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Scheme description of the process of dismantling a gantry crane. Method of dismantling gantry cranes. General requirements for hanging and repacking rope systems of tower cranes

Do you want to order the dismantling of a gantry crane on favorable terms? Vtorchermet24 provides a free range of services for the disposal of decommissioned cranes of all types. Why is it free? Because the cost of disassembly and transportation is taken into account when forming the price per ton of scrap metal.

Gantry crane dismantling is a time-consuming process that requires a professional approach. Over several years, our team has dismantled a large number of gantry cranes located on the territory of industrial facilities, warehouses, freight railway stations and river ports. During this time, a lot of practical experience has been gained related to the dismantling of gantry cranes in various conditions, so at the moment we show only competent and efficient organization of work.

Three technologies for dismantling gantry cranes:

  1. Full crane shutdown. This is the easiest and cheapest way to dismantle the crane. The crane lies entirely on the ground and is cut into a large piece of scrap. This solution is used when there is a large free space, most often on the territory of abandoned enterprises;
  2. Synchronized lowering. This method is the most relevant. To do this, the bridge of the gantry crane is fixed at several points by two truck cranes, then the cross braces and fastenings of the supporting “paws” are cut, and the structure is gently lowered to the ground. Next, the structure is cut. Requires the presence of free space in the working area of ​​the gantry crane and truck cranes. Such dismantling is relevant in cramped conditions and in cases where it is impossible to drop the crane or its parts so as not to damage the crane tracks, concrete screed or buildings located in a dangerous radius. The method of such dismantling is more costly and long, but accurate and safe;
  3. Disassembly in parts. The most expensive and laborious way. It is used in the event that the gantry crane is located above some production facility or in close proximity to it. In this case, disassembly is carried out sequentially, starting with the control cabin, trolley and other components of the lifting equipment. Often this method is used when a client expresses a desire to keep certain components and assemblies of a gantry crane for further operation, or for sale as a used one;

The choice of the optimal method of dismantling and disposal of a gantry crane is carried out after an inspection of the facility by our specialist, consideration of the Customer's Technical Specification and his wishes. We will cut the crane into transportable scrap and export the scrap to ours. Payment is made after the shipment of scrap metal and the issuance of the PSA (acceptance certificate). We are waiting for your applications!

Massive majestic gantry cranes, left from the past, still tower on transport hubs and enterprises. It is worth noting that in most cases they are not only unusable, but also carry a significant threat of collapse at any time. An unprofessional approach to dismantling a gantry crane can lead to the most undesirable consequences, including injury to workers and damage to equipment. We offer dismantling of gantry cranes on the basis of current standards, we provide accurate and fast clearing of the territory.

Dismantling of gantry cranes and its cost

To order the analysis of a gantry crane, you must fill out the order form on our website or contact the company's representatives by phone. Experienced specialists will always help you choose a gantry crane and advise on all issues of its operation and maintenance.

Examples of completed gantry cranes

Extensive experience in the field of lifting equipment has allowed us to develop and implement the most effective approaches not only to the installation of new gantry cranes, but also to the dismantling of giants that have served their time. There are two different types of gantry cranes. Reloading samples have a lower carrying capacity and height, but construction and installation ones can become a real problem that cannot be solved without the use of modern technologies and methods. The dismantling of the gantry crane is carried out not only quickly, but also carefully. After fixing with the help of mobile lifting mechanisms, workers cut the supports. It remains only to lower the gantry crane with the supports that unfold to the sides to the surface.

Gantry Crane Disassembly Procedure

  • At the preparatory stage, a thorough preparation and calculation of the project is carried out, which indicates all the nuances of this process, namely the type and total number of gantry cranes needed to perform the work, the timing of the work, the number of specialists involved and the sequence of work.
  • Before dismantling the gantry crane, they ensure the safety of the work, for which they fence the entire perimeter of the zone in the territory where the planned activities will be carried out.
  • All stages of work on disassembling gantry cranes are carried out in a certain sequence exclusively by qualified specialists who have extensive experience and a decent level of specialized training.
  • A safe shutdown of all electrical mechanisms and systems of gantry cranes is carried out, as well as a careful dismantling of electrical equipment, gearboxes and equipment.
  • The operator's cab, cargo trolley are dismantled and additional equipment, main and supporting metal structures are dismantled, as well as the crane runways are professionally dismantled.
  • Preparations are being made for transportation and storage of all dismantled elements of gantry cranes, equipment and assemblies.

Why choose us to dismantle gantry cranes?

A carefully designed scheme of activities allows you to optimize the cost of time, energy and resources for the implementation of all operations, guarantee the successful and quick dismantling of gantry cranes. The presence of a full range of specialized mechanisms and tools guarantees safety and quality at all stages. As a result, each client is expected to have a reasonable price for dismantling, which is calculated on the basis of objective data of the structure, its height, configuration weight and current state.

Depending on these factors, an individual scheme for dismantling gantry cranes is developed. We achieve the most accurate and safe option, we guarantee the successful implementation of the entire complex of works. If there are outdated gantry cranes on the territory of your facility, you should not hesitate, because over time they only become more dangerous. Use our offer right now - get rid of it on favorable terms and order a new lifting mechanism from us. The cost of dismantling remains affordable for each customer, and with a reasonable use of the released resource, costs can be completely avoided.

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RD 22-28-37-02


1.1. This guidance document (RD) applies to cranes (tower, mast, non-self-propelled jib cranes and timber loader cranes) (hereinafter referred to as cranes). The requirements of this RD can be used when organizing and carrying out installation work for other cranes.

1.2. This document establishes the technical requirements for the organization and performance of installation (dismantling) of cranes, as well as for the development of regulations related to the installation (dismantling) of cranes.

1.3. The RD is intended for use by the following organizations:

crane owners;

assembly organizations that carry out the installation (dismantling) of cranes;

organizations that develop and carry out the installation of rail crane tracks and foundations for a crane;

design organizations developing regulations and other documents related to or related to the installation of cranes: IM, DKM, PRp, POS, PPRk, PPRm, job and production instructions.



In this RD, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1. Crane installation - a set of operations necessary to transfer the crane from the transport position to the working position with the necessary commissioning and testing.

3.2. Crane dismantling - a set of operations necessary to transfer the crane from working to transport position.

3.3. Dangerous zone - a space in which a person can be exposed to a dangerous and (or) harmful production factor (falling load, electric discharge).

3.4. Mounting area - the site required for the safe installation (dismantling) of the crane, on which the crane units are located during its installation, the movement paths of the installation process crane and the road for vehicles for the delivery (arrival) of the crane and (or) its units.

3.5. rail track - a structure that perceives and transfers loads from a crane equipped with a rail undercarriage to an earthen base and ensures the safe operation of the crane throughout its entire travel path.

3.6. Assembly area way - part of the rail track, laid only for the period of installation of the crane and not preventing the delivery of the assembly crane to the designed track (outside the assembly area) when assembling the elements of the mounted crane.

3.7. Regulations for the safe operation of cranes - documents containing mandatory norms (requirements) to ensure conditions for the safe operation of the crane. The regulations for safe operation related to ensuring the safety of installation work include: projects for the production of work by cranes (PPRk) and works for the installation of cranes (PPRm), rail track projects (PRp), construction organization projects (POS), crane installation instructions ( IM), technological maps for the installation (dismantling) of the crane (DKM), technical specifications for loading and unloading and for storing goods, slinging schemes, job and production instructions.

3.8. Installation regulations - a document regulating the requirements related only to the installation (dismantling) of the crane. The installation regulations in this RD include: crane installation instructions (IM), process chart albums for crane installation (dismantling) (DKM) and crane installation work organization projects (PPRm).

3.9. Crane installation instructions (IM) - an operational document issued by the manufacturer and regulating the requirements for the implementation and sequence of installation, dismantling and transportation of the crane.

3.10. Album of technological maps for the installation (dismantling) of the crane (DKM) - a document prepared by a specialized organization and including step-by-step maps of installation operations (indicating operations and transitions during crane installation in the sequence adopted in IM, slinging schemes, type of installation crane and its installation locations, as well as safety measures). Technological cards in accordance with GOST 2.102 are designated as DKM, where D - additional documents not provided for by the main list, KM - cards for the installation (dismantling) of the crane.

3.11. Rail track project (PRp) - a project prepared by a specialized or parent organization and regulating the requirements for the design and installation of a rail track.

3.12. Construction Organization Project (POS) - design - estimate documentation developed by a specialized organization and regulating the requirements for planning, selection of technical and installation tools, as well as methods of work at the facility, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements for labor safety.

3.13. Project for the production of works by cranes (PPRk) - production documentation (project) developed by a specialized organization and regulating the technical means and methods of work, technical solutions and organizational measures to ensure labor safety, work planning at the facility, indicating the crane operation area, cargo storage areas, hazardous areas and fences. The composition of the PPRk may include as an integral part and PPRm.

3.14. Project for the production of works during the installation of a crane (PPRm) - organizational and technological documentation developed by a specialized organization and regulating the requirements for planning, organizing and carrying out work on the delivery and installation of a crane, placement of places for storing mounted elements, places for installing an assembly crane, roads and hazardous areas for the period of crane installation. PPRm can be carried out as an independent project, but can be included as an integral part of PPRk.

3.15. Full installation (dismantling) of the crane - installation of the crane from the transport position of the crane to the working position (or vice versa).

3.16. Partial assembly (dismantling) - installation (dismantling) of individual crane units (for example, only building up the tower, moving the boom to an inclined position, replacing the boom, counterweight and other components).

3.17. Quick Mount Crane - a tower crane mounted on site using its own mechanisms, without steeplejack work and with an operational installation time of no more than 30 minutes.

3.18. Stationary crane - a crane, the supporting part of which is rigidly attached to the base for the period of construction and installation works (to the foundation, to the rail track with clamps or to permanently laid reinforced concrete base slabs).

3.19. Crane - a stationary crane, the tower of which, at a high lifting height, is attached to the structure under construction.

3.20. Universal faucet - a crane made on a rail undercarriage, which can move along rails up to a certain height, and at a high height work as a stationary crane (including as an attached crane) with a rigid mount to rail track.

3.21. Mobile crane - a crane transported from site to site as part of a crane-tractor road train with a minimum of disassembly of components, including electrical equipment and rope systems.

3.22. "City"-crane - a crane designed for operation and installation in cramped conditions of urban development, mounted immediately into the working position, as a rule, from 4-5 enlarged units.

3.23. Mounting crane - boom technological crane used for the installation (dismantling) of the tower crane.

3.24. Anchor device (anchor) - a device for fixing on the ground or on a rail track rope guys, chain hoists, a mounting winch, coulters, which serves to lift the crane into working position using mounting arrows or chevrons.

3.25. tower extension - a way to increase the working height of the tower by mounting its intermediate sections from above.

3.26. tower growing - a way to increase the working height of the tower by mounting its intermediate sections from below.

3.27. Crane owner - the organization on whose balance sheet the crane is located. If the crane is leased out, the tenant performs the functions of the owner.

3.28. Installation organization - an organization that performs the installation (dismantling) of the crane. The functions of the installation organization can also be performed by the owner of the crane.

3.29. - an organization that has the appropriate permits from the state technical supervision bodies to perform certain types of work.

3.30. Head organization - an organization authorized by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to perform the functions of specialized organizations in full, develop regulatory documents for cranes, conduct an examination of projects and regulations and other work specified by the Rules (PB 10-382-00). The head organization for the installation of tower cranes is FSUE SKTB BK.

3.31. Exploitation - the stage of the life cycle of the crane, at which its quality is realized, maintained and restored. The operation of the crane includes, in general, the intended use (work), transportation, installation, storage, maintenance and repair of the crane.


4.1. The provisions of this RD govern the requirements for the following types of valves that differ in installation schemes:

fast-mounted cranes;

turret cranes with bottom counterweight:

towers that do not require growing;

with growing the tower to increase the height of the lift;

top counterweight cranes:

with the assembly of the crane on the ground in a horizontal position and with the device of anchors;

with serial assembly of the crane immediately into the working position (with subsequent extension of the tower at a high lifting height and with attachment to the building at attached cranes).

Structural diagrams of cranes and their corresponding installation diagrams are given in.

Table 1

Structural diagrams of cranes and their corresponding installation diagrams


Quick Mount Cranes

Tower Cranes

Overhead counterweight cranes

without growing

with growing

installation with anchor device

without anchor device

without tower extension

with tower extension

with tower extension and fastening to the building

Indices of analogue cranes




KB-572 (1st mounting method)

KB-572 (2nd mounting method)


Structural schemes of cranes
Crane installation schemes

4.2. The method of delivery (arrival) of the crane or its components to the installation site should be taken based on the degree of mobility of the crane.

When developing requirements for the installation of cranes, the following methods of transportation and delivery (arrival) of the crane to the installation site were taken into account ():

check-in on its own - for fast-mounted cranes;

delivery by means of a road train "crane-tractor" - for mobile cranes;

delivery of a crane with enlarged units using general purpose vehicles.

Rice. one. Schemes of transportation and delivery (arrival) of cranes to the installation site:
a- fast-erecting crane; b- mobile crane;
in- crane with disassembly into nodes;

1 - car-crane chassis; 2 - tractor; 3 - rolling cart;
4 - individual crane units

Specific requirements for the arrival (delivery) of the crane to the installation site are given in.

4.3. According to the volume of work performed, it is necessary to distinguish between:

complete installation (dismantling) of the crane;

partial installation (dismantling) of the crane.

4.3.1. Complete installation of the crane must be carried out:

after moving the crane to a new facility;

after the overhaul or overhaul, carried out with the dismantling of the crane into nodes.

4.3.2. Partial installation of the crane can be carried out in the following cases:

when replacing individual units (boom, counterweight, mechanisms, ropes, etc.);

when building (growing) the tower;

when transferring the beam boom to an inclined position.

4.4. This RD covers the requirements related to the complete installation (dismantling) of the crane, but they can also be used for partial installation (dismantling) of the crane.


5.1. Installation (dismantling) of the crane must be carried out under an agreement between the owner of the crane and the installation organization. The contracts should stipulate the responsibility of the owner for the safety of the crane during installation (dismantling). A construction organization that erects an object where a crane is mounted (dismantled) can also be responsible for safety. If the owner simultaneously performs the functions of an installation organization, these contracts are not drawn up.

5.2. The whole range of works on the installation (dismantling) of the crane includes preparatory and actual installation work. Preparatory work includes the following:

registration of relations between the customer and the installation organization;

development of regulatory documents related to the installation of the crane;

preparation of the installation site and rail track;

preparation of the mounted crane and mounting equipment.

The actual installation work includes:

crane installation;

commissioning works;

crane testing and delivery to the customer.

5.3. The organization of work, methods and procedure for the installation (dismantling) of the crane, the hoisting machines, equipment and tools used in this case, the composition of the installation team should be taken in accordance with the requirements set forth in the factory Installation Instructions (IM) of the crane, as well as with detailed clarifications recorded in the albums of technological maps for installation (dismantling) (DKM) of this type of crane KB-XXX DKM (where XXX is the index of a specific tower crane), and the requirements of this RD.

5.4. The installation of cranes, as well as the installation of a rail track and the development of regulations related to the installation of a crane, should be carried out by organizations that have permissions to carry out the relevant work, obtained in the manner established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

5.5. Installers must:

have qualified certified personnel capable of carrying out installation work (including at high altitudes) in compliance with the relevant safety rules;

be equipped with the necessary equipment, including assembly process cranes, vehicles, welding and gas-cutting equipment (if necessary), assembly and rigging equipment (horses, winches, chain hoists, slings, sleepers, jacks, tools, etc.). It is allowed to rent part or all of the equipment;

have a system for monitoring the quality of work using welding and compliance by the working personnel with the requirements of the installation regulations (IM, DKM, PPRm);

have a proper organization of storage of assemblies, components and welding materials (electrodes, welding wire, fluxes), excluding their damage and the issuance of low-quality assemblies and materials for installation.

5.6. To manage the installation (dismantling) of the crane, by order of the organization performing these works, from among the engineering and technical workers, a person (foreman - foreman) should be appointed responsible for the safe performance of installation (dismantling) work, as well as for safe production works on moving units with erection cranes.

5.7. Installation must be carried out by a team of installers, usually 4-5 people, including 1-2 electrician installers. The assembly team may also include an assembly crane operator. The composition of the team for the installation of a particular crane, depending on the complexity of the crane, must be determined in the DKM Album or Installation Instructions.

5.8. Installers may be allowed to operate a crane (except for a fast-erecting one) and slinging loads after appropriate instruction and verification of skills in operating a crane and slinging loads in the manner prescribed by the installation organization.

5.9. Installation (dismantling) of a quick-erecting crane must be carried out by a crane operator who has undergone special training (if the requirement for the need for such training is written in the operational documentation).

5.10. Installation of a crane that has worked out its standard service life and whose permitted service life has ended (after the previous inspection) is allowed under the following conditions:

within up to 3 months in excess of the permitted service life (see RD 22-28-36), the decision is made by the owner without any approval, but with a full scope of crane maintenance before installation;

when installing a crane more than 3 months after the end of the permitted service life, the decision on the feasibility and feasibility of installation, as well as further operation, is made by the crane owner based on the conclusion of a specialized crane inspection organization.

5.11. Before the start of installation work, the installation organization must accept the crane from the customer with the execution of the Acceptance Certificate. Upon acceptance, they check the availability of technical documentation, the completeness of the equipment according to the specification, the presence of conservation lubricant. If the valve was stored in the warehouse for more than the specified period before installation, the safety lubricant must be removed before installation work.


6.1. General requirements

6.1.1. The crane must be supplied by the manufacturer with a set of operational documents (ED): passport (PS), Operation Manual (OM) and Installation Instructions (IM).

6.1.2. A feature of operational documents is that they are developed for typical operating conditions and, of course, cannot take into account specific local conditions of work.

6.1.3. In accordance with the requirements of subparagraph 9.4.2d of the Rules (PB 10-382-00), on the basis of ED, in particular, IM for specific conditions, a number of regulatory documents should be developed (or existing ones clarified) with the introduction of requirements for real objects and production conditions of assembly - dismantling works. These documents should include:

Album of technological maps for the installation (dismantling) of the crane (DKM);

rail track project (PRp);

construction organization project (POS);

project for the production of works by cranes (PPRk);

project for the production of works during the installation of a crane (PPRm);

job and production instructions;

technical conditions (TS) for loading and unloading during assembly and dismantling works;

cargo slinging schemes and their warehousing.

Type of document according to the regulations

Customer of the regulation

Regulation Developer

Approving organization

Approving organization

THEM Manufacturer Manufacturer Regulation Developer
Specialized organization Manufacturer
DKM Crane owner Specialized organization Crane owner Specialized organization
Installation organization Installation organization
PRp Crane owner Crane owner
The owner of the facility being built (operated) Object owner
pic Object owner Object owner
PPRk Object owner Object owner
Crane owner Crane owner
PPRm Installation organization Installation organization
Crane owner Crane owner and/or installer
Job and production instructions Installation organization Installation organization - Installation organization
Specialized organization Installation organization Specialized organization

6.2. Requirements for the development of Crane Installation Instructions (IM)

6.2.1. The IM should set out the typical requirements necessary for preparing for installation, carrying out installation, commissioning and adjustment work and testing the crane.

6.2.2. The IM should include the following sections:

general instructions;

security measures;

preparatory work;

commissioning works;



putting the crane into operation.

The IM may have appendices that provide additional information that contributes to the quality of the installation, including mounting marks, slinging schemes and other materials necessary for the work.

6.2.3. In IM, in addition to the requirements for the order and sequence of installation of individual crane units, the dimensions and binding of the installation site required to accommodate the crane and mounted elements, the requirements for the construction of a rail track and roads for the access of vehicles and a jib crane used for the installation of a tower crane ( cm. ).

6.2.4. The installation site must be planned and cleared of construction debris.

6.2.5. Workplace lighting should be arranged on the site if the installation will be carried out at night.

6.2.6. Mounting pad length L must include ():

crane length L1 laid out on the ground, including the boom laid on the ground, the installation of anchor devices (if necessary);

increasing the length of the section L2 for placing an assembly crane from one or two ends of a tower crane laid out on the ground. The size L 2 should be determined by the most remote fixed or rotary parts of the erection crane (outriggers, turntable, projection onto the ground from the boom in case the boom is turned in the direction opposite to the tower crane lying on the ground);

free security zones L 3 at the ends of the site (on each side), which are recommended to be taken equal to 3 - 5 m.

If the crane, after lifting it to the working position, will work with a load with the boom turned towards the end of the track, the value L to should be accepted taking into account the accepted departure, dimensions of the cargo and the magnitude of the departure of the cargo in accordance with Appendix D to SNiP 12-03.

Rice. 2. To determine the dimensions of the installation site for the installation period:
a- with a symmetrical arrangement of the tower relative to the rail track;
b- with an asymmetric arrangement;

1 – tower crane in the process of installation; 2 - jib crane (contour shown
with spaced outriggers); 3 - rail track (solid line
the assembly section of the track is shown); 4 - places for storing elements in front of
installation; 5 - road for vehicles; 6 - site boundary

6.2.7. Mounting area width AT should include (see):

subgrade width (along the bottom of the outer sides of the ballast prisms) IN 1;

the width of the zone for the mounted elements of the crane laid outside the crane path IN 2;

the area reserved for the road for vehicles, IN 3;

free security zones AT 4 along the edges of the site (on each side) it is recommended to take equal to 5 m (taking into account the possible departure of the load).

6.2.8. The mounting platform must be tied to the axis of rotation of the rotary part of the crane L to, VK(taking into account, if necessary, the asymmetric location of the crane tower in relation to the track, for example, on cranes of the KB-676, BK-1000 type).

6.2.9. The mounting platform shown on , may be mirrored relative to the axis of the track, depending on the placement of the crane on the track.

6.2.10. The MI must also define the type of jib crane used for the installation of a tower crane in accordance with the PPRk.

6.2.11. When choosing a jib crane in IM, one should provide for the location of this crane on the side of the track on the road for the entrance of vehicles.

6.2.12. When placing a jib crane, its necessary parameters should be evaluated:

load capacity corresponding to the maximum mass of the lifted elements at a given reach;

the flight on which the elements are raised;

lifting height (which is especially important when mounting a tower crane with enlarged units immediately into the working position).

6.2.13. The parameters of the jib crane defined in the subparagraph must be compared with the load and height characteristics of various jib cranes and a decision should be made on choosing one or another jib crane as a jib crane.

6.2.14. The choice of a jib crane for only one lifting capacity (based on the largest mass of mounted units) is not allowed.

6.2.15. When developing requirements for the installation of a quick-erecting crane (for which IM, DKM and PPRk are usually not compiled separately, and all requirements are set out in the OM), it is necessary to specify:

dimensions, location and fencing of the installation site (if it goes beyond the danger zone provided for by the PPRk for crane operation at the facility);

method of arrival of the crane to the object under construction;

control method during crane installation;

the location of the crane operator when operating the crane during the installation and testing of the crane.

6.3. Requirements for the development of the Technological Album
cards for the installation (dismantling) of the crane

6.3.1. The album of technological maps for the installation (dismantling) of the crane (DKM) should be developed on the basis of IM with specification of the requirements for the installation of the crane, starting from the delivery of the crane to the installation site and ending with the commissioning of the crane.

6.3.2. The DKM Album should cover in detail, in the technological sequence, all operations and transitions during the installation of the crane from the transport position to the working position. Moreover, operations and transitions should be illustrated as much as possible both by the layouts of the nodes of the mounted crane with the necessary structural details, and by the layouts of the mounting crane. In the given schemes of slinging of the elements to be mounted, the mass of the elements to be lifted and the lifting devices used must be indicated.

Table 3

Extract from technological maps for the installation of the crane KB-403
(design example)

6.3.4. The DKM album can be developed either as a typical one when using a jib crane provided for in the IM, or for specific conditions when using a specific jib crane specified by the DKM customer.

6.3.5. The DKM album, as a rule, is not tied to a specific object, but by special order of the crane owner or installation organization, it can be developed with reference to the object.

6.3.6. In the DKM, schemes for the delivery of a crane to the rail track should be considered. The issue of importation is considered in detail in.

6.3.7. The DKM should consider all possible schemes for the installation (dismantling) of the crane in cases of its transportation in a mobile version and when transported in knots (which is possible even for cranes in a mobile version - during the initial installation or after the crane is transported by rail).

6.3.8. In the DKM Album, the issue of dismantling the crane should be worked out separately, in contrast to the formal phrase “dismantling is carried out in the reverse order of installation”, which is often used in the factory IM, since many operations cannot be performed “in the reverse order” and, moreover, during dismantling there are many additional problems due to the cramped conditions in connection with the completion of the construction of the object erected by the crane.

6.3.9. When developing the DMC Album, it is necessary to specifically stipulate those operations, the non-fulfillment or incorrect fulfillment of which can lead to an accident.

As an example of such a record, the following texts of the record from the DKM crane KB-503 can be cited:

"ATTENTION! During the period of extension (lowering) of the crane tower in the process of growing it, the thrust of the boom berth must always be taut”;

"ATTENTION! Until the boom bracing is fixed in the working position, it is prohibited to use the crane to lift loads and mounting elements.

6.3.10. Work on the development of the DKM Album should begin with specifying the standard size of the jib crane or with an assessment of the capabilities of the jib crane proposed by the DKM customer.

6.3.11. If the load characteristic of the jib crane is insufficient for the installation of the tower crane when the jib crane is moved only along the road for the access of vehicles, the DKM should provide for the installation sites of the jib crane (MUK) with its arrival on the rail track.

6.3.12. In this case, to simplify the arrival and MUK on the rail track, it is necessary to limit the track to only the assembly section of the track. The rest of the track (ballast prisms, superstructure) will have to be laid after the installation of the crane is completed.

6.3.13. The place and minimum length of the installation section should be taken based on the design features of the crane (crane base, the need to move the crane along the rail track during installation). The mounting section of the track must be tied to the mounting site specified in the IM.

6.3.14. When choosing a jib crane, its lifting height should be taken based on the installation of the tower crane to the minimum possible height, above which the tower crane can be built up on its own.

6.3.15. An example of installing a jib crane is shown on. B gives an example of a summary table of the MUK, as well as the operations carried out in this case (indicating their numbers) and the mass of the lifted nodes.

Table 4

Locations of the jib crane KS-45717
during the installation of the tower crane KB-403

Rice. 3. Scheme of places for installation of the crane KS-45717 during installation
after mobile transportation of a crane type KB-403:
L with- the length of the boom crane KS-45717; MUK-1, etc. – installation locations of the boom
crane; - the axis of rotation and the boom of the jib crane at a real departure;
- the mass of the lifted load; - KAMAZ-53213 car and support contour

6.3.16. The DKM Album should specify the location and width of the road for vehicle access. The road should be located no closer than 500 mm from the outer edge of the outer drainage ditch (see).

6.3.17. The width of the road with a through passage must be at least 4.0 m, which corresponds to the maximum transport dimension of the tower crane during transportation (according to GOST 13556).

6.3.18. Places for storing elements, for placing the boom when it is docked from sections and for other elements should be determined.

Storage places can be located both on the track itself (between the rails) and on the side of the track.

6.3.19. Based on the foregoing, the dimensions and location of the installation site, which is a danger zone for the period of assembly and lifting the crane into working position, should be specified. This is also done if these parameters were not specified in the IM.

6.3.20. The DKM Album should also define a hazardous area for the period of commissioning and testing of the crane. The last dangerous zone differs from that given in paragraph due to the fact that during these works the crane must move along the rail track with the load, rotate 360 ​​° with the load leaving the installation site. The boundaries of this danger zone must be taken into account l, determined by the dimensions of the transported cargo and the possible departure of the cargo, accepted in accordance with Appendix D of SNiP 12-03.

An example of determining the danger zone for the period of testing the crane is given on.

6.3.21. Both hazardous zones, according to subparagraphs and during the corresponding work, in order to prevent unauthorized people from accessing them, must be fenced and marked in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03.

Rice. 4. Determination of the danger zone for the period of the crane test:
1 - the location of the building being erected; 2 - tap; 3 - rail track;
4 - a place for storing elements; 5 - road for
vehicles; 6 - assembly site;
S- possible crane movement area

6.3.22. If during the process of installation (dismantling) of the crane it is possible for people to exit the adjacent buildings into the installation area, then the exits must be closed for the duration of the work.

6.3.23. It is also necessary to determine the boundaries of the danger zone when dismantling the crane. In general, the danger zone during dismantling corresponds in size to the installation site during installation of the crane. However, in the case of more powerful erection cranes, with the timely shipment of dismantled units, the size of the danger zone can be significantly reduced.

6.3.24. In case of cramped conditions of the construction site, the boundaries of the hazardous zones defined in subparagraphs and are adjusted and established in accordance with the requirements of the PPRm.

6.3.25. During dismantling, when commissioning and testing of the crane is not carried out, the danger zone according to subparagraph for this period should not be established: dismantling is carried out within the danger zone determined by the size of the installation site (see subparagraph).

6.3.26. The DKM Album should also contain a list of mounting marks indicating the numbers of nodes according to the crane project, their dimensions and weight, and also the schemes of slinging of the main crane nodes (taken, as a rule, from the crane IM) should be provided.

Rice. 6. To the calculation of the length of the installation section of the track

6.4.4. The assembly section of the track must meet all the requirements for the full track:

must have a power supply;

must be grounded;

screeds must be installed;

shutdown devices must be provided;

end stops must be installed;

must be handed over according to the act of the installation organization.

6.4.5. In the PR (if there is an installation site) it should be stipulated that the path should be arranged in two stages:

Stage I - the device of a track limited in length for the purpose of unhindered entry on the track and placement of an erection crane on it during the installation of a tower crane. Moreover, screeds on this section of the track should be installed (if it is necessary to bring the crane into the inter-rail space of the track) only after the crane base has been brought there, and when dismantled, it must be removed before the crane is removed;

Stage II - the construction of the track structure for the entire design length after the installation of the crane.

6.4.6. The construction of the track in two stages should be stipulated in the contract for the construction of the track between the customer and the contractor for the construction of the track.

6.4.7. In the case of performing work in two stages, before the second stage, the condition of the lower structure of the subgrade in the areas where the jib crane moved should be checked. If necessary, the canvas must be leveled. After that, the elements of the superstructure of the track (ballast prisms, supporting elements, etc.) must be laid and the necessary arrangement of the rail track for its full length must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of RD 22-28-35.

6.4.8. In order to eliminate the need for an installation section of the track (), the possibility of placing a tower crane may be considered 1 at the end of the road 2 with mounting location 3 in a free area outside the rail track. In this option, free access of the jib crane to the tower and the tower crane jib during the installation period is possible. This option is possible if there is a free territory and there is no need for an assembly crane to arrive 5 on the way to install the counterweight 6 and (or) ballast 4.

Rice. 7. Scheme for determining the dimensions and placement of the rail track
for the period of crane installation:
1 - tower crane in mounting position; 2 - rail track;
3 - assembly site; 4 - ballast plates; 5 - jib crane;
6 - counterweight plates; 7 - road

6.4.9. Before dismantling the tower crane, the issue of the possibility of preserving the entire rail track for the period of crane dismantling or the need for preliminary dismantling of the track while maintaining its installation site should also be resolved.

6.5. Additional requirements for the development of an organization project
construction (POS)

6.5.1. When developing a POS regarding the choice of a tower crane, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements related to the possibility of mounting and dismantling the crane.

6.5.2. The location of the tower crane () must be linked to the size of the installation site both during the installation and during the dismantling period.

Rice. eight. To the choice of tower crane:
1 - the first option for placing a tower crane; 2 - second option
placement of a tower crane; 3 - mounting area dimensions
normal conditions of installation and dismantling; 4 - abbreviated
assembly site using for dismantling the boom
heavy-duty crane; 5 – tower crane translation
on intersecting paths to get out of cramped conditions;
B, L- dimensions of the mounting platform; B1, L1- binding mounting
platforms to the place of installation of a tower crane

6.5.3. If the planned locations for the tower crane (first option) and its installation site 3 are not linked to the erected (erected) building when dismantling the tower crane, when the construction site is built up with buildings and structures, it is necessary:

discuss with the owner of the tower crane or the installation company the possibility of mounting (dismantling) the selected crane in cramped conditions according to a special project: using a smaller mounting area 4 through the use of a jib crane with a large capacity and lifting height or other special methods of crane installation (with the transfer, for example, of a tower crane during dismantling to a free site 5 );

find a new place 2 to accommodate a tower crane (second option), even if this requires the purchase of a tower crane with large parameters (reach, load moment).

6.5.4. An example of choosing a tower crane can be seen on.

The list of mounting equipment, tools and materials must contain the name, characteristics and their quantity.

The schedule for the delivery of equipment is drawn up, if necessary, in order to exclude a delay in installation due to untimely delivery of one or another equipment or crane components.

The text part should contain a brief description of the crane being mounted, indicating its features, the assembly sequence, as well as a full range of measures for the safe installation work at all stages.

6.6.3. It is most rational to develop the PPRm jointly or as an addition to the PPRk, which addresses similar issues, but only for the normal operation (operation) of the crane at the facility.

6.6.4. With the joint development of PPRk and PPRm, the scope of work at the facility can be reduced due to the possible combination of roads for vehicles at the stages of installation and normal operation of the crane, places for storing cargo and mounted elements of the crane, hazardous areas and their fencing.

6.6.5. PPRm, like PPRk, should be drawn up for a specific object under a specific crane. The PPRm must indicate the exact place of installation (dismantling) of the crane with the designation of hazardous areas that arise during installation work. It is allowed to develop PPRm as a model for a certain type of crane and the same type of construction conditions.

6.6.6. Binding of the mounting site to the crane parking place during installation should be carried out taking into account the dimensions L to and VK, defined in paragraph .

Rice. nine. An example of site planning in the production of works on
installation of a tower crane (PPRm):

a- when importing (exporting) the crane to the track; b- during installation and testing
tower crane; in- scheme for determining the boundaries of the danger zone;

1 - building under construction; 2 - the position of the tower crane for the period
installation; 3 - rail track (the thick line shows the mounting
section of the road if it is necessary to drive a jib crane to
rail track); 4 - existing road under construction for
vehicles; 5 - road for the delivery of a tower crane;
6 - the position of the tower crane during delivery on the way; 7 - road
for removal of the tower crane after dismantling;
8 - installation sites for a jib crane (MUK-1, MUK-2, etc.);
9 - road for vehicles along the rail track;
10 - places for storage and pre-assembly of elements
tower crane (the double dotted line shows the possible
storage place on the other side of the track with the corresponding
change in the size of the installation site); 11 - mounting
playground, L´ B; 12 - working area of ​​a tower crane; 13 - dangerous
zone during commissioning and testing; 14 - searchlights
(in case of work in the dark time of the day); BUT- linking the path to the building;
To- track; l l,L2,B l- linking the mounting site to the installation site
tower crane, rail track end; D l- departure value;
in- dimensions of the lifted loads

6.6.7. The installation site should be located in a free area, preferably within the danger zone adopted in the PPRk for normal operation (operation) of the crane. The installation site must be planned and cleared of foreign objects.

6.6.8. In preparation for the installation of a tower crane with a fixed tower mounted using anchor devices, anchors with coulters 5 must be installed on the installation site (or pits must be dug with the installation of embedded blocks) that perceive horizontal forces transmitted to the anchor when lifting the tower ().

6.6.9. In the case of crane operation in cramped conditions, when several cranes are located at the construction site, measures should be provided for the safe operation of all cranes located on this site, preventing them from colliding with each other or with existing structures. If necessary, a coordinate protection system can be recommended for use on cranes.

6.6.10. The installation site should, if possible, have a through passage for vehicles, taking into account the length of the transported elements. In necessary cases, when it is not possible to complete a through passage, a place for a turn of the transport must be arranged.

Rice. ten. Installation of anchor devices:
1 - tap; 2 - mounting chain hoist; 3 - ballast;
4 - mounting winch; 5 – coulter

6.6.11. The road should be tied to the general construction road network and provide for the possibility of passing vehicles with an assembly crane.

6.6.12. It is desirable to combine the road with the road adopted in the PPRk for the transport of goods during the normal operation of the crane.

6.6.13. It must be ensured that the outriggers will be installed on a flat and firm ground surface when installing the erection crane.

6.6.14. When developing a PPRm, it is necessary to make sure that after the completion of the construction of the facility, the crane will not end up in an area where its dismantling with the help of its own mechanisms will be technically impossible. If the installation site cannot be included in the framework of the facility under construction, it is necessary to decide with the owner or with the installation organization at the development stage of the PPRm the issue of the possibility of dismantling the crane and removing it from the facility under specified conditions.

6.6.15. When installing a stationary crane on a planned subgrade, a foundation (foundation blocks) must be laid in accordance with the drawings given in the ED.

6.6.16. When compiling the PPRm, the DKM Album should be analyzed, the MUK should be evaluated and the need for the device should be identified and the length of the assembly section of the rail track should be determined. The PPRm should specify the location of the specified section directly on the rail track, already tied to the facility under construction.

6.6.17. MUK, given in the DKM Album, must be accessible for the entrance of the assembly crane, aligned and compacted in accordance with the requirements of the DKM Album.

6.6.18. In the PPRm, specific places for storing the mounted elements of the crane should be determined. In order to reduce the amount of work, it is desirable to combine the places for storing mounted elements with the area of ​​​​the future warehouse of building or technological materials provided for in the PPRk.

6.6.19. Places for storage of elements should have convenient entrances and approaches, taking into account the operation of the jib assembly crane.

6.6.20. Crane units must be laid on wooden linings, designed for loads from the mass of elements, excluding contamination and freezing of elements to the ground and not allowing deflection of metal structures.

6.6.21. The electrical equipment of the crane during long-term storage before installation must be protected from atmospheric precipitation by a canopy or removed into the room.

6.6.22. Crane units should be located on the installation site, taking into account the sequence of installation (if these units are delivered to the installation site in advance).

6.6.23. The location of the assembled units and mounting equipment on the mounting site should be carried out in accordance with the Album DKM or IM of the crane and taking into account the dimensions and characteristics of the mounting crane.

6.6.24. At the same time, hazardous zones (defined taking into account the requirements of SNiP 12-03) must be defined in the PPRm for the period:

commissioning and testing;


6.6.25. The danger zone for the period of installation is the installation site, which must be marked and fenced off with warning signs such as "Danger zone", "Beware, installation is in progress!", "Entrance to outsiders is prohibited" in accordance with the instructions given in the DKM Album.

6.6.26. It is advisable to combine the danger zone during commissioning and testing of the crane (taking into account the need to move the crane during tests for the entire length of the path, rotate the crane by 360 °, work with loads) with the danger zone adopted in the PPRk.

6.6.27. In the absence of sufficient illumination of the front of work, it is necessary to use artificial lighting of the territory and workplaces during the installation (dismantling) of the crane. Illumination should be at least 30 lux, in places where electrical work is carried out - 50 lux.

6.6.28. In the case of work in the winter, the PPRm must provide (outside the danger zone) rooms for heating the installers or a place for installing their booth on wheels.

6.7. Requirements for the development of official and production

6.7.1. Job descriptions for responsible specialists (for installation contractors) and production instructions for installers should be developed for certain types of cranes (for example, for tower or tower and jib cranes), taking into account their features and specific requirements for the safety of installation work, available technological machines, devices and tools, as well as taking into account local conditions.

6.7.2. The instructions should formulate the rights and obligations of responsible specialists, workers and maintenance personnel performing work on the installation (dismantling) of tower cranes.

6.7.3. Job and job descriptions for tower crane installers and fitters should be developed in accordance with the requirements.


7.1. Arrival at the construction site of a fast-erecting crane

7.1.1. The arrival of the crane should be carried out along the object under construction or the pit. Other ways of access are also allowed, if they are provided for in the OM.

7.1.2. Before the crane arrives at the construction site, it must be:

the condition of the site was monitored, which should be planned and compacted taking into account the categories and nature of the soil. It is not allowed to install the crane on freshly poured, uncompacted soil, as well as on a site with a slope of more than 3 ° (unless otherwise indicated in the crane passport);

the number and position of the crane installation sites were determined.

7.1.3. The installation of the crane must be carried out so that during operation the distance between the rotary part of the crane in any position and buildings, stacks of goods and other objects is at least 1000 mm.

7.1.4. The minimum distance, m, from the base of the slope of the pit to the axis of the nearest crane supports should be taken according to and, unless there are other requirements in the ED.

Rice. eleven. To determine the distance from the axis of the support to the base of the slope

Table 5

Minimum distance in from the crane supports to the base of the slope of the pit

7.1.5. In the presence of outriggers, the assembly crane must be installed on all supports provided for by the crane design.

7.1.6. Responsibility for the installation and technical condition of a quick-erecting crane rests with a certified crane operator who has a license to drive a car (for cranes on an ABKS-type automobile chassis).

7.1.7. Installation must be carried out using the crane's own mechanisms. If necessary (if it is stipulated in the crane manual), 1 - 2 installers-slingers can be involved in the installation.

7.2. Delivery of a crane in a mobile version to a prepared
rail track

7.2.1. A mobile crane must be transported in an assembled (maximally enlarged) form as part of a crane-tractor road train with virtually no dismantling of electrical equipment and ropes.

7.2.2. The delivery of a crane in a mobile version onto a rail track can be done in one of the three ways given below ():

the first way is the movement of the road train forward along the tracks;

the second way is the movement of the road train in reverse;

the third way is the movement of the tractor along the road with the arrival of the crane from the end of the track or with crossing the rails.

Rice. 12. Ways of delivery of a mobile crane onto the track:
a- when the tractor moves on the way forward; b- when the tractor is moving backwards
move; in- when the tractor moves on the side of the track, with the arrival of the crane base with
end of the path; G- the same, with the crane base moving across the tracks;
d- moving the crane tower to the mounting position along the track axis;
1 , 2 - shields; 3 - rolling cart; 4 - boom crane; 5 - tractor

7.2.3. The first method can be used in cases where the installation site is limited in width, but there is a through passage for a road train (tractor). In this case, for the passage of the road train, it is necessary to remove the screeds of the rail track, and after the passage, monitor the safety of the lower and upper structures of the track, restore them in case of damage and install the screeds.

7.2.4. The second method can be used in cases where there is enough space in front of the end of the path (from the side of the arrival) and there is no possibility of a through passage.

7.2.5. The third method is used when there is a road for vehicles (on the side of the rail track) and the ability to control the supporting part of the crane using a safety handle. To move the crane over the rail closest to the road, ramps in the form of shields from sleepers, boards should be laid at the point where the wheels of rolling carts pass through the near rail thread.

7.2.6. Units relocated separately from the crane on standard vehicles are transported and stacked on the installation site in accordance with the requirements given in subparagraphs - of this RD.

7.3. Delivery of the crane to the installation site in separate units

7.3.1. Cranes made in a non-mobile design, as well as cranes after rail transportation, are delivered to the installation site in the form of separate units, determined by the carrying capacity and dimensions of the vehicles.

7.3.2. All nodes must be laid on the site in the order and order of receipt of nodes for installation. The nodes must be laid according to the instructions in the DKM Album, based on the capabilities (load characteristics) of the mounting crane.


8.1. The jib crane used for the installation of a tower crane should be selected based on the required masses of the elements of the tower crane being lifted, the required reach, lifting height and possible MUK, taking into account organizational and economic criteria.

8.2. With a sufficiently large load capacity and reach, the jib crane can, during the installation of a tower crane, move along the road for vehicles without stopping at the rail track. This will allow you to mount the track at once for the entire length (without installing the installation section), which will facilitate the construction of the track as a whole and reduce its labor intensity and cost.

8.3. When using a jib crane with a lower load characteristic than indicated in paragraph 1, the jib crane is forced to work with a shorter reach, for which it will have to drive onto the rail track. Therefore, the places of arrival of the jib crane for the period of installation of the tower crane must be free from the upper structure of the track (ballast prisms, sleepers, beams, rails), moving the jib crane through which is practically impossible.

8.4. If the lifting capacity of the jib crane is insufficient, the following well-known methods can be used to expand the scope of the jib crane:

movement of goods over a short distance, permissible by the load characteristic of the jib crane, with its subsequent rearrangement (step-by-step movement of the load);

dismantling of individual assembly units from large tower crane assemblies to lighten the mass of these assemblies;

lifting the knot around the corners with a gradual laying of sleepers under the knot (at a low lifting height);

lifting units with two jib cranes.

8.5. If the lifting height of the jib crane is insufficient, the following methods can be used:

lifting of lattice structures with fastening of slings for the lower chords of the element;

the use of shortened slings;

tilt boom lift to increase the lift height of the boom pivot.


9.1. Acquaintance with the documentation

9.1.1. By the beginning of the installation work, the following documentation must be prepared:

operational documentation [passport (PS), RE or for cranes manufactured before 1995 - TO, IM];

Album of technological maps for the installation (dismantling) of the crane (DKM) (if available);

a project for the production of works for the installation of a crane (PPRm) or a project for the production of works by a crane (PPRk), if the issues necessary for installation are resolved as part of the PPRk;

rail track project (PRp).

9.1.2. The persons responsible for the installation of the crane (foreman and head of the installation team) must study the documents under subparagraph , paying special attention to the following: When familiarizing yourself with the crane passport, it is necessary to identify the parameters of the mounted crane, study the rope reeving schemes and methods for fixing the ends of the ropes, identify the installed power of the engines, the mass and number of ballast and counterweight plates. When familiarizing yourself with the OM, you should study the design of the crane (according to the technical description), especially those components that are involved in the installation of the crane, and identify the work that should be carried out during maintenance. When familiarizing yourself with the IM of the crane, it is necessary to carefully study the procedure for the installation of the crane, paying special attention to those sections that are accompanied by the word "ATTENTION!", since failure to follow or incorrectly fuzzy execution of these sections will inevitably lead to a crane failure. When familiarizing yourself with the DKM Album of a particular crane, it is necessary to carefully study the procedure, sequence and methods for performing all operations for the installation of a crane, taking into account the parameters of a particular jib crane and the method of delivering a tower crane onto a rail track, especially those sections that are accompanied by the word "ATTENTION!" (see subparagraph), as well as to study the MUK for the period of certain operations, to identify the need for rigging equipment and tools, the composition of the installation team. The installation requirements specified in the DKM Album must be studied by all members of the installation team. When familiarizing yourself with the PPRm (PPRk), you should carefully study the organization, procedure and sequence of work on the installation of the crane, identify ways to bring the crane onto the rail track, the location of the crane (especially cranes with an asymmetric tower arrangement), dangerous zones and measures to protect them. When familiarizing yourself with the PRp, you must:

consider the requirements for the installation section of the track (if necessary) for the purpose of subsequent verification of their implementation at the facility;

identify requirements for assessing the quality of the laid track (especially at the crane installation site) for the installation period, since the track for installation is rented out without running the track with a crane;

to identify different possibilities for the arrival of the crane on the way before the installation of the crane.

9.2. Site preparation and necessary equipment

9.2.2. The site for the operation of a quick-erecting crane must be prepared by the organization that ordered the crane. When preparing the site, attention should be paid to:

the density of the base on which the crane is installed; density, g / cm 3, should be at least: for sandy soil - 1.7; for sandy loams and loams - 1.65; for heavy loams - 1.55; for silty loams and clays - 1.5;

the slope of the site, which should not exceed 3 ° in any direction (unless otherwise specified in the ED for the crane);

the absence of power lines nearby (near power lines, a work permit is required for the installation and operation of the crane).

9.2.2. Prior to the installation of conventional tower cranes, the locations and dimensions of the installation site must be determined, including:

area for placing the crane in transport and installation positions;

roads for motor vehicle access;

places for storing crane elements.

9.2.3. During the period of thaw, it is recommended to lay out the soil areas for the access of a road train and an assembly crane with road slabs or fill it with crushed stone, gravel, sand, taking into account the possibility of passing vehicles with a load on the wheel of rolling carts of 42 kN, and on the entire axle of rolling carts - up to 340 kN.

9.2.4. Prior to installation, the following must be prepared:

ballast and counterweight plates (if they are not supplied with the crane);

foundation (for stationary cranes);

base plates (for stationary cranes, if they are not supplied with the crane);

connections for fastening the crane to the building (for attached cranes). The development of foundation drawings, base plates and fastening ties should be carried out by specialized organizations for those loads (moment, axial and radial forces) that are indicated by the manufacturer in the ED for the crane. The manufacture of equipment according to the subparagraph must be carried out by the owner or customer of the crane according to the factory drawings attached to the ED, or according to the drawings developed by a specialized organization. The number of ballast and counterweight plates must be determined in accordance with the ED, depending on the lifting height of the mounted version of the crane and on the wind area. Ballast and counterweight plates after manufacture must be weighed and on each plate in a conspicuous place with indelible paint its mass must be indicated.

9.2.5. Ballast and counterweight plates after their installation on the crane must be fixed with permanent ties to prevent involuntary movement of the plates and their fall from the crane during operation. When transporting the crane in separate units, their pre-assembly must be carried out at the installation site in order to reduce the amount of work at height.

9.3. Monitoring the condition of the crane nodes

9.3.1. Before installation, all components and elements of the crane should be cleaned of dirt and conservation grease and subjected to revision. During the audit, it is necessary to check the condition by external inspection:

metal structures - for the absence of dents, cracks, defects in welded joints, butt bolted and hinged joints and other defects;

mechanisms that will be involved in the installation (including open gears, brakes).

After connecting the crane to the distribution point, the mechanisms must be checked in operation, including checking the operation of the brakes.

9.3.2. When checking metal structures, the technical condition of not only load-bearing, but also auxiliary metal structures (stairs, platforms, fences) should be checked.

9.3.3. When checking units and parts, it is necessary to pay special attention to the completeness of fasteners and conduct a technical inspection of the units.

9.3.4. Before installation, the condition of the rope block systems must also be checked and controlled, in particular:

compliance with the rope reeving adopted for the installation of the crane;

the serviceability of the blocks and the presence of lubricants in them.

9.3.5. When checking the serviceability of the ropes, attention should be paid to the general condition of the ropes, avoiding the defects noted in the Rules (PB 10-382-00) and this document. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the ropes at the termination points. Control is carried out visually, and in doubtful cases - using special tools and instruments.

9.3.6. The lubricant must comply with the OD lubrication chart. Threaded fasteners, axles, pins, etc. used during installation must be cleaned, wiped and lubricated.

9.3.7. Prior to the start of installation (dismantling) work, rigging equipment (slings, chain hoists, winches) must be checked and, if necessary, tested in accordance with the current regulatory documentation.

9.3.8. In case of detection of defects in metal structures, mechanisms, electrical equipment, rope-block systems and other components, these defects must be eliminated (repaired, adjusted). All joints and bearings must be lubricated. The gearboxes, if they are in the working position and will not tilt during the installation of the crane, must be filled with oil and its level must be checked. The installation organization and (or) the owner of the crane must outline and implement measures for the safety of components and electrical equipment of the crane for the period of its installation (dismantling).

9.3.9. When mounting mechanisms, they must be fastened according to the design features of the fastening: with three-point support, the winches must be fastened using swivel joints, including spherical bushings 1 and washers 2 , and maintaining a gap in the connection according to the instructions of the DKM or ED ().

Rice. thirteen. Scheme of fastening the winch with its three-point support:
1 - spherical sleeve; 2 - washer

9.3.10. In the absence of a three-point support of the winches, the latter must be attached to the metal structures with all bolts with their full tightening and locking of the nuts.

9.3.11. When installing and fastening the U3515.42 slewing mechanism (with the letter П, Р or С) on the crane turntable, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the ED for the crane (mechanism). For cranes without fork brackets (), on the turntable, the mechanism is fixed in addition to the reducer neck with two special fingers 3 and 4 with a guaranteed gap between the pin head and the eye of the reducer 2 - 3 mm. With fork brackets 6 (), in which the necessary clearance above the lug is provided by the dimensions of the bracket 6 , fixation is made with two regular fingers 7 and 8.

9.3.12. When installing unified undercarriages after transportation, together with a crane, it is necessary to rearrange the fingers 3 pivots 2 trolleys into the lower (working) openings of the wind vanes 1 ().

Rice. fourteen. Swing mechanism mounting scheme:
a- general view of the mechanism; b- for cranes without forked
brackets; in- for cranes with forked arms;
7 – turntable; 2 - GTC; 3 - 4 - special fingers;
5 - washer; 6 - fork bracket; 7 - 8 - fingers

Rice. fifteen. Fixing the undercarriages in the wind vane:
1 - weather vane; 2 - kingpin of the undercarriage; 3 - adjustable finger
(upper position for transport, lower position for
work); 4 - owner

9.3.14. Units that can rotate (move) relative to each other during crane installation must be rigidly fixed before installation (running frame - turntable, cargo trolley - boom, etc.).

9.3.15. Before installation, the condition of the rail track should be checked, especially before lifting the tower from the transport position to the working position, when maximum loads act on the track. The slope of the track under load should not exceed 0.010.


10.1. During the initial installation of a crane with a fixed tower () in order to prevent bending of horizontal beams 1 support frame against loads in tower chords 4 these beams 1 until the installation of braces 3 should be jacked up 2 . After installing struts that transfer loads directly to the undercarriages (supports), jacks 2 must be removed.

Rice. sixteen. Temporary installation of jacks to prevent bending
base beams:
1 - beam; 2 - jacks; 3 - struts; 4 - tower

10.2. Leading undercarriages should be installed with drive units outside, unless otherwise specified in the MI.

10.3. If the control cabin was transported separately from the crane, it should be turned over by 90 ° before being installed on the tower to the position with the lantern down. For tilting, it is recommended to hang the cabin using two single-branch slings equipped with hooks, with the cabin turning manually after lifting to a height of 1 - 1.5 m ().

Rice. 17. Cabin tilting scheme

10.4. When performing a number of operations during the installation process, it is required to carry out control and measurement of deformations, which are difficult to measure on the mounted crane. It is advisable to involve the owner of the crane in carrying out such control and in eliminating defects (if necessary) during the installation process, which should be stipulated in the contract for the installation of the crane. These control operations include:

10.4.1. Control over the presence of a gap under one of the supports on the assembled support (running) frame. The allowable clearance under one of the supports should not exceed the value (where AT- crane base) ().

Rice. eighteen. Scheme for determining the gap under one of the supports of the running frame

10.4.2. Clearance control at the driving rollers of the cargo trolley along the entire length of the boom. The allowable clearance should not exceed the value (where IN 1- trolley base) ().

Rice. nineteen. Scheme for determining the clearance under the support of a cargo trolley

10.4.3. Control of the straightness of the boom assembled from sections. The deviation from straightness should not exceed the value (where L- the distance from the support hinge of the boom to the suspension point, taken along the axis of the boom) ().

Rice. 20. Scheme for determining the straightness of an arrow assembled from sections

10.5. Before lifting the tower, you must:

check the presence of lubricants in all lubricated places, especially in those where access will be difficult after lifting the crane (boom hinges, head blocks, booms, spacers, boom block, etc.);

check the fastening of metal structures, mechanisms, ropes.

10.6. At the moment when the tower approaches (when it is raised) to the vertical position, it is necessary to monitor the smooth approach of the tower to the stops in order to avoid tipping over. For this purpose, tie-down bolts should be used. 1 or jacks, unless otherwise provided by IM ().

Rice. 21. An example of ensuring a smooth approach of the tower to
vertical position:

1 - tie bolts

10.7. When mounting sections of both a rotary and fixed tower, it is necessary to follow the order of the sections, since on some cranes the sections have different wall thicknesses of the belt pipes. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the presence of inscriptions on the intermediate sections: “upper”, “middle”, “lower”, which differ in the diameters of the lead-in bushings.

On a number of cranes, the sections have a different arrangement of stairs, so the sections must be assembled, maintaining a continuous path of movement of the crane operator along the stairs to ensure normal access to the cab.

10.8. When building up (growing) the tower, it is necessary to ensure maximum balancing of the lifted part of the crane. When using a mounting rack, balancing must be carried out relative to the axis of the rack, and when using a mounting clip - relative to the axis of the tower, unless otherwise specified in the ED.

10.9. When disconnecting the tower sections before the next extension, make sure that all flange fastening nuts are unscrewed and the lifting upper part of the crane is not held by anything.

10.10. When building sections of the crane tower (), special attention must be paid to the timely installation of intermediate mounting frames 2 to the building 1. An attachment frame not installed according to the project will result in the moment the crane reaches the maximum height for a free-standing crane N s.s to the impossibility of installing fastening ties 3 to the building and will require, as a result, the dismantling of a number of overlying sections 3 towers to install the previously missed mounting frame 2. Installation locations must be specified in the DKM and IM.

Rice. 22. The need to dismantle the upper sections 3 towers at
untimely installation of the mounting frame 2 crane to the building 1

10.11. The initial installation of a crane with a fixed tower and a mounting column () must be planned in such a way that the work from the moment the mounting column is installed 1 inside the opening of the counterweight console 2 and installation of the latch 3 between the swivel and non-swivel parts of the crane until the moment the mounting rack leaves the console opening and the latch was removed within one day in order to avoid the unexpected appearance of a wind of a non-working state. In case of non-working wind, the boom must be lowered 4 to the ground to prevent the tower from twisting.

Rice. 23. Mounting stand position 1 , at which the termination
installation work is not allowed

10.12. Before raising (lowering) the boom from the vertical position to the working position (), the position of the boom mounting rack must be checked 1 (bracket), which must occupy the mounting position according to the instructions of the DKM.

When the stand is not transferred to the mounting position, the shoulder may decrease several times and, accordingly, increase to the maximum design force in the boom bracing S p .

The specified force creates a bending moment on the tower, which can bend the tower towards the counterweight, since the balance of the tower is not achieved, because the moment from the mass of the arrow M s when mounting the boom is close to zero. During operation, bending is not achieved, since the tower is balanced by the boom and the load being lifted ( M p ~ 0).

Rice. 24. Scheme to illustrate the occurrence during installation
bending moment ( D M m » AM p) on the tower, dangerous for her

1 - mounting rack, not transferred to the design position;
M p- moment from the working load; M p- moment on the tower to the side
counterweight; M s- moment on the tower from the mass of the arrow

10.13. When installing the beam boom in an inclined position at an angle of 30 °, the scheme for reeving the cargo rope () must be changed with detaching the end of the rope 1 from the base of the boom and fixing the rope to the cargo trolley.

Rice. 25. Scheme of reeving a cargo rope:
a- when working with a horizontal boom; b- the same, with an arrow under
slope 30°;
1 - point of attachment of the cargo rope

If the end of the rope is not reattached, the trolley winch will be overloaded and the horizontal movement of the load will disappear, which can lead to emergency situations.


11.1. Before installing the crane, the installation schemes for the reeving of the ropes should be checked, which may differ from the schemes used when the crane is operating. Wiring diagrams must be given in the DKM Album.

The use of various reeving schemes during operation and installation using the example of a KB-403 crane is shown in.

11.2. Before installation, it is necessary to ensure that the ropes are stored on all blocks in accordance with the existing schemes of reeving. Examples of possible errors when reeving ropes are shown on.

11.3. If during the transportation of the crane the ropes must be removed from the crane, it is advisable to wind them into coils or drums to ensure their safety and facilitate subsequent installation on the crane.

11.4. During long-term storage of ropes, in case of their winding on drums, the latter should be stored with support on flanges (discs), and when winding in coils, it is recommended to store the latter suspended on pins.

11.5. During temporary storage in the open air, the ropes must be protected from sand and dirt getting on the rope, for which the rope should be covered with roofing felt or roofing material.

11.6. Unwinding the ropes during their reeving on the crane during the installation of the crane (if the ropes were transported separately) must be done by rotating the drum or coil (). It is not recommended to remove the rope in turns, as this leads to the formation of bundle loops, delamination of strands and rope breaks.

Rice. 26. Rope reeving scheme (on the example of the KB-403 crane):

I- at work; II- during installation;
a- schemes of reeving cargo ropes; b- the same, arrow
ropes; in- the same, trolley ropes;
1 - arrow; 2 - cargo trolley; 3 - hook suspension;
4 - spacer; 5 - cap; 6 - turntable;
7 - axes of fastening of the portal; 8 - mounting rack

Rice. 27. Schemes of correct and incorrect reeving of ropes:
a- trolley rope; b- the same, with a tap-off block in front
drum; in- boom rope; G- cargo rope

Rice. 28. Methods for unwinding the rope from the drum (o) and from the bay ( b,in)

11.7. When unwinding a new rope from a drum, from a coil, it should be checked for defects in the manufacture of rope flattening, uneven section of strands, buckling of strands, waviness, rust, lack of lubrication.

11.8. When monitoring the condition of the ropes during their unwinding, special attention should be paid to those sections of the rope that, during the crane operation cycle, pass through the largest number of blocks. Typical schemes of rope reeving are shown and rope zones are indicated ( a-a), which are subject to the greatest number of folds. A detailed definition of the zones where the greatest number of block passes occurs is given in RTM 22-175.

Rice. 29. Typical rope reeving schemes:
a-a- sections of the rope that experience the greatest number of kinks during operation

11.9. Before installation, special attention should be paid to the control of cable-stayed ropes, access to which is not possible on the mounted crane.

It is also necessary to check the condition of the boom and raft ropes that do not move when working on blocks. If these ropes have worked for 5 years by the time of installation, they must be replaced regardless of their external condition.

11.10. Before hanging a new rope, it is necessary to measure the length of the rope in accordance with the ED and cut off the excess rope (cut off).

11.11. Before cutting off (cutting off) the rope of the required length, the place of the intended cutting must be tied with soft wire on both sides with a rope diameter of more than 15 mm. With a smaller diameter of the rope, it is allowed not to tie it. The direction of the binding should be taken opposite to the direction of the twists of the rope strands. The ends of the binding wire should be tightened as much as possible. The sequence of tying the ends of the rope before cutting is shown on.

Rice. thirty. Strapping sequence ( I-V) rope before cutting:
7 - rope; 2 - wire; 3 - felling place

11.12. The cutting (cutting off) of the rope should be done with a chisel, an emery cutting disc, a circular saw or other similar tool. The rope can be cut and the ends of the cut welded with an electric welder.

11.13. When replacing ropes, it is recommended to release the rope from the load (in the case of replacing the most worn out cargo rope, for this it is necessary to lower the hook suspension to the ground), connect the free end of the rope (opposite to the end fixed on the winch drum) with a new rope with soft wire () and, including the winch , wind the entire old rope around her drum, thereby pulling a new rope through all the blocks. After that, the ropes must be separated, the old rope must be wound from the drum, fixed and wound on the last new rope.

Rice. 31. Replacement of a cargo rope on a KB-100 crane:
1 and 2 - ropes; 3-5 – wire

11.14. When winding the entire existing rope onto a drum for the period of transportation, deviations from the Rules (PB 10-382-00) are allowed in terms of the free value of the flange, since this winding is an installation operation and the rope is not in operation.

11.15. If the rope to be replaced has already been removed from the blocks (unpacked), in order to hang a new rope with a diameter of more than 15 mm, it is recommended to first pass a thinner rope (with a diameter of 7–8 mm) through the blocks, and then connect the end of the new rope to the thin rope with a soft wire and, winding a thin rope on one of the winches (cargo mounting), stretch a new working rope through all the blocks.

11.16. Winding ropes on drums under the working reeving can only be entrusted to workers who have experience in such operations. The winding of ropes on drums should be carried out with a tension of at least 300 N (30 kgf).

11.17. When reeving or repacking ropes (especially jib and jib ropes), you must always remember about the possibility of spontaneous movement of the ends of the ropes under the influence of gravity. To avoid this, when disconnecting the ends of the ropes from drums or metal structures, the ropes must be temporarily fixed with clamps, winding with soft wire or other similar methods.


12.1. When moving crane elements, the slinging schemes recommended in the DKM or IM Albums should be used.

12.2. Slings should be taken in accordance with GOST 25573 and RD 10-33.

1SK - single-branch (including with two hooks or carabiners);

2SK - two-branch;

3SK - three-branch;

4SK - four-branch;

Table 6

Permissible load capacity for different uses
slings (as a percentage of the nameplate capacity)

Sling type

Load suspension pattern/capacity in %

Ring and single branch

(with uniform
load distribution)


12.7. Rope slings must be made of steel ropes according to GOST 2688, GOST 3071, GOST 3079, GOST 7668 and GOST 7669. Chain slings according to RD 10-33 are also allowed.

12.8. The safety factor of ropes of slings is taken at least 6, chain slings - at least 4.

12.9. Sling hooks must be equipped with safety locks.

12.10. Links and grips of slings according to GOST 25573 should be taken depending on the installation area (zones of temperate or cold climate).

12.11. When slinging loads that have sharp edges and ribs, linings, spacers should be placed between the ribs and ropes of the slings that envelop these ribs, protecting the slings from damage (). When tying loads with chain slings, bending of the links on the ribs of the load should not be allowed.

Rice. 33. Slinging loads using wooden spacers ( a),
spacers from a cut pipe ( b), spacers made of rubber
hoses, flat belts ( in)


13.1. If during the crane installation period only the installation section of the track was laid, then upon completion of the installation, it is necessary to complete the laying and acceptance of the rail track for the entire design length and its arrangement, including:

installation of dead ends;

installation of disconnecting devices;

railroad fencing;

run-in of the track by a crane without load and with a working load;

acceptance of the track as a whole and its grounding.

The path must fully comply with PRp and RD 22-28-35.

13.2. After the installation of the crane and the rail track (for rail cranes), it is necessary to bring the crane into working condition in accordance with the OM, including:

removal of tools, rigging devices and loose parts from the crane;

filling with grease gearboxes, mechanisms (not filled earlier);

checking the operation of mechanisms;

checking the operation of electrical equipment and its adjustment;

adjustment of the brakes;

checking the condition of the ropes;

check of bolted connections;

checking the condition of metal structures and fences of platforms and stairs, with their editing, tinting, if necessary.

Some of the above works can be combined with the work under paragraph of this RD, carried out during an extraordinary technical examination.

13.3. Commissioning work must be carried out jointly by the installation organization and the owner of the crane, which should be reflected in the contract for the installation of the crane.

13.4. After completion of all installation work in accordance with the Rules (PB 10-382-00), an extraordinary full technical examination of the crane must be carried out, the requirements and scope of which are regulated by the Instruction for the technical examination of load-lifting cranes (ITOs 22-01-01), including:

node inspection;

run-in of the crane without load and with working load;

checking the operation of safety devices and devices;

static and dynamic tests. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to fast-erecting cranes.

13.5. VTOs should be carried out by the owner of the crane (an engineering and technical worker for supervision of the safe operation of the crane with the participation of an engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the crane in good condition) or, on behalf of the owner, by a specialized organization. When conducting WTOs, the installation organization may also participate at certain stages, if necessary.

13.6. When inspecting the crane during the VTOs, the completeness and correctness of the installation of the crane, the schemes of rope reeving, the performance of the mechanisms and means of protecting the crane are assessed.

The running-in of the crane without load should be carried out for 10-15 minutes. During the running-in, it is necessary to check the operation of all crane mechanisms and the reliability of the limiters, as well as the reliability of the rope fastenings. It is allowed to combine the running-in of the crane with the running-in of the rail track according to p.

13.7. The scope of work on checking and bringing the safety devices and devices into working condition must comply with the requirements given in the DKM or IM.

13.8. When testing a crane under load, static and dynamic tests must be carried out.

13.9. Static tests must be carried out with an overload of 25% of the maximum load capacity at the longest reach for this load capacity. The crane is set to the position corresponding to the least design stability of the crane (if the track and base are equal, then the boom is installed along the track, and if the base exceeds the track, then the boom is installed across the track).

13.9.1. During static tests, the load should be lifted by 100 - 200 mm and held in this position for 10 minutes.

13.9.2. When equipping a crane with a hoist for the crane operator, static tests of the hoist with 100% overload must be carried out.

13.10. Dynamic tests of both the crane and the hoist must be carried out with an overload of 10% of the maximum load capacity and with the combination of working movements provided for by the crane passport. At least three cycles of work movements must be carried out, including:

lifting (lowering) at half the height of the lift;

movement of 10 - 15 m in both directions;

180° rotation (and back);

changing the overhang by half of the overhang range allowed for the given load capacity.

13.11. Upon completion of the tests, control over the state of the parameter recorder (if any) and reading information from it must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the ED for the parameter recorder and the Instructions for reading and processing information from the parameter recorder.

13.12. Defects identified at various stages of the WTOs must be eliminated during the technical examination, after which the tests can be continued until they are fully completed. Residual deformations and cracks in metal structures are not allowed.

13.13. To obtain permission to put the crane into operation, the owner must prepare:

project for the production of work by a crane (PPRk);

rail track project (PRp);

maintenance and repair schedule (maintenance and repair schedule);

orders on the appointment of engineering and technical workers to supervise the safe operation of the crane, rail track and load handling devices, an engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the crane in good condition, and a person responsible for the safe operation of the crane. The last person can be issued by the organization that is served by the mounted crane.

13.14. Start-up can be made only after obtaining permission from the Gosgortekhnadzor body, and for non-registered cranes - from an engineering and technical worker to supervise the safe operation of the crane.


14.1. Upon completion of work at the facility, the crane owner, together with the installation company, before the crane is dismantled, must:

determine the location of the crane installation for the period of dismantling in accordance with the PPRk, PPRm (if any);

ensure that the crane is in good condition;

take measures to prevent theft of the crane by the wind.

14.2. If it is necessary to dismantle a crane that has worked out its standard service life and whose permitted service life has ended (after the previous inspection), the issue of the admissibility of dismantling the crane without conducting its inspection must be decided by the owner of the crane together with a specialized crane inspection organization.

14.3. Dismantling should be carried out in the manner specified in the DKM Album or IM. In the absence of DKM in the Album and in the absence of specification in the IM of dismantling issues, the features of dismantling in the specific conditions of a given facility must be taken into account in the PPRm or decided on site by the installation organization.

14.4. One of the main serious issues that distinguishes dismantling from typical crane installation is the specifics of crane dismantling in cramped conditions, when buildings erected near the crane do not leave enough space for dismantling under normal conditions. In this case, to dismantle the crane, you can use one of the following methods:

the crane can be disassembled into units using a powerful assembly crane having the required lifting height and load capacity;

if dismantling is not possible due to lack of space for attaching anchors, elements of the erected building can be used as anchors. However, the loads on the building should not be dangerous for its strength;

if there is no place for dismantling, you can move the crane to a free area;

for cranes with a turret, it is possible to dismantle the crane across the rail track, which will require checking the strength of elements that carry large loads compared to design dismantling;

node-wise dismantling of the boom and counterweight console, followed by lowering the tower (using a mounting rack or clip) and dismantling the crane in the lower position.

14.5. Moving the crane to a free area () can be achieved either by transferring the crane to an intersecting path and leaving the crane from the cramped area ( a), or gradual shifting of the path ( b).

Rice. 34. Ways to get the crane out of cramped conditions:
a- with transfer to the crossing path; b- with moving the way;
I, II- the position of the crane on the tracks; l- rail track

14.6. The specifics of dismantling should also include the fact that during dismantling, an erection crane with other cargo and altitude characteristics can be used than when installing a crane.

14.6.1. If the erection crane has a large lifting capacity and lifting height, the tower crane during dismantling can be disassembled into larger units, allowed by the load characteristics of the assembly crane.

14.6.2. If the erection crane has smaller parameters, changes to the DKM Album should be developed taking into account the actual load capacity and lifting height of a particular crane used during dismantling.

14.7. When dismantling the crane, it must be taken into account that the greatest loads in many structures, rope-block systems and mechanisms occur at the end of lowering operations, when, in the event of any defects, it is almost impossible to return the units to their original position.

14.8. Due to the specifics of dismantling, the dimensions of the installation site may differ from those adopted during the installation of the crane. The installation site, specified in the DKM Album, must be, as during installation, fenced and marked with warning signs and inscriptions.

14.9. Before lowering the boom, make sure that the boom mounting post (mounting bracket), on which the boom bracing ropes will be laid, occupies the design mounting position, because if the mounting post is left not in the mounting position (for example, tied to the head of the tower) in the boom bracing ropes forces arise that can bend the tower towards the counterweight (see).

14.10. The lowering of the boom should be carried out slowly with short stops, and when the boom approaches the tower (at a distance of 2–3 m) or to the ground (2–3 m), it is necessary to turn off the winch and further lowering of the boom should be carried out either by briefly releasing the brake manually, or using braces attached to any traction means (car, tractor) or a securely fixed object, such as a dead end stop.

14.11. Prior to the start of dismantling, the issue of the need to dismantle the track should be resolved, leaving the installation section of the track or keeping the entire track unchanged for the period of dismantling.

14.12. If it is required to remove a part of the track before the start of dismantling, it is necessary to select the installation section of the track, which must meet the requirements for the track as a whole. The installation site must be grounded (with a new grounding device if necessary), have longitudinal and transverse slopes not exceeding those allowed during crane operation, be equipped with dead ends, supporting elements (half sleepers, beams) must lie tightly on the ballast prisms.

14.13. When dismantling reinforced concrete beams and slabs of rail tracks in winter, it is necessary to preheat the soles of reinforced concrete beams (slabs) and the ballast located under the sole of the beam.

14.14. In preparation for dismantling, it is necessary to free from lubricating oil the gearboxes of mechanisms that will not be used during installation operations and which will change their working position (for example, from horizontal to vertical, or vice versa) when dismantling the crane.


15.1. Upon completion of installation in accordance with the Rules (PB 10-382-00), the installation organization must draw up an Installation Work Performance Certificate confirming that the installation work has been completed in accordance with the DKM Album and (or) Installation Instructions (IM) and PPRm (if any ). The act must be signed by the responsible representative of the installation organization.

15.2. On the basis of the Certificate of installation work, if necessary, an Acceptance Certificate of the mounted crane can be drawn up, which is signed by representatives of the installation organization and the owner of the crane.

15.3. Before starting the dismantling of the crane at the facility (in the case of its subsequent transportation and installation at a new facility without transfer to the base for storage), if necessary, a Certificate of acceptance of the crane for the period of installation work, signed by representatives of the crane owner and the installation organization, can be drawn up.

The act of acceptance of the crane for dismantling must reflect the results of checking the performance of the crane and its mechanisms with the working load on the hook. This check should be carried out in order to check the mechanisms, their drives and brakes involved in the process of dismantling the crane.

When checking, at least three cycles of movement of mechanisms in both directions with a working load are carried out.

15.4. Prior to the installation, an Acceptance Certificate for the installation section of the track or an Acceptance Certificate for the track for installation should be prepared if the track was installed for the entire working length provided for by the PRp before the installation.

If the crane is installed on a foundation, an Acceptance Certificate for this foundation must be drawn up.

15.5. To the Certificate of acceptance of the installation section of the track or the track as a whole for the installation of the crane, acts of leveling and measuring the ground resistance, respectively, on the installation site or on the entire track as a whole, must be attached.

15.6. Upon completion of the installation of the crane, the run-in of the track and the completion of work on the arrangement of the track, an Acceptance Certificate for the entire track must be drawn up with acts of leveling and measuring the grounding resistance of the entire contour of the rail track. The act of acceptance of the installation section of the track, as well as the track as a whole, must be drawn up by the organization that performed the rail track and the owner of the crane, with the participation, if necessary, of a representative of the installation organization.

15.7. Before dismantling the crane, if necessary, an Acceptance Certificate for the installation section of the track can be drawn up. The specified act must be drawn up by the organization dismantling the rail track, the owner of the crane with the participation of a representative of the installation organization.


16.1. Service personnel requirements

16.1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination and have no contraindications for working at height, after special training and issuance of certificates for the right to carry out installation work, may be allowed to work on the installation (dismantling) of the crane.

16.1.2. The foreman of the works is obliged, before the start of the installation (dismantling) of the crane, to brief the members of the installation team with an entry in the log against receipt on safe working methods, taking into account the characteristics of the crane being mounted, and for electrical installers - additionally on electrical safety.

16.1.3. Installers are required to know the rules for first aid in case of electric shock and injury.

16.1.4. Installers admitted to climbing for the first time must work for one year under the direct supervision of experienced workers appointed by order of the installation organization.

Workers who have at least one year of experience in mounting steeplejack work are allowed to carry out independent assembly work.

16.1.5. If the crane is being installed for the first time, then the installers must work under the direct supervision of the installation superintendent.

16.1.6. Installers performing the functions of slingers must inspect load handling devices before using them.

16.1.7. Mounters-top climbers must carry out the installation in overalls. Shoes with smooth soles should not be used. At a height of more than 1.3 m, you need to work with a safety belt.

16.1.8. All workers in the crane installation area must wear safety helmets.

16.1.9. When lifting, lowering and moving along the metal structures of the crane, the installer's hands must be free. The tool should be carried in a zipped bag slung over the shoulder. Heavy objects and devices should be lifted to the place of work with a rope made of organic materials (hemp, cotton, sisal) or synthetic fibers, previously tested and tagged.

16.2. Work requirements

16.2.1. All personnel carrying out work on the installation (dismantling) of the crane must be guided by the DKM Album, the factory Installation Instructions (IM) of the crane, PPRm, Intersectoral rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, and also follow the instructions of the manufacturer of works.

16.2.2. The installation of the crane should be carried out during daylight hours by one installation team.

If it is necessary to work in 2 shifts, the installers of the incoming shift must be informed in detail by the foreman and responsible head of the crane installation of the previous shift about the work done and the upcoming work, the state of the workplace, safety measures and other issues related to the technological process and work conditions.

16.2.3. It is forbidden to mount (dismantle) the crane during a thunderstorm, with icy conditions, poor visibility, thick fog, heavy snowfall or rain, insufficient lighting, if the voltage in the supply network drops by more than 10%, at air temperature or at wind speeds above the limits specified in DKM or IM crane. In the absence of the indicated data in these documents, it is not allowed to carry out installation at a wind speed at the level of work performance of more than 10 m/s and a temperature below -20 °C.

16.2.4. After a snowfall, before continuing the installation (dismantling) work, it is necessary to thoroughly remove snow from the crane structures, control systems, workplaces and the rail track.

16.2.5. In winter, workplaces and walkways should be periodically cleared of ice and snow, sprinkled with sand or slag.

16.3. Requirements for the order of installation work

16.3.1. Installation of crane elements should be carried out in the following order:

sling the element according to the slinging scheme and pull the rope of the removable load-handling device;

make sure the slinging is reliable by raising the element to a small height, and then move the element to the place of its installation;

fix the element in the design position;

unsling the element, connect the wiring (if necessary).

16.3.2. The dismantling of the crane elements should be carried out in the following order:

disconnect the wiring between the mounting nodes (if necessary);

lash the dismantled element according to the slinging scheme;

disconnect the joint and lift the element to be dismantled. If necessary, use a mounting crowbar, mandrel, chisel to tear it off;

remove the element, lower it to the ground and unsling it.

16.3.3. It is allowed to eliminate malfunctions identified during the installation process only after the mechanisms have completely stopped, the knife switch has been turned off and a warning poster has been posted: “Do not turn it on, people are working!”.

16.3.4. In the process of testing the crane under load, the people conducting the technical examination and the maintenance personnel should not be in the moving zone 1 immediate danger, constituting a sector of ± 30 ° relative to the longitudinal axis of the rotary part of the crane both towards the boom and towards the counterweight ().

Rice. 35. Moving zone location 1 immediate danger

16.4. Crane control requirements

16.4.1. Crane control during installation should be carried out:

from remote control - when performing the actual installation of the crane and carrying out static and dynamic tests;

from the cockpit - during the running-in of the crane and carrying out commissioning works without cargo;

from the cockpit - when working with a load [including when setting up and adjusting the load limiter OGP)], provided that static and dynamic tests have already been carried out in advance, confirming the strength, stability and correct assembly (mounting) of the crane.

16.4.2. When operating from the cab during the installation period, the presence in the cab of persons not required during the running-in, commissioning, setting and adjustment of the GCP is not allowed.

16.4.3. Requirements for the control of a quick-erecting crane are accepted in accordance with the instructions recorded in the crane's OM.

16.4.4. Installers are allowed to control the crane from a remote control and to sling the crane units during installation after appropriate instruction and verification of skills in operating the crane and slinging loads in the manner prescribed by the owner.

16.5. Requirements for barriers and means of access

16.5.1. The area of ​​the installation site must be fenced around the perimeter, and warning posters should be posted on the fences. If during the dismantling of the crane it is possible for people to exit the building to the area of ​​the installation site, then the specified exit must be closed for the duration of the work.

16.5.2. For the transition of assemblers along the mounted crane units, it is necessary to use the stairs, transitional platforms and ladders with railings provided for this purpose.

16.6. Prohibition to carry out certain types of work

16.6.1. When performing work on the installation (dismantling) of the crane, it is prohibited:

installers to be at a height without safety belts;

to be by unauthorized persons on the installation site;

to be for people on the lifted, lowered or suspended cargo;

lower or raise people on a suspended load;

be for people under the load being lifted or lowered, as well as in the zone of a possible fall of the boom;

leave suspended structures without supervision;

tear off the supporting elements of the rail track (half sleepers, beams) frozen to the ground with a crane;

drop objects and tools from a height;

use spliced ​​ropes to lift the load;

turn on the power supply switch to the crane without special instructions from the work manager;

to produce lifting and lowering of structures and loads when the voltage drop in the electrical network is more than 10% of the nominal value;

use non-standard butt axes, fingers, bolts and nuts not provided for by the project;

install a crane at the pit without a corresponding indication in the project for the organization of work by a crane.

16.6.2. At the time of the extension of the tower, installers and other maintenance personnel are prohibited from being on the crane and its platforms.

16.6.3. During the extension of the upper part of the crane, installers are prohibited from:

be on a lifted structure or at the top of a tower;

leave suspended structures raised;

leave the mounting post passing through the opening of the counterweight console, as well as the turntable (with the lock installed) for a night break, on weekends and holidays, as well as when the wind speed rises more than 10 m/s at the level of installation work;

access to the mounting rack before extending its upper stops and securing them to the tower;

leave the remote control panel while extending the upper part of the crane;

extend the upper part of the crane above the position specified in the requirements for the installation of a particular crane;

do not allow the inclusion of mechanisms that are not required in this operation, at the wrong speeds and in the wrong sequence.

16.6.4. It is forbidden to carry out work not related to the installation of electrical equipment with the doors of the electrical cabinet open, as well as the presence of unauthorized persons in the equipment cabin. Cabinets and equipment booths must be locked. The keys must be kept by the person responsible for the electrical work.

16.6.5. When performing loading and unloading operations, assemblers are obliged to open the sides of the unloaded vehicle only after the crane units located in the body are released from the binding wire. At the same time, you should make sure that when opening the sides, the structure will not fall out, lay the elements of the crane on vehicles so that the possibility of their tipping over or displacement during transportation is excluded.

16.6.6. During the installation (dismantling) of the crane on the installation site, it is prohibited to perform any other work. Access to the site is prohibited for persons not participating in the assembly (dismantling) operations.

16.6.7. It is forbidden to carry out work simultaneously in two or more levels without appropriate measures to protect people.

16.6.8. It is forbidden to load (unload) elements onto vehicles while the driver is in the cab of the vehicle, and the slinger is in its body.

16.7. Requirements for moving goods by cranes

16.7.1. Suspension of the elements should be carried out in such a way that the hook of the assembly crane is located above the center of gravity of the unit, and the cargo ropes of the assembly crane are in a vertical position, avoiding oblique tension of the ropes.

16.7.2. Slinging of crane elements is allowed only with tested and marked lifting devices (slings).

16.7.3. Before moving the load, it must be preliminarily raised by 0.2 - 0.3 m and the reliability of fastening and uniform tension of the slings must be checked.

16.7.4. When lifting loads, slinging should be carried out in such a way that the possibility of falling out of part of the load is excluded and the stable position of the load is ensured when it is moved.

16.7.5. The slings should be positioned in such a way that the angle between the branches of the slings does not exceed 90°.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to take an angle of up to 120 ° with a corresponding decrease in the load capacity of the sling according to.

16.7.6. When using slinging in a girth (for a choke), the sling should be securely tightened before moving the load by hitting the female loop with a wooden mallet or slug.

16.7.7. To correct the position of the slings, you must first lower the load and loosen the slings.

16.7.8. Not allowed:

use icy ropes for slinging crane elements;

pull the load with your hands while lifting (lowering) or moving the load;

adjust the slings on weight.

16.7.9. When moving loads horizontally, it is necessary that they be previously raised at least 0.5 m above the obstacles encountered on the way.

16.7.10. Before lifting a load placed near walls, stacks, wagons, vehicles, make sure that there are no people between the wall, stacks, wagons and vehicles, after which the slinger himself must leave this area.

16.7.11. It is not allowed to deploy the load, as well as to prevent spontaneous reversal of long-length crane units manually during their lifting and moving. For this purpose, you should use special rope braces - hemp ropes. These ropes must be checked periodically, which must be reflected on the appropriate label.

16.7.12. Cargo canting may be carried out in accordance with the schemes given in the DCM, which should reflect the sequence of operations, the method of slinging the load and instructions for the safe performance of work.

16.7.13. When laying knots on the ground, strong linings must first be placed under them so that the branches of the slings can be easily and without damage removed from under the load.

16.7.14. It is possible to remove the slings from the load and (or) the hook only after the reliable installation of the load, element in place.

Annex A

to RD 22-28-37-02


GOST 2.102-68* ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents.
GOST 2.601-95* ESKD. operational documents.
GOST 2688-80* Rope double lay type LK-R design 6´19 (1+6+6/6)+1 o.s. Assortment.
GOST 3071-88* Steel and double lay rope of TK type, construction 6´37 (1+6+12+18)+1 o.s. Assortment.
GOST 3079-80* Double lay rope type TLK-0 design 6´37 (1+6+15+15)+1 o.s. Assortment.
GOST 7668-80* Rope double lay type LK-RO construction 6´36 (1+7+7/7+14)+1 o.s. Assortment.
GOST 7669-80* Double lay rope of LK-RO type, construction 6´36 (1+7+7/7+14)+7´7(1+6). Assortment.
GOST 13556-91 Cranes are tower construction. General specifications.
GOST 23407-78 Inventory fencing of construction sites and sites for the production of construction and installation works. Specifications.
GOST 25573-82* Slings cargo rope for construction. Specifications.
PB 10-382-00 Rules for the construction and safe operation of cranes.
POT R M-016-2001 Intersectoral rules on labor protection (Safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations.
SNiP III-4-80 Building regulations. Rules for the production of acceptance of work. Safety in construction.
SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.
RD 10-33-93 Cargo slings of general purpose. Requirements for the device and safe operation. (With amendment No. 1).
RD 22-28-35-99 Design, arrangement and safe operation of rail tracks of tower cranes.
RD 22-28-36-01 Cranes are load-lifting. Standard programs and test methods.
ITOs 22-01-01 Instructions for the technical examination of load-lifting cranes.
RTM 22-175-93 Cranes are tower construction. Standards for calculating the service life of steel ropes.

Annex B

List of sling schemes

Slinging undercarriage Helpful information? Share with colleagues!




Auto dependent. certificate no.

Claimed 11.VIII.1970 (No. 1468024/27-11) Ch.Cl. At 66s 19/00 with application X attached

NGO Committee for Acquisitions and Discoveries vri Soeate Mliistraye

UDC 621 873 12(088 8) Inventors

I. S. Goldberg and E. I. Simonenko

State Institute for the Design of Mounting Technology



The invention relates to methods for mounting and dismantling hoisting machines, and in particular to methods for dismantling gantry cranes.

Known methods of dismantling gantry cranes with sectional rigid and hinged support. According to such methods, dismantling is carried out by turning the bridge in a vertical plane using at least one jib crane.

The proposed method consists in the fact that the dismantling is carried out with a hinged support loosened in a vertical position and a crane hook moored over a rigid support. With the help of a jib crane, a rigid support is lifted, then the lower section with the undercarriage is separated from it. After that, the rigid support is lowered to the ground, and the bridge turns around relative to the hinged support.

This method of dismantling allows to reduce the required lifting height of the jib crane hook, and this, in turn, allows the use of smaller jib cranes, which reduces the cost of the work.

The method is illustrated in the drawing.

Before dismantling, the hinged onopg 1 is fixed in a vertical position with braces 2. Jib cranes 8 are placed on both sides of the rigid support and the Hx hooks are moored for the upper section 4 of the rigid support. To ensure rigidity, the racks of the upper section are connected with a spacer.

Raise the rigid support, which allows you to separate its lower section 5 together with the running gear b. Then the rigid support is lowered, while the bridge 7 turns around relative to the hinged support 1. After the stop

10 of the upper section 4 into the ground, crane hooks moor behind the bridge and raise it, which makes it possible to separate the upper section: by. Then the bridge is separated from support 1 and the support itself is dismantled.

Subject of invention

The method of dismantling gantry cranes with a sectional rigid support and a hinged support, carried out by turning the bridge

20 in a vertical plane with at least one jib crane, characterized in that, in order to reduce the required lifting height of the jib crane hook by mooring it to a rigid support, the rigid support is lifted with a jib crane, separated from it the lower section with the undercarriage, after which the rigid support is lowered to the ground, while the axle is turned around relative to the hinged support, 348485

Compiled by I. Abramovich

Dismantling of cranes. Dismantling crane beams. Dismantling of gantry cranes. Dismantling of crane tracks.

Not every client understands what constitutes such a process as the dismantling of a crane that is in production. This is a very difficult and responsible task. We carry out the dismantling of cranes of a wide variety of designs in order to repair, restore or dispose of them. Our experts perform work at a convenient time for customers. We are "in service" with the most modern equipment necessary to ensure the high quality of the services provided. Given the large mass and bulkiness of the crane, as well as its complex design, the procedures associated with its disassembly must be trusted exclusively to organizations specializing in this. The process itself is quite dangerous in terms of the possibility of injury, so professionals know and follow all precautions, which completely removes any responsibility from the customer. Our specialists have extensive experience in performing such work. They will dismantle, carry out transportation and, if necessary, perform installation at a new location in the shortest possible time. We are engaged in the dismantling of cranes with any load capacity, which are located both indoors and outdoors.

Dismantling of overhead cranes and overhead cranes

Operations for dismantling a crane located indoors require preliminary preparation. In the place where the crane will be lowered, it is necessary to remove the machines and other mechanisms. In addition, access roads must be prepared for the truck crane. After that, the danger zone should be fenced off and the access of unauthorized persons to the places of work should be closed. Further, special equipment is prepared, which serves to fix and lower the structural elements of the crane.

Immediately prior to the dismantling of the crane, our specialists examine all its elements for the possible detection of unreliable areas that may be subject to corrosion or be deformed. This makes it possible to take preventive measures to eliminate the possibility of an accidental collapse of the structure at the time of its removal.

The process of dismantling an overhead double-girder crane includes several stages:

The operator cabin is being removed;

The removal of the engines responsible for the movement of the bridge is in progress;

The dismantling of crane-beams, as well as single-beam cranes, is carried out in the following sequence:

All removable elements are carefully lowered and folded in a pre-prepared space.

In the case of disposal, they are cut into small components that are more convenient for descent and transportation.

Approximate cost of services for the dismantling of overhead cranes, as well as overhead cranes

The price of dismantling an electric overhead crane *:

load capacity



1 to 2 tons

up to 15 meters

From 100 000 rubles

3 to 5 tons

up to 15 meters

From 1 5 0 000 rubles

6 to 10 tons

up to 15 meters

From 180 000 rubles

The price of dismantling the crane supporting electric *:

load capacity



1 to 2 tons

up to 15 meters

From 8 5 000 rubles

1 to 2 tons

Up to 22.5 meters

From 12 5 000 rubles

3 to 5 tons

up to 15 meters

From 12 5 000 rubles

3 to 5 tons

Up to 22.5 meters

From 14 5 000 rubles

6 to 10 tons

up to 15 meters

From 150 000 rubles

6 to 10 tons

Up to 22.5 meters

From 160 000 rubles

*The exact cost is determined after our specialists get acquainted with the terms of reference and inspect the crane.

Dismantling of gantry cranes

All stages of the dismantling of a gantry crane are carried out according to a plan drawn up in advance by specialists, which must necessarily include such items as:

Creation of a PPR for the dismantling of the crane

The crane is completely de-energized;

Cargo trolley being removed;

The bridge part is being removed;

The end beams are being dismantled.

Cable routes are being dismantled;

Scrap metal or overhaul;

The process of dismantling the structure on the ground completes the work. Remove engines, movable carts, supports and other remaining elements.

The cost of dismantling a gantry crane depends on several factors: the weight and design of the equipment, the working conditions, the availability of the installation site. The purpose of disassembling lifting equipment is also taken into account: for further installation and use or sending for disposal. The cost of dismantling starts from 350,000 rubles per unit.

Specific prices depend on such factors as the weight of the structure, the conditions of work, the degree of accessibility of the installation site. In addition, the purpose of dismantling directly affects the cost of services. Dismantling and subsequent disposal will always be cheaper.

The use of new technological solutions and modern lifting equipment ensures the shortest possible time for the completion of work, which will save your company from long forced downtime.

Dismantling of crane tracks

Work on the dismantling of crane tracks is most often performed using special lifting equipment. In some cases, you can get by with cargo winches and jacks.

The procedure includes the following required steps:

Dismantling of ground tracks (immediately before dismantling, it is necessary to turn off the power supply, then remove the stops and fences, and then dismantle the sleepers, half sleepers and rails; when the tracks are completely dismantled, the ballast cushion is also removed and the earth layer is completely leveled);

Dismantling of overhead tracks (whether done by hand or with truck cranes, work at height is required; power is cut first, then rails and crane beams are removed, which are carefully lowered to the ground, and then either marked or cut for disposal ).

The cost of dismantling the crane runways starts from 300 rubles/linear meter.

The dismantling of cranes, crane runways and crane beams is carried out by industrial climbers with extensive experience. We use special tools, as well as safety and rigging equipment specially designed for such work.

To order or send the terms of reference to This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. or call by phone 8-495-236-74-30
