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Analysis of the corporate culture of Adidas. Management analysis of the organization "Adidas" Corporate culture adidas

A strong corporate culture penetrates beyond the company, becomes a mission, brand insight. And then not only the employees, but also the clients of the corporation begin to live by the principles and values ​​of the corporate culture. Let's talk about the corporate cultures of Samsung, IKEA, Adidas, Google and MTS.

From the material you will learn:

Corporate culture of a multinational company

Corporate culture, on the one hand, is the result of the interaction of the company with the world around it, on the other hand, it is a derivative product of interpersonal relations within the organization.

In his book The Commandments to the Furniture Dealer, Kamprad outlined the company's moral and business principles and goals. This book is somewhat similar to a religious treatise written in an edifying way. For example, one of the postulates written in it says: "wastefulness in resources is a mortal sin."

Therefore, the principles of the corporate culture of IKEA in 2016 are based on such values ​​as simplicity, modesty and strict cost control. All managers and senior executives of the company do not fly first class and never settle in expensive hotel rooms.

Adidas corporate culture

Google corporate culture

Since its founding in 1998, Google has grown significantly, but it still retains and maintains the atmosphere of a small company.

Google developed a unique corporate culture. Google considers its main mission to be the organization of all the information available in the world. The company strives to make the entire data array of the world accessible and convenient for mass use. The philosophy of the company is the fundamental principle of its activity. This principle is also inherent in the corporate culture of Google, which helps staff develop and improve.

Google's corporate culture in 2016 is people first. They provide an increase in the competitiveness and efficiency of the enterprise by developing its managerial potential and improving the quality

2.1 Characteristics of Adidas LLC

For over 90 years, Adidas has been a symbol of success in the world of sports. The history of the company began in 1920 in Germany, when the shoemaker Adolf Dassler from Herzogenauerach sewed his first pair of sports shoes. He wanted every athlete to have the kind of equipment that would help him achieve the best results. The idea turned out to be so viable that today the company has achieved significant success, both in sports and in business, and presents a wide range of products ranging from basketball shoes and football boots to sportswear and hiking shoes.

The name "Adidas" (a combination of the first syllables of the name and surname of the founder of the company) appeared in 1948. A year later, the name was registered as a trademark, and the Adidas symbol, the famous three stripes, was also registered at the same time. In 1989 the company was transformed into an open Joint-Stock Company after almost seventy years of existence in the form of a "family business". In 1997, Adidas acquired the Salomon Group and the company's name was changed to Adidas-Salomon AG. Today, Adidas-Salomon AG owns the Adidas brand, the Salomon and Taylor Made brand groups.

In terms of the scale of its activities, Adidas LLC is a large commercial enterprise and has stores in 48 countries around the world. The company employs over 43,000 people who are engaged in the development, manufacture, sale of exceptional clothing models.

Since then, the company has formed a positive image among potential customers. The products sold by the store have always been different high quality, novelty and originality, which annually increased the influx of buyers and, accordingly, sales.

The current composition of the company:

§ CEO Adidas-group: Herbert Heiner

§ CFO Adidas-group: Robin J. Stalker

§ Brand Director Adidas-group: Erich Stamminger

§ Global Operations Adidas-group: Glenn S. Bennett

§ CEO of Adidas-group in Russia: Martin Shankland

§ Chairman of the Board: Igor Landa. Official website of Adidas LLC - [Electronic resource]:

Company philosophy: one world, one philosophy, one family.

The motto is "Impossible is possible".

The mission of Adidas LLC can be divided into three parts:

1. Scientific and technical - the study of the needs of potential buyers and the provision of proven solutions to the market by the time they become in demand.

2. Financial and economic - extracting maximum efficiency from the product in terms of price / (functionality + quality).

3. Social - job creation. The company provides employees with decent conditions for work and development, giving them the opportunity to develop professionally, provide for themselves and their loved ones and be confident in tomorrow.

The company provides employees with the opportunity to constantly improve their professional and general educational level in English language courses and courses in special disciplines, as well as in specialized trainings that are directly related to personal and professional growth. Employees are critical to the success of a company. Becoming a world leader in the sporting goods industry depends on the performance, potential, enthusiasm and dedication of employees.

In this paper, one of the 35 Adidas stores in St. Petersburg will be considered. The main activity is related to the sale of goods and customer service, selection, payment for goods, etc.

Each store that is part of the company has an identical organizational management structure, which is shown in Figure 3:

Hosted at

Rice. 3. Organizational structure of management of Adidas LLC

This organizational management structure is linear-functional, since the organization is divided into separate elements, each of which has a clearly defined, specific task and responsibilities.

Responsibilities are distributed as follows:

The store manager (1 person) performs managerial functions. His responsibilities include: making decisions, coordinating the work of the entire store as a whole, resolving conflict situations, working with staff, maintaining the store's main documentation.

The accounting department (1 person) is responsible for maintaining basic personnel documentation, responsibilities include managing salaries and benefits.

The technical staff (2 people) is responsible for the well-coordinated work of the technical support of the store (lighting, anti-theft equipment, cash registers, retail store equipment, computer software).

The storekeeper (2 people) keeps order in the warehouse, controls the balance of goods, is engaged in the rational distribution of individual models in warehouse so as not to delay the work of sellers.

The duties of the senior cashier (2 people) include working with the cashier, changing money, collecting, filling out related documentation.

Sellers-cashiers (10 people in total, 5 - sellers of the men's hall, 5 - sellers of the women's hall) of both halls work with buyers. Competent advice, selection of sets of clothes. Also, their duties include maintaining order in the trading floor during the working day and decorating the trading floors in accordance with the standards of visual merchandising of the store, they are responsible for the musical accompaniment of the working day.

The mode of operation is optimal, when compiling it, factors such as the volume of customer flows and their distribution during the day are taken into account. Time is provided for preparatory - final work with the inclusion of the employee in work time, the rhythmic alternation of work and rest of workers during the day is provided.

Thus, it can be said that Adidas-Salomon aims to be the world leader in the sporting goods industry and sports brands built on the passion for sports and the sporty lifestyle. Each branch of the company is built according to a single organizational structure, which includes a store manager, accounting, technical staff, a storekeeper, senior cashiers and sales cashiers.

2.2 Assessing the organizational culture of an organization

To assess corporate culture means to correlate it with assessment criteria, since there are no such absolute assessments by which organizational culture can be assessed positively or negatively, there are only relative assessment criteria. It is also impossible to get a complete picture of the corporate culture of an organization by evaluating it using one method. Therefore, the following methods will be used to assess the corporate culture of Adidas LLC:

§ determination of the type of corporate culture using Jeffrey Sonnenfeld's classification;

§ characterization of the corporate culture of the organization using the aspects highlighted by Gert Hofstede;

The corporate culture at Adidas LLC is properly formed. This is reflected in such things as the uniform for the staff, the general style of behavior based on a trusting attitude towards each other and mutual assistance. The specificity of the corporate culture here is manifested in the absence of a framework between positions in communication.

According to the classification of Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, the organizational culture of Adidas belongs to the type that is called "Club culture" (club). Only employees of the company receive promotions, while career growth occurs slowly and gradually.

In accordance with the aspects highlighted by Gert Hofstede, the corporate culture of Adidas LLC can be characterized as follows:

1. Not accepting uncertainty.

A high degree of uncertainty aversion, which is explained by the desire of staff to work in clear and precise organizational structures. You can't break the rules.

2. Power distance.

Low power distance prevails. This is expressed as follows:

§ making any decision in the organization is possible only after discussion with the environment;

§ every employee has the right to express his point of view;

§ managers and subordinates communicate on "you";

§ the same rules for everyone.

3. Individualism - collectivism.

In this organization, there is mainly collectivism. This is reflected in group decision-making, the organization is comparable to a family.

4. Masculinity - femininity.

There is a manifestation of femininity in Adidas LLC, as there is a pleasant, calm working atmosphere, low stress levels.

Summing up, it should be noted that the company adequately withstands competition, attracts more and more new customers, which ensures the company's popularity, prestige and stability. At the same time, despite this state of affairs, the organizational culture of Adidas has a number of both positive and negative aspects. Let's consider some of them.

First, there is a focus on results in the organization. On the one hand, this is correct, but we should not forget about the human factor. Without due attention to employees, no company has achieved success.

Also, the rules and regulations that exist in the company are imposed by management against the will of employees. They are aimed primarily at discipline and concentration of employees on their work. In addition, all rituals are more formalized and do not aim to strengthen the corporate spirit and maintain the organizational culture of the organization.

The values ​​developed by the management of the organization are adapted, first of all, to the economic conditions home country LLC "Adidas" - Germany, and have nothing to do with the Russian reality. Hence the discrepancy between the interests of workers and management.

In general, the corporate culture of Adidas LLC is defined as strong. This organization does not pay enough attention to employees, human factor. This results in a mismatch strategic goals company, since the main goal is development, and it is not possible without certain investments in personnel.

When analyzing the negative aspects of corporate culture, it was decided to use such areas of its improvement as creating an effective team through improving the personality of the leader and improving the hierarchy of employee values.

Thus, the company takes many measures to meet the needs of its employees, promotes a culture based on strong leadership. At the same time, there are certain shortcomings, such as poor adaptation of values ​​to local conditions, focus on results, and not on the human factor.

Conclusions on the second section

1. The company is dominated by a "club culture", which manifests itself in teamwork.

2. Adidas is trying to provide its employees with everything they need: device according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, social package, flexible schedule, uniform, discounts on products.

3. It is necessary to pay more attention to staff stimulation, adaptation of international values ​​directly to local realities.

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Introduction………………………………………………………………….p. 3-4

Chapter 1. Concepts, types and functions of motivation and organizational culture. ……………………………………………………………………………p. 5

1.1. Concepts, types and functions of motivation.……………………………………………………………….pp. 5-9

1.2. Concepts, types and functions of organizational culture…………………………………………………………………p. 10-18

1.3. Influence of organizational culture on the formation of a system of motivation and incentives. ………………………………………..p. 19

Chapter 2 The role of organizational culture in the formation of an effective system of motivation and incentives in the organization Adidas LLC ………………….………………..………………………………………p. 20

2.1. Characteristics of Adidas LLC…………………………………p.20-22

2.2. Organizational culture at Adidas LLC…………………p.23-27

2.3. Interrelation of organizational culture and motivation system in Adidas LLC……………………………………………………………….p.28-29

Conclusion……………………………………………………………..p. thirty



The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that in modern conditions the art of managing people is becoming a decisive condition for ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises and the stability of their entrepreneurial success. That is why in the last century there has been such an increase in interest in such an area of ​​management as personnel motivation, which is a significant part of the concept of management science. Knowledge of the motivational attitudes of the employee, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the personal goals and objectives of the company here the most important question in modern business.

Many indicators of the enterprise's activity depend on the manager's ability to apply certain methods of influencing the team in certain situations: labor productivity, the quality of work performed, relationships in the team, conflict, as well as others related both to the production activities of the enterprise and to the establishment of a certain social -psychological climate in the team.

An inefficient motivation system can cause dissatisfaction among employees, which always leads to a decrease in labor productivity. On the other hand, an effective system stimulates the productivity of personnel, increases the efficiency of human resources, and ensures the achievement of the entire set of system goals.

Belonging to a strong organizational culture is in itself a powerful incentive to increase productivity, the desire to act in the interests and benefit of your organization.

The purpose of this course workis to identify the role of organizational culture in the formation of a system of motivation and incentives for personnel in Adidas LLC.

Objectives of the course work:

Consider the concept of motivation, its characteristics and essence.

Identification of types and functions of motivation.

Consider the concept of organizational culture, its functions and types.

Analysis of the organizational culture of Adidas LLC.

Description of the system of motivation and stimulation of the personnel of LLC "Adidas".

Determine the relationship between organizational culture and the motivation system.

The object of the course work isorganizational culture its impact on motivation.

The subject of the course work – describe the system of motivation of a particular organization and evaluate its effectiveness in terms of the characteristics of the organizational culture available there.

For research activities, the following methods as a theoretical study of literature, analysis of organizational cultures and systems of motivation.

The course work contains an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references from 25 sources. The volume of work - 32 pages.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the studyserved as the work of domestic and foreign authors on motivation and stimulation labor activity.

Chapter 1 Concepts, types and functions of motivation and organizational culture.

1.1. The concept of motivation, its functions and types.

One of the most significant internal factors, influencing the efficiency of the enterprise, is the ability of the head with the help of managerial techniques and methods to influence the team as a whole or its individual members. The complex of such measures and techniques is called staff motivation.

For the first time the word "motivation" was used by A. Schopenhauer in the article "Four principles of sufficient reason" (1900-1910). Then this term became firmly established in psychological use to explain the causes of human and animal behavior. Currently, motivation as a mental phenomenon is interpreted in different ways. In one case as a set of factors supporting and guiding, i.e. determining behavior (K. Madsen 1959; J. Godefroy, 1992), in another case as a set of motives (K. K. Platonov, 1986), in the third as an impulse that causes the activity of the organism and determines its direction. In addition, motivation is considered as a process of mental regulation of a specific activity (M. Sh. Magomed-Eminov, 1998), as a process of motive action and as a mechanism that determines the emergence, direction and methods of implementing specific forms of activity (I. A. Dzhidaryan, 1976) , as an aggregate system of processes responsible for motivation and activity (V. K. Vilyunas, 1990).

Hence, all definitions of motivation can be attributed to two directions. The first considers motivation from structural positions, as a set of factors or motives. For example, according to the scheme of V. D. Shadrikov (1982), motivation is conditioned by the needs and goals of the individual, the level of claims and ideals, the conditions of activity (both objective, external, and subjective, internal knowledge, skills, abilities, character) and worldview, beliefs and orientation of the individual, etc. Taking into account these factors, a decision is made, an intention is formed. The second direction considers motivation not as a static, but as a dynamic formation, as a process, a mechanism.

Usually motivation is understooda set of motivating forces of human activity, both conscious and not conscious by the person himself.

Motivation - this is a concept used to explain the sequence of behavioral actions aimed at a specific goal, which can vary depending on various circumstances, situations. The concept of "motivation" includes issues of activation, management and implementation of purposeful human behavior. Motivation answers the question: why do this, and not otherwise? this person. This directly applies to the specific manager involved in management. Motivation can be viewed from different perspectives.The term "motivation" has at least two definitions..

First, it is seen as a management strategy. According to this definition, motivation is the activity of a manager aimed at organizing work in order to achieve the desired results. We can say that the task of every manager is to create motivation for employees to work more or better.

Secondly, from the point of view of psychology, motivation refers to the mental state of a person, which determines the basis of behavior, is the driving factor that determines its change, and forms restrictive barriers to behavior.

Motivation processbegins with a physiological or psychological deficiency, or needs that activates a behavior or creates an urge ( motive ) aimed at achieving a specific goal or remuneration . Needs create incentives aimed at obtaining rewards, which is the basis of motivation.

motive - something that causes certain actions of a person. The motive not only induces a person to act, but also determines what needs to be done and how this action will be carried out, the motives are realized. It is motives, and not needs, that distinguish one person from another, since the same need can be realized with the help of different motives. Human behavior, as a rule, is determined not by one motive, but by their combination. This set represents the motivational structure of a person, in which motives are in certain relationships with each other, depending on their influence on human behavior. The motivational structure is quite stable, but can be subject to purposeful formation or change, for example, in the process of education, which leads to behavior. For successful management the head of the organization must at least in general terms know the main motives for the behavior of subordinates, ways of influencing them and the possible results of such influence.

Incentives play a special role in the process of labor motivation. Incentives - these are certain levers of influence that cause the actions of the corresponding motives. These can be individual items, the actions of other people, promises, opportunities, and what can be offered to a person as compensation for her actions or what she would like to receive as a result of certain actions. response to specific stimuli is not the same different people, so stimuli by themselves have no absolute value if people do not respond to them. The process of using incentives to motivate people is called stimulation. The most common form is material incentives, which is why incentives are fundamentally different from motivation, because it is only one of the means by which motivation is carried out.

Reward - this is what a person considers valuable for himself, that is, much more than just money. Reward can be external or internal. The internal reward is given by the work itself (it includes: the feeling of achieving the results of the work, the content and its significance, self-respect). External reward does not arise from the work itself, but is provided by the organization through a system of incentives ( wage, additional payments and benefits, recognition, praise).

The combination of the listed elements of motivation determines a certain motivation technique used in the organization. In addition, these same elements are the basis for constructing the motivational process, the process of influencing a person in order to encourage him to certain actions through certain motives.

Types of motivation.

Positive and negative motivation. There are two types of motivation: positive and negative.

positive motivationIt is the desire to succeed in one's work. It usually involves the manifestation of conscious activity and is associated in some way with the manifestation of positive emotions and feelings, for example, the approval of those with whom the person works.

To negative motivationapplies to everything that is associated with the use of condemnation, disapproval, which entails, as a rule, punishment not only in the material, but also in the psychological sense of the elephant. With negative motivation, a person seeks to get away from failure. Fear of punishment usually leads to the emergence of negative emotions and feelings. And the consequence of this is the unwillingness to work in this field of activity.

It is known that repeated application of punishment significantly reduces its effect. This is the psychological pattern. As a result, people become accustomed to the negative effects of punishment and eventually stop responding to it. Studies have shown that material rewards also have a similar effect. If a person receives a material reward all the time (for example, in the form of a bonus), then over time it loses its motivational load, i.e. stops working.

Labor motivation. It has been proven that the most powerful motivating tool of labor behavior is interest in work. Satisfaction will be brought by the content of the work, its process, and not just pay for work. In interesting work, a person self-actualizes abilities, realizes his psychological potential. Fascinated by the very idea of ​​work, people bring changes to work to make it even more interesting and joyful. Such people have a positive motivation to work.

Functions of motivation.

The main functions of motivation are:

Motivation to action

Direction of activity,

Control and maintenance of behavior.

1. Motivation to action. Motives - this is what makes a person act or is an incentive to act. In this sense, a person who actively acts to achieve a certain goal that will allow him to satisfy some need will be considered as motivated, and passive, indifferent or inactive - as unmotivated or having low motivation.

2. Direction of activity. People are constantly making decisions about how they will achieve their goals. For example, a hungry person may choose between having lunch at home, at work, or eating outside. A person experiencing a feeling of loneliness may choose between different friends or different companies. An employee seeking to make a favorable impression on his manager can also choose different options: work especially hard on an important task, do some favor to the manager, or flatter him. All these actions have something in common - they are some choices that direct a person's efforts to achieve a specific goal that allows them to satisfy a corresponding need.

3. Control and maintenance of behavior aimed at achieving the goal is expressed in a certain perseverance in achieving this goal. Motivation makes a person biased, interested. So a person whose behavior is determined by monetary motivation, striving to earn money, in different situations and under different circumstances will act in accordance with this dominant.

1.2. The concept of organizational culture, its functions and types.

The concept of organizational culture.

The study of the characteristics of the organization, its internal variables and the relationship with the external environment shows that enterprises after their emergence live according to certain laws and patterns, have distinctive features inherent only to them. A number of them are of an objective nature and ensure the vital activity of all organizations without exception. Consider one of the indirect, independently formed, but, nevertheless, very important features of the organization - organizational culture.

The culture of the organization unites all activities and all relationships within the company, making the team cohesive and productive. It creates the external image of the organization, forms its image, determines the nature of relations with suppliers, customers and partners.Culture helps to focus efforts on the main strategic directions, determined in accordance with the main purpose of the company its mission.

Michael Armstrong believes that organizational culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and values ​​that are common to all employees of an organization. They may not always be clearly expressed, but in the absence of direct instructions, they determine the way people act and interact and significantly affect the course of work.

O. Vikhansky and A. Naumov give the following definition organizational culture: it is “a set of the most important assumptions made by the members of an organization and expressed in the organization's declared values ​​that guide people's behavior and actions. These value orientations are transmitted to individuals through the "symbolic" means of the spiritual and material intraorganizational environment.

In the book of A.V. Spivak "Organizational culture" is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations interacting between 4 themselves, inherent in this corporation, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of itself and the environment.

VV Kozlov organizational culture is a complex set of assumptions accepted without evidence by all members of the organization and setting the general framework of behavior accepted by most of it. Organizational culture is an integral characteristic of the organization, its values, norms of behavior, ways of evaluating activities, given in the language of a certain terminology, understandable and shared by all members of the organization.

It can be seen from these definitions that the term "organizational culture"a large area of ​​the phenomena of the spiritual and material life of the team is covered: the moral norms and values ​​that dominate in it, the adopted code of conduct and ingrained rituals, the manner of the staff to dress and the established quality standards of the product, etc. Employees of the organization encounter manifestations of organizational culture literally on every step, barely crossing the threshold of an enterprise, firm, institution.It determines the adaptation of newcomers and the behavior of veterans, is reflected in a certain philosophy of the management level, especially top managers, is implemented in a specific strategy of the organization.Organizational culturethis is a system of norms, rules and moral values ​​that regulates relations between members of organizations.

From the outside, organizational culture is influenced by the social and business environment, national-state and ethnic factors. The culture of an organization contains subjective as well as objective elements. The former include beliefs, values, rituals, taboos, images and myths associated with the history of the organization and the life of its founders, accepted norms of communication. Objective elements reflect the material side of the life of the organization. These are, for example, symbols, colors, comfort and interior design, appearance buildings, equipment, furniture, etc.Let us consider in more detail some of the subjective elements of culture.

So, under the values refers to the properties of certain objects, processes and phenomena that are emotionally attractive to most members of the organization. This allows them to serve as models, guidelines, a measure of behavior. Values ​​primarily include goals, the nature of internal relationships, the orientation of people's behavior, diligence, innovation, initiative, work and professional ethics, etc.

rite - This is a standard, recurring event held at a certain time and on a special occasion. The most widespread rituals are honoring veterans, seeing off retirement, and initiation into young workers.

Ritual is a set of special events (ceremonies) that have a psychological impact on the members of the organization in order to strengthen devotion to it, obscure the true meaning of certain aspects of its activities, teach organizational values ​​and form the necessary institutions. Employees in many Japanese companies, for example, begin their work day by singing hymns.

Legends and myths reflect in the right light and in a coded form the history of the organization, inherited values, embellished portraits of its famous figures. They inform, reduce uncertainty, advise, teach, direct the behavior of staff in the right direction, create role models. In many Western firms, there are legends about the frugality and prudence of their founders, who managed to get rich due to these qualities, their caring, paternal attitude towards subordinates.

As an element of culture, accepted in the organization can also be considerednorms and behavior of its members- their relationship to each other 5 friend, external counterparties, implementation of managerial actions, problem solving.

Finally, an element of organizational culture are slogans , i.e. appeals, in a brief form reflecting its guiding tasks, ideas. Today, the mission of the organization is often formulated in the form of a slogan.

Values, customs, rituals, rituals, norms of behavior of members of the organization, brought from the past to the present, are called traditions.

Organizational culture also shapes image organization - its image in the eyes of others, this is a very important aspect because the attitude of society towards an organization can determine its future: for example, determine the nature of relations with suppliers, customers and partners.

Experts identify two important features cultures:

1) multilevel. The surface level forms the ways of people's behavior, rituals, emblems, designs, uniforms, language, slogans, etc. The intermediate level consists of ingrained values ​​and beliefs. The deep level is represented by the philosophy of the company:

2) versatility, multidimensionality. The culture of the organization, firstly, consists of subcultures of individual departments or social groups existing under the "roof" of a common culture. Secondly, organizational culture includes subcultures of certain areas and aspects of activity - entrepreneurship, management, business conversation, internal relationships.

Types of organizational cultures.

There are many typologies of organizational cultures; in this course work, the most famous organizational cultures are given.

Perhaps the shortest and most accurate version of their classification was given by the American researcher William Ouchi, who identified four main types:

1) market culture, which is characterized by the dominance of cost relations and profit orientation. The source of power within such a culture is the ownership of resources;

2) a bureaucratic culture based on the dominance of regulations, rules and procedures. The source of power here is the position of the members of the organization;

3) clan culture, supplementing the previous ones. It is based on the internal values ​​of the organization that guide the activities of the latter. Tradition is the source of power here.

4) the entrepreneurial culture supports actions directed outside the organization and towards the future, innovation and creativity of the staff. The attraction of culture lies in the fact that it guarantees the satisfaction of the needs of workers in development and improvement. Management here is based on faith in the leader, his knowledge and experience, as well as attracting staff to creativity.

The most famous typology of managerial cultures is given by S. Khondi. He assigned each of the types the name of the corresponding Olympian god.

1. Culture of power, or Zeus. Its essential point is personal power, the source of which is the possession of resources. Organizations professing such a culture have a rigid structure, a high degree of centralization of management, few rules and procedures, suppress the initiative of employees, exercise tight control over everything. Success here is predetermined by the qualifications of the manager and the timely identification of problems, which allows you to quickly make and implement decisions. This culture is typical for young commercial structures.

2. Role culture, or Apollo culture. It is a bureaucratic culture based on a system of rules and regulations. It is characterized by a clear distribution of roles, rights, duties and responsibilities between management employees. It is inflexible and makes it difficult to innovate, so it is ineffective in the face of change. The source of power here is the position, not the personal qualities of the leader. Such a management culture is inherent in large corporations and government agencies.

3. Culture of the task, or Athens. This culture is adapted to management in extreme conditions and constantly changing situations, so the focus here is on the speed of problem solving. It is based on cooperation, collective development of ideas and common values. Power rests on knowledge, competence, professionalism and the possession of information. This is a transitional type of management culture that can develop into one of the previous ones. It is characteristic of design or venture organizations.

4.Culture of personality, or Dionysus. It is associated with an emotional beginning and is based on creative values, uniting people not to solve official problems, but to achieve individual goals. Decisions here are made on the basis of consent, so the power is coordinating.

An important element management culture of an organization is a culture of attitude towards women (as leadership positions, and ordinary performers), which determines their position, as well as to the weaker sex in general.stand out the following types such a culture:

1) the culture of the gentlemen's club. This is a culture of polite, humane, civilized people, in which male managers, based on paternalistic positions, gently keep women in certain roles, not allowing them to rise above. Women are valued in the work they do, but they are not allowed to break down barriers and take leadership positions. The attempt of women to insist on their rights leads to a deterioration in the good attitude towards them;

2) the culture of the barracks. It is despotic and characteristic of bureaucratic organizations with many levels of management, where women occupy the lower levels. Such a culture allows them to ignore their interests and treat them rudely and contemptuously (as everyone who does not have real power);

3) the culture of the sports locker room. Within its framework, men build interpersonal relationships on the basis of specific male interests, ideas, and show open disdain for women. Women, even of a high position, for example, belonging to the top management of the organization, are not allowed by men in their circle of communication;

4) a culture of denying differences between the sexes. This culture rejects discrimination, but at the same time does not see real differences between the sexes, ignores the feminine essence, family responsibilities of women, and therefore requires them to be the same success as men;

5) culture of false protection of women. Within this culture, the idea of ​​equality, based on universal human values, is replaced by myths about equality. Here there is discrimination in the form of patronage, when women (or the weak in general) are forcibly attracted to active work, they are brought up in them with a sense of confidence, they are constantly reminded that they are victims in need of help and support;

6) the culture of smart machos. Outwardly, this culture does not take into account gender differences, because the focus is on simply smart and energetic people who are able to ensure high economic efficiency of the company in conditions of fierce competition. Those who do not cope are punished and fired, and sometimes women are more cruel and merciless.

Four types of organizational culture according to (K. Cameron R. Quinn):

1.Clan culture. A very friendly place to work where people have a lot in common. Organizations are like big families. Leaders or heads of organizations are perceived as educators, perhaps even as parents. Organizations are held together by loyalty and tradition. The commitment of the organization is high. It emphasizes the long-term benefits of personal development, emphasizes a high degree of team cohesion and moral climate. Success is defined in terms of good feelings towards consumers and care for people. The organization encourages team work, participation in business and harmony.

2. Adhocracy culture. Dynamic entrepreneurial and creative place work. People are ready to give up own ideas and take risks. Leaders are seen as innovators and risk takers. The binding essence of the organization is a commitment to experimentation and innovation. The need for action at the forefront is emphasized. Long term 6 the organization focuses on growth and acquiring new resources. Success means producing/providing unique products and services. It is important to be a leader in the market of goods and services. Individual initiative and freedom are encouraged.

3. Hierarchical culture. A very formalized and structured place to work. What people do is governed by procedures. Leaders pride themselves on being rational facilitators and organizers. Maintaining the main course of the organization's operations is critical. The organization is held together by formal rules and official policies. The organization's long-term concern is to ensure the stability and smooth running performance of cost-effective operations. Success is defined in terms of reliability of supply, smooth schedules and low costs. Employee management is concerned with job security and long-term predictability.

4. market culture. A results-oriented organization whose main concern is to get things done. People are purposeful and compete with each other. Leaders tough leaders and tough competitors. They are unwavering and demanding. The organization is held together by an emphasis on winning. Reputation and success are a common concern. The focus of the long-term strategy is set on competitive actions, the achievement of set goals and the achievement of measurable goals. Success is defined in terms of penetrating markets and increasing market share. Competitive pricing and market leadership are important. Style of the organization rigidly pursued line on competitiveness.

Functions of organizational culture.

In relation to the organization, culture performs a number of important functions.

1. The security function is to create a barrier that protects the organization from unwanted external influences. It is implemented through various prohibitions, "taboos", restrictive norms.

2. The integrating function forms a sense of belonging to the organization, pride in it, the desire of outsiders to join it. This makes it easier to solve staffing problems.

3. The regulatory function maintains the necessary rules and norms for the behavior of members of the organization, their relationships, contacts with outside world, which is a guarantee of its stability, reduces the possibility of unwanted conflicts.

4. The adaptive function facilitates the mutual adaptation of people to each other and to the organization. It is implemented through general rules behaviors, rituals, rituals, through which the education of employees is also carried out. By participating in joint activities, adhering to the same ways of behavior, people more easily find contacts with each other.

5. The orienting function of culture directs the activities of the organization and its participants in the right direction.

6. The motivational function creates the necessary incentives for this.

7. The function of forming the image of the organization, i.e. her image in the eyes of others. This image is the result of people's involuntary synthesis of individual elements of the organization's culture into an elusive whole, which nevertheless has a huge impact on both emotional and rational attitudes towards it.

Culture permeates the management process from beginning to end, plays a huge role in organizing communication, determining the logic of thinking, perception and interpretation (giving individual meaning to observations and establishing a connection between them), verbal and especially non-verbal information.

1.3. The influence of organizational culture on the formation of a system of motivation and incentives.

One of the essential and invariable tasks of managers is to motivate employees and direct the performance of work. But motivation tools change rapidly and often depend on the organizational culture of the enterprise.

When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly should be done. this organization when, how and who, in his opinion, should do it. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, the manager gets the opportunity to put his decisions into action, putting into practice the basic principles of motivation.

A systematic study of motivation from a psychological point of view does not allow us to determine exactly what motivates a person to work. However, the study of human behavior at work provides some general explanations of motivation and allows you to create pragmatic models of employee motivation in the workplace.

Organizational culture and the motivation system for enterprises are closely interrelated. A change in organizational culture immediately entails changes in the formation of motivation among employees. What determines the relevance of the study of this issue.

Belonging to a strong organizational culture is in itself a powerful incentive to increase productivity, the desire to act in the interests and benefit of your organization. High mission, great goals, exemplary friendly relations, well-thought-out system of material and social incentives, democratic style and management procedures, being parts of the organizational culture, have a huge motivating effect on the work of the enterprise personnel.

Knowledge of the type of organizational culture, its features makes it possible to predict the behavior of the organization, the reaction of employees to decisions and actions of management, external events.

Chapter 2. The role of organizational culture in the formation of an effective system of motivation and incentives in the organization Adidas LLC.

2.1. Characteristics of Adidas LLC.

For over 80 years, Adidas has been a symbol of success in the world of sports. The history of the company began in 1920, when a young shoemaker from Herzogenauerach (Germany) Adolf Dassler sewed his first pair of sports shoes. He wanted every athlete to have the kind of equipment that would help him achieve the best results. The idea turned out to be so viable that today the company has achieved serious success, both in sports and in business, and presents a wide range of products, from basketball shoes and football boots to sportswear and hiking shoes.

The name "Adidas" (a combination of the first syllables of the name and surname of the founder of the company) appeared in 1948. In 1949, the name was registered as a trademark, and the Adidas symbol, the famous three stripes, was also registered at the same time. In 1989, the company was transformed into a public company after almost seventy years of existence in the form of a "family business"."Adidas" - These are sports shoes, clothes and accessories. The main concept of the brand is to offer consumers shoes and equipment that help them improve their athletic performance.

The company is currently responsible for the distribution of products from Adidas, Reebok, Rockport, Y-3, RBK & CCM Hockey, and Taylor-Made Golf.

The "family" includes the brands Salomon (alpine skiing, ski boots, bindings and accessories, clothing, boots and bindings for cross-country skiing, inline skates, hiking shoes), Mavic (parts for bicycles), Cliche (clothing, footwear and equipment for skateboarding), Bonfire (clothing for snowboarders), and Arc "Teryx (equipment and equipment for mountaineering). These brands account for about 12% of sales.

The TaylorMade-adidas Golf brand group offers all the necessary golf products (equipment, clubs, balls, clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.). Starting in 2002, Adidas also acquired the right to market products from the Maxfli and Slazenger Golf brands. TaylorMade-adidas Golf accounts for about 9% of the company's total sales. Adidas-Salomon AG operates through a network of more than one hundred branches, joint ventures and representative offices located in different countries peace. The distribution policy of the company is based on the division of the world into five regions: Europe/Middle East, Africa, North America, Asia/Pacific, Latin America. The company's products can be purchased in more than 160 countries around the world.

Adidas is the undisputed leader in Europe among sports goods manufacturers.

Adidas is the Official Partner, Official Supplier and Official Licensee of the 2002 FIFA World Cup. The company cooperates with such athletes as Zinedine Zidane, David Beckham, Raul, Marat Safin, Anna Kournikova, Martina Hingis, Kobe Bryant, Hailey Gebreselasi and many others. others

Each new collection has more than 180 models of shoes, and 300 models of various kinds of textiles for more than 8 sports and other needs. More than 10 types of different perfumes. Moreover, Adidas annually registers several hundred patents for technologies used in its products.

The production of goods for Adidas branded stores is carried out in China. The central warehouse is located in the regional office in Moscow. It is from there that deliveries are made to all cities of Russia. In a market economy, firms operate in a competitive environment, any firm faces a variety of competitors.

In the Russian market, the main competitor of Adidas LLCare widely famous brands Puma and Nike.

In this paper, the corporate department of the store will be considered.Reebok located at Moscow region, Khimki, microdistrict 8, Leningradskaya st., 1Store hours are from 10:00 to 22:00 daily. Working hours 40 hours a week, 4 working days, free schedule.

Goals and objectives of Adidas: strengthening the brand image, increasing its popularity, improving the quality of goods, the quality of services provided, increasing profits and, accordingly, sales (this is separate for the store).

Company's mission:orientation to the buyer, orientation to "tomorrow" (foresee what the consumer will need tomorrow, not today), orientation to the ratio of price + quality of goods and services, orientation to the company's personnel, since this is the main component of everything that is in the organization .

Company Philosophy:one world, one family, one philosophy.

Motto: The impossible is possible!

Each employee is familiarized with the goals, mission and task of Adidas against signature and knows it all by heart (it's all documented).

Type organizational structure management- linear-functional, since the organization is divided into separate elements, each of which has a clearly defined, specific task and responsibilities.

Store manager(1 person) performs managerial functions. On his shoulders - decision-making, coordination of the work of the entire store as a whole, conflict resolution, work with staff (reception, placement, adaptation, training, evaluation, movement and development), maintaining the main documentation of the store.

Store administrators(2 people) perform leadership functions.

Storekeeper (3 people) keeps order in the warehouse, controls the balance of goods, is engaged in the rational distribution of individual models in the warehouse so as not to delay the work of sellers, accounting for deliveries, overweight and weight of clothes, eliminating defective clothes.

In charge sellers-cashiers(2 people) includes work with the cashier, money change, cash collection, filling out related documentation, selling small inventory.

Sales consultants(8 people) Competent consultation, selection of sets of clothes. Also, their duties include maintaining order in the trading floor during the working day and decorating trading floors, they are responsible for the musical accompaniment of the working day.

2.2. Organizational culture at Adidas LLC.

The organizational culture at Adidas LLC is properly formed. This is reflected in such banal things as uniforms for staff, a general style of behavior based on a trusting attitude towards each other and mutual assistance. The specificity of the organizational culture here is manifested in the absence of a framework between positions in communication. That is, store managers, other management personnel communicate with work colleagues exclusively on “you”.

LLC "Adidas" adequately withstands competition, attracts more and more new customers, which provides the company with popularity, prestige and stability. But despite this state of affairs, the corporate culture of Adidas LLC has a number of both positive and negative points. Let's consider some of them:

What can be noted positive in the existing organizational culture of these stores:

When applying for a job, an employee is attached to the newcomer, who helps and coordinates all the actions of the “newcomer”.

Adidas branded clothing is issued to each employee free of charge (if he is hired and after working a certain amount of time).

Every day a “five-minute meeting” is held, where the administrator highlights the main organizational issues, goals and objectives, as well as “other information”.

Once a month, a general meeting is held, at which the results of the past month are discussed, tasks for the next month are set, various events are planned (which are often proposed by the administrators themselves),

At meetings, employees have the right to propose their own measures to improve the organizational culture, events, etc.

Also a positive point that cannot be ignored is the preparation of a work plan and days off, it is drawn up before the start of each week and each employee writes the days that are more convenient for him, the management, focusing on everyone, makes a convenient schedule for each employee.

Each employee is given a card with a discount on the available goods. An employee is awarded a certain number of points every month, which he can use when purchasing an existing product in this store (sometimes, these discounts are very "solid").

Sport games between other shops (football, etc.).

Formation of traditions (for example, a person whose birthday brings a cake).

Negative aspects or problems in the organizational culture of these stores:

There are conflicts between employees and administration (although these are working moments, they do take place).

There are unresolved conflicts between menchandisers and storekeepers, very frequent and non-stop, due to inconsistency in actions and unclear performance of their duties.

Conflicts are largely resolved by the employees themselves, that is, management is not particularly involved in conflict resolution.

Most employees complain about low wages (mostly storekeepers and cashiers).

Some employees do not like the existing organizational culture (that is, the organizational culture is more imposed than transferred).

All of the above circumstances lead to staff turnover (it is worth noting that it is very high in stores!).

To assess the level of culture formation, the authors used a typologyC. Cameron R. Quinn:, the results will be analyzed below.

1) In Adidas stores, activity, movement, aspiration, professionalism are valued from employees (it is worth noting that all employees meet the requirements of this store).

2) There is communication between management, storekeepers and merchandisers, and all these cells interact, but not always as we would like and not as efficiently, sometimes with conflicts.

3) Since Adidas is all the same sporting goods store, then all employees must wear sportswear, which, as noted above, is issued free of charge (this is a special kind of corporate style).

4) Employees provide meals for themselves and at their own expense, each cell is allocated its own time for meals, but for all it is one no more than 1 hour.

5) Working time and punctuality, this issue sometimes happens here, goes beyond, for example, for storekeepers, when you need to pack old goods and control loading, or vice versa, accept a new one, but this is rare.

6) Relations between employees and management personnel can be free, but there is also an official style, depending on the specific situation and circumstances.

7) Every employee wants more, but not everyone succeeds because of poor staff motivation. Although each of the staff is worthy of respect, professional in their field, but due to the conditions (rare career advancement, low wages, etc.) they do not seek to overcome all obstacles for their growth, but resting against the "glass ceiling", simply changes job.

8) Despite the conflicts that are present in the store, each employee believes in himself and his strength, as well as in helping others. A free style of communication, constant contact with each other helps in solving the existing, various situations.

9) All personnel strive for the conscious execution of the work and the plan, relying on themselves. Thanks to meetings and morning five minutes, all employees receive all the necessary information.

10) As mentioned above, the attitude to the work performed is considered from the standpoint of responsibility. Among the important points of the organization of work, one can note the cleanliness of the workplace, the location of the goods, the quality of the work performed and the plan for all employees and the store. A person is not judged for his habits, the main thing is that they do not have a negative impact on others and on the work performed, which is carried out both individually and in a group.

Having studied the organizational culture of the store, I concluded that it is a market one.

Adidas stores have developed a clear organizational culture, the main problematic features of which are the following:

The management of the store allows employees to propose changes, but the minus is that they are allowed to propose, and the management sometimes does not even consider these proposals, which remain proposals.

I - the first approach. Everything is simple here, on the one hand, the manager sets himself as an example and asks the staff for the same desire to work from the staff. But, due to poor motivation, low wages, and rare cases of promotion up the career ladder, and sometimes because of the high intensity of work, employees simply see this work as temporary income, and not something permanent.

II - the second approach. Here comes pseudo-democracy. The administration, as it were, gives employees the opportunity to speak out, put forward their proposals, but they will often just be heard, sometimes considered and rarely put into practice.

In the first approach, the store administrator tries to be a leader and a good manager, but because he uses the wrong tactics or simply does not make due efforts to resolve the situation, all his actions do not bring what he would like.

In the second approach, applying a democratic approach and not considering the proposals of the staff, management may soon lose all its store of trust and initiative from employees. This is explained simply, when your thoughts and suggestions are constantly ignored, a person, willingly or unwillingly, ceases to put forward anything, knowing in advance that he will be listened to to the maximum. Therefore, trust in the administration is lost and conflicts that the employees themselves will be forced to resolve will increase and they will take more time than work, respectively, the morale of the team may be shaken.

Trade enterprises are a single, integral mechanism that interacts with external environment and the environment within. Everyone interacts in it at all levels and ranks. The effectiveness of the entire work of the organization will depend on how information reaches the management to the working personnel and employees. Also, it is important to remember that if there are conflicts that are resolved mainly by the employees themselves, and the management does not deal with this, or simply does not want to, tries not to notice at one moment this will make itself felt in the form of staff turnover. In Adidas stores, as the employees themselves note, although there are conflicts, most of them have a working factor, and yet we would like to improve the situation within the team and the entire store.

It was said above that the store has a high turnover of staff, mainly these are storekeepers, sales assistants, cashiers and consultants. The reason low wages, tension in the team (although this depends for the most part on the individual characteristics of the person), rare cases career development and ignoring proposals by management.

In Adidas stores, despite the established culture, there are small, local, sometimes moments that interfere with work and slow down the whole process, which eventually develops into a decrease in the efficiency of the entire trading enterprise.

2.3. Relationship between organizational culture and motivation system in Adidas LLC.

After analyzing the organizational culture of Adidas LLC using the example of the Reebok store, we can conclude that there is a market type of organizational culture. Regardless of whether the leader forms it or not, the organizational culture is formed from the day the company was created, and is felt both inside the organization between employees (values, norms, traditions), and the external attitude of the organization towards partners, competitors, customers, and so on.

Organizational culture has an impact on the entire organization, including an important function in the process of managing staff motivation and stimulation. This is evidenced by the motivation system of the organization Adidas LLC.

Motivation system of Adidas LLC:

1) A bonus was introduced at the end of the year in the amount of three salaries for Good work throughout the year for sellers.

2) For sellers, a piecework form of remuneration was made.

3)Top sellers on the leaderboard.

4) They introduced a service bus that brought and took employees home.

5) Introduced a 30 percent discount on their products for their staff.

6) Free work schedule 40 hours a week.

7) In addition to two main breaks of half an hour, two more 5 minutes were introduced.

8) For faster adaptation of new employees, a person has been appointed who initially helps newcomers in their work.

9) There is a special office where employees can have lunch.

10) Sports games between other stores (football, etc.).

11) Formation of traditions (for example, a person whose birthday brings a cake, and all employees drink tea with a cake and congratulate this employee on his birthday).

Having studied this motivation program, it can be seen that to a greater extent it focuses on the market type of organizational culture, that is, on the result, as well as on the personnel that provides the result (the first three points of this motivation system tell sellers about this). Sellers are mostly students, young, active people who strive to make good money, realize their potential, and can also offer fresh ideas. Despite the fact that piecework wages increase the intensity of the work of sellers, not everyone is able to endure this intensity, therefore the leaders of this organization are sellers who have worked for about 3-4 years in the organization, that is, they are already professionals in their field.

Also traditions, such as corporate evenings, sports events serve to rally the team are organizational culture and in turn relate to staff motivation.

It can be concluded that staff motivation is one of the most important functions of organizational culture. A well-developed motivation in an organization shows the presence of a strong organizational culture in it. In turn, such elements of organizational culture as symbols, overalls show the status of the employee and the organization as a whole in the eyes of customers, partners, and so on, and such as legends, myths, values, customs, ceremonies, rituals, norms of behavior, traditions and form a system of motivation for enterprise.


Adidas LLC has a market type of organizational culture (A results-oriented organization whose main concern is the implementation of the task. People are purposeful and compete with each other. Leaders are hard leaders and tough competitors. They are unshakable and demanding. The organization is tied together by an emphasis on the desire Win Reputation and success are a shared concern Forward-looking strategy focuses on competitive action, achieving goals and achieving measurable goals Success is defined in terms of penetrating markets and gaining market share Competitive pricing and market leadership is important Organizational style Hard line for competitiveness).

Many indicators of the enterprise's activity: labor productivity, quality of work performed, relationships in the team, conflict, as well as others related both to the production activities of the enterprise and to the establishment of a certain socio-psychological climate in the team are associated with the motivation system.

Organizational culture and the motivation system for enterprises are closely interrelated. A change in organizational culture immediately entails changes in the formation of motivation among employees.

Staff motivation is one of the most important functions of organizational culture. A well-developed motivation in an organization indicates the presence of a strong organizational culture in it. In turn, such elements of organizational culture as symbols, overalls show the status of the employee and the organization as a whole in the eyes of customers, partners, and so on, and such as legends, myths, values, customs, ceremonies, rituals, norms of behavior, traditions and form a system of motivation for enterprise.


1) Balabanov I.T. Fundamentals of organization and motivation - M .: Finance and statistics, 2010.

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3) Kibanov A.Ya. Batkaeva I.A. Motivation and stimulation of labor activity: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. 2011.

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1 Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives St. Petersburg: Piter Publishing House, 2012.

2 Kibanov A.Ya. Batkaeva I.A. Motivation and stimulation of labor activity: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. 2011.

3 Balabanov I.T. Fundamentals of organization and motivation - M .: Finance and statistics, 2010.

4 Kozlov V.V. Organizational culture: experience, problems and development prospects. Monograph. M., 2011.

5 Solomanidina T.O. Organizational culture of the company: textbook, 2009

6 Solomanidina T.O. Organizational culture of the company: textbook, 2011

8 Spivak V.A. Organizational culture. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2004.


The organizational culture at Adidas LLC is properly formed. This is reflected in such banal things as uniforms for staff, a general style of behavior based on a trusting attitude towards each other and mutual assistance. The specificity of the organizational culture here is manifested in the absence of a framework between positions in communication. That is, store managers, other management personnel communicate with work colleagues exclusively on “you”.

LLC "Adidas" adequately withstands competition, attracts more and more new customers, which provides the company with popularity, prestige and stability. But despite this state of affairs, the corporate culture of Adidas LLC has a number of both positive and negative points. Let's consider some of them:

What can be noted positive in the existing organizational culture of these stores:

When applying for a job, an employee is attached to the newcomer, who helps and coordinates all the actions of the “newcomer”.

Adidas branded clothing is issued to each employee free of charge (if he is hired and after working a certain amount of time).

Every day a “five-minute meeting” is held, where the administrator highlights the main organizational issues, goals and objectives, as well as “other information”.

Once a month, a general meeting is held, at which the results of the past month are discussed, tasks for the next month are set, various events are planned (which are often proposed by the administrators themselves),

At meetings, employees have the right to propose their own measures to improve the organizational culture, events, etc.

Another positive thing that should be noted is the preparation of a work plan and days off, it is drawn up before the start of each week and each employee writes the days that are more convenient for him, the management, focusing on everyone, makes a convenient schedule for each employee.

Each employee is given a card with a discount on the available goods. An employee is awarded a certain number of points every month, which he can use when purchasing an existing product in this store (sometimes, these discounts are very "solid").

Sports games between other stores (football, etc.).

Formation of traditions (for example, a person whose birthday brings a cake).

Negative aspects or problems in the organizational culture of these stores:

There are conflicts between employees and administration (although these are working moments, they do take place).

There are unresolved conflicts between menchandisers and storekeepers, very frequent and non-stop, due to inconsistency in actions and unclear performance of their duties.

Conflicts are largely resolved by the employees themselves, that is, management is not particularly involved in conflict resolution.

Most employees complain about low wages (mostly storekeepers and cashiers).

Some employees do not like the existing organizational culture (that is, the organizational culture is more imposed than transferred).

All of the above circumstances lead to staff turnover (it is worth noting that it is very high in stores!).

To assess the level of culture formation, the authors used a typology C. Cameron - R. Quinn:, the results will be analyzed below.

1) In Adidas stores, activity, movement, aspiration, professionalism are valued from employees (it is worth noting that all employees meet the requirements of this store).

2) There is communication between management, storekeepers and merchandisers, and all these cells interact, but not always as we would like and not as efficiently, sometimes with conflicts.

3) Since Adidas is still a sports store, all employees must wear sportswear, which, as noted above, is issued free of charge (this is a special kind of corporate style).

4) Employees provide meals for themselves and at their own expense, each cell is allocated its own time for meals, but for all it is one no more than 1 hour.

5) Working time and punctuality, this issue sometimes happens here, goes beyond, for example, for storekeepers, when you need to pack old goods and control loading, or vice versa, accept a new one, but this is rare.

6) Relations between employees and management personnel can be free, but there is also an official style, depending on the specific situation and circumstances.

7) Every employee wants more, but not everyone succeeds because of poor staff motivation. Although each of the staff is worthy of respect, professional in their field, but due to the conditions (rare career advancement, low wages, etc.) they do not seek to overcome all obstacles for their growth, but resting against the "glass ceiling", simply changes job.

8) Despite the conflicts that are present in the store, each employee believes in himself and his strength, as well as in helping others. A free style of communication, constant contact with each other helps in solving the existing, various situations.

9) All personnel strive for the conscious execution of the work and the plan, relying on themselves. Thanks to meetings and morning five minutes, all employees receive all the necessary information.

10) As mentioned above, the attitude to the work performed is considered from the standpoint of responsibility. Among the important points of the organization of work, one can note the cleanliness of the workplace, the location of the goods, the quality of the work performed and the plan for all employees and the store. A person is not judged for his habits, the main thing is that they do not have a negative impact on others and on the work performed, which is carried out both individually and in a group.

Having studied the organizational culture of the store, I concluded that it is a market one.

Adidas stores have developed a clear organizational culture, the main problematic features of which are the following:

The management of the store allows employees to propose changes, but the minus is that they are allowed to propose, and the management sometimes does not even consider these proposals, which remain proposals.

I - the first approach. Everything is simple here, on the one hand, the manager sets himself as an example and asks the staff for the same desire to work from the staff. But, due to poor motivation, low wages, and rare cases of promotion up the career ladder, and sometimes because of the high intensity of work, employees simply see this work as temporary income, and not something permanent.

II - the second approach. Here comes pseudo-democracy. The administration, as it were, gives employees the opportunity to speak out, put forward their proposals, but they will often just be heard, sometimes considered and rarely put into practice.

In the first approach, the store administrator tries to be a leader and a good manager, but because he uses the wrong tactics or simply does not make due efforts to resolve the situation, all his actions do not bring what he would like.

In the second approach, applying a democratic approach and not considering the proposals of the staff, management may soon lose all its store of trust and initiative from employees. This is explained simply, when your thoughts and suggestions are constantly ignored, a person, willingly or unwillingly, ceases to put forward anything, knowing in advance that he will be listened to to the maximum. Therefore, trust in the administration is lost and conflicts that the employees themselves will be forced to resolve will increase and they will take more time than work, respectively, the morale of the team may be shaken.

Trade enterprises are a single, integral mechanism that interacts with the external environment and the environment within itself every day. Everyone interacts in it at all levels and ranks. The effectiveness of the entire work of the organization will depend on how information reaches the management to the working personnel and employees. Also, it is important to remember that if there are conflicts that are resolved mainly by the employees themselves, and the management does not deal with this, or simply does not want to, tries not to notice at one moment this will make itself felt in the form of staff turnover. In Adidas stores, as the employees themselves note, although there are conflicts, most of them have a working factor, and yet we would like to improve the situation within the team and the entire store.

It was said above that the store has a high turnover of staff, mainly storekeepers, sales assistants, cashiers and consultants. The reason is low wages, tension in the team (although this largely depends on the individual characteristics of the person), rare cases of career growth and ignoring suggestions by management.

In Adidas stores, despite the established culture, there are small, local, sometimes moments that interfere with work and slow down the whole process, which eventually develops into a decrease in the efficiency of the entire trading enterprise.

Analysis of the corporate culture at Adidas LLC

Characteristics of Adidas LLC

For over 80 years, Adidas has been a symbol of success in the world of sports. The history of the company began in 1920, when a young shoemaker from Herzogenauerach (Germany) Adolf Dassler sewed his first pair of sports shoes. He wanted every athlete to have the kind of equipment that would help him achieve the best results. The idea turned out to be so viable that today the company has achieved serious success, both in sports and in business, and presents a wide range of products, from basketball shoes and football boots to sportswear and hiking shoes.

The name "Adidas" (a combination of the first syllables of the name and surname of the founder of the company) appeared in 1948. In 1949, the name was registered as a trademark, and the Adidas symbol, the famous three stripes, was also registered at the same time. In 1989, the company was transformed into a public company after almost seventy years of existence in the form of a "family business".

In 1997, Adidas acquired the Salomon Group and the company's name was changed to Adidas-Salomon AG. Today, Adidas-Salomon AG owns the Adidas brand, the Salomon and Taylor Made brand groups.

Adidas is sports shoes, clothing and accessories. The main concept of the brand is to offer consumers shoes and equipment that help them improve their athletic performance. There are 3 divisions of Adidas: Forever Sport, Originals and Adidas Equipment, which provide the company with about 79% of its total sales.

The "family" includes the brands Salomon (alpine skiing, ski boots, bindings and accessories, clothing, boots and bindings for cross-country skiing, inline skates, hiking shoes), Mavic (parts for bicycles), Cliche (clothing, footwear and equipment for skateboarding), Bonfire (clothing for snowboarders), and Arc "Teryx (equipment and equipment for mountaineering). These brands account for about 12% of sales.

The TaylorMade-adidas Golf brand group offers all the necessary golf products (equipment, clubs, balls, clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.). Starting in 2002, Adidas also acquired the right to market products from the Maxfli and Slazenger Golf brands. TaylorMade-adidas Golf accounts for about 9% of the company's total sales. Adidas-Salomon AG operates through a network of over one hundred subsidiaries, joint ventures and representative offices around the world. The company's distribution policy is based on the division of the world into five regions: Europe/Middle East, Africa, North America, Asia/Pacific, Latin America. The company's products can be purchased in more than 160 countries around the world.

In 2006, the company sold over 100 million pairs of shoes and 200 million sportswear items. Adidas is the undisputed leader in Europe among sports goods manufacturers.

Adidas is the Official Partner, Official Supplier and Official Licensee of the 2002 FIFA World Cup.

The company cooperates with such athletes as Zinedine Zidane, David Beckham, Raul, Marat Safin, Anna Kournikova, Martina Hingis, Kobe Bryant, Hailey Gebreselasi and many others. others

In Russia, the company cooperates with 7 different factories, where it produces down jackets and jackets with synthetic winterizer, tracksuits, fleece products, knitwear, football uniforms. In 2011, the company plans to produce about 780 thousand units of various products in Russia.

In 2003, the company's turnover from operations in Russia was estimated at about $91 million. It is expected that this year in Russia sales of goods under the Adidas brand will increase by 50%, and under the Salomon brand (including Bonfire) - by 23% . In the near future, the company plans to introduce TaylorMade brand products to the Russian market.

Each new collection has more than 180 models of shoes, and 300 models of various kinds of textiles for more than 8 sports and other needs. More than 10 types of different perfumes. Moreover, Adidas annually registers several hundred patents for technologies used in its products. In such conditions, remote informing the retail consumer about such a number of goods and technologies is almost impossible.

The economic activity of the company "Adidas" is the activity of producing goods for sports and near sports orientation, ensuring the reproduction of goods and the needs of the consumer in them, the development of distribution channels for goods to meet these needs, in order to make a profit.

Current line-up:

Adidas-group CEO: Herbert Heiner

Adidas-group CFO: Robin J. Stalker ( English Robin J. Stalker)

Adidas-group brand director: Erich Stamminger ( English Erich Stamminger)

Global Operations Adidas-group: Glenn S. Bennett ( English Glenn S. Bennett)

General Director of Adidas-group in Russia: Martin Shankland

· Chairman of the Board: Igor Landau

There are more than 250 Adidas brand stores in Russia.

The production of goods for Adidas branded stores is carried out in China. The central warehouse is located in the regional office in Moscow. It is from there that deliveries are made in Samara and other cities of Russia. The organizational structure of Adidas LLC is presented in Appendix 2.

In a market economy, firms operate in a competitive environment, any firm faces a wide variety of competitors.

In the Russian market, the main competitor of Adidas LLC is the well-known brands Puma and Nike. Information about the income of the main competitors (at the global level) is given in the table below in Figure 3:

company Company

Revenue 2009 (Millions) Revenue 2009 (millions)

Net Income 2009 (Millions) Net income 2009 (millions)

Adidas AG Adidas AG

Nike (NKE) Nike (NKE)

$1,883.4 $ 1,883.4

Puma AG Puma AG

Skechers USA Skechers USA

Columbia Sportswear Company (COLM) Columbia Sportswear Company (Colm)

Callaway Golf Company (ELY) Callaway Golf Company (ELI)

Under Armor (UA) Under Armor (UA)

Adidas stores in Samara and the region:

Samara-1: st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 153. Opening hours: 10:00-21:00; TD Zakhar (discount center): st. Novo-Sadovaya, 106, 4th floor. Working hours: 09:00-21:00;

Samara-3: Prospekt Lenina, 14. Opening hours: 10:00-21:00;

Kuibyshev: Kuibysheva, 80. Opening hours: 10:00-21:00;

Shopping center Mega City: Oktyabrsky district, st. Novo-Sadovaya, 160 "M". Working hours: 10:00-22:00;

Shopping center Park House: Moscow highway, 81A, 2nd floor. Working hours: 10:00-22:00

In this paper, we will consider the corporate department of Adidas LLC, located at Samara, Moscow highway, 81a. Store hours are from 10:00 to 22:00 daily.

The company's strategic goals include:

Business development of the Adidas-Salomon company;

Increasing profits from the sale of manufactured goods (and ideas);

Increasing the share of the company's presence in the market;

Strengthening the image of the product/brand/company;

Deep integration on Russian market clothes;

Raise financial stability and efficiency.

In terms of the scale of its activities, Adidas LLC is a large commercial enterprise. To date, Adidas LLC has stores in 48 countries around the world. Over 43,000 people work for the benefit of the company, they are engaged in the development, manufacture, sale of exceptional clothing models, performed in excellent quality.

Since then, the company has formed a positive image among potential customers.

The products sold by the store have always been of high quality, novelty and originality, which annually increased the influx of customers and, accordingly, sales.

The mission of Adidas LLC can be divided into three parts: scientific and technical, financial and economic and social. Persistent and consistent implementation of the mission allows the company to achieve financial success and ensure a decent existence for its employees.

Scientific and technical:

We are constantly researching the needs of tomorrow's customers and presenting proven solutions to the market by the time they become in demand.

We work to ensure that our clients can realize the most daring options for self-expression.

Financial and economic:

We achieve maximum efficiency from our product in terms of price / (functionality + quality) ratio.


Job creation

We create new highly qualified jobs and provide employees with decent conditions for work and development. By doing this, we give them the opportunity to develop professionally, provide for themselves and their loved ones and be confident in the future. We give each employee the opportunity to work for their own benefit and, due to the correlation of interests, for the benefit of the company.

We give each employee the opportunity to "make" his life with his own hands and achieve success. Learn how to work well and make money on your own. You can get to us, relying only on your own strength.

We provide employees with the opportunity to constantly improve their professional and general educational level in English language courses and courses in special disciplines, as well as in specialized trainings that are directly related to personal and professional growth.

Company philosophy: one world, one philosophy, one family.

We know that our people are critical to our success. Becoming a global leader in the sporting goods industry depends on the performance, potential, enthusiasm and dedication of our people. We strive to create a working environment that stimulates team spirit, passion, engagement and achievement.

We strive to create a work environment that stimulates team spirit, excitement, interaction and achievement. We promote a performance culture based on strong leadership and therefore link employee compensation to Group and individual achievements. We aim to continuously develop our employees with opportunities for career progression, while upholding a culture that celebrates diversity and encourages global mobility. We promote a culture based on strong leadership. We are committed to continually developing our people for career opportunities by supporting a culture that practices diversity and encourages global mobility.

"Adidas-Salomon aims to be a global leader in the sports goods industry and sports brands built on passion for sports and lifestyle. We are consumer focused. We are consumer focused. That means we continuously improve the quality, look, feel and image of our products and our organizational structures to match and exceed consumer expectations and to provide them with the highest value.We are innovation and design leaders who seek to help athletes of all skill levels achieve peak performance with every product we bring to the market. which is socially and environmentally responsible. We have creative and financial rewards for our employees and shareholders. We are committed to continuously strengthening our brands and products to improve our competitive position and financial performance. We are committed to continuously strengthening our brand and products to improve competitiveness and financial performance.

Our motto - "The Impossible Is Possible".

The main activity is related to the sale of goods and customer service, selection, payment for goods, etc.

The store is divided into two compartments: "Male" and "Female".

Each store that is part of the company has an identical organizational management structure, which is shown in Figure 4:

Rice. 4.

Components of the organizational structure:

The type of this organizational management structure is linear-functional, since the organization is divided into separate elements, each of which has a clearly defined, specific task and responsibilities.

Responsibilities are distributed as follows:

Store manager (1 person) performs leadership functions. On his shoulders - decision-making, coordination of the work of the entire store as a whole, conflict resolution, work with staff (reception, placement, adaptation, training, evaluation, movement and development), maintaining the main documentation of the store.

Accounting (1 person) maintains basic HR records and is responsible for managing payroll and benefits.

Technical staff (2 persons) is responsible for the well-coordinated work of the technical support of the store (lighting, anti-theft equipment, cash register equipment, commercial equipment, computer software).

Storekeeper (2 people) monitors the order in the warehouse, controls the balance of goods, is engaged in the rational distribution of individual models in the warehouse so as not to delay the work of sellers.

In charge senior cashier (2 people) includes work with the cash register, money exchange, collection, filling out related documentation.

Sales assistants-cashiers (10 people in total, 5 - sales assistants of the male hall, 5 - sales assistants of the female hall) both halls are working with buyers. Competent advice, selection of sets of clothes. Also, their duties include maintaining order in the trading floor during the working day and decorating the trading floors in accordance with the standards of visual merchandising of the store, they are responsible for the musical accompaniment of the working day.

The mode of operation is optimal, since the main factors were taken into account when compiling it; the volume of consumer flows in the area of ​​its activity and their distribution during the day provides for the most convenient hours for the population of the beginning and end of work. Time is provided for preparatory - final work with its inclusion in working hours, a rhythmic alternation of work and rest of employees during the day is provided.

Each brand represented by Adidas LLC has its own audience, each has its own characteristics.

For brand:

Salomon (alpine skis, ski boots, bindings and accessories, apparel, boots and bindings for cross-country skis, inline skates) are adherents winter views sports.

Mavic - amateur and professional cyclists.

Cliche - skateboarders.

Bonfire - snowboarders.

Arc "Teryx - equipment and equipment for climbers.

The TaylorMade-adidas Golf brand group offers everything you need for golfing.

The main indicators of the financial and economic activities of Adidas LLC can be presented in the form of a table:

Name of indicator


Sales volume of products in current prices

Average headcount production staff

Payroll of production personnel with accruals

The average annual salary of one worker

Average annual cost of fixed assets

Return on assets for 1 rub. fixed assets for sold products

rub., kop.

Cost of goods sold

Profit before tax

Net profit (+) or loss (-)

Return on assets based on profit before tax

Return on equity

Profitability of sales

Based on the data presented in the table, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Sales in 2009 compared to 2008 increased by 6.2%, it is steadily increasing, which indicates a good state of affairs in the organization

The average headcount is decreasing every year by an average of 5-6%. This can be explained from two opposite points of view:

Reducing the number of staff indicates that the company's management

relies on staff training, and employees increase their horizons by performing functions that are not inherent in their position. As a result, the reduction of positions, the functions of which can be performed by other employees. This is undoubtedly a positive factor, since the organization does not incur additional costs for funding positions that are redundant.

On the other hand, it can be assumed that staff reduction is a forced measure, due to the negative financial situation organizations.

Having studied other indicators, we can conclude that the first option is more acceptable, since there is no economic instability in Adidas LLC.

The payroll fund in 2009 decreased by 6.9% compared to 2008, which is natural due to the reduction in the number of personnel.

The average annual salary of one employee decreased in 2009 compared to 2008 by 1.7%, which can be explained by a decrease in sales (since the remuneration of employees depends on the amount of revenue)

The growth of production costs in 2009 is 6.2% compared to the previous year, which indicates an increase in the foreign exchange rate.

Stable growth of net profit in 2009 by 30%, compared to the previous year, testifies to the promotion of the trade mark, to the emerging positive image of the consumer.

As a result, we can say that the general financial condition LLC "Adidas" is stable. The company has a profit and does not operate at a loss.
