Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Participants in the enterprise management process. Components of management activity. Management functions, their classification and relationship

Management, although it plays a very specific role in the organization, nevertheless, as it were, permeates the entire organization, touching and affecting almost all areas of its activity. However, with all the variety of interaction between management and organization, it is possible to clearly establish the boundaries of the activity that constitutes the content of management, as well as to clearly define the subjects of management activity - managers.

Organization management appears as a process of implementing a certain type of interrelated actions to form and use the organization's resources to achieve its goals. Management is not equivalent to all the activities of the organization to achieve the ultimate goals, but includes only those functions and actions that are associated with the coordination and establishment of interaction within the organization, with the motivation to carry out production and other activities, with the target orientation of various activities, etc. P. (Fig. 1).

Initial state Final state

Rice. 1. Place of process control in organizations

The content and set of actions and functions carried out in the management process depend on the type of organization (business, administrative, public, educational, military, etc.), on the size of the organization, on the scope of its activities (production of goods, provision of services), on level in the management hierarchy (top management, middle management, lower management level), from the function within the organization (production, marketing, personnel, finance) and many more factors. However, despite all the diversity, as A. Fayol drew attention to this back in 1916, the presence of, in general, homogeneous types of activities is characteristic of all management processes in an organization. You can group all types of management activities into four main management functions: 1) planning, which consists in choosing goals and an action plan to achieve them; 2) the function of the organization, through which the distribution of tasks between individual units or employees and the establishment of interaction between them; 3) leadership, consisting in motivating performers to carry out planned actions and achieve goals; 4) control, which consists in correlating the actual results achieved with those that were planned.


A manager is a member of an organization that carries out managerial activities and solves managerial tasks. With full responsibility it can be argued that managers are the key people in the organization. However, not all managers play the same role in the organization, not all managers occupy the same position in the organization, the tasks performed by different managers are far from the same, and, finally, the functions performed by individual managers are also not identical. This is due to the fact that there is a hierarchy in the organization, that various functions are performed in the organization, and finally, that there are different kinds management activities.

An organization cannot exist without managers, and there are a number of reasons for this: textbook / O.S. Vikhransky, A.I. Naumov. - M .: Gardarika Firm, 2002. - 389 p.

2. Gerchikova I.P. Management [Text]: tutorial/ I.P. Gerchikov. - M .: Banks and stock exchanges, 2002. - 411s.

3. Goncharov V.V. In search of management excellence [Text] / V.V. Goncharov. - M.: MNIIPU, 2001. - 158s.

4. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management [Text]: textbook / M.Kh. Mexon, [i dr.]. - M.: Delo, 2001. - 457 p.

5. Rumyantseva Z.P., Solomatina N.A., Akberdin R.Z. Organization management [Text]: textbook /Z.P. Rumyantsev [i dr.]. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 512p.

6. Organization management [Text]: textbook / Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Solomatina. - M.: Infra-M, 2000. - 345 p.

Management functions, their classification and relationship.

Topic 5. Functions and technology of management

1. Management functions, their classification and relationship.

2. The process of managing the organization.

3. Process control technology

When studying this issue, the student should pay attention to the fact that management is a process aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise. This process is a sequence of managerial actions to solve a number of specific production and social problems of the company. These actions are called managerial functions. The word “function” is of Latin origin and means performance, activity, duty. Management functions can be defined as the types of activities necessary for the organization and management of a particular object.

Management functions were formed in the process of distribution and specialization of labor, since any management processes in an enterprise occur on the basis of functional distribution. Management functions reflect the essence and content of management activities at all levels of management.

Functions should be classified according to their place in the management system:

1) general management functions- functions typical for any management process, performed by the management bodies of all organizations, regardless of their purpose, forms of ownership. General functions express the content of the management process in any organization and do not depend on the specifics of the management object. These include: planning; organization; motivation; control; regulation.

2) private management functions- characterized by implementation features common functions management, and are carried out by specialists based on the characteristics of the field of activity and the scale of management. The number of private management functions and their varieties are determined by the volume of functional activity, its final and intermediate results, and the depth of the division of labor. Private functions include: management commercial activities, marketing management, purchasing management, sales management, personnel management, etc.

3) unifying function of management- management - permeates all management processes in the organization.

The management process can be represented as a combination of both general and private management functions. Each general control function can be represented as a set of private functions and vice versa.

The distribution of functions into general and particular is conditional, since they are closely intertwined, mutually penetrating and complementing one another (Figure 5.1)

Rice. 5.1 - Interrelation of particular management functions

General management functions are performed at any enterprise, regardless of its purpose and characteristics of activity. The content of each general management function is determined by many factors and characteristics of the firm. First of all, from the above factors that affect the elements of management technology. A specific change in the content of general management functions is manifested in the technology for performing a specific function. Thus, management technology is described both by general functions (the nature of management actions) and specific functions (the object on which the management action is performed).

General management functions characterize only certain areas of management activity (for example, planning, accounting, control, etc.) and cannot be considered in isolation (separately) from each other. In the process of control, they, interacting, penetrate each other. The specific content of management is manifested only through management tasks.

Let us give a brief idea of ​​the content of the general functions of management.

Planning- this is a type of management activity associated with the development of a set of measures that determine the sequence of achieving the goals of the enterprise, taking into account the most efficient use of resources.

The planning function follows from the content of management processes and is: a set of actions and decisions taken by managerial employees that lead to the development of strategies for achieving the organization's goals; development of current and short-term programs, policies, procedures and rules explaining how the goals of the organization should be achieved.

Organization- a type of management activity aimed at forming the organization's management structure, establishing a certain system of connections and relationships in it, which makes it possible to work effectively to achieve the goals.

The function of the organization follows from the need to coordinate the joint actions of people in the process of achieving common goals. It includes the following sets of actions:

§ Ensuring dynamic balance of internal processes occurring between the managed and managing subsystems, i.e. connection of people and means of production;

§ establishment of relations between the organization (enterprise) and external environment to ensure dynamic balance;

§ organization own production, i.e. the process of converting resources into finished products;

§ organization of the control subsystem;

§ organization of people's actions to perform other management functions.

It is the last set of managerial actions that determines the specifics of the organization's function. It consists in the fact that this is the only function that ensures the interconnection and efficiency of all other management functions.

Motivation- the process of motivating oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal goals and the goals of the organization

In the process of motivation, unmet needs are identified and evaluated; goals are formulated that are aimed at meeting needs; the actions necessary to meet the needs are determined.

Control is the process of measuring (comparing) the results actually achieved with the planned ones.

Well-planned plans and the organization of their implementation does not at all guarantee the effective achievement of results. The implementation process of plans is constantly affected by both internal and external external factors. Comparing the actual results achieved with the planned ones, i.e. answering the question: how far we have advanced towards our goals, the management of the organization gets the opportunity to determine where the organization has succeeded and where it has failed.

Regulation- a type of management activity aimed at eliminating deviations, failures, shortcomings, etc. in the managed system through the development and implementation of appropriate measures by the management system.

This type activity is aimed at ensuring that the organization maintains its dynamic stability, at maintaining and improving the state, its orderliness, maintaining links between the subject and the object of management.

The considered general control functions do not exist by themselves. They appear as types of management activities only when interacting with private functions.

Private functions are due to the need to manage a complex organization. They arise as a result of the horizontal division of human labor. Such a division can be carried out according to the purpose of the main processes occurring in the organization.

Based on the study of the relationship of functions, management is being improved. Formation of an effective management system. elimination of redundant links. bureaucratic barriers. Overcoming resistance to change. The relationship between private and general management functions can be seen in Table 5.1.

Shared functions are abstract. They turn into real managerial activity only when they are used to implement private management functions. Therefore, general functions are considered as the basis for the implementation of any management process.

Table 5.1 - The mechanism for implementing private management functions through general functions (example)

Private management functions Implementation of private management functions through the use of general functions
Human Resources Management · Scheduling the work of the HR department. Formation organizational structure management of the personnel department and the selection of employees of the necessary qualifications. · Motivating employees of the personnel department. Monitoring the results of work (results of selection in the organization necessary specialists, registration of documentation in accordance with the norms established by law, the effectiveness of measures to improve the skills of employees, etc.). · Regulation by eliminating the deficiencies identified in the control process in the management of the personnel department.
Sales management · Planning of product sales. · Organization of relevant services, departments (sales department, marketing department, etc.). · Stimulation of employees involved in marketing activities. · Monitoring the results of marketing activities (sales volumes, volumes of products in warehouses, etc.). · Regulation (elimination) of deviations revealed in the control process.

When studying the second question of this topic, the student must learn that the implementation of control functions always requires a certain amount of time and effort, as a result of which the controlled object is brought to a given or desired state. This is the main content of the concept of "management process".

The management process in its simplest form is the activity of the leader in the team subordinate to him, through which the work in the team is combined. Such a connection is achieved not by single acts, but by a continuous process of managerial activity, which includes not only the current orders of the head, but also permanent regulations and standards, with the help of which he also exercises his influence.

Participants in the management process- leaders, executors and controllers.

Purpose of the management process– combining the efforts of participants to achieve a specific result.

The subject of the management process- information that performers, controllers and managers use in their activities.

Process means- these are documents and various means of receiving, transmitting, registering, storing, processing and issuing information.

The management process has specific properties , each of which has an impact on the formation and development of the management system.

1. Dynamism manifests itself in the constant change in the management process in terms of direction, issues, nature of the flow, as well as in the dynamism of the interaction of its various stages and operations.

2. Sustainability manifests itself in the emergence of certain channels for the flow of the management process, which form the natural structure of the management system, fixed in organizational acts.

3. Continuity reflects the need for continuous implementation of activities for the management of a trading enterprise.

4. cyclicity manifests itself in the fact that the management process is a regular repetition of the main stages and stages of its continuous implementation.

5. discreteness It is manifested in the fact that in its internal features the management process proceeds unevenly.

A consistently implemented and completed management process forms a management cycle (Fig. 5.2). At the same time, the organization is modeled as an open system that has inputs and outputs and consists of control and managed systems that closely interact, since they are organically interconnected. control system form the elements that provide the management process, managed- elements that provide a direct process of production, economic, commercial and other activities.

The organization management process covers several successive stages:

1. Implementation of management functions, which include all types of management activities (planning the sale of goods, managing the development of new technologies, organizing personnel work, accounting, etc.). we are talking on management activities at all levels of the management system of the organization: heads of organizations and their deputies, heads of departments, specialists in all areas (economists, technologists, lawyers). This means that the management apparatus concentrated in the management system in the process of management activities must fulfill its main task: to create a system of management methods - a set of ways to influence the management system on the managed one in order to ensure the production and economic activities of the organization and obtain specific results (production, provision of services and etc.).

Rice. 5.2 - Graphical model of the control process

2. Formation of management methods as the results of the implementation of management functions. These include a sales plan, material incentives to work, pricing. However, the resulting management methods, as a rule, cannot exercise managerial influence, since in most cases they do not take the form of administrative levers. In order to give management methods an effective managerial impact, it is necessary to formalize them, i.e. turn into managerial decisions.

3. Formalization of management methods into management decisions. The peculiarity of this stage is the creation of mechanisms for the transformation of management methods into orders, instructions, instructions, etc. after that, management decisions (formalized management methods) through direct communication channels come from the control system to the controlled one, exercising the necessary managerial impact that ensures the performance of business operations, production goods, provision of services, achievement of commercial, financial and other results.

If management decisions in a managed system do not work enough (not implemented, partially implemented, performed with deviations), then information about all inaccuracies, shortcomings by channels feedback we enter the control system (regulation procedure is carried out), in which the control apparatus develops the necessary measures.

4. Providing managerial impact through leadership. Management of an organization is a type of management activity that combines labor processes of all employees, ensures the implementation of functions and the formation of management methods, the development and adoption management decisions, and also formalizes the influence of the control system on the controlled one. Management is a unifying factor in the structure of management categories, since it determines the direction of the management apparatus, the effectiveness of management decisions, the degree to which the organization's goals are achieved.

The implementation of the management stages is accompanied by communications, i.e. information exchange processes between employees, departments and other organizations.

From an organizational point of view, any business can be represented as a hierarchical set of groups of people (teams) responsible for certain areas of work. Each of these sections must be organized in a certain way and must be controlled, which leads to the emergence of secondary functions - management. Management functions are also implemented by special groups of people - management teams, whose mission is to mobilize available resources to achieve their goals.

Who is involved in the management process? The traditional answer to this question is decision-makers, as well as those involved in the preparation and implementation of these decisions. This category includes the owners (shareholders) of the company, managers of various levels, assistant managers, specialists. All this is true, but the BPM concept looks at the management process somewhat broader, because there are people who are not directly involved in management, but, nevertheless, have a significant impact on this process. First of all, these are “those who are managed”: employees, as well as persons external to the company: customers, suppliers, partners, representatives of authorities state regulation, industry analysts, etc.

BPM approaches management tasks in a comprehensive manner and, therefore, recognizes all involved persons as participants in the management process, including those who only influence this process.

In the most general case, the actions of the participants in the management process fit into a cyclic scheme of three components:

Awareness of how the business works and what are its driving forces (this aspect in the English-language literature is denoted by the capacious but, again, difficult to adequately translate the word insight), defining a strategy and setting goals;

Development of plans designed to ensure the achievement of the set goals;

Practical actions to implement plans.

Note that at each stage there is both interaction (more or less close) between the participants in the management process and information exchange: receiving, processing and distributing certain information. Thus, a management business process can be defined as a series of interrelated management operations and related information flows.

Examples management processes can serve strategic management, long-term finance management, new product development management, cash management, etc. Strictly speaking, the concept of BPM does not bring anything new to individual management processes. But at the same time, BPM allows you to focus on something else: to what extent the applied management methods and technologies correspond to the interests of the company and whether they are a limiting factor in terms of the effectiveness of its activities.

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Any organization has two management systems: the object of management and the subject of management. The object of management includes working personnel, intra-organizational relations, economic mechanisms, structures, marketing, information and more. The subject of management is the management personnel that performs all actions in relation to the object of management.


Management personnel are employees of the administrative apparatus, employees belonging to the administration of an enterprise, organizations, office workers, directorates of enterprises and institutions. The main task of the management personnel is to ensure coordinated, purposeful activities and individual areas of work, and the entire team as a whole.

Achieving the goal is carried out by preparing and implementing a set of decisions taken by management personnel. Thus, a managerial decision is a specific product of managerial work. This speaks of the informational nature of managerial work.

  1. Functional division - the allocation of functions assigned by production to certain employees or departments of the management apparatus.
  2. Hierarchical - distribution of work according to management levels.
  3. Technological - differentiation of management processes into operations for the collection, transfer, storage and transformation of information.
  4. Professional - differentiation of managerial employees on the basis of their professional training.
  5. Qualification - distribution of work in accordance with qualifications, work experience and personal abilities.
  6. Position - distribution of managerial employees in accordance with their competence.

Within the framework of this categorical division, management personnel can also be divided into managers, specialists and technical performers. This is the most common approach. Thus, the activity of managerial personnel is a specific type of human activity, isolated in the course of the division and cooperation of social labor.

Features of the activities of management personnel

As you know, the main role in the management of the company is played by the leader (manager, administrator, boss), who is at the head of the team. The head is distinguished by giving him the necessary powers to make decisions on emerging situations, specific types of company activities, and also bears full responsibility for his management. In the first category of managerial personnel, i.e., a manager, several levels can be distinguished according to their place in the company's management system: top, middle, and grassroots. The content of the activities of managers at various levels is the process of implementing management functions: planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control.

The second category is specialists who perform certain management functions. Their tasks include the analysis of the collected information necessary for managers of the appropriate level, for joint decision-making with them on the task at hand. This category includes: economists, accountants, financiers, analysts, lawyers, etc. The main feature of the activities of specialists is the strict regulation of their work. In their actions, they rely on the orders and instructions of the leaders, technological and legal standards. They also have clear qualification requirements and the availability of special knowledge on the implementation of logical operations.

The third category is technical performers serving the activities of specialists and managers, performing information and technical operations in order to relieve managers and specialists from laborious work. This category includes secretaries, typists, junior technicians, etc. Features of their activities - the implementation of standard procedures and operations, are mainly amenable to rationing. As well as for employees of the previous category of managerial personnel, logical and technical operations dominate (see table):

Roles of management personnel

Each employee of the management team may have certain roles in the organization. Let's list them:

  1. Interpersonal roles:
  • chief leader;
  • leader;
  • connecting link.
  • Information roles:
    • information receiver;
    • distributor of information;
    • representative.
  • Decision roles:
    • entrepreneur;
    • eliminating violations;
    • resource distributor;
    • leading the negotiations.

    Any employee from any category of management personnel works with his assistants, with his team, thereby providing a certain function, performing a certain role. The implementation of the general functions and roles of management personnel determines the success of management activities and leads to the achievement of the stated results of the organization.


    Thus, management is carried out through the division and cooperation of managerial labor, which is an objective process of isolation certain types into independent areas of management.

    The management process today is subject to changes, primarily related to the fact that the staff is considered as the main resource of the organization. And at the same time, not only managers, but also the entire staff are involved in the process of making managerial decisions. Under these conditions, the manager works in the management team both as a leader and as a member of the team, which, in turn, increases the requirements for his business and personal qualities.
