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Presentation for the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: Presentation and script for the holiday “Let there never be war!” Entertainment in kindergarten for Victory Day. Scenario Drawing let there be no war

Oksana Gritsaeva

May there never be war!

Let calm cities sleep.

Let sirens piercing howl,

Doesn't sound over my head.

No one don't let the shell explode,

Not a single one is making a machine gun.

Announce let our forests,

AND may the years pass peacefully,

May there never be war.

Dear friends! Very soon, on May 9, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War war. This is a bright and joyful day for our people. On this day, Nazi Germany admitted its complete defeat, and our people won. But victory in war Our country came at a high price - millions of our soldiers died. We don't know the names of many of them. But we honor the memory of those who defended our Fatherland from the fascist invaders.

As part of the program dedicated to the Great Victory Day, the children and I held a series of events: reading fiction about war, made crafts, appliqués, listened to and learned songs from the war years. The purpose of the events is the same - to instill in our children feelings of patriotism and love for the Motherland, to cultivate in children such qualities as courage, fortitude, pride in their people and their history.

For this great holiday, my children and I arranged exhibition of drawings.

Great war victory,

We must not forget!

Grandfathers fought in battles,

Sacred Motherland.

She sent to battles

Your best sons.

She helped with prayer

And with your righteous faith.

In the great victory in the war,

We must not forget,

Our grandfathers stood up for us.

And life and Motherland!

Poems from the book by T. A. Shorygina were used.

Entertainment: Let there never be war!

Target: introduce children to the feat of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War. Continue to introduce musical and aesthetic creativity on military topics: proverbs and sayings, poems, songs. Foster respect and gratitude for the defenders of the fatherland.
Preliminary work: reading fiction about the war, viewing illustrations, listening to patriotic songs and music; looking at photographs of great-grandfathers, awards of WWII participants.
Attributes: flags of different colors, “salutiki”, 2 “secret packages”, physical education equipment: cube, arc, low narrow bench.
The hall is festively decorated.
To the music of D. Tukhmanov “Children of Victory,” the children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle near the central wall. Children read poetry:
1.The day is bright in the morning, wonderful
He blossomed all over with flowers,
We hear the sound of songs,
The holiday has come to our city!

2.Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Happy holiday - spring day,
All the streets are dressed in flowers,
And sonorous songs are heard.

3. I know from my dad, I know from my grandfather -
On the ninth of May victory came to us,
All the people were waiting for that day,
That day became the most joyful!
Let the victory fireworks thunder,
This light will warm the world
To our great-grandfathers and grandfathers...
All: We wish everyone many years to come!
Children perform the song “About Peace”, music. A. Filippenko.
Presenter: May 9 is the day of our glorious victory over Nazi Germany! 70 years ago the Great Patriotic War ended. People will never forget this day. We remember with gratitude our warrior-defenders who defended the world in fierce battles. We now live under a peaceful sky, thanks to soldiers, sailors, lieutenants, captains, generals, marshals. Eternal glory to them!

4.No! - we declare to war,
To all evil and black forces.
The grass should be green
And the sky is blue - blue!
5.We need a colorful world!
And we will all be glad
When they disappear on earth
All bullets and shells.
Children perform the song “This Victory Day”, music. D. Tukhmanova
Children perform an exercise with fireworks.
The game “Who can collect fireworks of the same color the fastest.”
Host: Four years of a terrible war are behind us. Let there be peace on the entire planet, we need it so much, the children of the whole earth need it!

6.We glorify Victory Day in May
Happy holiday to all people!
In May the rainbow laughs
The color of the bird cherry trees is becoming more delicate.
Pigeons fly higher
On a May morning at dawn,
They fly into the blue,
We wish everyone peace,
Happiness on earth!
Exercise “Doves Fly”, music. Dunaevsky.
Leading: To all our soldiers - eternal flame. And there are always fresh flowers near the eternal fire. People bring them. They will remove the withered flowers, put in fresh ones and say: “We will never forget you, heroes.”
Poem by R. Tomilin “At the Kremlin Wall”
At the Kremlin wall,
Where is the park located?
People stand silently, taking off their hats.
There's a fire burning there
And sleeps in the ground nearby
Eternal sleep unknown soldier.
You fought for us
You gave your life for us
Someone's son, or father, or brother.
We remember you
We're talking about you
And let's eat, unknown soldier.
We come to you
And we bring flowers
A modest gift from the Soviet guys.
We promise you
To love our native land so much,
How the unknown soldier loved.
Children perform A. Fillipenko’s song “Eternal Flame”
The war ended in victory,
Those years are behind us.
Medals and orders are burning
On many people's chests.
We can’t forget how it was in 1945
It was bright all around from the fireworks
The soldiers then repeated in unison: -
“Ours took it anyway.”
Exercise with checkboxes.
Leading:(shows the guys four flags: blue, green, blue, red)
- Guys, be careful. If I raise the blue flag, you will swim; if blue - fly; if green - ride a horse; if it’s red, shout “Hurray.”
Children line up in four columns and perform the exercise.
Host: We are grateful to the soldiers of the war for childhood, for spring, for life, for the world in which we live. We will not forget your courage, bravery, bravery; we will forever remember our heroes.
Now we will play the relay game “Urgent Report” and test your dexterity, speed and skill.
Children are divided into two teams and given a “secret package”.
Tasks. 1. Crawl under the arc (barbed wire)
2. jump over the cube (ditch)
3. walk along a narrow bridge (there is a minefield all around).
Run up to the chair with two flags and signal to the next child that the way is clear. The latter with the package runs to the leader and, having overcome all obstacles, hands him the package.
Congratulations in the package.
The presenter reads congratulations on the holiday.
Presenter: We will honor the memory of the heroes who died for their homeland with a minute of silence.
(minute of silence, everyone stands up)
1. Let there never be war!
Let the cities sleep peacefully,
Let the sirens howl piercingly
Doesn't sound over my head.
2. Let no shell explode,
Not a single one is scribbling a machine gun.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children's voices.
May the years pass peacefully...
Together: let there never be war!
The music for the song “Stork on the Roof” is performed.

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Prepared by: Sudarskaya N.V., music director of MBDOU No. 11


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Scenario of the holiday dedicated to Victory Day.


To the march “Farewell of the Slavyanka,” the children enter the hall and stop near the chairs.


1 presenter.

Today the holiday enters every home.

And joy comes to people with him.

We congratulate everyone on the great day,

Happy day of our glory, Happy Victory Day!

2 presenter.

Victory comes to us again and again,

Beautiful and young, like in forty-five,

Comes in the splendor of old orders

On the jacket of an experienced soldier...

1 presenter.

Washed by tears - not by rain,

Sparkling not with fire, but with the happiness of life,

Victory comes to us on a spring day,

So as never to forget about

What a feat was accomplished by the Fatherland.

Children of the SENIOR GROUP read poetry.

1st child.

We are celebrating today

A bright holiday for the whole country.

People remember this date

You definitely should!

2nd child.

How victory came to our region

Over the fascist horde!

My great-grandfather at that time

He was like dad, young!

3rd child.

He dreamed of a peaceful life,

But the enemy attacked the earth,

Everyone who could fight in battle,

We picked up a machine gun!

4th child.

For the native country people

They gave their lives.

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

5th child.

In the clear sky, in the blue sky

The sun is burning with fire.

We are about the feat of Russia,

Let's sing about our great-grandfather!


SONG “My Great Grandfather”

  1. I’m new to the world (SLIDE 3 – 2 clicks)

And I know history from books,
But about the big war
I hear real stories.
There is one person in the world, (SLIDE 4 – 2 clicks)
He always tells me the truth.
And a trace remains in the soul, -
My great-grandfather remains with me!
CHORUS: Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he went through the whole war, (SLIDE 5)

From the Volga to Berlin itself.
Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he defended the country,
He protected his wife and son.
Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he risked his life, (SLIDE 6)
So that the birds sing in the sky again,
And the sky became blue, and the laughter did not fade away,
And so that I can be born into this world,
And so that I can be born into this world!

  1. He went to war so early, (SLIDE 7)
    He was like me during the war years,
    I had a chance to be in captivity
    And go through fire and water.
    He became the defender of the Motherland, (SLIDE 8)
    Even though I was still just a boy,
    And won the victory
    And he went home victorious!

    CHORUS. (SLIDE 9, 10)

2 presenter.

Today will be a day of memories(SLIDE 11)

And my heart is tight from lofty words.

Today will be a day of reminders

About the feat and valor of the fathers.

1 presenter. Heroes live among us, and you can’t always see them in a modest person. Here they are. Let's listen to their story.

2 presenter. Our guest today is _____________________________________


1 presenter. On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. It was a terrible, harsh, cruel war.(SLIDE 12) Many young men went to the front straight from school. They were accompanied by their relatives.(SLIDE 13)

2 presenter.

Moscow is protected by Panfilov,

In the ring on the Neva Leningrad,

But tired people whisper:

“Not a step, not a step back!”

1 presenter. There were heavy battles. The enemy was rushing towards Moscow. Our soldiers went into mortal combat and fought without sparing their lives.(SLIDE 14) And now - a short respite before the battle. They tried not to lose heart. During these hours, the soldiers wrote letters to their relatives and loved ones. They wrote poems and new amazing songs were born.


(Performed by adults)

1. “In the dugout” (SLIDE 15)

2. “Dark-skinned woman” (SLIDE 16)

3. “Dark Night” (SLIDE 17)

4. “Blue handkerchief”(SLIDE 18)

5. "The Last Stand"(SLIDE 19) REMOVE THE MEDIA SYSTEM!!!

2 presenter. During the war, our soldiers were distinguished by their daring, cheerful character, courage and bravery. And what were their grandchildren and great-grandchildren like? Yes, just as dexterous, savvy and accurate.


  1. "Accurate shooter"(throwing bags)

A sharp eye is the key to success, any soldier will tell you.

So that the desired victory ends the right fight.

  1. "Report" ( Two teams play. Each team has an important package, it must be delivered to the headquarters (WWII Veteran). At a signal, children overcome obstacles: they need to run across a bridge, jump over a ditch, crawl under a rope on which bells are tied, and go through a “swamp.” The last one in the team gives the package.)

1 presenter. Let's see what's in the package? There are mysteries here!


  1. The car is rushing into battle again, the tracks are cutting the ground,
    That car in the open field is driven...
  2. You can become a sailor to guard the border
    And serve not on the ground, but in the military...
  3. The plane soars like a bird, there is an air border.
    Our soldier is on duty both day and night...
  4. You can become a soldier, swim, ride and fly,
    And the hunt is waiting for you, soldier, to walk in the ranks...

2 presenter. The soldiers' mothers, sisters, loved ones and, of course, children were waiting for them at home. The kids played war games and dreamed of growing up quickly to go to war - to help their fathers and brothers defeat the enemy!


(Petya comes out with a tank model, then Vitya with a model airplane)


So that we defeat all enemies quickly,

I want to become a tank driver.

I will learn to drive a car

It's good to drive and good to shoot.

(proudly raises the tank model above his head)

Vitya (making circular movements overhead with the plane).

And I want to fly in a fighter plane,

I want to become a famous hero.

Look - it's taking flight

The bravest pilot for feats.

Katya and Masha come out. Masha has a bag with a red cross, Katya is wearing headphones

Petya (indignantly).

Why do girls come here, I wonder?

There is no place for girls in war!


Hey, get away from the battlefield!

There's nothing you can do to help us.


How can we not? I'm a nurse.

I do the dressings in the morning.

You, Vitya, are wounded, as I can see.

Let me bandage you.


What are you talking about, Masha! I'm healthy and alive.

There is no time to be sick at a time like this!

I need to fly into battle in a fighter jet.

(runs away, growling, imitating the engine of a flying airplane)

Petya (Kate).

Why are you, I just don’t understand

Did you come here to join us in the war?

Kate ( looks around, speaks quietly).

I'll tell you one secret.

The thing is that I am radio operator Kat.

Now I'll decipher the message

And I’ll draw the path for you on the map

So that you don't run into minefields -

The whole land here is covered with mines.


There was an encryption just for us -

We received an order from headquarters.

You cross the room diagonally

Then move to the far corner

You have to stand there for three minutes

And shoot at your enemies from a cannon.

Petya (indignantly).

No, I don't play such games.

I don't do such tasks.(Runs away)

Masha (throws up his hands).

There is no discipline here.

And after that they are men?!


But still we are without boys in battle

We will not be able to defend our land!


1st child.

My great-grandmother did not fight,

In the rear she brought Victory closer,

We had factories in the rear,

They made tanks and airplanes there for the front...

2nd child.

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

They made clothes, boots,

Bombs for planes, guns for soldiers,

And guns, and, of course, provisions.


1 presenter . This bloody war went on for four long years. And in the spring of 1945, the long-awaited day of May 9 came! The day the radio announced the end of the war. The country rejoiced! They sang and danced in the streets, strangers hugged each other, many cried with joy.

2 presenter.

To all of you who endured that war,

In the rear, or on the battlefields,

And brought us a victorious spring -

Bow and memory of generations!

1 presenter. With sadness and gratitude we remember the heroes, all of them, who gave strength, health, youth, heart, thoughts to a great feat and defeated fascism. We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone will thank them in their hearts for the happy world in which we live. Let us stand and bow our heads before their memory!


Children of the PREPARATORY GROUP read poetry.

3rd child.

Let there never be war!

Let the cities sleep peacefully,

Let the sirens howl piercingly

Doesn't sound over my head.

4th child.

Let no shell explode,

Not a single one is making a machine gun.

Let our forests announce

May the years pass peacefully...

Together: Let there never be war!

DANCE “Stork on the Roof”

(5 girls of the senior group)

2 presenter.

So that grandfather's gaze is not erased at times,

The Immortal Regiment walks across the earth,

May you celebrate Victory Day with us!


(The children come out with photographs to the middle of the hall and stand scattered.)

Children of the PREPARATORY GROUP read poetry.

5th child.

To you veterans, war heroes,

The grandchildren of our country send their greetings.

You have won, and our world is saved.

I bow to all of you for this!

6th child.

Hunger, devastation, grief and misfortune -

You have gone through everything and forged Victory!

You have risen like a wall from under the rubble!

Your immortal feat is an example for posterity!

7th child.

In honor of Victory Day

We'll sing a song

And we congratulate everyone

Happy clear spring day!


(“Bell” No. 36, 2006, p. 32)

  1. When the Russian land groaned from wounds,

“Get up, huge country,” it sounded over the Motherland.

You fought bravely, you did not spare yourself

And they gave us, their descendants, victory.

CHORUS: Our dear veterans!

We sing this song for you.

Happy Victory Day, Happy Victory Day,

Happy most joyful, bright day!

  1. Let the fireworks flowers bloom in the sky.

The whole wide world now congratulates you on your Victory.

Let the orders shine with a new light.

Together we will all shout for Victory: “Hurray!”


Children congratulate veterans and give flowers.

The manager's word.

Photo for memory.

A children's drawing competition dedicated to the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was announced by the editors of the Nashe Slovo newspaper in April. We invited the children to make drawings that corresponded to the theme of the competition.

It is gratifying that girls and boys responded to our call - 13 works were submitted to the competition, unfortunately, only from Lopatin. Despite the fact that the young artists were born in the new millennium and for them the Great Patriotic War is an event of the last century, they convinced us that they know the history of their country and remember the feat of their great-grandparents. In their drawings, the schoolchildren tried to reflect both the joy of Victory with the festive fireworks and the hot battles. The guys' works are their reflections on heroism and patriotism. It was very difficult for us to choose the winners. We deliberated for a long time and came to the conclusion that all the competition entries certainly deserve praise. But still we have highlighted the best of them.

The winner of the poster drawing competition was Valeria Goryachova, a 1st grade student. We awarded second place to Ilya Chesnokov from grade 1 “a”, and in third place was a drawing from grade 1 “b” student Nikita Burov. Madina Huseynova (2nd “b” grade) and Almaev Rail (1st “a” grade) will not be left without gifts.

We decided to give a special prize to Lena Loskutova, a student of grade 3b, she drew two drawings at once.

In the nomination “The most active class” we highlighted 3 “a” - six students of this class submitted their works to the competition: Bulat Zyabirov, Alexey Stepkin, Egor Sherstnev, Artem Mizinov, Rail Seidgazov, Anna Bochegaeva.

My teacher Yulia Viktorovna Markova told me that such a competition was being held,” Valeria Goryachova shared with us. - In the picture I drew the Parade on Red Square. My mother helped me complete it. Victory Day is the most important and joyful holiday for all people, because our soldiers defeated the Nazis. My mother told me that my great-grandfather was also in the war and did not return home - he died. War is a very scary word. I wish that there would never be war again and there would be peace on Earth.

All participants in our patriotic competition will receive gifts, and we will reward the best with certificates from the editors of the Nashe Slovo newspaper. We will inform you about the awards and presentation of gifts.

Editorial Board "NS"
