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Business plan and tips for opening a tattoo parlor. Step-by-step instructions for opening a tattoo parlor

People far from this area have become interested in the question of how to open their own tattoo parlor, because today there is a demand for such services among all categories of the population.

Capital investments: from 270,000 rubles

Payback period: from 24 months

The art of tattooing has existed for many hundreds of years.

But only in recent decades has the question how to open your own tattoo parlor, people far from this sphere began to become interested.

After all, if previously such services were provided mainly to creative people, musicians, and informal people, now there is a demand for them among all categories of the population.

Even a modest office worker can hide large full-color tattoos under a white shirt.

And if there is a dispute, then a proposal appears.

Tattoos have become a kind of fashion accessory.

And enterprising people can make money from this fashion.

This guide article will tell you about this in detail.

Analysis of the current situation in the tattoo industry

In Russia, the tattoo service industry is gaining strength and becoming more extensive every year. Professionalism and skill levels are growing with demand.

And it’s no longer enough to just get a tattoo to stay afloat. They need to be done well.

The audience of salons is also changing. Instead of brutal male rockers, girls and even pensioners began to appear before the masters more often.

The level of customer solvency has also changed. Now the majority are willing to pay above the average price if they are sure that they will get the best quality and all the documents from the salon are in order.

Although competition with home craftsmen still exists.

People who want to receive services as cheaply as possible, or even for free, will never disappear.

But it is worth noting that there are a number of craftsmen who work from home, but still do high-quality work.

Therefore, we must not forget about such competition.

An outsider may think that a tattoo parlor is unprofitable due to the fact that their audience is still limited.

But the space on the body for tattoos is not endless.

However, statistics claim that at least 10-15% of visitors return to salons for new tattoos if the working conditions and the artist suit them.

We must not forget that at least 70-90% of tattoos will require correction in the future, even after 7-10 years.

So, in addition to those who do it “from scratch,” already “experienced” people will come to you.

Who is a potential visitor to tattoo parlors?

Interesting fact:
The most “tattooed” man in the world lives on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. 99.9% of the surface of his skin is covered with a tattoo that follows the pattern of a leopard's skin. The only areas of his body not covered in tattoos were between his toes and inside his ears.

The main guide on how to open a tattoo parlor is to understand the main visitors.

After all, the opinion about those who usually get tattoos is very outdated.

Indeed, the passion for tattoos has literally become widespread and it is already more difficult to create a clear portrait of the average client of the tau salon.

If only because each service will have its own demand:

  • Permanent makeup is done by women 25-45 years old.
    At the same time, they are characterized by an average and above average level of income.
  • Large tattoos are done mainly by men 27-45 years old with a high income (after all, a high-quality tattoo is expensive).
  • It is believed that men come to tattoo parlors more often.
    This is true, but women are not lagging behind.
    Of the total number of clients, their “percentage” can reach 55-65.

How to open a tattoo parlor: choosing a room

The first thing you should understand when choosing a room for a tattoo parlor is finding the right artists.

Clients are ready to travel to a specific chosen master not just from different parts of the city.

And sometimes even from different parts of the country!

So it is the selection of personnel that “sets the tone.”

But this does not mean that it is enough to rent a shack on the outskirts and wait for profit.

In order for a tattoo salon to attract people not only with the professionalism of its employees and, in general, you deserve only the best reputation, you should adhere to the following points:

  • It is advantageous to be located near places of active human traffic;
  • you need to choose an area so that it is possible to hang a noticeable sign and install external advertising nearby;
  • A tattoo salon consisting of more than one room deserves more comfort and trust from visitors - placing both the artists and the administrator in the same hall may be convenient for you, but still undignified;
  • visitors expect to see a more or less atmospheric establishment, so a selection of sketches on the walls, themed music and figurines will be an additional plus;
  • do not forget that a tattoo parlor is a place where services are provided for which sterility and compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards are important;
  • The rule of good form would be to equip a small area for guests - put a sofa, coffee table, hang a TV;
  • it is not necessary to chase accommodation in the center, especially since rent on the outskirts is cheaper - but still the central part of the city is more prestigious and more convenient for most clients;
  • it is important to take into account the requirements for the internal equipment itself in order to obtain permits - each master must have a certain area of ​​the workplace; It is also necessary that there is running water, sewerage, and the walls and floor are washable.

What advertising techniques do you need to open a tattoo parlor?

Due to the fairly active competition in the tattoo industry, it is imperative to launch an advertising campaign for a new establishment.

You should not save money on this, because the number of your clients and future success in general depend on your investments.

There are several options for promoting a tattoo salon:

    Creation of a high-quality website, as well as public pages on popular social networks.

    Brand recognition is especially well enhanced by posts on Instagram.
    Bright and original photos of tattoos invariably attract attention.

    Be sure to place information about the tattoo parlor in city directories and portals.

    But you definitely need to set the appropriate targeting, since most of the VK audience are schoolchildren (insolvent).

    Do the job well and the flow of clients will gradually increase.

We are looking for employees to open a tattoo salon

Of course, the main employee is a tattoo artist.

The documents he needs are a health record and a diploma of completion of tattoo courses (not mandatory). It often happens that a business organizer is a master.

In this case, it is enough to hire a few more assistants:

    The administrator receives calls, keeps records, and greets guests.

    In some salons they also provide preliminary consultation.
    Some masters try to fulfill this role themselves.
    But it’s rare that a client will be happy if his tattoo artist is constantly distracted by calls.
    And for the master himself this is unnecessary discomfort.

    Cleaners and security guards can be outsourced and paid hourly.

    It makes sense to install an alarm system in the salon, especially if you have purchased equipment for tattoo removal.

How much does it cost to open your own tattoo parlor?

Opening a tattoo salon is not the most affordable business.

However, budding entrepreneurs have the opportunity to experiment with the scale of their business.

And if you start with a small project with one tattoo artist’s workplace, you can get by with relatively little expense.

What start-up capital is needed to open a tattoo parlor?

How much money should you invest in a tattoo parlor every month?

In addition to investing in opening a salon, the owner needs to invest a certain amount monthly in his business.

What additional services should you introduce to your tattoo salon?

The list of main services of tattoo parlors includes the following procedures:

  • creating new tattoos;
  • development of individual sketches;
  • covering and correction of old tattoos.

But this list can and should be supplemented with other services.

This will allow you to reach a wider audience, compensate for lost money during periods of “stagnation” and simply increase income.

The list of additional services usually falls within the scope of interests of those people who come for tattoos - their areas of taste are approximately the same.

Which ones can you introduce into your salon?

    The most popular related direction for a tattoo parlor.
    For this work you need to hire a separate master who will have the appropriate education.

    Tattoo removal.

    Also a popular direction, but not so widespread due to the high cost of equipment.
    However, the service itself is in high demand.
    And if you have the opportunity to buy a laser for tattoo removal in your salon, it’s worth doing so.

    Original hairstyles.

    Visitors to tattoo parlors are often partial to unusual haircuts and other experiments with hair.
    This may include weaving dreadlocks, afro braids, shaving the temples, and dyeing them in extreme colors.

    Often tattoo parlors, whose name has become a separate brand, begin to sell products for tattoo artists.
    These could be little things like needles and gloves, or they could be designer cars.
    The assortment will depend entirely on the discretion of the owner.

    If you were able to find a real professional in the tattoo industry for your salon, he can give lessons to everyone.
    Each salon can set its own price.
    But as a rule, the course costs a beginner $200-300.
    However, it is possible to train with subsequent employment in the same salon, and in this case the conditions may differ.

With my experience in opening and running a tattoo business

shares a young but already experienced entrepreneur

in the following video:

Tattoo salon payback

Some novice entrepreneurs do not expect that the tattoo industry has a clearly defined seasonality.

In many sources you will find information that in the summer there is a sharp jump in demand for small tattoos.

Actually this is not true.

The increase in popularity of small tattoos in the hot season can only be observed if we are talking about henna painting.

But usually for such an activity they set up a workplace for one master right in the middle of the embankments or beaches of resort cities.

For normal and serious tattoo parlors, the situation is different.

You need to know that the total number of tattoos done will begin to decline after early to mid-May. And even more so, the demand for large tattoos will drop.

There are several reasons for this.

The most basic is the need to hide a fresh tattoo from the sun, baths, swimming pools, sea and even excessive sweating for 7-10 days.

As you understand, this is almost impossible to do in the summer.

A smart entrepreneur will definitely take this into account and find something to compensate for the downtime.

Sometimes you need to put more emphasis on additional services.

And in some situations it even makes sense to take a long vacation.

At this time, artists can take courses to improve their skills, travel to tattoo festivals to advertise their salon, and so on.

Taking into account all the factors, those interested in how to open a tattoo parlor are concerned about the payback and profitability of the project.

Statistically, the enterprise will pay for itself in 2-3 years.

The profitability level reaches 30%.

A tattoo parlor is not an area that provides instant profit. But in general, this business is considered profitable.

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The first tattoos on the human body appeared 30 thousand years ago. They were not just decoration; tattoos always had a meaning: they protected against spirits, attracted good luck, demonstrated achievements, and spoke of belonging to a nation or caste. Tattoos were very popular among pagans, but among Christians, on the contrary, they were considered a deformation of the body.

Nowadays, tattoos are very popular among young people; everyone wants to stand out by placing a treasured picture on their body. Therefore, the income of tattoo parlors is estimated in hundreds of thousands of rubles, and the business itself is considered profitable and profitable, regardless of the time of year and the financial condition of citizens. Moreover, now, in addition to tattoos, such salons provide piercing, permanent makeup and scarring services. And if a tattoo artist manages to establish himself as a true professional, then master classes and equipment sales can be added to his income items.

Where to begin?

First you need to decide on the organizational and legal form of the future salon. There are two options - an individual entrepreneur and a limited liability company.

An individual entrepreneur is easy to open, the state duty is only 800 rubles. An entrepreneur is not required to keep accounting records. A charter and authorized capital, as well as a seal and a current account are not required. Fines for individual entrepreneurs are much lower than for LLCs (the maximum reaches 50,000 rubles). The individual entrepreneur disposes of his funds at his own discretion. Closing is as easy as opening. The individual entrepreneur pays a fixed payment to the pension fund. But the most important disadvantage is that the entrepreneur is liable for debts with all his property, even if the individual entrepreneur closes

LLC is a more respectable form and inspires more trust among partners. The state registration fee is 4,000 rubles. Accounting must be maintained, at least outsourced. A charter, authorized capital, seal and current account are required. Fines reach up to 1 million rubles. However, the founders are liable for obligations within the authorized capital. You can only withdraw funds from your current account for specific purposes, which is inconvenient.

For a small business in the form of a tattoo parlor, it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur; it is easier to register and not so expensive to maintain.

Obtaining a license

To operate a tattoo parlor you must obtain a license. She is registered for surgical cosmetology, with 3 types of services. The cost of registration is on average 20,000 rubles. The license is issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development.

Remember: It can take up to 60 days to obtain your license, so plan ahead.

Table 1.0. Salon registration.

№. NameAmount, rub
1 Registration of individual entrepreneur800
2 License20000
3 Lawyer and notary services 5000

Market analysis

Before opening your own business, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the market for similar services. The pricing policy of competitors, the list of their services, the qualifications of craftsmen, the location of salons - all this will help formulate the vision of your project.

In order for a business to develop, three things need to be done:

  • Invite professional tattoo artists
  • Select a location in a walkable area of ​​the city
  • Use marketing techniques for development.

Premises for a tattoo parlor

There are no specific requirements for tattoo parlors regarding the selection of premises. The main thing is a convenient location so that clients can easily find and explain to others where the salon is located. The ideal option would be an office in a shopping center, where there is high traffic and good landmarks for customers. On average, you will need 30 square meters, which will cost 40 - 60 thousand rubles.

You can save money and rent an apartment in a residential building, but there may be a danger of discontent among neighbors, as well as the problem of recognition of the salon.

Table 1.1. Expenses per month for premises and advertising

Tattoo parlor equipment

To work as a tattoo artist you will need the following list of equipment:

  • 2-3 cars so that replacement is possible;

Remember: Russian-made machines do not meet modern requirements, so choose devices from European and American manufacturers.

  • Power supply for tattoo machines;
  • Pedals for connecting the machine and the power source;
  • Holders;
  • Paint, needles, consumables;
  • Chairs for tattooing, piercing, permanent makeup;
  • Ultrasonic bath;
  • Laser for tattoo removal;
  • Furniture (full list in table 1.2).
Remember: if you do not understand the intricacies of tattoo art, entrust the choice of equipment to a professional.

Table 1.2. Capital expenditures

NameQuantity, pcsAmount, rub.
Cash machine 1 12000
Permanent makeup machine 1 12000
Tattoo machine 2 20000
power unit2 9000
Pedal2 5000
Tattoo chair 1 16000
Piercing chair 1 11000
Ultrasonic bath 1 26000
Chair3 3000
Sofa1 9000
Table1 2000
Kettle1 800
Hanger1 800
Cabinet for storing materials 1 10000
Laser for tattoo removal (correction) 1 30000
Total:- 166600

Table 1.3. Consumables

NameAmount, rub. per month
1 Permanent makeup dye 1500
2 Needles for permanent makeup 1000
3 Silicone brushes 1250
4 Tattoo paint set 5000
5 Oil1000
6 Stencil paper 1200
7 Disposable caps 150
8 Lotion (color fixing) 400
9 Ointment (piercing healing) 150
10 Ointment (healing and color fixation) 300
11 Transfer gel 900
12 Drawing transfer paper 1500
13 Marker250


For the salon to function fully, it is necessary to assemble the following staff:

  • tattoo artist
  • permanent makeup master
  • piercer
  • manager

There are universal specialists (tattoo + piercing, for example). However, if the goal is to accept the maximum number of clients, then it is better to separate the areas, productivity will be higher.

The masters need to be relieved of the work of demonstrating portfolios and taking calls; for this, a manager is hired for the salon.

Cost of services

The cost of services should be determined depending on several factors:

  1. Competitors' pricing policy
  2. Costs of purchasing materials
  3. Employee salaries
  4. Premises rental
  5. Taxes

Usually the price of a tattoo depends on the number of sessions, that is, the client pays a fixed amount for a session that lasts from 2 to 4 hours. The average price for a two-hour session is 2,000 rubles, and a four-hour session is 4,000 rubles.

Piercing is a piercing for decorating the body. Prices for piercing services depend on the part of the body. Average price of a puncture:

  • earlobe from 500 rubles
  • navel from 1000 rubles
  • eyebrow from 800 rubles
  • language from 1200 rubles
  • lip from 700 rubles.

Permanent makeup is a shallow violation of the skin and the introduction of paint to obtain permanent lines. The difference from a tattoo is that makeup is done with dyes and lasts from six months to 2 years. Usually the procedure requires several sessions, the total time is 2-3 hours. During the procedure, anesthesia is performed with light anesthetics.

The cost of lip contour is from 5,000 rubles for a full cycle.

Eyebrows also cost an average of 5,000 rubles.

Eyelid makeup from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles.

Table 1.4. Forecast of work volumes per month

NameQuantity, pcsAverage price, rub.Revenue, rub.
1 Tattoo30 4000 120000
2 Permanent makeup20 5000 100000
3 Piercing80 1000 80000

In today's article I want to talk about how to open a tattoo parlor. How much does it cost and what is the profitability of this area of ​​business.

History of tattoo

The art of painting images on the body has been popular since ancient times. There is an opinion that the ancient Egyptians knew how to paint the body with patterns between the 26th and 28th centuries BC. That is, as soon as a person began to walk upright and learned to create basic tools, he mastered the art of applying images to the body. But in ancient times, painting on the body had a completely different meaning than a modern tattoo. In the times of our ancestors, tattoos denoted belonging to a certain tribe, social group, or occupation.

Ancient people believed that a tattoo on the body would protect them from illnesses and evil eyes, bring good luck, and help them find love. Drawings on the body were popular exclusively among pagans; Christians had a negative attitude towards such paintings; they believed that the body should remain the way the Lord created it.

Times change and with them people develop new hobbies and passions, fashion and society dictate their own rules and impose certain standards. But modern people increasingly dream of standing out from the crowd, and an original tattoo on the body can help them with this. Not so long ago, people associated tattoos with a prison stigma. But today, a tattoo and a tattoo have nothing in common. A colorful drawing or inscription on the body only emphasizes a person’s individuality. Therefore, the demand for tattoos, and therefore for the services of salons, is quite high.

A tattoo parlor is an establishment that provides body painting, tattoo removal, and more. As a rule, tattoo parlors offer visitors not only standard services, but also, for example, piercings, temporary henna tattoos and other cosmetic services.

Business plan for a tattoo parlor

Drawing up a detailed business plan for a tattoo salon will help you correctly calculate the costs of implementing your business idea. In addition, it will allow you to determine the approximate payback period of the project and the amount of expected profit.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a tattoo parlor business

  • Great demand for the service. The popularity of tattoos is only increasing every year. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that opening a tattoo parlor will be a profitable way to make money.
  • High price. Getting a high-quality tattoo in a good salon is not cheap. But, despite this, people are increasingly thinking about the hygiene of the procedure and the sterility of instruments during tattooing. Therefore, most clients give preference to trusted professionals and reputable salons that provide certain guarantees of the quality of the applied pattern and the sterility of the procedure.
  • Additional services. You can earn money not only by applying tattoos to your body, but also by other additional services that we mentioned above (piercing, tattooing). If funds allow, you can open your own beauty salon.
  • Competition. The main disadvantage of opening a tattoo parlor as a business is the high competition in this field of activity. Therefore, it will be quite difficult for a beginner to open a tattoo salon from scratch at the initial stage. You'll need some serious money. But if you are a tattoo artist, then it is quite possible to open your own business at home. Over time, having earned money and gained authority, you can open a full-fledged tattoo salon.

Video on the topic

Business registration

In order to legally engage in business, you must register your type of activity. You must select an LLC or individual entrepreneur as the material legal form.

The activities of a tattoo parlor are subject to mandatory licensing. To apply tattoos you need to have a medical degree. But the procedure can be carried out only after examination by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Such specialists must be on the staff of your establishment, otherwise you will be denied a license.

Permits to operate the premises from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services. Without permits, you will not be able to work, so make sure to comply with all rules and requirements.

When choosing OKVED codes, do not forget that in the future you may want to expand your type of activity and engage not only in tattooing, but also in the sale of related products.

Necessary documents for opening a tattoo parlor

  1. Documents confirming the registration of a legal entity;
  2. Permits to operate from Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. Premises rental agreement. Permits for its operation from the fire and sanitary services;
  4. Production control plan;
  5. Medical license.
  6. Place to open a tattoo parlor

The location of the establishment is important. As a rule, tattoo parlors open near beauty parlors, in large shopping centers, near a metro station, near a market. In general, in places with high foot traffic.

There are no special requirements for the premises itself. It is important to maintain sterility and cleanliness in the establishment, because tattooing is equivalent to medical manipulation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out wet daily cleaning of the salon premises. Walls, floors and even ceilings should be washable.

For comfortable work, an area of ​​20 square meters is sufficient. m. The rental price will vary depending on the location of the premises, its condition and area.

Equipment for tattoo parlor

Buying equipment for a tattoo parlor will cost you a pretty penny. But under no circumstances is it worth saving on it.

Necessary equipment for a tattoo parlor: paints, tattoo needles, a device for laser tattooing, special chairs for the artist and the visitor. You will also need a computer on which to store the catalog of sketches. Thus, each client will be able to choose the appropriate tattoo option for himself.

Hired employees

First of all, you need to find professional tattoo artists. It is quite difficult to find a good craftsman who will agree to work for a small salary. Therefore, you will either have to pay the professional a significant percentage of the salon’s income (about 30%), or train beginners in tattoo skills.

In addition to the master, you also need to hire a cleaner, because sterility in the salon premises plays an important role. You will also need a secretary who will receive visitors. For security, you can also hire a security guard.

Video on the topic

Advertising campaign

Attracting visitors is an important point that should be taken very seriously. There are many advertising methods, but one of the most effective options is word of mouth. Good feedback from visitors about the quality of your salon is the best advertising, so take care of your authority.

Bright sign. People's attention is always attracted by an aesthetically designed, bright sign. Therefore, be sure to make sure that information about the services provided by the salon is visible to people passing by. Advertising around the city and on social networks wouldn’t hurt either.

How much does it cost to open a tattoo parlor?

It is quite difficult to calculate all costs and profits. It all depends on your financial capabilities, place of residence and other equally important nuances. As for payback, as practice shows, a tattoo salon is a profitable business area that pays for itself in 1–2 years.

It is difficult for people in creative professions to organize a profitable business. One of the exceptions is body painting masters. How to open your own tattoo parlor from scratch, what you need for this, how much money you will have to invest, and what kind of profit you can expect - a detailed business plan will provide answers to all questions.

Attitudes towards tattoos in Russia have changed greatly over the past twenty years. If earlier tattoos indicated that a person belonged to the criminal world, an informal movement or a military environment, now everyone can apply drawings and inscriptions to the body. It became fashionable, technologies and materials improved, and legal tattoo parlors appeared.

Business Features

The tattoo business has a lot in common with beauty salons, but there are also some nuances:

  1. When applying a tattoo, damage to the skin occurs, which is fraught with infection and inflammation. Therefore, increased SES requirements are imposed on cleanliness, hygiene and disinfection in the salon, and technicians must have medical records.
  2. If the salon hires workers, then difficulties arise with official registration, since the law does not include the profession of “tattoo artist.”
  3. As with doctors, people prefer to go to a tattoo artist with a good reputation, often through the patronage of acquaintances or friends. It is very difficult for a novice entrepreneur who has undergone training, but without work experience, to promote a business on his own - he will have to hire specialists with an established clientele.
  4. A massive influx of clients in tattoo parlors is observed before the start of the summer season. Tattooing is not recommended during hot months due to the negative effects of sunlight and high temperatures on the healing process.
  5. Professional craftsmen have their own customs and unwritten laws. A permanent tattoo is a painful procedure, the design remains for life, and it is problematic to remove it. Therefore, a specialist may refuse to work if he sees that the client was frivolous in the choice of topic, place of application, or has health difficulties.

The target audience of the salons consists of young people under 40 years old; older people rarely decide to be shocking.

Business plan

Taking into account the specifics of the industry, a business plan for a tattoo parlor is drawn up with financial calculations:

  • choice of range of services;
  • rental of premises;
  • equipment purchase;
  • business registration;
  • hiring staff;
  • advertising;
  • calculation of starting investments, income and expenses.

Range of services

Mostly masters offer the following services:

  1. Tattooing according to standard templates from catalogs and on individual orders. There are black and white tattoos, colored ones, glowing in the dark, creating the illusion of volume, masking skin defects. Depending on the complexity of the work, the cost varies from 2000 rubles. up to 5000 rub. for an area the size of a pack of cigarettes.
  2. Tattoo removal using laser technology. The most expensive service, costs from 50 rubles. per square centimeter.
  3. Cosmetic tattoo (tattoo). It is done to save time or correct the shape of individual parts of the face - lips, eyelids, eyebrows, cheekbones. Cost - from 2000 rubles. up to 10,000 rub.
  4. Piercing is the piercing of various parts of the body for insertion of jewelry into holes. The cost of the puncture procedure is from 500 rubles. up to 2,500 rub.
  5. Henna painting (mehendi or mehndi). This is not a tattoo, but temporary oriental-style designs that disappear after about three weeks. Cost about 600 rubles.

In addition to the standard set, you can conduct master classes for those who want to learn how to make tattoos or henna designs, sell piercing jewelry, and practice body art.


Once the list of services has been determined, you can look for premises. A good option is a room in an existing beauty salon, spa center or sports club. Cooperation with these establishments will allow you not to delve into the complexities of the standards of the SES and other authorities, as well as attract clients of your landlords.

If you open a separate establishment, then it is optimal to find non-residential premises on the ground floor of a building that previously housed a hairdressing salon or dentistry. In this case, you also won’t have to spend a lot of money on major repairs and communications. The area for placement does not matter much, although the center is preferable.

One master's workplace requires 8-10 sq. m. of space, plus a toilet, reception desk, storage room for tools and other materials. The more services you plan to provide, the more space you will need - to equip workplaces, storefronts, and place equipment.

Finishing materials must be moisture-resistant, the floor must be tiled, since after serving each client, disinfection must be carried out. The premises must have water supply, sewerage, heating, and ventilation.


Specialized tools and equipment have been developed for modern tattoo parlors. The most necessary items for work:

  • Tattoo machines. High-quality drawings are created by 3 types of machines - for contour, filling and shadows.
  • Tattoo machine.
  • Laser for tattoo removal. Costs from 150,000 rubles. up to 250,000 rubles, which is why the procedure is so expensive.
  • Chair for clients. It looks like a dental one, with the ability to change height and tilt.
  • Autoclave. Used to sterilize instruments.
  • Lamp for room disinfection.
  • LED lamp. Tattooing requires good light.

The salon needs to be furnished and purchased office equipment:

  1. Chairs for staff.
  2. Sofa or chairs for waiting visitors.
  3. Reception desk or desk.
  4. Cabinets, racks for storing tools and materials.
  5. Showcase for selling jewelry and accessories.
  6. A computer for keeping records and storing a portfolio of orders in electronic form.
  7. Camera.
  8. MFP (printer, scanner, copier).

The following consumables are used in the tattoo parlor:

  • needles and paints;
  • brushes for henna designs;
  • stencils;
  • preparations for disinfection and pain relief;
  • gloves, masks, shoe covers;
  • capes, aprons, napkins;
  • stationery;
  • catalogs with sketches of tattoos.

Experts do not recommend saving at this point in the business plan. It is better to purchase high-quality equipment and materials to eliminate the possibility of injury and infection.

You can download it here for free as a sample.


When the preparatory work on the premises is completed, before opening a tattoo parlor, it is necessary to officially register the business. The best option for the owner is to become an individual entrepreneur. Then you need to submit documents to the tax office, select OKVED and a simplified taxation system.

To open a salon, you need to get a license because the licensing system classifies tattooing as a medical service. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents:

  1. Permission from the city administration to work in rented premises.
  2. Permission from Rosportebnadzor.
  3. Permission from Rospozharnadzor.
  4. Medical license from Roszdravnadzor.

All employees of the enterprise must have medical records; measures for disinfecting the premises and sterilizing instruments are recorded in a special journal. Documentation takes from 3 to 6 months.


If the owner of a tattoo parlor is not a tattoo artist himself, then finding a good artist will be problematic. As a rule, specialists with extensive experience, reputation and a client base work for themselves.

Tattooing is a unique area, with many traditions and features. A beginner has to spend a long time learning not only the technique of stuffing, but also anatomy, studying the properties of materials and drugs. Ideally, you need to have a secondary medical and artistic education.

There are several ways to attract a master to your establishment:

  • Offer a tattoo artist who works from home a legal position, an official salary and a percentage of the proceeds.
  • Hire a part-time specialist from a competing company.
  • Pay for the training of a beginning tattoo artist.

Finding employees to perform tattooing, piercing, and mehendi painting is not so difficult. Large salons also hire a medical professional to examine clients, disinfect and sanitize equipment.

In addition to the main staff, an administrator, an accountant and a cleaner are required. At the project launch stage, these functions can be performed by the entrepreneur himself to save money on salaries.

The amount of remuneration depends directly on the qualifications of the specialist. A tattoo artist with a name works for half the cost of the order, other artists take 20-30%, other personnel receive a fixed rate.

There are very few casual visitors to tattoo parlors, so you will have to invest a large sum in a variety of advertising.

At the stage of decorating the premises, you need to order an attractive sign, come up with an original name for the salon, and install signs. When the salon is prepared for opening, you need to notify as large an audience as possible about this event using:

  1. Advertisements in the press, media, transport, on the street.
  2. Business cards and booklets.
  3. Streamers, city lights, billboards.

The site needs to be given special attention, posting not only a list of services with prices and photographs, but also important information. For example, how to properly care for a tattoo, how to choose a design, advice from tattoo artists and fans. A section with customer reviews and work samples will also be useful.

Participation in festivals, exhibitions and other tattoo-related events will help spread information about the business. In the future, you can provide discounts on services to regular customers, organize master classes and training courses.

Video: how much does it cost to open a tattoo salon?

Economic calculations

To determine how much it costs to open a tattoo parlor, you need to make an estimate of the main investments in the business. Planning future income and expenses will allow you to calculate the profitability and profitability of the project.

Investments in launching the project are:

The wider the range of services that the salon provides, the higher the cost of investment, mainly in equipment.

Fixed monthly expenses of the enterprise:

The revenue and success of the salon depends on the professionalism of the tattoo artist. If an entrepreneur hires a well-known specialist and organizes an advertising campaign, then already in the first month of operation the establishment will receive income that will cover operating expenses. If you have to attract new customers, the payback period can reach 3 years.

The average monthly income of a well-promoted salon with a sales department is about 300,000 rubles, profitability is 30%.

It is profitable to open a tattoo parlor for a tattoo artist with a high level of qualifications, and if you invest in advertising and business expansion, the success of the project is guaranteed.

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Body tattooing can be a very profitable business. However, it has a number of significant features that do not allow anyone to take up this business. The emergence of a desire to create tattoos on a paid basis does not mean anything. You'll have to deal with living people. If a novice artist has no experience, then quite unpleasant consequences can await him already when meeting his first client.

You should be aware of the full responsibility. An unsuccessful tattoo is not so easy to cover with another, and every tattoo removal, even with the most modern methods, changes the structure of the skin. Therefore, you can think about transferring your hobby to a commercial basis only after gaining some experience. Purchasing it is not so easy. It’s unlikely that anyone would trust their body to a newcomer. You will have to look for relevant companies and be a member of certain teams. There is no need to hope that even the most devoted friends will become your first clients.

The second feature is that tattooing in Russia has already become an official activity that requires licensing. Therefore, all tattoo parlors in our country operate as a kind of treatment rooms.

Registering a legal entity

If no difficulties stop you, then you can think about what it takes to open a tattoo salon, in particular about registering a legal entity. Registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur is equally appropriate. At this moment, you need to take a very balanced approach to the issues of the upcoming practice. The activity will have to be licensed in any case, except for the main types of services, You will also need a medical degree. It should be available to the manager and practitioners.

To apply tattoos, it is enough to have a secondary medical education, but The procedure can be carried out only after examination by a cosmetologist or dermatologist. If he is not on the company’s staff, then the license may be refused. The individual entrepreneur enjoys a small indulgence. It is enough to refer those interested to a practicing doctor and apply tattoos after the clients bring a certificate stating that the specialist has not identified any contraindications.

What is the maximum probationary period?

All other registration steps will exactly coincide with those that businessmen take when organizing any medical office or salon. You will have to open a bank account, create and register a seal with the MCI, and issue forms and cash registers at the tax office.

When choosing OKVED codes, do not forget that the commercial success of a future enterprise largely depends on an integrated approach. It is quite possible that the opportunity not only to apply tattoos, but also to sell some goods, for example, image products, will be useful.

What documents are needed?

To carry out practical activities you will need:

  • documents confirming the registration of a legal entity;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • documents from the local administration, SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations confirming the ability to engage in tattooing in the premises chosen by the entrepreneur, as well as documents on renting real estate;
  • production control plan;
  • medical license.

The last document in Russia is issued by Roszdravnadzor, where you need to apply and attach a package of necessary documents to it. The license is issued within 45 days from the date of application.

We should not forget that all employees must receive medical records and undergo examinations in accordance with the regulations established for the personnel of all treatment and cosmetology rooms.

Choosing a room

Tattooing is a special business. You should not follow the same path as when creating dentists’ or narcologists’ offices. The closer your salon is to any establishments that provide some similar services, the better. Spas, fitness centers, and even regular hairdressers are great options.

Typically, tattoo parlors are located in rooms with a total area of ​​only 30-40 square meters. This is quite enough to accommodate everything you need.

The premises must have all the infrastructure and be connected to all necessary communications. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain permission from the SES, which will be required to start work.

Purchase of equipment and start of activities

The tattoo salon can provide the following services:

  • tattooing;
  • tattoo removal;
  • piercing and various decorative body modifications;
  • sales of related products.

To open a tattoo parlor, it is enough to collect approximately 300 thousand rubles. About 60-80 thousand will be spent on purchasing equipment, the rest on renting premises, purchasing furniture and similar expenses. It is quite possible that in Moscow it will not be possible to get by with this amount, but in an average regional city it is quite possible. It should also be taken into account that prices for consumables can be quite high. One set of needles can cost 600-700 rubles. A tube of paint - around 800, and for a package of flash sets (tattoo sketches) you may need to pay about 30 thousand rubles.

The only good thing is that the investment is justified quickly enough. Typically, one visit to the salon costs the client in an amount that starts at 3-4 thousand rubles. As the tattoo area increases and the need to perform some exclusive work increases, the client’s costs increase significantly.

The only question is how to get the very first visitors. In addition to locating the salon in places with high traffic of people who may be eager to get a tattoo, advertising also helps. It is especially relevant in the first months of work, when you still don’t have to rely on word of mouth. This means that in addition to the starting capital mentioned above, you need to add an investment in the profitable positioning of your business.

Features of the practice

An employee of a tattoo and piercing salon is a person who carries out his activities at the intersection of two areas: fine arts and medicine. Thus, most of the courses and trainings to improve skills require that in order to apply tattoos you need to be able to draw.

By the way, in this case you can save quite a lot. You don't have to buy ready-made sketches. And the business itself is much more successful, since it is possible to realize the original wishes of clients. State supervisory and control authorities are primarily interested in the medical component process.

It is possible to talk about serious commercial prosperity only if a balance is maintained between the practice of cosmetology and special fine arts. Typically, the income of a small tattoo parlor or private specialist starts from 3-4 thousand dollars. Over time, this figure increases significantly.

You just need to remember that attempts to circumvent some government requirements or failure to comply with sanitary standards can lead to huge fines, confiscation of the production base and loss of your place in the market.

One type of service, tattoo removal, is discussed in the video below.
