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Opening of a pick-up point. How to open a pick-up point for online stores. However, the office must be

People are increasingly purchasing goods online. It is not always beneficial for them to receive such packages by mail. In addition, it is not so good at transporting goods. Opening hours and eternal queues irritate customers, so they look for alternative ways to receive what they ordered.

An order pick-up point is a fairly profitable business, as it allows you to cooperate with several companies at once.

The standard room is small in size, you can equip an ordinary room, preferably with a separate entrance. Such a point must be equipped with furniture: table, chairs, shelves for storing goods. The volume of the room can be from 10 to 16 sq. m.- for the first time this is enough.

We will definitely equip the place with a PC or laptop with Internet access. The client must be able to check the goods and pay for it, so we install a cash register. It is necessary to choose an employee who is responsible and honest, because parcels can cost much more than his salary.

If you don’t want to store the goods for extra time, you can hire a courier or perform his services yourself.

It is advisable to equip the point with a terminal for card payments. Often the customer may have the right to try on or return the product if they are not satisfied. Usually, all conditions are negotiated with suppliers, as well as working with a transport company, which will be an intermediary between this pick-up point and the online store.

It is imperative to clarify the delivery times for orders so as not to overstock the warehouse in advance and not to appease complaining customers whose items were delayed in transit.

So, what you need to consider:

  • Working via the Internet with suppliers, which means having a PC, excellent communications and employees who know how to understand this.
  • Cash machine.
  • Mastic print.
  • Own bank account for transferring funds for purchased goods.

Earnings lie in the fact that each unit of goods is sent for a certain amount of money, and when several goods are delivered from the store, the price remains the same, but the parcel will already contain several items. Saving weight, shipping costs, delivery to the recipient and acceptance of payments - this forms the profit of the delivery point. Such a terminal is beneficial only for mass deliveries in very large volumes.

What stores can you work with?

Ozon ( and– the most popular stores, followed by the following:

  • Lamoda.
  • Bonprix.
  • Oriflame.
  • MAMSY.
  • Faberlic.
  • Yulmart and others.

You can usually find out the list of operating items on the website of a specific store. Those options that have been listed are partners of the PickPoint delivery system. Through the website, the customer can clarify where the nearest delivery terminal is, monitor the delivery of goods, and extend the shelf life of the order.

Selecting a location

It is best to rent a room in the city center near a transport interchange or a public transport and metro stop. Of course, this increases the rent, but it is convenient for clients.

The customer will agree to go to the outskirts only if delivery is very cheap and the product is in high demand, so analyze the various options before opening.

Setting up supplies

First of all, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with networks such as PickPoint, which carry out large deliveries. They allow you to acquire a sufficient number of clients in the city. Then you can contact online stores directly, offering your services.

It is very easy to become one of the network’s clients; there is a questionnaire on the website that you are asked to fill out. After which the individual entrepreneur is verified, and orders automatically begin to be forwarded to the city from which the application was submitted. Customers are notified on the websites of partner stores that a new pickup point has appeared, and they can use its services much cheaper and faster than when ordering by Russian post.

The customer can come and pick up the order on the day of delivery or later, so in any case the goods must be sorted as soon as possible after receipt. It is possible that notification of delivery will be the responsibility of the item owner himself. Then it is more convenient to use an SMS program that can send them automatically when processing a parcel, or you will need to make a phone call. In addition, unclaimed goods are returned.

Detailed information about PickPoint parcel terminals is presented in the following video:

What is the job?

  1. We pick up the cargo from the supplier. In this case, you need to know the number of seats and equipment.
  2. We distribute the received cargo according to orders if it arrived in bulk.
  3. Packaging and completing wholesale deliveries for individual orders. Don't forget about the availability of inexpensive packaging.
  4. Issuing orders.
  5. Constant expansion of the supplier and customer base.

Total costs and profit of the project

On average, project costs start from 100 thousand rubles. They may be more, since it all depends on the rental and renovation of the premises. In addition, consider placing advertising and signs so that the client can easily find this warehouse. This amount includes the purchase of a PC, payment for the Internet and wages of employees who will be engaged in issuing orders or courier services. You may need remote security or video surveillance services, since inventory and materials, as well as cash, will be stored in the warehouse.

The project may pay for itself within six months, it all depends on the number of residents in the city who are passionate about online shopping.

Do not forget that the main competitor in this case will be Russian Post, so it is worth taking into account convenient working hours, for example, from 10:00 to 20:00, as well as other services that will attract customers.

The most profitable clients are among women's clothing and cosmetics sites, while men most often purchase auto parts and electronics. Analyze the market in your city or region and find out how effective an investment in a given project is. In addition, you should clarify the presence of competitors.

Remember that lower shipping costs will be the main advantage when a customer chooses your item. Retain them with pleasant service and other benefits, and the business will pay off quickly. Select an experienced employee who can communicate well and advise clients on any matter.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

100,000 ₽

Starting investments

15 sq.m.

Required area

From 2 people

The number of employees

3 - 7 months

Payback period

Remote purchasing of goods is becoming increasingly widespread. It is no longer a problem to order a product via the Internet from a seller on the other side of the world and receive it in the shortest possible time. Some entrepreneurs implement a purchasing system through a website, and some trade exclusively on the Internet. This is convenient for the user who needs to make a purchase without leaving home, and it is also convenient for the entrepreneur, because he can offer his goods to a large audience. But difficulties may arise at the delivery stage, because the selling company either must have its own outpost or courier service in all cities.

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This involves large costs, while the order pick-up point for one store becomes an unprofitable enterprise, and couriers are not so profitable for the company. Large organizations maintain couriers or order delivery points primarily for the sake of a service that attracts a large number of customers and allows them to reach a large percentage of the population.

But for smaller entrepreneurs, such organizational structures become an excessively large expense item, and if you hire a courier in the city where you work and you can still open your store there, then working in other localities is no longer profitable. The problem of delivering goods from an online store is solved by delivery by transport companies, but their price does not satisfy many customers. Based on all this, you can optimize the operation of this entire system by entering it as an intermediary with your own point for issuing orders from many online stores.

Such an undertaking can easily be classified as a small business. First you need to register as a business entity, code (OKPD 2) 47.91 Retail trade services by mail or via the Internet. The preferred form is an individual entrepreneur, since you can register with less time, and it will require less effort. It must be remembered that the state fee does not exceed 10 thousand rubles, but up to 20 may be required for processing all papers and documents. When the legal issue has been resolved, you can begin searching for premises.

Huge areas are not needed here, even though the order pick-up point is a kind of warehouse. The optimal room size is 15 m2, this is enough for both the operator and all parcels. The bottom line is that the goods will not sit for a long time; they are usually picked up within 24 hours. The interior arrangement will also not cost a large sum, because all you need is a computer with Internet access, a cash register and simple furniture for an employee. For 30 thousand rubles you can completely furnish the premises. It will be more difficult with the exterior, because the order pick-up point must have a noticeable sign and attract attention. This may require another 20 thousand.

Thus, for 50 thousand rubles you can get a equipped order pick-up point, ready for work. It is best to look for premises in the central areas of the city, since it will not be convenient for everyone to go to the outskirts, and a person needs to be offered optimal conditions for pickup. Many customers generally believe that the goods should be delivered to them by a courier, but such customers are eliminated immediately when ordering in an online store, when they learn that there is no such option. But those who can pick up the goods themselves want to do this with minimal time and effort. Due to its location in the center, rent for premises can reach 15 thousand rubles, and even more in large cities.

However, a situation is also possible when people do not care where to pick up their order from, this applies to cases of purchasing a product that is not represented by sellers in the city or has a significantly lower price. In this case, the client will follow him even to the suburbs.

A very important point is the selection of employees. Just enough for one small pick-up point one operator, who will be engaged in issuing goods, but he must be an honest person. The operator is responsible for all parcels received, and the loss of one or more of them will forever ruin the reputation of the order delivery point, and it will be very difficult to return it. At the same time, such an employee is not provided with a large salary (no more than 20 thousand rubles in large cities, in small towns it is half as much), which gives him the temptation to steal a package worth more than several of his salaries. To prevent this from happening, you need to hire people with work experience and good characteristics; although this will not eliminate risks, it will significantly reduce them.

Ready ideas for your business

You also need to seriously think about hiring a courier, especially if the delivery point is located in a less than ideal location in the city. Some clients will agree to overpay for the goods to be delivered to their home, and for this you can either find a person or do it yourself. At first, there won’t be too many orders, and you can spend a couple of hours a day delivering parcels, and later, when the business begins to develop, hiring an additional person will not be difficult. At first, it is better to focus on the client, provide him with quality service - earn a name for yourself.

Special mention should be made of the creation of your own own website. When collaborating with online stores, an entrepreneur will have access to many catalogs of a wide variety of companies in various sales areas. Therefore, you can create your own Internet resource on which the products of all partners will be presented in a common catalogue, this will allow the client to see many products at once that can be picked up from one place, partners will receive an additional information and advertising platform, and the owner of the order pick-up point will speed up the turnover of his funds and will significantly increase the level of orders. Having your own website is a good additional income, because on it you can sell products not only from companies with which you have established cooperation, but also from many others, working here as a direct intermediary. If you find companies that provide the possibility of delivery by transport companies, but for some reason do not want to cooperate with the point of delivery, you can resell their goods, making a small markup and saving on transportation consolidation. This direction allows you to become a full-fledged online store, but this option should be considered precisely as a development prospect, because at first this will not be a targeted activity. The site can also be used to offer products from partners who do not have their own Internet resource. In this case, you can count on a higher commission.

Ready ideas for your business

At the same time, it is not necessary to run a website from some office or from the point of delivery of orders; it is enough to pay for hosting and work for the entrepreneur at home, reducing the costs of maintaining the premises and salaries for programmers. At the same time, you need to put your own Internet portal into operation as quickly as possible - it will become a good place to place your advertising, it should have a form that potential partners can fill out. In this type of business, you will have to communicate and collaborate with people through the World Wide Web, without even seeing many of them in person.

A very important area is the development transport logistics. Or rather, the ability to evaluate the level of logistics services from different suppliers. In such a business, you will have to cooperate not only with online stores, but also with transport companies, because online stores almost always do not have their own transportation service. They may only have an established relationship with one or another carrier, but the owner of the order pick-up point needs to evaluate the transport company himself to understand whether such cooperation will be favorable. Not every carrier is responsible for his work and knows how to deliver goods at exactly the right time. Moreover, the supplier must deliver the goods neither later nor earlier than the specified period. And if everything is clear with delays, then an unexpected premature delivery of goods may deprive you of warehouse space or simply leave the goods lying on the shelf, which will not allow you to accept an order for a new one. The client, of course, cannot be forced to pick up the parcel at the required time at the delivery point, but finding a supplier who delivers the order exactly when necessary is quite possible.

The attractiveness of any online store, and therefore an order pick-up point, for the client depends not least on the delivery time. Even an inexpensive carrier may turn out to be unsuitable because it takes a very long time (you cannot cooperate with Russian Post under any circumstances - let customers order through it themselves). It is optimal to choose a transport company that is beneficial for both parties with an online store, but many sellers already have established relationships with one or another carrier. As a rule, no one cooperates with completely unscrupulous or unreasonably expensive companies, but it is quite likely that an online store refuses to choose a more promising carrier in favor of the current one. And in the future, you need to constantly monitor the carrier market in order to choose a new one if necessary.

But the most important thing in such a business, the fundamental principle, is these are partners, online stores, whose goods will be delivered to outpost. If you only have a small room without specialized equipment for storing goods that require special storage conditions (which was discussed above), then this greatly limits the list of companies with which you can start cooperation. However, goods with special storage and transportation conditions are rarely ordered online. The most common products are cosmetics, appliances, car parts, jewelry and souvenirs. It’s worth starting with online stores, offering them your services.

Ready ideas for your business

It should be noted here that if a pick-up point opens in a small city, then it will only be possible to cooperate with a company that has opened similar points (or with which it already cooperates) in all major cities, otherwise it will simply not be interested in providing the market of a small settlement with such service. In megacities, it is quite possible to open an outpost, which will be of interest to many online sellers. You can work in only one area, but then the premises will probably be idle, so it is better to create a universal point for issuing orders from online stores of various subjects. And at first it is better to try to find as many partners as possible, because you need to take care of yourself first, and the turnover of goods at the point of delivery of orders must be very high for the business to be profitable. When an agreement is concluded, the seller on his website offers the opportunity to order goods upon arrival at the outpost. The delivery option should thus compare favorably (even if the price is higher than some other options, there should be a significant speed gain). The store forms a shipment of cargo and sends it by a carrier, which delivers it “to the door” to the order pick-up point. And from there the client picks it up or orders a courier.

A significant obstacle to ordering a product via the Internet for a client is the inability to see the product in person, inspect it and determine whether he likes/needs it. This stops many people who do not want to spend money on something that turns out to be unsuitable. That is why, as a rule, inexpensive goods are ordered via the Internet, so that in case of an unsuccessful choice there is no regret for wasted money. This problem can be eliminated by the possibility of returning the goods (this point is generally spelled out in consumer law, but not all sellers comply with it in good faith). As a last resort, you can pick up the goods and then sell them yourself, rather than sending them back to the seller - these are excessively high transportation costs.

But a good idea might be to open not a standard order pick-up point, but a so-called “show-room”. This is a room in which samples of the products being sold are displayed, and a person can preview the product before ordering it. They are often opened by clothing stores, because it is especially difficult to pick them up without trying them on. However, you can display display cases with different types of goods.

But such an undertaking will require significantly larger investments. So, if an ordinary outpost will require no more than 100 thousand rubles for its opening, then a show-room can cost several times more due to the rental of significant premises and their equipment. However, this idea may attract a lot of people and is worth discussing with the seller.

Another option for opening such a business can be called “posta machines”. They are a cabinet with cells in which the goods are delivered, and the buyer is informed of the cell number and code for opening it. Such equipment will cost even less than a regular distribution point; it does not require a human operator, and it can be located not only in a specially rented room, but in some shopping center or hypermarket. Such an undertaking can be called a promising and inexpensive business, which in the future may completely replace conventional delivery points. The only limitation is the weak trust of buyers in this form of issuing orders, and it is difficult to make claims in case of discrepancy. And the possibility of hacking of cells cannot be ruled out, unless they are under video surveillance or security. But in general, this method can be considered as the development of your own network of order pick-up points.

What is the benefit of an order pick-up point that acts as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer?

    For the seller. An opportunity to expand your sales network without extra costs and start trading in many cities of the country. An online store can find a private outpost in each city so as not to worry about transferring the goods into the hands of the buyer. In case of any problems, the seller receives all the necessary information.

    For an intermediary. With minimal opening costs and small monthly payments, getting money literally for air - intermediary activity has always been a fairly profitable area. The owner of the order pick-up point receives a very modest agency fee (1-1.5% of the amount of the goods, but this figure varies depending on the demand for the goods), but with high turnover and large quantities of deliveries, the income becomes significant.

    For the buyer. This is an opportunity to buy a product either at a significantly lower price, or a product that is not available in your city, and you can pick it up yourself and when it is convenient. By consolidating cargo, the most optimal delivery price is achieved, so the client pays an order of magnitude less for the delivery than if he independently ordered this product through a transport company. At the same time, the timing remains the most optimal, that is, such delivery is a good ratio of price and quality of delivery.

With the development of technology, there are more and more accessible ways to purchase an item, the cost of which will be significantly lower than in the store. Therefore, every year more and more people are wondering how to open a point for issuing orders from online stores.

In this case, it will be most profitable, which will help you benefit from promoted products and well-known brands.


A very common practice, as it helps both parties make money at once. If a client buys things via the Internet, for example, Aliexpress, then he will be able to independently choose the method of receiving the goods, and thereby save money, because in this case there is no need to pay for delivery to the door.

In this way, the aliexpress website itself will benefit greatly because it increases its attractiveness to customers.

Opening a service center is relevant not only for big cities, but also for small settlements, as it helps clients save their own time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Opening a franchise pick-up point has a number of advantages:

  • the client can always see what the product looks like in real life, and not in the picture. This helps reduce the number of returned goods, which reduces the cost of transporting them;
  • If the order does not meet all the requirements, an employee will always help arrange its return or replacement. This will help raise the reputation of the entire company, because only trained people work at such points;
  • reducing the cost of delivering goods to the client. This is true if a small company has several branches that are located in different cities that are far from each other.

Among the disadvantages, we can only highlight the additional costs of delivering the goods to the location, but increased demand from customers usually compensates for them.


You can open an order pick-up point yourself, but to do this you need to:

  • be . In this case, the second option will be more profitable, as it will entail lower costs;
  • find a room with an area of ​​at least 15 square meters. m., and it must also be in a publicly accessible place. At the same time, it is worth considering the rental amount;
  • carry out a complete renovation of the premises, as well as buy all the equipment, furniture and take care of the Internet connection;
  • take care of signs that will help attract customers;
  • find initial employees and conduct training with them;
  • create and fully design your own website on the Internet;
  • if the premises in which the delivery point is located are small or in a hard-to-reach place, then you should take care of having your own courier.

Important! If the operation of the pick-up point is successful and brings profit, then over time it will be possible to expand it and open additional offices.

If you are successful, you should open your own online store, which will help increase your profits.

Important! At the initial stage, the opening tries to invest large amounts of money.

Franchise opening

Most Russian and international companies provide the opportunity to purchase a franchise for a pick-up point.

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To do this you need:

  • find partners who will offer the most favorable terms of cooperation;
  • agree on all the nuances of the franchise;
  • open the point where goods will be issued. At the same time, a company, for example, aliexpress, should help in opening;
  • Aliexpress must provide training to employees who will work at the pickup point;
  • a company, in this case aliexpress, can carry out marketing and advertising campaigns to popularize the item, as well as advise clients.

To open a distribution point, the following rules must be observed:

  • the person purchasing the franchise must be an LLC or have the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • Before submitting an application for concluding a contract, a premises must be found in which the goods received from the company will be stored and also issued. It is best if the premises are owned by the franchisee or a lease agreement is concluded;
  • the center must be fully equipped. To do this, you need to buy a cash register and register it. Also, the entire office must have an uninterrupted Internet connection;
  • Initially, a minimum number of employees are required to undergo training. Over time, the staff should be expanded.

Important! Experience in a similar business is optional. Only if all these conditions are met will it be possible to open a collection point.

Opening for multiple stores

To obtain increased benefits, it is worth concluding a larger number of contracts and opening an office that will be suitable for placing and transferring goods of different brands into the hands of clients. At the same time, the algorithm for opening an office is no different from the algorithm when working with one company. Here it is only worth expanding the list of companies to which applications will be submitted.

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To register this type of business, you must submit a number of documents and obtain permits, including:

  • to obtain legal status persons or individual entrepreneurs. In this case, you need to pay a state fee, the amount of which varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, depending on the region;
  • about paying taxes in the simplified tax system format, and you also need to open a payment account with a bank and carry out all transactions only through a registered cash register;
  • from SES. Since the goods are not unpacked, in this case the list of requirements will be minimal;
  • permission from the fire department.

After receiving the relevant documents, you can proceed directly to opening an office and conducting business.


The franchise catalog site found out how to open your own item on the Ozon card and whether Ozon sells a franchise. is the largest online retailer in Russia. It has been successfully operating for 19 years, has an audience of up to 1.2 million people per month and more than 5 million products in the catalog. For example, the results of the 2nd quarter of 2018 were summed up, according to which revenue increased by 86% to 7.9 billion rubles.

Some aspiring businessmen are wondering whether it is possible to buy an Ozon franchise and how to join the network.

Today, the network consists of 2,200 points of delivery of goods and is ready to constantly expand with new partners. The management of the network invites everyone to open an office under the brand. Relations with partners are built on the basis of an agency agreement. At its core, this relationship is similar to franchising.

The partner needs to select a premises that will meet the following standards:

  • location on the first line,
  • area from 10 sq. m.,
  • storage security (security or alarm),
  • availability of space for unpacking and checking the goods.

The applicant needs to fill out a form with a detailed description of his option and attach several photographs. The distance to existing distribution points must be at least 1 kilometer.

In addition, there are requirements for a counterparty:

  • presence of a registered legal entity or individual entrepreneur,
  • availability of a cash register and office equipment,
  • Internet access,
  • Possibility of cash collection.

Ozon specialists evaluate the premises, the characteristics of the partner and allow the opening of a new outlet, passing on recommendations for the design and branding of the outlet. The downside is that the company’s employees do not help to draw up a business plan for a specific location and calculate the partner’s possible income.

A partner's income consists of:

  • commission for issuing an order – 30 rubles for each order,
  • fee for returning an order – 15 rubles per return,
  • commission for accepting payment from a client "On the spot" - from 0.3% to 2% of the payment amount.

The average number of orders issued by a partner is 500 per month (which is about 16 orders per day and 1.6 orders per hour), depending on the location and city. In small cities this figure will be much lower. In top locations in Moscow, the number of issues can reach several thousand per month. You need to understand that people prefer to receive large orders at an exact address, while the delivery points receive mostly small, inexpensive purchases, some of which have already been paid for online.

Thus, the possible revenue of a goods delivery point in the near Moscow region, according to estimates, can be 20 - 40 thousand rubles. This figure may only be enough to cover current costs.

That is why, when deciding whether to buy an Ozon franchise, you need to very carefully study the traffic and potential of a particular location and at least roughly understand the possible volume of orders.

On the other hand, business with Ozon is quite passive and does not require efforts or investments from the partner in promoting the brand, searching for clients, or maintaining a staff of service personnel. This option is quite appropriate as an additional business, for example, in an already operating service center or as a related area in an already rented area.
