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Open Library - an open library of educational information. Color filters in modern photography Using filters

To filter the list means to hide all rows except for those that satisfy the given selection criteria. There are two filtering commands in Excel, respectively, for simple and complex selection conditions.

2.1 Autofilter command

To filter data with relatively simple selection conditions, use from the menu Data - submenu Filter- team Autofilter(See Figure 4.). As a result, Excel will display arrow buttons next to each column heading. Clicking on the button with an arrow next to the column heading expands the list of values ​​that are used to set the criteria for selecting rows.

Figure 4. Usage exampleAutofilter

Sorting options when using Autofilter:

    Sort Ascending

    Descending sort

    The first 10… (see fig. 5)

Figure 5. CommandFirst 10 … - An example of applying a condition on a list

    Condition (see Fig. 6, 7)

Figure 6. Custom AutoFilter Example

(Example: output of country names in the name of which second letter e or fifth letter p)

Figure 7. The result of applying the customAutofilter

In the dialog window Custom AutoFilter you can set rather complex selection conditions using wildcard symbols:

The asterisk (*) replaces any sequence of characters;

The question mark (?) replaces any single character.

Example: a*; ?va*

To remove filtering, select from the menu Data command Filter and then Show all or choose the command again Autofilter, i.e. cancel this command.

2.2. Advanced filter command

Team Advanced filter allows:

Set conditions connected by a logical OR operator for several columns;

Set three or more conditions for a particular column;

Set calculated conditions.

Team Advanced filter(see Fig. 8) requires setting a range of string selection conditions in a separate range of the worksheet. The range of conditions must contain at least two lines:

1st row (top) should contain one or more list column headings,

2nd line - selection conditions (there can be any number of them) in accordance with the following rules:

Conditions written on the same line are considered connected by a logical AND operator;

Conditions written on different lines are considered connected by a logical OR operator.

Figure 8. Usage exampleadvanced filter

An empty cell in the criteria range means any value for the corresponding column. In the event that an empty string is included in the range of conditions, then an unfiltered list will be obtained.

Each time the command is executed Data/Filter/Advanced filter Excel looks at the full list, not the current set of previously filtered conditions. You can also set text conditions using the advanced filter. The rules for setting text conditions are as follows:

    a single letter means: find all values ​​that start with that letter;

    symbol > (greater than) or< (меньше) означает: найти все значения, которые находятся по алфавиту после или до введенного текстового значения;

    formula = ”=text” means: find values ​​that exactly match the character string;

    wildcard characters are allowed in the advanced filter selection conditions, they work the same way as in the custom autofilter.

When executing the command Advanced filter it is necessary to set the following in the dialog box (Fig. 9):

    source area address originalrange, i.e. the address of the location of the data list;

    if the filtered data needs to be displayed in a separate list, then you need to set the switch Copy the result to another location;

specify the location of the filtering results.

Figure 9. Filling out the dialog box -Advanced filter

While creating computed criterion take into account the following rules:

    The heading of the calculated criterion must not match any field heading of the filtered list. You can enter a new title or leave the title cell blank.

    The criteria formula must refer to at least one list field.

    The criteria formula is a logical formula, so it returns TRUE or FALSE.

Example: Display those lines of the list for which the values ​​in field D4 are greater than the average

=D4>AVERAGE($D$5:$D$24), where

D4– address of the heading of the list column to which the selection condition is applied

Figure 10. Task exampleComputed criterion .

Dialog window Advanced filter allows you to set the mode of copying selected rows to another part of the sheet instead of displaying a filtered list. To do this, in the dialog box Advanced filter switch is installed Copy the result to another location, and in the field Put result in range specifies the name or reference to the range.

Today, many people say that light filters are yesterday's photography and they will sink into oblivion in the same way as film cameras. Such an opinion has a right to exist. Especially considering that any effect can be realized with the help of computer processing of the photo.

Nevertheless, a complete rejection of light filters is hardly to be expected. In many cases, they are the most reliable and convenient tool for the job. At the same time, their functions were transformed: with their help, working materials are prepared, which become the basis of future photo masterpieces.

Since light filters have a perspective, we will devote today's article to a story about them, their varieties and properties.

Before you start a detailed acquaintance with modern light filters, you need to "sort" the existing "arsenal": outdated models must "leave the stage."

We believe that you should know them "by sight". Otherwise, in the store, the seller will praise you for “novelties” and sell things that he has not been able to sell in the last decade. He needs to sell the product and he will “push” it to someone who does not understand the features of light filters at all.

Color filters and filters that change color temperature

Working in RAW format, you can change the color, color temperature, remove noise and sharpen, process the photo and convert the image to any other format. That is why buying colored glass is hardly worth it. Especially considering that you need to pay for them many times more than they actually cost.

Spectacular filters

Asterisk, rays, blur (blur). With the advent of Photoshop, these mega-cool lighting effects have completely lost their relevance.

The named versions "we put in archive". We will pay more attention to those light filters that have retained their relevance to this day and will be of interest to users in the 21st century.

Ultraviolet light filter (UV)

The main purpose of such a light filter is to negate the effects of ultraviolet rays. If you are shooting at a time when solar activity is at its peak, then the use of UV filters will reduce the effect of ultraviolet rays. This will affect the pictures themselves - the colors will become natural and more realistic. And, in the end, more beautiful.

But in highlands or on the ocean, where there is especially high solar activity, shooting is not carried out so often. And therefore, in everyday life, a UV filter is used for completely different purposes - it protects the lens from mechanical damage. Although under normal conditions the filter does not affect the final image quality in any way, there are cases (for example, when the camera is dropped) when it literally “saves” the lens. The filter will deteriorate, but it is much easier to buy it than a lens.

It is also important that in everyday use the UV filter will protect the lens from scratches and dirt.

Summing up what has been said, we will give advice: when buying expensive optics, allocate the required amount and also purchase a UV filter. He will serve you well.

Polarizing filters

Probably, you have often admired photographs taken in the tropics. There the sky is turquoise blue, and the ocean blue looks fabulous. There is no mystery - the camera lens was "supplemented" with a polarizing filter.

During filming, such a light filter (sometimes called a “polarizer”) removes reflections and glare from shiny non-metallic surfaces. That is why the sky blue is distinguished by such saturation of colors - the light filter removed the sun's rays re-reflected by the sky.

The picture is the same with pictures of water: the surface of the water cleared of glare looks much better, brighter, more beautiful, juicier.

Such a light filter is used during the filming of shop windows and windows. For example, you need to take a picture of a person who is sitting in the hall of a cafe and a glass separates him from the photographer. If you take pictures with a regular camera, then the glass will become a kind of “mirror” and the picture will be filled with reflections. Using a polar filter will allow you to get an almost perfect frame.

You will say that during the processing of a photograph, water and sky can be given the desired tone. It is possible, but this possibility is not always available. At the same time, the use of a polarizer allows you to get a better picture. The fact is that the frame turned out beautiful from the very beginning. A beautiful base is easier and easier to refine than a glare frame.

Polarizing filters are indispensable in the creation reportage photos. If, for example, you take 500-600 photos at an event. It will take you a lot of time to process them. If you take pictures with a polarizer, then you will have to spend a minimum of time to get a package of excellent photos - they turned out good already at the time of shooting.

Neutral gray filters (ND)

Neutral gray - special kind filters, since the effect they create during processing is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. If you still try to implement it, then it will take quite a lot of time to create such an effect.

The effect of ND filters can be explained by the example of water falling from a waterfall.

To make the frame beautiful, you need to use ND filters. You will say that a beautiful shot will turn out even if you set the exposure settings correctly. You are right: the frame will turn out beautiful, but it will not be alive. The water in it will be frozen. It will not have that liveliness and plasticity that we see in reality. In order for this smoothness to appear in photographs, you need to use long exposure(1/2 second or even longer). Smoothness will appear, but such a shutter speed will entail another problem - the picture will turn out to be overexposed. To correct the situation, you should use the ND filter. It will remove the light that hits the camera matrix.

ND filters are labeled as follows: x2, x4, x8 and even x400. The numbers indicate the light transmission capacity of the filter. If, for example, you take one of the filters and put it on the lens, then the amount of light that enters the camera lens will decrease significantly. This will allow you to do good shots at the optimum holding time.

gradient filters

Gradient filters are ordinary glass, the surface of which is delimited. One part is transparent, the other is colored.

Gradient filters on the market are divided into two types: color and neutral gray. The first type is used only for filming that takes place on film camera. For digital versions, this effect is not relevant, since with the help of Photoshop it can be done in a couple of mouse clicks. This suggests that its use should not interest the modern photographer.

The ND filter should be given special attention.

The action of a gradient neutral gray filter is, in principle, similar to the functions of a conventional ND. Both that, and another do not pass an excess light. But it must be remembered that in gradient filters The ND coating is applied only to half of the glass area.

“Why such a “half” filter?” - you ask. Let's explain with an example. You decide to shoot a flowering field and clouds floating across the sky, the brightness of which is different. In the photograph you will not get the desired contrast: either the field will be darkish, or the sky will be dim. With the help of a gradient ND filter, the situation can be corrected. To do this, turn the filter with a transparent half to the dark part of the landscape, and neutral gray to the sky. The sky will become a little darker and equal in brightness to the bottom half of the image. As a result, the brightness of both parts will be the same.

This effect can be achieved without filters. But first you need to take a few shots that differ from each other in exposure. Then they are processed and, having selected the necessary parts of the photographs, several shots are glued into one. This procedure takes time and the need to take several shots with different settings. With a light filter, a photo of the desired quality can be taken at a time.

Shop selection

If you have decided which filter you need and intend to go to the photo store for it, remember a few more points:

  • filters differ in thread, as they are made for certain types of lenses. Consult with an intelligent seller and he will tell you what's what;
  • choose filters according to the manufacturer and do not take versions without branding. The fact is that unknown manufacturers make them from cheap materials, the quality of which can only be dreamed of. After using this filter for a while, you will begin to notice various kinds of distortion in the pictures. This means that the materials from which they are made began to break down, and the filter elements began to spread and delaminate;
  • do not buy filters marked Nikon, Canon, Minolta, etc. We are not mistaken and do not cross out what was said above. Filters of these brands are distinguished by quality and reliability. But their labeling is just a label: these firms do not manufacture light filters, but order them from other, less well-known manufacturers. If you buy a Nikon or Canon branded filter, you will pay the lion's share of the cost for the brand name, and not for the product itself;
  • buy filters from the companies listed below, you will not overpay and get really good quality filters. It's about:


Optische Werke G. Rodenstock has been active in the photographic optics market for more than 100 years. The brand's products occupies a leading position in the light filter market and are considered the best in the world. The best product recommendation is that the coolest professional photographers around the world use Rodenstock branded filters. And if you want a product of impeccable quality, take a closer look at Rodenstock.


World class filter manufacturer. A distinctive feature of HOYA products is the use of unique technologies that ensure quality, reliability and durability in operation.

Users digital cameras can pay attention to the filters of the HOYA PRO1 Digital line: they were specially developed for cameras of this type and therefore are the best choice.

Schneider B&W

One of the world's leading manufacturers of light filters. A distinctive feature of the brand's products is not only a wide range of filters, but also the exceptional strength of the frames.


Due to their excellent quality, filters marked TIFFEN can be seen in professional photographers worldwide. But in Russia, the brand is poorly known due to the fact that brand products are sold much less frequently than products of other brands.

Summing up what has been said, we note that in order to obtain photographs good quality you need filters - without them, the filming process will be incomplete.

The success of a photographer is a combination of his knowledge, skills and possibilities for processing. Light filters play an important role in creating a high-quality photograph, allowing the photographer to fully realize the idea at the very beginning of work on the photograph.

It is not known what caused the sharp increase in the popularity of using filters at the post-processing stage (processing of ready-made images). It may not be the waning popularity of Instagram with fashionable images or something else, but the use of "electronic filters" is growing every day. It's becoming the norm now that a finished photo isn't considered complete without some kind of embellishment added in post-processing. There is no doubt that software filters are convenient and play an important role in the shooting process. However, they cannot be limited to only them.

There are many noteworthy reasons for using physical filters during filming. British photographer Jason Row, who has worked for Virgin Atlantic, Ethiad, Cunard and numerous magazines, explores the subject and has a lot to say. He constantly travels, posting the results of his work on his Facebook page. We want to introduce you to the wizard's tips on applying filters to the post-production stage.

Why are physical filters good?

The most obvious reason to use them is image quality. Of course, any "obstacle" that is located between the front lens of the lens and the object being shot slightly degrades the accuracy of transferring all the nuances. is no exception, it must be admitted, no matter what some photographers say. But the important thing is that the quality deteriorates only once, and then they work with the image without transforming it during post-processing. A modified image that is written to a memory card will have better performance than a similar one processed by software.

Another clear example of the use of filters on the camera is to filter out the negative effects of the flash. Often photographers use physical fixtures to balance temperature and light levels when working with an external source. With the help of software tools, it is possible to correct blots and flaws, but this is a complex and slow procedure. There are effects that cannot be reproduced at all through post-production filters. For example, these are strong or similar LEE Big Stopper - also neutral, with increased density. These filters are used to create the effect of motion blur in the sky or on the water, which allows you to work with slow shutter speeds.

There are other aspects that have advantages over post-processing. These are, for example, graduated filters - ND Grad. You can achieve the appropriate result with the help of quite good software tools. However, their “add gradation” function does not allow you to remove unwanted lighting effects, and the physical filter does the job quite well. It makes it possible to obtain the correct exposure throughout the image. With it, you do not need to take several frames (separately for the foreground and the sky, for example), combining them into one in order to preserve the key moments of light and color reproduction.

And finally, another positive, although not obvious, aspect of working with physical filters is that they make you shoot a little slower, which allows the photographer to carefully examine the entire scene, understand how to control the light, how it is distributed, and this ultimately increases the level of professionalism. . The delay associated with the need to install a filter will help to study the composition more deeply, to think over points regarding focal length, depth of field. This cannot be done with a simple mouse click in post-processing. The photographer needs to know exactly what filters he should use in different situations, what he wants to get as a result. How much glare will be reflected from the surface of the water? Will the evening sky be “lit up” if the camera parameters are set to the ground? How will the temperature of the light change if the light of the flash is mixed with the natural rays pouring from the window? All such technical questions develop the photographer well, which, of course, benefits the creative process.

The main inconveniences associated with the use of filters in post-processing

In post-processing, every action that is performed on the image degrades its quality - albeit not by much. This effect is cumulative, that is, more picture changes, the worse its quality. When using physical filters made famous companies of good glass, you can minimize the loss.

In post-production, the temptation is always great to keep applying filters - over and over. This is very simple to implement, and it seems to inexperienced photographers that the result will only get better. However, an excess of technical tools makes it difficult to take a step back to evaluate yourself objectively. Continuing to "adjust" images with the help of software, you can not achieve anything, while working with physical filters reflects the final result as much as possible and, if it is not good, you can see it right away.

Finally, there are things that are simply not available to software tools. A good example of this is polarization. It can only be reproduced by physical means. The polarizing filter allows you to display the rich color of the blue sky, work with contrast, neutralize reflections from the water in the lake or glare from the green smooth foliage. There are also technical possibilities for this - but it is very difficult, sometimes not feasible at all, and it is much easier to use physical devices.

There is nothing wrong with using digital filters in post-processing. In skillful hands, they allow you to create amazing, non-standard paintings and original images. However, physical means should not be neglected. With their help, you can do what is impossible to do with any newfangled software, learn to analyze the scene, camera parameters, lighting and do things on your own that are inaccessible even to the most advanced computer.

Filter- this is a way to show in the window only those database records that satisfy the user's requirements. Filters are one-time requests, without a name. They are easy to use. You can apply filters to a table, query, or form, but only one table's data is always filtered. The filter shows all fields.

There are several types of filters in MS Access DBMS.

To install filters, run the command EntriesFilter or use one of the buttons on the toolbar.

They allow respectively:

ü set the filter for the selection;

ü change the filter;

ü apply/remove filter.

In addition, there is a filter that is set by calling the context menu on the desired table field - this is a filter by input.

Filter by selection. It is necessary to select a fragment of the content of the desired field and set the filter in one of the following ways: EntriesFilterFilter by selection, tool , context menu – Filter by selection. As a result, there will be records that match in this field or in part of it. In the original table Treaties select tour code 12 (Fig. 3.18) and click on the corresponding icon.

Rice. 3.18. Table content Treaties

As a result of these actions, the table is reduced and displays data only for the selected tour code (Fig. 3.19).

Rice. 3.19. Filtered data

The tool will bring the table to its original form.

Filter by form or change the filter. Using filter by shape the result is an empty table folded into a line with a list icon in each field where you can set the selection criterion. You can also use the logical operators AND, OR, NOT in the criteria.

For example, you need in the database Tourism view only those records in which start date tour after 06/01/2006. Need to open a spreadsheet Contracts. Press the button. In field start date tour type the condition >#01.06.06# (Fig. 3.20), bearing in mind that Date/Time type constants are enclosed in #. As a result, only the records corresponding to the criteria will remain on the screen (Fig. 3.21). We will perform these actions for the filtered data (tour code 12).

Rice. 3.20. Table row where filtering conditions can be set

After that you need to press the button Apply filter .

Rice. 3.21. Data Selection Result

The sorting tool can be used to sort the found records.

Input filter. It is set by calling the context menu on the required table field. Can be used in tables and forms. Allows you to find records that meet several conditions at the same time.

Advanced filter. Called by command EntriesFilterAdvanced filter. In the filter form window, the user has the opportunity to create a filter by entering the selection conditions, with the help of which, from all records in open form or the table is allocated a subset that satisfies the given conditions. In addition, the filter form specifies the sort order for one or more fields.
