Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Chemistry presentation on detergents. Presentation on the topic "Synthetic detergents" in powerpoint format. Rate yourself


slide 2

  • This group of products includes detergents, water softeners, bleaching agents, and cleaning agents.
  • For a long time, laundry soap or compositions based on it were mainly used for washing and washing. In the last 20-30 years, the range of funds in this group has expanded significantly. The industry has mastered the production of synthetic detergents (CMC), which in some cases have higher efficiency and economy. Their output is growing rapidly, while the production of laundry soap is gradually declining.
  • slide 3

    • In recent years, the range of bleaching and cleaning products has been noticeably expanded. Bleaches are introduced into the composition of synthetic detergents or released separately to increase the degree of whiteness of products after washing. Updating and expanding the range of cleaning products occurred mainly in connection with the introduction of synthetic detergents SSW into their composition or a change in the formulation. The latter was not always justified, since the appearance of a significant number of products of different names without a significant difference in their consumer properties does not meet the interests of buyers.
  • slide 4

    The nature of detergents.

    • Detergents are complex organic compounds used in pure form or with additives for washing products made from textile fibers and washing various household items. These agents also facilitate the bleaching and dyeing of fabrics, the production of emulsions and suspensions in the production of food products, paint compositions, the purification and grinding of ores and other natural materials, increase the anti-friction ability of lubricants, etc.
    • The main (active) part of detergents are detergents. They are organic compounds with surface activity, the ability to form foam and a semi-colloidal solution in water. Due to their surface activity, they lower the surface tension of water, thereby increasing its wetting ability.
  • slide 5

    • The polar part of the molecule determines the solubility of soap in water, the non-polar (hydrophobic) makes it difficult, inhibits dissolution and tends to displace the soap molecule from the washing solution to the surface. In this regard, the soap in the solution is concentrated mainly on the surface of the washing solution. When agitated, it forms foam, which helps to remove contaminants from the cleaning solution and characterizes the presence of unused detergent in the solution.
  • slide 6

    • Being adsorbed on the surface of the washing solution, covering it, soap reduces the surface tension of water, as a result of which water wets other bodies more easily, penetrates into cracks, etc.
    • The ratio of the length of the non-polar and polar parts in the molecule determines the different solubility of the detergent in water.
    • With an increase in the length of the hydrocarbon chain, the solubility decreases, but the hardness of the detergent increases. For example, stearic acid soap is solid and has low solubility in room temperature water. By adding fatty acids with fewer carbon atoms, the solubility of the soap improves. Detergents usually contain from 8 to 20 carbon atoms in the non-polar part, forming semi-colloids, that is, they are in solution both in the form of molecules and in the form of larger particles (aggregates).
  • Slide 7

    • Soap contains a carboxyl group - COOH, capable of interacting with calcium and magnesium salts contained in hard water. This leads to the formation of an insoluble "lime soap" that settles on the fabric and adversely affects its strength.
    • In the production of other types of detergents, the carboxyl group is blocked or replaced by a different reactive polar group.
  • Slide 8

    Detergents, depending on the structure of the hydrocarbon radical and the active group, are divided into the following types:

    • Alkyl carbonates (soaps).
    • Alkyl sulfates
            • primary
            • secondary
    • Alkylsulfonates
    • Alkylarylsulfonates
    • Alkylammonium chlorides (cationic detergents)
    • Soaps are obtained by processing fatty raw materials, sulfates and sulfonates are synthetic detergents.
    • The listed detergents are called ionogenic (ion-forming). In aqueous solution, they dissociate into ions.
  • Slide 9

    The essence of the washing process.

    • D - air bubbles with adsorbed detergent molecules (foam); E - stuck together foam bubbles and dirt particles;
    • W - adsorption layer of the washing solution at the air-water interface
    • a - mud particle on the surface of the material; b - adsorption of detergent on a particle of dirt; c - detachment of dirt particles from the washed surface; g - a particle of dirt in a washing solution;
  • Slide 10

    Detergent properties.

    • The consumer properties of detergents are detergent, foaming and anti-resorption ability, pH of the detergent medium.
    • Washing capacity is a complex indicator for assessing the consumer properties of detergents. It is determined by the degree of restoration of the whiteness of the contaminated fabric after one or more washes in a washing solution of a certain consistency.
  • slide 11

    • The foaming ability of washing solutions is characterized by the volume or height of the foam column, as well as foam resistance, that is, the ratio of the volume or height of the foam column after a certain period of time after its formation to the initial volume or height of the foam column. In soft water, soap forms a richer and more stable foam than synthetic detergents.
  • slide 12

    • Anti-resorption ability characterizes the stabilizing effect of detergents. Detergents should not only remove contaminants from the surface, but also keep them in solution, prevent re-deposition, i.e., exhibit a stabilizing effect. Soaps have a high stabilizing effect. Synthetic detergents show a relatively weak ability to retain contaminants in the cleaning solution.
  • slide 13


    • Detergents are divided according to purpose, consistency, types of detergent, detergent content and other characteristics.
    • By appointment detergents divided into:
    • economic,
    • toilet,
    • special (medical, technical, etc.).
    • Detergents are classified according to their consistency.
    • solid (lump, granular, powder),
    • ointment (pastes)
    • liquid.
    • Powder products have found the widest application. Detergents in the form of granules and pastes are convenient. Liquid products dissolve easily and are well dosed. They are effective for washing textile products and washing dishes, cars, glass, etc.
  • Slide 14

    Laundry soap

    • Solid bar laundry soap comes in 60, 66, 70 and 72%, liquid 40% (1st grade) and 60% (highest grade). Powdered soaps are crushed and dried soap (68-82%) or compositions containing 10-25% fatty acids mixed with alkaline salts (soda ash, trisodium phosphate, sodium silicate)
  • slide 15

    Synthetic detergents

    • Synthetic detergents are highly effective detergents. Compared to fatty soap, the production of synthetic detergents is based on cheap raw materials - paraffin, oil and gas processing products.
    • Synthetic detergents are easily dosed, dissolve well in water at room temperature, do not require preliminary softening of water and well wash pollution in water of any hardness, including sea water. Synthetic detergents exhibit a washing effect at a relatively low temperature (20-30 ° C), they wash the fabric well in a neutral, acidic and alkaline environment, but they themselves do not increase the alkalinity of the solution. As a result, the freshness of the color is well preserved and the wear of fabrics is reduced.
  • slide 16


    "Commodity research of industrial goods" under the editorship of Andrusevich D.A.

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    1 of 16

    Presentation on the topic: Detergents

    slide number 1

    Description of the slide:

    slide number 2

    Description of the slide:

    DETERGENTS This group of products includes detergents, water softeners, bleaching agents, and cleaning agents. For a long time, laundry soap or compositions based on it were mainly used for washing and washing. In the last 20-30 years, the range of funds in this group has expanded significantly. The industry has mastered the production of synthetic detergents (CMC), which in some cases have higher efficiency and economy. Their output is growing rapidly, while the production of laundry soap is gradually declining.

    slide number 3

    Description of the slide:

    In recent years, the range of bleaching and cleaning products has been noticeably expanded. Bleaches are introduced into the composition of synthetic detergents or released separately to increase the degree of whiteness of products after washing. Updating and expanding the range of cleaning products occurred mainly in connection with the introduction of synthetic detergents SSW into their composition or a change in the formulation. The latter was not always justified, since the appearance of a significant number of products of different names without a significant difference in their consumer properties does not meet the interests of buyers.

    slide number 4

    Description of the slide:

    The nature of detergents. Detergents are complex organic compounds used in pure form or with additives for washing products made from textile fibers and washing various household items. These agents also facilitate the bleaching and dyeing of fabrics, the production of emulsions and suspensions in the production of food products, paint compositions, the purification and grinding of ores and other natural materials, increase the anti-friction ability of lubricants, etc. The main (active) part of detergents are detergents. They are organic compounds with surface activity, the ability to form foam and a semi-colloidal solution in water. Due to their surface activity, they lower the surface tension of water, thereby increasing its wetting ability.

    slide number 5

    Description of the slide:

    The polar part of the molecule determines the solubility of soap in water, the non-polar (hydrophobic) makes it difficult, inhibits dissolution and tends to displace the soap molecule from the washing solution to the surface. In this regard, the soap in the solution is concentrated mainly on the surface of the washing solution. When agitated, it forms foam, which helps to remove contaminants from the cleaning solution and characterizes the presence of unused detergent in the solution.

    slide number 6

    Description of the slide:

    Being adsorbed on the surface of the washing solution, covering it, soap reduces the surface tension of water, as a result of which water more easily wets other bodies, penetrates into cracks, etc. The ratio of the length of the non-polar and polar parts in the molecule determines the different solubility of the washing substance in water. With an increase in the length of the hydrocarbon chain, the solubility decreases, but the hardness of the detergent increases. For example, stearic acid soap is solid and has low solubility in room temperature water. By adding fatty acids with fewer carbon atoms, the solubility of the soap improves. Detergents usually contain from 8 to 20 carbon atoms in the non-polar part, forming semi-colloids, that is, they are in solution both in the form of molecules and in the form of larger particles (aggregates).

    slide number 7

    Description of the slide:

    Soap contains a carboxyl group - COOH, capable of interacting with calcium and magnesium salts contained in hard water. This leads to the formation of an insoluble "lime soap" that settles on the fabric and adversely affects its strength. In the production of other types of detergents, the carboxyl group is blocked or replaced by a different reactive polar group.

    slide number 8

    Description of the slide:

    Detergents, depending on the structure of the hydrocarbon radical and the active group, are divided into the following types: Soaps are obtained by processing fatty raw materials, sulfates and sulfonates are synthetic detergents. The listed detergents are called ionogenic (ion-forming). In aqueous solution, they dissociate into ions.

    slide number 9

    Description of the slide:

    The essence of the washing process. a - mud particle on the surface of the material; b - adsorption of detergent on a particle of dirt; c - detachment of dirt particles from the washed surface; g - a particle of dirt in a washing solution; D - air bubbles with adsorbed detergent molecules (foam); E - stuck together foam bubbles and dirt particles; W - adsorption layer of the washing solution at the air-water interface

    slide number 10

    Description of the slide:

    Detergent properties. The consumer properties of detergents are detergent, foaming and anti-resorption ability, pH of the detergent medium. Washing capacity is a complex indicator for assessing the consumer properties of detergents. It is determined by the degree of restoration of the whiteness of the contaminated fabric after one or more washes in a washing solution of a certain consistency.

    slide number 11

    Description of the slide:

    The foaming ability of washing solutions is characterized by the volume or height of the foam column, as well as foam resistance, that is, the ratio of the volume or height of the foam column after a certain period of time after its formation to the initial volume or height of the foam column. In soft water, soap forms a richer and more stable foam than synthetic detergents.

    Description of the slide:

    CLASSIFICATION OF DETERGENTS Detergents are divided according to purpose, consistency, types of detergent, detergent content and other features. By purpose, detergents are divided into: household, toilet, special (medical, technical, etc.). According to the consistency, detergents are solid (lump, granular, powder), ointment (paste) liquid. Powder products have found the widest application. Detergents in the form of granules and pastes are convenient. Liquid products dissolve easily and are well dosed. They are effective for washing textiles and washing dishes, cars, glass, etc.

    slide number 14

    Description of the slide:

    Laundry soap Solid bar soap comes in 60, 66, 70 and 72%, liquid-40% (1st grade) and 60% (highest grade). Powdered soaps are crushed and dried soap (68-82%) or compositions containing 10-25% fatty acids mixed with alkaline salts (soda ash, trisodium phosphate, sodium silicate)

    slide number 15

    Description of the slide:

    Synthetic detergents Synthetic detergents are highly effective detergents. Compared to fatty soap, the production of synthetic detergents is based on cheap raw materials - paraffin, oil and gas processing products. Synthetic detergents are easily dosed, dissolve well in water at room temperature, do not require preliminary softening of water and well wash pollution in water of any hardness, including sea water. Synthetic detergents exhibit a washing effect at a relatively low temperature (20-30 ° C), they wash the fabric well in a neutral, acidic and alkaline environment, but they themselves do not increase the alkalinity of the solution. As a result, the freshness of the color is well preserved and the wear of fabrics is reduced.

    slide number 16

    Description of the slide:

    Modular lesson on the topic: Soap. Synthetic detergents.

    • Completed by Kuznetsova E.V. Chemistry teacher GBPOU VO VAT named after V.P. Chkalova

    Lesson topic:


    Soap. Synthetic detergents.

    - study the composition, preparation, properties of soap and synthetic detergents ;

    - predict the detergent properties of soap ;

    • update knowledge about water hardness ;
    • be able to determine the environment of the soap solution, conduct a practical analysis of water hardness.

    Soap history.

    Mankind has been using soap since time immemorial: the history of soap making goes back at least 6,000 years.

    W.E. - 2 "Knowledge update". Soap history.

    • The Roman scholar and politician Pliny the Elder claims that even the ancient Gauls (who inhabited the territory of modern France) and the Germans knew about the preparation of soap. According to him, these wild tribes made some kind of miraculous ointment from the tallow and ashes of the beech tree, which was used to clean and dye their hair, as well as to treat skin diseases.

    W.E. - 2 "Knowledge update". Soap history.

    Legend has it that the Latin word lat. sapo(soap) comes from the name of Mount Sapo in ancient Rome, where sacrifices were made to the gods.

    W.E. - 2 "Knowledge update". Soap history.

    Animal fat, released during the burning of the victim, accumulated and mixed with the wood ash of the fire. The resulting mass was washed off by rain into the clay soil of the banks of the Tiber River, where the inhabitants washed their linen and, naturally, human observation did not miss the fact that thanks to this mixture, clothes were washed much easier.

    W.E. - 2 "Knowledge update". Soap history.

    • From the 13th century Soap making flourishes in France and England. The attitude to this craft was the most serious. In 1399 in England, King Henry IV founded an order whose special privilege was: washing in a bath with soap.

    W.E. - 2 "Knowledge update". Soap history.

    • In 1808, the French chemist Michel Eugene Chevreul (1786−1889), at the request of the owners of a textile factory, established the composition of soap. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that soap is a sodium salt of a higher fatty (carboxylic) acid.

    W.E. - 2 "Knowledge update". Soap history.

    • Many centuries ago, soap-making arose in Rus', where since ancient times people have been distinguished by neatness, the habit of regular washing in a bathhouse, a steam room. Soap factories appeared.

    W.E. - 2 "Knowledge update".

    What causes water hardness?

    Check yourself!!! .

    The hardness of water is due to the high concentration of ions in the water. Ca 2+i mg 2+

    Criteria for evaluation:

    for the correct answer 1 point .

    Using text "Soaps and synthetic detergents"

    and answer the following questions orally:

    • What is the composition of the soap?
    • How is the cleaning power of solid and liquid soap different?
    • What are synthetic detergents?
    • How can soap be obtained?

    Criteria for evaluation: for the correct answer 1 point

    Fill in the table:

    The name of the detergent.

    solid soap


    Liquid soap

    Washing capacity

    Synthetic detergent

    W.E. - 3 "Studying new material."

    Check yourself!!! Evaluation criteria: (each line -1 point, maximum - 3 points)

    The name of the detergent.


    Solid soap.

    C 17 H 35 COONa C 15 H 31 COONa


    Liquid soap.

    Synthetic detergent.

    Washing capacity

    CH 2 -O-CO-C 15 H 31

    CH-O-CO-C 15 H 31 + 3NaOH 

    CH 2 -O-CO-C 15 H 31

    CH-OH +3 C 15 H 31 COONa

    CH 2 -OH sodium stearate

    C 16 H 33 O - SO 2 - ONa

    Loses cleaning power in hard water.

    CH 2 -O-CO-C 15 H 31

    CH-O-CO-C 15 H 31 +3 K OH 

    CH 2 -O-CO-C 15 H 31

    CH-OH +3 C 15 H 31 COOK

    CH 2 -OH potassium palmitate

    Detergency of liquid soap is better than solid soap

    2 С 17 H 35 COOK + Ca 2+ = (C 17 H 35 COO) 2 Ca  + 2K +

    C 16 H 33 O - SO 2 - OH + NaOH →

    → C 16 H 33 O - SO 2 - ONa + H 2 O

    sodium salt

    cetylsulfuric acid

    SMS has the best cleaning power compared to soaps, because. the calcium salt of, for example, cetylsulfuric acid is soluble.

    W.E. - 3 "Studying new material."

    Solve the problem:

    Option 1

    How much soda ash (in g) is required to react with 54.4 g of stearic acid and how much (in g) is sodium stearate formed at a 90% yield?

    a) 5.3 and 17.2;. b) 7.2 and 27.54;

    c) 10.6 and 17.2; d) 58.8g and 52.92g.

    Option 2

    When 54.4 g of palmitic acid was reacted with soda ash, 54.4 g of sodium palmitate was formed. Determine the percentage yield of soap.

    a) 86.7% b) 74.3%

    c) 91.3% d) 69.23%

    W.E. – 3 "Learning new material".


    Option 1 - d)

    2C 17 H 35 COOH + Na 2 CO 3 \u003d 2 C 17 H 35 COONa + CO 2 + H 2 O

    ν (C 17 H 35 COOH) \u003d 54.4 g / 272 g ∕ mol \u003d 0.2 mol

    m theor. (C 17 H 35 COO Na) \u003d 0.2 mol 294 g ∕ mol \u003d 58.8 g

    m practical (C 17 H 35 COO Na) \u003d 58.8 g 90% / 100% \u003d 52.92 g

    Answer: 58.8g, 52.92g.

    Criteria for evaluation:

    Option 2 - a)

    2C 15 H 31 COOH + Na 2 CO 3 \u003d 2 C 15 H 31 COONa + CO 2 + H 2 O

    ν (C 15 H 31 COOH) \u003d 54.4 g / 272 g ∕ mol \u003d 0.4 mol

    m theor (C 15 H 31 COOH) \u003d 0.4 mol 158 g ∕ mol \u003d 63.2 g

    ω (C 15 H 31 COOH) \u003d 54.4 / 63.2 100% \u003d 86.7%

    Answer: 86.7%

    the solution of the problem- 2 points maximum 2 points

    W.E. - 3 "Studying new material."

    Surfactants - These are organic compounds that simultaneously contain two opposite groups in their molecules:

    polar (hydrophilic) and

    non-polar (hydrophobic).

    W.E. - 3 "Studying new material."

    The washing process is reduced

    to ensure 3 stages:

    1. Separation of dirt particles from the surface to be cleaned

    2. Translation of water-insoluble mud particles

    into solution

    3. Keeping those floating particles in detergent

    solution, i.e. prevention resorption

    W.E. - 3 "Studying new material."

    The mechanism of action of surfactants.

    Hydrophobic "tail" binds to dirt particles. hydrophilic "head" clings to water, reducing its surface tension, thereby helping water to better wet the washed surface and tear off dirt particles.

    W.E. - 4

    Lab experience #1

    Determination of the environment of the soap solution.

    Laboratory experiment No. 2

    Interaction of hard water with solutions of soap and washing powder .

    Perform the laboratory experiment according to the instructions, fill in the table.

    W.E. - 4 "Consolidation of new material".

    • Fill in the table:



    Reaction equations


    W.E. - 4 "Consolidation of new material".

    Self test!!!

    Criteria for evaluation: each experience - 2 points (maximum - 4 points)



    Litmus paper turns blue

    Reaction equations


    C 17 H 35 COO N a + H 2 O \u003d C 17 H 35 COOH + N aOH

    When hard water is added, a precipitate in the form of flakes is released in the flask with a soap solution, this is not observed with SMS, the solution foams well

    The change in the color of litmus to blue is caused by the presence of OH - ions formed as a result of the hydrolysis of soap.

    2 С 17 H 35 COONa + Ca 2+ = (C 17 H 35 COO) 2 Ca  + 2Na +

    Soap loses its washing power in hard water, because Na + ions are exchanged for Ca 2+ or Mg 2+ ions and a water-insoluble precipitate of calcium or magnesium stearate is formed, which precipitates in the form of flakes. Calcium or magnesium salt of sulfuric acid esters with higher alcohols are soluble in water.

    UE - 5 Knowledge control

    Take the test!

    Evaluation criteria

    each correct answer 1 point (maximum 5 points)

    W.E. – 6 "Summing up the lesson"

    1. Read the lesson objectives (LE-0). 2. Do you think that you have achieved the objectives of the lesson? 3. How would you rate the results of your work in the lesson?

    Please rate in the "self-rating" column:

    a) I understand everything, I can explain this material

    to another (5 points) b) I understood everything myself, but I don’t undertake to explain to another

    (4 points) c) for a complete understanding, I need to repeat

    topic (3 points) d) I did not understand anything (2 points).

    Calculate the scores received in the lesson.

    Rate yourself.

    W.E. – 6 "Homework"



    Make a crossword on the topic “Fats. Soap. SMS." (10-15 words)

    Lesson summary

    Creative task :

    prepare a report on the topic "Environmental aspects of the use of surfactants"

    slide presentation

    Slide text: Lesson objectives: To give a concept of SMS and surfactants, Consider their production and mechanism of action during washing, Analyze the impact of surfactants and phosphates on the environment and human health.

    Slide text: CH2-OH | CHOH | CH2-OH CH2-O-CO-C15H31 | CH-O-CO-C15H31 | CH2-O-CO-C15H31 C17H35COONa CH3CH2COOCH3 Find the soap formula among the suggested formulas.

    Slide text: Remember what disadvantages of soap we talked about earlier? What types of stains are on clothes? When did man begin to use soap for his needs?

    Slide text: The first SMS appeared only in 1916. The invention of the German chemist Fritz Ponter was intended only for industrial use. Household SMS have been produced since 1935, when they became less harmful to the skin of the hands. 1. The concept of SMS and the washing process. Since then, a number of narrow-purpose SMSs have been developed, and their production is the most important industry. chemical industry.

    Slide text:

    Slide text: Not last in the list household chemicals occupied by washing powders. Laundry is the most time-consuming process in our everyday life. And assistants in washing are surface-active substances (surfactants).

    Slide text: these are organic compounds that simultaneously contain two opposite groups in their molecules: polar (hydrophilic) and non-polar (hydrophobic).

    Slide text: detachment of mud particles from the surface to be cleaned, transfer of water-insoluble mud particles into solution, retention of these floating particles in the cleaning solution, i.e. resorption prevention. The washing process is reduced to providing 3 stages:

    Slide text: The first and second washing steps provide surfactants. The most effective surfactants include alkyl sulfates - these are sodium salts of sulfuric acid esters with higher alcohols RO-SO2-ONa, where R is a limiting hydrocarbon radical with 8-18 carbon atoms.

    Slide #10

    Slide text: 1) obtaining a complex monoester of sulfuric acid and a higher alcohol (for example, cetyl) C16H33OH + H2SO4 → cetyl conc. sulfuric alcohol → C16H33O-SO2-OH + H2O cetylsulfuric acid 2. Main stages of surfactant production.

    Slide #11

    Slide text: 2) neutralization of the resulting compound with alkali C16H33O-SO2-OH + NaOH → → C16H33O-SO2-ONa + H2O sodium salt of cetyl sulfuric acid

    Slide #12

    Slide text: In general, the production of surfactants is reduced to the following steps technological process:

    Slide #13

    Slide text: 3. The mechanism of action of surfactants. Hydrophobic "tail" binds to dirt particles. The hydrophilic “head” clings to the water, reducing its surface tension, thereby helping the water to better wet the washed surface and tear off dirt particles.

    Slide #14

    Slide text: Laboratory experiment. The purpose of the experiment: to study the interaction of hard water with solutions of soap and washing powder. In front of you are 2 test tubes: in one - a soap solution, in the other - a solution of washing powder, and in a flask - hard water. Add a small amount of hard water to the soap and SMS solutions, stopper and shake. What are you observing? How can this be explained?

    Slide #15

    Slide text: 1) have 10 times more cleaning power than soaps, because. the acid residue of sulfuric acid is better sorbed by pollution particles, 2) they are not afraid of hard and even sea water, because calcium salts of alkylsulfuric acid are soluble in water. Characteristics of surfactants used in SMS:

    Slide #16

    Slide text: 4. Components of washing powders and their functions. Phosphates - reduce water hardness and increase washing efficiency. Polymers - prevent resorption. Silicates - additional protection against corrosion. Sodium perborate - bleaches. Optical brightener - masks stains. Enzymes - contribute to the breakdown of protein and fat stains on clothing.

    Slide #17

    Slide text: 5. The impact of SMS on the environment and the human body. - Surfactants adversely affect the quality of underground drinking water and the self-purifying ability of reservoirs that do not use this water for flora and fauna - aqueous solutions of surfactants produce persistent foam, preventing aeration and thereby worsening the biochemical purification capacity of reservoirs, - aqueous solutions of surfactants increase the corrosion of metals, - penetrating into the body, surfactants can cause gross violations of the immune system, the development of allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, they contribute to the occurrence of malignant tumors. Surfactants are among the most common contaminants of objects environment, first of all, water resources:

    Slide #18

    Slide text: For example, in Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands, the use of phosphate powders is prohibited by law. In France, Great Britain, Spain, the content of phosphates in SMS is strictly regulated (no more than 12%). Getting after washing together with sewage in water bodies, phosphates are taken to act as fertilizers. Algae begin to grow with incredible force. This leads not only to clogging of water bodies, but also to a shortage of water and oxygen, and, consequently, to the death of aquatic organisms. IN washing powders, in addition to surfactants, phosphates are used. In the West, more than 10 years ago, they abandoned the use of powders containing phosphate additives.

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