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Ready-made clients for realtors exist! Where do realtors look for clients? Attracting real estate clients

In our age of technology and other useful inventions of mankind, it is not difficult for realtors to find apartments and clients. For example, you want to sell your apartment and decide to place ads yourself on all kinds of real estate sites. So, these sites are created for these purposes, so that you, the seller, cannot directly contact the buyer. After all, a person who decides to buy an apartment also goes to real estate sites. And who has the contacts of both yours and the buyer? That's right, realtors, because the site is theirs. Therefore, they don’t even need to strain themselves, we still go into their clutches ourselves. And they, well done, then take a percentage from both the buyer and the seller. Each realtor has his own processed database of objects and it is enough for him to monitor the necessary sites every day and select for himself what interests him. There are very, very many schemes, this is a whole industry for extorting money from honest people. This is how it all happens.

Realtors are ubiquitous, even if a person independently advertises on the Internet or in a newspaper, realtors will definitely offer their services and rarely will anyone refuse, because the owner of the apartment does not have to do anything special, the realtor will do everything for him, the money for the services of the realtor is taken from the one who rents the apartment , so it’s quite convenient, and no one cares about the fact that someone will spend extra money, well, unless you rent it to someone you know, and that’s all through realtors. To do this, they just need to go to the necessary sites on the Internet and contact the owner, or buy a recent newspaper and read the advertisement there and again call the owner of the apartment. And in general, now they advertise that the apartment is for rent from the owner, you call, they answer the phone and say yes, there are three more options for the apartment in another area and so on, it’s already clear that this is an agency.

I myself worked in a real estate company, although not for long. I can tell you how our company worked. How do realtors search for apartments? I can immediately say that the salary of such an employee depends on himself, so almost all of them receive interest from transactions. That is, when a so-called realtor finds an apartment, and then a client for this apartment, only then does the agency pay him money. The so-called intermediaries are looking for apartments in the most elementary ways. If the younger generation rents out an apartment, they post their offer on the Internet. The realtor's task in this case is to intercept the message from the owner and offer him help with renting out his home. Almost always everyone agrees, because there is no risk, and the hassle is half as much. The same thing happens with older people who place their advertisements in newspapers, most often because they are not very strong in current technologies. Whichever realtor was the first to find this ad and negotiate with the owner, gets the money. Finding a client for a settlement is generally easy, they simply post their advertisements on the Internet, on special websites, social networks, forums, etc... And people find them themselves, pay quite a small amount of money for this person’s services and get a roof over their head for it . Now, as far as I know, almost all realtors take 100% of the cost of the apartment you rent per month. Not a bad income, right? :)

Realtors most often look for real estate properties and clients in the same way as any private person looks for an apartment to buy or rent, or a buyer/tenant for an existing home - with the help of advertisements. The same resources are used - popular Internet sites and online free bulletin boards, local and regional newspapers, both specialized and simply having classified sections. I won’t say how things are with this in large cities, but in small cities, realtors are approached by those people who do not have time to independently search for a seller or buyer, or those who, excuse me, are so stupid that they are not able to conduct a search on their own. Someone turns to realtors because they are afraid of being deceived by the seller or buyer of real estate, but unfortunately, the agencies themselves are often not averse to deceiving clients. We have lawsuits with real estate agencies regularly, and the agencies themselves appear and disappear with incredible speed. Therefore, before contacting a realtor, you should make sure that you can work with him. It is best to choose those with whom your close acquaintances and friends have already worked, who have been on the market for a long time and have not been seen in dishonest transactions.
In addition, many agents, even when taking on work with a property, still shift most of the actions to the client, and people are “led.” In this case, it’s not at all clear why you should pay a realtor for if you do everything yourself? We came across such people when we were looking for an apartment to buy, and in the end we found an option with a direct seller without intermediaries.

In our city, realtors work in 14 districts. This means that they collect all the necessary information about those apartments that are sold, rented or bought in one or another area of ​​the city, for this they use “their informants”, as well as information from newspapers, columns and local sites where They accumulate their own database on one, two, three-room apartments of secondary housing, or on a new fund. Very often, the client directly contacts the realtor with a request to find a suitable apartment for him. To do this, a written agreement is concluded between the real estate office and the client indicating the services, the amount and timing of payment for services rendered, as well as the rights and obligations of both parties. In case of failure to fulfill obligations on the part of the real estate organization, the client has the right to terminate the contract and return his money back. The realtor himself is responsible for preparing all the necessary documents related to the purchase and sale of an apartment, and bears full responsibility for the transaction he has completed. In case the client wants to cancel the transaction he has made, he can do this during the current month. The only thing I don’t like at all about the work of our local real estate offices is that they pay for their services in dollars, which means that having agreed on one amount, after a month of the completed transaction it may change depending on the rise or fall of the exchange rate, and there may be conflict related to the payment of their final services.

Before the profession of a realtor begins to generate the desired income, it can take from one month to six months, so a realtor should prepare for the time to “build up” in advance. This means that you need to be sure that For some time you will have to live on previously accumulated funds without making a profit from their actions. Many agencies provide training for a fee, so you also need to prepare for such expenses.

How to start working as a realtor

Before you start learning a profession, you should complete several steps:

  1. Leave your previous job. This is necessary in order to free up time for mastering a new profession. It is almost impossible to acquire all the knowledge in your free time. To master the profession, you will need about two weeks of internship.
  2. Choose an agency. To avoid mistakes, it is better to choose the most well-known company, which is distinguished by the quality of the services provided.
  3. Learn to plan. A simple notebook is suitable for this, in which you need to indicate everything (contacts, meeting times and addresses).
  4. Start looking for a customer. To do this, simply place advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet, indicating your contact details and agency.

By performing all of the above actions, you can start making a profit earlier, because the amount of money you receive depends only on how many transactions does the agent make?.

What a realtor should know

To do their job more effectively, any realtor must have certain knowledge:

  1. Fundamentals of housing and land legislation and the nuances of legal registration of transactions or.
  2. Prices for realtor services.
  3. Rules for conducting negotiations, on which the success of transactions largely depends.
  4. Tax conditions. Thanks to such knowledge, a realtor can answer common questions from clients about the amount of payments to the state.
  5. Procedure for completing a real estate transaction.
  6. Methods by which you can conduct research on the real estate market and collect useful information in this area.
  7. Types of services provided by real estate agencies.
  8. Requirements that apply to the property being sold.

Also, a realtor must know the rules for inspecting objects and their evaluation. The amount of profit received may depend on this.

In addition, the agent needs to understand the methods of advertising real estate, know the basics of marketing and direct sales techniques.

It is impossible to cover the basics of sales in a paragraph within one article. The profession of a realtor is akin to the work of a psychologist or an actor - it involves constant work on yourself, the ability to observe and draw conclusions from any of your successes or mistakes.

Beware of bobblehead coaches who have sold one or two properties and feel that their observations are enough to coach others. The ability to beautifully compose phrases is not enough; look for answers on your own or rely on experienced colleagues in the agency.

Let us briefly outline the range of questions that a future successful realtor should find answers to:

  1. What is complex selling? How are they better than simple ones? How to prepare for sale?
  2. How to find contact with a client and overcome resistance?
  3. What roles can a salesperson play, what masks can he wear?
  4. How can a client manipulate a salesperson and how to overcome them?
  5. What conversational techniques exist? ("Three Yes", Spin, "Five No")
  6. How to ask questions correctly and not turn into an interrogator? What are the questions?
  7. Persuasion: what is it, how to strengthen it, how to argue effectively?
  8. Verbal and non-verbal persuasion.
  9. How to deal with typical objections.
  10. How to prevent the price from being reduced.
  11. How to structure a conversation depending on the client’s characteristics (character, status, temperament, etc.)
  12. How to prevent conflict.
  13. Mistakes and typical failures of realtors in working with clients.

Cost of services: how is it formed?

The first way is to receive percent of property value. Many transactions are complex and therefore the percentage of the sale is not always enough to compensate for the work.

There is a form of payment in which the realtor receives a fixed amount of money after the transaction. But this option is not ideal either, because a professional receives the same amount of money for his work for different apartments, spending more time on some of them.

The best option is combination of two previously described methods. The agency determines the minimum amount that a realtor receives, but at the same time, part of the commission is determined as a percentage of the sale. This encourages the agent to make sales at a higher price.

And how much do realtors earn?

Typically, the percentage of the sale ranges from 3 to 6. However, the amount cannot be below 30 thousand rubles. Some clients come across realtors asking for a lower price for their services, but in this case you should be wary of the consequences:

  • lack of guarantees that the transaction was carried out legally;
  • inability to find a realtor in case of unforeseen difficulties;
  • low cost of housing.

For your information! You can calculate how much a realtor receives based on the value of the property and the interest rate paid to the agency. This means that it is impossible to give an exact figure, you can only find out the approximate amount of income.

Who pays the agent?

There are several options:

  • the seller pays;
  • buyer;
  • both sides equally;
  • the one who contacted the agency.

There are still more arguments in favor of the first option, because when an apartment is sold, its owner receives money and it is easier for him to pay the agent. At the same time, there are many dangers for the buyer, which include the long eviction of the previous owners, the recognition of the transaction as invalid, or financial difficulties after purchasing the home.

But since both parties use the services of realtors, in many cases clients agree to split the fee equally. Some of them do not want to pay agents because they did not intend to use intermediaries. In this case, the money leaves the wallet of the person who entered into the agreement.

How to find and convince clients

The first thing you need to remember when starting to work as a realtor is that not all clients will be ready to use the services of an intermediary.

Important! To increase profits, you should constantly be in search of clients and improve your communication skills with them.

You can find people who can use the services of a realtor in the following ways:

  • through friends;
  • using business cards and brochures;
  • thanks to posting advertisements in the city;
  • using the Internet.

To increase the number of clients, you should resort to the above methods, constantly announcing your services. Business cards can be issued by an agency, but in some cases you have to make them yourself. They should be distributed in any situation where it is appropriate. This way you can reach a large number of potential customers.

It is worth posting advertisements both in the city center and in residential areas, where people selling real estate most often live. The text can contain information for buyers and sellers, as well as for those who wish to receive specialist advice.

To successfully work as a realtor, you should know about the common tips given by experienced professionals:

  1. You should start by applying to a specialized agency. This will provide the opportunity to receive training and gain more opportunities to find potential clients.
  2. To avoid mistakes, you should first act according to established schemes offered by the agency. It is better to save your own methods of work for the time when regular customers appear.
  3. Adopt all the knowledge that experienced agents provide. The best thing to do is to make a successful professional your friend and constantly learn about how he works.
  4. Expand your capabilities and knowledge in the field of real estate sales.
  5. Lateness and disorganization are strictly excluded. A good time manager is a successful realtor.
  6. Before the meeting, you need to know the features of the housing and its cost, as if it were your own apartment.
  7. During the absence of clients, you need to constantly improve yourself by attending trainings that help improve your professional skills.
  8. When joining a new team, you should follow all the rules that are accepted among colleagues.
  9. It is important to remember that many clients will refuse services, but this should not be a reason that interferes with productivity. Therefore, improve your skills in dealing with rejections.

How to earn money and achieve success? Reply to video

The video below is aimed not only at realtors, but it is even more interesting to apply the general principles of successful earnings to your field of activity. One high-quality general motivational material can be more useful than revealing narrow questions from supposed coaches, who are often not successful practitioners.

Selling an apartment is somewhat reminiscent of a lottery or auction. Some find buyers very quickly, while others have to wait for more than one month for their client. And what people can’t come up with to quickly sell their real estate. These are advertisements with many exclamation marks, searches for intermediaries. Some even resort to magical rituals, which raises great doubts.

And everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. To quickly and successfully sell an apartment, you need to know some of the intricacies of this matter. You also need to understand the psychology of buyers. You will need knowledge of psychological techniques. Then you will very quickly find a client for any apartment.

Ways to attract clients

  • Announcement in the media. Use newspapers, TV, Internet sites. The ad should emphasize that it is very profitable to purchase a home from you: all the necessary documents are ready, good repairs, close proximity to all important facilities. With such an advertisement, a buyer will be found very quickly.
  • Notify as many of your acquaintances, friends, and colleagues as possible about your intentions to sell your home. And, this way you can find a good buyer completely free of charge.
  • Place a sales poster on your balcony or outside your window. Among the passersby there may be your potential client.
  • Announcements on poles, entrance doors, or bulletin boards. This old method works quite effectively.
  • Can stick an ad on the rear window of your car.
  • Contact a real estate agency. Just look for the best agency with extensive experience.
  • You can find a private intermediary. You just need to be careful, because today there are a lot of scammers.

Common mistakes people make when selling an apartment

The ad is not correct

You placed your ad on the Internet, on TV, in print media. At the same time, you have spent a lot of money, and you are faced with the question of why the apartment in the house located nearby was sold quickly, but nothing has worked out for you for several months.

The answer is quite simple.

It is necessary not only to list the main parameters of the apartment. Your ad should stand out among others, and attract attention. Clients should have a desire to contact you. Use as much imagination as possible and design your ad in such a way that it does not get lost among others.

It is appropriate to highlight the advantages of your home. For example:

  • Just recently renovated.
  • All old pipes were replaced.
  • Double-glazed windows were installed.
  • There is a metro nearby.
  • Nearby there is a school, shop, kindergarten.
  • The housing is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​the city.

Use all the phrases that will attract customers. Eg:

  • Complete readiness of the necessary documents.
  • Net sale.
  • Possibility of mortgage.
  • The property has been owned for over three years.
  • The apartment is in excellent condition.

Often, just one sentence can make customers more interested and curious. And this technique works very effectively, but just try. The result does not make you wait very long.

It is very important that you add good photos of your property. Such photos will interest buyers. You can order such pictures from a professional master. The money invested will justify itself with a large number of customers. “Correct” photographs of the apartment, accurately positioned light, well-chosen angles allow you to transform your home and add to its attractiveness. But bad photos of the buyer will simply scare away.

Incorrect price of apartment

Incorrect determination of the cost of housing is the most common mistake. Don't over-price your property. Most buyers focus on cost. If the price is unreasonably high, then the buyer may not wait.

If you inflate the cost by a few percent, then the number of calls will be reduced by half.

If you do not have professional knowledge, then it will be difficult for you to independently determine the exact cost of the apartment. That's why many people make a mistake. But this will not happen if you contact an agency. A professional will help you make an unbiased and competent assessment.

The specialist will correctly determine:

  • Real cost.
  • Consider the location.
  • The condition of the house and its age.
  • Characteristics of views from windows.
  • How well was the repair carried out?

Competent display and conversation with clients

According to psychologists, the emotions that a client receives when inspecting a home affect the speed of decision-making. Under the impression, buyers do not always notice some of the home's shortcomings. And for a successful sale, they recommend making a presentation at a decent level.

At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize all the advantages of the apartment. It's very simple, it's:

  • Housing must be clean.
  • There shouldn't be anything superfluous in it.
  • Windows and doors are in good condition.
  • Availability of utilities.

A big role when showing housing is played by:

  • Lighting.
  • Shades.
  • Smell.

Besides all this, it is very important how correctly you structured the conversation with the client. From the first visit, you need to win him over. In almost all cases this works. After all, it’s always a pleasure to do business with friendly people.

Even in an old saying the Chinese say: “He who cannot smile should not trade" These wise words make you think about a lot. There is no need to be arrogant, do not support controversial dialogues, and do not act intrusive.

The ability to convince a person is very useful when:

  • The apartment is located on the first or last floor.
  • Inconvenient layout.
  • There is a train station or industrial zone nearby.

Another mistake sellers make is setting different times for clients. It makes more sense to do it differently. In this case, the effect of a large number of people will play a good service. Man is a social creature and constantly listens to the opinions of others.

If your apartment is positively assessed by others, then you should not miss the opportunity to purchase it. At the same time, people will be afraid that they will not get ahead of them. And this competition will help you sell your home profitably.

Preparation of documents

It should be noted right away that you should not remain silent about existing legal aspects. There is no point in hiding them. After all, when checking the legal purity of the apartment, all the facts are revealed. For example, an apartment was inherited. In this case, it is necessary to clearly explain to clients that this will not cause problems.

ADVICE. All necessary documents for selling an apartment must be collected in advance. Otherwise, you may lose a buyer. Not all clients want to wait a long time, and find more convenient options.

Services provided by a realtor

If you decide to use the services of a realtor, this greatly simplifies your tasks. For a relatively low fee, a realtor takes on a number of problems. But, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the agency. If the agency offers you to do without a contract, then this approach is not professional. But the seriousness of this agency is in question.

Such an agreement is called exclusive, and it is not a legal type of agreement, but an order of interaction between the parties, and allows the realtor to use the most effective mechanisms in order to get a good result.

In this way, the realtor gains confidence that his work will be paid for. And now he will not be afraid to invest money in expensive but effective advertising.

What are the advantages of working with a realtor:

  • Realtor will constantly inform you about the work completed.
  • Realtor carries out all the preparation of documents and collection of necessary certificates.
  • Real estate agents help draw up a home alienation agreement, and this minimizes possible legal risks.
  • The realtor will do the work to give the concluded transaction legitimacy and ensure that it is properly completed and and state registration.

An exclusive agreement is beneficial for the realtor and convenient for the client. Just don’t rush to sign any agreement. Before signing, read the document carefully. See exactly what services you will need to pay for. Analyze the rights and obligations of the parties.

ADVICE. Remember that the effectiveness of cooperation depends on how serious your approach is when choosing a contractor. And it is important to deeply analyze the conditions offered to you.

Searching for clients and selling housing without realtors

Many people successfully complete this task. As they say: “The eyes are scared, but the hands do the work.”

In this case, the cost of housing can be added another 5%. This amount is usually paid to the realtor.

Also advised:

  • Spend money on “hot” or “vip” statuses when submitting an ad.
  • Place your ad only on popular websites and print publications.
  • Be sure to indicate that the property is sold without intermediaries or commissions.

When you find clients, it’s time for the “paper” procedure. You should collect a number of documents from the housing office and other authorities that will confirm that you have no rent debts. It is also necessary to confirm that everyone has been checked out of the apartment.

Important. If a child is registered in the apartment, the board of guardians prohibits the sale of the property until you register the child elsewhere. To save time, it is recommended to discharge children before submitting documents to the guardianship council.

Then you need to contact a notary. You submit to him the documents you have collected and pay for a package of various certificates. The client must pay notary services and a state fee of 1%.

And a few more tips for those who are looking for buyers for their home:

  • Don't make a mistake when choosing an agency. Otherwise, you may become a victim of scammers. Look for a company that provides quality services at an affordable cost.
  • Set the right price for the apartment.
  • Be proactive, persistently, and competently.

Good luck with your search.

Finding a suitable apartment for rent is a long and troublesome task. Therefore, many people prefer to pay commissions to realtors so as not to bother themselves with unnecessary worries. But you can save a significant amount if you find housing yourself.

In practice, there are several options for how agencies find apartments. But most transactions involving intermediaries are concluded according to the following scheme:

  1. The owner of the apartment submits an application to the real estate agency about his intention to rent out the apartment under certain conditions.
  2. Then information about the apartment with a description of its parameters and rental conditions is placed in special agent databases available to all real estate agencies. That's where realtors find owners.
  3. Two agents usually participate in concluding a transaction: one acts on the part of the owner of the apartment, the second represents the tenant. The commission for processing the transaction is 100% of the monthly payment for the rented apartment. Agents divide income from commission interest equally, and then each of their earnings keeps 50% for themselves, and the remaining 50% goes to their agency.

Thanks to the existence of information databases, it is not difficult for realtors to find the owner of a home. Information about apartments is placed on special databases, because it rarely happens that among the clients of the agency where the owner of the apartment has made an application for rental, there are those who want to rent exactly this option (in such situations, the realtor receives 50% of the total commission amount, and the remaining 50% remain with the agency).

There are other ways that realtors find apartments, many of which are tricks and tricks associated with providing not entirely reliable information. This is how some realtors advertise non-existent properties on the Internet, and when the client calls with an application, they lie that the apartment has already been rented out. Then they offer a paid password for a supposedly closed database, but in fact for a site with open access to everyone. If a deceived client finds a suitable option on the website and makes an order, then all the information goes to this realtor, who then makes just a few calls - finds out the time to view the apartment and informs the client about it, and does not even go to the viewing. In fact, the client independently finds an option and negotiates a deal, but the realtor receives his commission. Information on how intermediaries find apartments will help tenants save quite a lot of money.

Many who have at least once rented an apartment in Moscow know about the existence of the CIAN (Central Information Agency for Real Estate) website, which posts advertisements for real estate transactions not only in the Moscow region, but throughout Russia. The site is paid and created specifically for realtors - the high cost of posting ads makes it inaccessible to private users. But on the CIAN website only those who place ads pay, and viewing information is absolutely free. Not many people know how the Cian website works, so realtors here also “cheat” people, intimidating them with the possibility of stumbling upon a scam or convincing them that it is impossible to find an apartment on the website without intermediaries.

Options to How can you find housing without intermediaries?

The most reliable way is to look for housing through friends or relatives. If this is not possible, then you will have to look for fresh advertisements on the Internet, for example Avito, etc. You can subscribe to the latest newsletter on websites and try to get ahead of realtors, because among them there is also competition for homeowners; they also look for such sources. You need to know that different sites merge information into different databases. You can place advertisements yourself or hang them in the entrances of houses; even private realtors use this method.

When trying to find an apartment to rent on your own, you need to be vigilant so as not to become a victim of scammers. And you know, only the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles. and how they like to talk about reputation, although if this agency is new to the market, then it’s easy for them to change the sign. Surprisingly, not everyone even checks documents with realtors.

It is advisable to first communicate with neighbors, find out how many people are registered in the living space, check utility bill receipts, and the legal history of the property. Still, I had to apply, that is .

If several people are registered in the apartment, then it is advisable to have a notarized consent of each person to rent out the property. During the inspection, you should check the owner's documents: passport, residence permit, documents on property rights. Be sure to inspect the condition of plumbing, electrical wiring, household appliances, etc. If there are damages, they must be taken into account in drawing up the contract.

It is possible to quickly search for an apartment on sites where an open database is located, if you make requests for the necessary parameters. Available options with phone numbers immediately appear - you just need to call and arrange a viewing. There are sites that ask for a phone number when registering, such scams are possible here

  • They will ask you for money for access to information that will not be relevant.
  • They will leak your phone number for spam mailing.

It is better to search for rental apartments on the websites of well-known agencies. The cost will be almost the same, but the guarantee of protection against fraud is greater, because such firms value their reputation and provide well-verified information.

The quality of the work of any realtor can be judged by several indicators, including how he searches for and retains customers. Of course, this is quite difficult for beginners to do. Let’s say more – it’s difficult even for a professional. However, there are a number of specific actions and recommendations, following which you can not only find clients, but also build long-term and fruitful relationships with them.

American entrepreneur Seth Godin once said: “I have never been involved in marketing. I just loved my clients." And this is true: after all, in order to build relationships with people, a realtor must first of all understand what they need, what they want to get from him, what they are like, and what makes him or her unique. If answers to these questions are found, then finding clients will be easy.

A real estate specialist has different clients, but all of them can be divided into several groups.

So, what kind of clients does a realtor have:

In the first group we will include investors. These are people who are primarily interested in what they can earn on this transaction. Since the money issue prevails in this group of clients, the desire to save will manifest itself in everything. If a realtor does his job correctly and professionally, helps to get the highest possible price (when selling a property) or makes a profitable investment in real estate, then the investor can become a regular client. It is not easy to work with investor clients; this requires certain experience; beginners may not be able to cope. However, you can negotiate with a mentor to gain the necessary experience.

Another fairly large group is tenants. They need to rent a room, or a house, or an apartment for a certain period of time. They are usually dealt with by realtors who specialize specifically in rentals. This is an opportunity for constant, albeit small, income. At the same time, it is worth cooperating with investor clients so that they involve a trusted realtor in their property rental transactions.

To the group townsfolk includes ordinary average citizens. Most often they are interested in a one-time purchase or sale of real estate. Usually they are not interested in trends in the real estate market, but at the same time they are afraid of fraud and may double-check documents several times. Their main problem is to purchase real estate with the help of a realtor for a comfortable stay or. And although it is also quite difficult to work with this group, a real estate specialist who approaches the client with all understanding and patience will receive from him in the form of a bonus other clients who will come from his recommendation.

Of course, there are also intermediate groups. For example, investor-everyman. Typically, such clients intend to purchase real estate, which will increase in value in the future. Representatives of this group usually have several apartments and follow the news of the real estate market. In the future, such clients plan to live in the purchased apartment.

Having roughly determined which group the client belongs to, you can understand what he needs and begin to build promising work with him.

In the future, we will look at the principles of working with all types of clients, except tenants. Of course, the rules apply to this group, but it has its own characteristics.

How to find clients?

So, a person who decides to become a realtor wonders how to look for clients? The simplest way would be employment in a real estate agency. Such an organization is interested in the competent work of its specialists, so it offers training for free. To do this, the agency can provide the newcomer with its training center, or assign a mentor to the employee for the first time, or both. At first, he can be entrusted with real estate rental transactions, and after gaining the necessary experience, he can be transferred to purchase and sale transactions. Working mainly with a group of ordinary people, the newcomer gains the necessary experience and acquires new clients, whom he finds with the help of “ word of mouth". This is also a way to attract people, and quite effective. Some realtors even believe that the most effective. And judging by statistics, this opinion is indeed confirmed by its data, which show that 67% of new clients appear to a realtor based on the recommendations and reviews of people who have already contacted him. “Word of mouth” has proven itself to be effective in working with all groups of clients. It is enough just to work smart. It is also worth asking the person to write a review after the transaction is completed, which you will save for potential clients.

"Word of mouth" works great in different teams. If you go to a hairdresser to get a haircut, tell us about yourself and your work, leave a business card. Hairdressers are usually aware of the concerns of their clients. We went to a furniture store - talk to the sellers. Sellers usually find out for what purpose the furniture is being purchased, and if the client is going to purchase inexpensive furniture for renting out an apartment, this information will be useful to you. Leave a business card for sellers and ask them to recommend your services. You can negotiate with them barter– advertising your services in exchange for advertising their product. If you see grandmothers at the entrance, go up to them, ask if anyone in this house is going to sell or buy an apartment, and maybe even rent it out. Usually grandmothers are aware of such events taking place in the house. Again, leave them your business card. In general, try to make new acquaintances, be sociable.

People planning to purchase or rent housing often communicate with employees of the homeowners association, immigration service, and wedding photographers. It's good to get to know such employees. And always keep business cards with you - this is an indispensable tool for a realtor. After all, a potential client can be met at any time and anywhere – be it a tram stop or a nightclub. Business cards This is a great way to find clients.

Beginning realtors often resort to posting advertisements. Without a doubt, this method of attracting people cannot be neglected. In places with good traffic or crowds of citizens, advertisements, business cards, and postcards are placed or posted. You can drop brochures or business cards into mailboxes. Of course, this will require a lot of time and effort. But all energy costs will be more than justified if the advertisements are written correctly. To do this, find how your way of presenting information will differ from others. Ask your employees which ads they received the most calls for. You can show several text options to your friends and ask which one makes you more willing to get the service of a realtor.
One of the options for this method is to place an ad or advertisement in a free classifieds newspaper or in a publication specializing in real estate. People interested in buying and selling a home or office space are sure to look through the content of such media. You can also call about advertisements for the sale or purchase of apartments. Not all ads are given by realtors, some owners try to make a purchase and sale deal on their own. The most important thing for you is to receive a call from a potential client. And then everything will depend on you, how competently you will conduct a dialogue with him.

It happens that at the moment you cannot solve a client’s problem. The reasons may be different - for example, at the moment your database may not have rooms or apartments with the criteria that it requires. In this case, you should not refuse the client. Take his contact details, and if the desired property appears, you can always offer it to the client. You can add a list of such clients to the so-called base of potential clients.

In general, it is best to place client lists in a special program - a CRM system for realtors. You will be able not only to quickly view real estate properties in your database, but also to accept orders from potential clients. All document flow can be carried out in this program, which is very convenient, especially since the basic part of the program is provided free of charge to real estate agencies.

All these techniques allow you not only to find customers, but also to retain them. The main thing is that you should not neglect some way of informing and attracting customers, but deal with each one constantly and systematically. Call your database of potential clients, post ads, talk to people. It’s not without reason that, as the joke goes, an experienced realtor can be recognized by his swollen right ear, elongated tongue and worn-out legs down to the knees. People react to advertising differently - for some, word of mouth is the most accurate information, while others will only respond to the placement of an advertisement for the sale of luxury real estate in a reputable magazine.

And finally, about other ways to help attract customers. In particular, about two of them that experienced realtors with at least 3 years of experience in the real estate industry can use in their work.

Open house reception

One of them is the Open house technique, which can attract both investors and ordinary people. A name that is more understandable for our citizens is Open Doors Day. The essence of this technique is that for one day the doors of the house or apartment being sold are opened to everyone. Before this, you need to inform as many potential buyers as possible through advertisements, phone calls, etc. If possible, you should arrive at the site in advance - preferably about an hour before the announced start. You can invite a lawyer or real estate appraiser to the meeting who can answer visitors’ questions. Potential clients need to be shown the entire house or apartment, taken through all the rooms of the property being sold, and told about all its advantages. Americans organize various holidays in such houses on open days, but in our country we should consider the feasibility of holding entertainment events, because... they may also turn off some customers. After visiting such a property, the client must receive a business card with the contact information of the realtor involved in its sale.

Reception “excursion to a site under construction”

This non-standard technique can be used when selling apartments in an apartment building under construction. Most often, in this way you can attract both ordinary people and ordinary investors. To conduct an excursion, you need to agree in advance with the developer on cooperation, which will be beneficial for both parties. If possible, ask one of the builders to help. If the go-ahead is received, then you can advertise a tour of the construction site. Potential clients planning to purchase housing want to look at the property from the inside, walk around the apartments, and ask questions to the builders. You can also involve a real estate appraiser and a lawyer, who can also provide advice to future home buyers, among whom there will be those who will need to sell their home for.

Every year the real estate market improves, new ways to attract clients appear. Searching for clients via the Internet (in particular, through social networks) is actively developing. Offers of free services appear in order to attract customers to a paid service. You shouldn’t limit yourself to the old ways of finding clients, because a successful realtor strives to make the most of all the opportunities for his work.

On our own behalf, we would like to add that we are always happy to help people who turn to us for help in any matter. Come to our agency on the street. Ostrovityanova, 6 and see for yourself!
