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Who is the founder of McDonald's? The history of the creation of the McDonald's chain. DACK DACK. Trading house Thanks to whom the development of McDonald's took place

Ray Kroc is the man thanks to whom there are now 29 thousand fast food restaurants in the world, serving more than 45 million people a day. But he met the McDonald brothers at the age of 52, having an impressive list of illnesses and problems behind him. The history of the development of McDonald's is at the same time the history of the development of which managed to earn 600 million dollars at a very respectable age! This man managed not only to quickly and fabulously get rich, but also to significantly change the lifestyle of many people around the world.

The beginning of the journey - the McDonald brothers

The McDonald brothers are the founders of the famous restaurant chain. It was with their help that the history of McDonald's began. They opened their first fast food establishment in 1940. The cafes of that time traditionally served 25 dishes. The brothers significantly simplified the menu, leaving in it hamburgers and cheeseburgers, pies, chips, coffee, and all this was prepared and served very quickly in McDonald's restaurants. The history of the creation of the famous brand also began with the transition to self-service for visitors and lower food prices.

By the way, in those days girls could not work in such establishments, since the brothers believed that they would distract the male staff from work. The MacDonalds were able to capture the desires of people in the difficult post-war times. Their business was doing well. The brothers were very active in promoting the McDonald's restaurant. The history of the logo began its journey in the mid-50s, it was then that the well-known red-yellow arch icon appeared. But the establishment still lacked scale. It was then that Ray Kroc appeared - the man who changed the fast food restaurant forever.

Who contributed to the development of McDonald's?

Ray Kroc is not the inventor of fast food or anything else. The only thing he knew how to do well in his life was trade. For 17 long years he sold paper cups from a well-known company, and then created his own business selling ice cream machines. True, competitors soon released a new model of the device, and Ray had to close the company. In desperation and in search of income, he began to travel around the country and one day heard interesting news.

A small restaurant ordered as many as ten of his ice cream machines. When asked what was going on there, his acquaintance replied: “People are making money.” Krok, without a moment's hesitation, got behind the wheel and drove off to sunny California. McDonald's, whose history dates back to 1940, was about to undergo big changes.

Franchise in San Bernardino

Finding himself in the small town of San Bernardino, Ray hurried to see the coveted cafe. McDonald's turned out to be a small roadside establishment with a high-speed service system and disposable tableware. Ray saw there iron kitchen counters and a very small menu consisting of nine items. But what surprised him most of all were the prices, which were half the prices of competitors. All the affairs here were run by the MacDonald brothers, who, unfortunately, were real mattresses. The income they had was quite satisfactory for them, and they did not want to achieve great success. If Kroc had not appeared in their lives, the history of McDonald's would simply have stopped. The brothers were not looking for investors, and those sponsors who appeared on their way were dissuaded from investing large sums in the construction of restaurants.

Selling a franchise for the right to open for very little money (up to 2.5 thousand dollars), they did not even demand a percentage of the income of this establishment. The bankrupt Ray Kroc took matters into his own hands and proposed a new interaction scheme for the brothers.

The history of McDonald's: the sale of franchises by Croc

Kroc invited the owners of the establishment to sell franchises throughout the country with his help. The price for 20 years was $950. Moreover, each cafe must pay a percentage of the profits, which was divided between the McDonald brothers and the enterprising Kroc. The new owners gave a percentage for the use of the logo, brand and fast food system invented by the brothers.

At the time when the significant acquaintance of Kroc and McDonald's took place, all well-known fast food restaurant chains were already selling franchises. It was believed that this was an easy way to earn good money. Many people who sold franchises were not interested in the further development of the brand and did not monitor compliance with all the terms of the contract. They only cared about getting money. Kroc wanted the history of the McDonald's brand to take a different path. He wanted the restaurant to generate regular income without bringing disgrace to the brand across America.

He refused to sell franchises over large territories, trading the right to open only one restaurant. If the owner of the establishment showed that he could be trusted with the brand, Ray allowed him to open another cafe. He did not profit from restaurateurs by forcing them to buy the equipment and products he had chosen, but he strictly monitored the quality of all purchased products. It had to meet the standard standards of the McDonald's company.

True, buyers were not happy with such conditions. Rich investors wanted to purchase a license for an entire state, and people with less opportunity were not happy with the fact that the franchise was valid for only 20 years under the strict control of Kroc. In the first year of the new business, Ray sold only 18 franchises. Moreover, half of the restaurateurs did whatever they wanted, even selling pizza and hot dogs in cafes. Ray Kroc dreamed of something completely different. An unexpected incident helped him - meeting Sanford Agathe.

McDonald's: the success story of Sanford Agathe

46-year-old journalist Agate saved up an amount equal to 25 thousand dollars and wanted to create his own business. Kroc sold him a franchise to open a restaurant in Waukegan. Agate paid the construction fee, bought equipment, and his money ran out.

In May 1955, the small restaurant opened and was an unexpected resounding success. Every day his income was about a thousand dollars. The man who leased the land was outraged. He had no idea that a small establishment in a small town would bring the owner an income equal to 30 thousand a month. He himself received only one thousand for rent. Soon Agate bought himself a luxurious house and began to live for his own pleasure. This success inspired many people who had little savings but a great passion for work and wealth. People began lining up to see Kroc, hoping to replicate Sanford's success. McDonald's history has moved forward. Kroc didn’t sell people a new business, he gave them success! The restaurant paid for itself in about six months, starting to generate excellent profits. For this reason, people were ready to fulfill all of Ray’s instructions and demands, as he wanted. His dreams began to come true.

Buying rights from the founding brothers

The history of McDonald's took a new path when in 1961 its founders agreed to sell Kroc and the right to operate it independently without their participation. They valued the letter “M,” which is considered the sign of all establishments, at $2.7 million. The former traveling salesman, of course, did not have that kind of money. Although the restaurant chain brought in huge income, Ray's percentage was negligible. In addition, the amount of existing debt already exceeded $5 million. Kroc urgently needed a large loan. Sonneborn (the network's financier) persuaded several well-known universities to invest 2.7 million in business development. But the day before receiving the money, a refusal came, motivated by the unreliability of this enterprise. Then Sonneborn came up with the idea of ​​combining the restaurant business and the real estate market. The company's goal was to obtain ownership of all restaurant buildings and the land on which they stood. And this was a very difficult matter!

Acquisition of land and buildings

The history of the McDonald's company would not be so radiant if it were not for Harry Sonneborn. He made a huge contribution to the development of the network. By finding an experienced accountant, Harry creates the appearance on paper of a very successful company. This was necessary so that the banks would agree to provide a good loan. By telling lenders that the company's main business was not fast food, but real estate sales, Kroc was able to take out a $2.7 million loan in 1961. Finally, the brothers received their compensation and completely retired from business. The history of McDonald's has moved on without its founders.

Hamburger University

In the 70s, the fast food chain became extremely popular. Kroc's income is growing day by day. The famous Forbes publication published a note stating that his fortune was $340 million. But the former traveling salesman didn’t even think about stopping! Despite enough, he never stops working and improving.

In 1961, he opened a laboratory called Hamburger University. Here we studied all the parameters of preparing potatoes, buns and cutlets. The “university” still operates, although the company’s top managers are trained there. In the 60s, Speedy was replaced by a famous clown named Ronald. The history of McDonald's today means nothing without this character, beloved by all children in many countries around the world. Kids go to the restaurant on weekends, wanting to see this funny guy!

In 1984, Ray Kroc died. Today, the huge corporation is run by James Skinner (the fourth person to handle such a difficult task).

Fast food restaurant in Russia

For a very long time, the people of our country could not try the same cheeseburgers as the Americans. The owners of the network explained the refusal to sell the franchise by the instability of the Russian economy and politics. The history of McDonald's in Russia began with long negotiations in 1976. This happened during the Olympic Games in Montreal. The Soviet Union eventually signs an agreement with a large chain of fast food restaurants. In 1990, the first McDonald's in Russia opened, located on the The success of the establishment was amazing - on the first day of work, a queue of 30 thousand people lined up in front of the doors! This has never happened in the entire history of the network. Nowadays, many of these restaurants are scattered throughout our country, and management plans to open many more establishments.

The history of McDonald's was briefly reviewed by us in this article, and now we can devote time to interesting and unusual facts about this corporation:

Raymond Kroc fulfilled his dream and became a millionaire with just $950 in cash. To achieve his final goal, he needed: a passion for victory, a sharp mind and insight, as well as a little foresight. He became an excellent example for many people moving towards their goals. The corporation's products are now loved and chosen by millions of people around the world, because they meet all quality standards! And the taste of the Big Mac has not changed since it was first prepared.

The company "MAK-DAK" is engaged in the trade of cosmetics and perfumes. The company's portfolio includes dozens of contracts with the world's most famous manufacturers. Currently, there are 10 branches and 5 representative offices of the Company operating in the regions of Russia. The company's mission is to be a leading supplier of a wide range of quality products and the best service to meet people's needs for beauty, youth, cleanliness and comfort.

Contact Information

Company management

General Director: Dmitry Kamensky

history of the company

The date of birth of the company is October 1991. Almost from the very beginning of its work, the company began trading cosmetics and perfumes. The company's first supplier was the domestic factory "Svoboda". The first contract with a foreign supplier is a contract with the Gillette company. Subsequent years showed that the company made its choice extremely well. Today the company's portfolio includes dozens of contracts with the world's most famous manufacturers. The first warehouse is a rented sports hall converted into storage space on Volgogradsky Prospekt. Today, TH "MAK-DAK" has modern warehouses and small wholesale centers in many cities of Russia. The first store of the Kapriz-M retail chain opened in 1997. In subsequent years, the number of stores in Moscow and the regions increased to 80. In 2004, it was decided to create a chain of retail stores of the new format "Ol! Good", the first of which it was opened in October 2004. The new network is rapidly developing, and by 2007 it is planned to open 400 “Ol! Good” stores in the Russian Federation. The first branch of the company was opened in Yekaterinburg on August 23, 1998. The company began its participation in exhibitions with a small stand at the international exhibition of perfumes and cosmetics "InterCharm" in 1996. Already in the next year, 1997, the MAK-DAK pavilion occupied the exhibition one of the central places. Subsequently, the Company’s participation in this central event for beauty industry specialists became regular. The company logo appeared in 1997. The red daisy is a symbol of the rising sun, and the petal rays, rounded clockwise, symbolize dynamism and constant movement, the desire for leadership. The smooth lines in the image highlight the flexibility with which the Company responds to changes occurring in the market. The number of petals is six, according to the number of sales channels, and also in accordance with the six core values ​​of the company, written in its philosophy.

Company details

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In the life of a modern person, especially in the urban rhythm, there is often not enough time even for a basic meal. Sometimes every minute is valuable, so you don’t want to waste your lunch time in cafes and restaurants, where taking an order, preparing, serving and, in fact, eating the food itself will take quite a lot of time. McDonald's works precisely for such people and offers quality food that can be received almost immediately after ordering. This system has been tested for decades all over the world and is loved by most people.

In our country, McDonald's is not just a fast food restaurant, it is a whole philosophy that was previously prohibited. Now McDonald's can be found in many cities of Russia, and they are all popular. For example, McDonald's restaurants in the Moscow region provide a bright, rich interior for parents and their children, for office employees, for young people and their girlfriends in many cities of the Moscow region, such as Khimki and Krasnogorsk. All restaurants differ from each other in design and size, however, they have a common style in corporate yellow and red colors.

The quality of products is regularly checked by employees, so you can be sure that when you visit this chain, you will receive only high-quality nutritious food and a good mood.

History of creation

Over the decades, Scrooge McDuck has gone from a supporting character in the Disney universe to the title character of the eponymous universe. This year, the release of the comic book series “ Uncle Scrooge"(English) "Uncle Scrooge"), which are still being published. As his popularity grew, the character began appearing on television, films and video games. Scrooge, along with some other characters from the city of Duckburg. "Duckburg") began to gain popularity around the world. Comics with his participation have been translated into many languages.

Uncle Scrooge's name is based on the miser Ebenezer Scrooge, a character in Charles Dickens' novel Christmas song" It is also believed that Scottish industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who immigrated to the United States at the age of 13, may have served as the inspiration for Scrooge McDuck.



Scrooge McDuck is swimming in money

Scrooge went from a humble immigrant to the richest drake. As a child, he polished very dirty boots and was disappointed when they paid only 10 cents for it. However, Scrooge keeps his first dime as a talisman and believes that it brings him wealth and good luck.

Scrooge keeps part of his wealth in his own vault on the outskirts of the city of Duckburg. Scrooge's storage facility is specially equipped with a protection system against the Gavs brothers, known swindlers and criminals. Also in the storage building is Scrooge's office, from where he runs his business.

The amount of Scrooge's wealth is highly debatable. According to Carl Barks, McDuck's net worth is one multiplygillion nine obsquatumillion six hundred twenty-three dollars sixty-two cents. At the same time, the creator of the comic "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" artist Don Rosa notes that Uncle Scrooge's wealth amounts to five multiplygillion nine impossibidillion seven fantastic trillion dollars and sixteen cents. In 2007, Forbes magazine estimated Scrooge's wealth at $28.8 billion. Regardless of the amount, Scrooge always believed that he did not have enough money and continued to look for a variety of ways to replenish his wealth.


Scrooge is not officially educated, having dropped out of school at an early age. However, he has a good mind and is always ready to learn something new.

Thanks to his hobby - treasure hunting - Scrooge often plays the role of a research scientist and amateur archaeologist. Starting with Carl Barks, some writers began to explain how Scrooge learns about the treasures, which he then goes in search of. They associate this with periods of research into written sources. Scrooge often tries to find grains of truth in ancient tales and legends, looking for information about the activities of ancient conquerors, rulers and explorers.

As a result of his research, Scrooge collected an extensive personal library, including many rare books, manuscripts and diaries. It also contains an almost complete collection of ship logs from the Spanish and Dutch navies from the 16th-17th centuries, which allows Scrooge to find sunken ships with treasures.

Scrooge can also speak several languages, which he learned during his business trips around the world.

Morals and behavior

As a businessman and treasure hunter, Scrooge is distinguished by his ability to set goals for himself and others, as well as the ability to face new challenges. Scrooge's main motto "Work smarter, but not harder".

As a businessman, Uncle Scrooge often resorts to aggressive tactics and lies. He has considerable experience in manipulating people, facts and events to his advantage. It is also worth noting Scrooge’s cynicism, especially when the question is about business or achieving a goal.

Nevertheless, Scrooge has a certain, his own concept of honor and dignity. In achieving his goals, he tries to remain within the bounds of the law and honesty, and does not resort to violence unless necessary. It is these qualities that distinguish him from his main competitor Flintheart Glomgold, who acts harshly and without regard for the law, honesty and mutual respect.

Scrooge loves his nephews and his family and values ​​them more than his wealth. In some episodes of the animated series "DuckTales" he loses all his money for the sake of his family and friends, but in the end the wealth always returns to him.


In the comics from Mickey Mouse Magazine, Scrooge is presented as stingy and honest as in the DuckTales series. He constantly judges Donald as stupid because he is stupid in many things. However, despite everything, Scrooge still cares about his family and tries to help in everything.

Cartoons and television

Screensaver of the animated series “DuckTales”

Scrooge McDuck first appeared in the animated film " Scrooge McDuck and Money”, published in the year. In this cartoon, Uncle Scrooge teaches his nephews some financial tricks.

The next appearance of Scrooge in animation occurs only in 1983 in the cartoon " Mickey Mouse Christmas Song"(English) "Mickey's Christmas Carol") - an animated version of Charles Dickens' novel " Christmas song" There he played the role of Ebenezer Scrooge.

But Scrooge McDuck is best known in the world as one of the main characters in the animated series “DuckTales”, in which he acts as the guardian of the ducklings Billy, Willie and Dilly. "Huey, Dewey and Louie"). The animated series is based on the comic books by Carl Barks and follows the adventures of Scrooge McDuck and his family and friends.

Video games

With the advent of PCs and game consoles, Scrooge McDuck also began to appear periodically in video games. He appears as a minor non-playable character in the game Kingdom Hearts II, a co-production between Square Enix and Disney Studios. He is also present as the main character in games based on the animated series DuckTales (Duck Tales, Duck Tales 2 and DuckTales: The Quest for Gold).



  • Virtual tour of Scrooge McDuck's house (Russian)
  • Who's who in Duckburg (English)

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Today McDonald's is the most popular representative of the fast food industry in the world. This is a place for family celebrations and romantic dates, meetings with friends and just a quick snack at lunchtime. At the same time, the presence of McDonald's eateries in our lives has become so familiar, and the system of their work and service is so flexible and streamlined, that it is difficult for us to imagine that this was not always the case.

Meanwhile, the founder of McDonald's, whose biography is replete with not only successful ideas and fulfilled desires, but also a series of failures and crises, at one time made an incredible amount of effort to keep this system safely afloat. Of course, we are not only talking about Ray Kroc, who managed to adopt and improve the high-speed service system in the McDonald's restaurant chain. We are also talking about those huge teams of workers who worked in this system. And of course, about the brothers Dick and Maurice McDonald, whose name and technology Ray Kroc borrowed in his business.

Founder of McDonald's

The biography of Ray Kroc (1902-1984), an American businessman, the pioneer of fast food restaurants, is proof that you should always and at any age believe in success, despite the various vicissitudes of fate. Work on organizing the McDonald's chain began during Ray's advanced years. By that time, he already had several serious physical illnesses (one of which was diabetes). However, this did not stop the entrepreneur in his career. Activity, creativity and discipline are the main components of Ray Kroc's success.

Carier start

Ray Kroc was born on October 5, 1902 in Illinois (Chicago). He was the eldest of three children. The difficult financial situation in the family did not give the boy the opportunity to get a good education (Ray completed only ten classes). However, young Kroc believed that hard work would ultimately lead him to success. He tried to start his first business at the age of 15, selling musical instruments and sheet music with his friends.

After returning from the front (during the First World War), Kroc got married and began working as a salesman of paper cups. During this period, his entrepreneurial spirit and creative approach to business began to emerge. So, the future founder of McDonald's comes up with the idea of ​​organizing water delivery to your home. However, his idea is not supported. Then Kroc arranges the first trial delivery of water for free. This marketing ploy not only worked, but was a huge success. Kroc's next invention was the multimixer, a device that allows you to whip up five cocktails at once (1937). Ray even starts his own business selling multifunctional mixers. However, it took two years before the product gradually began to conquer the market.

Meet McDonald's

In 1954, Kroc met the McDonald brothers, Dick and Maurice, who owned a small restaurant in San Bernardino (California). This establishment used eight of Ray's multimixers. But this is not what attracted the businessman’s attention. A feature of the restaurant was a system of high-speed customer service: serving fried potatoes, hamburgers, milkshakes, etc. For example, 40 milkshakes were prepared at the same time. High-speed service was built through a production line for servicing orders. In addition, all dishes were inexpensive and therefore accessible to the general public. The restaurant itself was clean and tidy; all employees wore uniforms, which also made a positive impression.

What he saw surprised Kroc so much that he invited the McDonald brothers to collaborate. Dick and Maurice refused to expand production. But they agreed to an agreement according to which Kroc received the right to replicate McDonald’s business using their name, and they received 0.5% of the revenue.

The rebirth of McDonald's

In the process of implementing a new type of eatery, Ray is improving the high-speed service system. Now each employee had to perform strictly one operation. Since the menu included a fairly limited number of dishes, such a move was quite justified. In addition, strict discipline was required from all workers. The founder of McDonald's loved to repeat a phrase that later became famous: “Man in himself is nothing. The main thing is organization."

Kroc also used precise calculations in cooking. For example, a hamburger patty was made to strict specifications: weight - 1.6 ounces (about 45 g), diameter - 3.875 inches (about 10 cm), fat content - no more than 19%, etc. All burgers were the same size and high quality. In order to maintain the accuracy of the production process, Croc even creates a special laboratory. And in 1961, the founder of McDonald's conducted classes in a special training program (the so-called Hamburger University). New scientific methods for successfully running a fast food restaurant were introduced to licensees and vendors.

Ray introduces white army-style uniforms for his employees. The discipline in the organization also resembled that of the army. By the way, this was the main reason why Krok did not hire women at first, fearing amorous affairs that could disrupt the strict military order. Subsequently, girls were still allowed to work, but they preferred to hire less attractive ones.

In 1961, the McDonald brothers agreed to completely transfer ownership of their brand to Kroc, giving him freedom of management. It should be noted that they valued the letter “M” (the famous McDonald’s logo) at $2.7 million.

The first Big Mac

The high productivity of Kroc's restaurants, which could hardly have been distinguished by the first McDonald's, nevertheless had its drawbacks. For fear of slowing down the distribution line, Ray was forced to refuse to add new dishes to his menu. Gradually, visitors began to complain about the monotony of the diet - they were tired of eating the same foods every day. All attempts to improve the quality of existing dishes have led nowhere. And this despite the fact that more than $3 million was spent on the secret of special frying of potatoes alone!
