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It is profitable to grow in a greenhouse. What is profitable to grow for sale - a review of greenhouse plants with calculation of income. Current monthly expenses for greenhouse business

If you have your own plot of land, then the costs of opening such a business immediately decrease significantly. You can equip a greenhouse on your summer cottage or even in the courtyard of a private house.

For a small greenhouse, 5-10 acres will be enough. If you want to purchase land, keep in mind that a plot of up to 10 acres will cost you approximately 600 thousand-1 million rubles.

What to grow

Typically, this business involves growing flowers, herbs and vegetables. Among the most common crops to grow– parsley, basil, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, radishes, salads.

As for flowers, the most profitable will be growing roses, carnations, tulips, daffodils, chrysanthemums, and asters.

By the way, in one greenhouse there are several types of flowers at once, because prefabricated bouquets always cost more. It is best to grow 8-10 varieties at once.


In order for such a business to bring quite a large profit, farmers try to use crop growing technologies that allow them to harvest crops as often as possible. The most common of them is hydroponics.

Its peculiarity is that the crop grows not in soil, but in water, and rapid ripening (2-3 weeks) is due to the fact that fertilizers in liquid form are supplied to the plant by drip through tubes. The only drawback of this technology is that vegetables do not have a natural taste, and therefore they may not be easy to sell.

This is the best way to grow greens., because the requirements for its taste are lower. Buying a hydroponic system for more than 100 places will cost you from 200 thousand rubles, you can try to make it yourself.

"Mobile bed"

For the greenhouse business, you can use other, more expensive technologies, thanks to which plants develop taste.

For example, a compromise can be found between hydroponics and soil growing. If you add a little peat and real soil to the liquid solution that the plants “feed” on, you will get a kind of “mobile bed”.

The very arrangement of such a bed and its maintenance will cost three times more than a hydroponic system, but you will receive a product identical in taste to that grown in a real bed.


Currently, polyethylene, polycarbonate and glass greenhouses are common.

Greenhouses made of polycarbonate are good because they are able to transmit light perfectly and do not require a foundation. The cheapest option is a polyethylene greenhouse, but it is short-lived and not strong enough, and does not transmit light very well.

Glass greenhouses are more expensive and transmit light even too well, which is not particularly economical. And in regions with strong insolation, plants can even get burned due to concentrated sunlight, so it is best to purchase a greenhouse made of tempered glass 6 millimeters thick.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are most often used for flowers, as they retain heat very well. However, in this case, the greenhouse needs a foundation so that the outer flower beds do not freeze.


When planning to start a greenhouse business, we must not forget about the necessary equipment and communication systems.

It is best to build greenhouses close to residential buildings. In particular, you will need heating equipment. The best option is air heating.

An air duct pipe needs to be installed along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse, through which warm air from the heat generators will flow into the greenhouse. Often, in small areas, stoves with peat (wood) heating are used. An important point is the irrigation system.

The cheapest and simplest option is drip irrigation; such a system can be purchased for 1000-1500 rubles.

In addition, it is necessary make sure you have a lighting and plant feeding system, depending on what exactly you are going to do. A garden cart and various sprayers will come in handy.

Costs and payback

Perhaps the largest cost item is the purchase of the greenhouse itself. A greenhouse with an area of ​​50-70 square meters can be purchased for an amount starting from 120 thousand rubles.

We add here the costs of arranging all the necessary systems, fertilizers, seeds, chemicals, equipment and enterprise registration - from 400-500 rubles. If land is purchased, then we add these costs as well. This type of business pays for itself in a year or two.

If you decide to start a similar business, remember that the products produced will be relevant at any time of the year, which means a stable income.

The greenhouse business is accessible to anyone with the appropriate skills and desire. The owner of his own personal plot has special advantages. Before taking active steps, you need to understand the following nuances:

  • what crop is profitable to grow,
  • choose a location for greenhouses,
  • determine materials for construction,
  • decide in what soil and under what conditions the planting will be carried out,
  • determine the sales market,
  • select the legal form for registration,
  • create a business plan.

So, let's look at the main points in details.

Growing greens in a greenhouse

What will you have to spend money on?

Financial investment is where a greenhouse business starts. Even if you have your own growing area, you will have to purchase all the necessary materials for the farm. Typically you have to invest in:

  • purchase or lease of land,
  • purchase of materials for the construction of a greenhouse, equipment and culture,
  • business registration.

What to grow?

In temperate and southern climates, it is beneficial to grow the following types of plants:

  • berries,
  • greenery,
  • vegetables,
  • flowers.

You can choose a specific culture taking into account the following factors:

  1. Climate. In colder regions, a lot of money is spent on heating. In this case, it is recommended to choose less heat-loving crops.
  2. Competition. The success of sales will be influenced by the availability of the same product from entrepreneurs in the neighborhood. You need to analyze the situation and settle on the culture with the least supply.
  3. Demand. There must be high demand for the selected product. It is worth keeping in mind that in summer and early autumn the profitability of greenhouses decreases due to the abundance of ground plants.
  4. Capital. To start a business without an initial investment, it is better to give preference to growing greens. After accumulating funds, you can switch to other crops. Growing flowers has the highest profitability.

You can select several crops at once to avoid periods of idle soil. But for this it is necessary to carefully study the permitted predecessors and take into account the proximity to increase productivity.

Where should the greenhouses be located?

Greenhouse farming as a business begins with finding a place for a greenhouse. It must be located near populated areas. Otherwise, fuel costs will increase the cost of the crop. The site must have good access at any time of the year.

Growing plants in a greenhouse is impossible without electricity and running water, so the chosen location must be connected to communications. Tap water can be used, but growing any crops requires frequent and abundant watering. Therefore, to reduce costs, it is better to use liquid from an open reservoir. It must be periodically tested in a laboratory to monitor its chemical composition.

Areas with a significant slope or prone to flooding are excluded. There should be no large trees or buildings near the greenhouses, as they will shade it. But being at a short distance on the north side of a forest belt or solid fences will protect you from the wind, which will significantly save energy.

The soil on the site must be fertile, since there is no point in planting plants in poor soil. Purchasing soil separately requires certain costs, which reduces the profitability of the greenhouse business.

What material to choose for the greenhouse?

The choice of material for making a greenhouse is an important point, since the size of the crop depends on it. The following characteristics are taken into account here:

  • light transmittance,
  • life time,
  • ease of use.

Today, the following covering materials are used in the construction of greenhouse structures:

  1. Polyethylene film. It is more profitable to start a greenhouse business at home with it, since it has a low cost. Polyethylene film can last for several seasons, but then it needs to be covered again. If installed incorrectly, it can be torn by the wind, and constant condensation requires proper ventilation. In addition to standard polyethylene film, today we offer reinforced, air bubble, PVC and other varieties. Each of them is superior to the regular option in terms of performance and cost.
  2. Glass. This material, before the advent of competitors, was very popular due to its durability and transparency. Due to the high price, complexity of installation and fragility, today they more often choose other materials.
  3. Cellular polycarbonate. It has all the properties of an ideal covering material. The only negative is the cost, which makes it inaccessible to a novice businessman.

How to create optimal growing conditions?

Greenhouses must have all the conditions for year-round cultivation of crops. For a high yield, each parameter must be properly organized.

  1. Ventilation. In small greenhouses, a door and a window on the opposite wall can cope with this task. In medium- and large-sized buildings, hatches are used. The mechanism for opening the ventilation holes can be either manual or automatic. In greenhouses with a large area, the use of fans is allowed.
  2. Shading. In the southern regions, greenhouse farming as a business requires the creation of conditions to eliminate overheating. They are achieved by covering the greenhouse inside or outside, as well as by covering the covering material with an opaque composition.
  3. Heating. To heat winter greenhouses, it is necessary to consider a heating system. Gas is convenient and effective for this purpose, but it requires a lot of money and its use dries out the air. Stove heating does not require communications, but it warms the room unevenly. When using it, care must be taken to ensure that carbon monoxide does not leak into the greenhouse. Electrical appliances have low fire safety. Thermal cable is more preferable, as it evenly warms the soil. This has a beneficial effect on the growth rate of plants and the size of the harvest. Infrared ceiling heaters emit energy similar to that of sunlight. All crops tolerate their influence well.
  4. Lighting. Winter greenhouses for business should be provided with additional lighting. In the cold season, plants only need a few hours a day. The most energy-saving options are fluorescent, LED and phyto lamps. All of them have a good effect on crops, but only white luminescent products have a relatively low cost.
  5. Watering. In small greenhouses, watering is carried out manually using a bucket or watering can. It is inconvenient to water plants in larger buildings yourself. The most common type is automatic drip irrigation. It can be adapted to any source of moisture.
  6. Tools. To care for crops, you need to purchase equipment (shovels, wheelbarrows, buckets, boxes, etc.). A lot of equipment is required for seedlings. It is more economical to use available materials, such as plastic bottles or milk cartons. For tall plants, it is necessary to consider tools for support and materials for garter.

How to prepare the soil?

After completion of construction work and installation of all equipment, a greenhouse business requires soil preparation. Plants can be grown in the following ways:

  • on standard ridges,
  • on raised ridges,
  • in hanging flower pots.

It is more convenient to use ridges raised by 50 -70 cm. The interlayer can be pipes with coolants, biological fuel or electrical cables.
Soil preparation must be carried out in accordance with the agricultural technology of the selected crop. You cannot act at random, therefore the technology of growing the plant must be thoroughly studied. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

How to register a business?

At first, it is not necessary to register a greenhouse business from scratch on your site. To own a personal subsidiary plot, it is enough to obtain a certificate from the local administration stating that the property has a plot of land and crops are grown on it. When the business starts to develop, you will have to do the design. Consumers like to cooperate within the framework of the law; in order to get around competitors, you will have to follow the rules. There are two forms of registration of a greenhouse farm, depending on its size:

  1. Medium greenhouse- this is the presence of a large number of greenhouses maintained by one family. It is registered with the territorial tax service as a peasant farm. All family members will have property rights. There is no need to register an individual entrepreneur, but having a OGRN and TIN is required. To obtain a peasant farm certificate, you need to collect a number of documents. When this issue is resolved, registration takes place with other regulatory authorities. Then a current account is opened and, if necessary, a seal is made.
  2. Large greenhouse farm– the main difference from the average is that it contains hired workers. Such a business can be registered in the form of an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The first option is more expensive and has uncomfortable conditions. Registration of an individual entrepreneur occurs in the standard way by collecting the necessary papers.

Making a business plan for a greenhouse

When writing a business plan, you need to consider all aspects. The resulting document should include the following sections:

  • review,
  • information about the company,
  • service description,
  • market analysis,
  • production plan,
  • implementation plan,
  • calculation of costs and income.

As a rule, the profitability of a greenhouse as a business is 15-40%. The final figure depends on competition and demand for the selected crop. Typically, full payback occurs within two years.

Where to sell the harvested crop?

The winter greenhouse as a business has been set up and the first harvest has been received, now it is necessary to organize sales. You can engage in independent sales in a rented retail space or start collaborating directly with small traders and supermarkets.

Many consumers are wary of purchasing foreign berries and vegetables. Therefore, entrepreneurs give preference to natural, local products. This is the advantage of the greenhouse business.
Each region has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account during planning. The location for the greenhouse is chosen very carefully. Poor choice of area and improper construction of buildings can make a business unprofitable. Compliance with agricultural technology will allow you to get the highest possible yield. You will have to put in a lot of physical effort, but in the future all your efforts will be rewarded.

Greenhouse farming is a stable business.

The first step in the business of growing vegetables in the cold season is the construction of a winter greenhouse. The desire of more and more people to eat only organic products will allow your business to grow and bring reliable profits.

Variety of greenhouses

Every resident of rural areas or summer cottages wonders about making a profit from growing agricultural products. One interesting solution to this problem is the construction of a winter greenhouse. It is good for growing seedlings (vegetables and flowers), berries, rooting cuttings or replanting perennials from the garden. The result of your work will depend only on your skills and efforts, and not on the properties of the soil or the vagaries of the weather.

The modern market offers a wide variety of types and forms of greenhouses, so it is difficult for a novice gardener to understand where to start building. Which design will be convenient for growing different types of vegetables or herbs? What should be its area required to harvest the planned amount of crop? Which roof shape do you prefer? Etc.

To find the right answers to these and other questions, you need to familiarize yourself with the types and features of greenhouses, and also clearly understand for yourself when, what crops and in what quantities you will grow.

Greenhouses come in different designs:

  • wall;
  • arched;
  • called "house" and others.

In addition, the temperature inside the structure is considered a distinctive feature: there are unheated greenhouses, partially heated greenhouses and heated greenhouses. If you are planning to make a small winter garden or green terrace, then a wall-mounted structure would be the best option. A pitched roof and a common wall with the house will make such construction and heating economical.

You can choose an arched glazed structure - it will be used for comfortable growth of crops in the warm season, for example, low-growing plants, as well as vegetables and herbs. Its traditional dimensions are 2*4*3 m, but it is not suitable for growing tall and climbing plants.

Unheated greenhouses They are built without additional heating, so in winter they have low temperatures. They are convenient for spring growing tomato seedlings, early vegetables, flower seedlings, and rooting cuttings. If you decide to take up heat-loving plants, then there is no point in considering this option.

IN partially heated greenhouse the winter temperature should be at least 5-7 degrees - it can be ensured by the operation of an ordinary heating device. This design is convenient for seasonal growing of “greenhouse” plants - cyclamens, azaleas - or flower seedlings for flower beds.

If you plan to grow vegetables, berries and herbs earlier than weather conditions allow you to do this in open ground, then you need to start construction winter heated greenhouse. You need to understand all the differences between such a structure and summer buildings. It is necessary to ensure and regularly maintain a temperature of at least 13 degrees.

A winter greenhouse is a massive structure with heating, lighting and other distinctive properties.

Features of building a winter greenhouse

It’s so nice to have fresh herbs and vegetables on the table all year round. And when they can be sold at a competitive price, it’s double the pleasure! Many amateur gardeners have long found a way out of the situation when they need to grow vegetables not only in the warm season, but also in severe frosts. This is the construction of winter greenhouses.

The very first thing you need to start construction with is to decide on the range and volume of products to be grown. It is recommended to start it in the fall before the first frost, having carefully examined the site where construction will begin.

Work usually begins with calculating the strength of the frame on which the material you have chosen will be stretched, and selecting everything else necessary for construction. The frame must be durable, since it will receive a large amount of precipitation in the form of snow and rain. Wood is considered the most environmentally friendly material. It is reliable, durable, and building such a greenhouse will not be difficult. The disadvantage is that this design will be out of service within 10-15 years. A greenhouse made of polycarbonate is considered more budget-friendly, but more durable.

The winter greenhouse should stand on foundation, consist of a roof and a frame. It is recommended to install the structure in the north-south direction. The foundation must be strong. The reliability of the installation of the entire structure depends on this. To install it correctly, you need to calculate the approximate weight of the planned structure.

The basis - frame- mounted on dug-in racks, foundation. The edges must be secured with self-tapping screws. Everyone chooses materials for coating at their own discretion. You can use glass, but in this case you will need to protect the plants from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The film is considered a cheap and convenient material, but it can burst under thick snow. Polycarbonate is a universal material. It is reliable, frost- and snow-resistant, and has a spectacular appearance. We should not forget that the frame must have a door and a window at the end.

To grow peppers and tomatoes in this phase, 10-15 degrees will be enough. When the tomatoes are in the cotyledon phase, they are planted in special pots filled with nutritious soil. It must be remembered that tomatoes and cucumbers do not like proximity, so growing them next to each other is undesirable.

Lettuce, like Chinese cabbage, is best grown in a winter greenhouse until it has formed a half-head. To do this, the seeds are sown no earlier than the end of January. When the height of the half-heads is 8-10 cm, their first selective harvesting is possible. From 1 sq.m. manages to get about 5-6 kg. But you shouldn’t chase a wide range - Dutch greenhouse growers, for example, advise growing only one crop.

Where to sell the products?

One of the most important issues that worries entrepreneurs taking their first steps in small business is the issue of logistics and product sales.

In addition to the benefits brought to the owner by the abundance of vitamins on the table in winter, it should please the financial income of the budget. Therefore, before starting construction, it is recommended to get acquainted with the administration of retail outlets within the scope of possible export of products, discuss with them supply options, sales volumes and the likelihood of receipt of similar goods. The price of the product should be specified (you need to take into account the fact that the store will sell the product at a premium) and find the middle groundwith distance (otherwise all profit will go as transportation costs).

If you plan to sell large volumes of products to resellers, then they prefer shelf-stable goods, for example, tomatoes.

It is easier to sell parsley, lettuce, radishes, strawberries, and popular seedlings in April-May through retail trade.

The farther the greenhouse is located from possible points, the more “perishable” products should be preferred. This type of business will be doomed to failure if you live in the suburbs of a large metropolis or in a very remote taiga area.

Beginners in this business are advised to choose the easiest way to sell - through a supermarket. If there is someone in your neighborhood who is already doing this, it would be good to know their product range - to avoid unhealthy competition, it is better to deal with different crops.

Benefits of winter greenhouse business

Do you dream of building a greenhouse and immediately making big profits? Every year there are more and more enterprising people who consider crop production in greenhouse conditions to be a profitable business.

First you need to understand the intricacies of this business. Products grown in a winter greenhouse will indeed have a high cost. But you need to take into account the characteristics of the market in the area where you live. Study supply and demand.

As a rule, demand has a wave-like nature, it differs by season or can be timed to coincide with holidays. There is always a demand for greenery, and it grows well, but roses are not popular today; preference is given to exotic varieties of flowers. All this must be remembered when choosing planting material and calculating the desired return on investment. If the design has perfect insulation and is not afraid of severe frosts, then it can function from November to May inclusive. Precisely at a time when the price of market goods is high, and the population does not have their own vegetables.

The construction and maintenance of winter greenhouses require certain financial investments, so the process is considered profitable only if the cost of the resulting crop is at least 30% higher than the cost of the costs.

Start-up capital is required for the construction of a greenhouse. This includes the costs of construction, purchasing seeds, watering, lighting, and heating. Thus, the cost of building a small greenhouse with stove heating will start from 200 thousand rubles.

Payback in general will depend on the profitability and amount of investment. Usually, over a period of about 2 - 5 seasons, all this pays off, and the profit is 300% - 400%. In any case, the profit will be directly proportional to the price of the product.

In regions of Russia that are located from each other in the meridional direction, the price per 1 kg differs by an order of magnitude. For example, during the winter period of last year, the price for 1 kg of tomatoes in Samara was 100 rubles, and in Norilsk it reached 700-800 rubles.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the costs of electricity, seeds, fertilizer, logistics, etc. The larger the area of ​​the structure, the more realistic it is to receive a large income. What is more profitable to grow in a greenhouse in winter? According to experienced plant growers,the most profitable area for growing in winter greenhouses is flowers; greens come in second place, vegetables come in third. By the way, selling lettuce gives 4 times more profit than tomatoes!

The greenhouse business is not easy. This is a very painstaking and time-consuming task. But given the main trend of our time - to eat only environmentally friendly products - your exciting business will be profitable!

Creating a business in the form of a greenhouse farming is not a new idea. However, with proper organization, a “green” business can bring very good income. Where to start a greenhouse business and how to overcome the obstacles that arise on the path of a novice entrepreneur? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

Let's weigh the pros and cons

In greenhouses, greens and vegetables grow quickly; in some regions, 3-4 crops are harvested per year. Therefore, such a business, in fact, cannot be unprofitable. However, in addition to its advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages. Let's look at both of them in the table.

Benefits of greenhouse farming

Business Disadvantages

Greenhouse business is simple. Greenhouses are being built quickly. Launching a business can be done in a couple of months

Selling grown products is very problematic, so a constant search for consumers and markets is required

Opportunity to receive subsidies from the state. For example, the administration of the Krasnodar Territory provides subsidies for starting a business in the field of agriculture in the amount of up to 50%

Seasonality of prices and high competition require careful study of the local market

Business can be established in a small area required for greenhouses. Sometimes 2-3 acres is enough. Saving on rent if you have your own land or rent it far from the city

Decent monthly costs for electricity, water, as well as their installation and connection

Fast payback (from 1 to 2 years) distinguishes any greenhouse business

Where to begin?

For a novice entrepreneur, it is extremely important to have a rough picture or plan of action that will contribute to the success of the greenhouse business. It is important to think through many points related to the organization of greenhouse farming, but first of all it is worth paying attention to solving three primary issues:

  1. What to grow? Taking into account weather conditions that are favorable in a small number of regions and price forecasts, it is advisable to grow vegetables and herbs. These plants are very unpretentious, do not require much care, and any greenhouse business will benefit from them. Flowers are the choice of many professionals. Exotic plants and flowers are the most profitable area in the greenhouse business. But it is always associated with risk and high costs. It is recommended for a beginner starting greenhouse farming to practice on greens (onions, lettuce, parsley).
  2. Who should I sell to? This is a question that must be resolved before building or purchasing a greenhouse. Before starting all work, it is important to establish contacts with buyers. The more guaranteed points of sale of your products you have, the better, because if one wholesale buyer refuses to purchase what is grown, then another will be found.
  3. What type of greenhouse should I install: summer or winter? What materials and in what quantity should I purchase? Many people choose quick-assembled greenhouses. They are more suitable for business, but they are not cheap. Some novice entrepreneurs build from scrap materials, and then update and equip the farm as they earn money. Regardless of how much you plan to invest, it is advisable to plan your budget in advance.

Business specifics

There are three sectors in the greenhouse business: growing vegetables, flowers and herbs; Each direction has its own greenhouses. According to experts, the maximum income from them can be obtained in a fairly hot climate; it is desirable that the winter temperature is not lower than -5 degrees. A frosty winter is a serious risk; to avoid it, you will have to invest additionally in the purchase of insulation materials. Losses from the cold winter will be many times greater than the cost of transporting products to the northern regions.

A budding entrepreneur will have to choose a direction: seasonal or permanent greenhouse business. Where to start planning? If you are going to engage in seasonal growing of plants, then a regular one will do. A permanent business is based on special industrial premises with protected soil, with year-round heating and lighting.

It is almost impossible to mentally calculate all expenses and expected income, think through financial risks, and other significant issues without a business plan. It helps to identify and solve many problems at the preparation stage. How to properly develop a business plan for a greenhouse complex?

Sections of a business plan

A greenhouse business plan may include several sections. It takes into account natural and climatic conditions, all aspects of a particular business:

  • Activity overview or summary.
  • Description of the business.
  • Description of products and services.
  • Market and industry analysis.
  • Production plan and
  • Sales plan.
  • Financial and investment plan.

What to write about in a business plan?

We present a detailed justification for the project in the table.

Activity overview or summary

The business plan provides for the opening of a greenhouse farm, which will carry out the cultivation, harvesting and subsequent marketing of agricultural products (greens, vegetables or flowers, etc.). Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form. The advantage of this form is simplified accounting, ease of settlements with counterparties and reduced taxes. The project is assessed as successful, since there is a fairly high demand for agricultural products in the area

Business Description

In this section, it is recommended to describe in detail all the objects that will be included in the greenhouse. The business plan must contain a description and diagrams of future building structures and planned engineering and technological communications. It is necessary to calculate the needs for heating, gas, water. For example, it is planned to open a greenhouse farm consisting of five greenhouses, the total area of ​​which is 600 m2, the size of the greenhouse is 20 x 6 m

Description of products and services

A greenhouse business is created to grow agricultural products and sell them to customers wholesale and retail. At the preparatory stage, it is worth deciding on the future assortment that will be presented in the greenhouse. Most often these are greens and vegetables. At this stage, you have to choose a growing method, traditional or innovative, for example hydroponics. When selecting an assortment, it is important to take into account the demand and general specifics of this industry in your region; for this we are working on the next section

Market and industry analysis

A greenhouse business plan, as a rule, contains detailed characteristics and features of the regional (regional, district) greenhouse market. In addition, it is extremely important for the success of the entire business to find potential wholesale buyers, assess sales opportunities, and report on work with wholesalers. The business plan indicates not only future buyers, but also their planned purchase volumes

Production plan and organizational plan

  • Acquisition or lease of land.
  • Construction of greenhouses.
  • Carrying out all necessary communications.
  • Recruitment if necessary

Sales plan

Before starting all activities to organize a greenhouse business, it is necessary to draw up a sales plan. It is necessary to think about what the circle of buyers will be, and, if possible, establish connections with agricultural bases, shops, supermarkets, food markets and other contractors

Financial and investment plan

Is the greenhouse business profitable? A financial plan will help answer this question. To calculate the amount of profit and the break-even point, you need to keep records of upcoming income and expenses, understand the features of tax accounting and other indicators

Financial plan

The basis of a financial plan is forecasting upcoming income and expenses; without this, a greenhouse business cannot become successful. In addition, the entrepreneur will have to independently maintain these items, calculate planned and actual profit, net profit, break-even point and other indicators. To create a plan and keep records, it will be convenient to divide all expenses into one-time, constant and variable:

  • One-time costs are expenses that will have to be incurred once, as a rule, at the initial stage (purchase of greenhouses, cars, plumbing, electricity, etc.).
  • Fixed costs are usually monthly expenses paid by the businessman in equal amounts (land rent, employee salaries, water supply, electricity).
  • Variable costs are expenses that arise periodically in different amounts (repair of greenhouses, purchase of fertilizers, fuel and lubricants (fuel) for product delivery).

Based on detailed cost information, we can calculate total costs for each month and for the year as a whole. A table will help simplify your work, in which we will highlight columns for each month and columns for types of expenses.

It is significant that in a number of regions they receive 2-3 harvests per year, and in some, 4 harvests per greenhouse. A business plan allows you to quite simply calculate your planned income. To do this, it is important to know market prices and harvest volumes per square meter. Income will appear only after the sale of the ripened harvest and depends on the type of product and its price on the market.

As an example, let's take a green greenhouse business. Let's make an approximate calculation for green onions. In the supermarket, a bunch of onions costs up to 30 rubles in the spring; 1 kg of onions at the base has about the same cost. From 100 to 120 bulbs are planned to be planted in a greenhouse per 1 m2. You can get from 100 to 120 bunches of onions from 1 m2. So, 1 m 2 of greenhouse will bring up to 3,000 rubles. Subtract expenses from income and get profit. Let's say we have already incurred one-time costs. The remaining expenses were for heating and watering the greenhouse and others, which amounted to 2,500 rubles per 1 m2:

3000 - 500 = 2500 rub.

We multiply the profit from 1 m2 by the total area of ​​150 m2:

2500 × 150 = 375 thousand rubles.

After deducting the amount of taxes, we get a net profit, which will show how successful the greenhouse business is, whether it is profitable to invest your money, time and effort in it. Thus, the payback of a greenhouse business for growing greens, if calculated correctly, can be several months. A constant search for clients will allow the entrepreneur to make a profit in the first year of operation, so the profitability of the greenhouse business is quite acceptable.

Investment plan

The investment plan contains a scheme of investments or investments for all stages of business development, the amount of initial capital. The first investment will be a greenhouse. The businessman receives project documentation for it and all external networks. It is important to know how much all the pieces of equipment cost. It is necessary to plan funds for the construction of greenhouses, connection to networks (electricity, water supply), purchase of equipment and planting material. These investments are included in the production costs that the businessman bears before receiving the first profit from the greenhouses.

Which greenhouse to choose?

Before purchasing a greenhouse, you need to decide on its type. The type of greenhouse depends on climatic conditions, assortment and specifics of the farm:

  • Greenhouses of the summer-light type are simple and can be installed in a couple of hours. This type of building can be erected in a few hours. The summer version of greenhouses is mostly used as protection from prolonged rains or pests.
  • Winter-type greenhouses that transmit sunlight well will help create and maintain the necessary microclimate. Therefore, they are more suitable for growing any plants, including flowers.

Greenhouse materials

Creating a temperature regime suitable for plants is expensive. A cheap greenhouse will not be able to maintain the desired temperature for a long time. It is important to consider the choice of material that will be used in its construction. The following types of materials are popular today:

  • Glass. For a very long time, the greenhouse business at home was built on one of the main materials in this business - glass. It was used to create insulated greenhouses that could be successfully operated until late autumn. Glass transmits up to 90% of light. But it is not suitable for the cold winter months, regardless of whether additional insulation is used. Glass has such a disadvantage as fragility; low temperatures can destroy it. And the cost of glazing will be rather high. Therefore, this material is suitable for temporary use.
  • Polyethylene is a material that has been used for a long time in many types of greenhouses. Its advantage is its low price compared to other materials. But a significant drawback is the low bandwidth. Many plants will need additional light sources. The greenhouse will have to be opened during reasonable weather to allow sunlight to reach the plants. The material is characterized by weak strength and low heat capacity, therefore it is suitable exclusively for summer greenhouses.
  • It is impossible to imagine a home greenhouse business without polycarbonate. It is a product of modern technology, 250 times more durable and 8 times lighter than glass. Its heat capacity is several times higher than that of glass and polyethylene. Only polycarbonate is an ideal material for winter greenhouses. A greenhouse roof made of polycarbonate with a thickness of no more than 9 mm allows for the greatest penetration of light. The walls may be thicker. When choosing a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, it is important to know that it is available in two types: monolithic and cellular. Cellular polycarbonate has more advantages, since it is much more transparent and warmer than monolithic. For greenhouse business, cellular polycarbonate is recommended.


Greenhouse farming is a business that must constantly develop and improve. High competition in industries reduces profit margins. New technologies are emerging, but at the same time the cost of equipment is rising. Therefore, a businessman must be able not only to sell what he has grown, but to navigate the market, use innovations and expand the business.

Some are convinced that the winter season is a time for rest and accumulation of strength, while others use this period to earn money.

How can you effectively use the cold season? You might consider a winter greenhouse as an option for your own business. This method of earning money is perfect for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs, since large investments are not required at the initial stage.

The following can be successfully grown in a greenhouse:

  • Any greens: dill, parsley, onions, spinach, cilantro and so on.
  • Almost all types of flowers.
  • Any vegetables that are in demand: cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots and much more.

In addition, you can use a winter greenhouse to grow exotic fruits, the demand for which is consistently high at any time of the year, and it significantly exceeds the supply available on the market.

If we talk about growing vegetables, then we need to take into account not only the demand of the crop, but also the ripening period, as well as the profitability of the venture. For example, carrots, beets and potatoes ripen in about four months, therefore, you will not be able to make a profit in this case. These vegetables can be stored for a long time and are therefore considered a seasonal product, and greenhouses are best used for growing fast-growing crops.

The most acceptable option would be cucumbers and tomatoes. This means that in order to obtain maximum profit from a greenhouse, it should be planted with fast-growing vegetables that give a high yield.

Greenhouse construction

When building a warm greenhouse, it is better to use durable and thermally insulating materials. There are three possible options:

  1. Polycarbonate. This material has many significant advantages. Firstly, it allows the sun's rays to pass through. Secondly, the construction of such a structure does not require the construction of a foundation, which significantly reduces construction costs. However, polycarbonate itself is considered a rather expensive material.
  2. Polyethylene. The main and only advantage of this material is its cost. The disadvantages are low throughput (vegetables grow slowly) and low strength. The polyethylene structure has to be repaired almost every year.
  3. Glass. Glass structures are very expensive. But there are many advantages: excellent throughput, long service life and the ability to use the structure all year round.

Equipment and heating

It is important to understand that any crop grown in winter in greenhouse conditions requires careful handling, since it will be much weaker than its seasonal counterpart. Particular attention should be paid to the soil, no matter what you plant in it. The composition of the soil should be balanced and rich in minerals and fertilizers. It is worth noting that the established concentration should be strictly adhered to, since excess nutrients harm the plants and they can “burn out.”

The climate zone you have chosen for the construction of the structure also requires special attention. If the air temperature is below 5 degrees, then the greenhouse needs to be insulated or even a heating system installed. The following can be used as heaters:

  • Boilers using coal, fuel oil or wood.
  • Heaters.
  • Gas boilers with heating catalyst vessels.
  • Buleryans.

There is also the option of connecting the greenhouse to a home steam heating system. All of the above options have one common drawback - the lack of uniform heat distribution; according to the laws of physics, it is collected at the top of the structure, and its lower part is not fully heated.

The arrangement requires not only heating, but also additional lighting.

To grow crops in greenhouse conditions, special lamps are produced that emit the spectrum necessary for photosynthesis. Such lamps are not particularly expensive, but they are difficult to install. Energy-saving mercury, fluorescent and LED lamps are also suitable for lighting.

It is also necessary to prepare the beds in the greenhouse minimum height 20 centimeters from fertile soil and humus. You will have to install a special irrigation system, although you can water it manually.

You can see the arrangement of such a structure in Siberia in the following video:

Organization of product sales

Basically, products from the garden and greenhouse are sold On the market. Selling vegetables directly is a great option for a new farmer. To do this, you need to open a tent or rent a retail space.

You can sell grown crops to shops and supermarkets. These outlets sell a fairly large volume of vegetables every day. However, in this case you will have to register your activities, and this is an additional expense. But, nevertheless, if you plan to grow large volumes of products, then such a profitable distribution channel cannot be missed.

Investments and profitability

A winter greenhouse is a fairly promising and profitable business that can provide the entrepreneur with continuous profit. To assess the profitability of such a business idea, a number of factors should be taken into account: construction and glazing material, climatic conditions, crop grown, distribution channels, etc. On average, the construction and arrangement of a structure requires about 400 thousand rubles.

It is extremely difficult to determine the amount of expected profit from organizing a business, since income depends on a number of conditions.

First of all, they depend on the region in which the greenhouse is located. The climate of some areas allows you to grow up to four crops per year, while in others - a maximum of two. The remoteness of the greenhouse farm from the city also plays an important role - transportation costs, available distribution channels and much more directly depend on this factor. If we talk about the expected payback period for investments, then the most realistic can be considered a period of two to three years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the project

The positive aspects include relatively low construction costs, simple solutions to organizational issues and stable demand for grown products. However, there is still a question of price. The advantages include the payback period of investments, but here everything largely depends on the scale of the farm.

Disadvantages include high costs for electricity (a large-area structure needs to be illuminated almost around the clock) and the seasonality of the business. Of course, in winter the demand for grown products will be consistently high, but in the summer it is quite difficult to sell goods at a good price. In addition, you need to take into account that delivering the goods to the buyer will be your task, and this implies additional costs.
