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N sweet the trial of December summary. "The Trial of December" lesson plan for reading (grade 3) on the topic. What proverbs fit the fairy tale "The Trial of December"

A story about winter for children. A story about forest dwellers. A story about the world of wildlife, a story about forest life. A story for primary schoolchildren. A story for extracurricular reading. A story to read in elementary school.

Nikolai Sladkov. December trial

Birds and animals gathered on the lake.

December to judge.

Everyone has suffered a lot from him.

“December has shortened the day for us, and made the night very, very long.” It's dark now and you won't have time to kill a worm. Who is in favor of condemning December for such arbitrariness?

- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouted.

And Owl suddenly says:

- I'm against! I'm in night shift I work, the longer the night, the more satisfying I am.

- In December there is boredom in the forest - nothing fun happens. Just look, you'll die of melancholy. Who is in favor of condemning December for boredom?

- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouted again.

And Burbot suddenly pops out of the hole and gurgles:

- I'm against! What kind of melancholy is there if I’m preparing for a wedding? Both my mood and my appetite. I don't agree with you!

— The snow in December is very bad: it doesn’t stay on top and you can’t reach the ground. Everyone was exhausted and emaciated. Who is in favor of kicking December out of the forest along with the bad snows?

- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouts.

But Teterev and Capercaillie are against it. They stuck their heads out from under the snow and muttered:

“We sleep great in the loose snow: hidden, warm, soft.” Let December remain.

The raven just spread its wings.

“They judged him, they punished him,” he says, “but it’s unknown what to do with December.” Leave or kick out?

Everyone shouted again:

“If you don’t do anything about it, it will end on its own.” You can't take a month out of the year. Let it stretch!

Raven rubbed his nose on the ice and croaked:

- So be it, go ahead, December, on your own! Yes, very much, look, don’t drag your feet!..

Krivorizka dark-illuminated school of І-ІІІ levels No. 26

Krivorizka miska for the sake of the Dnipropetrovsk region

Literary reading lesson in 3rd grade

according to the textbook N.V.Gavrish, T.S.Markotenko

Subject: N.Sladkov « The trial of December"

reader of cob classes

Virko Svitlana Leonidivna

Krivy Rig 2015

Literary reading lesson

Winter-winter. "N.I. Sladkov. The trial of December."

Goal: to continue familiarizing students with the works of N.I. Sladkova,

introduce E. Alyabyeva’s poem;

improve the skills of correct, conscious, expressive reading,

developing the skills of silently reading works of various genres,

develop the ability to analyze text, imaginative perception of the surrounding world, vocabulary, coherent speech;

cultivate cognitive activity, the ability to restrain oneself, and control one’s emotions. instill love and respect for animals and nature through reading books by N.I. Sladkov, seeing beauty.
Expected results: children are able to analyze a work and distinguish between artistic means.
Equipment: textbook, Handout(express cards, electronic presentation)

During the classes:

I. Organizing time, communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Psychological mood.

I'm glad to see each of you

And let winter breathe coolness through the window,

We will be cozy and warm here

After all, our entire class

He loves, feels and hears each other.

Are your muscles all awake? Yes.

Did your lips smile? Yes.

Let's start the lesson.

Today in our reading lesson we will continue our journey through the fabulous winter book.

We will work in groups, come up with questions, solve mysteries.

II. Speech warm-up.

Preparing for reading, warming up the speech apparatus:

Page “Winter speech warm-up”

1) Warm up. Speech therapy exercises.

Ok-ok-ok-it snowed

Ul-ul-ul- the wind blew

Spruce-fir-fir-birds flew away

Oz-oz-oz the frost has come

Ma-ma-ma-winter has come

2) - Read quickly and expressively.

The snow is spinning

The snow is falling -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

The beast and the bird are glad to see the snow

And, of course, a person!

What word is repeated most often?

3) - Collect the syllables and read the poem

Winter forest in the vastness of silence

I was dozing off, branches covered in snow near the bushes.

He will sleep peacefully but until spring

Now he is no longer like silver.

4) Speaking tongue twisters in groups:

1st gr.On a winter morning the birch tree rings from the frost at dawn . – with logical emphasis.

The meaning of the word Dawn according to Efremova:
Zarya - 1. Light
horizon sunrise and sunset. // appearing on the horizon lighting.
2. transfer
something (usually joyful, bright).

2nd gr.A sparrow sat on a pine tree,
He fell asleep and fell in his sleep.

With different moods (fun, sad, mysterious) with different intonations (?.!).

3rd group. The garden is in the snow and the forest is in the snow, and I’m running in the snow - with different intonation (?.!).

ІІІ. Updating students' basic knowledge. Motivation for learning activities.

Page "INvisitingWITHnegurochki »


I am the granddaughter of Frost and Blizzard,
I come here every year!
Snowflakes are with me - friends
The cheerful ones lead a round dance.

- Ekaterina Alyabyeva wrote a poem about the Snow Maiden. Read it on p. 85.

- Find words with the same root. How many are there?

- Snow Maiden, snowballs, snowflakes, bullfinches, snowy, snowfall, snowdrop ,snow And - ?? 8 no 7

- “Are the words “bullfinch” and “snow” the same root? Answer from the Russian language help desk:
“In modern Russian, these words are not the same root.”

Read the poem expressively.(presentationand IPREZI)

What else do you think the Snow Maiden was doing in the forest (putting fur coats on the hares, waiting for Santa Claus, making snowmen)

IV. Physical education minute. Snowman Antoshka.

V. Perception and awareness of educational material.

"Forest Conversations" page

    Game “Complete the proverb”:

1g. In... the year ends, winter begins

2 gr. ... – the beginning of the year, the middle of winter

3 gr. Blizzards and blizzards... came

2. - What else can you call the winter months? We read V. Bianchi’s “Sinichkin’s Calendar”.The calendar is the schedule of the sun for whole year. the year consists of months, and January is its first month, spout of the year . It is followed by another ten months - as many as people have toes on their front paws: f, m, a, m, i, i, a, s, o, November. And the very last month is the twelfth, ponytail of the year - December.

What do you know about December? (1st winter month, long night, short day.)

VI. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson.

People love winter and winter. You can go sledding and play in the snow. And on long winter evenings you can listen to fairy tales. One day the animals on the lake carried out a trial on December. Do you want to know what they tried December for?

The meaning of the word Court according to Ozhegov:
Court - Judges, those who judge

Court in charge of resolving civil (between long-standing persons, institutions) disputes and considering criminal cases

Court conclusion

Court examining the misdeeds of members of a group

Court cases in such bodies

3.Acquaintance with the work.

Open p.86-87. Who wrote? Nikolai Sladkov. What works have we read?N.I. Sladkov not only talked about animals, but also taught us how to learn the secrets of the forest and not harm forest inhabitants and nature. You now know what a difficult life our little brothers have. Your reading diaries confirm this.

Let's start getting acquainted with this fairy tale. Be careful when reading, I will ask you to complete a task based on what you read. (Reading. Children read to themselves, with each finger tracing the words that are in this moment sound. Reading speed 80 words per minute. Examination)

4. Checking your understanding of the content of the tale

Why did birds and animals gather on the ice?

- What was December convicted for? – Why did the animals judge December?

(arbitrariness, boredom, bad snow).

Vocabulary work:

Have suffered = To endure - 1. physical and moral

- What did Raven accuse December of at first??

What means "starve worm »?

In modern Russian languagephraseological unit « starve worm “means “having a light bite to satisfy hunger” (Dictionary of the Russian Language by S. I. Ozhegov, 1975).

What else didn’t the raven like about December?

- Boring is Unbearable . Boredom - 1. Painful mentality caused by the absence interest in the environment.

- What else did Raven blame December for?

They became emaciated - synonyms: lost weight, lost weight, went hungry.

Who liked the long December nights? (to the owl)

- Why did Burbot stand up for December??

Polynya - Unfrozen or already melted icy surface of the sea, and so on.

What does sticking out and gurgling mean?

Who liked the December snows? (grouse and wood grouse)What did Grouse and Capercaillie say?

5. Reading by roles

- What did the birds and animals decide to do with December?what verdict did the animals give? (justified) Why?(You can’t remove a month from a year)

What was December warned about?

So what signs of winter have we learned about? (The day is short, and the night is long. The longer the night, the more satisfying the owl is. You can’t remove a month from the year.)

6. Determining the main idea.

From three sentences, choose the one that contains the main idea fairy tales.

1) In nature, everything goes as usual.
2) Do not arrive in April before the month of March.

3) Be careful with nature!

VII. Gymnastics for the eyes.

VIII. Fixing the material.

Page "Eexpress control»

1.Work on cards according to options.

2 . Game "Collect a poem"

We talked a lot about winter today. While we were reading and writing, a blizzard flew in and scattered the couplets of the poems in different directions. Help “collect” the poem and name its author.

Game “Collect a poem” page 87

So that they don't freeze.


brought frost

For animals - winter quarters

Winter clothes for people

And under the snow - winter Winter fun

and icicles-tears

Ekaterina Alyabyeva


Zimushka-winter brought frost.

Winter fun and icicles-tears.

For animals - winter quarters

And under the snow - winter

Winter clothes for people

So that they don't freeze.

IX.Lesson summary.

So our journey through the fabulous winter book has ended. What did you like most?
– Why is December the first month of winter?
– We finished reading the book by N.I. Sladkov. Which works did you like more than others? Why?
– You learned a lot about animals and their lives. N.I. Sladkov not only talked about animals, but also taught us how to learn the secrets of the forest and not harm forest inhabitants and nature. You now know what a difficult life our little brothers have. Your drawings confirm this.

X. Assessment.

XI. Homework.

    draw a movie.

    compose a fairy tale “Winter Talks”

Thanks for the work. You did a good job. The lesson is over.

December trial

Birds and animals gathered on the lake.
December to judge.
Everyone has suffered a lot from him.

- December has shortened the day for us, and made the night very, very long. It's dark now and you won't even have time to kill a worm. Who is in favor of condemning December for such arbitrariness?
- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouted.
And Owl suddenly says:
- I'm against! I work the night shift, and the longer the night, the more satisfying I am.
Raven scratched the back of his head with a claw. Judges further:
- In December there is boredom in the forest - nothing fun happens. Just look, you'll die of melancholy. Who is in favor of condemning December for boredom?
- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouted again.
And Burbot suddenly pops out of the hole and gurgles:
- I'm against! What kind of melancholy is there if I’m preparing for a wedding? Both my mood and my appetite. I don't agree with you!
Raven blinked his eyes, but judged further:
- The snow in December is very bad: it doesn’t stay on top and you can’t reach the ground. Everyone was exhausted and emaciated. Who is in favor of kicking December out of the forest along with the bad snows?
- Everything, everything, everything! - everyone shouts.
But Teterev and Capercaillie are against it. They stuck their heads out from under the snow and muttered:
- We sleep great in the loose snow: hidden, warm, soft. Let December remain.
The raven just spread its wings.
“They judged him, they punished him,” he says, “but it’s unknown what to do with December.” Leave or kick out?
Everyone shouted again:
- If you don’t do anything with it, it will end on its own. You can't take a month out of the year. Let it stretch!
Raven rubbed his nose on the ice and croaked:
- So be it, go ahead, December, on your own! Yes, very much, look, don’t drag your feet!..

Topic: N. I. Sladkov “The Trial of December”

Lesson objectives (planned results)

Subject results:know the plot of a fairy tale; name the heroes; navigate the text; read expressively; quickly view text; divide the text into semantic parts.

Meta-subject results:

- regulatory UUD:determine the learning objective of the lesson in a joint discussion; correlate its implementation with the formulation at the end of the lesson; evaluate yourself at various stages of the lesson.

- cognitive UUD:reproduce conclusions about the fairy tale made in the previous lesson; understand the idea of ​​the work during analysis; predict the development of events in the story based on the conclusions drawn.

- communicative UUD:participate in dialogue with group mates; discuss different ideas and opinions, debate without conflict; ask questions to your interlocutors, answer questions from your classmates.

Personal results:show interest in the work of N. I. Sladkov and reading his works; realize the meaning of the acquired skill, understand where else this skill can be useful.


1.Lesson presentation

2. Safonova I. V., Cherkezova M. V., Chizh I. V. Literary reading. 3rd grade. Bustard 2012.


  1. Organizing time


2. Attention setting

  1. Checking homework
  2. Updating students' knowledge

1.Working with the text before reading

a) anticipation (riddles, looking at illustrations)

b) setting lesson goals

a) primary reading of the text

b) check of perception (What excited you?)

c) rereading the text:

d) repeated reading in parts

e) analysis

e) work on expressive reading

g) conversation on the content as a whole

Physical education minute

a) a story about the work of N. I. Sladkov

b) discussion of the meaning of the title

  1. Summarizing. Reflection


  1. Homework assignment

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time

Hello. Everyone stood up beautifully, their eyes on me. Check to see if everything is in place. Sit down.

My name is Yulia Alekseevna. And today I will introduce a reading lesson.

  1. Checking homework

Guys, what work did you learn about in the last lesson?

What was your homework assignment?

(Children's answers)

  1. Updating students' knowledge:

1.Working with the text before reading

- I'll tell you riddles. Whoever guesses will raise their hand. We don’t answer in unison.

Let's listen carefully.

a) Riddles

  • Who isn't afraid in the cold?

Left without a feather bed

And shakes it to the ground

Flying fluff (Winter)

  • Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window (Frost)

  • “The end of the year and the beginning of winter!”

This is how they asked me the riddle.

Frosts and blizzards,

And there's snow in the yard,

To visit us

Winter is coming in (December)

What seasons do you know? List in order.

What time of year is it now?

Name the winter months.

b) anticipation, consideration of illustrations

Open the books to page 85. Look at the picture. What is shown on it? (Children's answers)

Read the title of the work.

What do you know about December? (1st winter month; long night, short day; last month of the year). – Work in pairs

What do you think the lesson will be about?

(Children's answers)

2. Working with text while reading

a) primary reading of the text

b) check of perception (what excited you?)

What have we read? (fairy tale). Prove why this is a fairy tale? What is this fairy tale? (about animals)

What is this fairy tale about? Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

c) repeated reading in parts, analysis.

Look through the text and determine how many semantic parts it can be divided into?

Let's draw a line with a pencil. The first part ended here.

Where and when does the action take place?

This is the introduction from which we learn the entire setting in which the action will develop.

Let's read the second part by role. Let's try to read expressively.

What will we learn about in this part? (December has shortened the day, and made the night long, very long; the longer the night, the more satisfying; in December there is boredom in the forest; the snow in December is very bad: they don’t hold you from above, and you can’t reach the ground; in the loose snow you sleep well, secretly, warm , softly).

The main characters of the fairy tale? (Raven, Eagle Owl, Burbot, Black Grouse, Capercaillie).

Read the next part...

What did we learn from this part?

e) conversation on the content as a whole

What did the animals decide to do with December? (Nothing, it will end on its own)

On page 87 there are questions for the text. Find question 2. Read it to us...

Who did you like best in the fairy tale? Why?

Physical education minute

And now everyone stood up together. They stamped their feet and clapped their hands. They twisted and turned. Once again they stomped their feet and clapped their hands. They twisted and turned. And everyone sat down at their desks. We close our eyes tightly and count to 5 together. We open it, blink and continue working. (Perform movements following the teacher).

3. Working with the text after reading

Who judged December? Why do you think the Raven is called wise in Russian fairy tales? (The raven in Russian fairy tales is, first of all, a very intelligent bird. Most often, its appearance means the approach of a serious misfortune. There is another option. Then it is associated with wisdom and longevity.)

What can you call the Raven in this fairy tale?

9. A story about the work of Sladkov.

Have you read his works before?

10. Discussion of the meaning of the title

Why do you think the fairy tale is called “The Trial of December”? (I think that…

  1. Summarizing. Reflection

- Which author's work did you read today?

What new things have you learned about yourself?

Did you like the lesson?

What did you like about the lesson?


- “3”. Why?

Thanks for the work. You did a good job. The lesson is over.

  1. Homework assignment

Page 85-87 contents

The main characters of Sladkov’s fairy tale “The Trial of December” are animals and birds. They came together one day to judge the month of December. Many people did not like this month, and many had a desire to get rid of it.

Raven took the floor at the meeting and said that December had made the daylight hours very short. Therefore, it is now difficult to obtain enough food before dark. After this, Raven asked who is in favor of condemning December?

All the animals agreed, only Owl objected. He said that long nights are very useful for him, since the Eagle Owl hunts at night.

Then Raven brought up another argument for condemning December. He said that in December it is very boring in the forest. And again all the animals agreed with him. Only Burbot objected and gurgled that he has no time to be bored in December, this month he has the best appetite.

Raven began to criticize the state of the snow in December. He said the snow this month is loose and very deep. It is very difficult to stay on the surface of such snow cover, and getting to the soil also requires a lot of effort. And again the animals and birds agreed that December with such bad snows was worthy of condemnation.

This time Teterev and Capercaillie spoke out in defense of December. They liked the loose snow. In such snow it is easy to hide from predators and sleep warmly.

Raven came to the conclusion that it was then unclear what to do with December. At this, the animals and birds shouted that nothing needed to be done, because December would not last forever and would end one day. This is where the trial ended.

That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “The Judgment of December” is that the laws of living nature are not subject to anyone. Animals and birds gathered to drive out December, without thinking that they would not be able to do this. Their trial was completely useless. In addition, it turned out that some forest inhabitants like December.

Sladkov's fairy tale teaches us to show common sense and prudence when discussing various kinds of issues.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “The Trial of December”?

December is the head of winter.
December pleases your eyes with snow and hurts your ears with frost.
In December, winter lays down canvases, and frost builds bridges.
There is no bad weather.
