Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

AdIndex research: Event&MICE market based on customer survey. AdIndex research: Event&MICE market based on customer survey Share of cooperation in the segment

The study, conducted in May-June of this year, aimed to study the conditions of the event market, formulate a range of offers from contractors, review the economics of the segment, as well as identify the problems of the market and the trends shaping it


The study was based on a survey of agencies and service customers. Agencies were involved to create a list of customers for the survey, as well as to assess the competitive environment for the purpose of subsequent market clustering. Clients evaluated contractors, provided feedback on complaints about the service provided, formulated the main market trends, and also shared information on the distribution of budgets over 2016-2017.

A total of 309 specialists from 198 companies took part in the survey (). Based on the responses, ratings were compiled based on the share of cooperation and the quality of the service provided. The events were divided both by location - offsite (MICE) and local (Events), and by tasks solved: B2B (business), B2C (marketing) and HR (corporate). Agency rankings are also based on this principle.


MICE-services ( Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions) – holding services OFFICE events:

Meetings - meetings, press tours, presentations, meetings, trainings;
- Incentives - targeted trips, which are a unique sign of attention to the company’s most important clients and partners, as well as to the best employees;
- Conferences - congresses, conferences, seminars, forums, business breakfasts, investor relations events, where project developments are presented and clients and partners are acquired;
- Events - thematic programs, usually of an entertaining nature.

EVENT-(marketing) events– achieving specific economic objectives of the customer through the organization of various events: holidays, presentations, exhibitions, business and HR events, etc. at the location of the target audience of the event ( NOT AVAILABLE Events).

Business: forums, conferences, congresses, business breakfasts, exhibitions, round tables, symposiums, press conferences, press screenings
- Educational: seminars, trainings, master classes
- Entertainment: holidays, premieres, presentations of new products, sporting events, festivals, concerts, customer awards, etc.

Activities on tasks to be solved


During the current study and based on the experience of last year, it turned out that the event services market is still far from consolidating. Unlike, for example, media buying, where the Top 20 agencies account for almost 80% of media purchases, both large suppliers of event solutions and boutique companies hired for special tasks successfully compete in the event organization segment. At the same time, both of them can serve companies of different, including the highest budget level, which is nonsense not only for media, but also for creative agencies, which for the most part serve network ones, i.e. contracts received at the global level. Event and MICE companies have more freedom in this sense, but this freedom also has consequences for clients: in the absence of a clear stratification, it is more difficult for customers to navigate the choice of trusted partners. The rating obtained by AdIndex, which is formed in two clusters - companies holding less than 50 events a year, and contractors capable of organizing streaming deliveries of an event product - will help you understand the range of services offered.



The companies surveyed allocate a very significant part of their commercial and administrative budget to events: last year this figure was 17.6%, this year it is almost 20%.

Question: Please name the share of budgets for MICE and Event services in total commercial and administrative expenses in 2016-2017 (in %). Number of answers: 48 (hereinafter, the number of answers is given only for relative metrics (shares)).

Almost half of respondents maintained budgets at the previous year's level (48% and 45% in 2016 and 2017, respectively). A larger number of respondents noted an increase in expenses for events in 2017, compared to 2016, than in 2016 (40% in 2017 versus 30% in 2016). The good news for agencies does not end there - the share of those reporting a reduction in expenses decreased - from 22% in 2016 to 16% in 2017.

Question: What changes occurred in the budget for MICE and Event services in 2016 and 2017? Number of responses: 166

Those who answered the question on dynamics were asked to indicate the order of changes (budget growth or reduction) compared to the previous year. It turned out that budget increases, on average, occur more moderately than budget cuts. So, if the budget increases, then, on average, by 20% (which is 2 percentage points more than a year earlier), and if it decreases, then more dramatically - by an average of 35%, which is 11% more than in 2016.

Question: Please specify the order of changes. Number of responses: 161

In the organization segment local events(Event) in the first cluster (less than 50 projects per year) in terms of the share of cooperation with companies that took part in the study, the leading agencies are Redday (13.1% of respondents), Smart Motion (9.6%) and MarketEmotion (8.6%). The leaders of the second cluster (more than 50 events per year) are MaxiMICE (12.1%), Podezhiki (11.6%) and Eventum Premo (8.6%).

Leaders of cooperation in Event-segment
1 cluster (up to 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation*

Number of responses: 198



Share of cooperation


Number of responses: 198
*Here and below the share of companies (non-experts) from the survey panel is given. It is incorrect to extrapolate the data obtained to the entire market, since a significantly larger number of companies operate in the segment than took part in the study. The collaboration rating is provided as a guide to demonstrate the preference of a particular panel.

Leaders of cooperation in MICE-segment

In the segment away events, the experts surveyed most often involved the agencies Marketing Division (5.1%), Big Jack and HRG (4.5%) and D2 Marketing Solutions (4%) from the first cluster. In the second cluster, four companies also occupied the first lines of the rating: MaxiMICE (16.2%), Demlink (8.6%), Aero Club Tour and ATH with 8.1%.



Share of cooperation

Marketing Division

Number of responses: 198 Cluster 2 (more than 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation

The quality rating included companies that received at least four customer ratings from at least three companies. Respondents assessed satisfaction with service using three criteria using a 10-point scale.

Criteria for evaluation

General level of event organization
Strategic approach, clear positioning, efficiency (effectiveness) for the target audience
Innovation/application of new technologies in projects,
Team professionalism

Customer service
Team stability
Efficiency (speed of providing proposals per request, speed and quality of communications and response, problem solving)
Independence (autonomy) in solving assigned tasks and eliminating problems
Completeness and quality of document flow (including reports)
Availability of additional services (production, design, PR, other)

Price policy
Optimization approach to estimates
Transparency of pricing and discount policy
Convenience of requirements and payment schedule (availability of post-payments, flexibility in terms, etc.)


The study revealed that leadership in the quality of service provided does not always correlate with the share of cooperation. Yes, in the segment Event The best agencies in the first cluster were Director's Cut (first place with 8.78 points), Big Jack (8.67) and RCG (formerly R&I) with an average score of 8.55. The leaders of the second cluster in the segment were ARS Communications (8 .64 points), ADA-Symposium (8.42) and Citymetria (8.12).

Quality leaders in Event-segment

1 cluster (up to 50 events per year)



Price policy

Customer service


average rating


Cluster 2 (more than 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation in the segment

Price policy

Customer service


average rating

ARS Communications


IN MICE services The quality rating was topped by the agencies D2 Marketing Solutions (8.76), Ark Connect (8.73) and MaxMedium / Ready-to-Go (8.67) from the first cluster. In the second stratum, the leaders were Action (8.25), Night Street (8.20) and FCM Travel Solutions (8.19 points).

Quality leaders in MICE-segment

1 cluster (up to 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation

Price policy

Customer service


average rating


Cluster 2 (more than 50 events per year)


Share of cooperation

Price policy

Customer service


average rating

FCM travel solutions

The study also obtained separate ratings for various categories of events: depending on the tasks being solved, events were divided into marketing, business and corporate. MICE and Event agencies are presented jointly in these ratings. For clients, AdIndex can prepare separate rankings in all studied categories (for example, the best agencies for organizing business outings, internal corporate events, etc.), as well as ratings based on quality criteria, incl. inside segments. Also, AdIndex partners can receive comments from their clients (anonymized) on the strengths and weaknesses of the service.


In the business segment The leadership in the first cluster was led by Redday (8.81), Big Jack (8.70) and D2 Marketing Solutions (8.53). In the second cluster, the best were ARS Communications (8.70), IBC Corporate Travel (8.11) and Continent Express (8.07).

Quality leaders in B2 B-segment

1 cluster (up to 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation

Price policy

Customer service


average rating

Cluster 2 (more than 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation

Price policy

Customer service


average rating

ARS Communications

IBC Corporate Travel

Continent Express


Better than others marketing events D2 Marketing Solutions (8.57), RCG (8.56) and Smart Motion (8.52) from the first cluster. Of the larger companies, the experts surveyed highly rated TMA-Draft (8.08), Continent Express (8.05), Upjet and ADA-Symposium (8.00 each).

Quality leaders in B2 C-segment

1 cluster (up to 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation

Price policy

Customer service


average rating

Cluster 2 (more than 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation

Price policy

Customer service


average rating

Continent Express


Topped the quality rating corporate events agencies MarketEmotion (8.71), Big Jack (8.67) and MaxMedium / Ready-to-Go (8.60) - in 1 cluster. In the second, respondents especially noted the Citymetria service (8.48), ADA-Symposium (8.38) and Carlson Wagonlit Travel (8.17).

Quality leaders in HR-segment

1 cluster (up to 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation

Price policy

Customer service


average rating


Cluster 2 (more than 50 events per year)



Share of cooperation

Price policy

Customer service


average rating

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

As part of the project, more than 60 companies were ranked in total. It is important to understand why not all agencies on the market were included in the ranking: there may not have been a sufficient number of customer ratings to be included in the ranking. Companies interested in inclusion in the 2018 rating can send their applications to or follow announcements of upcoming projects, where the mechanics of the rating are detailed and all instructions for participants are given (for example, the announcement of this rating).

Shortly before the New Year holidays, every marketer or event manager begins to collect offers from market leaders in event organizers, corporate or family. The main purpose of creating this rating was the need to have an annual updated list of the ten best event agencies in Moscow in one table, so that every marketer could add a section to bookmarks and save a lot of time and budget.

If you are involved in organizing events or work in the marketing department, and you are faced with the task of organizing a corporate event for your company - add this section to your bookmarks, it will be interesting!

For more than 10 years, we have been collecting requests from our editors asking us to find a reliable agency to host an event, and reviews from colleagues who have collaborated with one or another event agency. The list was varied, but very specific. Market leaders in the event industry, high-quality event organizers in Moscow and Russian regions.



What I liked

Price on the website

Number of events held on the site

General impression

Of. website

Moscow Event

For the second year in a row, the Moscow Event agency holds a leading position in the ranking of the best Event agencies.

This year it took an honorable first place in our ranking and not without reason, the largest companies in the world trust their events to Moscow Event and receive high-quality and creative projects!

Looking at the website of the Moscow Event company, one cannot help but note the stylish web design, solid video and portfolio.

Among the company's clients are such holdings as Sberbank, Alfa Bank, Gazprombank, IlPatio, LSR, Selgros, Valio, Molvest, O1Properties, and this is not a complete list of satisfied clients who have honored the creative events agency "Moscow Event" not only with their partnership , but also letters of recommendation. All of them are also listed on the website.

The cost of services for organizing events is not indicated on the agency’s website. And this is not a marketing ploy, but an individual approach to each client. After all, the price consists of different items, which means it is important to take into account every detail, discussing it with the client. One of the main rules of Moscow Event is budget optimization for absolutely every client. To get an estimate for an event, just fill out a brief or call the company. Managers of the creative department will promptly process the request and begin implementing your craziest ideas!

About five hundred events in the entire history of the company are a real breakthrough in the event sphere. A definite plus is the ability to brilliantly implement events of any level of complexity and specificity. From BTL events and promotions to large corporate events, sports competitions, championships, away team building, forums, conferences, MICE events.

From developing an individual concept to implementing an event on site! Each project is not a cliched scenario plan and ideas worn out to holes, but a creative approach and the search for new solutions. How to present in a new way what has already been invented? Or how to direct an event so that there are no analogues to the celebration? Moscow Event knows the answer. An individual approach to each client is a company taboo. After all, these sharks of the event market are convinced that the event will be successful only if every element of the celebration reflects not only the creative idea of ​​the event, but the postulates and ideology of the company. So if you want to organize an event - “Moscow Event” is what you need!


Event Group - according to the reviews of our colleagues in the editorial office, the Kavrus event agency has more than once adequately coped with the organization of excellent corporate events. The first place was awarded for a reason, because The agency is constantly expanding locations and interesting timing programs.

  • Interesting locations, not just rooms, but open and exciting areas,
  • The corporate website constantly updates the events held, which shows that the organizers are trying to maintain the level.

The site not only indicates the cost, but also describes all the specifics that affect the final amount. It’s very convenient if you have a limited budget or a large number of employees; you always know what check you’ll receive.

The “Gallery” section presents a huge number of held events. Along with corporate team building events, you can also see family celebrations at the highest level.

Even held its on-site sports team building with this organizer, and everyone was happy! According to reviews from colleagues and journalist acquaintances, this agency is a reliable and worthy assistant in the field of event marketing, which will help you out at any time!


Focused mainly on organizing events and corporate leisure in Moscow and the Moscow region.

  • In addition to corporate events, services for Team Building, Event Travel and an interesting example “Corporate Regatta” are also presented.

The website states the advantage of “Transparent Budget”, which means that upon request you will receive an estimate and exact cost.

The real action can be felt when viewing the portfolio of events that fill the section on the site.

More than 10 captured events are publicly available.

They are attracted by the diversity and non-standard approach, as well as the author’s own blog and opinion on the topic of the event industry as a whole.


Not just an event organizer, but also a full-fledged communications agency that will prepare a memorable show for you, regardless of its format.

  • The main feature of a communications agency is not just the organization of holidays and events, but full-service in any communication channel
  • Nestle, Burger King, Leroy Merlin and other major brands trust their most important press events to Galactic Group

On the website you can fill out a brief and get a price

There are cases with specifics and photo reports, after-the-fact materials. More than 20 specific significant events.

I was pleased with the wide scope and accessibility of the “Event Abroad”; not every agency can boast of this. And of course, the list of clients is worth paying attention to.


An individual approach deserves special attention. When the founder himself is interested in achieving goals, the result is always positive.

  • open position of the founders
  • clearly defined goals for the agency
  • a rather narrow, but well-developed list of services, usually at such moments the quality increases

The cost is not indicated on the website.

The portfolio includes Team Building works, corporate and business events, as well as New Year.

In general, it is worth noting the client-oriented approach, which is confirmed by letters of recommendation from Clients at the office. Forms. The locations are chosen to be of high quality, the clients are diverse, and are not focused on a specific industry, but all are quite well-known.

Art- Premier

Full service communications agency. We are pleased with the presence of special projects, which means a non-linear approach to the client’s diverse tasks.

  • In addition to special projects, we are pleased to see social events aimed at charity

Couldn't find the price on the website

The site presents more than 30 held events


Very creative and unique event agencies. They participate in various ratings, take prizes and awards, in a word – well done!

Cost not shown

The portfolio includes more than 20 professional events of a fairly high level.

The most creative approach and customer focus

Effect Pro

Event marketing agency, event organization.

  • Many years of experience
  • Working with many companies on a long-term basis
  • The largest Brands that trust their events only to professionals

Not specified

There is a portfolio of more than 10 works of a completely diverse nature, from the presentation of Airplanes to New Year's fairy tales from CIRQUE DU SOLEIL

In general, a high level is noticeable for high-profile brands with famous presenters and celebrities. I liked the simplicity and ease of the information presented.

Grata Adv

A very powerful and reputable communications group, working since 1996 in the field of development of communications for the largest brands in Russia.

  • According to the information presented, as well as from the words of marketers of large brands who have been working with us for a long time, you can hear a lot of pleasant reviews about Grata Adv.
  • In addition to organizing the event, they will create a website for you, an information tool to attract an audience, and a large PR campaign, which is only available to some participants in this industry.

Not specified

Quite an extensive portfolio in the professional field

Grata Adv can truly be called a Full-service agency, which, along with organizing your event, will prepare a full range of services for its promotion to the masses at the highest level.

We have not yet been able to find a worthy participant who can take 10th place. However, you can write to us at and we will consider your application.

You may have noticed that we have made a significant effort to select only the most interesting 10 event agencies in Moscow, which will meet any deadline and can come to an agreement under any budget. Don’t be shy – add this section to your bookmarks, you will find it very useful more than once!

Many companies and ordinary people sometimes have a need for an assistant organizer of a particular event: a corporate party, anniversary, birthday, wedding, joint training, date, children's party, concert - the reasons can be listed endlessly.

Everyone wants the event to be at its best: a beautiful venue, design, creative content, technical support and much more. To prevent all this from falling on the shoulders of the heroes of the occasion, there are special companies that organize any events: from meetings from the maternity hospital to large-scale corporate events with the participation of Russian pop stars.

In the capital of Russia, such services are especially relevant, because this is where large companies, celebrities and people with special requests for events are located. making every effort to win more customers. Which ones have risen to leadership positions in this area?

Business event agency Maximice

The company entered the event management market in 2006 and received its first European award in 2014. The agency was awarded for a large list of services, compliance with quality standards for conducting diverse events, and an active and purposeful team.

Over ten years of experience, we have already attended more than 20 thousand events of various levels: from birthdays in narrow companies to international exhibitions.

Currently the company specializes in business events. The list of services includes:

  • Project support. Within the framework of this area, coordination and organization of events, assistance in technical equipment for events, and resolution of transport and general organizational issues are carried out.
  • Logistics support. Work in this area is carried out all over the world: booking hotels, conference rooms, accompanying translators, assistance in obtaining documentation.
  • Creative and production. Scripts, concepts, design, creative support, photo and video shooting, organizing castings, working with artists and directors and much more.

Address: Prechistenka street, 40/2, building 1, under. 3.

Agency for Strategic Events "Podezhiki"

“Podezhiki” is a Moscow event agency at the top of the list of the most popular organizations. More than 1,500 thousand events in partnership with the country's largest companies.

The organization began in 2002 with drawings, the name is also from that time, because clients were, as it were, “pulled up”.

Now the basis of work is organizing business events, as well as private events. Among the agency's clients: Kraft Foods, M.Video, FC Otkritie and many others.

In addition to event support, the Podezhiki company conducts educational activities: it conducts courses “Project - it sounds proud”, “Sales at an event”, taught by Mikhail Voronin (agency director) and Anton Merkulov.

Location: Novodmitrovskaya street, 1, building 3 26.

Communication agency Eventum Premo

A major company that was formed thanks to quality services, well-known clients and a creative approach to any task is Eventum Premo.

Agency clients: Microsoft, Toyota, Oriflame, Sberbank, Skoda and many other world-famous companies.

Eventum Premo works in several directions: organizing digital marketing and PR, organizing major events, defining PR concepts, ranging from online promotion to mass events to increase company awareness.

Address: Spartakovsky lane, 2, building 1.

Event operator Redday

Redday is an unusual event agency in Moscow. A large list of opportunities awaits the client: holding protocol (summit, reception, etc.), media (show, ceremony, etc.), cultural events (festival, city day, etc.), client (conference, presentation, etc.), corporate (team building, quest, etc.) events.

The services include full project support, including cost estimates, project reports, logistics support, technical support, etc.

Address: Friedrich Engels street, 56, building 1.

Eventmaxpro agency

Where in Moscow can I go to help organize a wedding, seminar, club party or mass celebration? Many will recommend the Eventmaxpro agency, which consists of three departments: Max Private, Corporate Theater and Max Wedding. Each of them deals with their own area, thereby ensuring a high professional level of organizing holidays.

The company's services include: formation of concepts, designs, scenarios; coordination of activities with different structures; organizational issues (logistics, catering, event maintenance) and much more.

Location in the capital: Derbenevskaya street, 20.

Who else is in the top 10 event agencies in Moscow?

Antares Event is the company preferred by: Technosila, Rusfinance Bank, Rosgosstrakh, Moscow State University and others. The main work of the company has become the principle of “one window” - when all issues can be resolved through one specialist. Address: 20, p. 79.

Creative market is an agency with more than 15 years of experience in the field of event organization. Promotions, online promotion, comprehensive development of events at various levels - all this can be done together with Creative market. Location in Moscow: Leningradsky Prospekt, 57

“Empire of Stars” is an agency that provides concert accompaniment with the participation of the highest stars, organizes both private and public celebrations. Address: Petrovsko-Razumovsky proezd, 29, building 4

"Olivier" is a Moscow event agency that organizes outdoor events, New Year themed events, corporate events, etc.), team building, parties and much more. Office location: 1st Truzhenikov lane, 15.

Antego will help you design business and entertainment events, including corporate parties and PR events. Work is being carried out in Moscow and throughout the region. Address: Vvedensky street, 23A.

About the event

Location: Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pav. 4.1.

More details

We invite you to take part in VIIIThe annual competition "Bestevent agency certified by ACMR- 2017!

The following are invited to the competition:

1) participants, Event agencies - to nominate their companies as competition nominees

2) representatives of the corporate community, corporations - as listeners

The competition “Event agency certified by AKMR” has been held since 2010.

Organizers of the competition: Association of Directors of Communications and Corporate Media of Russia (ACMR) and the MediaBusiness Publishing House with the support of the Media News magazine.

Every year, Russian companies that offer services for organizing and holding events that meet international standards in the field of corporate communications take part in the competition.

Purpose of the competition- select on a competitive basis several leading event agencies that will be recommended by the Association to its members and other market participants for holding corporate events and other internal and external events.

Based on the results of the competition, the winning companies included in Top 5, will receive from the Association a written certificate “Event agency certified by AKMR”.

The competitive selection is carried out in two stages, on a closed basis, only among companies officially invited to the AKMR tender.


Stage I of the competition
Acceptance of applications from event agencies - from May 1 to September 11, 2017.

Provision of competition materials (completed application form, electronic presentation, logo, letters of gratitude and reviews): takes place until September 05, 2017. Based on the results, the Expert Council, which includes members of the Board of Directors of ACMR, representatives of the largest Russian companies - members of the Association, as well as experts in the field event services, will select the 20 best agencies, which will present their public presentations to jury members and representatives of the corporate community in the second stage of the competition.

Stage II of the competition
Public defense before the jury and representatives of the corporate community will take place as part of the Event LIVE Forum for event industry professionals and their clients in Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pav. 4.1. - September 15, 2017 Based on the results of the second stage, the “Top 5” winning participants will be determined. An independent survey will also be conducted among the participants, and on this basis a special nomination will be established.

By decision of the jury, absolute winners are announced; the number of points for each participant is not published.

The results of the tender are communicated in writing to each participant in the competitive selection by the Association of Directors of Communications and Corporate Media of Russia (ACMR).

The winners receive from the Association a written certificate “Event agency certified by AKMR.”

Address: Moscow, 5th Luchevoy Prosek street, building No. 7, building 1, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion 4.1

The October issue of Special Events magazine published a new list of the 50 largest event agencies. Most of the participants are from the USA, in particular California, there are also global agencies and a very small number of participants from Asia and Europe. The rating was based on data on the number of events held per year and the company’s financial turnover. We should note that there are no companies from Russia on the lists, which is, of course, strange - after all, many of our companies significantly exceed some of the players on the list in terms of turnover and number of projects per year. Despite this, we have slightly improved this list for your convenience: we have added each agency’s social network page to it. Now you can subscribe to their news and receive fresh and relevant information about the events and trends of their Western colleagues directly in your feed! The company names are clickable and lead to their Facebook page.

George P.Johnson Experience Marketing

$: 250 000 000
2 000

GPJ is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan, that specializes in event and brand marketing. The company was founded in 1914 by George P. Johnson in the USA and specialized in making flags and repairing sails. Having decorated one of the automobile exhibitions with his products, he turned it into a real marketing show, after which customers began to contact him, and he began organizing events from scratch. GPJ has a huge pool of clients across a wide range of industries: Automotive, Technology, Software, FMCG and Entertainment. Clients include more than 40 Fortune 500 companies. Interestingly, the company also succeeded in sewing flags, sewing the largest flag in the world in 1923 and repeating this feat in 1949.

Summer Olympics in Beijing (2008)

The company was invited to work on the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics as the only non-Chinese company. In close collaboration with the Olympics' management, GPJ played a major role in the visual design of the event and the undoubted success of the ceremony, which, incidentally, received numerous awards.

Opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo (2010)

Pico Global Services ltd

Annual income from events, $ : 200 000 000
Number of events for 2012: 270

An international company founded in 1969, headquartered in Hong Kong. Our clients include many Fortune 500 companies and employ more than 2,500 professionals in 35 major cities across five continents.

Acer pavilion at the 2012 London Olympics

Annual income from events, $ : 160 000 000
Number of events for 2012: 320+

VOK DAMS was named after the founder and was created as a photography and graphic design studio in 1971 in Germany. He is a trendsetter in Western Europe in the field of event marketing. With offices throughout Germany, clients include names such as Commerzbank, Volkswagen, Daimler AG, Puma and Nespresso.

Launch of Lamborghini LP 700–4 Roadster

VOK DAMS decided to organize a test drive of a new car from Lamborgini in Miami Beach, Florida. The event was organized to celebrate the launch of the new Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster sports convertible with a V12 engine. VOK DAMS decided to demonstrate all the amazing power and strength of the supercar, presenting it in a special closed airfield next to a real Boeing 777, which accelerates to 290 km/h before takeoff. The car was tested in the direct presence of more than 400(!) journalists.

Universal World Events

Annual income from events, $ : 146 000 000
Number of events for 2012: 968

In November 2010, the two companies UniversalProcon and WorldEvents merged to form Universal WorldEvents, focused on events for pharmaceutical companies, as well as corporate meetings and training. Universal World Events has 25 offices in the United States, as well as overseas offices in the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Hong Kong and Singapore. By the numbers: in 2011, the company organized 1,293 corporate meetings and booked a total of approximately 264,000 hotel rooms in North America for meeting participants.

NHS Conference

The NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement Alumni Conference was organized in London to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the NHS. The main goal of the event is to train experts in the field of healthcare and improve management in the medical community, as well as build a future strategy for the entire healthcare system as a whole.


Annual income from events, $ : from 100,000,000 to 125,000,000
Number of events for 2012: 400

Amci is a global automotive marketing agency specializing in delivering results for the most influential automotive brands. The main areas of AMCI are car testing. During the company's operation, more than 6,000 test drives were conducted, hundreds of new car models were presented, and more than 100,000 dealers and employees were trained.

Subaru Outback vs. 2013 Toyota Venza All-Wheel Drive Traction Test

AMCI's main activity is test drives of cars and their technical capabilities; in this case, for example, they decided to take Subaru and Toyota onto the hockey ice and compare their all-wheel drive.

Jack Morton Worldwide

Annual income from events, $ : 100 000 000
Number of events for 2012: 1 000+

Jack Morton (1910–2004) was an event marketing pioneer who founded Jack Morton Productions in 1939 in Washington, DC. He was the first to conceive and implement a true “corporate event”, and also introduced them into fashion. Jack Morton Worldwide hosted the 2004 Summer Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies in Athens, becoming the first non-national commercial organization to be hired for such a contract.

Lego X-Wing Reveal

To increase customer loyalty to the LEGO Star Wars brand and fuel interest in the release of new Chronicles of Yoda toys, Jack Morton staged an event in Times Square in New York City using the largest LEGO models ever built. Thousands of people joined the event, and the hashtag #LEGOstarwarsNYC trended on Twitter. The company had a significant impact on the brand with a 23% increase in sales of Chronicles of Yoda.


Annual income from events, $ : 87 000 000
Number of events for 2012: 96

The company was founded in Thailand in 1990. Currently, the Index Creative Village group structure includes 22 companies, mainly engaged in marketing and related areas. The company is one of the leaders in the Asian event marketing market.

Thai Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo (2010)

The main goal of Index Creative Village was to demonstrate the potential of Thailand and highlight its national characteristics. The solution was a building in the style of traditional Thai architecture and its modern content. The pavilion became one of the most visited and mentioned places of the event.

Hartmann Studios

Annual income from events, $ : 84 000 000
Number of events for 2012: 576

Hartmann Studios was founded in 1982 by visionary designer and entrepreneur Bob Hartmann. The first office was a small warehouse in the southern part of San Francisco. A talented artist, he has designed and executed events throughout the city and the world, earning an excellent reputation. That's why his clients include many Fortune 500 companies.

Giants World Series 2012

Hartmann Studios organized a parade in honor of the victory of the San Francisco Giants in the World Series of Major League Baseball - one of the most important national holidays in the United States.


Annual income from events, $ : 60 000 000
Number of events for 2012: 715

The company was founded by Mr. Earl Hagrove after the Second World War. Together with their son Earl Hagrove Jr., they become pioneers of the event industry, introducing many innovations and changes in the event organization process. After the company organized the inauguration ceremony of President Harry Truman in 1949, it firmly established itself on the event Olympus and has not left it to this day.

Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony (2012)

Organizers estimate that the inauguration ceremony of the 44th President of the United States was watched by 600 to 800 thousand people located on the National Mall adjacent to Capitol Hill. The most amazing thing about this ceremony was the beautiful performance of the US anthem by Beyoncé herself!

TBA Global

Annual income from events, $ : 50 000 000
Number of events for 2012: 250

TBA Entertainment Corporation was founded in 1994 in California and renamed TBA Global in 2004. There are also additional offices in the UK and Canada. Specializes in marketing communications. The company deals with corporate events, as well as a wide range of organizing meetings, conferences, intensive courses and other types of event marketing.

For the second year in a row, the agency was preparing for the Doodle 4 Google awards ceremony, in which the award is given to the children who created the best Google logo. Every year Google comes up with a theme and children submit their work to the competition. This time the theme was “Best Day Ever”. TBA surprised event guests with an interactive screen with dolls and a life-size Android robot.

Company name

Number of events in 2012

Annual income from events, $
