Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Where to look for orders for a photographer. Conquerors of the capital: photographers from the regions that are worth paying attention to. Participation in preparation

Pay attention to whose photos your friends post. If you like the pictures, this is a good reason to look at the photographer’s portfolio.

You can also find a photographer on specialized sites such as Fashion Bank and Wedding photographers live on Mywed, and if you're looking for baby or family photography, check out Disfo.

2. Don’t be fooled by free shoots

Yes, there are people who will rent you for free. This can happen in two cases: either the photographer is completely novice, or your type is suitable for the realization of his own idea.

Beginner photographers cannot guarantee the quality of the result. Maybe you'll get good pictures, maybe you won't. If you are ready to play Russian roulette, then take the risk! Sometimes this way you get good photo shoots.

If you approached an experienced photographer to implement his idea, it’s too early to rejoice. We must first find out what exactly he is going to shoot. Maybe he wants to film you in rags on an abandoned chicken farm (an absolutely real case, by the way). Do you want such photos?

The photographer will shoot you exactly the way he needs, and not the way you need.

In the case of a free shoot, be prepared for the photographer to give away as many pictures as he deems necessary. And he will do it when he wants to.

3. Expensive does not mean good

In Moscow, a two-hour portrait shoot can cost 5,000 rubles, or maybe 100,000 rubles. And it’s not a fact that a more expensive photographer will photograph you better than a cheaper one. There are good photographers in any segment, the main thing is to look. How to distinguish good photographer from bad? Right! According to his portfolio.

4. Evaluate your portfolio

You should like the portfolio. And there should be photos similar to those you would like to receive. Let's say you want bright portraits with rich colors, but the photographer's portfolio is entirely black and white. In this case, it is better to look for someone else to shoot.

When you look at a portfolio, try to evaluate not the beauty of the models and their outfits, but the work of the photographer. What should you pay attention to?


If the people in the photo look natural, believe me, it's worth a lot. If all the models look tense and strained, then most likely the same fate awaits you.

Atmosphere of the place

How is the atmosphere of the location captured? Do you have a story in your head about what is shown in the photo? Do you believe what is happening on it? If so, then that's a good sign.

Variety of poses

If in all the photos the models stand or sit the same way, it means that the photographer does not know how to control the posing of the models. Most likely, he will not choose poses for you that will emphasize the advantages of your figure and hide flaws.


The more narrow specialization for a photographer, the higher the quality of his photo. Does your photographer only shoot portraits in the studio? Amazing! If he shoots weddings, and portraits, and children, and food for menus, and New Year's corporate parties- this is a bad sign. Would you go to a dentist who works as a surgeon twice a week, sometimes replaces a therapist, and does ultrasounds on weekends for part-time work?


All photographers process their photographs. You don't have to understand the intricacies, you just have to like the processing. Because your photos will be processed the same way.

The main thing is not to count on the same pictures as in the photographer’s portfolio. It is his the best photos over the years of work. Probably professional models posed for many of them.

But it still makes sense to choose a photographer with the portfolio that you like best. What he shoots for you will be slightly lower in quality than the portfolio materials.

5. Ask for a photo of your type

It’s good if your portfolio contains pictures of a person with your type of appearance. If you don't find it, ask the photographer to show it. If in your portfolio you only see photos of 18-year-old models weighing 45 kg, then maybe he just doesn’t know how to shoot girls over 30 with imperfect figures. Do you want to be the subject of experiments for your own money?

6. Assess how comfortable you are in communication.

You and the photographer should have a pleasant experience. If something bothers you in communication, it is better to immediately find someone else. You should be relaxed while shooting. Tension will ruin even the best photos.

Take care of your comfort - main responsibility photographer He will tell you in detail about the process itself. Will answer all your questions. It will remind you the day before so you don’t forget anything. In general, she will be a mixture of best friend and mother. That's why he's a professional.

7. Meet before the shoot

Arrange a meeting with the photographer a few days before the shoot. Have a cup of coffee together. He will see you in person and this will help him decide how you will pose for him. If you're shy on set, meeting on neutral territory will help you too. After it you will feel more free in front of the camera.

You will also discuss in detail what kind of photographs you need. Establish contact with each other, then you won’t have to do this on the set.

If after the meeting you realize that you are uncomfortable with the photographer, feel free to cancel the shoot. You definitely won't get any good pictures.

After meeting with the photographer, you should not have any questions left - only joyful impatience. If so, then you are in good hands and will soon be enjoying new photos.

Wedding photos are a must! Photos from your wedding are a story, the story of your family, your day, a story that you will tell your children and remember after many years. Isn't this day worthy of staying with you in beautiful photographs?

Think about this in advance, start following photographers, their publications, portfolio updates, form your idea of ​​what you want your wedding to look like.

Where to look for a photographer?

First of all, you should ask your friends and acquaintances. No one can tell you about the photographer better than the bride and groom he photographed. They know how comfortable it is to work with a photographer, how he interacts with guests, how he participated in organizing the wedding, and they will simply show you photographs from their wedding. In addition to recommendations from friends/acquaintances, be sure to visit specialized Internet sites.

What should you pay attention to when looking for a wedding photographer?
No matter how trivial it may sound, the first thing you need to pay attention to is how the photographer shoots! Look at a lot of photos, follow new series, compare, choose exactly the style, color and emotions that you like!

However, always ask the photographer to show a couple of weddings in their entirety, exactly the material that his clients received! This will help you understand how consistently the photographer shoots, whether his style and quality is maintained throughout the day, or whether he only manages posed shots

Comfortable communication

A wedding photographer is the person with whom you will spend the entire day, from the early morning when he will take pictures of the preparations and ending with the final volleys of fireworks at your reception. That's why Special attention it is worth paying attention to how comfortable you are personally in the company of a photographer, whether he understands you, whether he listens to your wishes, whether he can arrange you for shooting. In the end, you will remember exactly the mood that was at your wedding!


Do not choose a photographer only by price, because there will always be someone who can do it cheaper. However, disappointment from bad photos will last much longer than the joy of it's low price!

Naturally, it is not always worth chasing only the most expensive, because again, the price is not always an indicator of quality. Think about what will remain with you after 20 or 30 years? Choose the photographer whose photos you like in the first place, because this is a memory for the rest of your life.

Just compare the cost of the photographer you like and, for example, the cost of the wedding dress you like.

Participation in preparation

An experienced photographer knows how to competently draw up a walking route, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular location for shooting specifically for your wedding. Working in this area, photographers know many artists, presenters, designers, videographers, they can advise where to go to make invitations or gifts for guests, and they simply have much more experience and will be able to warn you about some subtleties in preparation.


Every self-respecting photographer has a contract for photography services. Yes, not everyone enters into it; for many, the presence/absence of an agreement is not an important factor, while others, on the contrary, want everything to be strictly official and documented. The contract will help you avoid possible problems with deadlines or serve as evidence in the event (hopefully it never happens) of damaged photos. For a photographer, a contract can also serve as protection from unscrupulous customers who will refuse to pay for his work or will make unfounded claims about the quality/style/processing of photographs. It’s up to you to decide whether to conclude an agreement or not, but a responsible photographer will never be afraid of an agreement, he is confident in his work and will not mind that you also have such confidence.


Ask the photographer a lot of questions, even if they seem funny or ridiculous to you. Your wedding is most likely the first time and a lot of questions - this is normal. Find out any details about the shooting that interest you, tell the photographer your thoughts and experiences, ask his opinion and, most importantly, trust him!

It remains only to say one very important thing - successful, beautiful and interesting shooting only 50% depends on the photographer, the rest is your work!

The question is where to find a photographer (English photographer), capable of making worthy material, arises in Lately often enough. Given the existence of many talented craftsmen, there is a high probability that you will end up with an inexperienced photographer who may end up providing low-quality photos taken in haste.

We will display on film what you dreamed of. Come to us and make sure that there are no impossible tasks for us, we work with any genre of shooting!TopZvuk

Unfortunately, today this practice is observed more and more often. Professional equipment is available for sale, dishonest people take advantage of this, profiting from trusted people. Usually amateurs have superficial knowledge of how to use the device and do not cope well with the shooting process (especially when we're talking about about reporting work).

Cost of photographer's services

Where to find a professional photographer? Come to TopSound. The photo studio employees have a high level of qualifications, constantly work to improve and hone their skills, and get acquainted with the latest trends in the world of photography.

Prices for services

Video shooting (hourly)1,800 rub./hourAfter the shooting1920×1080 (Full HD)
Video shooting (hourly)2,500 rub./hourAfter the shooting4096 × 3072 (4K)
Photography (hourly)1,800 rub../hourAfter the shooting22 MP
Event photographyRUB 14,400/8 hoursAfter the shooting4096 × 3072 (4K)
Wedding photographyRUB 14,400/8 hoursAfter the shooting4096 × 3072 (4K)
Aerial photography5,000 rub./hourAfter the shooting4096 × 3072 (4K)
Editing, color correctionfrom 3,000 rub.By prepaymentPremiere PRO

We work with professional-grade equipment, we have a variety of additional devices that allow us to work in the studio and on the road. The client has the right to demand a portfolio, which will be shown to him immediately.

You can evaluate our work yourself; if you wish, you can talk to the photographer, who will conduct a photo session after concluding the contract.

Features of professional photography

Sometimes from the outside it may seem that the work of a photographer is not a very difficult task, accessible to everyone. But this is far from true. Behind the external simplicity of the work lies experience, a solid store of theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as a subtle artistic taste. An experienced photographer, unlike ordinary person, has special vision. He looks at any subject - be it a person, an animal, or an object - in such a way that he immediately understands how harmonious and beautiful the photo will turn out. In this case, technical nuances also have to be taken into account. Depending on the specific situation, you may need one or another interchangeable lens, different shutter speed and aperture settings, and additional lighting equipment. And you need to be well versed in all this in order to react quickly if the situation changes during filming.

Where to find a photographer in Moscow

Why is working with a studio specialist so much more profitable and safe? The answer is simple. We have our own resources for filming; “free” novice photographers are forced to rent an unknown camera and premises.

The TopZvuk team works harmoniously, due to which the time you wait to receive ready-made materials is significantly reduced. We agree with each client in a personal conversation about the cost corresponding to the services. You don’t have to worry about how to contact the photographer to find out the information you are interested in: we are always in touch, and our studio is open to visitors.

Working with TopZvuk studio, you will gain a pleasant, positive experience of communicating with a professional team. You will no longer have the question where to find a photographer, who can correctly implement your ideas. We will display on film what you dreamed of. Come to us and make sure that there are no impossible tasks for us, we work with any genre of shooting! We work seven days a week (by appointment). We are waiting for your call right now!

The services of a photographer at a wedding are irreplaceable: even professional videography will not be able to capture all the nuances of the day that will be reflected in photography. Since even a modest family celebration requires significant expenses, newlyweds need a cheap photographer who can work every day of shooting to the maximum.

It is believed that wedding photography cannot be cheap and high quality at the same time. Our catalog refutes this theory. Professional photographer You can inexpensively photograph the bride and groom in nature, arrange a photo report dedicated to the wedding, plan a fashion-style photo shoot, and all this for less than 20 thousand rubles. You can find photographer services in the desired price range in just a couple of clicks.

How to use the catalogue?

If a photographer offers his services inexpensively, is popular in Moscow and creates beautiful photographs, then his offer will be posted on our website. To access all suitable options, use the convenient filter:

  • Select a price. In the category “up to 20,000 rubles” there are professionals asking from 3 to 20 thousand rubles per shooting day. If a photographer is needed for an hour, the actual cost of photography may be lower than the price of a shooting day.
  • Select a date. A good, cheap photographer will most likely be busy on popular wedding days. To be able to order the service inexpensively, it is better to negotiate in advance. Explore the options offered. Our catalog contains examples of works from which you can get a comprehensive idea of ​​the artistic style of each photographer.

Photographers' contacts are available in the portfolio. If you are not sure whether the master is available on the desired day, be sure to contact us in advance and clarify this issue.
