Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Criteria for major transactions. How do courts define ordinary business activities? What is economic activity? What is economic activity?

In the distant past (over 10 thousand years ago), people practically did not engage in production, but only took everything they needed from nature. Their activities consisted of hunting, fishing and gathering. Over time, humanity has greatly changed and improved activities.

From this article you will learn what economic activity is and what types of economic activity there are.

So, farming refers to the production by people of everything that is necessary to meet needs and improve living conditions. In other words, economic activity is a set of industries that are interconnected.

These industries include:

  • Agriculture;
  • industry;
  • services sector;
  • transport;
  • trade;
  • science and education;
  • healthcare;
  • construction.

It is engaged in providing the population with food and supplying raw materials for some industries. The development of agricultural production depends mainly on natural conditions. The degree of development of agriculture, in turn, has a great influence on the economy and political situation of the state, as well as on its food independence.

The most important areas of this industry are animal husbandry and crop production. Animal husbandry deals with keeping and breeding farm animals to produce food (eggs, cheese, milk), raw materials (wool) and organic fertilizers. It includes cattle breeding, poultry farming, sheep breeding, pig breeding, etc.

The objective of crop farming is to grow various agricultural crops, which are then used as food, animal feed and raw materials. The branches of crop production include vegetable growing, potato growing, horticulture, grain farming, etc.

Enterprises that produce tools and are engaged in the extraction of materials, raw materials, fuel, as well as the processing of industrial or agricultural products. Industry is divided into mining and manufacturing. The mining industry specializes in the extraction of raw materials, oil, coal, ores, peat, and the manufacturing industry specializes in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, machinery, equipment, and building materials. Industry includes the following sectors:

  • fuel industry;
  • light industry;
  • food industry;
  • forest industry;
  • non-ferrous metallurgy;
  • ferrous metallurgy;
  • mechanical engineering and other industries.

Services sector

This industry is designed to provide the population with material and intangible (spiritual) services. Material services include consumer services, communications, and transportation. Intangible ones - healthcare, trade, public services. There are also market and non-market services. Market services mean those services that are sold on the market at prices that are significant from an economic point of view. Transport, paid education and healthcare are examples of typical market services. Non-market services include science, defense and free health and education services, that is, everything that has no economic significance.

A means of meeting the needs of the population for the transportation of goods and passengers. This industry expands the scale of production and consumption, as it literally connects these two processes. However, transport is highly dependent on external conditions, because transportation is often carried out over long distances. However, the transport industry is considered quite profitable in market conditions, not to mention the monopolization of transport.

Human activities that are associated with acts of purchase and sale and a set of operations intended to carry out the exchange process. There are two types of trade: wholesale and retail. In wholesale trade, the purchase of goods occurs in large quantities, since they are purchased for the purpose of further use. Retail, on the contrary, carries out acts of purchase and sale directly to end consumers.

Education includes preschool and general secondary education, as well as personnel training. Education includes such sectors as transport, natural science, psychological, radio engineering, mathematics, construction and other types of education. The goal of science is to obtain scientific knowledge as the results of research. Science is very difficult to overestimate: its contribution to the development of the state’s economy, increasing the efficiency of material production and protecting the state’s information resources is very great.

The industry involved in organizing and ensuring public health protection. To preserve and maintain physical and mental health, as well as to provide assistance in case of deterioration of health, special social institutions are created.

This industry ensures the commissioning of new ones, as well as the reconstruction and repair of facilities for both production and non-production purposes. The main role of this industry is to create conditions for the dynamic pace of development of the state’s economy. In addition, this industry is directly involved in the creation of fixed assets (along with the building materials industry, metallurgy and some other sectors of the economy), which are intended for all sectors of the national economy.

Economic activity is an activity aimed at the production or exchange of goods, material and intangible goods. There are several types of economic activities, each of which arose at different times and had its own path of development.

Agricultural activities

Agriculture is about meeting the food needs of the population. Agriculture can be divided into two sectors: livestock farming and crop farming. Crop farming originated when people realized that food can not only be obtained by developing more and more new territories, but also that they can cultivate food crops themselves. Animal husbandry, in turn, appeared at the moment when man began to domesticate wild animals in order to obtain milk, meat and wool.

Rice. 1. Agriculture.

The main means of agricultural production is land.


This area of ​​activity includes the mining and manufacturing industries. The formation of industry took place in the era of the primitive communal system. It was inseparable from subsistence farming. Later, industry becomes a completely independent industry, which develops rapidly, especially during the formation and emergence of capitalism. In the industrial sector, one can distinguish the fuel, light, food, forestry industries, as well as ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Rice. 2. Mining.

Transport industry

For the stable operation of agricultural and manufacturing enterprises, stable operation of transport is necessary.
Transport services can be divided into 3 types:

According to Art. 3 HKU HD means activities of business entities in the sphere of social production, aimed at producing and selling products, performing work or providing services of a cost nature that have price certainty.

HD the following are typical signs:

1) this activity is aimed at producing products (goods), performing work and providing services in order to meet the needs of other entities ;

2) it is carried out, as a rule, on a professional basis ;

3) the results of this activity have the form of a commodity, and therefore a value expression;

4) in the process of organizing and implementing this activity, both the private interests of the manufacturer and the public interests of the state and society as a whole are combined.

According to Art. 3 HKU HD, carried out to achieve economic and social results and for the purpose of making a profit, is entrepreneurship, and the subjects carrying out this activity are entrepreneurs. HD, which is carried out without the purpose of making a profit, is non-profit HD.

Chapters 4 and 5 of the Civil Code contain general provisions regarding entrepreneurship and non-profit economic activities.

According to Art. 42 HKU entrepreneurship- this is an independent, proactive, systematic, at one’s own risk, management carried out by business entities (entrepreneurs) to achieve economic and social results with the aim of making a profit.

According to Art. 52 HKU non-profit management- is an independent, systematic management carried out by business entities, aimed at achieving economic, social and other results without the goal of making a profit. NHD is carried out by business entities of the state or municipal sectors of the economy in areas (types of activity) in which, according to Art. 12 of this Code prohibits entrepreneurship.

Cash management can also be carried out by other business entities for which the implementation of cash management in the form of entrepreneurship is prohibited by law (commodity and stock exchanges).

According to Art. 52 of the Code of Ukraine prohibits the implementation of NHD by state authorities, local government bodies, and their officials. The Code of Civil Code defines: organizational forms of implementation of NCD (Article 53); provisions regarding its regulation (Article 54).

    Objective basis, means and methods of state regulation of economic activity

State regulation of financial management is an objective necessity, which is acquiring new features and characteristics aimed at the establishment of market relations, denationalization, entrepreneurship, and the development of various forms of business. The state regulates CD for two reasons. Firstly, the state manages property that is state-owned, and, secondly, state influence on the HD is determined by a number of requirements regarding the protection of public interests related to:

    with the formation of the state budget;

    with environmental protection and use of natural resources;

    ensuring the country's defense capability;

    with the implementation of freedom of entrepreneurship and competition, protection from monopolism;

In compliance with law and order both in the internal management and in the implementation of foreign economic activity and foreign investment;

Providing employment for the population, etc.

In addition, the state is obliged:

Provide business entities (regardless of their form of ownership) with the same legal and economic conditions for business;

Promote the development of the market, regulate it, using economic laws and incentives, implementing antimonopoly measures;

Provide preferential conditions to enterprises that use advanced technologies, create new jobs, etc.

State regulation of economic activity is a set of measures regarding the adoption and proper implementation of economic legislation, as well as the definition of a system of government bodies that directly carry out the functions of regulation and management of this sphere of the economy.

According to Art. 12 HKU k fixed assets The regulatory impact of the state on HD includes:

    state order, state task (Article 13 of the HKU and the Law of Ukraine dated December 22, 1995 “On the supply of products for state needs” of the Law of February 22, 2000 “On the purchase of goods, works and services for public funds”);

    licensing, patenting and quotas (Article 14 of the Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine dated June 1, 2000 “On licensing of certain types of data storage”, “On patenting of certain types of personal data”, “On foreign economic activity”);

    certification and standardization (Article 15 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine “On Standardization”, “On Confirmation of Conformity”);

    application of standards and limits;

    regulation of prices and tariffs (Chapter 21 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine “On Prices and Pricing”);

    provision of investment, tax and other benefits (Article 17, Law of Law “On Individual Entities”, “On the Foreign Investment Regime”, etc.);

    provision of subsidies, compensation, targeted innovations and subsidies (Article 16 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).

Principles of state regulation of HD represent the main provisions that define the most general and most significant features of the state’s economic policy. These include:

Consistency and coordination of actions of business entities of various forms of ownership;

Economic independence;

Equality of all forms of ownership;

Integrating economic and social goals.

In the process of regulating HD, the state uses certain methods of state regulation of HD, which represent a set of methods and techniques used in the process of regulatory activities by government bodies to solve problems in the economic sphere in order to achieve certain results.

Among these methods it is worth highlighting:

Method of persuasion, permission;

Method of direct instructions;

Administrative and economic methods.

In modern conditions method of persuasion and resolution is one of the main methods. The CCU defines the principle of voluntariness in the creation of agricultural enterprises, their equality, regardless of the form of ownership and taking into account personal and public interests.

At the same time, in the conditions of the formation of market relations, the use of the method of persuasion and permission is isolated from method of direct instructions does not give positive results. Therefore, to ensure order in the management department, in cases provided for by law, the method of direct instructions is used, establishing requirements regarding product quality, environmental protection, accounting and reporting, compliance with safety regulations, etc.

Administrative methods- this is a direct influence on the behavior and activities of agricultural producers with the help of mandatory instructions, and economic methods are a direct influence with the help of economic incentives (prices, subsidies, loans, etc.). Administrative methods most often used in cases where an order or prohibition is necessary to implement a management decision.

The practical application of economic methods is carried out using the following levers: pricing, preferential lending, financing, etc.

According to Art. 8 HKU the state, the state government and the compulsory medical insurance are not business entities. Decisions by these bodies in the field of financial management are made within the limits of their economic competence, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, in the Law of Ukraine “On Local State Administrations”, “On Local Self-Government”, etc.

The activity of an enterprise is a process that includes not only the direct production of goods or the provision of services, but also financial and economic activities, supply, sales of products, use of labor and material resources, equipment and machinery. An enterprise is a structured and living organism.

The structure of any enterprise includes an administrative and management apparatus, a production department, a financial and economic department, and an accounting and reporting department. In addition, the structure may include other divisions whose tasks include ensuring a continuous process of production and manufacturing of products that would be competitive and meet market requirements in terms of quantity, quality and delivery time. At the same time, the main requirement and criterion for the efficiency of an enterprise is the minimization of production costs, i.e. reducing the cost of goods and services produced.

Factors determining the production and economic activities of an enterprise

The efficiency of the production and economic activities of an enterprise, first of all, depends on factors such as the availability of production capacity, the state of the production and technical base, its technical and organizational level, the extent to which the organization of production and labor meets the modern requirements of the situation and the market.

Such a factor as financial and economic planning is also of great importance for the activities of an enterprise. This is not only the uninterrupted provision of the necessary resources, but also constant control over the current activities of the enterprise, prompt adjustment of management decisions in order to achieve planned results.

Control is carried out by analyzing the production and economic activities of the enterprise by comparing the main results of these activities with calculated and planned indicators. Such indicators characterizing the efficiency of an enterprise, for example, include:
- profit from the sale of goods and services provided;
- total production costs;
- profitability;
- level of remuneration of people working at the enterprise;
- the amount of funds in the current accounts of the enterprise;
- existing accounts payable and receivable.


  • Analysis of financial and economic activities

Agriculture covers various fields of activity, from growing crops to raising livestock. If you are not afraid of traveling long distances to carry out the necessary work on the site and high competition, then you can safely start implementing the idea.

You will need

  • - Business license;
  • - demographic information for your region;
  • - information about regional farms;
  • - list of supplying stores;
  • - area for doing business;
  • - staff;
  • - advertising.


Develop a business plan. Contact a certified public accountant with business and business experience. Select the organizational structure for your business: sole proprietorship, limited liability company or. Consult with your insurance agent about risk management. File your sales tax with your state department of revenue. Finally, visit your local government office to obtain a business license.

Select the location of your business. This should be done based on the geographic characteristics of the market, taking into account the location of competitors. To get started, you can rent a ready-made farm plot. Make sure the business will be located close to major highways and be easily accessible by trucks and trailers. You also need to arrange a spacious parking space.

Find a wholesale supplier of raw materials for your agriculture. Use the information obtained from researching your competitors' businesses. You can order products at wholesale prices to maximize. You can achieve this by selling finished products at free market prices.

Video on the topic


  • How to open a business in rural areas.

Tip 3: What is included in the concept of economic activity of an enterprise?

Each enterprise is initially created for a specific purpose, as a rule, this is making a profit, creating jobs, or developing some area of ​​activity. In the process of carrying out work, events and actions constantly occur that, one way or another, relate to production. The set of these processes is called the economic activity of the enterprise.

Concept of economic activity

Economic activity is any activity of an enterprise that is associated with the sale of goods, services and obtaining maximum profit.

Economic activity includes a whole range of economic processes, such as:

1. Use of means of production. By means of production we mean fixed assets, depreciation, various equipment, that is, objects that are directly involved in the process of making a profit.
2. Use of objects of labor. Objects of labor include materials. Their consumption should be economical and standardized, then this will have a positive impact on the financial outcome.
3. Use of labor resources; Labor resources include: the availability of qualified labor, optimal use of working time and wage fund.
4. Production and sales of products; Here we consider indicators of product quality, sales deadlines, shipment volumes, and product costs.
5. Product cost indicators. All costs incurred in the production and sale of products are taken into account.
6. Profit and profitability indicators. Qualitative indicators of the enterprise's performance results.
7. Financial condition of the enterprise.
8. Other business processes.

All of the above indicators are included in the concept of the economic activity of the enterprise and are in constant close connection and dependence, and therefore require periodic analysis and accounting.

Recording facts of economic activity

Most enterprises carry out their functions with the aim of generating income. For the smooth operation of all departments of the company, constant monitoring is required. It is necessary to carry out continuous work with documents that reflect data on all business transactions.

It is important to analyze the economic activities of an enterprise for constant control over these processes. Economic activity is reflected in

“economic activity” is revealed as a set of actions aimed, in particular, at replenishing the supply of material goods and ensuring the fullest possible satisfaction of the needs that they are intended to serve. For this purpose, existing goods are stored, new ones are mined and produced, they are moved in space and in exchange, and their consumption is also organized. The motive for economic activity is the desire of a person to satisfy his needs for material goods. Economic activity thus represents the manifestation of an economic (economic, expedient) motive in human life..."


Order of Rospatent dated July 25, 2011 N 87 “On the introduction into force of the Guidelines for the examination of applications for inventions”


"GOST R 52104-2003. Russian Federation. Terms and definitions"

(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.2-st)

"...Economic activity: activities carried out in the course of production activities by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, regardless of the form of ownership and whether it is commercial or non-commercial in nature..."


"GOST R 52104-2003. National of the Russian Federation. Resource conservation. Terms and definitions"

(approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2003 N 235-st)

Official terminology. 2012.

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  • Economic activities of Metropolitan Platon, A.A. Belyaev. Reprinted edition using print-on-demand technology from the original of 1899. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1899 edition (publishing house 'University Printing House').…