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How to open a cafe-patisserie with financial calculations (business plan). Confectionery business plan: business from scratch. What to consider

Dear site visitors, below is an example of a business plan with economic calculations for a café-confectionery. This document was compiled by professional economists and can be used to adapt it to your project. If you have any questions or do not find the section you need, or you have questions about its preparation or calculations, you can always contact us via mail, VKontakte group or by leaving a comment on the business plan.

Business Plan Summary

Project name: “Creation of a cafe-confectionery”

The goal of the project: to create a successful profitable café-pastry shop for middle-income visitors.

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is an already existing network of cafes and restaurants. This cafe-patisserie is a way to diversify your business. The project will be implemented by one initiator.

Investment costs

As part of the project, it is planned to conclude a lease for premises in the city center. Its renovation according to the company's design project, purchase and installation of equipment, design of the cafe. The total cost of investment expenses will be 2,300 thousand rubles. including the cost of equipment, repairs, costs of purchasing raw materials and maintaining the enterprise until it reaches the breakeven point.

Construction work will be carried out by a company that has been working in the construction services market for a long time and has proven itself well when opening previous cafes.

The equipment will be supplied by an enterprise that is a dealer of one of the domestic manufacturers of equipment for the production of confectionery products and commercial equipment. The company is fully responsible for the supply and installation of equipment, and also provides a warranty on the equipment for 3 years.

Project financing

The project will be financed from own funds (30% of the total investment amount) and from loan funds (70% of the total investment amount). As part of the project, a loan in the amount of 1,610 thousand rubles will be received. at a rate of 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule for 5 years. As part of the loan, a pledge will be issued for the premises of one of the cafes owned by the project initiator.

Based on the estimated income and expenses, a project payback model was built, on the basis of which the following performance indicators were obtained:

  • Inflation - 10%;
  • Simple payback period - 4.75 years;
  • - 5.67 years;
  • NPV - 3,063 thousand rubles.

These indicators indicate that the project is interesting in terms of payback and may be attractive to investors.

Suppliers of raw materials and materials

Suppliers of raw materials will be large raw materials companies in the city, with which the cafe chain has already established long-term and mutually beneficial relationships. Cafes take some types of raw materials directly from manufacturers. All raw materials and materials are delivered directly to the cafe, so there is no need to distract staff and there is no need to spend money on delivery.


As part of the project, products will be manufactured and sold, which we have divided into the following product groups:

  • Cakes
  • Pies and pie
  • Cakes
  • Macarons
  • Cookie
  • Marmalade and marshmallows
  • Tea, coffee, water
  • Alcohol products


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The volume of investment in the project is 2,300 thousand rubles. and consists of the following costs:

Naming of expenditures Sum
Registering a business and obtaining permits
Creation of a legal entity 1 000
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor 10 000
Obtaining permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority 2 000
Obtaining a liquor license 10 000
Repair work
Design layout development 20 000
Repair work 1 000 000
Installation of security and fire alarm systems 50 000
CCTV installation 70 000
Electrical repair 200 000
Repair of water supply and sewerage 160 000
Retail store equipment
Showcases 60 000
Cash machine 12 000
Furniture for visitors (tables, chairs) 130 000
Tablecloths 20 000
Equipment for the production of
Coffee machine 50 000
Combi oven 30 000
Mixer 10 000
Blender 10 000
Marketing campaign
Decorations for opening time 10 000
Distribution of leaflets and business cards about the opening 10 000
Making a sign 60 000
Window decoration 7 000
other expenses
Low value equipment 60 000
Raw materials for production 30 000
Investments until reaching the break-even point 278 000
TOTAL 2 300 000

The opening of the cafe-confectionery is planned to take place six months after the start of construction work. The work schedule is presented in the diagram below:


For the operation of the café-confectionery, a premises was chosen in the city center, which meets all the norms and requirements of the SES and state supervision. A long-term lease agreement has been concluded with the owner of the premises. The contract implies a rental holiday for 6 months - the period of repairs. Subsequently, the rent will be 100,000 rubles. VAT included.

The premises have the following rooms:

  • Production room and kitchen;
  • Room for changing clothes and rest for staff;
  • Director and management staff room;
  • Hall for visitors;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Bar counter;
  • Warehouse of raw materials and supplies.

The layout of the room is shown in the figure below:

Also below is a diagram of the placement of equipment and a diagram of the placement of tables in the hall for visitors:

The cafe's opening hours will be limited from 10-00 to 22-00 due to the fact that this is the time when the flow of customers provides the revenue necessary for the operation of the enterprise.

Manufacturing process

In the production and sale of products, the following process will be used and the following employees of the enterprise will participate:

  1. Raw materials for the manufacture of products arrive at the enterprise's warehouse, the storekeeper accepts the products and prepares the relevant documents.
  2. The chef gives instructions to the cooks about what products need to be produced today and in what volume.
  3. The cooks take the order to work, take the required amount of raw materials and bake the products, handing them over to the bartender.
  4. The bartender puts products on display.
  5. The waiter approaches the visitor, takes the order and passes it to the bartender.
  6. The bartender passes the finished order to the waiter, who takes it to the visitor.
  7. After eating, the visitor orders the bill and pays for it.

Product cost

Based on technological maps and product calculations, the cost price was calculated for product groups (the cost price was calculated on average for the product group per unit of measurement of the product in proportion to the planned volume of its sales):

  • Cakes - 324 RUR/kg
  • Pies and pie - 176 rub./kg
  • Cakes - 298 RUR/kg
  • Macarons - 452 RUR/kg
  • Cookies - 189 RUR/kg
  • Marmalade and marshmallows - 345 RUR/kg
  • Kishi -267 RUR/kg
  • Tea, coffee, water - 30 rub./l
  • Alcohol products - 1000 rub./l

Marketing plan


Today there are about 100 cafes and pastry shops in the city, which is a fairly low figure for a city with a population of one million, so the market is quite free and is just beginning to develop. The main competition for the enterprise can be coffee shops, but interest in them from consumers has faded to a sufficient extent, very few new coffee shops are appearing, and the old ones practically do not invest in their further development.


A location in the city center was chosen for the location of the café-pastry shop. Near this place there are large shopping and office centers, whose employees will be potential clients of the establishment. It is planned that these workers will be able to both eat inside the cafe and take confectionery products with them to the office.


In order to provide the highest quality products in the café-confectionery, it was decided not to greatly inflate the range of products, but to take only the most popular and best-selling products. It was also decided not to expand product groups due to the limited capabilities of the kitchen. The assortment in quantity will be presented below. We will not name specific products, since over time it can change both within the group and the groups themselves, depending on fashion trends and customer tastes.

  • Cakes - 6 items;
  • Pies and pie - 10 items;
  • Cakes - 4 items;
  • Pasta - 7 items;
  • Cookies - 5 items;
  • Marmalade and marshmallows - 7 items;
  • Kishi -3 items;
  • Tea, coffee, water - 10 items;
  • Alcohol products - 20 items.

Price policy

The establishment will target customers with an average income level, therefore prices will be set based on the average prices of establishments of this level. In addition, the selected product range will help maximize the marginal profit from the sale of products.

Product prices, cost and marginal profit are presented in the table below:

Product group cost (RUB/kg) Price (RUB/kg) Share (%%) Marginal profit (RUB/kg)
Cakes 324 600 14% 276
Pies and pie 176 300 14% 124
Cakes 298 500 10% 202
Macarons 452 900 7% 448
Cookie 189 400 19% 211
Marmalade and marshmallows 345 700 16% 355
Kishi 267 500 4% 233
Tea, coffee, water 30 200 9% 170
Alcohol products 1000 2000 8% 1000
TOTAL 321,65 634,00 100% 312,35

Below is a sales chart:

Volume of sales

We will calculate the sales plan based on the average check for such establishments and the possible throughput of the enterprise, taking into account hours when there are few customers and peak hours. At the same time, the received monthly volume is the revenue when the enterprise reaches full capacity of its work (there will be sufficient fame and promotion of the establishment). Until this time, this sales volume will be subject to coefficients for the cafe to reach full capacity, as well as seasonality coefficients.

The average bill for an enterprise is planned to be 400 rubles;

The average planned number of checks per day is 100;

The calculation of the average monthly revenue of a café-patisserie is presented below:

“Revenue” = “average receipt” x “number of receipts” x “number of days” = 400 x 100 x 30 = 1,200,000 rubles.

The table below shows seasonality coefficients for sales of similar enterprises:

The table below shows the coefficients for the cafe reaching full capacity:

As we can see from the graph, the company will spend the first 8 months preparing for launch, and after opening it will gradually increase its revenue. Reaching the planned sales volume will occur 21 months after the start of the project.

Advertising strategy

  • advertising in specialized magazines for cafes and establishments - 10,000 rubles/month;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards in the first month - 10,000 rubles/month;
  • conducting price promotions in the first month of operation - 40,000 rubles;
  • installation of a large sign and decoration of a storefront with a facade - 120,000 rubles;
  • decoration with balloons inside and outside the premises at the time of opening - 10,000 rubles;
  • placement of banners for the first 3 months of opening the establishment - 30,000 rubles. production, 15,000 rub./mess for placement;
  • placement of advertising leaflets in existing cafe chain establishments - 1,000 rubles. for production.

Organizational plan

It is planned that the enterprise will be opened as a limited liability company. The founder of a legal entity will be one individual.

To simplify and optimize taxation, it is planned to work on a simplified taxation system of 15% of the “income minus expenses” base.

Enterprise personnel

The staff of the cafe-confectionery and its planned salary are presented below in the staffing table:

Job title Qty Salary Prize
Director 1 30 000 10% of enterprise profit
Chef 1 20 000 2% of revenue
Cooks 3 15 000 1.5% of revenue
Administrator 1 20 000 2% of revenue
Waiters 6 10 000 1% of revenue
Cleaning woman 1 10 000
TOTAL 105 000

Below is the subordination diagram of the café-confectionery staff:

Financial plan

Input data

To calculate the project's payback, we proceeded from the following prerequisites and macroeconomic indicators:

  • inflation rate - 10%;
  • discount rate - 11%;

Tax environment:

  • income tax - 15%;
  • contributions to social funds - 34.2%;
  • Personal income tax - 13%;
  • VAT - 0% due to the fact that the cafes will operate on a simplified taxation system.

Project financing

In order to finance the project, it is planned to obtain a bank loan. The loan amount will be 70% of the required investment amount, which is equal to 1,610 thousand rubles. The cost of funds will be calculated at a rate of 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule for 5 years. As part of the loan, a pledge will be issued for the premises of one of the cafes owned by the project initiator.

Project payback indicators

The calculation of the model produced the following indicators of the effectiveness of the investment project:

  • The model construction period is 10 years;
  • Inflation - 10%;
  • Simple payback period - 4.75 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 5.67 years;
  • NPV - 3,063 thousand rubles.

This means that the project is interesting from an investment point of view and has an interesting return on investment for the project initiator.

Break-even point calculation

For the current structure and today's prices for selling products and purchasing raw materials, a calculation was made of the break-even point of the project, which showed that the cafe-confectionery will be able to turn a profit if its revenue is more than 783 thousand rubles. per month. With an average monthly planned revenue of 1,200 thousand rubles. This is a completely achievable indicator and will be achieved within the 7th month of the enterprise’s operation.


This calculation of an example of a business plan for a café-patisserie shows good payback rates, so this project is interesting from an investment point of view and may be of interest to both private investors and credit institutions.

In this material:

A confectionery business plan from scratch, examples of calculations of which are given below, allows you to create a reliable business project that will flourish even in a crisis. The project does not have to specialize exclusively in the production of flour confectionery products. Along with the production of sweets, the enterprise can and should produce bread.

What will be the costs?

A business plan for a confectionery with calculations is unthinkable without taking into account the costs of purchasing equipment, renting premises, purchasing raw materials, etc. The initial costs only for the purchase of the necessary equipment will be about 600,000 rubles. Equipment for confectionery shops is both imported and domestic. The price difference is significant in favor of the latter. It is better to include in your business plan for a confectionery the purchase of everything you need in one set, which will allow you to get a discount and savings on delivery and installation.

You need to select a kit that would allow you to produce:

  • wheat bread;
  • rye-wheat pan and hearth bread;
  • bakery products made from yeast dough;
  • flour confectionery products;
  • Easter cakes

If you plan to choose equipment from different manufacturers, focus on baking ovens. For example, their models HPE-500 and HPE-750, even at maximum oven load, are able to provide the same color and uniform baking of products. Equipment and devices must be selected to ensure:

  • sifting, loosening flour;
  • kneading dough, which is carried out in a dough mixing machine;
  • preparing confectionery masses - a mixer is used for this;
  • manual cutting and shaping of text blanks;
  • final proofing of dough pieces in a proofing cabinet;
  • baking in ovens.

This equipment is located on an area of ​​35-40 m². Its performance is:

  • bakery products - 45-50 kg/hour;
  • confectionery products - 18-20 kg/hour.

The main equipment includes the following (in thousand rubles):

  • stainless steel baking oven with baking trays measuring 700x460 mm - 45;
  • baking oven with a timer, chamber door material - glass, with baking trays measuring 700x460 mm - 65;
  • flour sifter with a capacity of 600 kg/h - 27;
  • dough mixer with a capacity of 60 liters for kneading hard and yeast dough - 70;
  • mixer with a bowl volume of 10 l with two speed modes - 40;
  • mixer with a bowl volume of 4.8 liters with two low speed modes - 60.;
  • proofer, glass - 25;
  • hearth sheet, 18 pcs. - 42;
  • bread pan, 72 pcs. - 42.

In total, 417 thousand rubles will be needed for basic equipment. But in addition to the basic equipment, additional equipment is also needed, which includes more than 10 items (in thousands of rubles), namely:

  • ventilation umbrella 1000x800x450 mm - 9.5;
  • pastry table 2000x800x850 mm - 18.5;
  • industrial wall table - 5.;
  • single-section washing bathtub with overall dimensions 470x450x870 mm - 3.5;
  • two-section washing bathtub with overall dimensions 850x470x870 mm - 7;
  • rack with dimensions 1200x400x1800 mm - 10;
  • trolley-pin for hearth sheets (for HPE furnaces) - 22.5;
  • scales with a maximum weighing limit of 5 kg, 2 pcs. - 11.5;
  • scales with a maximum weighing limit of 20 kg - 5.5;
  • refrigerated cabinet for 700 l - 45.5;
  • Chest freezer 236 l - 16.

As a result, 12 items of additional equipment will cost 155.5 thousand rubles. The total amount required for equipment for the confectionery is 572.5 thousand rubles.

Other expenses

The business plan for a confectionery with calculations should include expenses for the following:

  • rental of premises;
  • wage fund (payroll);
  • public utilities;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • fuel costs;
  • Unexpected expenses.

Renting a room with an area of ​​50-60 m², depending on the region, will cost 25-50 thousand rubles. per month. At the very beginning, you need to pay for the first and last month, which will amount to 50-100 thousand rubles. Another 200 thousand rubles will be spent on furniture, a cash register, cosmetic repairs, and office supplies. In addition, you need to provide your own vehicle fleet, which will consist of 3-5 GAZelles, which will require another 1.2-2 million rubles.

Monthly expenses will be (thousand rubles):

  • purchase of raw materials - 120;
  • Payroll - 250;
  • rent - 25-50.;
  • fuel costs - 50;
  • utilities - 25;
  • unforeseen expenses 30.

In total, 500-525 thousand rubles will be spent per month. The staff will consist of 3-5 bakery employees, a technologist, an administrator and 3-5 drivers. Additionally, a sales manager must be added to the staff, who will be involved in concluding contracts for the supply of manufactured products. The payroll may be higher, depending on the level of wages in the region.

Expected profit

Profit from production depends on the organization of sales. The products are perishable products and it will not be possible to sell all the goods.

A good indicator is considered if sales account for 75% of all baked goods produced.

Achieving this indicator allows you to receive a net profit of 30-40% of turnover, or 250-280 thousand rubles. per month. The return on the initial investment is 2-2.8 million rubles. is 1.5-2 years, since it will not be possible to achieve such a profit in the first months of the enterprise’s activity.

A business plan for a mini-confectionery shop for the production of confectionery products may contain other data. For example, the owner can reduce the initial costs of both equipment and transportation by agreeing with the store to produce baked goods on its premises. In this case, production volumes will be small, but there will be no transportation costs, and the payroll will be lower.

If you build a pastry shop into an already functioning cafe, the costs of opening it will be lower. Such an enterprise can be opened for 250 thousand rubles, but the income from it will not exceed 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, the project will be characterized by seasonality. You can also think about starting a business from the cafe itself, in which the pastry shop will be only an integral part.

When opening a full-fledged production, you need to think about establishing good logistics and sales. Concluding agreements only with partners in the retail chain will not be enough; you will have to find places to install kiosks through which products will be sold. The cost of opening such kiosks is 150-300 thousand rubles, but each of them increases sales by 6-10%, or 50-80 thousand rubles. with monthly expenses of 30-45 thousand rubles. The presence of 10 such kiosks increases the profit of the enterprise by 150-350 thousand rubles.

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Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 180,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 86,720 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 255,000 rubles.
  • Payback – from 3 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for a mini-confectionery with calculations.

Description of service

The organization bakes cakes, pancakes and muffins to order. We are considering a situation where a private entrepreneur independently prepares products for sale. He does not have any additional employees. There is only the desire of a good cook to become a real seller of sweets. We are considering renting the premises, but you can also use your own premises if available.

Market analysis

The realities of today suggest that it is almost impossible for a simple confectionery shop to open and stay afloat. This is due to the very high competition of the industry.

Having examined the analytical data, we can conclude that the industry is not developing today. There was a glut of goods in the market. There has been no growth rate since 2000. Even small towns are oversaturated with confectionery products.

Competition in the industry is very high, and accordingly, the requirements for products are high. How can a private entrepreneur with a small production volume attract buyers? First of all, the exclusivity of the products offered. Why are people willing to buy such a product? Because large stores offer the same products to the client. They don’t have variety, or rather, they do have variety, only in large supermarkets they sell the same thing as in a small retail store. In general, this is a very relative diversity.

People want something special that is made just for them. So, today cakes made from mastic, products with photos, drawings, small toys, and figurines are very popular. How does the whole process work? The person tells the seller about the required weight and the event itself. Attention is also paid to the specific features of the life of the person or people for whom this cake will be prepared. The same thing happens with baking small muffins and pancakes.

An important advantage is that, in fact, production directly depends on the number of clients. That is, you can purchase the required amount of products in advance.

Of course, studying consumer demand information, you can see that cakes and pastries account for only 8%. But is it really that bad?

Firstly, our entrepreneur does not cook in such large quantities to provide for a large number of clients. The number of consumers will be much greater than the number of products produced. This will allow you to set a good price for handmade cakes.

Secondly, the candy and biscuit segment is experiencing the highest demand. At the same time, there is huge competition there. Large confectionery factories occupy most of the market. It is more than difficult to compete with them. And the profit from sales will be less than when making cakes.

So, who will become the main consumer of sweets from a private entrepreneur?

This may include people of average and above average income. As a rule, family people order cakes for birthdays, anniversaries, and name days. It is worth paying close attention to families with small children. Parents, as a rule, take a very responsible approach to preparing a holiday for their child. A handmade cake with your favorite cartoon characters will certainly delight your child.

Of course, it won't be possible without competition. There are three main competitors:

  1. Large shops and supermarkets . But a private entrepreneur will win against their background due to exclusivity, individual approach, quality and novelty of the ideas used.
  2. Coffee shops and other catering establishments . They can be eliminated by separating the buyer niche. Not everyone is ready to go celebrate the occasion in a cafe; many do it at home. And the cake will cost a little less, but the taste will be better.
  3. Other private entrepreneurs-confectioners . There are more and more such people today. You can fight them. It is necessary to prepare custom-made cakes so that people come again and again. And clients can bring new people. In this business, word of mouth is the main engine of advertising. Therefore, all that is required of the pastry chef is to do his job with love.

SWOT analysis

A person who knows how to cook delicious cakes is often afraid to open his own business. And he has every reason for this. Before starting a business, you need to study the area in detail, the market situation, and, ultimately, assess your own capabilities and take into account possible difficulties.

Not all factors can be controlled. There are also those that you will have to come to terms with or try to avoid.

External factors include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • Possibility of using various resources (large number of suppliers).
  • Low activity of competitors (meaning that other manufacturers are developing their own production and are not engaged in intra-class struggle).
  • Complete management of your own expenses and income.
  • High demand for the product.
  • The novelty of the idea, its “delicacy”.
  • Possibility of developing new products, recipes, varieties.
  • Growing income of the population.
  • Consumer love for exclusive things.
  • A large number of restrictions, the need for certification.
  • Constant demand for manufactured products (within the industry).
  1. Threats:
  • It is quite difficult to enter the market (this is due to the preparation of the necessary documents).
  • The emergence of other individual entrepreneurs with the same idea.
  • The emergence of new requirements and standards for manufactured products.
  • Tightening of work in this industry due to the emergence of new laws, SanPinov.
  • High sensitivity of business to external conditions.

There are also factors that the entrepreneur himself can regulate. They are also called internal. These include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Entrepreneur qualifications that determine product quality.
  • High level of motivation.
  • High performance.
  • Using the most effective advertising methods.
  • Product exclusivity.
  • Working with reliable product suppliers.
  • Use of high-quality modern equipment.
  • Experience in the industry (pastry chef).
  • Working with a specific segment.
  • Profit will depend on the entrepreneur himself.
  • Costs in case of failure will be minimal.
  1. Weak sides:
  • The need for initial investment.
  • There is no clear strategy.
  • Inexperience as an entrepreneur.
  • Product sales channels have not been developed.

First of all, an entrepreneur must resolve the following issues:

  1. Develop an assortment . It is best to create a portfolio with your work, a price list with detailed composition, weight, menu, and capabilities. This will not only make your business more presentable, but will also give it respect and respectability from clients.
  2. Focus on technology . It is very important to comply with all standards and not break the law. At this stage, it is necessary to study the existing legislation. You can use the services of a technologist.
  3. Find product suppliers . This, firstly, will help reduce costs, and secondly, will ensure the quality of the raw materials used. It's worth spending a little time finding a great supplier with all the necessary certifications. You can visit local grocery stores and compare prices.
  4. Start looking for clients early . This can be done at the stage of certification and search for premises.

Opportunity Assessment

What can you say about the possibilities? The entrepreneur himself can work at any time of the day or night. Everything will depend on the number of orders. The operating mode can be called irregular.

A private entrepreneur does not have to worry about the seasonality of work. There are many more consumers than he could bake cakes.

Based on the experience of many “private confectioners,” they also work on weekends. Moreover, on such days the number of orders is noticeably higher.

You can find a job in any area of ​​the city. The main thing here is to comply with all sanitary standards. You also need to take a closer look at the cost. It shouldn't be too big. You can take an ordinary room and bring it into a suitable form, in accordance with all norms and rules.

It is important to remember that the possibilities of one person are not limitless. If the demand is too great, you can hire another pastry baker and create masterpieces together.

In the future, you can think about developing your own packaging.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Since there will be only one entrepreneur, it is better to choose. In addition, if he has never had his own business, then he will be able to take advantage of tax holidays, but more on that later. The following OKVED codes must be specified:
  • 15.81 – Production of bread and flour confectionery products for non-durable storage;
  • 52.24.2 – Retail trade in confectionery products.
  1. We choose a taxation system (UTII is also possible, but tax holidays do not apply to it). Our organization produces goods, which means it can qualify for tax holidays. Where should I start? From studying the law on tax holidays. It is very important to see if it is accepted in your city. Remember that you can only take advantage of the 0% tax rate for 2 tax periods. We will make the calculations in this business plan based on a 0% rate.
  2. use not necessary. You can limit yourself to BSO. This will save the cost of purchasing a cash register and its maintenance.
  3. We study all the requirements of the SES, obtain the appropriate permission ( not necessary, but the check will still happen someday, so it’s better to prepare in advance). Remember that the SEZ must indicate the range of products produced (in the appendix).
  4. Certificates of product compliance with existing requirements are required.
  5. The equipment must also have certificates (Russian!).
  6. The development of technological maps for manufactured dishes must be agreed upon (applies specifically to the recipe).
  7. An agreement must be concluded with the organization carrying out disinfection, disinfestation and deratization.
  8. No work licenses no need.
  9. It is imperative to develop a program for monitoring compliance with sanitary standards at the enterprise.

Marketing plan

Price policy:

When determining the cost, you need to understand that people are willing to pay good money for quality goods. The cost will be clearly higher than the market average. Would anyone believe that a delicious, high-quality and exclusive cake can cost 300 rubles? For people, cost, on the contrary, will be a kind of indicator of quality.

When developing a promotion strategy, you need to understand that you do not need to use all types of advertising. This will not be effective and will significantly increase costs.

  1. Creating your own website . It's not worth saving on this. You should trust a professional who will make a “delicious” website for good money. It’s worth constantly updating it – adding photos and reviews from your clients. Of course, it is also important to promote your website so that it has as many visitors as possible.
  2. Opening a group on a popular network . Working with the community will be in many ways similar to working with a website - photos, reports, prices, compositions. You can attract new subscribers using online advertising.
  3. contextual advertising . Using it, you can advertise your own website, where contact information is located, or a group.
  4. "Word of mouth" . This method plays a huge role. It is impossible to manage it on your own. But to influence – very much so. You just need to love your job, do it with love! The more satisfied customers, the more new ones. Their number is growing exponentially, based on the professionalism of the confectioner.
  5. Carrying out promotions, discounts, bonuses . This method will allow you to develop your own client base. Together with the previous method, these will be real engines of promotion. Over time, contextual advertising may simply not be needed.

Calculation of projected income

We will assume that a pastry chef can prepare from 1 to 6 cakes per day. Everything here, of course, will depend on the level of skill. The average weight of the cake is at least 2 kilograms. Thus, the average return will be approximately as follows:

Production plan

The requirements for the premises are the same as for a mini-bakery:

  • No basements.
  • There must be a ventilation system.
  • It is necessary to have cold and hot water, as well as sewerage.
  • The ceilings should be whitewashed and the walls covered with tiles.
  • There must be a toilet and a warehouse at the production site.

Repairs must be done to comply with the requirements of the SES and fire inspection.

Equipment you will need:

  • bake;
  • mixer;
  • tables;
  • fridge.

The inventory will also include decorative devices and cutlery.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

Don’t forget that we chose the simplified tax system and are entitled to tax holidays. That is, the net profit will be equal to 89,800 rubles.

As for the insurance premiums of the entrepreneur. For amounts below 300,000 rubles (depending on the selected type of simplified tax system, the income base is also assigned) payments will be:

  • to the Pension Fund - 19,356.48 rubles;
  • in the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund – 3,796.85 rubles;
  • No contributions are paid to the TFOMS in 2016.

Total, total amount of contributions: 23,153.33 rubles.

For income over 300,000 rubles, the following contributions are paid:

  • there are no payments in the FFOMS;
  • in the Pension Fund - 1% of the amount of income, minus these 300,000 rubles.

Thus, the annual income will be: 180,000*12= 2,160,000 rubles.

We do not take expenses into account in our calculations. In a particular case, everything will depend on the chosen taxation system.

So, insurance payments will be: 23,153.33 + (2,160,000 – 300,000)*0.01= 41,753.33 rubles. We remind you that this insurance payments not in a month, but for the whole year.

To calculate profitability, let’s take the average monthly value of payments: 3,480 rubles.

Profitability: 86,720/180,000 = 48.18%.

Payback: 255,000/86,720 = 2.94. Opening a confectionery shop will pay for itself in 3 months.


The prospects turned out to be rosy. But it is important to think about possible risks. The most significant risks include:

  1. Cost growth . It will be associated with rising prices for raw materials and rent. You can protect yourself by concluding long-term contracts for the rental of premises and the supply of raw materials.
  2. Increased competition. It is important to work with the client base, replenish it, offer your regular customers discounts, promotions, bonuses (for example, after purchasing 4 cakes, pancakes are a gift!). Let's not forget about quality.
  3. Changes in legislation . There is no way to protect yourself. But it is worth remembering that experienced lawyers can always help.
  4. Technological risks (equipment breakdown). Everything is much simpler here. Buying new equipment will not be difficult if there is such a need.
  5. Risk of delivery delays . We do not forget about the formation of trade stocks, we are looking for a reliable supplier, we indicate late delivery in the contract and the subsequent “sanctions” for the supplier.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

A confectionery store, despite a fairly high level of competition, can be a very good and profitable business. In order to open it, you will need to go through several steps. It is extremely important not to make any mistakes, because in the future even small mistakes can jeopardize the existence of your entire business.

Step 1. Registration and execution of activities

Like any other type of activity, the confectionery business requires official registration. Without this, you risk not only your money, but even your own freedom.

As a rule, the owners of confectionery shops register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The option with an individual entrepreneur is more suitable for beginning entrepreneurs.

Next, you will need to obtain a taxpayer certificate. The best option in this case would be to use a unified taxation system. However, you can also choose a simplified one with objects: income minus expenses (15%) or income (6%).

It is better to discuss the nuances associated with paying taxes even before registration with the accountant who will subsequently manage your company.

Among other things, before starting work you will need to undergo inspections by the sanitary and epidemiological station (Rospotrebnadzor) and the fire inspectorate. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • if the premises are located in a residential building, it must have separate entrances and exits;
  • It is not allowed to accept food from the side of the yard, where the entrances to apartments and windows are located;
  • the premises must be equipped with high-quality water supply and sewerage systems;
  • there must be sinks with cold and hot water supply;
  • It is prohibited to use imported water;
  • knives and cutting boards are marked in accordance with the products for which they are intended;
  • all food products must be accepted with documents confirming their safety and quality;
  • When storing products, storage standards and product proximity must be observed, storage conditions and expiration dates must be taken into account.

It is very important to take into account all requirements and constantly monitor their implementation.

Step 2. Renting premises

When drawing up a business plan for a candy store, you need to immediately choose the location in which it will be located. Preference should be given to places with high traffic. So, the ideal solution would be to rent a room near a market, shopping and entertainment complex or near child care facilities. The main thing is not to start working near supermarkets. Almost no confectionery shop is able to withstand such competition.

If you live in a large city, it makes sense to look for premises in a multi-storey building in a residential area (in the absence of competitors). You also need to take into account the store's pricing policy. If the products are designed mainly for wealthy clients, it is better to locate in the city center, near business centers and offices.

For the store itself, 40-50 m2 is quite enough. However, if you also want to make a small cafe area, you will additionally need about 10-30 m2.

It is important that the premises have access to high-quality cold and hot water, ventilation, sewerage, electricity and a fire extinguishing system. If it is located on the territory of a residential building, there are other conditions: for example, the presence of separate evacuation entrances and exits. Reception of goods is carried out from that part of the building where there are no windows, and waste containers must be located at least 25 m from the residential building.

The premises should have areas for counters and display cases, cash registers, as well as places for storing finished products.

Step 3. Purchase of equipment

This expense item must be included in the business plan of a candy store, because without high-quality equipment it is simply impossible to work.

You will need a minimum standard kit, including:

  • racks for displaying sweets, cookies and other products;
  • refrigeration equipment: display cases for cakes and pastries, ice cream chests, storage chambers for other products, as well as refrigerators for drinks;
  • showcases, counters;
  • computer with the necessary software;
  • special clothing for all working employees;
  • packaging for take-out of goods.

If you have a mini-cafe, you will also need appropriate furniture, dishes and tablecloths. You can save money by renting all the necessary equipment rather than purchasing it.

Step 4. Product purchase

When planning to open a confectionery shop, you need to immediately think about where and from whom you will order the goods themselves. On average, you will have to spend about 300-400 thousand rubles per month on purchasing products. The optimal range of products for a confectionery includes:

  • bakery products - about 10-20 types;
  • cakes, pies - 20-30 types;
  • waffles, gingerbreads, cookies - 20-30 types;
  • cakes - 10-15 types;
  • jams, preserves, honey - 5-8 varieties;
  • marmalade, sweets, halva - 40-50 types;
  • chocolate - 20-30 items;
  • ice cream, cocktails;
  • related products: chewing gum, lollipops, etc.;
  • tea, coffee, other drinks.

The initial assortment may consist of 60-80 items. However, it must be constantly updated. Plus, it is extremely important to monitor product quality. All your suppliers should be reliable, well-established companies. The contract should be concluded only with those of them that are able to offer high quality products at reasonable prices.

Among other things, you will need to purchase a modern program for accounting for goods. At the same time, you should know that accounting is carried out both by piece (cakes, cakes) and by weight (cookies, sweets). It is necessary to constantly monitor the freshness and quality of goods.

Not everyone manages to pass by a candy store indifferently - the aromas of chocolate, pastries and other sweets attract those with a sweet tooth. Open a confectionery shop in a crowded place, provide freshness and quality of goods, a warm welcome, and there will always be customers at your counters.

Selling food products is always profitable - this statement is beyond doubt. Trade in confectionery products is no exception, but there are features in this business, without knowledge of which it is difficult to survive in conditions of serious competition.

One of the features is that candies are successfully sold to those with a sweet tooth. Believe it or not, cakes, pastries and other sweets bring especially good income to those who love them. This is the lyrics - let's get down to business.

How profitable is a business selling confectionery products?

Almost every business turns out to be profitable, provided that you approach the business with soul and mind, and continually improve. People who successfully sell sweets claim that it is profitable.

On pre-holidays and public holidays, trade is very active. True, there are also lulls. In the summer, for example, people don’t buy confectionery very readily, but you can survive by selling soft drinks and ice cream.

The starting investment in a candy store is about 7,000 euros. These investments will pay off in a period of 7 months to a year; this directly depends on how many customers you can attract to the store. If 200-300 customers come to you every day and make purchases for an average of 10-15 rubles, you can consider your business a success.

Store opening price

Today you can open a confectionery shop with 580-740 thousand. When setting up a store in rented premises, you will spend a significant part of this money on rent.

  • Indoor renovation – 80-90 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment – ​​200-250 thousand rubles.
  • The first batch of goods is 300-400 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • Rent of premises – 100 thousand rubles.
  • Salary – 90 thousand rubles.

Total: 190,000 rub.

The advantage of this business is that you don’t need to spend money on advertising, word of mouth and people’s love for sweets will do their job.

How to choose a location for a store

Do not look for a place for a candy store near shopping centers and supermarkets, as you will have the same selection, but prices in large stores may be lower. It’s better to try to settle down near large public transport stops and in residential areas.

It’s good if your store is located on the way to school, kindergarten or a transport stop, many people who come across a confectionery shop will definitely go into it. The smell of sweets makes you forget about prohibitions and diets.

What should the premises of a candy store look like?

The store must be large enough to accommodate display cases, shelving, a refrigerator and a counter. The optimal size is 50 sq. m. In a cramped room with a lot of equipment, customers will have nowhere to calmly choose the right product. Sometimes shops set up tables and open mini-cafes.

Many customers like to have a cup of coffee with a fresh cake, enjoying the aroma of chocolate and vanilla. Such an innovation will provide additional income, but will require another 10-15 sq. m. m area.

The interior of a candy store can be simple, the main thing is that it is light and clean, and smells of candy. It’s not a sin to cheat a little and scent the room with a vanilla and chocolate scented spray.

Equipment for confectionery

To place sweets, you need special confectionery wall and corner racks. It is stable, and on the shelves you can install sections with sweets. Each section costs about 4,000 rubles, in total you will need from 5 to 10 sections.

The shelving can be supplemented with inclined shelves for chocolate bars and boxes of candy (RUB 700). Display counters and a counter, which will become the seller’s workplace, are definitely needed - 1,500 to 4,000 rubles.

For cakes and pastries, you need a refrigerated confectionery display case with a temperature of 0-+10 C. When choosing such a display case, pay attention to the width of the shelves so that you can place as many products as possible on them. Showcases with convex glass have better visibility and appearance.

Sweets are sold by weight, so you can't do without electronic scales. They cost from 3,000 to 25,000 rubles, the more expensive ones are equipped with receipt printing.

If you decide to set up a mini-cafe in your store, you will need chairs (4 pcs.) and tables (2 pcs.). Price – from 1,500 rubles. Tables and chairs (2 pieces each) – 1,500-2,500 rubles.

How to select staff for a pastry shop

We advise you to stay in the store as much as possible at first in order to understand the intricacies of trade, find out which products are in greatest demand, what time peak hours occur, etc. The seller must serve customers in such a way that they want to come into your store. shop as often as possible.

When serving visitors, you need to not only sell candy, but also be able to offer a new product. Warmth and joy should emanate from the person behind the counter. The seller must know the assortment well, be honest and clean.

Selection of assortment

The assortment in your store should correspond to the purchasing power of the majority of your customers. If you have located a store in a fashionable area, with many boutiques, banks and offices, focus your attention on exclusive products. When settling in a residential area, bet on average prices, but try to expand the range as much as possible.

The store almost always has regular customers who come shopping several times a week. Create an assortment based on their wishes.

The peculiarity of confectionery products is that they become boring. Therefore, be sure to update the list of sweets on the counter. Select a display case where only new items will be displayed, and you will see with what pleasure people buy new candies.

In general, the assortment of a confectionery store is approximately in the following ratio:

  • Chocolates – about 80 types.
  • Caramel – 30 types.
  • Candy in boxes – 30 types.
  • Marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, cookies, chocolate - 30-40 types.
  • A separate display case with nuts, dried fruits and oriental sweets.
  • Cakes, pastries.
  • Coffee, tea, juices.

The initial costs will be recouped within a year.
