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GoPro Hero5 Black action camera review: focus on features. GoPro HERO5 Black review. Detailed comparison with GoPro HERO4 Black Go pro 5 camera review

Action cameras have long ceased to be accessories exclusively for extreme sportsmen and are widely used in everyday life by ordinary people. Someone leads a video blog, someone creates a family video library. The action camera is not afraid of water and shocks, it is convenient to take it on a trip and on vacation. It is always better to use a specialized device for shooting.

Manufacturers are responding to the trend, making action cameras simpler, more understandable. Marketing is being adjusted. Photos of skiers and skydivers on the promo pages of HERO5 now share a place with characters far from extreme sports, filming ordinary moments of life.

The HERO5 Black that arrived at the editorial office is an excellent example of a universalized device “for everyone and for every day” with the easiest and most intuitive controls.

We studied the new GoPro and found its strengths and weaknesses.

Fifth generation GoPro HERO

The HERO5 line is represented by only two devices: the flagship Black at a price of 31,990 rubles and the simpler Session at a price of 24,990 rubles. Considering GoPro's desire to make cameras suitable for everyone, the reduction in the lineup looks quite logical.

Pay attention to the cost of HERO4 Black in large retail chains and official stores. Now the average price of the flagship of the previous generation on Yandex.Market is 35,990 rubles, and in fact the new product is only a couple of thousand more expensive than its predecessor. Thus, the question of choosing between "newer, but more expensive" and "older, but cheaper" disappears.

In terms of resolutions and frames per second, HERO5 Black has not made any revolutionary breakthroughs. Hopes for the appearance of 4K mode at 60 frames per second did not materialize, the maximum bit rate is 60 Mb / s. Depending on the selected resolution, different shooting angles are available to the user, ranging from standard to ultra-wide, as well as a mode that eliminates the fisheye effect.

Here is the full list of supported video resolutions:

  • 4K @ 30fps;
  • 2.7K@60fps;
  • 2.7K 4:3 @ 30 fps;
  • 1440p@80fps;
  • 1080p@120fps;
  • 960p@120fps
  • 720p@240fps;
  • 480p@240fps.

You can see the camera in operation in the main modes in the video below.

Why buy HERO5 Black if it shoots almost the same as the previous generation camera?

If this is the first flagship GoPro for you, then the main reason is the almost identical cost and unconditional technological superiority over the older model.

If you have HERO4 Black, then the argument can be a set of various large and small innovations and improvements. Individually, each of them may not seem so impressive, but together it turns out to be a camera of a completely different level.

Video stabilization

A very useful innovation for amateurs, which allows you to get much better videos without professional accessories, but it is far from being implemented perfectly. Aside from the inevitable 10% reduction in footage, stabilization does not work above 60 frames per second, and is not provided for 4K video at all.

Yes, of course, only a few still have 4K monitors, and the most popular format is still 1080p @ 60 fps video, but since stabilization is declared in the description of the device, it should work in all modes.

RAW photos and WDR

HERO4 Black takes 8-megapixel photos in JPG only, while the new HERO5 Black can take 12-megapixel photos in RAW. Another proof that GoPro wants to make its devices as versatile as possible and suitable for everyone, including photographers who are critical to the possibility of high-quality post-production of images.

To further enhance photos and videos, a WDR mode is available to capture more details in poor lighting conditions.

One button or voice control + built-in touch display

We are used to the fact that one button is enough to take photos and videos on a smartphone. HERO5 Black works the same way. Pressing the large button on top automatically turns on the camera and starts recording. Pressing again ends recording and turns off the camera.

In theory, HERO5 Black can be controlled remotely with your voice, but in practice, everything is not so simple. For correct voice recognition of commands, relative silence in the surrounding space and knowledge of English is required, because the Russian language is not supported.

Selecting a shooting mode, viewing and managing footage, and other settings are carried out using an additional button and a built-in 2-inch touch screen on the back of the camera.

The small size negatively affects the ease of management, but there are no complaints about the accuracy and speed of recognition, as well as the quality of the picture.

Waterproof case

Perhaps one of the most important innovations of HERO5 Black, but it also has a downside. Indeed, the new generation of GoPro cameras can work underwater up to 10 meters without any additional accessories. The battery and memory card compartments, micro-HDMI and USB-C ports are securely protected by airtight plugs, but that transparent case protected HERO4 Black not only from water.

Having got rid of the additional layer of the shell, the designers put the camera body itself and the lens in particular at risk. Do not forget about the touch screen on the back, as well as the front monochrome display. All these elements are unlikely to withstand serious mechanical impact, and the complete case-bumper with fastening does not provide full protection.

HERO5 Black can be shackled into an optional case, but the accessory is not included and will lighten the wallet by another $55 or euro depending on where you order it.

Other features

  • Despite the more powerful hardware, HERO5 Black has the same battery life as the previous generation camera due to a slightly increased battery capacity of 1220 mAh versus 1160 mAh in HERO4 Black.
  • HERO5 Black has a built-in GPS module, which is a big plus for those who like to organize their media libraries on location.
  • Unlike the previous generation, HERO5 records sound in stereo.
  • For an additional fee, you can purchase a GoPro Plus subscription - personal cloud storage with a built-in editor, where captured photos and videos will be automatically uploaded. True, for this system to work, the camera must be powered by an adapter that is not included in the kit.


GoPro HERO5 Black turned out to be controversial, but the positives clearly outweigh.

Scolding HERO5 Black will be mostly hardcore people who use the camera to shoot real tin in the most extreme conditions. They have the right to curse the manufacturer for not having a full-fledged case in the box, but these same pros know that GoPro is not just a shooting device, but an entire ecosystem with a huge range of accessories. Whatever game they come up with, GoPro will surely have a lotion to implement their plans.

The lack of stabilization and 60 fps in 4K is the fault of technological progress in general. Processor performance will certainly grow in the near future, and then quality fans will get what they want.

Other than that, HERO5 Black is a great camera. The best GoPro ever and a great advanced smartphone replacement for taking photos and videos. The manufacturer wanted to make a device that is convenient and understandable for the average person, and he succeeded.

It remains to ask advanced GoPro users. What do you think of HERO5 and Black in particular? Is it worth it and why? What pros and cons, not mentioned in the review, have you already discovered? Share your thoughts in the comments.

GoPro cameras have become a household name, very often, when it comes to action cameras, the first association is with this brand. Celebrities, athletes, bloggers, extreme sportsmen managed to find an approach to different audiences. But if earlier the company felt at ease in this market segment due to the virtual absence of competition, then in 2016 the situation has changed radically. A number of Chinese brands, such as SJCAM and XIAOMI, have noticeably improved the quality, and SONY has become seriously involved in the struggle. Such fierce competition is in the hands of users, first of all, for manufacturers, this is a time when even small mistakes can cost big financial losses. GoPro felt this first hand, demonstrating a fall in stocks on the stock exchange. In an attempt to maintain the shaky position, in the second half of 2016, an updated fifth series was released and an expansion to adjacent areas (quadcopter) began.

At the current stage, the manufacturer did not scatter attention, leaving only two series, Black and Session. It is possible that companion versions will be released in the future, although it is quite possible that this approach will be exploited further. We, in turn, are pleased to present one of the first detailed reviews of the older version, GoPro HERO5 Black. Its sales have already started, below is a summary table of available offers on the Russian market.

GoPro HERO5 Black vs. GoPro HERO4 Black


The camera is delivered in a two-part package. Transparent box with a camera and a box with decoration. Get your first impressions of the new GoPro HERO5 Black before unboxing.

The company is true to its principles, the user receives a minimum starter set of fasteners. The kit includes a frame and a contact pad, as well as a USB Type-C cable, instructions and a warranty card. They did not remember about localization for the Russian market.


Before starting testing, we acquired the previous GoPro HERO4 Black, and as part of this review, a number of comparisons will be made not only in appearance, but also in the quality of shooting. The build quality of the fourth generation began to give way to the level that Chinese brands have learned to give with a much more modest price tag. The gaps between the elements, the quality of the plastic used, all this is already unacceptable.

The GoPro HERO5 Black takes things a step further. The camera has noticeably changed both tactilely and externally. Such changes were necessary both for fans and for those who still doubt and are in search.

Instead of cheap plastic, it uses a rubberized finish and a ceramic-like texture. Behind these external transformations lies an important change for the Black series.

The case is now protected from moisture and dust. Without a protective box, it can be immersed to a depth of 10 meters. A protective case is also available as an optional accessory.

Such a refusal will be useful not only for divers, but also in everyday shooting, allowing you to abandon the protective box on the street. Rain, an accidental fall into the water, mud now do not lead to failure. As a bonus, the issue of the microphone operation is solved, the sensitivity of which inevitably decreases when the camera is placed in the box. With this move, GoPro has also taken a swipe at Sony.

Along with the advent of protection, GoPro HERO5 Black got rid of most of the buttons. Only two are left: start recording and switching modes. The rest has been moved to the touch screen, another big change from the fifth series. Now you can control the interface from a two-inch panel. Let me remind you, GoPro HERO4 Black was deprived of a screen by the user.

The transition to the sensor brings both positive and negative changes. Yes, in general, finding the right item, quickly switching shooting options is easier, but all this is before moisture gets on the screen. After that, it becomes useless, not responding to pressing.

We also have complaints about the sensitivity of the sensor and the logic of gestures. At first, it will not be superfluous to study the instructions that came with the camera (in Russian it is available only on the official website).

Is this feature critical? No, there are several additional control channels. Plus, an already configured camera, you can completely manage with two mechanical buttons. A quick shooting mode is available, when turning on and starting recording takes place in one click, and turning off immediately after shooting is completed. And here it is worth mentioning another innovation GoPro HERO5 Black, the implementation of voice control. By activating the menu, a list of commands is provided, including start / stop recording, switching shooting modes, shutdown. Again, all commands are only in English, the basic pronunciation is enough.

On the front side, a lens with a protective glass habitually protrudes above the surface. A duplicate monochrome screen has been retained. It displays information on the mode, battery, shooting time. Such a screen began to appear in Chinese cameras, for example, the new SJCAM S6 Legend. Its presence allows you to control the shooting activity when the camera is located in the direction of the user. During operation, the main screen is turned off (the interval is set in the settings), leaving monochrome with low power consumption working.

LED indicators are distributed along the perimeter of the chamber. In the future, in the settings, the operation of elements can be disabled. GoPro HERO5 Black has got three microphones placed on the side faces. The location chosen is controversial, some of them or even all overlap with fingers. Even now, video bloggers cannot do without an external microphone. The recorded sound is muffled.

Another gripe concerns the connectors, the presence of water protection implies plugs. There are two of them, one on the compartment with a battery and a memory card, the second hides the USB Type-C and HDMI connectors. They open with little effort, the locking button does not inspire confidence. On the second plug, it does not fit into the specified place clearly, often requiring correction for an even position. As a result, the charging process is difficult.

As mentioned above, GoPro HERO5 Black has lost its complete protective box. Instead, a frame is offered. She dresses with difficulty, does not provide additional protection, acting only as an intermediate link to the mounts. The manufacturer himself could listen to his audience and add an additional screw mount to the case, eliminating the need for a frame. This feature is present in XIAOMI YI and SJCAM S6 Legend. Be careful: moisture protection does not provide fall protection. Meeting with asphalt or a hard floor will lead to fatal consequences. As a result, to shoot something serious, in addition to vlogs, you still need a protective box. The official one currently costs about 4,000 rubles, an expensive pleasure.


Control options are distributed over several windows. Quick functions for changing shooting features, detailed settings, wireless synchronization.

It is not difficult to understand the menu, but even here they forgot about the Russian language.


GoPro HERO5 Black can interact with a smartphone. To work, you will need to download the Capture application. In the course of several steps, synchronization and adding a camera to your account takes place. One profile combines cameras of different generations with further switching between them. The interface is clear and easy to understand.

The camera streams the image and gives access to the settings in the form of a general list. From here, it is much more convenient to carry out detailed settings. There is also the start of recording and creating snapshots. All materials can be shared on social networks, view the work of the community, as well as activate the background image on the desktop with daily updates.

Video filming

The question of the decision to stay on the same 12-megapixel matrix is ​​open. A lot of time has passed, competitors are running out, but the GoPro HERO5 Black stands still. There is only hope for a new processor, but after the release, no intelligible information appeared on it. The maximum resolution is limited to 4K at 30 frames per second.
Full HD 60 FPS. Day record. static location.

GoPro HERO5 Black


GoPro HERO4 Black


Common Full HD runs at 120 frames per second, 240 frames for HD resolution. The video bitrate remained the same - 60 Mbps.
Full HD 60 FPS. Day record. Running and movement.

GoPro HERO5 Black


GoPro HERO4 Black


To understand the difference in shooting, here is an image from GoPro HERO4 Black. Opponents are SJCAM S6 Legend and SJCAM 5000X Elite. All videos are posted without post-processing. The situation with a detailed comparison is not very rosy for GoPro, yes, it shoots well, but cameras with a three times lower price tag give the same level. Perhaps the ceiling has been reached, or perhaps the company's leaders have not drawn the proper conclusions.
4K. Day record. Crop on general and separate 4K.

GoPro HERO5 Black


GoPro HERO4 Black


Added software image stabilization during shooting. As expected, her work eats up about 10% of the image. Stabilization works only for Full HD at 60 frames per second, it turns off when the frequency and resolution increase.
Full HD 60 FPS. Night recording. static location.

GoPro HERO5 Black


GoPro HERO4 Black


For lovers of photos from action cameras, it became possible to shoot in RAW, but competitors had already added it earlier. Subsequently, the images can be processed using proprietary GoPro software.
Microphone test
GoPro HERO5 Black

GoPro HERO4 Black

The battery capacity of 1220 mAh lasts about the same time as the GoPro HERO4 Black. A pair of replaceable batteries will not be superfluous for active shooting.

Results for GoPro HERO5 Black

As a result, GoPro HERO5 Black turned out to be this. Yes, useful features have appeared here, such as touch control, main screen, waterproof case, GPS, voice control, software stabilization, start recording in one click. Significantly improved tactile and visual perception, saved the cost. But then again, where is the breakthrough that allows you to call the camera the best offer among competitors? Chinese cameras provide video quality at the level, and sometimes even better, while they are much cheaper. Sony in the same segment gives an improved implementation of stabilization and a protective box in the kit. The absence of a box in the kit, direct attachment to accessories and a tripod, difficulty in controlling when moisture gets in, an inexpressive voice track, an unreliable connector block cover, and low sensor responsiveness may not suit you in the new GoPro.

  • 1. Main technical specifications
  • 2. Packing and equipment
  • 3. Appearance
  • 4. Ergonomics
  • 5. Application
  • 6. Test results
  • 7. Where can I buy
  • 8. Conclusion
  • 9. GoPro Hero 5 Session Video Review

The new line of Hero 5 from GoPro, in comparison with the previous Hero 4, received a lot of rather serious improvements. The novelty is presented in two versions -Session and Black, the differences between which are in size and functionality. At the same time, the GoPro 5 Black is considered the flagship, while the price of the Session is more affordable.

In our review of the GoPro Hero 5 Session, we will compare the camera with the older model in the line and summarize after testing the device.

Main technical characteristics

  • Camera module: CMOS, wide angle lens;
  • Video recording: from WVGA (240fps) to 4K (30fps);
  • Codecs: H.264;
  • Still photography: up to 10 MP;
  • Storage Memory: microSD/SDHC/SDXC (up to 128GB);
  • Wireless interfaces: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth;
  • Battery: 1000 mAh;
  • Dimensions: 38 x 38 x 36 mm;
  • Weight: 88 g.

Packaging and equipment

The Session box looks almost the same as the rest of the products in the Hero 5 line. It's a regular cardboard box with a plastic box on top through which the camera is visible.

Packed under the camera is a USB Type-C cable and two mounts. There is no protective box in the package, so for underwater shooting you will have to fork out another few tens of dollars.


The form factor of Hero 5 Session differs from traditional GoPro. The camera body is made in the form of a cube. It is smaller than the Hero 5 Black, weighs less and does not cause strong aerodynamic drag at high speeds.

Compared to the previous version of the Session, the device still gained a few extra millimeters in size, but there is no significant difference between the two devices. Also, the arrangement of functional elements has not changed. The activation button and a tiny display are located on the top end.

At the bottom is a button to activate wireless communication via Wi-Fi, next to a microphone.

To connect via USB Type-C or change the memory card, you will have to open the waterproof cover on the left.

The camera lens is hidden behind a protective glass on the front panel. A little higher in the corner there is a perforation for another microphone and a status LED. If trouble happens and the glass cracks, replacing the protection will not be difficult. The necessary components for repairs are sold in many online stores.

The sides of the Hero 5 Session feature a rubberized, ribbed finish. Thanks to him, the camera is very comfortable to hold in your hands.


The main advantage of Session is water resistance. For filming in a humid environment and at a depth of up to 10 meters underwater, you can do without a protective box. This decision has a positive effect on the quality of the sound recording. Now it is louder and clearer due to the absence of external barriers in the form of glass protection.

In fact, you do not need protection itself. The Hero 5 Session is built to withstand the drops, bumps and other nuisances that come with being an action camera.

Together with the camera, the package includes a universal mount that allows you to connect the device to a huge number of types of accessories. The device also fits perfectly with GoPro's signature Karma drone.

In Hero 5 Session, the microphones not only write the sound, but also "understand" it. The voice control function has thirteen commands. True, there is no Russian among the available languages, so you need to pronounce phrases in English. For example, "GoPro take a photo" or "GoPro start recording", after which the camera will immediately perform the required action.

However, this control model does not work in noisy environments. Sometimes microphones can simply ignore a command that has been drowned out among a multitude of other sounds. To solve this problem, it is recommended to purchase a control module on a wristband.


Hero 5 Session is equipped with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless interfaces for synchronization with the GoPro Capture App on a smartphone or tablet. The application gives a picture from the camera in real time and full remote control over the device.

Among the innovations, we can highlight the function of automatically uploading footage to the cloud through the GoPro Plus service. The process occurs when synchronizing with a smartphone. This is a great way to avoid accidentally losing footage from the day. True, you will have to pay for this opportunity.

Quick and easy video editing is available in the Quik app. The same functions are performed by desktop software from GoPro. To work with it, you do not need special knowledge in installation, the design of the program is intuitive and extremely simple. However, the editor is limited in its functionality. For more advanced installation, it is recommended to use third-party solutions.

In general, there are no complaints about Session in terms of remote control. The connection is stable. There is a slight delay when broadcasting live video to a smartphone, but it is not critical. The wireless connection of the GoPro Hero 5 Black works similarly. There are no differences between the cameras here.

Test results

During the test, the "headache" of the Session line immediately appeared - a critical inconvenience of control without a smartphone. Remembering the button press combinations to switch between modes is very difficult at first. In principle, there is no special need for this, anyway, most users shoot video in conjunction with the application.

The tiny LCD display shows only the bare minimum: estimated battery life, wireless connection status, shooting mode, and recording time. The decision not to use a large screen is due to the positioning of the camera. First of all, it is intended for shooting from the first person.

The main difference from the more expensive Hero 5 Black is the frame rate. Both cameras shoot in 4K at 30fps, while Black can use the SuperView field (expanded to 16:9 frame with a basic 4:3 aspect ratio). Session does not provide such a function.

At lower resolutions, the difference between devices only gets bigger. The 2.7K Session is limited to 48fps and medium FOV, while the Black can shoot at 60fps without any limits. The same goes for Full HD. Here Session is lagging behind by 40 fps.

As for the quality of shooting, here the cameras are almost equal. There is a significant increase compared to the previous generation. Here Black has an advantage only in poor lighting due to less noise. Session has software frame stabilization that does not work in 4K. Sound recording is carried out by three microphones in stereo mode. The noise reduction system works quite effectively, but in strong winds the camera will hardly understand your voice commands.

Video examples:

In terms of photography, the camera is also a little behind the older model in the line. This is the result of the lack of a display, it is physically impossible for the Session to be ideally positioned to capture a good frame. Also, the device lags behind in the maximum photo resolution - 10 megapixels versus 12 for Black.

The full discharge of the battery came after one hour of shooting in 4K. Working in FullHD doubles the battery life. The battery is non-removable, so it is better to buy a portable charger. Through USB Type-C, the device charges in about an hour.

Where can I buy


  • Convenient compact case;
  • Moisture protection;
  • Voice control;
  • Electronic stabilizer;
  • 4K resolution available.
  • Inconvenient control without a smartphone;
  • Frame stabilization is not possible in 4K.

An improvement over previous models makes the GoPro Hero 5 Session a serious alternative to the older camera in the lineup. The instance can offer compactness and convenience with good performance.

However, Hero 5 Black is still slightly better in terms of image quality and more convenient in terms of control. If you're looking for a good POV camera, the Session is a better choice due to its smaller size and weight.

Among the products from other brands we can single out the Sony FDR-X1000V. The main trump card of the competitor is ZEISS optics, a wide viewing angle, advanced functionality, the presence of GPS and NFC modules. All this in the same compact package. True, you will have to pay almost twice as much for this camera - $ 550.

GoPro Hero 5 Session video review

The GoPro HERO 5 Black is a type of digital camera designed for use in harsh environments. It is not surprising that until recently, action cameras were an indispensable attribute of only extreme sportsmen and athletes. However, the merits of the GoPro HERO 5 Black have made it in demand in everyday life.

The camera is not afraid of bumps, drops, water exposure. With its help, it is convenient to conduct video blogs, and it is an indispensable assistant in creating a home video library. Take your GoPro HERO 5 Black to a picnic, fishing, hunting or vacation. Shootings conducted by the device, which was originally adapted to work in difficult conditions, are of high quality.

GoPro HERO 5 Black camera in box

The development of digital technologies has led to the fact that it has become much easier to work with action cameras. This allowed GoPro to adjust its marketing policy. Today, among the clients of the company, you can meet people who are very far from extreme sports. On the pages of advertising booklets, drivers, climbers, surfers coexist with photographs of schoolchildren and housewives.

The GoPro HERO 5 Black camera is an excellent proof that the device can be used not only by extreme sportsmen, but also by ordinary people.


Fifth series of HERO 5

With the release of the fifth generation of action cameras, the manufacturer focused on two series Black and . Perhaps in the future GoPro will expand the range, but so far this has not happened. The difference in price between the two series is about 10,000 rubles. The upper price segment up to 35,000 rubles is occupied by the flagship GoPro HERO5 Black, the price for Session does not exceed 25,000 rubles.

It is noteworthy that the cost of new items is not much higher than the price tag of the previous generation cameras. When comparing prices, it turns out that the price of HERO5 Black is only two thousand more than the previous model. This circumstance greatly simplifies the solution of the question “old and cheap or new but expensive?”

GoPro Hero 5 Black

We get the first impression of the device from the appearance of the package, which consists of two components. The camera itself is stored in a transparent box, and the accompanying documentation is in a separate box. When picking, the company did not think much and remained true to the style of minimalism, the set includes:

  • frame and pad.
  • USB cable.
  • Instruction.
  • Warranty card.

Manufacturers, unfortunately, did not think about adapting the gadget to the Russian market, so there is no instruction in Russian.

Camera control

The HERO5 Black camera differs from previous models with a minimal number of keys. Now use the buttons to start recording and switch shooting modes. The remaining functions are controlled from the touch screen. This is another feature of the fifth generation of GoPro cameras.

A two-inch panel is used to control the interface. The cameras of the fourth generation did not have a screen on the operator's side. Using the sensor to control the camera is debatable to say the least. On the one hand, it has become more convenient to navigate the menu, on the other hand, if moisture gets on the screen, the sensor is useless. The sensitivity of the sensor also leaves much to be desired, as well as the logic of gestures. Therefore, you will initially have to refer to the instructions (its Russian version will need to be downloaded from the official GoPro website).

However, the manufacturer has provided other ways to control the gadget. GoPro implemented the concept of voice control when creating the HERO5 Black camera. In the camera menu, you can activate a list of available commands (start / stop shooting, stop recording, switch modes). The gadget responds to commands spoken only in English.

Again, if you plan to use the camera in difficult conditions, no one bothers to set the settings in advance. In the process of shooting, there will be two mechanical keys to control an already configured camera.


When picking up a HERO5 Black camera, it's impossible to ignore the body material. In the manufacture of HERO5 Black, the company decided to abandon the banal plastic. The body of the device is covered with a rubberized material and texture, reminiscent of ceramics. External changes also affected the technical characteristics of the device. Now it is impossible for dirt particles, dust and moisture to enter the camera body. The gadget, even without a protective case, will survive diving to a depth of 10 meters.

This feature of the HERO5 Black has made it attractive for everyday shooting. Atmospheric precipitation, and even the fall of the camera into the water, will not put it out of action. The rejection of the protective box on the street led to an increase in the sensitivity of the microphone.

Unfortunately, there are downsides to everything. The protective case protected previous models not only from dust and water, but also from mechanical damage. In addition to the lens, the HERO5 Black also has a touch screen, which is very sensitive. However, if you need a camera specifically for shooting in extreme conditions, no one forbids you to purchase a protective case separately.


The HERO5 Black did not offer any surprises in terms of resolutions and frames per second, the maximum bit rate is still the same 60 Mbps. The appearance of the 4K mode at 60 frames did not take place.

The following types of permissions are available:

  • 4K*30 Frames Per Second;
  • 2.7K * 60 Frames Per Second;
  • 2.7K 4:3 * 30 Frames Per Second;
  • 1 440p * 80 Frames Per Second;
  • 1080p * 120 Frames Per Second;
  • 960p *120 Frames Per Second;
  • 720p*240 Frames Per Second;
  • 480p * 240 Frames Per Second.

Depending on the resolution, various recording angles are available to the operator, including both basic and ultra-wide. With the help of a special mode, you can eliminate the effect of "fisheye". Upon closer inspection, the HERO5 Black's image quality is nearly as good as that of previous generation cameras. Here the question of the expediency of buying a camera of the fifth series will inevitably arise.

Pay attention to two things. If this is your first action camera, then the price speaks in favor of buying it. The price difference between fourth and fifth generation cameras is minimal. However, in HERO5 Black, all the "childhood" diseases of the previous series have been eliminated and the functionality has been significantly expanded.

Owners of HERO4 Black models will be pleased to appreciate the evolution of their favorite gadget. Of course, the introduced improvements are not particularly interesting in themselves, but their combination allows you to get a device of a completely different class.


One of the innovations was the appearance of video stabilization. In theory, the function allows you to get better shots without the use of special accessories. Unfortunately, the implementation of this know-how leaves much to be desired. It's not even that the area being filmed is reduced by 10%. The main drawback is that stabilization categorically does not want to function at a frame rate of more than 60 per second, and when shooting 4K video, it is completely absent.

Of course, 4K monitors are, to put it mildly, not common, and the most used format is 1080p * 60 fps. However, if you have already equipped the camera with a stabilization function, then be so kind as to ensure that it works in all available modes.


Manufacturers taught the HERO5 Black to take 12-megapixel RAW photos. Recall that the previous model took 8-pixel pictures and only in JPG format. This once again underlines GoPro's commitment to creating a camera that will be used with equal pleasure by all categories of citizens from a clerk to a skydiver.

The camera allows you to take photos in WDR mode, which makes excellent pictures, even in low light.


  • Compared to the previous model, the camera has enhanced functionality, which affects the duration of work. Therefore, manufacturers had to use batteries with a capacity of 1220 mAh, the same indicator for the previous model was 1160 mAh.
  • HERO5 Black comes with built-in GPS, allowing you to create location-based media libraries.
  • HERO5 Black records in stereo.


The HERO 5 Black camera has some controversial features, but overall, the positives prevail. The device will cause discontent among thrill-seekers, because the lack of a protective case in the basic configuration, from their point of view, is a solid minus for an action camera. However, any of the professionals knows that a huge number of accessories are produced for the camera. For almost every trick that adrenaline junkies want to perform, the company will be able to offer an appropriate accessory.

Of course, you can find fault with the video stabilization function and voice control in English. However, by and large, these are secondary functions. When developing the camera, the manufacturers set the task of making a convenient action camera for ordinary people, and they succeeded.

Video review of the HERO 5 Black camera in English:

The fifth "hero" from GoPro has been updated both externally and internally: the action camcorder has received a more rounded rubberized body and acquired an electronic image stabilization system, previously unavailable in the lineup of a trendsetter in the production of action cameras.


The redesigned body of the model has dust and moisture protection according to the IPX8 standard, withstanding diving under water to a depth of 10 m. Perhaps that is why the manufacturer decided not to include an underwater box in the delivery package, which simultaneously acts as a protection for the camera from shock. In which case it can be purchased separately.


The action camera is controlled both using a 2-inch touch screen located on the back of the case, and via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless networks. And if you can’t free your hands, they will come to the rescue voice commands - "out of the box" camcorder supports 7 language packs.


The belonging of the action camera to the top segment is fully confirmed by its video capabilities. The credit for the sharp, clear and rich picture lies on the shoulders of a 1/2.3-inch sensor with a resolution of 12 MP, which allows you to shoot video in 4K resolution at up to 30 fps or FullHD at a recording speed of up to 120 fps. To get a wider dynamic range, you can activate the WDR function (similar to HDR for photos). By the way, photos are recorded on a memory card in JPG or RAW formats.

fashion trends

Modern fashion trends have embodied in the use of a USB Type-C port for charging. The battery capacity has also grown (up to 1220 mAh), on a single charge of which the action camera is capable of recording about 2 hours of video in FullHD resolution or 1 hour in 4K shooting format. True, the included GPS module tends to eat up battery power and reduce the duration of video shooting.


GoPro HERO 5 lets you capture moments of outdoor activities or extreme sports in ultra-high resolution with high detail and smooth video footage. And the camcorder's excellent functionality makes it one of the most competitive models in the action camera market.
