Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Marketplace supl biz. How many competitors do you have and why are you better than them?

Pros at work

All that concerns the advantages and disadvantages, they are indicated for the vacancy "specialist in working with customers" and "specialist in working with suppliers." As for the IT department, the sales department and others, I can’t say, but in principle, all the conditions are the same for everyone. I will emphasize that I worked there about six months ago, maybe something has changed. but most likely not.

So, "merits":

Timely payment of wages
- office in the center

Negative sides

Let's start with the fact that this "company" is a startup that has existed for only 3 years. accordingly, nothing serious can be expected from "business on the knees". nevertheless, before you settle here, it is better to know WHAT it is in reality.

Working conditions. the first thing an employee sees is the premises, and the office premises, to put it mildly, are simply disgusting. The ceiling is leaking, the walls are dirty, with broken plywood. Being in any of the premises of the office is unpleasant. The restroom is just atas, it feels like you just have to go in and you will already catch some kind of infection, what can we say about defecate there. there is no kitchen room, you have to dine either at your workplace, or go to local eateries. the promised tea and cookies are on the ground floor in the director's office, so if you want to drink tea, then take a walk. accidentally spilled? rag in the teeth in forward. it's your cant that management can't spend a couple of thousand on a kettle in every room.

Schedule. from 12 to 21 may be convenient for getting enough sleep, but this guarantees that you will not have evenings on a weekday. By the way, there is a very dubious joy to drink weak alcohol on Friday from 2000, which is supposedly "humane", but absolutely not serious.

The lack of social package. there is no point in even explaining this shortcoming.

Penalties. they are not mentioned anywhere, but they are there. Let's say you're sick and don't have the strength to go to the doctor. considered absenteeism, do not care about explanations, and a fine is imposed in the form of a minus to the salary, in the amount of approximately 1-2 days of your work. sick leave is paid, but it's a penny.

Salary. it is indicated that from 25 thousand rubles per month, but in order to receive such a salary. should be well processed. average salary 16-18 thousand.

Leadership and leadership. incompetent young guys sit at the head of departments.
the head of the department for work with suppliers is a young inexperienced girl, nervous, hysterical and ambitious.
part-time head of customer service department director of development - a pseudo-businessman, a former master of bow ties with megalomania.
the head of sales is a guy who is only interested in profit and who has no respect for his employees. In his case it is justified, but
the executive director is sometimes inadequate, but a fair and really executive girl.
gene. The director only cares about sales and profits.

- "corporate culture"reduces to joint smoke breaks before the start of the working day, during and at the end. As well as frequent booze parties in a local bar. This is due only to the fact that the team consists of young and cheerful, but rather infantile guys.

Probationary period 3 months without payment work book. in other words, you are nobody, there is no way to call you, and, in which case, you will not be able to protect yourself in any way from the point of view of labor code RF.

Absence career development. because this is not a company, but a startup, then all positions are distributed, all that shines for you is a dubious growth in wages at the rate of 8% per year.

Verdict. disgusting place. Of all the places I have ever worked, this is perhaps the most disgusting.
There are a lot of big words about growth and prospects, but in reality they simply suck time and effort out of you, while the reward for your work is an envelope with a small amount of money.

E-commerce platforms are like dating sites for entrepreneurs. Many sites are geared towards large companies and the public sector, and small and medium business bypasses them. Secret selected services that offer convenient procurement solutions specifically for small companies.

Price: free (basic rate)

Company base: 1 000 000

Geography: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Savings on purchases up to 40% - this is what promises to its users. The platform is aimed at small and medium businesses. It is easier to participate in the auction here than on the sites where public procurement and orders from other large companies are placed: to place an order, it is enough to provide a name and email address. Applications of customers do not get to suitable suppliers immediately, but after verification by the manager. There are more than a million companies in the database of performers, some of them are not added to the site themselves, they are added by site moderators - they call companies with a suitable profile of activity and offer to register them in the system. According to statistics, on average, about five offers from suppliers are received per order, and the first response comes within five minutes. It is not necessary to communicate with performers through the site: all contacts are open, offers are duplicated on email.

“Newspaper printing required”, “selfie sticks needed”, “looking for a sugar supplier” are typical orders on this site. The greatest demand is for printing services (21%), the supply of auto parts (19%) and the production of business souvenirs (7%). The basic functionality is free, and expanding the capabilities requires a fee from 2,900 rubles to 5,900 rubles per month. For customers, more advanced tariffs offer notifications to all performers suitable for the task (instead of 20% as in the basic version), supplier verification, phone notifications, a personal manager and other functions. Paid subscribers from among the suppliers will be able to get contacts of all companies (and not just those whose orders they will respond to), highlight their commercial offers create original design your profile page. Performers can buy impressions of advertising banners that can be targeted for customers with a certain region and field of activity (500-700 rubles per 1000 impressions, depending on the location).

Price: for free

Company base: 28 000

Geography: Russia

Large companies, together with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, place orders on for example, Lukoil and Gazprom make requests for the purchase of equipment for their branches. At the same time, the registration procedure is not bureaucratic, and work with the site is free. Suppliers can not only add their offers manually, but also upload a YML file (Yandex Market Language, a format developed for adding products to Yandex.Market). To carry out purchases and sales of the entire company, it is not necessary to sit under one account - the service allows you to add an unlimited number of employees. Each of them will be a separate user acting on behalf of the firm.

Within an hour after the application is submitted, the manager determines the order in the appropriate category, and the ad goes to potential performers in Personal Area on the site and duplicated by e-mail. All suppliers are verified by the service, they can be evaluated by rating: it consists of the number of partners and company employees added to the site, as well as partner reviews.

The service is suitable for companies that need goods and services in the areas of motor transport, construction or industry. Wall tiles, miter saw, tire changer, cast iron radiator - requests for the purchase of such goods are most often found on the site. However, in other areas, too, most likely, it will be possible to find the right contractor: about 900 thousand offers from suppliers have been published on It sells both consumer goods and services - from checking real estate before concluding a sale and purchase agreement to drawing up a business plan.

Now the site can be used for free, but in the summer on they plan to introduce tariffs, leaving the free basic option. Suppliers can separately pay for their offers to be at the top of the list of goods or highlighted in color (300 rubles for two weeks).

B2B Center

Price: 1000 rubles per month (with participation in the auction up to 500,000 rubles)

Company base: 211 000

Geography: Russia and 93 countries of the world

This is not one resource, but a whole system of industry, regional and corporate trading platforms, mainly designed for orders from large private and state companies - their purchases reach hundreds of billions of rubles. For example, the energy company RusHydro performed 8,708 procedures here at a cost of 326.8 billion rubles, and the mining company Mechel performed 74,161 procedures at a cost of 473.7 billion rubles.

However, there is also an option for small businesses - the “Small Purchase” tariff, which does not require a connection fee and will cost 1,000 rubles per month. At the same time, it is possible to participate in the auction only with a declared price of up to 500,000 rubles. Additional expenses will not be required: suppliers do not pay for winning the auction, and the application security (from 0.5% to 5%, according to the law) is not necessary and is done only at the request of customers. According to B2B-Center, up to 30% of site users are small and medium-sized businesses, although at first glance the site functionality seems redundant for small companies.

You will have to participate in the auction in an adult way, there are almost no concessions for small businesses. First of all, you will need to meet a number of system requirements: for example, it is recommended to work with the Windows XP operating system and in the Internet Explorer browser so that the electronic digital signature(EDS). For registration, it is necessary to enter the details and addresses of the company, and participation in the auction is possible only after the conclusion of the contract, payment of the invoice and receipt of the EDS, if the company is registered in Russia. Here, an exception is made for the “Small Purchase” tariff: users can participate in the request for prices and offers without having electronic signature unless requested by the customer.

For bidding, you will have to understand various procedures: open tender, competitive negotiations, rebidding and so on - a total of 43 types. Each application corresponds to one procedure. Customers can not burden themselves with bidding, but look for goods and services in the site catalog.

Unified electronic trading platform "Commercial purchases"

Price: for free

Company base: 145 000

Geography: Russia

The Unified Electronic Trading Platform (UETP) is one of the largest Russian operators electronic trading (first in terms of transparency). The EETP has separate services for state and commercial purchases. If you are already registered in the “Public Procurement” segment, then you can participate in commercial bidding with this account. Participation in the auction without an electronic signature is impossible - it is required for accreditation of both the customer and the supplier. Contractors will need to transfer funds to the account opened in the system to secure the application. This money (from 0.5% to 5%, but not less than 5,900 rubles) is blocked for one business day for all bidders and until the conclusion of a contract with the winner. You can also provide a bank guarantee to secure the application.

The bidding scheme, as is customary at large sites, is multi-level and differentiated, so registration only as a customer for small and medium-sized businesses may not justify itself. However, over the past six months, there have been more opportunities to find suppliers from their own size segment: since October 2014, the EETP has made indulgences for small businesses. Thus, the winners of auctions with an initial contract price of no more than 100 thousand rubles may not pay for the victory (usually 5900 rubles are transferred to the account of the site). Payment for the transaction does not take place through the site - EETP provides only the procedure, and suppliers and customers enter into a contract and determine for themselves how they will be calculated.

1.1. Types of tenders.

1.2 What documents are required to participate in the tender.

1.3 Rules for participation in tenders.

2.The difference between public procurement and tender.

  1. Is it possible for an individual entrepreneur to participate in tenders.

What is a tender

Tender - translated from English tender - bargaining, competition. In Russian legislation, according to entrepreneurs involved, in principle, there is no such concept, but everyone has long been accustomed to such a name for the procurement of certain goods. That is, a "tender" is an event that is carried out in order to attract more suppliers of a particular product and select a more suitable contractor to complete the tasks.

To date, there are trading platforms where customers place their orders, and performers, respectively, their profitable offers. You can easily find a list of trading platforms where any organization, company or enterprise can participate in tenders:

There are also platforms where public auctions are carried out. Which one to choose depends on the type of your activity. We also bring to your attention a list of TOP-20 tender sites RF that use enhanced qualified electronic signatures:


Types of tenders

A tender for construction is work related to the construction of buildings and structures, but not with their major or current repairs. First of all, the performer needs to know this. The organization must have extensive experience in the construction of buildings and capital, and can also take out a loan for a franchise. There are some rules on how to participate in a construction tender so as not to fall for a dishonest customer.

  • property liability;
  • IP cannot be sold. Your increased rating due to participation in tenders will not affect the alienation of the enterprise in any way.

That is, before you take part in the tender as a supplier, you should soberly assess your capabilities in all directions, and also look at our website.

When did you start Why did you decide to implement this particular idea?

Alexey and I started working on the project on January 2, 2013, and the first public version appeared on July 16, 2013. At six in the evening I placed the first order for printing flyers and on the same evening received an offer 2.5 times cheaper than in the printing house located next to our office.

While working on the first business, I felt that the search for suppliers and contractors is a rather time-consuming task. We did this both for our own company and provided it as a service to our clients. Then the idea to automate this process appeared.

The idea did not let me go for about a year, although there was no time to do it. But when I brought my first business to payback and handed over management to partners, I started trading platform close.

How do you rate your market? How is demand researched?

Our market is small and medium-sized businesses that operate in the b2b sector - i.e. sell their goods or services to other companies. In Russia, according to our estimates, there are about 1 million such companies. If we take an average check for a monthly subscription of 2 thousand rubles, then we get an estimate of the market size from above - about 20 billion rubles. in year. The world market is $10 billion. The real achievable market size is, of course, less.

Trading platforms for small businesses is a very hot topic, many trading platforms are trying to enter this niche - I can see this from their publications in the media, and over the past couple of months several of the largest ETPs in Russia have already contacted us about M&A.

As for the demand, before starting the implementation, I asked my business acquaintances if they would use such a service - so it became clear that there was a demand.

After the site is up and running, we are in constant contact with our users by mail and phone to understand what functionality they need and what functionality they are willing to pay for. Last month, for a week, every day for several hours, I called our users and asked about the efficiency of the site.

How many competitors do you have and why are you better than them?

We have two types of competitors. The first are trading platforms for big business and state corporations. On them, small businesses only participate in tenders, and all procedures are complex and often regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation.

The second type of competitors are b2b marketplaces where small businesses can place their goods and services. But on such sites, the functionality of placing orders is usually completely absent or not developed.

We better themes that we provide an opportunity for some companies (small businesses) to find the best supplier or contractor, and for others - the opportunity to work with "hot" customers (this is an excellent sales channel).

How many users do you currently have - suppliers and buyers separately?

Our database contains more than 750 thousand suppliers who can potentially put their offer on any order. By doing this, we solved the “chicken and egg” problem, typical for all trading platforms: there are no performers, while there are no customers, and there are no customers, while there are no performers. Thus, even on the very first day of the site, the very first order received 10 offers.

In February, our site was visited by 30 thousand unique visitors. The total number of companies that placed at least one order - 4.8 thousand, at least one offer - 15.7 thousand.

Basically it is a small business and a little bit medium. We work in all segments, but the most active companies provide printing services, sell auto parts, building materials, pipes and rolled metal products, and electrical products.

Are there any particularities of working with suppliers? How do you encourage switching to paid tariffs?

Suppliers from our database receive a notification by mail that there is an order for their profile of activity. They follow the link and can put up their offer for free. The experience of our site shows that suppliers really like this scheme: they get orders themselves, they don’t even have to make an effort to register on the site. An average of 6 offers are received per order

To stand out in the list of offers, get the status of a verified company and see the customer's contacts, we suggest switching to a paid plan. We stimulate transitions to paid tariffs through motivating blocks and banners on the site. From February they began to use telephone sales.

What percentage of providers use paid rates?

Paid tariffs appeared on our site at the end of January 2015, so users are just starting to get acquainted with them. Now (mid-March) we have 25 paid users on the "Supplier" tariff. The “Purchaser” tariff is still sold very poorly (2 sales), so we are thinking about changing the tariff scale.

In what markets, besides the Russian one, do you work and which ones are you going to enter?

Since January 2015, we have gone beyond Russia to the CIS countries: Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus. We are currently working on translating the site into English and will enter the US and European markets by the summer of this year.

In the future, China and the whole world. This will give additional value to site users - the possibility of global trading.

Each individual market is a hypothesis that we will test. A year and a half ago we tried Russia - it works. In January of this year, we tried the CIS - it also works.

WITH English language Everything is quite simple - this is the next step. But perhaps there will emerge some pitfalls.

It will be difficult with China, because none of us knows Chinese, and with us all orders are pre-moderated so as not to miss spam, and edited if necessary. But it is obvious to everyone that China is a very interesting market because it is "the factory for the whole world."

Please tell us about the founders of the project and its team.

There are two founders in the project: I, Evgeny Dyachenko, in the role CEO and Alexey Krasnoperov - technical director.

Before the project, I was engaged in science: I used supercomputers to simulate water purification processes, spent a year and a half on internships in Germany on the same topic, and defended my PhD thesis.

In 2011, he opened his first business - services of remote assistants. "Smartfield" works mainly for Moscow and St. Petersburg, assistants do everything that secretaries and assistant managers do, but 2 times cheaper than a full-time employee in Moscow.

After launching from November 2013 to September 2014, I lived in Moscow and, as a CEO and co-founder, created an online store based on the largest in Moscow and Europe shopping center goods for sports and active rest- "SportHit". The main founders in this business are people who own several stores inside the mall and the mall itself

Since September 2014, I decided that I had completed my part of the work at SportHit-Online, transferred the position of CEO and decided to return to I have several other projects in which I act more as a consultant.

Alexey Krasnoperov is my friend and the coolest programmer I know. Over the past few years, he has implemented the IT part for three companies I founded. Prior to that, he worked for several years with customers from Switzerland and developers from India.

We have a small but effective team: one more programmer, a programmer trainee, a marketing manager and a user experience manager.

Recently I was in negotiations with one of the largest trading platforms in Russia, and they were confused when they found out that only a few people make They probably thought that a team of dozens of specialists could implement such a project. This shows our effectiveness.

How has the economic situation affected your projects?

Perhaps the five-fold growth of over the past six months is due, among other things, to the crisis. In well-fed years, companies usually prefer to work with their old and trusted contractors and suppliers, even though such partners often inflate prices - the client will not go anywhere. When a crisis comes and sales fall, companies start looking for ways to save money - alternative suppliers with lower prices or the best conditions such as deferred payments.

"SportHit-Online", which sells motorcycles, ATVs, equipment, luxury sports equipment, of course, is experiencing difficulties - the entire market is falling, this is no secret to anyone, and of course this affects us too. I hope the market recovers in a couple of years.

The demand for the services of remote assistants is quite stable. On the one hand, companies are closed during a crisis, new directions are not opened. On the other hand, during a crisis, you can save money if you transfer work to remote assistants.

Can you give young startups some advice on achieving and maintaining productivity?

My advice - do only one project, focus on it, live it!

I do not do all my projects at the same time, but one by one. It took me a year to create "Smarftild" and bring it to payback. Another year - to create "SportHit-Online". Now I am developing and, I hope, this project will be a global scale with billions of dollars, but on the condition that I will be engaged in it and only in it for many years.

Each time I am busy with the current project for 10-12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. In other projects at this time I participate only as an adviser and it takes me just a few hours a week. This is possible because in every business I have partners I can rely on.

And of course, you need to find time for sports and entertainment. I visit the gym at least 2 times a week, in the summer I try to move around the city by bike, I love cinema and travel.

Interviewed by Ludmila Kudryavtseva
