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Secrets of the Stars latest issue. Review: Secrets of the Stars last issue. No deliberate lies

"There are unfortunate fates. Mine is just like that. I have not realized myself at all. I still dream that I am standing on the site, and spotlights are directed at me. I paid cruelly for love!" his death.

Spy, traitor and two weeks of happiness.

It all started with a magical passionate night in a hotel and ended in hell....

She was 31, he was 50. They met in the sky.

I flew to shoot in Odessa, - Zavyalova shared. - Chatted, and I was sick. Suddenly, some gentleman who speaks English began to solder me to Borjomi. I looked up and....God! Tall, stately, handsome! Dream!

And the next day they ran into a hotel.

The foreigner was surprised - said the star.

He asked: "Are you Polish?" - "No, Russian." With these words, the novel began. Two weeks of sunshine!

His name was Othello Ceresoli. A prominent businessman, owner of a shipping company, former admiral of the US Navy.

He admitted that his wife was waiting for him in America, Alexandra sighed. - He said that his wife is beautiful, but he loves me. We fought in Moscow. Othello wanted to send a divorce request through the embassy. I planned in the right instances to coordinate marriage with a citizen of a capitalist country.

Yes, but these dreams were not destined to come true. In the morning, KGB officers broke into Ceresolli's suite and pulled the American straight out of bed, where the lovers were enjoying each other.

They took me to my room,” the artist continued. -Posted in the face of the photo, where we are together. They shouted that he was a spy, and I was a traitor to the motherland. At 24 hours, the KGB officers expelled their beloved from the USSR. We cried when we were separated. Othello became persona non grata and we never saw each other again.

When the star returned home, she was immediately called to Lenfilm, to the director Kiselev.

He also began to say that I had contacted a spy, Zavyalova complained.

And also, my phone, which used to be bursting with calls, suddenly fell silent. Oblivion has come. It was a nightmare!

In addition, the actress began to be dragged for interrogation. They tried to impute article 64 of the Criminal Code of the USSR "Treason to the motherland", according to which they could have been shot. However, the evidence was not enough.

"Where have you gone? Went to a monastery?"

From the misfortunes that had piled on, the actress went into a deep depression. Then the directors Uskov and Krasnopolsky saved the actress from insanity. They were not afraid to invite the disgraced actress to play the role of Pistemeya Morozova in the film "shadows disappear at noon." The work went on for almost three years. And when the last episodes were filmed in Moscow, love again came to Alexandra. And again - to a foreigner!

Yugoslav Moma Kosic Zavyalova also met at the hotel. He looked so much like Othello!

The beauty is about to get married again. But then he opposed .... ex-husband Dmitry - refused to give permission to take his daughter abroad.

Where am I without a child?! Alexandra cried.

I'll be back, Moma promised. - I'll find a way to take you to me! And when I arrive, I will lay out the path to your house with roses! But Kosic was no longer allowed into the Soviet Union.

The KGB did not forgive the star for another trick. Zavyalova was not even invited to the premiere of Shadows. And the directors again "forgot" that there is such an actress. Colleagues, meeting her at Lenfilm, where she went, hoping in vain to get a job, made surprised eyes:

Shurochka, where have you gone? They say she went to a monastery? Is this true? And I talk like I got married and emigrated!

The depression got worse. Everywhere the woman began to imagine "bugs", "black funnels" and "chekists". At night, the actress screamed from nightmares. Realizing that a little more - and end up in a psychiatric hospital, Zavyalova decided to give birth. I hoped that caring for the child would fill the void that had formed in my heart. And at the age of 40 she again became a mother, giving the world her son Petya. From a random boyfriend from the Tambov village. But childbirth had a bad effect on the psyche.

She spent three years in mental hospitals.

Somehow two orderlies broke into my apartment, Alexandra Semyonovna cried. - They twisted their hands, dragged them. I shouted: “Children, have pity! A 13-year-old daughter and a baby remained there.” But no one listened to me. And no one stood up.

They put her in a car, injected something into a vein and drove away. When the actress came to, she was wearing a government shirt. And there was a bar on the window.

In total, I spent three years in a mental hospital, - Zavyalova did not hide. - They let me go, then again they took me away for five or six months. And it was punitive psychiatry. I was experimented on. For example, they injected sleeping pills, and then did not let them sleep. Before the next discharge, I was forced to sign a sentence for myself - disability.

As a result, the woman really went crazy. She became a recluse, did not leave the house for weeks. She cursed strongly when someone recognized her on the street. "Enlightenment" happened, but less and less. In one of them - in 1992 - Alexandra Semyonovna even starred in an episode of the film "White Clothes". And two years later, the legend was finally awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Sergey Antonov, Rasul Gamzatov, Kaisy Kuliev, Yulian Semenov, Arkady Raikin, Artur Chilingarov - they were crazy about the actress.

Mikhail Romm, in the struggle for the candidacy of Zinka in the film "Alyoshkina Love", rested: "Shura has amazing plasticity and mysterious beauty, in which both angelic and demonic are combined. And Zavyalova does not play her roles - she lives them!"


We live in a world where show business stars never cease to amaze their fans with events from their lives: these can be both details of their personal lives and stories about the illnesses of stars and their loved ones.

I am interested in learning new things about the life of media personalities, and I love to read in my free time, so I always buy several magazines, and one of my favorites is "Secrets of the Stars".

Star Mystery Magazine

I have been buying this magazine for many years - there are many interesting stories about life there. famous people, some practical tips and a crossword puzzle to pass the time.

I buy Secrets of the Stars more often than other magazines, because they don’t miss a single issue of it. Why do I like him so much? It is difficult to say, probably, there are a lot of good things in it, and it is easy and simple to read it.

I will try to describe in detail why this magazine is so good.

Lots of photos

The magazine contains many large photographs of famous personalities. There are some pictures that are, mmm... a bit spicy. It is interesting to look at such photographs of famous people, because they are not always shown like that on TV.

Many even cut out photos of their favorite artists, and even children are even more involved in this.

My daughter cuts out all the pictures with Dima Bilan, folds them and keeps them.

good paper quality

Since we started talking about the fact that many people cut out images of idols, it should be mentioned that the quality of the magazine's paper is decent - such a photo will last for many years and nothing will happen to it.

Short Articles

Articles about actors and singers in the magazine Secrets of the Stars are convenient - they don’t seem to be long, but the essence seems to be expressed. That is, editors do not stretch the texts, do not make them unreadable, and write in essence - clearly and sensibly.

No deliberate lies

I remember that I used to read some other magazine about stars, so they wrote something there. It turns out that the editors of that magazine invented everything, and wrote something that actually did not happen. And the readers believed, retold each other, worried about their idols.

In the magazine Secrets of the Stars, the information is only true, so you can read and know what is happening in the life of famous people, trust what is written.

Cooking recipes

I really like that the magazine has culinary recipes. Apparently, the editors themselves know that their audience is women (young and middle-aged), and although the interests of these women, although they may be different, they definitely need to cook for them all.

The recipes are well thought out and have never tasted bad. Always everything that I cooked from the recipe of this magazine turned out to be of high quality and was eaten with a bang.

The recipes are simple (there are, of course, complex ones, but I'm looking for an easier one), the cooking process is described in detail. The proportions are correct.

Here advice about mortgages, lending, property, car. Everything is written sensibly - short and to the point.

Our rights

It is useful to learn some legal norms, written in simple and understandable language.

Country house

Useful tips for those who have a cottage. Although I do not work in the country, but, for example, to find out when it is better to trim the mustache of cucumbers is not superfluous.

be healthy

Useful tips that will help you to always be in the know - to know what needs to be done on time so as not to get sick.

I often used the advice from there, and more than once they helped me.

Personal experience

It is interesting to listen to the advice of the stars - I do not mean those in the sky, but those on TV))

Astro forecast

And the heavenly bodies can also tell you how best to behave in the near future.

Nice interesting magazine. It has a lot of useful and interesting things. You won't get bored with him.

Video review


Magazine "Secrets of the Stars": Alla Borisovna, your farewell tour has ended - 37 concerts! What's on your heart?

A.P .: - For the first time in my life, I decided to end show business. Although they are trying to be ironic - they say, I already left. But this is not so - I took a time-out for two years ... So, in 45 years of work on the stage and 35 years of popularity, I admitted to myself for the first time that I was a really great artist. When I saw the joy and tears of the public, the grief at the fact that I was leaving, I understood: God gave me a life that I can be proud of. I always joked - when they told me “great”, I answered: “I get fat from this word!” But now I say: “Hello! You were great!"

"Secrets of the Stars": - Was it?

A.P.: - It was. Because I am a man of my word. I honestly leave.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Kobzon also left, but he could not do without a scene!

A.P.: - Well, don't compare us! Iosif Davydovich is a vocalist from God and goes on stage with joy! He runs straight, gets healthy from it. I have never lived on stage. I thought: “My God, going there is such a responsibility! God forbid something happens! Others will be forgiven, but I won’t!” For me it was torture! Exit to the chopping block! And overcoming this fear for 45 years in a row has exhausted me. So I told myself that I don’t want to die on stage. And I will not die without a scene.

What's next? I do not know!

"Secrets of the Stars": - There is not the slightest chance that you will return?

A.P.: - No. I joked during the tour that we would meet at 80 years old. They asked me: “Why at 80?”, And I answered: “It will be a funny sight!” Joke! But the thought that I can return to the stage at the age of 80 supports me, makes me at least take care of my health.

A.P .: - I don’t know myself!

"Secrets of the Stars": - You said there would be a theater ...

A.P .: - Well, you never know what I said! Theatre, cinema... Now I don't want to think about it. I have such an opportunity - not to think about anything! Well, except for Radio Alla.

We have nothing to share with Rotaru!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Who is cooler, Pugacheva or Rotaru? Have you watched the movie "Sonechka vs Allochka"? How is he to you?

AP: - To be honest, I don't care. Because I really love the work of Sonechka Rotaru. And Sonya never competed against Alla, and Alla against Sonya - too. But well thought out.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Have you and Rotaru ever had quarrels, rivalries?

A.P.: - No. Never. Yes, and on what basis?

"Secrets of the Stars": - Is she not a competitor to you?

A.P .: - How can a singer who is engaged in a completely different business be a competitor? She has her own musical direction, her own image. And those songs that she sings, I would never have taken into my repertoire. And those that I sing, she would not have taken. We are different. Each has its own niche. And we have nothing to share...

"Secrets of the Stars": - But you can't be called girlfriends either?

A.P .: - No, we, of course, are not bosom girlfriends. God forbid! We are colleagues, friends. We communicate. Our children were friends.

"Secrets of the Stars": - They say that now Rotaru will take your throne on the stage ...

A.P.: - Maybe. Why not? I think she has her own throne! But if she can, she will sit on two! May God give her strength and health!

I don't see a successor in my key

"Secrets of the Stars": - Do you yourself see the successor?

A.P .: - In its own way, in the direction of the song theater - no.

"Secrets of the Stars": - And Christina?

A.P .: - Well, Christina is great in her own way. She moves so well! She is so beautiful! She has her own musical direction. I would love to write a song for her. All my life I dreamed, for example, to fit some kind of repertoir to her ...

"Secrets of the Stars": - What's the problem? Is she against it?

A.P.: - No! Well, how can she be against it? She will only be happy! But I kept it for myself. And now there is no need. So I'll try to help her a little.

"Secrets of the Stars": - And yet. Will we never hear new songs from you again?

A.P.: - Wait. If I really want to show people a song, then I have Radio Alla for this. I can sing something, but as for the stage, touring - it's not ...

I feel sorry for Kirkorov! He spent his whole life on me...

Alla wished her ex-husband to win Eurovision and finally think about children

"Secrets of the Stars": - Will Philip Kirkorov ever win Eurovision?

A.P .: - He has? It will turn out. Let's give him hope. It will turn out.

"Secrets of the Stars": - In one interview, you did not speak very flatteringly about Kirkorov. Do you treat Philip worse than other husbands?

AP: - Nothing like that! It’s just that when you read an interview, it’s impossible to catch the intonation with which it was said ... I have a normal attitude towards Philip. Why should I treat him badly? I have known him since childhood. How can I delete him from my life? .. I do not see him as a husband for myself!

Phillip and I got divorced!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Are you married?

"Secrets of the Stars": - And he says: "No!" Like, I didn’t see any documents ...

A.P .: - Well, I will run to show them to him? Let believe in the word!

"Secrets of the Stars": - He connects his life only with you ...

A.P.: - Which one? See what life is!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Well, he confesses his love to you, says that you are his only woman. He even wants children from a surrogate mother: they say, if not from you, then from anyone ...

AP: - Well, the boy wants a family! Now - uncle ... Well, he wants to! Why not? I perfectly understand his desire to have a child. Let it come true! You have to live not only for me! (Chuckles.)

"Secrets of the Stars": - Why did you grin?

AP: - I feel sorry for him. Live for one person! You have to have something else. The stage is the second position. We need a third - a child. It seems to me that Phil really needs this. The meaning of life will appear. It will be not only in declarations of love.

There are bisexuals, and Maxim is a man!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Maxim Galkin became the reason for the divorce from Kirkorov?

A.P.: - No! God forbid! This is absolutely not because of Galkin! .. Filya still wanders side by side. He entered the category of my older children. He is a child, an absolute child!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Then why did you divorce Philip?

A.P.: - Why talk about it? The family did not work out - that's all. We are very different people.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Because of the musical "Chicago", which Philip started and which brought you losses?

A.P .: - No, what are you! Do I look like a mercantile woman? Yes you! I am not a mercantile woman!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Because of the rumors about Philip's unconventional sexual orientation?

A.P .: - You know, if a person is good, then orientation does not interfere. But I'm not very good at it. There are just bisexual men! And I know wonderful, wonderful, happy families with children! Here with Maxim it turns out differently. He is a man. He even sometimes calls me docha! That is, he is so much smarter than me in some matters that I can feel weaker and more feminine. It is very important that there is a man nearby who is superior to you at least in some way. I dreamed about it.

We are good at Multi Personality!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Maxim calls you daughters?! So, they didn’t guess in the Personality Cartoon, introducing you as a “mother”, and him as a “son”? Is it the other way around?

A.P.: - Of course!

"Secrets of the Stars": - And how do you feel about this?

A.P .: - Well, you know ... If it were really the way they show, it would probably be insulting. And when this is not so, it causes Homeric laughter.

"Secrets of the Stars": - So you like these parodies?

A.P.: - Yes, they are good. It's just that everyone has their own sense of humor ... And to be offended? Well, then everyone should be offended. Both Sobchak and Volochkova. And we look: Maxim is there - so pretty! I even asked me to change clothes. And then why am I there all the time in the same thing? Now changed.

“Secrets of the Stars”: - Maxim said that he is now communicating with you with phrases from the Personality Cartoon: “I want a national one!”, “Give me 500 rubles!” ...

A.P.: - Ah, yes! It was so! He tormented me for almost a week with this: “I want folk!” Stamped his foot...

I saw Maxim in a dream when I was... 13 years old!

Alla was shocked when she realized that her childhood dream had come true!

"Secrets of the Stars": - What qualities did Maxim conquer you? Why did you fall in love with him?

A.P .: - Oh ... Well, it’s not for the qualities that they fall in love! It's all in heaven! Well, first of all, I saw him in my dream. At the age of 13, I had a three-part dream. And the last part was that I was dancing with a boy in a very strange audience: some kind of hall, where the entire wall was made of glass, and there were many flowers on the left. At that time, no one thought about the escalator, but here - such a wall! I mean, I saw a future. And when a boy came up to me and said: "Let's dance?" My heart sank right into my heels...

I like Galkin! I don't throw words!

"Secrets of the Stars": - And what happened in the first two parts?

A.P .: - The stairs on which I stumbled, in the hostel where Christina's future father lived. And then the tram brought me to some kind of palace made of glass and concrete. There was no Kremlin Palace of Congresses then. But I have already said this. But I'm talking about the third part only now.

"Secrets of the Stars": - You only recently realized that Maxim is a boy from a dream?

A.P.: - Yes. When I entered his castle and saw a glass wall. Oh my god, this too!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Do you like Galkin's castle?

A.P.: - I like Galkin! And talking about it is a real pleasure! To be honest, I did not expect him to take the construction so seriously. And it calms the woman down. As a person builds a house, so he loves, and so he builds his relationships. Maxim has everything thoroughly and with great taste. He does not spare money to make it not for show-offs, but for life. And I like that he made his dream come true - a castle on a hill! So many conversations! And they laughed! And they mocked! And now they drive by and see what a beauty it is! He decorated the whole landscape there. In general, well done! I just bow my head. I wouldn't be capable of that.

"Secrets of the Stars": - In the program "One Hundred Questions for an Adult" you said that Maxim is your last love, but never say "never" ...

A.P .: - What could I tell the children? Let them think that everything is ahead of me. But I added there: “Maxim, don’t relax! I say this for you!” I just don't throw words.

I regret not having a child. This is my sin

"Secrets of the Stars": - Are there things that you regret?

A.P.: - Yes. I regret not having a child. Now there would be a friend to the grandson Nikita. It's just that there was a very long time, and it was murder. We must atone for this sin.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Do you want to have a baby now?

A.P.: - Me? Now? Of course not! I have a different perspective on life. I have grandchildren, a daughter, Maxim. I don't want to be distracted from what brings me happiness. For me to have?.. No! It's impossible! And I don’t want to dream about the impossible, it’s stupid at my age.

I am a happy woman. What can't I see?

"Secrets of the Stars": - Maxim is with you, with woman number one ...

AP: - I don't know what my number is. But he's just with a woman he loves and appreciates. Let's not number.

"Secrets of the Stars": - He has so many envious people! He did not try to quarrel with you?

AP: - I don't know, he doesn't tell me about it. He is a real man.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Are you happy?

A.P.: - Yes, of course. And what? Do I look like an unhappy woman? Happy, I think.

I bequeath to Denis the apartment that his father gave me! I don't have someone else's necessary!

The singer also said what will go to her grandson Nikita and what is the reason for the conflict with Ruslan Baysarov

"Secrets of the Stars": - Alla Borisovna, what about your will?

A.P .: - I have not yet made a will!

"Secrets of the Stars": - They write that you did not leave anything to Dany ...

AP: - My God, what a nightmare!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Maxim said that he did not know how people ask about this ...

AP: - He's an intelligent person. Can you imagine, he comes up to me: “All! Did you make a will? Did you mention me?" But you need to make a will. This is a good thing. I probably won't be able to buy anything right now. Therefore, it is necessary to distribute from what is. I contacted a lawyer to make a register of what I have.

"Secrets of the Stars": - We will call you when you make up?

A.P .: - I will not deprive anyone there. And to Denka, I know what I'll leave. The apartment that his father bought me. I don't need someone else!

"Secrets of the Stars": - And your dacha?

A.P .: - Istra is already Nikitin's house. He grew up there and loves this house.

"Secrets of the Stars": - So we found out one more point of the future will ...

A.P .: - Nobody hid it. It's just not written down anywhere. And you should write it down.

The conflict around the grandson was revenge

"Secrets of the Stars": - Denis lives with whom now?

AP: - The fact is that the conflict was very far-fetched. I never understood why. I suppose that it was a personal insult to me, since I was harsh with Baysarov on many issues. And even with the president of Chechnya. And they are not used to this. Therefore, it was an easy revenge. They thought I would be very worried. But when a person fights for something that was not taken from him, it's funny. Because when Christina is on tour, the boy was with his father. He is already big, he does not need nannies. And we knew perfectly well that at the age of 12 Denis would go to live with her father. This was originally agreed. As for America, I think it was a personal insult to me.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Did Medvedev help you resolve the conflict?

A.P.: - I think so. Dmitry Anatolyevich is a modest young man, a great clever man. And he will never advertise his help. But when I read Kadyrov's letter in the newspaper, I realized that there had been some kind of conversation with him.

Let Dany be a businessman!

"Secrets of the Stars": - But you yourself did not ask Medvedev?

A.P .: - “Never ask for anything. And especially those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything! Sit down, proud woman." The President acted humanely and very respectfully towards my person. I am very grateful to him. So if he needs my help, I'll be happy to help.

"Secrets of the Stars": - How do you see Dany's future?

AP: - Since this situation is explosive, I would not like to speak. Although I perfectly understand who it can turn out to be. Such a handsome man! Father wants Denis to be a businessman. So be it. I have always respected paternal rights.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Are you a person ready for compromises?

A.P.: - Yes. But not to deal with your conscience.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Have you ever been threatened?

AP: - In what sense?

"Secrets of the Stars": - In any ...

A.P .: - Well, there were maniacs ...

"Secrets of the Stars": - And the people you knew?

A.P.: - To me? What do you! Not! Nobody ever threatened me!

After death I want to be the GUARDIAN ANGEL of the whole country!

Alla Borisovna spoke about her health and what she asks God for, standing in front of the icons

"Secrets of the Stars": - How is your health?

A.P .: - I will not say that everything is in order. But for 61 years - more or less nothing. I'm checking. But the heart beats, unfortunately. It's hereditary.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Ischemia?

A.P.: - No, vessels.

They cut out the cyst and I almost died

"Secrets of the Stars": - Are you afraid of death?

AP: - No... Those who have a bad conscience are afraid of death.

"Secrets of the Stars": - And unbelievers.

A.P.: - You know, I have always felt strength and help from heaven. It's just embarrassing to talk about it. I would have gone to church, maybe if I hadn't been so famous. Because when they look at you, the sacrament of confession immediately disappears, and you begin, willy-nilly, to play, to maintain some kind of image. But here in Kyiv, in the Pechersk Lavra, I often visited. Because she could stay there alone, alone with the icons and take communion not in public. At least not in public...

"Secrets of the Stars": - And when you pray, what do you ask for?

A.P .: - First of all, save and save the family, the country, me. Well, that's it, in short. And the second. I very much ask that if I get, so to speak, into another dimension, they will make me a guardian angel of my loved ones. Well, if they make the country's guardian angel - even better! Because I love helping people.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Somehow you were on the verge of clinical death ...

A.P.: - Well, yes. It happened once, after an operation in Switzerland.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Was there plastic surgery or a heart?

A.P.: - No, not the heart. God forbid! I had a cyst removed. Unfortunately, I have such an organism that cysts form in some places. And here is one that has already grown, it was necessary to remove.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Have you seen something? Tunnel, light?

A.P .: - No, I didn’t have anything like that. I just remember the state when I did not feel pain. I was cut without anesthesia ...

Ask me to help? I can!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Now cancer is rampant in general ...

AP: - What can I say to that? Woe when people leave at such an age when they are still full of life and could do something. It's terrible how this cancer mows down! Strange ... I heard that there are already drugs for this disease. Why don't they introduce them?.. And we don't like to be treated! You can drag me to the doctor until he stops - only on the lasso. I do not like!

"Secrets of the Stars": - And they say you heal people yourself!

A.P.: - Who is speaking?

"Secrets of the Stars": - The artists you helped.

A.P .: - Well, if it helped, then it helped.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Surely you are asked for help ...

A.P.: - Well? Ask me to help? I can! I don’t know how it is now, but before - yes, it was stronger.

"Secrets of the Stars": - Do you use this gift?

A.P.: - No. Why should I use it? Nobody asks. What, should I sell tickets for this? I think every person has energy. Maybe if I wasn't an actress, I would be a healer. Sometimes it even seemed to me that I was hypnotizing the hall, and then I laughed - people would come home, hypnosis would subside - and they: “What was that?” Now, of course, the energy is not the same. We need to restore it at least for loved ones. Here Galkin will finish building his castle, I will sit there in the air and restore energy. He specially made for me at the top, above all, such an observation deck where you can patch up your energy. For me, going there is just some kind of recovery and purification.

"Secrets of the Stars": - You admire the landscape, don't you?

A.P.: - I admire myself! Against the background of this landscape!

"Secrets of the Stars": - Alla Borisovna, what is the meaning of life?

AP: - Well, there can't be a definite answer. “We must live in such a way that we are not ashamed of the aimlessly lived years.” The meaning of life is in mutual joy. When you give joy to others without asking for anything in return. And they answer you the same. It is a great happiness to live like this. And, of course, children. They have the meaning of life.

Oh, what everyday dreams I have!

"Secrets of the Stars": - What are you dreaming about now?

A.P.: - I have such mundane dreams! So that Maxim quickly completes the castle. I really want to live there! Oh, what household dreams! The second dream is creative: I still want to do something else not in show business. To make it happen and to make it interesting and necessary for people.
