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How to sell a swimsuit abroad. Sell ​​leotard for rhythmic gymnastics abroad

Do you know that YOUR GYMNASTICS SWIMWEAR IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE(with a good benefit for themselves) ABROAD.

For this, a new bulletin board has been created for the sale of gymnastic leotards abroad. It is better to fill out ads in English and describe your coupe in as much detail as possible so that later you do not have to answer each buyer a lot of questions (in a well-known language).

Those who do not know English can use the Google translator. In order for automatic translation to be as correct and understandable as possible, short, clear sentences should be used. Let's say instead of CHARMING, STUNNING, STUNNING, use BRIGHT, SPECTACULAR, SATURATED COLORS, etc., that is, frequently used words and expressions, in this case, you can be sure that they will be translated correctly for sure. Do not be lazy when writing a description, even separate in simple terms, as people often search for products by color, country, city, age, size.

Since gymnastics is one of the most popular sports in our country, there are a lot of children participating in competitions. And sadly, performance leotards often cost a lot of money, even if they are self-made (rhinestones are very expensive and used in large quantities). And if the daughter has been doing rhythmic gymnastics for several years, then this has a very strong effect on the family budget.

Often, families deny themselves a lot in order to be able to pay for the child's trips to competitions, training, trips to training camps, items and, of course, good, high-quality leotards for performances. But as you know, children grow up very quickly and sometimes a girl will not have time to perform a couple of times in a new swimsuit, as it becomes already small and you have to sell it at a reduced price in order to be able to pay for the next one.

But this is not always easy, since the CIS market is very oversaturated with leotards for performances, and abroad people experience a clear shortage of craftsmen who can sew something sensible. And besides, foreigners are very positive about online shopping, (unlike our customers), especially if these are goods that are quite problematic for them to find in their own country. So there is no need to leave your new and second-hand swimwear gathering dust in the closet, if possible, by selling them, please both the customer and yourself :) Especially since fashion is so changeable and designs quickly "grow old".

Some useful English expressions to complete the ad.

Rhythmic gymnastics competition leotard

  • Chest-
  • Waist-
  • hips-
  • Torso (body)
  • Color-
  • Size-

hand painted.

Website address:

If this information was not useful to you, please share it with your friends, for sure it will seem useful to many.

Selling swimwear requires a higher return on the salesperson than, say, selling clothes, or even underwear. The swimsuit consists of two elements, respectively, the size should fit both the bottoms and the bust. The bottom part is easier. It is more difficult to choose the top of a swimsuit that will emphasize the beauty of the bust or help to return the “drooping” chest to its proper place.

the main task seller– to analyze the figure of the client and unobtrusively offer models that will emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide the flaws. In this case, the main thing is practice and delicacy. Often women are embarrassed to show themselves to the seller in the model being tried on, and simply state from the fitting room: either the size is large or small. The skill of the seller is to liberate the client, let him know that he wants and can provide real help. Contact should be made at the window, then it will be easier to work in the fitting room.

The seller must ask questions to understand what is required from a swimsuit, for what purposes it will be used. Often the buyer believes that he can visually determine his size - a deceptive impression. But you should not immediately sober up the client if you have determined with an experienced eye that the size will be clearly small. Let the client try on this swimsuit, specifying that you are afraid that it will be tight. In the meantime, consider which models to offer for fitting. Remember - a naked client in a fitting room is already 90% your buyer. Women often remember their previous swimsuit, which served them "a million", show interest, ask them to tell you what kind of swimsuit it was, maybe you have something to offer of this kind.

If the client has decided on the swimsuit model don't forget to suggest related products. For a separate swimsuit - a pareo, a beach bag, a hat, for a joint swimsuit - a cap for the pool, glasses, slates. Please note that there are swimming trunks for men, children's swimwear (if you have them, of course).

You bought a separate swimsuit. Fine. Offer to look after a joint for the pool, and vice versa - a separate one for sunbathing. Make sure that the person remembers that you have swimwear for all occasions.

If you offered many models, and the client could not decide, in no case show frustration about this. Offer to come in when you are expected to arrive. Not all people are ready to make a purchase right away. Perhaps your customer will come back for a purchase tomorrow.

If the seller manages to help a woman choose a comfortable model decorating the figure, then undoubtedly this client will become your regular customer and will recommend your store to others. And reputation in trade is not unimportant.

How to sell underwear correctly and what sales technique will give the best results in your store? You will get answers to these questions on this page. Here you will find all the main rules for selling lingerie. You will learn about speech preparations, scripts and sales scripts. How to make and apply them.

Be patient, there will be a lot of information. Perhaps what you read here will fundamentally change the way you approach lingerie sales.

To get started, just think: why do people who come into your store, do not buy underwear and leave?

Thought?... Well thought?

Here are the standard sellers' explanations for why they can't sell lingerie to customers.

  • Buyers don't need anything right now.
  • We are all expensive
  • Went in just to warm up.
  • This girl was killing time
  • The buyer was angry, not in the mood, etc.

This truth happens sometimes, even quite sometimes, or even very rarely, or even even more rarely.

These are just excuses, behind which there is nothing, nothing at all: no knowledge, no understanding, no skills, no skills, no result.

It's not the seller's fault, they ordinary people, they didn't go to sales training, they don't know what to do in this or that situation, they don't want to read a lot of books for training and generally learn something. It's true.

Here are some of my options for why visitors leave your store without buying underwear.

  • Nothing in the store attracted attention
  • Necessary, but no money to buy something
  • I do not like what the seller offers
  • Don't like the seller (unconsciously)
  • No trust (unconsciously)
  • I need a cheaper option, but they offered an expensive one
  • Get used to buying elsewhere
  • I'm more comfortable with the underwear I'm currently wearing.
  • I really liked the product in another store
  • Wants, but feel sorry for the money (toad strangles)
  • Doesn't believe what the seller says (deliberately)
  • Wants to bargain (sports interest, but in your store they don’t like sports)
  • Wants to save
  • Doesn't understand the value of the product
  • Didn't expect it to be so expensive
  • Wants to buy, but leaves to compare with other stores/departments
  • I'm not sure what to buy right now, etc. etc...

Why all this?

And besides, people have many real reasons to refuse to buy you. Moreover, most of these reasons are created by the seller through his actions or inaction.

But not every salesperson is talented. Tell you. He's not a psychic to read people's minds. How should he act?

Yes, he is not a psychic, but special talent is not required from him. In thousands of successful companies, from fast food companies like McDonalds to automakers like Mercedes, salespeople use sales scripts (speech blanks) to work with customers. They have a set of templates and apply them in their work. Virtually any successful lingerie network company Incanto type has a corporate sales book (scripts).

Due to written sales scripts, well-known lingerie stores practically do not suffer from staff turnover, because they can train new salespeople as quickly and easily as possible. They just need to select the right people capable of such work and that's it. No complicated learning. Everything is simple. The only thing to do is to control the execution of sales scripts, especially at first. You can do this yourself, while in the store and listening to what and how your sellers say, or with the involvement of a mystery shopper (for hire or a friend / girlfriend). As easy as pie!

Help your salespeople, yourself and your business. Write it yourself or order the writing of sales scripts and speech blanks that are suitable for your store. Each individual store needs to write its own sales scripts. There are no universal sales scripts for everyone at once.

The fact is that each lingerie store sells goods of different price categories, each store has its own competitive advantages, different positioning, customers of different income levels and positions, etc. All this should take into account the sales script. If your trade point located in a gated complex with a bus station, then you need an aggressive sales script. If you receive the main income from regular customers, then it will be another script. If you sell fashionable and bright youth collections from the inexpensive segment, then this is one situation. If you sell expensive classic lingerie, then another. In general, I think the train of thought is clear.

You need your own unique phrases, your own set of stages and structure, your own catchy words, your own meanings, etc.

You can’t take a sales script from one application and use it in your own conditions, in a completely different context. The result may be the opposite of what was intended. Writing a sales script is a delicate matter that requires understanding and patience.

To write competent and working sales scripts, you need to understand how to make it very difficult for a buyer to refuse you.

In general, there are two types of failures: logical and emotional.

There are few logical reasons to refuse a purchase, and they are clearly formulated in a dozen phrases.

But there can be many emotional rejections, as well as emotions, but the main emotional component that kills the sale is the lack of trust.

The professionalism of the seller lies in the ability to inspire confidence and other necessary emotions in the buyer. The rest will be much easier to do.

Often the buyer acts instinctively without thinking. And the two strongest instincts are flight and rejection. There is also the instinct of self-affirmation, which finds its use if the buyer refuses you. He becomes the master of the situation and is emotionally saturated, while the inexperienced salesman goes into an emotional minus.

Seller or buyer. Who will win?

When selling, do not give the buyer reasons to refuse you, work with objections competently and you will come to victory with him.

Which stages of working with a buyer cause difficulties for sellers and are described by scripts:

  • Starting a conversation
  • Establishing contact
  • Identification of needs
  • Selection of options
  • Sale of fittings
  • Up sell (selling a more expensive product) and cross sell (upselling)
  • Work with objections
  • Completion of the sale

Rules you need to know when writing and using sales scripts.

  • Do not argue with the client if you want to sell something to him, do not prove the rightness or superiority.

The buyer will get negative emotion and go into a defensive position, and you will not sell even a great set of underwear at the lowest price.

An example of how to always agree with a client, even if he makes impossible demands:

You can sell this kit for 50% off, this price suits me.

Usually- Of course not. It's impossible.

Need- Of course, I would give you a discount and more if we charged 200% on top. I really like you, but...

Remember, you are working for the result. For the result, you need to do everything right, even if you don’t like it for some reason.

  • Get the client to talk more.

Each additional word of the seller is the risk of rejection. Reduce risks to a minimum.

Often a person already wants to buy something, but then some extra phrase sounds on the part of the seller, which causes additional doubts for the client, and he refuses to buy.

Understand, people love, especially women, to be listened to. If you have started a conversation with a buyer, let him talk more, then your chances of success will increase. You only need to conduct a dialogue in the direction you need, and sales scripts will help you with this.

  • Use the wording you instead of me.

Usually I can offer you something...

Need- You can choose something...

Everything is clear here, people do not want to hear about you, they want to hear about themselves.

The primary task of the seller is to inspire confidence on the part of the buyer. If there is no trust, then any cool sales techniques may not work.

Trust is caused by both non-verbal and verbal (speech) techniques.

To build trust, you first need to establish contact.

How to understand that the contact is established.

If the buyer answers questions, asks for an opinion, smiles, speaks more than you, accepts compliments, calls you by name (for this, sellers must have badges), then this indicates a connection has been established.

How to take a good position in a conversation.


Quite often, sellers express their opinion, thereby indicating their position on the subject of conversation. But your opinions may not coincide, and then an internal conflict occurs in the client’s head.


1) - You have chosen an uncomfortable bra, look better at this one.

I trust my choice and want to try on what I chose.

2) - Show me that robe over there.

I think you won't like it when you try it on.

I know better.

If your opinions are the same, then there will be no conflict.

Opinions should only be expressed when the rapport is well established, or if the buyer asks for your opinion, or if you are having an aggressive quick sale.

The more opinions you express, the higher the chance of disagreement with the opinion of the client.

The stronger you stand on any position or defend your case, the more the client resists. Sometimes you won't hear it, it will happen in his head.

How to do.

To designate a position, you need to correctly formulate questions, not answer the buyer’s questions unambiguously, if his opinion is not clear, and use words that reduce categoricalness (this happens, maybe not quite like that, most likely, sometimes).

If your position is not clear, then there are no contradictions, nothing to argue with.

Usually:- It doesn't suit you.

Need:- I think we can consider more interesting options.

Sometimes, it is possible to smear the rigid and categorical position of the client.

I need a bust at a price of up to 700 rubles. (And we, for example, have the cheapest busts for 800 rubles)

It is clear, as far as I understand, you are focusing on the economy segment. (Trying to push the price range)

If you want to advise something, then first ask permission, especially at the beginning of the conversation.


What to do if the client refuses the received offers and wants to leave.


I don't like what you showed. Uninteresting models. I'll go next time.

Of course you don't like it. Usually, underwear becomes interesting when trying on. I propose to try on these two sets and in the process I will be able to pick up a couple more interesting models.

When working with a buyer, we work with objections up to 3 times in a row. It takes persistence.

If we receive a final rejection, then at parting we must try to create a basis for possible sales in the future.


Thanks for visiting us. Next weekend we'll get new product, and there will be interesting models for you. I can text you if you want...

Not worth it.

I understand you. If you're still here next weekend - come to us. I will be glad to see you.

own depreciation.

Own depreciation is typical for insecure sellers, it is read by the buyer at an unconscious level. It will be very difficult for you to sell if you devalue yourself, because it will be easy for the buyer to build a line of behavior for refusal, he will have every reason for this.

Signs of own depreciation:

  • shifty eyes and inability to keep the eyes of the buyer
  • excuses and fawning with appropriate intonations
  • sorry for no reason
  • fussiness and uncertainty in speech and movements
  • high pitched voice

How to treat.

You just need to initially not accept insecure sellers. Force to learn speech blanks and possible answers to objections. Practice different situations with sales scripts as a basis for confident behavior.

Buyer depreciation.

It is mainly expressed intonationally (when something does not suit the seller) and in the hidden sense of expressions. It happens unconsciously, sellers often do not notice it themselves.


Actually, we only sell expensive French lingerie (tonality dyed).

So will you take something or not (with intonational coloring)?

I have been working for ten years, and this is the first time I hear about what you are saying.

Etc. etc.

How to treat.

At sellers - slaps, depremium, dismissal.

At home - train self-control, track the causes of such situations and emotions, give an intellectual assessment of your emotions, you can come up with any suitable punishment for yourself.

Attracting and retaining attention.

Attracting and retaining attention usually happens when a customer enters a store. Also, this need may arise later, when the buyer has already been in the store for some time. In this case, three factors must be taken into account: logical, emotional and temporal.

A person must understand why they attract his attention, see some benefit (logical or emotional) in this.

Attracting and retaining attention must occur at the right time. In general, it is ideal to make an impact on the buyer when he is not distracted by external stimuli for a long time and can completely switch to you. That is, if a person is talking on the phone or explaining something to a child or something else, then at this time you should not interact with him.

Soft script example (minimum pressure): Buyer only comes in a very large lingerie store.We catch the eye of the buyer. With attention to him, we say:

Hello. I'm a local lingerie guide. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them, just let me know. Make yourself at home.

After a person enters the store, we keep him in sight (we look through). You don’t need to follow him, you need to constantly look at him too. If the buyer has given a signal (a look, a question, he is considering something for a long time, trying to attach a bust to clothes, etc.), then we proceed to the next stage.


Hello. Today, you can buy brands 1, 2 and 3 from us much cheaper than in branded stores. We are often recommended as the best store. If you need me, just let me know.

This example is for a department in a large shopping center with a large number of branded lingerie departments. Competitive advantage for the buyer is low prices on the running positions of those brands that are sold in the same shopping center.

The range of these brands is not too large. Other (unique for the shopping center) brands are presented in a wider range, and the mark-up for them is higher.

The competitive advantage for the store itself is the maximum profit from one sale, by dragging customers to other more marginal brands and numerous upselling options.

How to write and apply sales scripts yourself.

We write a list of problematic issues and situations. We write options for getting out of them.

Problematic issues should be identified at each stage, without gaps.

Learn from the experience of your successful sellers, and on this basis write sales scripts for the rest. Then you will have fewer problems with implementation, because. most lagging sellers (or new ones) are confident that best sellers know some secret that helps them to do the result. Use this for effective implementation scripts, citing the sales leader as an example.

Play out the scripts you have written within the team live, before implementation. Edit if necessary.

Your speech blanks must be tested before use. They need to be learned by heart, word for word, like poems in school, with expression.

If sellers do not learn scripts, they will think about how they can remember the text in a conversation with the buyer, instead of doing the sale. This will be noticeable and cause negativity on the part of the buyer.

The higher the status of the store, the more mandatory the use of high-quality scripts.

Stage - The beginning of the conversation.

Includes the following sub-steps:

  • greeting self-presentation
  • The meaning of the appeal
  • Obtaining a principal interest
  • Program setting
  • Withdrawal of future objections
  • Reception "Own game"

How to start a conversation with a buyer.

Technique "False Waste"


- (We approach, we smile) Hello, my name is ... I am a consultant ... (the client tenses). If you need advice, please contact me, I'll be here nearby.

(The seller turns around, about to leave, the client relaxes, sometimes calls the seller back. If there is no call, the seller takes a step in the opposite direction, after which he turns around and asks)

By the way, if you are interested in this particular bra, then it has several modifications. Tell me, do you already have some options to choose from?

Technique "Look"

Teach salespeople to catch the customer's eye when they enter or later when the customer is looking around the store. As soon as eye contact is established, the seller evaluates it as a reason to start a conversation and gives a feedback with a smile, facial expressions, gestures (I see you, I’m already running) and hurries (not in a wreck) to the buyer.

After that, it will be more difficult for the buyer to refuse consultations, because. there was a reason - this is eye contact and emotionally positive feedback from the seller.

Technique "Butler"

An employee standing at the entrance (administrator) greets the buyer with a smile and informs him that he will send a personal consultant now.


Hello. We are glad to see you, come into the hall, see everything you like. I will send a consultant to you now, and if you have any questions, he will be happy to answer them.

After the seller's approach, the probability of not accepting the consultation will be much lower, because. the buyer himself enters the administrator zone. Having also caught a glance, the administrator uses it for a response: smile + text. The phrase "I will send" does not require any answer right now, unlike the phrase "Can I help you?" In this case, a program of action is set. It will be much easier for the seller to approach the buyer and start a conversation.

Technique "Continuing the conversation"

The buyer walks trading floor. At the moment when the buyer stops, or considers something, puts a bra on himself (as if trying on), the seller comes up and starts talking (as if he continues the dialogue that has already begun). After voicing the initial information, the question to the buyer must follow.

Reasons and reasons for using the "Continuing the conversation" technique.

Technical data.


This bra has detachable straps and silicone back. What kind of clothes do you choose a bra for?



This lingerie is from the latest collection and very interesting lace is used in it. What size are you wearing?


Use with caution, not for all clients.


This model is chosen by status people who value prestige. Tell me how important this is to you?



This model participates in the action for regular customers. Do you have a loyalty card?

Quantity limit.


This collection is a limited edition and only a few sets remain. I think your size will be. Tell me, are you planning to buy underwear today?



Judging by customer reviews, the underwear of this brand is very comfortable to wear and does not deteriorate during washing. Tell me, are you already familiar with this brand?

Your opinion.

Use with caution, because. opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the buyer.


This bra will go well with your light-colored blouse. Do you have a lot of light tops in your wardrobe?



Great choice, it's obvious you have good taste. What exactly attracted you to this dressing gown?

Sense of humor.


All sizes of this model will be sold out soon. Why are the best ones sold out? (with proper intonation)



How good do you think you will be in this bra?

After the conversation has been started, any suitable techniques and techniques can be used.

Greeting and self-presentation.

What can be used:

  • Bright statistics - We are glad to see you in a store with a 30-year history, you can find out from me everything you want about all 15 lingerie brands that are presented to you)
  • Non-standard comparisons - I'm just doing the selection of underwear for magnificent forms, I will be your personal stylist.
  • Mention famous brands(You can buy 1, 2, 3 from us...)
  • Indication of the highest benefits of the buyer from working with us (We dress all the most fashionable girls in the city, I will pick up the perfect lingerie for you as quickly as possible)

You can use turns like this:

  • when women want to find something special, they first come to us;
  • When my friends want to buy underwear, they immediately call me.

Meaning of appeal.

The meaning of why you are addressing a person must be said. Many people think that this is understandable. This is clear to you. And buyers very often do not understand what they want from them, hence the possible negative reactions.

The meaning of the appeal is best served neutrally, without emotional overtones. By pronouncing the meaning of the appeal, we do not devalue ourselves and do not devalue the buyer.


1) - I approached you, because as soon as I saw you, I immediately realized that it could suit you perfectly;

2) - You can ask me any questions if they arise.

Program assignment.

The program is set in order to remove the client's initial fears and describe what will happen and how, naturally, in the order we need.

What may be the initial fears of the client in order not to communicate with the seller:

  • suddenly I don’t like anything, I don’t want to be obliged to the seller (happens unconsciously)
  • I don't want to buy anything now, so I don't want to communicate
  • I don't want to be screwed over again
  • again those annoying appraising looks
  • I don’t have much money, and again they will offer me all the most expensive
  • they will bother me again, I know everything myself, I want to choose my own set, etc.

An example of an aggressive sales script:

Hello, I'm a lingerie consultant. You can... (client interrupts)

I don't plan to buy now. I just went to have a look and take a look.

It's already good. Even if you leave without a purchase, I will be happy to work with you. I just love to chat and pick up underwear. Let's pick up underwear for you at a comfortable price and go to the fitting room so that you can see how it suits you. What do you think?

Usually the seller, if he is interrupted and the conversation is interrupted, starts to mumble and quits working with this visitor. But in this case, we have an aggressive script that assumes that the seller does not let the client go until the very end (push element), until he makes a purchase or makes a final refusal.

If objections are not handled and fears are not removed from the very beginning, then the likelihood of a sale is reduced. Moreover, in this case, we remove fears with the same words that they were voiced. After setting the program, the probability of fitting increases, which in turn increases the likelihood of a sale.

Obtaining a fundamental interest.

The principal interest is the point from which the development of the sale begins. If you get rejected during the sale process, you can always return to the fundamental interest and develop the sale again. This is your safety hook below which you will not fall.

Ways to obtain a principal interest:

  • Reliance on the fact of the visit.


How nice of you to visit us. I assume you want to pick up some underwear. By the way, what exactly do you choose?

  • Reliance on the benefit of the client.


You probably want to find something special for yourself. I can pick up your underwear like a professional stylist. What do you say?

  • Reliance on the fact that a person already walks and chooses underwear.


You still go and choose underwear. Let me advise you. Moreover, it will be much more interesting with me. Waiting for a response

After one of these phrases, you need to pause. The length of the pause should be determined by eye, according to the degree of customer loyalty, according to all external manifestations.

The less loyal the client, the shorter the pause.

After the client's response, we can use his response as insurance against possible objections.

During the conversation, you can return to your insurance.


Well, you agreed that I would help you with the choice. Let me finish the job.

2) - I don't like these models, I'll probably go.

You said you were looking for a classic, sleek bust under your blouse. I have a couple more options for you. Don't quit halfway through what you started.

Removing future objections.

This is a very powerful tool. The meaning is simple. You pre-vaccinate against the most frequent customer objections.

Example (removing the hidden objection "Expensive").

We have underwear in different prices. If the price of something seems high to you, just be honest about it, we will pick up something else.

The complexity of the objection is expensive, lies in the fact that many simply do not voice it and close themselves from buying under other pretexts. Therefore, it is better to avoid such a situation in advance so that a person voices it when it occurs.

You can also work on the preliminary removal of any other frequent objections, such as: I will think, I will come to you later, etc.

Reception "Own game".

You set your own rules (clear selection criteria), limiting the buyer's room for maneuver to make it harder for him to refuse your offer.


Realizing that you could look at underwear in other stores and probably already understand what you need, tell me what should be the ideal option for you to choose it?

No, I went to see you first. (a person can answer and yes, it doesn’t matter to us)

Perfectly. And yet, what should be the ideal option for you to choose it?

We need to get clear boundaries (criteria) from the buyer that need to be met (price, quality of materials, exact color, certain type of bra, etc.) If you pick up something within these parameters, then it will be much more difficult to refuse.


From the big personal experience I can say that after the implementation of scripts, sales grow from 20 to 200%. It's not a joke, it's real. It all depends on your current level of sales and the professionalism of the sellers. The lower it is, the higher the results can be.

You can learn more about how to sell underwear correctly, how to write sales scripts correctly and what speech blanks to use can be found on the course.

If you want to order a collection of speech blanks and sales scripts, then fill out the form right now.

On the eve of the bathing season and the holiday campaign, the issue of acquiring a new beautiful swimsuit is very relevant. This is exactly the kind of wardrobe item that you can’t save on in any way, otherwise there is a risk of ruining your entire vacation for your loved one. You can walk around the shops, where the choice of swimwear is quite rich, look after and buy your favorite model.

This option is suitable for everyone whose figure parameters are close to standard. However, many women are well aware of such problems as small breasts and wide hips, or, conversely, narrow hips and luxurious breasts. AT recent times quite common is a disease such as oncology of the mammary glands, when, for medical reasons, an operation to remove the breast is necessary. Fighting for the life of the patient, surgeons are not particularly worried about the aesthetic problems that subsequently arise in women who have undergone surgery to remove one or even two mammary glands.

Even the highest quality prostheses can only be used with a very tight-fitting bra (what a swimsuit here), and in some particularly severe cases, even closed swimsuits cannot hide deep scars. We focus our business, first of all, on those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who simply cannot do without our help. At least don't go to the beach or the pool. Often they do just that, because a person on the beach who does not take off his clothes even while swimming causes, if not bewilderment, then, in any case, genuine interest. We will try to help all the rest, without exception, women, even with an ideal figure and without medical and aesthetic problems, but who do not have extra money to buy an exclusive model of a swimsuit, but they really want to have one.

We rent a small room, where, at first, a workshop equipped with special equipment should be located (one machine will be enough for sewing knitwear and overlock). We will install a fitting booth right in the workshop, away from possible casual spectators. We will definitely equip the door with a latch lock so that women, when trying on a swimsuit, feel completely safe. Mirrors should be positioned so that the customer sees herself from all sides and can appreciate the work of our craftsmen. In the entrance hall (it all depends on the size) we organize an administrator's corner, the main duty of which is to acquaint clients with the list of services offered, to interest customers and lead them to the masters.

Now directly about the masters. AT staffing the position of a tailor-cutter should be provided for (better, but not at all necessary if it is a specialized specialist in tailoring lingerie). We do not invite designers and fashion designers until better times. We develop the model range, taking into account fashion trends and the current colors of the season, without forgetting, of course, the good old classics, and in the future, taking into account the demand for specific, most popular models. If it was not possible to get a specialist in tailoring, we conduct a master class for a tailor-cutter (of course, it must be a woman), we conduct concrete examples- several old swimsuits must be disassembled into separate parts and, based on them, patterns should be made that will be used in the work.

We are decorating a showcase where we exhibit models that are popular this season, as well as those products that are designed to hide aesthetic problems and figure flaws. It is necessary to make them as elegant as possible so that our products in no case give a reason to even think that the mistress of the swimsuit has a problem. To achieve the intended goal, we close the problem areas and maximally, but, be sure to respect the proportions, open those parts of the body where, as they say, there is something to show. In order not to turn such a swimsuit into a diving suit, in addition to elastane, polyester - materials that are usually used in the manufacture of swimsuits, we will make decorative elements designed to hide problem areas, or create the desired effect, from chiffon or light silk, but we will definitely select everything fabrics in one color. For the same purpose, you can use various rhinestones, sequins, buttons, rings, embroidery (you should take care that our sewing machine performed the function of embroidery), etc. The main thing is that everything is in harmony and does not exceed the allowable measure. Do not use thermal application, it is unlikely to last long on a swimsuit. Many women are not limited to buying only a swimsuit, but they certainly want to have a beach set. We will offer them sewing a pareo and making a beach bag in the same style and in the chosen color.

I will not dwell on the suppliers of fabric in detail. Today, the choice is so great that it will not be difficult to conclude a profitable contract for the supply of materials.

I want to go to the sea: how swimwear captures the fashion market

A few years ago, swimwear was bought to swim and sunbathe. And they were made by very specific (few) brands. And now beach wear has become one of the most promising segments of the industry. Why?

Maybe you remember these jokes in 2000s comedies and shows like Desperate Housewives? The Rich Man angrily asks: “Did you pay so many hundreds of dollars for two strings and three triangles ?!”, and Beautiful woman throws up his hands: “Actually, this is Chanel!”. But jokes aside, women used to not have that much choice. Very expensive brands were engaged in swimwear, and the mass market was just gaining momentum: in the stores of the original Benetton and Mango, a miniature rail with swimsuits occupied the far corner. Yes, lingerie brands also made beachwear, but those were either frankly unfashionable and designed for adult buyers, or also expensive (if we talk about premium lingerie lines). Of course, specialized brands such as Calzedonia and Victoria's Secret Swim, sportswear Roxy and Speedo cannot be dismissed for more than a decade, but it's not that their beach lines used to be of interest to the fashion community as they are now, which means design in the nineties and early zero they were not varied. As a result, the dubious humor of filmmakers had a real basis: this segment of the market existed, as it were, in a vacuum, and, despite its obvious indispensability, swimsuits vegetated in the shadow of other categories of clothing.

Today, according to the research agency Euromonitor, the swimwear market is one of the most promising and fastest growing in the industry: in 2014, its annual volume was 20.9 billion dollars, and by 2020 the figures will reach

Maybe you remember these jokes in 2000s comedies and shows like Desperate Housewives? The Rich Man angrily asks: “Did you pay so many hundreds of dollars for two strings and three triangles ?!”, and the Beautiful Woman spreads her hands: “Actually, this is Chanel!”. But jokes aside, women used to not have that much choice. Very expensive brands were engaged in swimwear, and the mass market was just gaining momentum: in the stores of the original Benetton and Mango, a miniature rail with swimsuits occupied the far corner. Yes, clothes
lingerie brands were also made for the beach, but they were either frankly unfashionable and designed for adult buyers, or also expensive (if we talk about premium lingerie lines). Of course, one cannot ignore specialized
brands - Calzedonia and Victoria's Secret Swim, sports Roxy and Speedo exist
for more than a decade, but it’s not that their beach lines used to interest the fashion community as they do now, which means that their design in the nineties and the beginning of the 2000s was not very diverse. As a result, the dubious humor of filmmakers had a real basis: this segment of the market existed, as it were, in a vacuum, and, despite its obvious indispensability, swimsuits vegetated in the shadow of other categories of clothing.

Today, according to the research agency Euromonitor, the swimwear market is one of the most promising and fastest growing in the industry: in 2014, its annual volume was $20.9 billion, and by 2020 the figures will be reached.
$28.3 billion. An increase of almost one and a half times in six years - what?

Today the swimwear market is one of the most promising and fastest growing in the industry.

This is due to several factors at once. Firstly, travel today is a much more affordable pleasure than before: air tickets are inexpensive, and even a luxury resort can be accessed at a democratic price tag if you wish (thanks to Airbnb). Accordingly, there are more people who travel a lot, and they still delight others, forming a relevant audience around them. Trips to the sea are still associated with a dream, and fashion is best suited to sell a dream. “Swimwear is associated with the idea of ​​freedom, relaxation, happiness. After a whole year of work, meetings, family affairs, people want to relax, and this relaxation begins with the question of choosing a swimsuit,” agrees Anna Pankratova, Image and Communications Department of Calzedonia Russia. In addition, there is a nice bonus for swimwear brands: due to constant travel, beachwear is less correlated with the summer season and is in demand all year round.

Kendall Topshop

Chanel Cruise

We have all become more or less dependent on social networks and the notorious likes, so a spectacular beach outfit almost surpassed the tropical landscape in terms of importance. This is confirmed by Ekaterina Kireeva, Marketing Director of Agent Provocateur: “The cult of luxury has taken over social networks, and luxury is inseparable from seaside holidays and yachting. Swimwear, respectively, are also a direct attribute of this dolce vita. Plus, it's no secret that millennials are obsessed with themselves and their appearance. And afford 25 vacation selfies in the same swimsuit.
they just can't. Previously, in principle, there were no special requirements for swimsuits.
did not have. It was necessary that it covered everything that was needed and was comfortable. Now
everyone wants to emphasize their dignity and look chic on the beach. For some
the tanning process itself has become secondary, the main thing is the effect that the girl will produce when she appears in a bathing suit from Agent Provocateur.

Thirdly, an elastic little thing, which used to go in a logical connection with the sea / pool / other big water, is now worn even in the city. Like bodysuits, like crop tops, even as short shorts (if the swimsuit is separate and implies retros
with a high waist) - in different ways. And giants like H&M make special selections
with the advice "7 ways to wear a swimsuit after the beach", as if taking him out of the zone of gray morality. All this is more than successfully superimposed on the body-positive trends and on the style of apres sport. We are sure that swimwear manufacturers are delighted with such coincidences.

Most people like to look at beautiful people in swimsuits and associate themselves with them.

As a result, an interesting situation developed. Where there was complete calm 15 years ago, now everything is boiling and bubbling: swimsuits even have a separate Fashion Week.
There is a huge demand for swimwear, and there is a corresponding supply.
And competition, within which everyone is trying to increase capacity. For example,
In 2014, Victoria's Secret representatives announced that, in addition to the famous "angels" show, the brand will do an annual swimwear show. And they kept their word: an hour-long video story about how the VS beach catalog was filmed was released twice - in and years, and it was broadcast on CBS. But neither investments, nor broadcasts on TV, nor even VS models - unearthly beauties - did not help the brand. In April of this year, the brand's management decided to close the Victoria's Secret Swim line. Swimwear sales accounted for only 6.5% of the total, which was incomparable to costs. And here
Calzedonia, judging by the results of financial reports, everything is in order. A representative of the brand confirms that the swimwear market has changed quite a lot: “Today, consumers are much more aware of trends, different types materials,” he told The Blueprint, but noted that the most effective method fight
for the buyer and with competitors - to offer them a variety of quality products
and track feedback. Obviously, Calzedonia is succeeding so far.


Victoria's Secret Swim

Giant brands have to fight not only with each other, but also with thousands of baby brands. They do not have a long history, such sales and budgets, but they have the courage and motivation to look for other ways of development. Take the super-successful young brand Triangl Swimwear. She appeared in Australia in 2012 and instantly became famous for her bright swimsuits within $ 100 of an atypical
for neoprene beachwear. Already in 2014, the annual turnover of the brand amounted to
25 million dollars, and this figure is growing. “Initially, there were not many opportunities in the Australian market to create things very High Quality- The main demand is for bikinis worth up to $100. At that time, our swimwear market was, in fact, divided into two camps: surfer brands and expensive ones. designer brands. Therefore, our goal was to get into this small gap between the two existing categories and appeal to those girls who have the same requirements for swimwear as I do,” Erin, co-founder of Triangl, told The Blueprint. But she emphasizes that the success of her brand is not just a lucky coincidence: “Our customers are the main thing for us, we are focused on them as much as possible. This is expressed in everything - from the design of our swimwear to online activity and the work of our social networks. We also came up with a chat with a support person -
this service works on the Triangl website 24/7, we instantly respond to what the client tells us. This ensures that we meet the high level of expectations. We want the Triangl experience to be absolutely flawless in every aspect, from the first click on our site to the receipt of the order.” It turns out that new brands treat their business in an adult way and are initially focused on the most relevant approach for today's retail: "sell experience, not a thing."

“They simply can’t afford 25 vacation selfies in the same swimsuit.”

Or take another young brand - For Love & Lemons, a child of the Instagram era
from Los Angeles. At first, the brand's team made weightless lingerie without underwire and foam rubber, which was appreciated by both young girls from social networks and large retailers like Revolve Clothing. Forte For Love & Lemons is a well-balanced aesthetic, so popular that a lot of girls want to be part of it and therefore buy their products. Now the brand has 2.6 million followers on Instagram and a wide range - from girlish dresses to swimwear, in which almost all instagirls were seen this summer. At the same time, premium young brands are emerging that offer cool designs with excellent quality. One of the most striking examples is the Brazilian brand Lisa Marie Fernandez. Lisa Maria makes swimsuits that are just right for the city, and for the sea, and for parties on a yacht: with flounces, large details, but at the same time concise. She took up her brand in 2009 - then, according to her, "the market was very malleable, nothing was happening on it." Today, Lisa Marie Fernandez swimsuits are sold in 182 stores around the world, and although their prices range from $300 to $900, buyers are more than happy with everything.
