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Freelance exchanges. The best freelance and remote work exchanges: for professionals and beginners. Freelance exchanges for copywriters

Hello friends!

We are now in Sikkim, in the heart of the Tibetan world, a small mountain state of India, sandwiched between the closed Bhutan and the charming . But even here, among the rhododendrons, fogs and rains, I continue to work actively: I create websites and am not even lazy to write a blog. I even posted a post recently.

And now I’ll touch on another extremely important aspect of remote work: the most important and best exchanges for freelancing and remote work at home for beginners and professionals. And I won’t just give a list, but I will also try to describe in a nutshell what feature this or that site has.

My list will include resources for proggers, copywriters, architects, accountants, and even lawyers, HR and actors. In addition, I will try to touch upon the issue of foreign exchanges and give a couple of aggregators.

Kanchenjunga (8581 m), directly under the cloud

Sometimes they write to me with questions: “how to work on this or that site?” I always answer the same: “the principles are the same everywhere, in 2016, in 2017, and if you have been using these services and exchanges for years, . It is courses from professionals that give the most powerful and effective kick in the ass. I tried to find something on my own for about 3 years and only after a month of training I began to get good results.

So, here we go:

  •— one of the most important resources for a freelancer of any profile. They ask for money for every sneeze. For successful promotion, you need to buy a PRO account.
  • another major player with a large number of specializations. (suitable for beginners)
  •— an exchange that grew out of a forum for remote work.
  •— a universal resource for freelancers of various specializations
  •— positioned as a platform for professionals with a good track record
  •— a simple and universal exchange with its own characteristics (suitable for beginners)
  •— a very interesting approach to tasks and projects: performers post their projects in batches (“quacks”) for 500 rubles. (suitable for beginners)

And yes: I cannot say in advance which of the presented sites is the best. Each of them has its own limitations and capabilities. Register, try, watch! The principles of working with customers, as I wrote above, are the same everywhere!

For photographers, illustrators and designers

  • many options for illustrators
  •— design competitions
  • photovideoapplication.rf— projects for photographers

For models and actors

There is even such a thing! I personally met a photo model - a freelancer working for several advertising agencies.

  •— an exchange for searching projects for creative professions in the field of leisure and entertainment: artists, musicians, performers, etc.

For copywriters

Copywriters are incredibly lucky, because they have at their disposal a huge number of freelance exchanges for finding projects. Most of them, of course, are of the same type. I don’t see the point of registering everywhere, but you never know what the deal will be?

  • is an old and proven player in the market. A lot of orders, a lot of customers, prices are low. You can buy and sell your own articles and even photographs. Ideal for beginners
  • another platform for searching for orders for texts. Easy for beginners to get started
  •— one of the main advantages of the site: a Russian language literacy test. If only they checked for tongue-tiedness, there would be no price at all.
  • another proven and seasoned resource. Its functionality is similar to etxt: a lot of work, fairly high competition among participants, the ability to buy and sell an article.
  • a good option for making money on copywriting. Among the features: a rating of popular articles, thanks to which you can immediately start writing on popular topics, which greatly increases the chances of sales.
  •— a platform for experienced freelancers with fairly standard prices for 1000 characters. Not suitable for beginners: high requirements and payments not daily.
  • new resource. The trick for the customer is to add a website, the copywriters themselves will figure out what to write about on it. Register, we won’t be unnecessary
  • a standard exchange for orders, purchase and sale of texts. I can’t single her out
  • another resource on copyright.
  • the name speaks for itself. New player on the market)
  • a bureau of professional copywriters that promises texts at a relatively high price (from 100 rubles per 1000)
  • another resource for finding orders for copywriters and rewriters.
  • a good resource for finding work and projects. There are vacancies for permanent employment.
  •— a platform for naming: slogans, domains, names for a company, products or services.
  • another site for finding orders. Judging by the rather poor design and usability, it’s not very interesting.

For programmers

Many proggers sit on universal exchanges, which I listed in the “leaders” section, simply because they do not know about the existence of typical IT platforms. Too lazy to go to Google and type in queries like “remote work for programmers” :)

  •— 1C specialists, rejoice! They founded an entire exchange for you. According to experienced comrades, you can find many projects with good budgets there.
  •– a service for creating and searching for companies, startups or a team of IT specialists.
  • even VoIP specialists were not forgotten
  • a typical IT platform for searching for projects.

For lawyers, accountants and HR

Who said that remote work is only about programming, design and translations? I don’t know how effective these sites are, but for some reason it seems to me that the laws of freelancing are the same everywhere.

  •— a platform for lawyers and advocates. Visitors ask - specialists answer for a fee.
  •— a resource for HR freelancers to find remote projects in the field of HR management.

Exchanges for architects, engineers and builders

  •— interior designers and architects, here you go
  • a site with a poor design, but a very large number of projects on design, engineering, architecture, etc.
  •— remote work projects for design engineers
  • - remote work for techies, engineers and designers

Exchanges for students

To be honest, I don’t know how ethical it is to provide links to such resources. But such assistance is a very effective remote work, isn’t it?

  •— helping students solve their problems
  • another “help a student” resource
  •— exchange of coursework, tests and essays.

Are you tired yet? Be patient, we'll finish soon!

Other exchanges for remote work and freelancing

A few more sites and estates for hilling:

  •— a platform for high-level professionals, allows you to connect an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to the service for official work activities.
  • a platform, like a platform. Everything is as usual)
  •— a platform for team work. Has built-in project management tools
  • new resource. Everything is also as usual
  • small, cozy and convenient exchange
  •— also nothing outstanding: a site for specialists of any profile
  •— a free service for specialists mainly in the IT field
  •— pleasant with its affordable prices for paid accounts. There are a lot of orders, it is gaining popularity.
  • a stock exchange, like a stock exchange. However, with its obvious advantage: the presence of direct contacts in customer profiles (mail, phone, Skype, etc.)
  • another site for finding projects
  •— tender platform. In general, everything is as usual
  • nothing more than natural: everything is the same as everywhere else. There are many orders for beginners
  •— a resource for searching for orders mainly by texts and postings

Tenders and competitions

The following sites host projects based on the principle of competitions: if you win, you will receive a prize or money.

  •— many competitive projects from large companies. It would be a sin not to take advantage.
  •— a competitive resource for copywriters and namers. From the category: come up with the name of a company or product and get money for it.

Foreign freelance exchanges

At webinars, I am often asked a question asking for a list of some proven sites. Actually, here it is:

  • is one of the world's largest players in the search for remote work with more than 8 million freelancers around the world. There is a version in Russian.
  • is another old and proven service, where half of India and half of Bangladesh inevitably try to get into in search of good orders. A huge number of projects and the same number of specialists. Previously known as and

How to start quickly on these exchanges?

As you can see, there are a lot of exchanges. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances. But they all have the same essence - this is a meeting place for customers and performers.

Performers, especially beginners, often encounter the same problems on exchanges:

  1. impossible to take order
  2. small price tags
  3. deals fall through
  4. competition and dumping
  5. inadequate customers
  6. etc.

All this is very demoralizing, especially if you encounter it at the very start. It begins to seem like this will be the case throughout the entire journey.

Therefore, you need to BE ABLE to work on the exchanges, extracting maximum benefit from them.

To make your start in freelancing effective, I recommend a mini-course “First money in freelancing” . Please note that the cost of it is recouped upon your first order. But in the future, no one will be able to take away the acquired skills from you!

Well, it seems that's it! And even despite such an impressive list, it is far from complete. Some exchanges for remote work and freelancing are dying, others are being born again. Therefore, if you have additions or practical experience with other platforms, please write in the comments.

What is not an ideal picture for work (Sikkim)

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Effective work to you and stable internet!

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Freelancing for beginners is tempting enough. But you need to understand that there is a difference between a remote employee and a freelancer. A remote employee, as a rule, works on a permanent basis, and a freelancer carries out one-time orders and assignments without concluding any permanent deals. And if you have not yet decided how you will earn money on the Internet, then you can start with freelancing. This can be quite a good help for beginners, but in addition, you will gain good experience and earn a rating.

How to make money freelancing?

Freelancers make money on exchanges, they are called freelance exchanges. They can be used to perform various types of work - from sending simple messages to creating websites. That is, there is a lot of work here and it varies greatly in complexity.

Freelance exchanges are popular with both employers and performers, because the employer does not waste his time searching for an employee, he simply puts his order on the exchange and selects a performer from those willing. And freelancers like exchanges because they go to the exchange when they want, choose an order, complete it, receive money - that’s it, no other obligations. And you can take several orders, the main thing is that they are completed efficiently and on time.

Of course, not everything is as simple as it seems - competition, deadlines, quality, ratings - all this is there and all this is important, and of course, it has its own characteristics and tricks.

Let's start in order. The first thing a beginning freelancer should do is register on freelance exchanges. There are many of them, but we recommend these:

  • is one of the largest exchanges in RuNet.
  • - for different specializations.
  • - for programmers, copywriters, designers, and other specialists.
  • - for professionals who have already developed a portfolio (samples of completed work).

Freelance exchanges are home to not only beginners, but also pros. Here you can write texts, develop websites, create logos, etc., or you can send messages, make phone calls, write responses or comments. That is, a beginning freelancer has the opportunity to start earning money without certain skills.

You need to understand that the earnings of freelancers depend on the field of work, existing skills, and level of qualifications. Having the necessary experience, freelancers earn several times more than office workers.

Freelancing for Beginners It doesn’t promise big money right away - you need to gain practice, acquire skills, but you have to start somewhere! And the amount of income directly depends on the time you devote to searching for orders and the quality of their execution.

Newbie freelancer you can start with the exchange, but consider it not as a field for the main income, but as a platform for training. However, no matter which exchange you choose to work with, the rules of behavior on them are almost the same:

Freelancing for beginners - this is a good starting point, but you definitely need to know that the search for good, profitable assignments is a chronic matter, you need to make an effort to get them.
Stable, good employers need to be won; they don’t come on their own :)

There is an opinion that the earnings of freelancers are a pittance of work. This is partly true; the work of freelancers, especially beginners, is much cheaper than the work of specialists from various studios, but the work of experienced, top-rated freelancers is highly valued.

On average, freelancers can earn from one hundred to a thousand rubles per hour of work - it all depends on the skills and demand for services.

For example -

  • Beginning freelancers earn from 100 to 150 rubles per hour. In this option, you do not need to have high qualifications. For that kind of money, you can upload ready-made material to a website, write simple texts, send out advertisements, etc.
  • Freelancers who already have certain skills and reviews earn from 150 to 300 rubles per hour.
  • Experienced freelancers earn from 300 to 700 rubles per hour. As a rule, these are already good specialists who have an established portfolio.
  • Highly rated professionals earn 700 rubles per hour and more, and mostly perform work that is in high demand on the Internet.

The main thing is to understand that even highly paid freelancers once started somewhere. Start too, the main thing in this matter is the goal, set it and move towards achieving it every day. Check out some tips on how to become a freelancer.

Good luck to everyone!

Don't forget to leave your comment at the bottom of the page.

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Good day to you, dear friends! Tell me a little secret and tell me your own fears are stopping you? How many opportunities have you had to sacrifice because of obsessive self-doubt? How often do you feel offended and be angry with yourself for the fact that other people become successful and bring to life those ideas that you did not dare to implement? If you have never experienced such feelings, then I am amazed, because you are a real rock! If you are already accustomed to such sensations and have come to terms with their presence in your life, well, it’s a shame, I’m powerless to change anything here.

My article today is intended for those of you who, despite fear, are ready take risks and go towards your dreams, desires and ideal life. In previous articles, I told you about the features of freelancing, and showed you the strengths and weaknesses of the life of a free worker. Since you have a complete picture of what life is like as a remote worker, it's time to figure out how to become a freelancer from scratch.

Who is a freelancer?

I am sure that many of you would appreciate the opportunity to go to your work office in your dressing gown and slippers, located literally a couple of meters from the bedroom and kitchen. For this dream to become a reality, you just need to change your stable job in a company to a remote one. Are you interested in this prospect? Then let's figure out what working as a freelancer on the Internet is, and who a freelancer is.

If we go back a little into hoary antiquity and travel back to the Middle Ages, it will become clear that in those days freelance knights were called freelancers. Today, this title is held by people who work from home and work on individual projects for a certain fee. Freelancers can be involved in several areas of activity simultaneously and work with several customers at once.

By the way, work is not always remote; free workers can be found among builders who make repairs in apartments and houses, and among plumbers who skillfully repair pipes. However, in the vast majority of cases, employers and performers find each other precisely in the Internet. They also transfer their working relationships there. In general, it was the growing popularity of the Internet that provoked the freelance boom and made this type of employment in demand.

In some ways, individual entrepreneurs can also be considered freelancers, however, in no case should these two concepts be equated. This is due to the fact that a freelancer is usually one single person hired to perform a specific amount of work. But an individual entrepreneur may well have a staff of employees whom he will manage.

Remote work as a freelancer is complete absence of bosses, everyday life from Monday to Friday and strict planning of the working day from 9 to 18.

Counting money: how much can you earn?

Well, let's move on to the most interesting part - counting money? I am sure that many of you are eager to find out how much freelancers earn, and what you can count on if you change jobs. I’ll say right away that earning money from freelancing will largely depend on the amount of time you devote to work, your field of activity, your qualifications and experience. In addition, your success will largely depend on your ability present your services. Relying on my own experience, I can safely say that an experienced freelancer can make money 2 or even 3 times more than his office colleagues occupying similar positions.

Well, if you translate experience, skill, qualifications and hard work into numbers, it turns out that the average freelancer earns about $500 a month. Moreover, this amount can be earned both by a person without education and by a highly qualified specialist with a higher education. In the case of freelancing, customers look directly at your skills and talents, and not at the color of your diploma. It is for this reason that such a profession ideal for students who are looking for work and are just gaining experience.

It is not at all uncommon for freelancers to get 2-3 thousand dollars per month. True, such amounts are most often earned professional designers, programmers and website optimizers. If you are not going to give up your main job completely, are continuing your studies at university, or want to find a part-time job for the weekend, then the profitability of freelancing for you will be about $150-200 per month. All in all, not such bad money, right?

Registration on the freelance exchange FL.RU

Who is freelance suitable for?

If you don’t know where to start building your own freelance career, I suggest you first figure out How close is this lifestyle to you?. To do this, just get answers to a few simple questions.

What personal qualities and skills should a good freelancer have?

Successful A remote worker is, first of all, a self-confident, inventive, enterprising, active, flexible and, of course, organized person. In addition, you will need to learn how to work in the " multitasking" This skill is simply necessary in order to manage to complete several projects simultaneously and meet the deadlines agreed with the customer.

How to determine the amount of payment for services?

For beginning freelancers, this question often becomes a real stumbling block. To determine the amount of remuneration for your own work, I advise you explore websites and forums, which reveals the topic of the value of the profession in which you plan to earn money remotely. In addition, a win-win way to find out the cost of working from home for beginners is to find out how much an hour of labor costs for a similar full-time specialist, and increase it by 25-50%(This amount includes additional expenses such as taxes, insurance, pension contributions, equipment and office supplies). Don’t forget that at least a quarter of your work will consist of activities for which you cannot pay (this includes analytics, marketing, accounting, and the like).

If you get the chance, try to find out what experienced freelancers who specialize in the same industry as you charge for their services. To avoid the problem of how to make money freelancing as a beginner, I advise you during the first working year, work at a slightly reduced rate. This will simplify the search for clients, allow you to quickly gain experience and establish yourself as a specialist.

Do your research

If you really want to master freelancing for beginners and become a successful professional, you will have to spend thorough analysis.

Try the work-zilla exchange with simple tasks

Step-by-step instructions “How to become a successful freelancer”

Well, now let's figure out how to start working as a freelancer on the Internet, and what you need to have in order to succeed in this business.

  1. Get a computer and free access to the Internet. Now your journey to the office and back will look something like this: turn on the laptop - you’re at work, turn it off - the working day is over. Remember! When you sit in front of a monitor screen, you are a first-class specialist, nothing more, nothing less. Try to develop a habit and bring it to the level of a reflex.
  2. Create wallets in electronic payment systems. You can find out about that in my separate article. However, in addition to an electronic wallet in this payment system, I advise you to also acquire wallets in Yandex Money and Qiwi. Despite the fact that this method of paying for freelance services is the most convenient and in demand online, I advise you not to neglect the opportunity to receive money also for bank cards. Always have a debit card with you. Personally I use Tinkoff Bank card . By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to have a Bitcoin wallet in your arsenal.
  3. Installing software for your work and normal PC functioning. It’s not enough to just put a laptop on your desktop; you also need to take care of its “stuffing.” Install a good and reliable antivirus on your computer, office products like Word and Excel, download a convenient screenshot and an Internet browser in which you can create bookmarks of the most frequently used sites and web pages. A program for reading books and other text files in pdf format is also useful.
  4. Creation of accounts in popular social networks and their design. Since you will transfer all communication with customers online, you also need to take care of communication programs. In addition to having email and pages on social networks, it makes sense to install Skype, viber and whatsapp. In general, the more options for communication you find, the better. As for the design of profiles on social networks, they should look quite formal and adequate. The account should contain several real photographs of you in which you look well-groomed and attractive. Whatever it was, but your profile is like a resume, your business card by which the employer will evaluate you.
  5. Choosing a profession, for which you have the makings and predisposition, in which you can develop as a professional. You can read about the most popular professions for freelancers in 2017 in my separate article, but for now let’s quickly look at the list of vacancies that can be found on sites for beginner remote workers.

Main list of professions and vacancies

So that you have an idea of ​​what a freelancer does and can find the most suitable type of activity for yourself, I decided to sketch out a small list of the most popular and in-demand specialties on the Internet services market. Here's what I got:

Completing tasks from 500 rubles on the Kwork exchange

Where to go in search of work?

It can be quite difficult for beginners at first - it is not clear where to look for customers, how to offer their services, which sites to monitor for the purpose of employment. To make this task a little easier, I’ll give you a few ideas, which will simplify the process of finding your first clients:

  1. Register on specialized freelance exchanges. There are many platforms online that bring together free performers and customers. I will present the highest quality exchanges for remote workers to you a little further, but for now I advise you to think about the structure of your own portfolio and decide what you will write in your work account.
  2. Browse vacancies on Internet sites, portals and web projects that interest you. It is quite possible that your favorite online store is just looking for a remote operator to process orders, or perhaps the VKontakte group needs a new moderator.
  3. Submit job advertisements on specialized sites, study the offers already available on them. For example on the hh website
  4. Use your social media page as a platform for self-promotion. I talked about that in a separate article. Now we are talking about presenting your service by writing an appropriate advertising post and pinning it on your wall.
  5. Create a separate group on a social network, where you will tell about your service and promote it. Read about that in my article.
  6. Become a regular visitor to thematic forums for finding remote work. Forums like , seobuilding, , And .

Major freelance exchanges

As for specialized exchanges, for employment I recommend that you use the following services:

  • . An excellent platform for finding customers and performers in the field of IT technologies. Remote advertisers, programmers, webmasters and designers - the best workforce and interesting projects can be found here. Here you can create your own directory, as well as study the rating of the best freelancers. By the way, this same service also has a store where you can put up for sale the fruits of your intellectual labor (articles, translations, website templates, etc.).

Registering an account on the exchange

  • Weblancer . In my opinion, the most successful exchange for beginners who are just starting to navigate the endless expanses of freelancing. In addition to the fact that many diverse projects are collected here, the site administration is quite strict in ensuring that scammers and swindlers do not appear on the service.

Registering an account on the Weblancer exchange

  • - the oldest and, perhaps, the best online freelance exchange in RuNet. Here you will have at your disposal a convenient mechanism for searching for projects of any level of complexity, and the opportunity to fully communicate with a potential customer. For a fee, you can increase your position in the freelancer rankings.
  • Kwork . An innovative freelance exchange, which is famous for its non-standard approach to organizing labor relations between customers and performers. This site is more like a store in which all services are sold at a single price - 500 rubles.
  • - online store of freelance services at a fixed price. Here you can sell your work for no less than 100 rubles. This approach to formalizing labor relations solves the problem of large volumes of work and low wages.
  • . A specialized copyright exchange where you can find writing jobs, sell finished articles, or order content for your own websites or groups on social networks.

Use the copywriting exchange

I will provide a more detailed list of all exchanges where you can find orders in the article “The highest quality exchanges for remote workers.” Here you will find sites with inexpensive, but at the same time quite simple projects, as well as with foreign, complex, interesting and quite generous orders in terms of payment.

First steps

Well, so that your job search is crowned with success as soon as possible, here’s a short briefing how to act newbie on the exchange:

We don’t make mistakes: what do novice freelancers get undermined by?

To prevent your career as a remote worker from falling into disarray and ending before it even begins, take into account a number of the most common mistakes that almost all “green” freelancers make, and try to avoid them.

Never take your workplace lightly

Despite the fact that many remote workers begin their careers at home, it makes sense to think about renting a separate office, workspace, or, at a minimum, setting aside a room in your apartment and setting it up as an office. Organizing your workspace is essential. Believe me, lying in bed with the TV on is extremely difficult to get into the mood for work.

Diversify your risks and never rely on one single customer

Even taking into account the fact that many companies treat freelance workers with great respect, value their work and often pay more than their full-time employees, you should not fall into complacency. No matter how valuable an employee you are, it is much easier to refuse your services than to fire an office employee.

Allow for possible periods of downtime and unemployment in your budget

Unfortunately, there is no escape from a temporary lack of orders in freelancing. That's why I advise you save a small amount each month as an emergency reserve in case one project is completed and another has not yet been found. Such financial protection of your rear will allow you to accept downtime at work as something integral and ordinary. Oh yes, don't forget that you will need money for your vacation. Because the There is no vacation pay in freelance, you will need to take care of the financial component yourself.

Don't leave things to chance

Your professionalism in what you charge the customer for should be on the same level as your professionalism in conducting business. Try about a quarter devote a working day to administrative and marketing matters. In moments of overwhelm, when a lot of work accumulates, it is easy to lose vigilance, stop looking for new customers and decide that workload is a constant phenomenon. Without control of your own business, success is not possible. Hard times and serious difficulties will arise literally out of nowhere if you do not learn business management and cannot balance debit with credit.

And finally, some useful tips that will help you at the start of your career as a remote worker:

Don't be afraid of difficulties at the beginning of your journey

The ability to go through thorns to the stars will be very useful to you in free swimming. The skills of self-motivation for work, planning work time, the ability to find clients and arranging a workplace - all this will be simply necessary at first to lay a strong foundation for a freelance career.

Be careful and don't trust anyone

Make it a rule work only on prepayment. You don’t need to be too trusting of strangers if you don’t want to end up broke. After the project is completed in full, do not rush to immediately transfer it to the customer. Submit a small portion for inspection, have the employer verify that the work is completed and pay for it. Only after this you can safely send him work. If the person refuses to pay, say goodbye. You keep the advance payment to recoup the time and effort spent on the project.

Draw up technical specifications in advance and discuss the scope of upcoming work

Detailed technical specifications and designated scope of work– an integral part of your interaction with the customer. This will allow you to avoid misunderstandings with the employer regarding what you are taking money for and what you undertake to do, and will insure you in the event that you are required to carry out a larger volume of work than was agreed upon at the beginning.

Know how to say “No!”

Understand that You can't earn all the money in the world, and therefore you need to learn to refuse people. Calculate your time so that it is enough to complete all orders within the predetermined time frame. Don’t spread yourself too thin, because the quality of your work and, as a result, your reputation will suffer. Don’t rush to fill all your time with orders, because no one has canceled going to the cinema, relaxing, implementing your own projects and usually lying on the couch.

Open an IP

The issue of paying taxes is a serious problem that, as a rule, has not been resolved by many freelancers. Register as an individual entrepreneur, regularly replenish the state treasury with taxes and sleep peacefully. The tax authorities will not be knocking down your doors, and your pension contributions will accumulate and work for the benefit of your old age.

Team up with like-minded people

Cases where freelancers come together and work as a team to complete complex projects are not that uncommon. You can find a vacancy to work in a group on one of the thematic forums. It is quite possible that such cooperation will develop into opening your own company, and you will be able forget about being hired forever. In this case, you can search for customers through the same freelance exchanges.


In general, I can safely summarize and say that freelance is a great start for your own promotion, self-realization and earning truly decent money. In addition to the fact that you will have decent income, you will gain valuable experience, find new clients and be able to create an amazing portfolio, which, I want to note, will never be superfluous. The most important - don't stop and don't stop developing. If you feel that it’s time to grow as a professional and go free, go for it! You will always have time to return to your old office life, so don’t be afraid of change.

That's all for me, dear friends. I sincerely wish you success in such serious endeavors. See you soon!

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If you are already working as a freelancer or just want to try, I recommend that you read this description of the 71st freelance exchange.

If you are a beginner, then you can find exchanges with low competition among freelancers; if you are a pro, you will find exchanges with the most expensive orders.

The list includes 31 Russian-language sites and 40 foreign exchanges for those who speak foreign languages.

Each site is tested and its pros and cons are indicated.

Bookmark this article. share with friends, this information will always be useful to you.

1. is the most advanced freelance exchange in RuNet. You can find a wide variety of orders, from writing simple reviews to creating programs and applications.

A user-friendly interface allows you to quickly find orders according to your specialization.

There are two types of orders, direct payment and secure transaction. With direct payment, the contractor himself agrees on the terms of payment; the disadvantage of this type of order is that the customer may not pay for the work.

A secure transaction guarantees payment, but the exchange takes its own commission. You can withdraw money from a secure transaction only to a Yandex Money wallet.

To fully work on the stock exchange, you need to buy a PRO account, costing from 1,200 rubles per month. For each completed order, the contractor and customer receive feedback and a rating is calculated.

The advantages of the exchange include a large number of orders that are constantly updated, so it is not difficult to find a job in your specialization.

For completed orders, the contractor is left with feedback, and a rating is calculated, which allows you to upgrade your account to increase the number of orders.

In addition, you can place an extensive portfolio in several specializations. In the store you can sell your services or digital goods. You can set up a newsletter to view new projects on the site.

17. – an interesting freelance exchange. Both posting and job postings do not require registration.

All user contacts are open, and you can write to them and agree on a job. However, transactions are not concluded on the website itself. The entire functionality of the site is that it displays customer advertisements.

The only advantage of this site is that they monitor projects quite closely and remove fraudulent offers.

Otherwise, it seems that the site was created for the purpose of collecting emails from customers of services on the Internet.

Disadvantages: low customer activity and lack of contacts with the site administration.

18. is a young but fairly developed freelance exchange. Orders are updated frequently and their placement is free for customers. Registration, responses to orders, and placement are free and can be done from one account.

The site has a safe transaction with a rate of up to 10% of the exchange commission for execution. Withdrawal of funds only to WebMoney ruble wallet.

An additional paid service is a VIP account, the cost is 50 rubles per month, but to purchase it you need to add 10 works to your portfolio. Although orders appear frequently, some of them are clearly fraudulent.

Therefore, when working on the stock exchange, it is best to use a safe transaction to protect yourself.

19. is a relatively new freelance exchange that is trying to actively develop. Customers are even credited with an internal bonus for each order; this is a rather innovative approach.

Therefore, you can monitor the development of this exchange.

Registration and responses to projects are free. For an additional fee, freelancers and clients can place advertisements on the site or increase their positions in the catalog.

There is a safe transaction, so you can secure your work. Users have a rating, activity and reviews for their work.

The disadvantages of the exchange include the fact that some projects do not inspire confidence, the high price and very simple work are clear signs of a scam.

Well, besides, there are less than 3,000 registered customers, and this is not enough for a freelance exchange.

20. is a small but stable freelance exchange that has its own customer base. Projects appear steadily, and the percentage of orders from scammers is quite small.

It is clear that administrators monitor the content of advertisements. Although the number of projects is far from the number that appears on large exchanges.

The advantages of this exchange include the low level of competition; even a new person on the exchange, if he correctly fills out his portfolio, can easily compete on the exchange.

The site has both a secure transaction and a safe. But most customers prefer to work on a postpaid basis. In addition, the site has a rather interesting interface, and many sections that are not related to freelancing.

21. – positions itself as a freelancer exchange. The main specialization is texts, but you can find orders in any other direction.

The site is absolutely free for performers. What is noteworthy for a freelance exchange is that all payments are carried out in the internal system through a secure transaction.

The exchange is quite far from the flagships of the freelance market, but this is its advantage for beginners, since advanced, highly paid performers are practically absent on this exchange, especially in the field of copyright and website building.

Therefore, despite the small number of orders, it will be easier for a newbie to receive an order here, and a secure transaction will help avoid non-payment for the order. You can also place finished works in the store.

22. – a freelance exchange with a pretty good interface. But otherwise, the exchange can hardly be called developed; on average, 5-15 projects appear per day, which is not enough for a freelance exchange.

The interface is convenient, the works of freelancers that they add to the portfolio are placed one by one, that is, if you have posted your work, it will be at the top of the list, regardless of your rating.

In addition, there is a separate section where the nicknames and emails of scammers are indicated, but this does not guarantee that all orders on the exchange are honest.

The disadvantage of the exchange is standard for little-known freelance exchanges: a small number of orders and, accordingly, few opportunities to find work, since the exchange is not very popular among customers.

23. is a rather interesting site that, in principle, can be positioned as a freelance exchange. The essence of the work is to answer questions.

The customer writes his assignment and collects ideas from users. The best idea for solving a problem or answering a question is rewarded.

The advantages of the site include fixing the amount of remuneration. But the site has many more shortcomings.

Firstly, the site is quite underdeveloped, so there are few paid competitions here, and they appear quite rarely. In addition, even for a very good idea, payment is not guaranteed, since the winner is chosen by the customer.

Secondly, many unscrupulous entrepreneurs can use this site as a parser of ideas, and simply create two accounts and choose their own as the winner, thus spending money only on the commission of the site and payment systems.

24. is not a full-fledged freelance exchange, but a service for freelancers. If you believe the advertising, the site parses all new projects from freelance exchanges and publishes them on its website.

In the settings you can configure the specialization and sections that interest you.

What is noteworthy is that orders appear on a free account only an hour after they are published; in order to instantly see orders, you need to buy a paid account.

Without the PRO version, there is no way to even set up an order filter. The site's shortcomings are visible even to the naked eye if you open the statistics section.

The statistics reflect orders only from four freelance exchanges, the rest with completely zero statistics. This confirms that the site is defective and does not fulfill its obligations.

Therefore, you should think twice before purchasing a paid account.

25. – a freelance exchange for those who know how to work with 1C. Despite the fact that the exchange is highly specialized, you can also find work here for beginners in this field, since there are tasks both for programmers and routine tasks that customers do not have time to do themselves.

The main advantage of the exchange is the frequent updating of orders and fairly low competition among performers. Orders appear frequently, as the service market is in high demand.

Disadvantages - the narrow specialization of the exchange, and the required special knowledge to perform the work. Therefore, the exchange is not suitable for everyone.

But if you plan to develop in this direction, then the exchange is a great way to gain experience and at the same time earn money.

26. – the site combines two functions: a job catalog and a freelance exchange. It’s worth noting right away that the site is highly specialized and mostly designers work here.

But despite this, you can also find orders from other areas of remote work here.

Registration and posting of works is free for performers. There is no rating system; in the main catalog, performers are positioned by the number of works and friends.

It is possible to get a PRO Account, but to do this you need to upload more than 50 works per month.

The disadvantage of the exchange is its narrow specialization of customers; it is only suitable for designers. In addition, a secure transaction mechanism has not been implemented, so all orders are processed only by direct payment.

27. – exchange of online and offline services, you can find orders for both programmers and loaders.

All vacancies are determined by place of execution, offline or online work.

The advantages of the site include the fact that it is actively developed and attracts customers from all areas. Therefore, it will be easy for a specialist to find a job here.

The site is suitable for almost anyone who wants to earn money, even if this work is not related to freelancing.

28. – Belarusian freelance exchange. It has all the functionality of a standard freelance exchange. No payment is required to get started.

The disadvantage is low customer activity, several orders per day. But for users from Belarus, there is an opportunity to find a stable customer.

29. is a Ukrainian freelance exchange, quite developed with a rating and review system. It is possible to post a detailed portfolio.

Orders appear in fairly significant quantities every day. But there is also a system that limits performers, since the customer can only search for a performer from a certain city in Ukraine.

But for professionals who have a good portfolio, this exchange is a great place to find a customer.

30. – Closed. Ukrainian exchange, there are orders for all areas of freelancing. The exchange is quite new, but despite this, it has its own customer base.

Although it is worth noting that recently the exchange has switched to Western customers, so it will be easiest for translators to find work there.

There is no safe transaction. Quite a lot of orders that are duplicated are questionable. Therefore, you should be careful when working on the stock exchange.

31. – a site for searching online and offline jobs. Despite the beautiful advertising, you should not hope that you will definitely be able to find a job on the site.

But for most specialists there are quite a lot of interesting orders here.

The peculiarity of the site is that it does not host one-time projects, but vacancies for remote and regular work.

Therefore, this site is suitable for you if you are not looking for a one-time part-time job, but a stable job.

A small drawback for freelancers is that the site has a relatively small number of remote vacancies.

But still, they are updated quite often, and there is an opportunity to find work, especially if you are a specialist.

Foreign exchanges

1. is the most popular and largest freelance resource. In fact, in terms of the number of users, it exceeds the population of many countries, since it unites more than 16 million customers and performers.

Of course, most of the customers here are from the West, but a certain percentage of performers are from the CIS countries.

Since the level of payment here is higher than on domestic freelance exchanges, this site is a good opportunity to find high-paying customers.

For beginners, the disadvantage of this exchange may be communication only in English.

In addition, here payment for work goes through Western payment systems, so you need to register with these payment systems.

2. is a fairly developed Western freelance exchange. Initially it was American, but over time customers from other countries appeared here.

Since the freelance exchange is American, the prices here are appropriate, and this is precisely its main advantage.

On the exchange you can find a wide variety of orders, from large projects for entire teams of freelancers or autostoring, to simple one-time work on checking texts or databases.

Payment on the exchange is at a high level, but there are also cheap projects, so you should be careful when choosing orders.

The disadvantage of the exchange is that you need to know English, but you can use translator apps or the services of translation specialists.

3. is a small but fairly developed project by Western standards. Here you can find many tasks for programmers.

You can register on the site and start working for free. But in order to receive good orders, you need to fill out a portfolio.

Also, you need to constantly upgrade your account in order to increase your value in the eyes of the customer. There are direct and safe transactions.

Otherwise, the exchange surpasses most Russian exchanges both in price of work and in the number of customers. Therefore, if you are planning to make freelancing your main source of income, you should pay attention to this exchange, since the competition here is lower than on large exchanges.

4. is a very developed Western freelance site with an audience of almost two million performers and clients. Even representatives of the most exotic professions can find work here on the Internet.

Some orders are very interesting and original, especially for residents of the CIS.

Orders are updated very often, although there is a lot of competition between freelancers. Therefore, in order to effectively start working on this site, you must have a portfolio of work.

This will make you more attractive in the eyes of the customer.

To work, you need knowledge of a foreign language, not necessarily English, since orders come from almost all over the world. Therefore, even if you know any foreign language, you can start working on the site.

5. – an exchange dedicated to website promotion. Most orders are related to this topic.

But there is also a fairly good percentage of orders for other topics, so anyone can find a job here.

Most customers on the exchange are English-speaking, so you should be prepared for this. Payments are also made to Western electronic payment systems, so it is worth taking this nuance into account when starting work.

Knowledge of the language is desirable, since working with customers through translators will be very problematic, since many orders are related to texts. There are also many orders from other countries, so you can work with other languages, not just English.

6. is a pretty good and developed Western freelance exchange. You can find many interesting and attractive projects in all areas of remote work.

The interface is quite friendly, the percentage of competition is also not very high, so any specialist in his profession can cope with it.

For Russian-speaking users, the exchange requires the services of a translator in order to be able to fully work.

In addition, you must have access to Western payment systems. Otherwise, this is an ordinary freelance exchange with a fairly good audience of customers, so there is always work.

Well, in addition, the average order cost here is quite high.

7. – German freelance exchange. It is intended mainly for finding freelancers in your year. When registering, the exchange records your location and assigns you a city accordingly.

However, performers from the CIS should be careful, since the exchange may assign you an address that is completely different from the one you are coming from.

The exchange does not charge any commission for its services. Payment for work and the entire cooperation process takes place only by agreement between the customer and the contractor.

Of course, to fully work here, you will have to know or study one of the Western languages. But at the same time, prices here are higher than in freelancing on CIS exchanges, so if you are looking to increase your earnings, the exchange is a good alternative.

8. is another foreign exchange that allows freelancers to find remote work. In fact, this is an American exchange, which is similar to the Russian service “Throw Kabanchik”.

Here you can find offline and online work.

Regarding offline work, this site is not suitable for applicants from the CIS countries, since the work is offered only to “locals”. But there is quite a lot of work online that a performer can do remotely.

The site does not charge a fee for its services, but to start working fully, you will need to register, pass testing and make a portfolio.

This will make it much easier for you to find orders. Knowing English won't hurt either, otherwise you'll have to use the services of a translator.

  1. is a foreign site where professional and novice designers can try their hand at the Western labor market.

The exchange has a rather narrow specialization, namely logo design for business. All work is carried out on a competitive basis. The customer announces a competition, describes what kind of logo he needs, and the designers send their logo options.

At the end of the competition, the customer selects a winner who receives money. What is noteworthy is that all competitions last only 48 hours, this is what served as the basis for the name of the site.

You can register for free and start working. All works that did not win the competition can be used for your portfolio. The minimum price of the competition starts from $30, the average price is $100-120.

Every day there are more than a dozen new competitions.

10. – an exchange that specializes mainly in copywriting. For performers, the work here is free, but customers need to buy a monthly subscription to place orders.

On the exchange you can find orders for copyright from almost all over the world, since the exchange is quite developed and popular. But the exchange has a rather bad reputation in Western countries among performers, as there have been several high-profile cases of fraud.

Although freelancers from the CIS countries are no strangers to caution.

There is no safe transaction on the exchange; all working and payment conditions are controlled by the contractor. This is why you should be careful.

11. – exchange for specialists in the field of marketing management. The exchange is relatively young, it was founded only in 2014, but despite this it is very popular among employers.

Here you can see many offers, both about permanent remote work and one-time part-time work. Employers readily respond to offers from freelancers from the CIS, since such a remote worker not only gets the job done, but also does not have to pay taxes for him.

To quickly find a job, you need to fill out your resume well and write about all your strengths. Since it is based on the resume that employers mainly select personnel or the performer of their task.

12. - the exchange is very convenient and every day there are many orders for remote specialists in almost all areas of work.

Registration on the exchange is free, but in order to work here effectively and be able to respond to all projects, you need to buy a paid account.

Its cost is low, only $13 per month. Otherwise, this is an ordinary freelance exchange, with a good cost of projects, and a large base of employers.

13. is a French exchange where everyone can find a wide variety of remote work.

The exchange is free for both freelancers and employers.

On cfqnt you can post your detailed resume so that customers themselves look for you in the catalog, and also respond to projects posted by customers.

This differs from Russian freelance exchanges in its rather high prices, so working here is much more profitable. Payment and work takes place directly; there is no secure transaction on the site.

There is no English version of the site, so to work effectively here, you must know French, since even if the work is related only to programming, you will still have to discuss the work with the customer.

14. is an exchange with a rather original approach to work. The exchange is completely free for freelancers; anyone can register here and start working.

When a company or private employer needs work done, the exchange helps him find freelancers who fit all the criteria.

After the project has been put into operation, the exchange monitors the progress of the work and the correctness of its implementation. After the project is completed, funds are transferred to the contractor.

For its services, the exchange takes 10% of the cost of the work from the customer.

15. is a freelance platform that mainly specializes in design. What is noteworthy is that payment for all orders takes place only through a secure transaction and on a competitive basis.

To put it in more detail, everything is simple. The customer replenishes his account on the website, after which he fills out one of the beefs in the desired specialization.

The order is published and designers send their versions of the work. The customer chooses what he likes, can ask for changes, and if he accepts the work, the performer receives money.

Since all projects are held on a competitive basis, working on this exchange is suitable for experienced freelancers who already have experience in competitions.

Payment on the exchange is quite high.

16. is an experienced freelance exchange, operating since 2005, and is quite popular among English-speaking customers.

Here you can find permanent remote work, one-time projects, cooperation on a contract basis and many other interesting offers.

What is noteworthy is that despite the fact that the exchange has been operating for quite a long time, it has a low level of competition, and no more than 3 thousand performers work on the site.

Therefore, it will not be difficult for even beginning performers to find a good, highly paid project here.

For freelancers, registration and work are free; for customers, order placement services are paid. What’s noteworthy is that on the exchange you can even find vacancies for hackers, usually in the field of information security.

17. is an English-language freelance site where you can mainly find clients from the United States.

The site specializes in journalism, but you can also find other tasks here. Website developers, photographers and other specialists whose activities intersect in one way or another with journalism can often find work here.

Registration on the site is free, you can post a good detailed resume and respond to projects.

There is no safe transaction, the site does not interfere in financial relations between customers and performers, it simply helps them meet.

The site is also suitable for those who want to get a journalist education and undergo an internship in this field, since there are also quite a lot of such offers here.

18. – the exchange is quite interesting, especially in relation to customers. It is radically different from similar Russian exchanges.

To simply post a vacancy on this site for a month, the customer must pay $200.

Therefore, there is no doubt that all vacancies on this site are active, and customers have the funds.

For freelancers, the exchange is absolutely free, both registration and posting of resumes.

Job search is very convenient, since orders are divided by specialization and you do not need to look through all the updates.

All projects and vacancies are only remote. There is no secure transaction, payment is made only directly.

You can find work here from customers from all over the world, projects are updated every day.

19. С is a wide-ranging freelance exchange where performers can find a wide variety of work.

For customers, the site is paid, as it acts as an intermediary. The customer simply fills out the brief and pays the money.

Accordingly, site specialists distribute work among freelancers and control it. As a result, the customer receives the finished work.

To become a freelancer on this site, you will have to fill out a resume, pass an interview and prove your qualifications in a certain field.

After this, you will not have to look for work and apply for projects. The site employees themselves will issue tasks and monitor their implementation.

There are no direct transactions or open competitions on the site. You can only work on the tasks that are given to you.

20. is a New York-based freelance exchange founded in 2010.

The exchange is developing well and the world's leading companies are often looking for remote workers on it, so the prices for work on the exchange are high.

You can register and start working on the exchange for free. The site operates according to the standard scheme of freelance exchanges, customers publish a project, and performers submit their applications for its implementation.

It is worth noting that the exchange is not as popular as famous freelance sites, but this is not a minus, but a plus. Since managers managed to attract employers from large companies, the price of work here is accordingly quite high with low competition.

Therefore, it will be easy for even beginners in freelancing to start working on this exchange.

21. is less of a freelance exchange and more of a permanent remote work exchange.

The exchange is free for both freelancers and employers. All work agreements are direct; there is no secure transaction or reservation of funds.

The exchange has an English and French interface, so to start working here, you need to know one of these two languages.

The site does not have a secure transaction and all work and payment is done directly. The minimum price for an hour of work on the site is $3, but this is the simplest work that does not require special skills.

Of course, in Europe such a salary is not high, but there are few such projects, the average cost of an hour of work starts from $10, and the competition for such vacancies is low.

22. is a rather interesting site for those who know several languages, since this site mainly specializes in translations, written and narrow.

The exchange is well promoted, so most people who need translation services look for them here.

You can often find permanent remote vacancies in translation agencies.

Registration on the site itself is free. But if you do not buy a paid account, then you will be able to submit applications for projects only 12 hours after they are published on the site.

The average payment for translations fluctuates, since Russian companies also work here, which significantly reduce the price of work, knowing how much money newcomers are willing to work for.

23. – not a very well-known Western exchange, but despite this it has a large customer base.

Here you can find a wide variety of orders in various directions.

The exchange has been operating since 1999, which speaks of its reliability and popularity, since most freelance exchanges simply fade away over such a long time, giving way to young competitors.

The average level of payment is also good, and besides, there is no fierce competition on the exchange.

There is no secure transaction on the site; control over payment and execution of work rests entirely with customers and performers.

The only thing that the site does quickly is fight against scammers; it is quite profitable and safe to work here.

24. – exchange from Switzerland. The work takes place in three languages, German, French and English. The exchange is relatively young, but is actively developing.

The main advantage of this exchange is low competition, since advanced freelancers mainly live on larger exchanges.

Therefore, it is quite possible to receive an order here. The exchange offers its customers a full package of services, from the ability to simply post a project for a one-time job, to auto-storing, which the exchange’s specialists control themselves.

Therefore, here you can not only find projects, but also get work directly from the exchange. The average level of payment is quite high, even by Western standards.

The exchange is developing, new orders appear here infrequently.

25. – closed – an exchange where almost everyone who works in the field of programming and design can find work.

Sometimes you can find offers in other areas.

The exchange is free for both freelancers and customers. Here you can either search for orders in the project feed, or post your detailed resume for free so that customers look for you themselves.

There is no safe transaction; all details of cooperation are regulated only by the employer and the contractor.

The only drawback of the exchange, but quite serious, is that no more than a dozen new projects appear here per day.

But the level of competition here is low, and the pay is quite high. Therefore, if you are a specialist and offer an adequate price, you are guaranteed to find a job.

26. – a site that is suitable for beginners and professional designers.

Beginners can build up their portfolio and client base here, and advanced designers can earn good money.

All projects on the site are held on a competitive basis, and in order to increase your earnings, you need to participate in them and win. The site has a ranking system, thus highlighting the most talented specialists.

It is these specialists who deal with the most expensive projects.

What’s remarkable is that among the top designers you can also meet residents of the CIS.

This proves that a truly talented designer can make a career on this site.

The site can be considered as a permanent job option or just a part-time job for beginners.

27. – little known among performers from the CIS but at the same time a well-developed Western freelance exchange.

What is noteworthy is that new projects appear here very often, and prices are high; on domestic exchanges one can only dream of such a cost.

The exchange is quite young, it is only a few years old, but it has been able to grow both a good base of customers and a base of professional freelancers.

But at the same time, the competition is low and even a beginner can receive orders from the lower and middle price segments.

There is no direct transaction, all payment goes through the exchange. Registration on the site is free for freelancers; in order to place an order, the customer must top up the account.

There are no direct transactions, communication with customers is through the exchange interface.

28. – closed – quite an interesting Western site that will be useful to almost all freelancers.

If you have unpaid work, or work that you did for a portfolio, then on the site you can put it up for sale.

Programs, designs and other works of freelancers are accepted for sale.

The work is displayed in the store, you set a price for it, and if the buyer decides to buy it, then you get paid.

The site guarantees a safe transaction and transparency of the sale.

Services for placing your product on the site are free, the site takes a percentage in case of a successful sale.

This site is a great opportunity to sell your finished works at a good price, and not just throw them away.

29. – remote work exchange for creative people.

Customers are mainly looking for talented performers here.

The site offers a wide variety of jobs, but all vacancies require a creative approach.

Therefore, if you know for sure that you have talent in a certain area, then you can safely register here.

Because here you can use your talent to earn money, and not waste your time on trifles.

Registration on the site is free, which is noteworthy; the site even has a Russian interface, but it does not translate the vacancies themselves, so knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​is desirable.

There is no safe transaction, all orders are direct, payment by agreement, on a competitive basis.

  1. is an exchange with standard functionality and a large selection of specializations.

Here you can find projects related to almost any freelance work, from the simplest to the most complex.

There are orders with a fixed price, and there are orders where the cost is proposed by the candidate himself.

What is noteworthy is that orders appear frequently on the exchange, but the competition is at the appropriate level, as the site is confidently becoming a leader in this niche.

Registration for freelancers is free, payment is made through the website, which guarantees the security of the transaction for both parties.

This is one of the reasons why the site is popular among customers.

The prices are quite high, but to work effectively you need to know English.

31. has closed - a site with a large list of specializations and jobs for beginners and professional freelancers.

Orders here are updated frequently, and prices are also very varied. It is worth noting that on this site there is significant competition in the price niche for immigrants from the CIS from Indians.

Therefore, it will be quite difficult for novice freelancers here.

Registration on the site as well as reviews on the project are free. If you want to expand your capabilities, you can buy a paid account that costs $10 per month.

All projects have a time limit. There are no direct orders, payment is made through the site, which guarantees security and takes a percentage of transactions on the site for this.

  1. is a freelance exchange where you can find work in almost all areas.

Posting a vacancy on this site is paid and costs a minimum of $75. Therefore, large employers with large budgets who are looking for professionals to work remotely post vacancies here.

This freelance exchange is unlikely to be suitable for beginners, since customers have very high requirements, and they always demand professional performance of the work.

Here you can find one-time projects and permanent remote work with good wages.

For freelancers, the exchange is free, the country of residence for registration does not matter, you can post a portfolio.

33. – another Western freelance exchange. Registration for freelancers here is free.

There are three types of orders: through a secure transaction, under a long-term cooperation contract and with direct payment.

Freelancers themselves choose how to work and negotiate with the customer.

Work on the stock exchange is mainly related to Internet technologies and SEO website promotion.

The exchange has a fairly good customer base, so projects are regularly updated and competition is low.

In addition, a large number of long-term orders and remote work contribute to a decrease in the level of competition.

This site is suitable for you if you want to get a highly paid remote job, although for this you will need to know English perfectly.

34. – Chinese freelance exchange. Therefore, only those who know Chinese can work here.

This is precisely the main drawback of the exchange for residents of the CIS, despite the fact that the site has an English version of the interface, all the same, all orders are only in Chinese.

Otherwise, the site is a regular freelance exchange. Here you can post your resume, register for free and leave your suggestions for projects.

The site has a limit on the time it takes to complete an order; in addition, all payments also go through the site, so if you start working here, you will need to create one of the payment systems popular in the east, otherwise you will not be able to get your money.

35. – another very interesting and useful site for designers where you can make good money.

After all, the prices on the site will please even the most expensive domestic designer.

The main prize in the competition starts from 200 dollars, the maximum can be above 500.

Agree, there is an incentive to try and win the competition.

Otherwise, the site is not very different from other sites of this type. Its specialization is only logo design; there are no other competitions on the site.

For designers, registration and work here are free, commission is paid by customers.

In addition, you can place all your work in a portfolio, this increases the chance that the customer will find you and offer you an order.

36. is a small but stable freelance exchange.

Projects here are not updated very often, no more than a dozen per day. But at the same time, the competition on the site is low.

The exchange has a standard set of tools, such as posting vacancies and portfolios and the ability to respond to projects.

Registration, as well as work on the site, is free, both for performers and for customers.

Of course, you can buy additional services to expand your capabilities, but given the low activity of customers on the exchange, such investments will not pay off.

All projects with direct payment, the exchange intervenes in the relationship between the client and the customer only in case of controversial situations during work.

37. – an exchange with a rather interesting approach to freelancing. Closed

Customers and employers themselves publish vacancies and projects on the site absolutely free of charge. But there is no competitive basis here.

It’s just that the first person to receive the order is the one who pays a certain amount to contact the employer.

Even if you do not agree on the work, or the customer finds another contractor during this time, the money will not be returned to you.

Naturally, not all freelancers like this approach, because the site thus completely lacks competition between freelancers.

This was probably the reason for the outflow of customers, since orders are practically not updated on the exchange.

Although customers sometimes leave contact information, so there is no need to pay.

38. is not exactly a freelance exchange, but freelancers who are looking for work may find it useful.

In fact, this is a large international site where you can find permanent and remote jobs around the world.

You just need to select the city where you are looking for work, and the site will give you all the possible vacancies.

The interface language, as well as the list of vacancies itself, is determined and generated automatically.

The site is completely free for job seekers and employers.

In principle, employers can purchase additional services to push their ad to the top of the page.

This is where the fee for using the site ends. There are many advertisements and they are updated every day.

Good day to everyone who visited my blog about making money online. Surely you know that today Internet activities can bring not only additional, but also basic profit. Many users from all over the world make good money while doing what they love. In this article, I will tell you about the essence of such employment and provide a list of popular and reliable freelance exchanges, suitable for both beginners and professionals. You've probably heard about many of them, and you'll learn about some for the first time. But in any case, people both with and without higher education will be able to find a good part-time job and increase their income. I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations for choosing an exchange, thanks to which you can start earning money faster and avoid many difficulties.

The essence of making money from freelancing

Today, freelancing is a good alternative to office work, but it also has a lot of advantages. Often, freelancers work for themselves at home, set their own schedule and have the opportunity to choose tasks to complete.

So, if you are interested in photography and have several hundred, or even thousands of interesting high-quality shots in stock, this section of the article is for you! There are many specialized services where you can sell your photos or find another interesting part-time job, in particular:

  • retouching pictures, eliminating imperfections;
  • elimination of background on frames, watermarks, etc.;
  • photo processing, selection of suitable filters and much more.

I bring to your attention several reliable exchanges that can become a source of additional income for freelance photographers:

Shutterstock— a convenient service for posting and selling high-quality and unique photographs. When registering, you must go through a selection process - upload the 10 highest quality photos you have taken.

Adobe Stock- a photo bank from Adobe, which is popular and allows you to receive from 60 cents to 2 dollars for each photo. The more photos you upload, the higher your income will be from each of them.

Pressfoto is a Russian service that is suitable for both beginners and professional photographers. To pass the exam here you only need to upload 3 of your best photos.

Photobank Lori is one of the largest photo banks, which brings registered users from 45 rubles for photographic materials and from 180 rubles for high-quality videos.

Corbis is one of the most famous international photo banks, containing many photographs and advertising materials. Only professional photographers who can offer images of the highest quality are invited to cooperate.

Wedlife is an interesting platform on which both beginners and experienced wedding photographers from different cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries offer their services.

Weddywood is an interesting freelance exchange, with which professional photographers are invited to cooperate. Presented in the form of an online catalog where the works of the best performers are published.

Eventwork— a convenient service where customers and performers from the field of event organization are registered. Photographers will also be able to find suitable orders here by arranging their portfolio accordingly.

Photo and video application- a site where not only photographers, but also videographers, makeup artists, stylists and photo models can find one-time customers or permanent employers.

Job search services for designers and illustrators

Designers and illustrators are specialists who can develop unique logos, banners, make interesting designs for Internet resources, etc. It is their services that are often needed by web developers, as well as owners of large companies or developing startups.

This is why you can often find experienced graphic or web designers among freelancers. To make it easier for them to find a job they like, specialized websites have been developed. The most popular services are:

IIIustrators is a Russian Internet resource that began its activities in 2007. Here, experienced professionals, as well as novice illustrators, will be able to find a suitable project, complete it, taking into account all the requirements, and receive a well-deserved reward.

Topcreator— a convenient online exchange for freelancers working in the design field. Professionals here not only share their experience, but also find like-minded people and employers.

Render- an online platform on which interesting vacancies for artists, illustrators, designers, animators, visualizers, etc. are published.

Dizkon is a service that specializes in holding various competitions for designers. By participating in them and posting your best works, you can count on a very pleasant reward.

Freelance sites for lawyers, accountants and HR specialists

Many people are accustomed to thinking that lawyers and accountants are people who provide their services in office premises. However, today specialists of this profile can also be found among freelancers. Some of them work for companies or individuals remotely, while others look for cooperation offers on the Internet and then work temporarily or permanently in offices.

I bring to your attention several reliable services for accountants, lawyers and HR managers with appropriate education:

Legal— an online resource for providing and receiving legal services. Both free help is provided, providing basic advice, and paid help with a full analysis of the situation and providing answers to all additional questions.

9111 — an exchange where lawyers can register as freelancers and provide paid services to the public. Beginners can practice providing free assistance while gaining experience.

Superbuh24 is a young but rapidly developing online platform. Both one-time assignments for accountants and offers of permanent cooperation in the staffs of various companies are published here.

Junglejobs is an interesting platform that operates on the principle of an online auction and allows HR specialists to find work.

Hrtime— a resource through which customers can find professionals in any field using the services of HR specialists.

HRspace— a site where recruiters (HR) and employers from different cities are registered. Your task here will be to find suitable candidates for customers.

As you can see, there are many interesting resources on the Internet with which you can find a job. They all differ in terms of cooperation, requirements for performers and many other factors. However, if you have knowledge in any field, you can easily establish yourself as a professional and find a one-time customer or a permanent employer.

In order not to encounter a lot of difficulties when working, freelancers should take a responsible approach to choosing an exchange. To do this, you should pay attention to the recommendations that I have prepared especially for you:

  1. The first thing you need to do is choose an area of ​​activity in which you would like to achieve success. If you do not yet have knowledge in any area, but want to learn and improve, then it is advisable to pay attention to the employment that is most interesting to you.
  2. Decide what kind of orders you want to find - one-time or permanent. There are online services where it is advisable to look for part-time work, and there are those where vacancies are posted, often with the prospect of working in an office or even moving to another city.
  3. Having chosen your niche, check out the list of reliable projects. I provided you with a list of them above. To avoid losing this article, save it in your bookmarks. Go to the website of each resource to study the terms of cooperation in more detail and choose the most attractive option.
  4. Study reviews of one or more sites to form a more complete picture of it and understand how advisable it is to register there.
  5. If you are worried about whether you will be paid for your work, then find out whether the freelance exchange you have chosen has a secure transaction system, where funds are guaranteed to be withdrawn from the account of the customer who has chosen you as a performer for a particular task.
  6. Study the interface of the selected site, familiarize yourself in more detail with the working conditions, the need to sign up for a paid subscription, the number of orders available for execution, the number of your potential competitors, etc. Remember that the more popular the exchange is, the more interesting orders you can find on it.

Thus, you will need to collect as much data as possible about the service you plan to cooperate with. Having assessed all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular site, you can quickly make a choice and register in a project where there is the least risk of falling for scammers or unscrupulous employers.

I hope that this article was useful to you and that you were able to choose the right platform or even several. Remember that no one is limiting you. Each freelancer can register and look for part-time work on several exchanges. This will only increase his chances of finding the most profitable and interesting tasks. If you have any additional questions, ask them in the comments. And I wish you success in any of your endeavors!
