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Career growth in the customs authorities. Profession "customs officer". Advantages of the profession of a customs officer

Evgenia (name changed)

Last year, after more than four years in customs, I left. Tired. I have a higher economic education, not RTA. In Pskov, work is generally so-so, and the opinion that it is great to work in customs exists to this day. I applied for the vacancy of a senior customs inspector and turned out to be the most “lucky”: people from the “street” were then very hard to take, a girl tried to get into customs with me, for whom this was already the sixth attempt. That time they took her.

21 days are allotted for receiving documents, I submitted them by the end of this period - I graduated from the university, and the diploma was about to be issued. In June I submitted the documents, and in August they signed a contract with me. The main thing is that the education is higher, not necessarily received in the RTA. In general, when submitting documents, you need so many certificates! When I saw this list… Well, crazy.

After receiving the documents, the stages of the competition begin. In parallel, an internal customs security check is being carried out.

The first stage is a psychologist. You pass a huge test, it contains about 600 questions for knowledge of the Russian language, but more - for general psychological picture. A scale is drawn up according to the test, and there already something becomes clear from it: what qualities a person has are pronounced, which ones are less. Psychologically suitable candidates are selected.

For example, a person with leadership qualities is not needed by customs for the position of customs inspector.

Then the day of the next stage is appointed. What should bounce off the teeth - the Customs Code, 311 FZ, 273 FZ - is mandatory for combating corruption, another 79 FZ. In fact, there is a lot to be learned, a lot.

Everyone is let into a large hall, given an elementary test of about 20 questions. Write, submit, leave. And then the alternate call of a person to the commission begins. There are about 9-12 members. You come in, introduce yourself, you are asked questions about knowledge of the law. Results appear in a week or two. A letter arrives that tells you whether you passed the competition or not. If you pass, they sign a contract with you.

Three months lasts probation, after him you are a full-fledged worker - they give you the first shoulder straps, stars.

Now a lot of people are leaving, vacancies are appearing. I don’t know how it is with those who work in the office 5 through 2, but it’s very hard at the post. The load is crazy - both physically and psychologically. When we worked for days - no matter what, you gather your will into a fist, you bombed for a day and you are at home for three days. And then when we made a day / night / dump / day off schedule, we stopped seeing life altogether.

We had at least 3-4 people at our post who graduated from the PTA. The last girl who got there with the formation of the academy went through a competition - the distribution has already been canceled.

Neither the salary nor anything else for those who got to the customs for distribution, and for those who came from outside, do not differ.

RTA graduates, I will not say that they were disappointed, but they were surprised: they spent so many years on a specialized education, but they do not have any privileges compared to the rest who received a non-core education, like me.

For the first 1.5 years, I really liked my work - the uniform, and this: “Where do you work?”, And you are so proud: “In customs”. After pink glasses slept.

What do we indicate the average salary in customs? The minimum I saw was 35,000. So, the salary of an ordinary inspector throughout Russia is 17,000 something. It is clean, i.e. about 20 thousand minus income tax. Plus quarterly bonuses and plus at the end of the year there are savings. This is the money I need to live on, I'm not a student anymore, my parents won't help me.

And now I had practically no time, hard work, disproportionate salary. It took me a long time to gather my courage to leave. This is a system, it sucks a lot, and when you quit, your colleagues look at you like you are crazy: “How?!”.

I hoped that something would change, but things only got worse: less money, more work. The legislation is changing. We are required to work faster, but at the same time complicate the design. That is, innovations are irrational, in my opinion. There was a strong tendency of remarks: if a remark is imposed on you, then you lose the bonus. And if earlier comments were made for really serious things, then over time they began to be imposed even for an incorrectly entered letter from the passport, although this error does not affect anything: you will still compare the passport data with the base, and you will understand that it was not the Russian "B" that was meant, but the Latin "B".

IN Lately many in the Pskov customs did not receive a bonus because of the imposed comments. And if earlier, even before the issuance of the award, they were removed and did not deprive people of money, now this trend has practically come to naught. So an inspector can work for a year without a bonus, on a bare salary of 17,000 rubles.

Oleg (name changed)

I graduated from RTA in 2015. Twice I tried to get a job at the Baltic customs - I reached the competition, but both were unsuccessful. They say that it is much easier to get to the Pulkovo customs than to the Baltic one.

The distribution was removed in 2014, and even those who studied at the target (when the state pays for your education on the condition that you go to the place offered to you later - ed.), did not get into the service. In my group, three studied on a paid basis, including me, three on the budget, and 7 more on the target. As a result, none of us works in customs.

Without work experience, you can apply either for the position of a state customs inspector or for the position of a senior state customs inspector. The salary is somewhere between 19-25 thousand rubles, not counting bonuses and the 13th salary.

When a competition is announced to fill a vacant position, first you submit documents, then you go through a psychologist. And then you wait almost six months until the next stage begins - an interview with a test. I don’t know why it takes so long – they check documents or something.

The further test is simple - they check the knowledge of the Constitution, the Russian language, the level of PC proficiency. By the way, for some reason they wrote on pieces of paper, although they should have been on a computer. At the interview itself, they asked questions about the Constitution and important for the service federal laws. And of course about why you want to serve in customs authorities.

In one case, a couple of weeks before the competition, I learned from acquaintances that a successful candidate for the position I was applying for had already been identified.

This person received the contract as a result.

It happens that information about the competition is not posted on the site, and two people take part in it - formally this is enough. One of them is already working in customs - he is attracted for the number. Both write a test, but the one that is already working refuses the interview, and the competition is won by the only applicant.

The main problem is that there are very few contests themselves. Every year, RTA graduates about 500 people, and there are about 50 vacancies per year for those who have no experience. So consider how realistic it is to get a job in customs and whether it is worth getting a specialized education. I paid 400 thousand rubles for my studies, but I could have gone to the Faculty of Physics, on the budget.

The main motivation for most of those who entered me was distribution, but it was canceled six months before our graduation. Plus, of course, a guarantee of stability: after all, this is a state structure, but it will not close.

Denis (name changed)

I graduated from RTA in 2015. Under the distribution, of course, did not fall. I received a diploma and thought about how I could get a job in the customs service Russian Federation. I began to make inquiries about this and found out that in any case I needed an army - a military ID with a mark of unserviceability or service. The second thing that was a minus was wages. Salary of a specialist of the first category of civil public service where I wanted - the legal department of the Baltic Customs - 16 thousand rubles. Baltic customs then, and even now, was not worried about better times. And everyone with whom I spoke on this topic said: "You should not go here." I did not reach the competition, because I stopped at the stage of submitting documents: the army and salary.

When I entered the RTA, there were no requirements for the army. But then the legislation regarding military service began to change, people began to be taken into the army directly from their jobs.

I found out about the law enforcement unit of the customs - I wanted to try to get on shoulder straps, but, firstly, there was not a single vacancy (however, as now), and secondly, in an informal conversation, a friend told me that “just like that” you can’t get there - either by great acquaintance, or by great merit, let’s say so. After that, I gave up trying to get a job in customs.

I was offered an acquaintance to get a job in customs in another region of Russia, but I refused, because it is not the capital. Well, the salary, of course, the salary.

None of my classmates, as far as I know, work in the customs authorities.

I work in the field of customs and I can say that the education of the academy gave me a lot of useful things. At least I learned how to communicate with government agencies. Suppose, in my first year, I was afraid of, say, any patrol officer. And now, at work, I have to communicate with both majors and colonels. They are not that scary. I learned the art of negotiation - the academy teachers somehow worked in government agencies, and it was much more difficult to agree on an exam with them than to persuade an official to take some action.

It turns out that on free bread it is much more profitable than in the service. In addition, the civil service is very burdensome - you cannot have large property (and you would like to in the future), serious business, it is very difficult to confirm your income, and even more so expenses. I watch my parents, who are also in the civil service, but of a different kind - for them it is constantly hysterical.

Is it difficult to get a job in the customs authorities? Is it necessary to get an education at the Russian Customs Academy or have patronage from an uncle in uniform? We spoke to three people, two of whom graduated from the PTA, about their attempt at employment with customs. Ironically, the girl who got a place in the Pskov customs did not graduate from the RTA, and two graduates of the academy were never able to get into the coveted Baltic customs.

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Many young people, after graduating from school and passing the exam, feel confused, and sometimes fear because they have absolutely no idea what profession they should choose and where to go to study. All this happens because we know only superficially about most professions: we see it from the outside and on TV, we read some information in books, we draw something from career guidance lessons at school. However, this information is not enough to determine your future path.

Reconomica decided to help young people and tell, without embellishment, the story of a young man who has considerable experience in customs. In no uncertain terms, he told us about all the advantages and disadvantages of his profession, and also gave a few useful tips those who are going to follow in his footsteps. Perhaps, after reading this article, someone will understand that his vocation is to wear a green uniform and exercise customs control, and someone will be convinced that it is better to try yourself in another area.

I'll start with the fact that I can't be called a person who clearly imagines his career path from birth and strictly follows it. Let's just say that preferences have always leaned towards intellectual activity, which was facilitated by successful studies at school and university.

My alma mater is the Rostov branch of the RTA

By the way, about the institute: higher education received in a specialized educational institution, the Rostov branch of the Russian Customs Academy. I didn't get there by accident. The recommendations of acquaintances about this university were positive, in addition, it was considered (and continues to be considered at the moment) as a fairly good choice for those who want to study on their own, without resorting to all sorts of ways to “stimulate” teachers to get a positive result.

Corruption in the Russian Federation RTA at the time of my training was absent as a class.

The second important factor in choosing the institute was the possibility of subsequent employment in the customs authorities immediately after graduation.

At the same time, formally, everyone had the opportunity to go to the customs authorities for public service. Another question was the number of vacancies and their territorial location: you could be offered a place in the region of the Southern Customs Administration, and these are several subjects of Russia at once: Rostov, Volgograd, Astrakhan region, Krasnodar region.

Allocation to places of further service

The distribution itself took place in a certain order:

  1. People who received a targeted referral from the customs authorities (actually the category to which I belonged).
  2. All other students (with the exception of those who studied on a commercial basis).

Within these groups, people were ranked by the final grade point average of the diploma. This was one of the best incentives for successful study: if you want a good job of your choice, and not from the "remnants" - be kind to study. To get a targeted referral, I had to pass a certain professional psychological test before I entered the university. It lasted about 4 hours and included about 600 questions. But in general, the task is quite doable.

Thus, after receiving higher education, I could easily get a job in the profession. By the way, over the 4 years that have passed since the end of the RF RTA, the situation has not changed for the better.

Now the full distribution of graduates has been suspended due to the lack of vacancies, the system of customs authorities is filled with personnel in the required volume. Also Negative influence had an impending crisis, which pretty much mowed down the ranks of civil servants.

Of course, graduates of a specialized university are not the only source for replenishment of the staff customs service. It is possible for third-party specialists to come who meet the requirements for the position for which they plan to get a job.

Seats in customs are not for sale

Immediately I want to debunk the myth about the venality of everything and everything. Places in customs are not sold like bread in a store. There are several reasons for this, in my opinion:

  1. The presence of decent people in the system, of which, in fact, if not 100%, then the vast majority is unambiguous.
  2. The game, as they say, is not worth the candle. With those salaries that exist on average in the system, investments in getting a job will pay off in 5 years.

About wages at customs

And one more important point: you should not imagine mountains of gold.

I can roughly outline the level of wages of employees of the regional customs administration: from 25 to 38 thousand rubles on average per month, taking into account all bonuses and allowances for the inspectors. Entry-level management - 50-60 thousand rubles. And only top managers have an income of about 100 thousand rubles. In customs offices and at customs posts, this figure is, respectively, even lower.

Structure of customs authorities

So, now directly to the work itself.

The structure of customs authorities is heterogeneous and quite complex. Accordingly, different tasks are assigned to officials at different levels of this system.

Central level - FCS of Russia. It is here that they decide global tasks, carried out general leadership system. Accordingly, the nature of the work is the most "speculative". Big heads set the trend for the development of customs administration and determine the vector for the further existence of the system.

followed by regional customs offices(I represent one of them). At this level, there is a specification of the goals broadcast by the federal center, as well as control over their achievement in the entrusted territory. The type of work performed is general management, with customs specifics.

Customs are the next step., exercising direct control over the activities of the grassroots level, namely customs posts. Since these levels are close to the ground, the nature of the work involves a greater variety of tasks to be solved, interaction with foreign trade participants and persons crossing the customs border, customs operations (reception and verification of customs declarations, customs inspections and other exciting activities) with their own hands. And if we talk about possible manifestations of corruption, then the most favorable environment for their occurrence is the customs post.

However, the amount of bribes here is rather purely symbolic, cases of receiving them are extremely rare, not least due to the work of the relevant anti-corruption units that successfully function in any customs authority.

Customs officer at his workplace.

Based on the specifics of work at different levels of the system, I can give the following recommendations, as well as note some key points for those who suddenly decide to link their fate with government agencies, in particular, with the customs service.

You will have to work not so much for a large reward, but for an idea.

Yes, the salary is stable (by the way, so stable that over these 4 years it has not grown a penny at the wild level of inflation in the country), it is paid regularly and without delay. But in general, in the labor market, I think this is not the most profitable offer from a financial point of view.

However, for those who want to satisfy their high moral needs in involvement in socially significant affairs, such work should please. And such interest can be fueled by receiving various kinds of incentives: certificates, medals for conscientious service.

Who is more suitable for this profession?

Work at a customs post is more suitable for men, since it is physically more labor-intensive, and the image of a guardian of the customs border is better suited to the male sex. Work in customs and customs administrations can be quite successfully carried out by representatives of the weaker sex on an equal basis with men.

I would definitely recommend service in the customs authorities to women who do not bear the responsibility of obtaining the main income for their family, planning to go on parental leave once or several times.

Here you will be able to fully satisfy your needs in communication with adequate, well-mannered, educated people, while receiving a bonus in the form of wages sufficient to cover your personal needs, fearlessly go on maternity leave, knowing that at the end of it a job will be waiting for you.

Career growth takes time

Career growth in the absence of "strong rears" is not always possible and definitely takes a lot of time.

So, in order to fill positions in the category of managers, it is necessary to work for at least 4 years (these are only statutory requirements for work experience), and then, as they say, how lucky. However, truly active, enterprising, responsible and punchy people have a chance to rise to the rank of leadership positions elementary and middle level.

There are business trips

The work involves business trips (albeit not regular, on average 2-3 times a year) to participate in inspections, meetings, etc.

During such trips, the customs authority provides comfortable conditions for travel and accommodation. For some this may be additional opportunity visit the cities of your region and beyond, get acquainted with their sights, expand the circle of acquaintances.

The main thing is moral satisfaction

I hope you found it useful short review profession of a customs officer, trained by a person who has some experience in this field. In general, when choosing your career path in life, the most important thing is to enjoy and moral satisfaction from what you do, to be truly interested in your work and its results.

The article tells about what customs is, why such a government agency control and what is included in his responsibilities.


With the advent of a more or less developed and civilized society, a need arose for various bodies of supervision and control - the army (or its semblance in the days of the communal system), law enforcement forces, etc. This became especially important with the formation and strengthening of a single centralized state. And one of such state bodies is customs. So what is customs and what functions does it perform?


Customs is a state body that carries out the procedure for moving through the so-called customs border of the state of goods, things, transport and in general any other material assets, including animals and antiques. So now we know what customs is. The meaning of its control is to collect a customs fee in the form of a monetary equivalent or the goods themselves (in ancient times), to keep track of what kind of goods they are trying to export outside the country, and, if necessary, to stop their transportation.

The current state of affairs

Currently, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, the customs of Russia is collecting duties. It, in turn, is drawn up by filling out special forms (written, electronic, oral), if a citizen has things that are subject to mandatory declaration.

Along with taxes that go to the budget from internal turnover economy of the country, customs duties are one of the main types of budget revenue. For example, in August 2011 alone, the amount customs fees, which came to the state budget, amounted to 529 billion rubles. And for the whole of 2011, this amount is equal to 4329.88 billion rubles.

The customs authorities themselves are part of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, which performs the functions of control, supervision and management of all other areas of the customs business. But since 2016, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the FCS has been transferred to the Ministry of Economic Development.


In 2014, an event occurred that caused most logistics companies of the world stopped delivering goods ordered via the Internet to Russia. The reason for this was the establishment of a tax of 10% of the cost on all goods ordered in foreign stores.

Due to the fact that each country has its own laws, before traveling to another state, you should familiarize yourself with its customs regulations. So now we know what customs is and what functions it performs.

When planning to get an education in the direction of "customs specialist", you should deal with all the intricacies of the profession. It is important not only to get acquainted with how much employees receive, what their duties are, what are the career prospects. Note that there are two options professional development in this domain. The choice in favor of one of them will affect the prospects, selection educational institution, a list of entrance tests, the average level of earnings, place of work.

The history of the profession of a customs officer has more than 10 centuries. Representatives of the specialty are responsible for controlling the process of moving goods between countries, the proper clearance of products at the border. An employee working on the territory of the organization complex international transport passengers, monitors compliance of citizens of different states with the rules for their registration upon arrival and departure.

Basic official duties ordinary customs officer:

  • inspection of goods transported across the border, checking their compliance with the attached documents;
  • assessment of the correctness of the preparation of accompanying papers, the establishment of their authenticity;
  • calculation of customs payments, excises, duties in accordance with the characteristics of the cargo;
  • inspection of citizens, as well as their luggage at the station, at the airport, at the checkpoint;
  • decor permits, entering information about goods in registers;
  • detection of cases of illegal transportation of goods, confiscation of prohibited products, their accounting and subsequent disposal;
  • organization of uninterrupted work of the customs authority.

The list of duties of a senior inspector depends on his position. Such specialists are engaged in ensuring the smooth operation of posts, recruiting employees, organizing events to improve their skills.

Who can work as a customs specialist

When planning to get an education in the specialty "customs", you should initially decide on the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. All representatives of the profession are divided into two categories - law enforcement officers, representatives of civil services. The former should deal with the control of the passage of goods across the border, the observance of the legality of all related processes. Usually these are the military or people who have graduated from a law school. The civilian part of customs officers is represented by graduates of specialized faculties. They most often occupy the positions of declarants, inspectors, and experts.

Customs is not the only possible place of work for the holders of the specialty. Where you can work depends on the education, skills, experience, physical fitness of the applicant. In Russia, these are mainly airports, railway stations, ports, border posts.

Some professionals become employees of commercial structures. They help their clients to properly register cargo, calculate potential costs and reduce them, certify products.

Employee Requirements

Today, many universities teach the basics of the direction, but obtaining a diploma for successful career not enough. Anyone who wants to become a customs officer is advised to first pass a career guidance test. With its help, the applicant will be able to assess their strengths, identify problematic points, and compare opportunities with potential results. It is better to forget about the profession for people aimed at quick, illegal incomes. Every year, anti-corruption committees are increasingly fighting offenders, punishments are getting tougher.

The opinion that in this specialty there are not too high requirements for applicants is erroneous. Only a neat, responsible person with good intuition, a wealth of knowledge, and the ability to analyze information can become successful in the profession of a customs officer.

Such employees must constantly continue their training. This is necessary not only for stable career growth, but also for updating the acquired knowledge. The subtleties of conducting trade turnover, compiling documentation, regulations are constantly changing.

Pros and cons of the profession

One of the main advantages of the profession is the optimal ratio of physical activity with mental work. Usually, during the day, a customs officer is engaged in inspecting cargo, checking documentation, and coordinating issues with related services. If you set up the whole process once, then working in your specialty will not cause much trouble.

Here are some more positives:

  • study in the direction is not difficult - the disciplines taught are especially well given to the humanities;
  • to become a customs officer initially it is not even necessary to get a higher education. You can get an ordinary position in order to assess the prospects and specifics of the field. This will give time to compare available educational establishments, get acquainted with the requirements put forward by universities, then unlearn for advanced training;
  • problems with employment in young professionals are very rare;
  • employees who graduated from law schools or are military are entitled to various benefits;
  • for employees of state structures are constantly indexed wages provided free training;
  • seniority is accrued according to a special program, which brings the retirement age closer.

The main disadvantage of the profession of a customs officer is constant stress. It is also worth noting that the salaries of ordinary customs officers are not the highest. The leading employee of the direction decently receives, but it can take years to obtain a prestigious position.

How to get a profession

People who are counting on career growth need to study according to their profile, get a diploma. What subjects to take upon admission depends on the form of study, the chosen direction, and the level of education.

Most often, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, social science, and mathematics are taken into account. A number of universities provide additional exams: physical education, a foreign language, computer science, geography.

How and where to study as a customs officer

Today, various schemes for obtaining education are available for applicants to specialized universities. In addition to full-time and part-time forms, part-time and distance programs are now offered. In many commercial institutions, you don't even have to take entrance exams when studying on a contract basis. On average, it takes 4-5 years to get a diploma.

How much do customs officers earn

At the beginning of the professional path, the salary of a civilian profile customs officer is about 25 thousand rubles. For a representative of law enforcement agencies, it is on average 30-50% higher. As you gain experience, the indicators increase by 1.5-2 times. High-ranking employees earn from 100-120 thousand rubles. In state structures, the salaries of employees are regularly indexed.

Having received the profession of a customs officer, you can count on financial stability, demand, and prospects. You just need to prepare for possible difficulties, assess your strengths, and consider all options for career development.

A customs specialist is a popular, but at the same time, a profession in demand in Russia. In order not only to become a professional in this field, but also to achieve success in it, it is recommended to carefully study the nuances of the specialty. There are many rumors associated with the direction that mislead applicants. Before you go to the selection committee of one of the specialized universities, you should understand what kind of profession it is - customs and who can work with such an education.

In ancient times, people could easily move around the territory different countries and transport anything. The development of society led to the formation of centralized states. The rulers began to impose control over the movement of the population and impose duties on the movement of goods in order to replenish the treasury. This led to the emergence of the profession of a customs officer. On the territory of Russia, this happened around the 9th century. AD

Who is a customs officer modern world- This is a customs officer who controls the movement of goods or people across the border of the country. Over time, the principles of work of representatives of this specialty have not changed much.

Here are the main duties of customs officers:

  • inspection of citizens and their personal belongings at the airport, at the border or train station;
  • inspection of goods that must cross the border on the territory of specially organized posts;
  • registration of accompanying documentation, calculation of customs payments and excises;
  • identification and investigation of cases of violation of customs legislation;
  • registration, registration and liquidation of confiscation/smuggling;
  • prevention of violations in the field of customs law.

Customs officers are divided into two categories: representatives of civil and law enforcement services. The position affects how much a customs officer earns, what he has to do, and indicates career prospects. A person "in uniform" receives more than his civilian counterpart and has special social privileges. But in order to get such a place, it is necessary to graduate from specialized educational institutions, becoming a student of which is not so easy because of the competition.

Advantages and disadvantages of the direction

Considering the pros and cons of a profession, one must take into account the goals of the person who chose it. There is no point in denying that customs is one of the most corrupt areas of activity. According to statistics, only 2.5-3% of people in this profession do not take bribes and do not use their official position. This fact is the main disadvantage in the work of the inspector. Few people are able to refuse the tempting offers of offenders, who come constantly, and even against the backdrop of not the highest salaries of some customs officers.

There are several significant advantages in the profession of a customs officer:

  • high demand for specialists who can easily find a job after completing their studies;
  • the presence of many benefits, however, a significant part of them relies only on law enforcement officers;
  • the opportunity to work not only for the state, but also for private companies involved in the export and import of goods, as a consultant;
  • rather high salaries in serious positions and constantly indexed salaries, taking into account length of service, rank, specialty;
  • a decent amount of pension due to increases and accelerated accrual of seniority.

There is another plus in the work of people who graduated from the university in the direction of "customs". Specialists of centralized customs points do not do the hardest work in physical and intellectual terms. Their day consists of paperwork and cargo inspection as needed. An employee working at a checkpoint runs the risk of encountering a border violator, but such cases are rare and occur less and less every year.

Requirements for customs specialists

Even before choosing an educational institution, a potential applicant must soberly assess their qualities, strengths and weak sides personality. Or better yet, take a placement test. People who enter specialized universities without learning anything about the profession rarely succeed in it.

A good customs officer can be a person with a developed intuition, observant, accurate, responsible and executive. He must have a good reaction, logical thinking and stress resistance.

Representatives of the specialty have to work with large amounts of information. In the profession of a customs officer, knowledge of the laws and legal subtleties of the direction, understanding of the specifics of trade plays an important role. Practice shows that it is easier to learn to become a customs officer for humanities students who like to read a lot and constantly learn something new.

How to become a customs officer?

Practice shows that not all employees of the service graduated from specialized universities, but this moment is mandatory for career growth. The profession of a customs officer can be obtained full-time, part-time or part-time. On average, studying at an institute or university takes 5 years. What subjects you need to take for admission depends on the specifics of the faculty. The results of the USE in Russian and foreign languages, social science. In some institutions, you need to take additional exams: geography, computer science, general physical education.

You can study to become a customs officer at one of the universities:

  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • University. G.V. Plekhanov;
  • University of Technology;
  • Russian Customs Academy;
  • RUDN.

Declarants, inspectors, consultants, brokers, managers, carriers, cargo clearance specialists are trained in the specialty "customs". When deciding where to study, you should pay attention to the specifics of the targeted training of employees. Many state organizations have agreements with universities. Such educational institutions not only teach, but also oblige the graduate to work in the customs authorities from 3 to 5 years. After that, you can change your place, study additional disciplines in order to improve your skills, choose a commercial direction.

Salary and career growth of an employee

Before applying to a specialized university, you need to familiarize yourself with financial side work in the FTS. The salary of a civil service customs officer who has just started work rarely exceeds 20-25 thousand rubles. The average salary of an experienced mid-level specialist is in the range of 35 - 45 thousand rubles. Representatives of law enforcement agencies receive 30-50% more. An additional influence on the amount of money earned per month is provided by the presence of an academic degree, the specifics of working conditions, special achievements, and the need to keep state secrets.

How much senior customs officials receive depends on their ranks, positions and length of service. These figures range from 150 to 230 thousand rubles. Regardless of where they work and how much customs officers earn, they are provided with a full social package. Representatives of the specialty "with shoulder straps" are endowed with a wide range of privileges and compensations.

Working at customs is a socially useful business that can become the basis of a good career. The main thing is to remember the nuances of the direction and prepare in advance for possible difficulties and stressful situations.
