Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

“The use of recycled materials in everyday life. Sketch development. Recycling. Their recycling Use of recycled materials

Production and consumption volumes are constantly increasing. At the same time, landfills are rapidly growing around cities, poisoning the land, water and air. In this regard, the problem of waste disposal is becoming increasingly acute. If waste recycling is not established, soon there will be no fertile soil left around cities. It will be replaced by toxic garbage fields.

Recyclable waste is not only household waste. These include production waste: metal, paper, plastic and textile recyclables. The issue of recycling plastic waste is particularly acute. Other types of secondary raw materials are at least capable of decomposing in natural conditions into relatively safe components. But plastic takes more than 100 years to decompose.

The main task of processing secondary raw materials is to minimize the impact of waste on the environment. Unfortunately, in our country the recycling and recycling market is poorly developed. There are many reasons for this.

The most obvious one is the lack of technology. But in fact, our country has had these technologies for a long time. It’s just that the profitability of processing secondary resources is still minimal. Companies refuse to do this work because it is not profitable.

However, in recent years the situation has begun to change for the better. More and more manufacturers see household waste as the basis for obtaining inexpensive raw materials, which can later be used in production.

The most valuable are:

Processing of secondary resources makes it possible not only to obtain the latest materials for construction, organic fertilizers used in agriculture, but also thermal energy that can be used to heat buildings.

There are the following waste groups:

To ensure conditions for further disposal, waste must be properly sorted. Division into classes allows you to reduce costs and increase the profitability of processing.

Conversion methods

In the press, all waste is usually called secondary raw materials. This is imprecise terminology. Not all waste can be reused. There are certain groups of waste that are more expedient to use to generate thermal energy. They should be called secondary energy raw materials.

Only those materials that can be put into circulation after processing should be classified as secondary raw materials. For example, after recycling, waste paper cannot be used to make toilet paper or produce books, but it is suitable for creating environmentally friendly packaging.

Natural recycling

It's about composting. This method has been used for a very long time. It looks like this: a large pit is dug into which organic waste is dumped. The top of the burial is covered with earth. After the waste has decomposed, it is dug up again and the resulting compost is used for agricultural purposes.

This method was recently modified. Engineers have designed installations that make it possible to heat garbage located underground. Excessive temperature increases the rate of decomposition and increases the release of biogas. The latter can be collected and successfully used as fuel.

Companies are emerging all over the world that are actively producing mobile stations for processing biological waste. Their products are used in agriculture and cottage settlements. But they are not suitable for large urban settlements, since maintaining the equipment is unprofitable.

The natural processing method is gradually becoming a thing of the past. The fact is that the bulk of the loaded waste also contains inorganic waste. They do not rot and gradually accumulate.

This method refers to the disposal of solid waste. It is great for neutralizing dangerous organics that may be found on solid waste. After treatment by fire, the resulting waste is buried or disposed of.

Thermal afterburning produces electricity and heat, which is usually used to service the recycling plant. The latter are located next to large landfills near large cities.

Thermal recycling can be direct or pyrolysis. In the first case, the enterprise receives useful thermal energy used for heating in the heating system. In the second case, liquid and gaseous fuel can be produced at the plant.

Unfortunately, the operation of such a plant cannot be called environmentally friendly. It emits a huge amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The filters used are unable to radically change the negative impact on the environment.

To burn medical waste, special furnaces are used, equipped with special gas purification systems.

This technology is considered the most promising. Disposal takes place in 3 stages:

  • The waste received at the plant is thoroughly ground and placed under a press, where it is turned into granules. If necessary, the raw materials undergo additional drying.
  • The resulting mass is sent to the furnace, where under the influence of a plasma flow it turns into gas.
  • To prevent the resulting gas from immediately flaring up, an oxidizing agent is added to the reactor.

The resulting product is very similar to natural gas, but its energy value is much lower. It is pumped into special containers and sent to the consumer. It serves as a good fuel for turbines, heating boilers and electric generators.

This processing method has already gained popularity in the USA and Canada. In Europe, this technology is just beginning to be introduced, but there are plans for its widespread use. Such equipment is not supplied to Russia.

Processing of such resources allows you to get new household and production items. These include glass, plastic, metal, paper and petroleum products.

Metal waste is separated during processing using separation. Ferrous metal is removed from the total mass using magnets. It is then pressed into bags. The latter are later sent for further smelting.

Broken glass and bottles are carefully sorted, cleaned and dried. After thorough grinding, they are heated in special equipment. The output is technical glass, which builders can use for their own purposes.

Particular attention is paid to recycling waste paper. The fact is that during the production of paper at pulp mills, chemically hazardous reagents are used. Despite all protective measures, they inevitably end up in the environment and poison everyone. In addition, paper production requires one of the most valuable resources on the planet - wood.

The use of recycled materials allows you to save wood and minimize the negative impact of pulp mills on the environment.

Unfortunately, in our country, paper ends up in a landfill among other household waste. It is impossible to single it out. It is excluded from further circulation. The only solution to this problem is separate collection of household waste.

The situation is even worse with polymers. Their reuse involves some difficulties. In particular, raw materials are usually dirty and not of the quality required to produce new products. To eliminate the shortcomings you need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of money. Therefore, polymer products are easier to produce from pure primary raw materials.

However, polymer recyclables are excellent for the production of building materials, but only if such products are not subject to too high environmental requirements.

Rare chemical elements and precious materials are obtained from old electronics after recycling. Metals such as silver, gold, platinum, palladium, and nickel are distinguished. The sorted residues are subsequently burned.

by technology

“The use of recycled materials in everyday life. Sketch development"

Target: give students knowledge about recycled materials and their use in interior decoration, teach them to develop a sketch of a product.

Tasks :

    introduce students to the types of recycled materials, additional materials, and environmental requirements;

    to cultivate aesthetic taste, interest in the subject of technology and decorative and applied arts;

    developing the ability to develop a sketch of a product, work according to a diagram, and apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

    develop imagination, accuracy, and ability to collaborate in groups;

Subject results:

Know: types of plastics, select them according to their intended purpose

Be able to: develop a sketch.

Lesson type: learning new material

Forms of student work: frontal, group, practical.

Required technical equipment: multimedia projector, screen, diagrams of practical work for working in groups, 2 DVD disks, 6 sheets of A4 colored paper, “Master” glue, office glue, buttons – 20 pieces, wire, corrugated paper, whatman paper or cardboard, cotton pads, paints “ gouache, paint brushes, newspaper,

Time: 90 minutes (2 lessons)

Progress of lesson 1.

    Organizing time.

    The topic and purpose of the lesson.

Look at the photographs and name the objects that are depicted. (1 slide)

What else can you call these objects?

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the varieties of recycled materials, types of plastics, learn how to develop a sketch of a product, and do practical work using recycled materials.

    Learning a new topic

Secondary raw materials - materials and products that, after initial full use (wear), can be reused in production as raw materials. (2 slide)

Recyclable raw materials include: plastic bags, disposable tableware, napkins, discs, cocktail straws, foil, paper and many others.

Types of secondary raw materials







    construction waste(3 slide)

From recycled materials, using various arts and crafts techniques, you can make gifts and souvenirs for family and friends.(4 slide)

One of the types of secondary raw materials is plastic

Types of plastics and their markings

    polyethylene terephthalate. Letter marking PETE or PET.

It contains most drinks, vegetable oils, ketchups, spices, and cosmetics.

Safety. Suitable for one time use ONLY.

    high density polyethylene. Letter marking PE HD.

It is used to make disposable tableware, food containers, bottles for cosmetics, packaging bags, bags, and toys.

    polyvinyl chloride Letter marking PVC.

It is used to make window profiles, furniture elements, films for suspended ceilings, pipes, tablecloths, curtains, floor coverings, and containers for technical liquids.

Safety. Prohibited for food use

    low density polyethylene. Letter marking LDPE or PEBD.

A cheap and common material from which most bags, garbage bags, CDs, and linoleums are made.

Safety. Relatively safe for food use

Plastic bags are not as dangerous to human health as they are dangerous to the ecology of the planet.

    polypropylene. Letter marking PP.

Durable and heat-resistant plastic from which food containers, food packaging, syringes, and toys are made.

Safety. Quite safe, but under certain conditions may release formaldehyde.

    polystyrene Letter marking PS.

Cheap and easy to produce plastic, from which almost all disposable tableware, yogurt cups, trays for meat, fruits and vegetables, food containers, toys, etc. are made.

Safety. It can release styrene, which is why disposable tableware is called disposable.

    polycarbonate, polyamide and other types of plastics. Letter marking O or OTHER.

They are used to make bottles for children, toys, water bottles, and packaging.

Safety. Some plastics from this group are characterized by increased environmental friendliness.(5 slide)

Ecological significance.

Any secondary raw material produced by humans must be recycled after use so as not to cause harmful damage to our environment. If all the garbage is not recycled, then the planet may die: trees and plants will not be able to grow on the earth, water will become unfit for drinking. (6 slide)

    Practical work.

Now we will make a flower from a napkin.

For work we will need:

1. paper napkins of different colors

2. scissors

3. corrugated paper

4. felt-tip pen

5. thin wire and threads.

.(7 slide)

    First, fold the paper napkin like an accordion.

.(8 slide)

    We tie it in the middle with a thread and make a knot.

.(9 slide)

    We outline the edges of the accordion with a semi-oval on both sides and cut along the outlined one.

.(10 slide)

    Fold the accordion in half and press firmly.

.(11 slide)

    First straighten the 2 halves.

.(12 slide)

    Then straighten each layer of napkin.

.(13 slide)

    We thread a bendable wire for the stem through the middle of the thread and wrap it with corrugated paper.

.(14 slide)

So our chrysanthemum is ready.

Reinforcing the material learned

What are secondary raw materials?

What are the items that we can call secondary raw materials?

Name the items that are made from plastic?

What is the environmental significance of recycled materials?

Lesson progress 2.

    Organizing time.

    The topic and purpose of the lesson.

In this lesson, you and I will learn to develop a sketch of a product, and in the next lesson, using your sketch, we will make a plastic product. We will also do practical work in groups.

    Study material.

Sketch - A preliminary, unfinished drawing, outline..(15 slide)

Sketches include drawings intended for one-time use in production. The image of an object in a sketch is performed according to the rules of rectangular projection, but by hand, observing the proportions between the parts of the depicted object by eye.

Designers use sketches when designing new machines, etc. Sketches are used when repairing equipment, when a new one needs to be made to replace a failed part. Then a sketch of the part is taken from nature.

Sketches must be made in accordance with ESKD standards for drawings. The lines in the sketch should be smooth and clear. All inscriptions are made in drawing font.

Sketches are usually made on checkered paper. It's more convenient and faster. Make sketches with a soft pencil (M or 2M).

The sequence of drawing up a sketch is analyzed according to the table, which provides a detailed explanation:

    choose a format, mark locations for views, and if the part is symmetrical, draw the axes of symmetry.

    outline the views of the part with thin lines, carefully observing the proportionality of the parts of the object and the projection relationship.

    After making sure that the images are correct, remove all unnecessary lines.

    draw extension and dimension lines.

    measure the part and put down the size numbers. Trace the sketch

Now let's try to develop a sketch of a flower . (show on the board)

completion of the sketch by students.

    Practical work.

Now I will distribute you into groups. Each group must make a work from recycled materials using a diagram.

Group 1: Alieva S., Gaffarov M., Mustafaev L. Ismailov M – dandelion made from buttons.

Group 2: Stepanov A, Pantyukhov S., Kahramanov M, Makhramova A. – Christmas tree made of cotton pads

Group 3: Antipina Yu, Krivtsov N., Ischuk E., Ermilova V - sunshine

Group 4: Korneev E., Alieva A., Perepelitsyna E, Danilova T. – hot stand

(help and correction of work)

    Evaluation and analysis of work.

    Consolidation of the studied material.

What is a sketch?

7. Homework: plastic bottles, scissors, sketch.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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Looking at almost any non-hazardous waste, you can see secondary raw materials for the production of new products. The task of humanity is to obtain the maximum benefit from waste residues. The planet's resources are limited and are not replenished at the rate at which humanity is wasting them. Some types of resources are generally non-renewable, so they need to be saved. But this is not the only reason why waste materials are recycled.

In order to avoid cluttering up areas with garbage, it must be recycled. In addition, further processing of secondary raw materials will solve the problem of waste pollution: air, soil, ground and surface water and the spread of infection in the environment.


One of the main goals of waste recycling is to improve the environmental situation. In modern times, the waste disposal and recycling market is underdeveloped. This is not caused by the lack of technologies for processing recyclable materials, but by the low profitability of this activity, and therefore it simply becomes unprofitable to recycle secondary waste.

However, the use of household waste becomes a good basis for the production of recyclable materials, which can be re-entered into production by sorting them by type using a recycling sign. The use of recycled materials, including household waste, makes it possible to produce many products, such as paper products, glass containers, and various metal and plastic products.

The following are considered valuable waste components:

  • Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal
  • Plastics: PET, HDPE, PVD, PVC
  • Glass containers and cullet
  • Waste paper: paper, cardboard, newspapers and textiles
  • Rubber
  • Wood
  • Electronics: circuit boards, batteries, wire, mercury lamps
  • Petroleum products, asphalt, bitumen, oils

During the recycling process, various materials are obtained from waste, in particular, building materials, organic fertilizers, and thermal energy.


When recycling waste, appropriate technology is used for each type of waste. Mixed household waste is separated using various types of separation. For example, metal waste is separated using magnetic separation and then compacted, packaged and sent to foundries for subsequent melting.

Recycling scrap metal contributes to significant savings in natural resources and environmental protection.


Glass waste is processed into technical glass, which is subsequently used in construction. The glass recycling process includes the following steps:

  • Sorting glass waste by recycling sign using separation equipment.
  • Its cleaning and subsequent drying
  • Grinding
  • Preparation of raw materials and heating using special equipment.

Recycling industrial waste in the form of glass has significant advantages. For example, this process has a qualitative effect on unloading landfills for waste collection, saving raw materials and energy resources for glass production.

Waste paper

Just like recycling other types of recyclable materials, recycling paper helps reduce environmental pollution. While paper production releases highly toxic substances into the environment, using recycled paper uses fewer hazardous chemicals. In addition, by recycling paper waste, some wood resources are saved.

As for the process of recycling paper waste, let's consider the main stages:

  1. After collection, the raw materials are first sorted in accordance with a special processing mark.
  2. Next, the waste paper mass is obtained and cleaned.
  3. Subsequently, if necessary, the mass is subjected to bleaching and sent for paper production.

New paper is produced using processed recycled and virgin raw materials. In Russia, most of the waste paper is found among household waste, which makes it unavailable for further use. In this case, it is necessary to stop the simultaneous collection of construction, paper and household waste. Separate waste collection is the best way out of the critical environmental situation in the Russian Federation.


Reusing waste from polymers is quite difficult due to the degree of its contamination and the discrepancy between secondary polymers and the quality of the feedstock. This type of activity is very costly and less profitable than the production of polymer raw materials from the latest materials.

However, recycling recycled polymers is beneficial for their further use in the production of various concrete products and wood-polymer boards. It is performed only if cleaning and sorting are not particularly important for the production of polymer products.

Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which was used in beverage bottles, is made into insulating polyester fiber for jackets.

After recycling, it is used to make:

  • Carpets
  • Containers
  • Pallets
  • Trays for non-food products
  • Door panels
  • Grilles and bumpers for cars

The cost of polymer recyclables is much lower than the original, which attracts large suppliers, so reprocessing of raw materials can be quite profitable for a recycling plant.


Wood and waste paper are in great demand in construction and the pulp and paper industry, and their recycling will allow enterprises to significantly save on production costs. In addition, recycling waste will save the life of many trees and will have a beneficial effect on the environment.


Recycling used car tires and rubber will clear large areas of landfills of this type of waste, avoid the release of harmful carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere that are formed during combustion, and eliminate the risk of spreading infection.

Rubber and car tires are usually crushed into crumbs in specialized factories, after which they are used in many industries. Recycled rubber is subsequently used to make new car tires and rubber shoes. Recycled rubber is also widely used in construction.

Petroleum products

Today, modern technologies are used to process oil waste. As a result of this process, for example, motor oil is obtained. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of harmful vapors released into the atmosphere and reduce soil and water pollution. Collectively, endanger the environment to a lesser extent.


Various chemical elements, including precious metals, can be obtained from electronic waste. When recycling used electronic circuit boards, you can obtain gold, silver, palladium, as well as nickel, iron, copper, glass and polymers. The sorted metal is then sent to a smelting furnace, while the rest of the waste is pyrolyzed.


Recycling mercury lamps largely eliminates the environmental threat of mercury pollution. Mercury from these products is neutralized using the demercurization method.

When recycling recyclable materials, a sorbent is formed, from which environmentally friendly paving slabs are then made. Glass bulbs of used mercury lamps are subsequently used in the manufacture of new lamps. Some aluminum and phosphor are also formed.

Recycle sign

Each type of raw material has a processing symbol; this symbol indicates what material the product is made from, to simplify future sorting. According to the recommendations of the developers, the signs applied to the packaging should be quite large. The sign was first invented in 1988 for identification purposes. Raw materials to be marked: paper, plastic, metal, glass.

Bottom line

Currently, household waste has found application not only as recyclable materials for the production of new products. They are also used for aesthetic purposes.

Various exhibitions are periodically opened all over the world, and competitions are held to make all kinds of objects, sculptures, and interior items from household waste. People started using trash (cans, bottles, old videotapes, pipes and much more) to make them. Such events are aimed at attracting the attention of the whole world to the problem of disposal and recycling of all types of waste.

Primary production and recycling of waste subsequently allows us to solve many pressing environmental problems and make a huge contribution to caring for the environment. This type of economic activity must undergo rapid development, as the amount of waste in landfills is steadily growing.

From an economic point of view, the part of human waste that can be recycled is considered the most valuable and is of interest to business and enterprises. Also, reusing waste helps reduce the area of ​​landfills and save natural resources. What is waste recycling and is it possible to make money from it?

Recyclables are several types of household and industrial waste that are potentially suitable for reuse for human benefit. But for such use to become possible, secondary raw materials must be processed using special equipment.

Recyclable waste is traditionally divided into several categories:

  1. Biological (organic) – this includes wood, paper, textile and food waste.
  2. Technological inorganic – glass and glass scrap, scrap metal, .
  3. Technological organic – petroleum products, chemicals, plastics, rubber products, wastewater.
  4. Complex technological products - electronics, instruments, furniture, transport, etc.

There is also a type of waste that can only be reused to generate heat or electricity. This category is usually called secondary energy resources, and it includes industrial gases, petroleum products, wood processing products, steam, hot water, heat exchanger condensate, landfill gas, etc.

Reception points

For many types of “useful” waste, there are collection points where both ordinary citizens and some businesses can donate recyclables. Recycling collection points operate in many cities in Russia; information about them can be found on the Internet and from various environmental organizations.

A collection point is a special warehouse equipped for the collection and storage of certain types of waste. You can usually get paid for your trash, although some organizations accept waste free of charge.

Most collection points are focused on collecting recyclable materials from the population, and therefore are not designed for large volumes of waste. Large enterprises, as a rule, enter into a supply agreement, bringing a large amount of waste at a time - usually not to a collection point, but directly to the place of its processing. And in more or less large cities, in recent years, companies involved in the collection of recyclable materials themselves come to stores and pavilions, collecting boxes and other household waste.

Recycling: equipment and methods

The choice of method and equipment for processing each type of waste largely depends on what will be made from recyclable materials in the future, on the quality and degree of purification of the collected waste, and even on its volume.

Waste paper is first sorted by type, color and paper composition. Some companies limit themselves to pressing used paper using special presses, and then the processed waste paper is delivered to construction and pulp and paper mills. Another option is possible - obtaining pulp, for which the paper is soaked in tanks, bleached, cleaned and whipped into foam.

This foam (pulp) is a valuable raw material for the production of new paper, so its market price is much higher than compressed waste paper. A full recycling cycle makes it possible to obtain napkins, cardboard, toilet and plain paper, cellulose and ecowool from paper waste. In this case, special production lines are used.

– from waste paper to finished product

Biological food waste is used in the production of feed for farm animals. The simplest processing technology is cooking waste in vacuum boilers, after which the resulting mass is dried and crushed, and the output is meat and bone, fish or other meal.

To obtain extruded feed, installations are used in which food waste is subjected to dry friction under the influence of elevated pressure and temperature. The resulting extrudate is highly digestible and is considered extremely beneficial for animal health.

It begins with sorting to prevent foreign objects from getting into the finished raw materials. Then the glass is crushed, passes through a magnet, which separates metal parts (lids, etc.) from it and is sent for remelting.

Almost any new glass or bottle consists of 30-40% waste that has already been used. The glass mass, melted at 1500 degrees or more, is poured into molds by a bottle machine, then the glass products are cooled, tempered, packaged and sent to factories for filling.

It also involves grinding raw materials in cryogenic installations (using low temperatures), using rotary crushers and shredders. Then the crumb rubber is sorted and, depending on the size, used to make rubber parts for cars, coverings for sports fields, paving slabs, some types of concrete, shoe soles, etc.

From the above examples it follows that in order to process almost any recyclable material, equipment is needed for its sorting, cleaning and grinding. And then everything depends on the type of prepared waste - some of them need to be melted, some need to be digested, and others are added to the “pure” raw materials for production in an almost unchanged form.

Recycling of recyclable materials in Russia

Experts believe that environmental culture is just being formed in the Russian Federation, but in recent years there has been an increase in interest in various methods of processing and disposal of waste.

The peculiarities of the mentality of Russians leave their mark on the development of the recycling market. For example, unlike Europeans, Russian residents have little interest in the need for waste, and prefer to receive money for handing over recyclable materials - while in Europe, waste is sorted and handed over almost always for free.

In Russia, approximately 4-8% of the total amount of household waste is recycled. In total, there are only 243 waste recycling plants operating in the country. For comparison, in the United States the share of waste that is recycled is 34%. And in small Sweden, only 4% of waste ends up in landfills, and the rest is recycled and reused.

At the same time, enterprises do not yet have tax benefits that they could receive for introducing waste-free production and waste recycling technologies. The legislative framework in the field of “ecological” industry is in many ways still in its infancy, so the collection and disposal of waste is mostly a matter for enthusiasts, but not for large companies and entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, you can find a lot of tips on the Internet on how to make money from recyclable materials. Usually this means purchasing recyclable materials from the population, without processing the collected waste, but with the development of the enterprise, the question usually arises of expanding the scope of activity. Also on the market there are many fairly inexpensive installations and lines for working with secondary materials and their recycling. So the eco-business of waste recycling will develop at a significant pace in the coming years, especially with support from the state.

How to make money from recyclable materials

Recycling waste usually requires considerable costs for the purchase of equipment and specific knowledge, so most often the “garbage business” is limited to the purchase of recyclable materials from the population and its resale to recycling plants. Most often this is glass and broken glass, waste paper, scrap metal, and the most profitable is considered to be metal, because the cost of such recyclable materials is much higher.

To organize a collection point according to the law, it is necessary to register a company or individual entrepreneur (unless the owner plans to further expand the business and reach large volumes).

You will also need a room for storing collected waste - if we are talking about metal or glass, then an ordinary garage, which can be rented or bought, will be suitable as a warehouse. The room for storing waste paper must be dry and relatively clean; permission from the fire department may also be necessary, since paper is a very flammable material.

A warehouse for collecting recyclable materials must be equipped with scales in order to determine the cost of accepted waste by weight. Another necessary condition is the availability of a truck for transporting waste.

And the most important thing, without which it is impossible to open a collection point for recyclable materials, is a sales market. The entrepreneur will have to enter into an agreement with a waste processing company or plant.

It is worth remembering that such a business does not bring instant profit and is not highly profitable, but over time, the acceptance and purchase of recyclable materials from the population often “grows” into a small processing industry. Having opened a waste collection point, its owner sooner or later studies market needs and sales opportunities, and then decides to expand his enterprise.

It should be taken into account that working with some types of waste requires obtaining a license, training of employees and quite expensive equipment.

Examples of how you can start or develop a “garbage business” are easily found on the Internet, because in recent years this direction has become quite popular among entrepreneurs.


Recycling waste is a “dirty” activity, but certainly useful for both the economy and the environment. The West has long understood that waste-free production, which uses previously used materials, is much cheaper and makes the final product more accessible to the consumer.

Therefore, waste recycling in the near future will remain one of the most pressing tasks in all civilized countries. Our country still lags behind world indicators for waste recycling, but we can predict that this lag will not last long.

Sorting of solid waste allows them to be reused after appropriate sanitary treatment with minor environmental losses and relatively low economic costs. Preliminary sorting of solid waste, which determines the efficiency of processing and the cost recovery of construction of processing facilities, is a necessary requirement for the environmental safety of solid waste disposal.

Practice shows that when recycling waste, in addition to reducing the consumption of raw materials, we get significant savings in electricity, that is, in fuel for its production. Cleaning a bottle requires much less energy than melting it and making a new bottle from the resulting material. A study was conducted in Finland that showed that when a glass bottle with a capacity of 0.34 liters is reused ten times, the energy consumption is 24% of the energy consumption of the same disposable glass containers made from recycled materials and about 16% of the energy costs of these containers made from primary material. To ensure return, the packaging must have a high deposit value.

Further, paper and textile waste paper is a good recyclable material in paper production, helping to reduce deforestation: 1 million tons of waste paper saves 60 hectares of forest from deforestation. From 120-130 tons of tin cans you can get 1 ton of tin. This is equivalent to mining and processing 400 tons of ore, not counting other costs and preserving the natural environment.

Household glass cullet can be reused either as a raw material or as a filler in some building materials in the glass industry.

Sorted plastic is an excellent raw material for the production of building structures such as fencing and railings.

There are a huge number of similar examples. The main difficulty in sorting to obtain secondary raw materials is that similar waste may contain different components. A waste sorting system must be established both at the place of its occurrence (that is, in residents’ homes), and after collection and removal. In the first case, it is necessary to have special containers for collecting various types of waste and active environmental consciousness of citizens. Containers filled with sorted waste must be delivered to special re-control sorting stations. The waste must then be sent for recycling, incineration or landfill. This is the case in the developed countries of Western Europe and Japan, where, due to high population density, they were the first to encounter the damage caused by waste dumps to the environment, and promptly realized the importance of the problem of waste disposal.

Of course, the equipment of control sorting stations is very expensive, and the operating and maintenance costs are also high, but these costs are offset by preserving the environment and our health. But besides financial problems, there is another - even more important - lack of consciousness of citizens in the matter of waste disposal, because no one can be forced to sort their waste and send it to processing stations. So serious measures are also necessary in the field of promoting environmental awareness of the population, only then will economically efficient recycling of household waste become possible.
