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Selling stale goods is a conspiracy. How to sell stale goods. And the chief will not find fault

A conspiracy to trade is a tricky thing.

Some only think of a combination, and the clients themselves are already knocking on the door, others are engaged in advertising, and attract science, but there is zero sense.

Do you think these are innate abilities? Maybe so. Nobody argues, many depend on talents. Only there are other secrets of successful entrepreneurship that are not related to marketing.

Magic sometimes helps much more than wise and modern science scamming potential customers.

If you are interested, then get acquainted with some rituals that greatly facilitate the life of the seller.

conspiracies trade

A conspiracy to trade has been known as a tool since ancient times. Merchants have long been treading paths to the hearts of customers.

Over time, conspiracies and rituals changed, went through, so to speak, the process of improvement.

Now there is an opportunity, without inventing anything, to calmly use the legacy of many generations of cunning merchants and modern developments.

For customers to shop

Sellers often complain that the buyer scurries back and forth, asks the price, but it doesn’t come to sales. Helping such a “grief” is not a problem. Just need some holy water.

Experienced people take it with them to protect themselves from the evil eye.

And you noticed that buyers do not dare to give money to you for the goods, take the bottle slowly, pour a little into your palm, sprinkle it on the goods and say:

“Dashingly poor, evil, loss - melancholy, I wash you with water, send you away. Crawl under the snag to the old crayfish, hold on, be strong, watch out for my counter! So that my goods are sold, I fell into the hands of a good fellow! I need a coin from winter to summer! Said - castle! There will be a sense in trade!”

So that the buyer does not leave without a purchase

In a situation where a person cannot decide, hesitates, then buys, then refuses, it is recommended to use such a conspiracy. It should only be read behind the back of an indecisive client.

Go around it and mentally say:

“Beauty - the girl is languishing in your hands! Asks, prays, suffers from pain and longing, quickly release the vise! Open the box, there will be plenty of happiness! Part with a penny, let the good come! Amen!"

After the conspiracy, be sure to talk with the client. He needs to be encouraged to make a decision. Most likely, he has already matured, only looking for a reason to fork out.

So do not get lost, say a few words about the merits of the product. If a person does not make contact, then do not insist. Instead of advertising, give him a compliment yourself.

This will definitely work.

Good trade conspiracy

The ritual is carried out in the morning, at the workplace. Stand facing east (towards the sun) and say:

“To the clear light, the Servant of God (name) with greetings! Give good luck, so that the merchant - coins, and the people - goods! Support God's Gift! Amen!"

If there is little to help establish a trade, then you will have to look for hop cones. Take one, say straight to it:

“As a hop entwines a pillar, reaches for the sun, so around the Merchant (name) generous buyers curl, fight, marvel at the product, but take it apart, praise. Amen!"

Hide the bump among the goods (or stroke the item you want to sell). You need to speak the next one as needed, when the first one begins to crumble.

Trade for wholesalers

“Run the river, through all the banks, call on a generous merchant, swim across the sea! So that a fair wind drives the merchant to the Servant of God (name) goods!

Letters from our readers

Subject: My life has changed for the better!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to change my life for the better and get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy toys for children, new clothes, or please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year, we have done a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But, all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Find a couple of minutes for .

Repeat at least every day in the morning when you wash your face.

And if you need to sell a very large batch, then you need to speak to a powerful river.

To sell "stale" goods

It is necessary to stroke the goods with the left palm away from you and say (seven times):

“A good merchant (name) strokes his goods (name), dares the beggar. A generous gentleman will come, he will praise, the clerk will want to pay off the money. They argue among themselves, arrange a fight. They will raise the price three times, they will take away my goods! The word is the lock, the key is in the stream! Amen!"

For a good deal

Immediately before the negotiations, you need to say:

“So that the flower tree sprouts, I throw the seed. So that the tree rises, I plant a seedling. To seal the contract, I rub my hands! Said, done, sealed by the Lord. Amen!"

Hands, naturally, to rub at the same time.

Effective conspiracy for successful trading

“One to one, be good luck in the house, be income and expense, treat, attract, involve, attract! How much I gave - three times came! How many took, good luck went! I lock it tightly, I kill the loss! Be only kind to every morning. Amen!"

To have a profit

“Trade route, good luck! Fly to the house, income, so that the family does not suffer! So that there is enough for the table, a clean floor and a throne. To work and count, not to know the need! So that in every corner there is a large bucket of gold and silver, not to count the good! I conjure with the dwarf Archim, I close (name) with my name!

When you write, put a yellow coin in the corner near the door, as payment to the Dwarf.

So that envy does not block the way for money into your wallet, it is recommended not to discuss income with unfamiliar people.

And from those who accidentally see the following conspiracy will help.

They slander him on a wallet, purse, bank cards, and so on (you can do it all at once):

“From the evil eye, any infection, evil spirits and resentment, the Slave (name) has protection! I put up a fence, repulse all arrows! The devil's spear will break off the spears! Money to money, full pocket! I won’t accept someone else’s, be good to me in the house! Amen!"

A conspiracy for the buyer so that the seller lowers the price

If the excitement of bargaining does not let go, you want to buy a thing, but the price is too high, in your opinion, then touch the product and say:

“Come (name of product) to me as an affectionate bird. There is nothing to huddle with a miser! You will be in my house love. Do not hold on to the seller, he is stupid! Fly out of the cage to freedom, no one here is captive! Amen!"

Now continue trading. It will be in your favor!

The modern consumer makes high demands on the product that he intends to purchase. This is quite understandable, since he pays his hard-earned money.

The seller is faced with the task of convincing the buyer that it is his product that meets all his requirements. And if you manage to convince the buyer that this purchase will be useful to him and buying it in your store is the most profitable, in this case you get a permanent customer.

What does a person dream about when he goes to the store. Probably about meeting a seller who, first of all, takes into account the interests of the buyer and will not try to sell him the stale goods. And what does the seller dream about? About the fact that one day his stale goods will be in demand. When you think about it, what is an unsold commodity?

Just at one time they could not properly reveal its merits or its advertising was not very successful. Realization of goods in more depends on good advertising or resourcefulness of the seller.

Turning weaknesses into strengths

At first, if you put yourself in the place of the buyer, it will become more clear to you what exactly does not suit him in your product. Then mark for yourself all its positive qualities. Think about what benefits the buyer can gain for himself by buying it. Let's say that you have a problem with the implementation of ordinary house slippers. Their disadvantage is a dark, nondescript color.

  • Shall we turn it into a virtue? They get dirty less and do not have to be cleaned often, and this is savings. detergent and time. Talking to the buyer, tell them how comfortable they will be in these light and soft slippers. Visualizing a picture of comfort and coziness, you make it clear that you are driven by caring for a person, and not about your own benefit.
  • Do not argue with the buyer. Any objection on your part will cause him dislike and irritation. It is best to support his opinion and switch his attention with amplification to another quality. For example, we are talking about the high price. “Yes, you are right, the price is above average. But you and I know that good quality requires high costs. Moreover, a quality product lasts much longer.”
  • Saying "we" removes the barrier always existing between the seller and the buyer. "Association" allows you to switch to more confidential communication, in which the interlocutor is ready to listen to your opinion. Just don't abuse that trust too much. Otherwise, you risk losing your client forever.

