice - delicious, I guess.
- Oh, no, doggy! said the Gingerbread Man. “The farmer and the farmer’s wife and their cow also wanted to eat me, but they couldn’t catch me.

And you can't catch me either, because I'm the Gingerbread Man and I will run away from you even faster. He ran and ran and ran to the river.

“Oh, what am I to do now? exclaimed the Gingerbread Man.

The dog, the cow, and the farmer and the farmer's wife had just appeared on the high bank when a fox appeared out of nowhere in front of the Gingerbread Man.

"I'll help you get across the river," the sly old fox told him. - Jump on my back.

The gingerbread man jumped on the fox's back and he entered the water. When the fox sailed a little from the shore, the Gingerbread Man said to him:

- My feet are wet.
- It's okay, move higher, to my head, - the fox advised.

The gingerbread man did just that. The fox has almost crossed the river and suddenly says to the Gingerbread Man:

"You know, I think it's safer for you to get on my nose."

The gingerbread man climbed even higher, right on the fox's nose, and carefully sat there while the fox climbed ashore. But as soon as the fox was on the shore, he threw the Gingerbread Man into the air, opened his mouth wider and swallowed him ...

I think everyone understood who the gingerbread man from this fairy tale looks like. Our Kolobok also ran away from everyone, but the cunning fox does not sleep in any fairy tale, seeing little impudent men from any dough and any shape 😉

By the way, do not forget to look at our website - at least it will give you ideas for creativity when you cook a gingerbread man in your kitchen. Or have you not decided yet?

And now you will hear a tale that someone's great-great-great-grandmother told her little granddaughter many, many years ago ...
Once upon a time there lived a little old man and a little old woman in a small house on the edge of the forest. Everything in their lives was arguing, only one thing was missing - the old man and the old woman did not have children. And then one day, when the old woman was rolling out a gingerbread cookie on the table, she took it and made it in the shape of a little man! With arms, legs, with a head - and put it in the oven.
After a while, the old woman came up to see if the gingerbread was baked. And as soon as she flung open the oven door... a little gingerbread man jumped out of it and rushed out of the house as fast as he could.
The old woman called her husband, and both of them rushed after him. But it's not so easy to catch a gingerbread man! Now he ran to the threshing floor, where the peasants were threshing grain. And, running past, he sang:

And from a little old man!

All the peasants rushed after him. But no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't catch up...
A little man ran to the field where the mowers were mowing the grass. He ran and sang:
I ran away from the little old lady
And from a little old man
And from peasants with threshers,
And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!
The mowers could not stand such ridicule - everyone rushed after the gingerbread man. They run as fast as they can, but they can't catch up!
And towards the little man - a cow is walking, he sang to her:
I ran away from the little old lady
And from a little old man
And from peasants with threshers,
And from braids with braids,

Angry cow - gore! And she also rushed after the gingerbread man. Just can't catch up. And towards him - a pig. The man sang:
I ran away from the little old lady
And from a little old man
And from peasants with threshers,
And from braids with braids,
And from a horned cow,
And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!
The pig screeched and rushed after it... Only it can't catch up! The gingerbread man runs fast. Runs, runs, and a fox meets him. The man started his song:
I ran away from the little old lady
And from a little old man
And from peasants with threshers,
And from braids with braids,
And from a horned cow,
And from a pot-bellied pig,
And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!
And the fox ran after him. And foxes run fast - so the fox quickly caught up with the gingerbread man and began to eat him.
- Oh oh! shouted the gingerbread man. "They took a quarter off me!"
And then:
- Oh, oh, half of me was bitten off!
And finally:
- Ai, ai, three-quarters bitten off! Well, I've disappeared...
And the gingerbread man said nothing more.

Gingerbread man - round-bodied hero of our happy childhood. Such a native idiot, whose stupid behavior has been observed by more than one generation - along with other heroes of our preschool time - Emelya and Ivanushka the Fool. And, oh my bastard, Gingerbread Man turns out to be a mishandled Cossack. He is not ours! In America, children grow up under the story of the Gingerbread Man who escaped from his aunt and uncle, and in England, Johnny donut rolls away from grandma and grandpa ...

Of course, there is hope - there is a possibility that it is they, the pissy wicked ones, who stole OUR Kolobok. True, this probability is very hypothetical, because the only tangible source - the first documented history - is completely not in favor of the domestic variation of the tragic death of a suddenly revived bakery product. True, some researchers argue that the tale of the kolobok was part of Slavic folklore from the 2nd-3rd centuries AD. (based on the fact that the word "kolo" - a circle, that is, "round side", was in common use at that time), but this proof is very conditional.

Of course, similar tales are known in history that arise independently of each other in different countries due to the commonality of life, psychology, conditions and laws of the socio-historical development of peoples. But not in the case of kolobok-shaped fairy tales - the plots, if you are not in the know, are almost identical in them. And not only plots, by the way ... It is clear that someone overheard someone, and then retold it to their children, changing something to make it clearer ... And away we go ...

Heroes of fairy tales.

Gingerbread man: Grandmother, grandfather, hare, wolf, bear, fox (More wild than domestic)
Gingerbread man: Grandmother, grandfather, grandson, peasants, cow, horse, pig, fox (only one wild and it is deadly)
Johnny Donut: Grandmother, grandfather, grandson, workers, bear, fox (More domestic than wild)

Intellectual abilities of heroes.

Kolobok: They think and speak.
Gingerbread man: Think and talk.
Donut Johnny: Think and talk.

Birth of a hero

- Bake me, old woman, a bun, I really want to eat something.
- And from what to bake, there is no flour?
- And you scrape the barn, mark the bottom of the barrel, you look, and scrape flour for a bun.
The old woman went, scraped the barn, swept the bottom of the pan, and scraped some flour.
She kneaded the dough with sour cream, cooked a bun, fried it in butter and put it on the window to cool. Gingerbread man lay down, lay down, he got bored, so he took it and rolled - from the window to the mound, from the mound to the grass, from the grass to the path, and along the path - straight into the forest ...

(that is, the gingerbread man was born in poverty, as the only way eat heroes who are not negative characters. The hero's escape is justified by boredom)

Gingerbread Man:
« Once upon a time there lived a little old man and a little old woman in a small house on the edge of the forest. Everything in their lives was arguing, only one thing was missing - the old man and the old woman did not have children. And then one day, when the old woman was rolling out a gingerbread cookie on the table, she took it and made it in the shape of a little man! With arms, legs, with a head - and put it in the oven. After a while, the old woman came up to see if the gingerbread was baked. And as soon as she flung open the oven door... a little gingerbread man jumped out of it and rushed out of the house as fast as he could.»

(There is no theme of poverty - on the contrary, it is said that the heroes were well provided for. Their problems are loneliness. Donut's escape is not justified in any way)

Johnny donut:
“Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman, and they had a little son. One morning the old woman kneaded the dough, rolled up a donut and put it in the oven to bake it.
“Look after Johnny Donut while my father and I work in the garden,” she told the boy.
And the parents left to spud potatoes, and left their little son to look after the stove. But he soon got tired of it. Suddenly he hears some noise, looked at the stove and sees - the door of the stove opens by itself and pops out Johnny Donut. How Johnny donut will roll right to the open door! The boy rushed to close it, but Johnny Donut was faster - rolled out the door, rolled over the threshold, rolled down the steps and rolled down the road.

(There is no theme of poverty, the characters are presented as well-to-do. There is no theme of loneliness either. Donut's escape is not justified in any way)


Kolobok: House-road-forest
Gingerbread man: House-yard-river-forest
Johnny Donut: House-yard-forest

Fairy tale composition.

In all three: Overlapping episode upon episode. Multiple repetition of the episode.

I'm a bun, a bun
Scraped across the barn,
According to the bottom of the barrel,
Mixed with sour cream
Planted in the oven
It's cold on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I will leave you for a long time

Gingerbread Man:

ran away from the little old lady,
And from a little old man
And from peasants with threshers,
And I'll run away from you, that's for sure

johnny donut :

I ran away from my grandfather
run away from grandma
ran away from the boy
ran away from two workers,
I'll run away from you too!

Decoupling (completion of an action).

The stupid (Kolobok) is eaten by the (cunning) fox:

The fox pretends to be hard of hearing and asks to sit on her nose and sing her song. When Kolobok sits on Lisa's nose, she eats him.

Stupid (Gingerbread Man) is eaten by (cunning) foxes

The fox helps him cross the river and tells him to move from tail to nose so as not to get wet. The gingerbread man sings, rolls down the nose and the Fox eats it.

Stupid (Johnny Donut) is eaten by a (cunning) fox

The fox pretends to be hard of hearing and asks to come closer to her ear and sing her song. When Donut rolls closer, Fox eats him.


both people and animals participate in all these fairy tales, but in the English and American fairy tales the number of heroes is much larger - but only “domestic heroes”, of the “wild” representatives only the Fox, which is death.

Only three stories?

AT different variations this tale is found, apparently, among all Indo-European peoples. Now there are at least 39 variations of this tale (it’s just that Kolobok, Donut and Gingerbread are arguing for the right to be primary sources, the rest of the interpretations are unambiguously retellings). For example, it’s worth reading:

· German fairy tale "Runaway Pie" ( two women in the village were baking a cake, and when it was almost ready, they argued who would get it. Each of them wanted to get a whole pie and did not want to share with a friend. They had been arguing for hours, Pirog got tired of listening to them, grew arms and legs and ran along the path. On the way I met a Fox, a Hare, fishermen, but ran away from everyone. But he didn’t run away from the Pig - she ate him).

· Ukrainian fairy tale about shortbread (similar to Kolobok, only with shortbread in the title role...).

· Scottish fairy tale "Oatmeal cake" (In a small house near the river there lived an old man and an old woman. They had good things - two cows, four hens, a rooster, a cat and a couple of kittens. Somehow the old woman decided to pamper her old man with oatmeal cakes. She baked two cakes and put them on the table - to cool. An old man came in, sat down at the table, took one cake, broke it - and in his mouth. I saw this second cake, but how it starts to run away! Then poor Lepeshka runs into different houses and asks for help, but the Tailor's family , then the Butter family, then the families of Melnik, Fermenov and Kuznets ... Everyone tried to catch her and grab a piece. At night, Lepeshechka decided to hide in a fox hole - but she landed right in the mouth of the Beast. This is such a trash, not a fairy tale)

· the Uzbek fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf” (Grandfather asked his grandmother to bake a Lepeshka for her, the Lepeshka did not want to be eaten and ran away. She wandered around the yard until she got to the Fox ... But the tale does not end there, because the Fox exchanged the Lepeshka with the farmer for the Lamb, and then began to sort things out with the Wolf)
