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Famous children's photographers. Children's photographer: the secrets of photographing children. How to interest a child and take great shots

Very often, the date a new camera appears in a family coincides with the birthday of a new person. Every mother wants to keep memories of the happiest moments associated with the growth and development of her baby. But not everyone can take pictures that are called “worthy of a frame” and not immediately.

This article is for those who want to learn how to take really interesting and high-quality baby photos, but don't know where to start. In it, we will talk about how to establish contact with a child, analyze the main mistakes of a novice photographer, and touch on issues of composition and plot.

Technical aspect

There is an opinion that the cooler the camera, the better the photos are. It's true, but only in capable hands expensive equipment capable of doing miracles. You can also achieve good results in the process of learning with a conventional digital soap box. If you already have SLR camera, then a standard zoom lens will be quite enough for it. By the way, the desire to learn how to take good pictures is a great reason to finally study the instruction manual for your camera. Do not rush to try all the modes right away, modern cameras are equipped with good automation, which means that even in automatic mode you can take a good picture. Especially if you start training in comfortable conditions, that is, choose a fine day for a photo shoot and go to shoot outside in some beautiful park.

A technically sound shot with good sharpness and natural colors, it's not too dark and not too light, and you'll need a lot of daylight to get one in auto mode. That is why it is not recommended to complicate your life with photo experiments in an apartment lit by a chandelier with incandescent lamps. At the same time, it is better to refuse to use the built-in flash altogether, with it the photos lose their volume, and ugly black shadows appear on the background. The flash can be used for reportage shooting, when you really want to capture an event, but there is little light in the room, and even then, if the distance from the camera to the subject is no more than 3-5 meters.

Composition. What is good and what is bad

There are a number of compositional techniques and rules by which objects are located in the frame for convenient perception. If there is no time and desire to analyze in detail all the compositional techniques, we will learn from the mistakes that almost all novice amateur photographers make:

Cropped limbs. . Frames with cropped hands, ankles, fingers, ears and other parts of the body do not look the best, so if the child does not fit entirely into the frame, then we make a half-length or close-up portrait (where only the face and shoulders remain).

tightness. Leave free space in the frame, not so much that the hero of the picture is barely visible, but just enough so that there is no feeling of crowding. That is, the child in your picture should not rest with the top of the head against the upper edge of the frame or press his back against the right or left edge. If in the photo the baby is running or sitting sideways to the window, then a little more free space should remain in the direction of movement or gaze.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. When we look at a portrait, the first thing we pay attention to is the eyes of the person depicted in it. Obviously, the eyes should be sharp, so you need to “sharp” on them. In large portraits, it is best to position the eyes on a horizontal line that crosses the top third of the frame, even if you have to crop the top of the head a little (if only the face is in the frame, this is allowed).

Shooting point. To avoid unpleasant distortions of space, do not photograph babies from the height of their growth. The head of the child in such cases looks disproportionately large. This also applies to newborn baby dolls, it is better to transfer them from the crib to a large bed on the tummy, and take pictures from the level of their peephole, then all proportions will be observed.

By strictly observing these principles, you will soon forget about them and begin to automatically correctly position objects in the frame.

Making contact

Catching a little fidget in the frame is not so easy. If you can somehow come to an agreement with older guys, involve them in the process of preparing props, interest them in some kind of photo quest, then making only a one-year-old who has risen to his feet sit quietly is an absolutely impossible task, and newborn babies often wake up, one has only to shift them from warm hugs, even in the softest and most comfortable blanket. One piece of advice is to seize the moment. This means that you need to think through everything in advance, prepare the camera, clear the background of debris, think about lighting, mentally frame the frame ... and only then lure your baby into it. You can give the child a toy or some interesting and new object for him (the main thing is that this does not get too out of the general plot). Sometimes bagels or grandfather dancing a jig behind your back save you.

You can sew several lens attachments from bright fleece - bright toys that will also help to briefly attract the attention of a child. One way or another, your task remains the same - to have time to press the shutter button at the right time and the right place.

Locations, plots, props

This is another important component of a successful shot. If a landscape or a still life can be beautiful in itself, then a thoughtful image and an interesting plot have always been valued in children's photography. Think up and sew or knit a funny hat for your baby, find some long-forgotten thing in the pantry like a sledge or an accordion or a grandmother's downy scarf. During trips out of town and walks in the park, note interesting places, and at the same time remember the time of day at which the light seemed to you the most successful for a photo shoot. At first glance, ordinary events can also be a good plot: a picnic, fishing, kite flying or playing boats in early spring. Here, the props have already been selected and assembled, and the location is conducive, and the baby will not have to be persuaded for a long time.

And a little about the mood

In ordinary life, children are, as a rule, one big bright emotion. The highest photo aerobatics is a technically high-quality and emotionally rich shot in which a child laughs, is sad, screams, cries, makes faces, in general, does everything that he is supposed to do by age, and it is precisely these moments that we most often strive to preserve in our lives. memory, which means that they themselves must always be on the alert with a camera ready to shoot.

Endless love for children and nature is what unites all these photographers. They also have enough worries and responsibilities. But at the same time, they are sure: the main thing in life is not to lose the ability to be surprised by the world around. They live far from cities and devote time to the contemplation of nature. Creating a photo chronicle of the life of their own children, they again and again awaken in the hearts of the audience a nagging feeling of longing for a kind fairy-tale world, where every moment was full of discoveries.

Adrian C. Murray, USA

The heroes of Adrian Murray's photographs are his own children and the world of their fantasies. A world that is familiar to each of us and which we forget over the years. The author himself thinks so.

“Adults over time lose the ability to be surprised in a childish way. This is the natural development of life, and it always happens as we begin to understand more about the world and take on more responsibilities. This is reflected in our own perception of the world. It's getting narrower." the photographer says.

Until recently, Murray worked as a dentist, but soon he completely devoted himself to photography and makes stunningly beautiful children's photo albums and gives lessons in post-processing.

Photographer website:

Jake Olson, USA

One of the 30 most socially influential photographers in the world according to The Huffington Post (reviewed in 2014), Jake Olson is known worldwide: his photographs have been published in dozens of publications around the world, including British Vogue, have been used by Canon in North America and BBC. Olson's photographs are licensed from leading photo agency Trevillion.

It's hard to believe that he only started filming about 5 years ago. Jake is not shy about revealing that he started taking pictures after he got out of an alcohol treatment clinic. He had a small camera that he used to shoot things for sale on eBay, and he also liked to just walk in the evenings and capture nature. Then he became interested in including people in the landscape. Thus began Olson's passion for portrait photography.

“I just wanted to do what I love and never saw photography as a way to get rich. I don't even consider it now." photographer says .

Photographer's website:

, Russia

One of the most famous Russian photographers abroad, Elena Shumilova is an architect by education. Photography was always interesting to her, but she managed to devote more time to her hobby only after the birth of her second son, when Elena began to spend a lot of time in a village in the Tver region. About 4 years ago, she acquired professional equipment and wanted to create really high-quality photographs.

“My work captures not so much the childhood of my children as nostalgia for my own,” Elena said in . - It is important to be able to find beauty in what surrounds me every day, and not to think that this is possible only on distant shores. And children, animals and nature - this is my life. It has always been important for me to speak in an accessible language, to clearly convey my feelings to the viewer.

Elena mastered all the intricacies of photography on her own, and today she holds workshops all over the world, telling amateurs and professionals not only about the tricks of post-processing, but also about the main thing - how to feel and see.

Photographer's portfolio:


Lisa Holloway is the owner of a huge number of awards. She is known far beyond the borders of Arizona, where they live in a secluded place in nature with their family. In most cases, the heroes of the shooting are her own children, of whom Lisa has eleven!

Her photographs are saturated with a joyful mood and convey the beauty of nature. She works exclusively with natural light and this gives her work a special charm. Just like Elena Shumilova, Lisa Holloway mastered all the secrets of photography and processing on her own. In addition to photography, she loves to travel, delight her family with new dishes and enjoy thunderstorms.

Photographer website:

(Iwona Podlasinska), Poland

Sara Hadenfeldt, USA

Like the above photographers, Sarah is the owner huge amount awards. She lives on a family farm with her husband and three children, who are often featured in her photographs.

She developed a passion for photography after the birth of her first child. Soon Sarah left her career in the medical field to devote her time to her beloved work.

Today she is a sought-after children's photographer and conducts workshops on processing and shooting.

Ann Geddes was born and raised in Australia. In just a few years, which the woman devoted to children's photography, she was able to become famous all over the world. Ann's unique flair and style help her create real masterpieces, the main characters of which are kids.

Seth Casteel

American photographer Seth Castile photographs not only children, but also animals. But a series of his works called "Children Under Water" deserves only the highest marks. Don't believe? Then see for yourself!

Iwona Podlasinska

This talented woman lives and works in Poland. Once upon a time, photography was her hobby, and when no one doubted the level of skill, Ivona began to offer her services to friends and acquaintances. You can see the results of her work in ours.

Facebook/Photografie Iwona Podlasinska

Jordan Mather

This photographer is simply in love with dancing, so he devoted most of his work to this difficult skill. He takes pictures of dancers who are passionate about music and dance. And children often get into the lens of his camera. Aren't they beautiful?


Jake Olson

Jake first picked up a camera when he was 38 years old. No one believed that the man would succeed, but he managed to become one of the best children's photographers in the world. His works are an ode to life, childhood and dreams.

Facebook/Jake Olson Studios

John Wilhelm

John is not only a talented photographer, but also the father of three daughters and a young son. Therefore, it is not surprising that a man loves to photograph children. And the skills of a graphic designer help him create incredible pictures that are very reminiscent of fairy tale plots.

Isabella Urbaniak

Another resident of Poland in our selection. Being a mother of two children, Isabella loves to spend her summers in the countryside. It is here that a woman takes her most atmospheric pictures. According to the photographer, the barefoot childhood of modern children should look like this.

Facebook/Izabela Urbaniak Photography

Susie Mead

The works of Susie Mead also deserve special attention. She loves to work in nature, so all her works are filled with gentle, warm tones and the breath of nature. The real muses for a woman are her daughters - Zoe and Mia, who are often attracted by a talented photographer as models.

Lisa Holloway

It's hard to believe, but Lisa is not only fond of photography, but also raises ten children. A woman devotes all her free time to raising children and photography. We want to note that she is doing great!

Facebook/ljholloway photography

Tracey Raver

Photos of babies are always amazing. And when they are made by a real professional in their field, the pictures are simply mesmerizing. It is these impressions that the work of Tracy River from the USA evokes. Looking at the pictures of newborn babies, it seems that they got into this world from a fairy tale.

Facebook/Kelley Ryden & Tracy Raver Photography, Omaha NE

Photo on the main page: depositphotos

Irina Maryenko

Photography is so diverse and versatile that every creative person can find their own niche, path, method and way to realize all their creative ideas and intentions. Today we are talking to a wonderful children and family photographer. Let's try to lift the veil of secrecy and find out how they become family chroniclers.

— Irina, tell us a little about yourself.

— I was born, live and work in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of World Economy with a Master's Degree in World Economy.

When did you suddenly realize that children and family photography could become your profession?

- After the birth of my son, priorities changed, the way of life changed, and the house, family, and child came first. The role of a housewife mother did not suit me, and I began to look for new ways of self-realization for myself without separation from my family and child. My old passion for photography turned out to be the very opportunity to turn a hobby into a profession (

— Did you have to receive additional professional photography education?

- No. But consultations were required with already held professional photographers and self-education. The most important teacher was and remains my child. Taking pictures of children is not easy, but even more so of your own. Especially when he is already very mobile, but you want to capture, for example, his first steps, but there are only two of you plus a camera that weighs a little less than a baby ... It was at such moments that I, as a mother and a photographer, had to really not easy. Each of our photo walks seemed like a fun game for others, but for me it was good practice.

— What is the market for children and family photography in Russia?

- While developing. There are already several key areas: reportage, "mimimi" (photos that cause tenderness) and illustrative.
A modern children's and family photographer in Russia, in order to be in demand, needs to be able to navigate well not only in camera settings and graphic editors, but also in business development schemes ... Personally, my specialized education and self-organization help me.

— Irina, what is the style of shooting in which you work?

— I photograph love, tenderness, bright emotions at the moment of communication with my heroes; how I see and feel it - this can be called my approach. But since photographing a child excludes static, it almost always turns out to be a reportage. In addition to children, a family photographer also works with their mothers and fathers, grandparents, who want to have staged pictures in their family archive too. I also have to do creative shoots for brands. So maybe my style can be called different.

- What system this moment best meets your shooting needs?

- Nikon - was my first camera, and now this system suits me completely. In the future, maybe something will change... I don't know.

What are your family photo stories made up of?

- From the visualization of family values. This is a kind of psychotherapy. As a result, my heroes see themselves from the side through the eyes of an outsider, whom they just let into their home, into their family, allowed them to observe their lives a little. But I have a few examples from practice, when after a photo shoot even psychological climate improved in the family. Proud of these stories!

I always print photographs, because I think that only a beautifully printed picture, and best of all, if it is a photo book (photo album) has historical value for the family. And I recommend this practice to everyone! Children and grandchildren will be grateful later!

— It's no secret that both children and adults often feel uncomfortable with strangers, especially in front of a camera lens. How do you overcome this barrier on set?

— Perhaps, this is one of the most important aspects of my work! Each family needs an individual approach. There is no successful "how to win over heroes" formula. For me, everything happens intuitively. And also ... you need to fall in love with your heroes a little, and then, I'm sure, everything will work out.

— Irina, what attracts you the most in photography?

- Real genuine emotions! This is exactly what I want from my characters in the frame.

— What inspires you? Where do ideas and options for implementation come from?

— Most of the ideas for filming I draw from movies. Light, color, angles - everything comes from there ... I love cinema!

- Certainly! With pleasure. Children are charming and spontaneous. To get a live photo of a child filled with emotions, I advise you not to interfere with the baby doing what he likes. Try not to let him notice you at all and don't force him to pose. Act casual and natural. Children are very sensitive to falsehood and your insincerity can immediately affect their mood.

It is better to photograph children in their usual environment (at home, on a walk, at children's parties) in natural, without flash, lighting. This state of affairs allows you to capture the most unique moments of a child's life. I believe that it is almost impossible to make a full-fledged photograph of a child or family in an environment alien to them.

Photographs of children are always a reportage. The child cannot and does not know how to sit in one place for a long time and do only what you ask him to do. You need to be ready for this.

When photographing a child, try to focus on the look! Kids look at everything with genuine admiration and curiosity. In his world, the child is natural and gives us genuine emotions, sincere and joyful. And we just wait and seize the right moment ...

Interviewed by S.Zavodov

https://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/img_art_title_children-photographer.jpg 819 430 faststudio faststudio Saturday September 19th, 2015 Thursday March 24th, 2016

A carefree childhood is perhaps the most joyful period in the life of any person. Parents usually always strive to capture with the help of photography the first steps of the baby, his acquaintance with a new, still completely unknown, but such an interesting world. Of course, you can try to take baby photos yourself, but if you need really high-quality photographic material, it is better to use the services of a professional. A good children's photographer knows all the intricacies of the process and takes responsibility for the result.

The work of a real specialist always compares favorably with amateur photography, no matter how much love and desire it is made. A professional children's photographer Kyiv will make pictures much more expressive and beautiful, never miss a good shot, find the best angle and the brightest image for your child.

Photographing children is the most difficult, but also the most sincere.

A children's photo shoot differs from an adult one in that little photo models are absolutely not interested in the final result. Children's emotions are very natural and natural. Toddlers cannot stay in one place for a long time, they are reluctant to take poses, they get bored very quickly with the process itself if it does not bring them joy.

Children's photography is not just a profession, but a vocation. He must be both a psychologist and a teacher, and just a person with unlimited patience and imagination. Each child is unique in its own way, so the task of a children's photographer is not only to interest him, but also to find his own individual approach, make friends with the baby, so that he begins to feel free and liberated, perceiving shooting as a game.

How to interest a child and make great shots?

Of course, children's photography is a whole science, which is learned throughout life. But there are some basics that you can learn to prepare your child for a photo shoot and make it easier to get high-quality baby photos for a family album.

1. Choosing a filming location

Best of all, children react to shooting in an atmosphere familiar to them, where they feel as relaxed and calm as possible. Usually, a photo session is held at home until the year when newborn babies lie peacefully in the crib, like angels, or are just starting to take their first steps.

For older children, street and studio photo shoot. On the street, the baby will show in the frame all his curiosity and openness, and a children's photo session for 1 year, carried out with a correctly set studio lighting, will become a true decoration of the family album.

In order for a children's photo session in the studio to captivate the child, do not forget to grab the baby's favorite toys, which will evoke positive emotions in him and help him quickly get used to the unusual environment.

2. The shooting process should be invisible to the child

Every good photographer knows: in no case should a child be forced to pose in front of the camera! To get bright and truly lively photos that cause a smile of tenderness on your face, the baby must behave naturally. You need to catch his lively movements and emotions when he reveals himself as a person.

If the little one shows a genuine interest in the camera and feels wary because of this, a children's photographer can give him the opportunity to study the technique more closely, tell him how the camera works, in a word, satisfy his interest. Usually, after such a confidential conversation, the baby is no longer distracted by the photographer and calmly starts a game called a photo session.

3. Positive emotions

Emotional shots, showing surprise, children's joyful laughter and genuine interest, always cause a response. If a small model Bad mood and there is no desire to be photographed, the photographer needs to make every effort and call pleasant emotions- to make you laugh or show something interesting. You can do something unexpected, for example, get your favorite toy or treat you with candy.
