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How to breed carp at home. Carp breeding business

The agricultural industry provides an opportunity to build a business not only in fur farming and poultry farming. Breeding carp at home can be a good start for organizing your own fish farm. If things work out on a small scale, you can think about expanding the business to production scale.

  • Why is carp attractive for home fish farming?
  • Carp breeding technology
  • How much can you earn from carp breeding?
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a business
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for breeding carp at home?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which tax system to choose for breeding carp at home
  • Do I need permission to open?

Carp is a fish that has tasty and healthy meat. It contains vitamins and microelements beneficial to the human body. Fishing has an equally positive impact on people. It can be organized on a personal pond as an additional line of business. Breeding carp at home for fishing is no less profitable and exciting.

Why is carp attractive for home fish farming?

To explain why this particular fish was chosen, here are a few positive features of its habitat in ponds:

  1. Carp is an unpretentious fish that can survive in unfavorable conditions. If the winters are harsh, then it simply goes into hibernation, which slows down all processes in the body. Carp survive the cold at the bottom of the reservoir, hiding in a layer of silt. When preparing a pit at home for stocking fish, it is necessary to place it partly in the sun and partly in the shade. When the air temperature rises above +30 degrees in summer, the fish will have somewhere to hide. The depth of the reservoir may not exceed 1.5 meters, although the deeper it is, the more comfortable it is for any fish. The recommended length and width is 3x3 meters. Growing carp is impossible without partially replacing the water in the pond.
  2. Compared to other fish species, carp grows quickly. In just two years you can get a herd that is completely marketable. The weight of fish ready for sale is usually 1.5-2 kg, which is considered quite large specimens. There have been cases when growing carp was successful with 25 kg of live weight! But this is the exception rather than the rule.
  3. Carp are ready to breed between approximately three and five years of age. For each individual, this period may begin at a different time. Spawning lasts about 30 days. The number of eggs a female reproduces depends on her age. The warmer the water in the pond, the shorter the incubation period.
  4. Under natural conditions, carp are not picky eaters. It eats river mollusks, larvae and even plant seeds. Growing carp for sale or for fishing at home requires complementary feeding. It is advisable to give food to the fish in one place. This will then make them easier to catch.

You can train on adult specimens caught in the nearest body of water. Having learned to feed them correctly, it will be easier to cope with the fry later.

Carp breeding technology

For large-scale production, carp are grown in an artificial pond. Fish farming is a sector of the country’s national economy where there are still shortcomings associated with the relevant legislative framework. This is why it is sometimes difficult for beginning entrepreneurs to break into business. And knowledge, skills and experience must be gained before the farmer receives his first tangible profit.

To breed carp, ponds are built up to 2 meters deep and with an area of ​​at least 60 sq.m. The fish is not picky about water quality, but loves warm waters. Experts distinguish between carp farming in several ways:

  • Extensive;
  • Semi intense;
  • Intensive.

The main difference between these three technologies is the composition of the feed. In the first case, young animals are given only natural food; in the second, proteins and carbohydrates are added. These methods are most suitable for fish farming at home. The third method involves using only complex, protein-rich feed.

Let’s take a closer look at how to intensively breed carp in a pond. The fish are planted tightly in the reservoir, so it is important to saturate the water with oxygen. This is usually done by ensuring that some of it flows through the pond. Experienced farmers on their farms practice growing up to 20 tons of carp from one hectare of artificial water structures. This is a fairly good result, which is achieved by saving production space.

High population density also has a disadvantage. The possibility of disease infection in densely populated water bodies increases. The water in the pond quickly becomes clogged, which means it requires a good cleaning system. A type of intensive carp breeding is the cage method. It allows you to significantly save space and promotes rapid growth of fish. However, due to the fact that she does not have access to natural feed in the reservoir, the consumption of artificial feed mixtures increases. Experts note this as a drawback that increases production costs.

How much can you earn from carp breeding?

Production costs consist of the cost of fry and the purchase of feed. Feed consumption is calculated based on the fact that one individual needs food per day equal to 5% of its weight. Thus, the amount of feed will need to be increased monthly. 25 one-year-old carp will eat about 300 kg of grain per day, which will cost 1,500 rubles. Then monthly costs can reach 4,000 rubles.

Fry cost about 450 rubles per 100 pieces. The average market price of carp on the market is 100 rubles per 1 kg. An average carp will cost 200-300 rubles. If we assume that at least 20 pieces will be sold per day (which is quite realistic), then the income from the sale of fish per day will be 6,000 rubles. Even with the most approximate calculations, it is clear that breeding this type of fish at home and in ponds is quite cost-effective.

How much profit can breeding carp in a pond bring as a business? Let's look at the main options for organizing fish farming at home and in summer cottages, analyze what equipment is required for this and how much financial resources need to be invested. Read this article for useful recommendations and nuances of fish farming.

Why carp farming is a good idea for the household

Carp is a very unpretentious fish, resulting from the selection of carp. Such fish usually have brown or golden-green scales, a large body with a large head, and jagged fins. Individual specimens of carp grow up to 50 kilograms in the wild, but on average individuals are much smaller - marketable fish weigh only one kilogram.

Carp farming can bring good profits even for novice fish farmers.

Carps usually live in natural reservoirs, and they are very undemanding to water. They grow and develop quite well in captivity, which is one of the reasons why breeding them for sale is profitable. In addition, currently the price for 1 kg of carp starts from 150 rubles, and for live carp it starts from 245 rubles.

Some carp specimens grow up to 50 kilograms in the wild.

The advantage of carp farming

  1. This type of fish grows quickly. Within a year, individuals will reach 500 grams, and after another year - 1 kilogram.
  2. Carp grows well even in oxygen-deprived stagnant water.
  3. Carp meat is considered high-quality, has unique nutritional properties, and is distinguished by a small number of small bones.
  4. Live fish is much more expensive, which means that by organizing the sale of non-frozen, fresh carp you can get a higher profit.
  5. The most common breed for home cultivation is the unpretentious mirror carp. The size of an adult individual can reach 30 kilograms, which is very profitable for sale.
  6. There are several options for breeding carp (in ponds, in swimming pools), so every novice entrepreneur can choose the most convenient and profitable one.

Basic methods of growing carp at home

There are several options for organizing carp farming. First, let's list them and then describe them in more detail:

  1. Breeding carp in RAS (recirculated water supply systems) or in swimming pools is a more expensive and complex option.
  2. Raising fish in ponds is more economical and promises faster, albeit smaller, profits. Carps grow well even in small ponds.

Where does fish farming begin?

Whichever carp breeding option you choose, you will have to start fish farming by purchasing fry. The success of the entire enterprise depends on the success of this purchase., so you need to approach it as responsibly as possible. It is better to purchase from professionals - in special fish farms or farms.

What to look for when purchasing fry:

  • reputation of the holding or farm;
  • availability of a fish farming license;
  • customer and client reviews;
  • guarantee of the health of the fry;
  • willingness to provide maximum information on your requests.

Research which farms operate in your region, what prices and conditions they offer. Such an organization must have a license. Check for any diseases in the fry and find out if there is a threat of an epidemic that will deprive you of all your fish.

How expensive is it to buy carp fry for breeding? The price for fry is relatively low. Typically, fry weighing up to 40 grams are sold at prices ranging from 70 to 120 rubles per kilogram. To organize cultivation, it is worth buying about 10 kilograms of fry, although, of course, this number depends on the technology chosen. Transport purchased fry in lake or rain water in spacious containers, such as milk cans.

To organize cultivation, it is worth buying about 10 kilograms of fry.

Is it possible to buy caviar instead of fry?

Some more experienced farmers believe that it is more profitable to buy not fry, but not fertilized eggs, and then independently prepare them for planting in the Weiss apparatus. Externally, the apparatus is a glass flask, fixed vertically with the neck down.

By adjusting the water level in it, the fertilized eggs loaded into the bottle are grown to the state of larvae. However, despite the relative ease of manipulation with the Weiss apparatus, in the absence of experience, it is better to purchase already grown fry, not caviar.

When to buy fry

Firstly, at the time of purchasing fry from the entrepreneur, all conditions for growing must already be created - that is, a pool has been equipped, a pond has been prepared. The water to launch the fry should warm up to 22-25 degrees. Secondly, it is better to purchase fry in spring or autumn. It is better for beginning fish farmers to choose in the spring: March or April.

Growing carp in ponds

How to breed carp in a pond? There are several technologies for growing carp in ponds. Let's start with the fact that you can organize fish production even at your dacha in a pond that was not initially suitable for this. Such a reservoir is cleaned, enriched with plant plankton and fry are planted. However, even if there is no ready-made pond, many fish farmers dig it themselves.

The technology for growing carp in ponds involves the use of two types of reservoirs:

  1. Earthen- the simplest option is a dug hole with a reinforced bottom (so that water does not soak into the ground). For strengthening, a mixture of turf and clay is usually used, laid at a thickness of about 10 centimeters.
  2. Concrete- a more expensive option that will last for many years. The bottom of the dug pit is filled with concrete, the walls are concreted using reinforcement. It takes at least 1 month to harden, after which the walls and bottom of the pond must be covered with waterproofing.

If you are creating a new pond, then you cannot put fish into the first filled water. The water must stand in the pond for at least 1 month, then it must be drained. It is important to ensure that the bottom is covered with silt and aquatic plants. After this, you can fill the pit with water again and put fish into it.

You can organize fish production even at your dacha in a pond that was not initially suitable for this.

Dimensions and equipment for artificial reservoir

What size should a pond be for carp breeding? The depth of an artificial reservoir for carp breeding starts from 1.5 meters. The total volume of the pond should be approximately 8-9 tons. It is better to place the pond in a relatively quiet place with good natural light. Do not allow birds in the pond - they can become a source of infection.

The advantage of carp is that they are unpretentious to water and the oxygen content in it, and therefore will grow well even in an artificial reservoir without special care or in a small pond near the house. However, for successful fish farming, you will most likely have to equip the pond with special equipment.

What equipment is needed to grow carp in ponds?

  1. A gravity filter is a device that purifies water. Easy to install, you can buy it for only 5 thousand rubles.
  2. Compressor for saturating water with oxygen. Although carp are very tenacious, it is necessary to maintain the oxygen level in the water at least at 5 mg per liter. The price starts from 6 thousand rubles.
  3. Ultraviolet sterilizer to prevent water algae, from 6 thousand rubles.
  4. The pond must also be equipped with a sluice for draining water.

This is the minimum list of necessary equipment for growing carp in a pond. Costs vary greatly depending on whether you need to dig and reinforce a new pit or clean out an existing pond. However, on average, beginning fish farmers should stock up on 25-40 thousand rubles.

After purchasing the fry and planting them in the reservoir, there are several options for the technological cycle. Traditionally, a cycle lasts 2-3 years, when the fish are separated by age and gain weight mostly naturally. However, profit with this approach should be expected no earlier than in 2 years.

A more profitable option is to grow carp in cages- special fine-mesh chambers placed in warm, slow-flowing reservoirs on floats or pontoons. Fish develop well in such conditions, it is easy to control its feeding and check its health.

How do carps winter?

If fish remain in the pond for the winter, you need to ensure there is enough oxygen. To do this, the pond is equipped with a compressor or aerator, which saturates the water with the necessary oxygen. Another option is to move the entire livestock into pool tanks for the winter.

Carps grow well in plastic containers of the required volume - from 1 to 40 cubic meters.

How to organize carp breeding in pools

Growing carp in tanks is a more expensive option for fish farming. The main benefit of pools is that they make it easier to regulate temperature, monitor fish feeding and health, maintain oxygen levels, and even clean. Carps grow well in plastic containers of the required volume - from 1 to 40 cubic meters. They can be installed even in a private home.

The water for planting carp is also specially prepared - it is infused in order to “start” the microflora. A good option would be to add fresh grass to the pool or even dilute the contents with several liters of water from a natural reservoir.

Pools will also need aeration- saturation of water with oxygen, a well-thought-out system for draining and filling water. The same approach is used to organize the breeding of koi carps - small ornamental fish. They are also not picky about their living conditions.

Cost of fish tank costs

Plastic containers for breeding even large carp are relatively inexpensive. Several swimming pools can be bought for 10-15 thousand rubles, and if you purchase from wholesale warehouses or buy used containers, it’s even cheaper. The list and price of additional equipment is similar to the list of equipment for artificial reservoirs, with the exception of an ultraviolet sterilizer, that is, about 50 thousand rubles.

How to feed carp

In order for individuals to grow better and gain high-quality mass, it is necessary to properly organize their feeding. Fish eat:

  • compound feed;
  • Rye bread;
  • bloodworms and larvae;
  • earthworms;
  • steamed oats, corn, barley and wheat.

Carp are fed twice a day: early in the morning and in the evening. The exception is juveniles - fry up to 10 grams are fed every hour. It is better to always serve food in the same place, in a special “feeder”. This will make it easier to control whether the fish eat all the food, catch the largest specimens, and also prevent the water from acidifying with excess spoiled food.

The food is added in small portions. The falling asleep of food is accompanied by a special sound, for example, the ringing of a bell - the fish remembers this sound and swims for food. A portion of food for an individual less than 500 grams should be approximately equal to 100% of its weight. For older specimens, the portion is significantly reduced - up to 3% of weight. In winter, the number of meals can be increased to 3.

Carp are fed twice a day: early in the morning and in the evening.

Cost estimates for home carp farming

  1. Organization of a reservoir - from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of swimming pools - from 8 to 30 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of fry, approximately 10 kg - 12,000 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment (compressor, filters, sterilizers) - from 20 thousand rubles.
  5. Feed - 1-2 thousand rubles monthly.


If you consider carp breeding as a source of profit, it is better to think about sales in advance. Good sales channels can be fish and grocery stores, as well as catering establishments. It is more profitable to sell carps alive, at a wholesale price of 200 rubles per 1 kilogram. The return on costs in this case depends solely on production volumes and sales.

Over 70% of freshwater fish that are artificially bred by humans belong to the carp family. Unpretentious to its environment, omnivorous, a source of tender meat containing many vitamins - this is how this type of fish can be briefly described.

Benefits of growing carp.

One of the main advantages in breeding and growing carp is its unpretentiousness: this heat-loving fish, however, tolerates winter well, hibernating, low oxygen levels and weak water flow. Carp does not go overboard with food either: they get their food at all levels of the water layers of the reservoir - from the bottom to the surface, feasting on insect larvae, slugs, tadpoles, algae and plants, etc. This type of fish is also characterized by rapid growth, and an already one-year-old individual can reach a weight of 1 kg. Females are characterized by high fertility; depending on her age and the water temperature of the reservoir, she can lay up to 1.5 million eggs. caviar. Last but not least, carp meat is tender and contains vitamins B, PP, C and E.

Breeding carp in a pond.

To breed carp, choose a pond of shallow depth - 1.5-2 m, this is due to the fact that carp prefers warm water, and at such a depth it will warm up optimally. When placing night lighting near a pond, you can provide it with additional nutrition - the light attracts insects. When growing carp in cages, you can install cultivators on them to grow fly larvae. The pond must be able to renew the water at least partially and have additional aeration. A larger pond is preferable, since it has a more even temperature regime, but there is also an opinion in favor of smaller ponds, since in them the carp spends less time getting food and, accordingly, grows faster. To produce 10 tons of carp, a pond with an area of ​​5 hectares is enough; when stocking a reservoir with fingerlings, it is produced at a density of 200 individuals per 1 square meter. pond.

When growing fish in cages, it is necessary to make them. The cage is a free-hanging “bag” made of nylon net with a 6.5 or 10 mm mesh, which is attached to a floating plank frame. The thickness of this frame is 30-40mm, it is fastened with metal squares with floats attached to them. With this method of growing fish, do not forget about the additional air supply.

Some farms also raise carp in tanks made from a variety of materials. Such pools must be sealed to retain water, with air aeration, fresh water supply, and drainage for contaminants. This option is more expensive, however, it allows not only to grow marketable fish, but also to maintain producers for subsequent selection of eggs, raise larvae, and raise fingerlings.

Carp spawning.

Most often, when deciding to grow carp, fingerlings are chosen for this purpose, with which the pond is stocked, but sometimes fry are purchased for this purpose. Carp become sexually mature at the age of 2-5 years, and this process develops faster if the water temperature in the pond is higher. Carp spawn most often in coastal vegetation, on which the eggs stick. In 3-6 days, an embryo develops in the egg, and already on the second day after hatching, the fry begins to actively feed on zooplankton. Young carp are released into the pond in May-June. The density is calculated as follows: if it is grown in a monoculture, then the pond is stocked at the rate of 40 thousand fry weighing 25-30 g per 1 hectare of pond, if in a polyculture - 25-30 thousand. Fish productivity in this case is 8 c/ha.

Breeding systems.

Carp breeding systems depend on the method of feeding:

- extensive – assumes that the fish will feed exclusively on natural food, that is, zooplankton, bottom fauna, etc. In this case, the cost of growing carp will be the lowest, the fish will be what is called “ecologically friendly”, but the increase in individuals will be insignificant.

-semi-intensive – carp eat natural food, and its energy needs are satisfied by feeding carbohydrate additives to the food. In this case, productivity will be higher, approximately 700-1400 kg/ha, however, such nutrition does not fully satisfy the carp’s need for proteins.

- intense– involves feeding carp with compound feeds with a high protein content, which allows you to achieve a productivity of 3-20 tons/ha. This system requires the most expense, although it gives the highest productivity. In this case, the pond must be provided with additional aeration and water flow in order to prevent pollution of the reservoir and the development of fish diseases.

Interesting information about carp.

Back in 1000 BC. carp began to be eaten in Asia. The first experience of growing carp was described in a Czech book - in the 14th century it already described methods for equipping special ponds for growing domestic carp, and in the 15th century they began to grow it in France. It was there in the 18th century that the largest carp among known cases was caught - weighing 69.8 kg, and in the same era the most “adult” carp was caught - a 40-year-old individual, 108 cm long. Despite the fact that in many countries carp is a very valuable fish and is even considered a cult; in Australia they not only do not eat it, but also actively fight against it, considering it a malicious pest of the ecosystem. Since the end of the 19th century, the United States began to simultaneously grow carp for food and popularize paid carp fishing in order to receive additional income from organizing paid fishing and making specialized gear for catching this fish.

The physiology of carp is also interesting: its lips, folded into a tube, allow it to suck out larvae and worms from the mud, and its teeth are located in the pharyngeal cavity in 2 rows (five pieces each). Carp does not like noise and tries to avoid noisy places; it can jump up to almost 1 meter in height. Cyprinids live in schools, which usually consist of several dozen fish of approximately the same age and size; sometimes schools break up, and their representatives go to new ones or stay on their own, especially trophy individuals. As the water temperature drops to 8-10°C, the carp stops feeding intensively and begins searching for places suitable for wintering.

Carp breeding is one of the interesting areas in the field of your own small business. This is due to the fact that almost any body of water is suitable for such a task, since it has everything necessary for the life of fish. All that remains to be done is to feed and catch the carp, and also make sure that the pond is not polluted. Let's look at carp breeding as a business and evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages.

Pond for fish farming

The first thing you need to worry about is creating a suitable place. So, the best option would be a pool or a small pond. The main requirement here is good tightness so that water does not go into the ground. This is very easy to achieve using simple plastic film or something similar.

You also need to worry about creating a sufficiently spacious lake in advance. The fact is that, most likely, you will progress quite quickly and successfully, and the question of expansion will arise, so it is always easier to take care of this in advance.

But that’s not all, since our reservoir needs to be officially stocked with fish. This way we will make our business legal and very profitable. In most cases, it pays for itself within the first season. It is also necessary to obtain a biological basis for the characteristics of water, but more on that a little later.

Growing carp: business plan

Even such a simple activity will require a well-written business plan. This document will take into account all the nuances of the market. For example, will there be a demand for carp in your region, how competitors work, etc. It is recommended to turn to specialists to compile it, but you can do this yourself, although in this case mistakes cannot be avoided. But, as they say, you learn from mistakes.

Now let's see what a sample business plan would look like:

  • obtaining the necessary package of documents;
  • market analysis;
  • renting or creating your own reservoir;
  • purchase of feed;
  • calculation of profits and costs.

It is worth noting that carp farming is a business that requires virtually no capital investment. At the first stage, you can completely get by on your own, and then purchase equipment for cage fish farming, etc. Let’s look at each point of the business plan in more detail.

Obtaining the necessary permissions

As mentioned above, you need to obtain a bunch of all sorts of documents that will allow you to breed fish in your own or rented reservoir. First of all, specialists come to your pond and make a scientific and biological study. The result of the research will be the conditions under which you will grow carp.

Obviously, in 90% of cases a subsequent sale is planned. For this to be legal, you must register your own business.

Here you already need to obtain a license and also register. All together it will cost approximately 10,000 rubles.

We will also need a sanitary permit confirming that everything in the pond is clean and good.

In addition, an important component is the quality control that is performed when selling carp. This document indicates that your carp is the best in the entire region.

Calculation of costs and profits

I would like to say once again that carp breeding as a business is a very profitable activity that does not require large investments. Now we will fully understand the numbers. So, one hectare of reservoir can be stocked with approximately 250 kilograms of carp. This amount of fish will increase to about 2,500 tons in three years. One carp produces offspring in the amount of 300,000 thousand eggs. Of course, most of them die, but nevertheless it is quite a lot.

The average investment for developing a reservoir of 1 hectare in size and breeding fish there will be about 60,000-70,000 rubles. This includes the purchase of fry. As for the profitability of a business, much depends directly on the entrepreneur. On average it is 20%, which is not so little.

A ton of carp fry today has a price of 70,000 rubles, plus or minus several thousand. We will need several hundred kilograms, that is, approximately 17,000 rubles. It must be remembered that, despite its unpretentiousness to food, fish stops its growth when the temperature drops. Carp gain weight several years after stocking.

So, let's summarize some results. For documents you need 10,000 rubles, for the purchase of a fry - 17,000, for the arrangement of a reservoir - 20,000 (this includes the purchase of equipment, sealing, etc.), for the purchase of a ton of feed (for the first month) - 10,000, for small expenses - 3000-5000. In total we have 60,000-62,000 rubles.

A little about technology

If you know the breeding technology, the whole process will be significantly accelerated. In principle, this point can be included in your business plan. Carp breeding is currently carried out using 3 methods:

  • extensive (fish farming in ponds);
  • semi-intensive (using cages);
  • intensive (in closed installations);

It would not be out of place to say that the 2nd method is most often used, since with it you can achieve optimal results. Of course, cage farming is good only in the warm season, but the profitability of such a business is 10% higher than the first method. As for closed containers, this is the most expensive method, but also the most profitable. But that’s not all, since we need to worry about feeding the carp, which we’ll talk about later.

Do I need to feed additionally or not?

Here the opinions of entrepreneurs differ. Some say that feeding is necessary, while others think that it is unnecessary, the fish will grow anyway. The fact is that the pond has all the food she needs.

Nevertheless, the majority still use compound feed as feed. If the fish eats everything it finds in the lake, it will gain several kilograms of weight in a year (3-4).

If you feed her with compound feed, then it will already be about 15 kilograms. Currently, one ton of feed has a price of 8,000-10,000 rubles.

An important point is optimal weather conditions. If there is a drought, the water from the pond will gradually leave, it needs to be added. Also, during drought, the price of grain increases by 5-15%, and for us this is important, since it directly affects the cost of feed. We can say that if you are going to keep your pond small, then you can feed the fish a little at a time.

Additional Information

It is worth noting that carp breeding as a business will not be a problem only if you know what needs to be done and are clearly determined to succeed. Moreover, we have already decided that this does not require large investments. We rent a pond, the price of which depends on the area. After this, we purchase the fry and receive the necessary documents. Then it’s a matter of technology, in principle, there are minor expenses left - for feed, cages, etc.

I would like to say that despite the absence of any visible difficulties, growing carp is not such a simple matter. This is due to many reasons. For example, a constant change in the price of feed, as well as the price of fish that we put up for sale. So, one year in the fall it can cost 70 rubles per kilogram, and in the summer it’s already 90-100. Naturally, the main earnings will be in the summer and spring, as well as in the beginning of autumn.


It should be noted that competition in this area is currently relatively small, but the demand for quality fish, on the contrary, is great. From this we can conclude that with due effort it is possible to achieve good results. But, as noted above, carp breeding as a business requires a lot of time and effort. Moreover, the fish begins to gain weight several years after stocking the reservoir.

If you have a large pond, then you can open paid fishing on it. But you immediately need to set restrictions on the amount of fish caught, etc. If the business is successful, you can open a small stall with fishing gear, as well as build a couple of houses and gazebos for relaxation.
