Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Housing and communal services management system at the municipal level. The main goals and objectives of the development of the housing and communal services complex. What are the features of housing and communal services management?

Topic 7 Municipal management in the field of housing and communal services

1. Economic content of housing and utilities 1

2. Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of housing and communal services.. .......... 2

3. Activities of LSG bodies to ensure the functioning of HOAs and management companies. ....... 6

4. Municipal management of housing and communal services 16

Control questions.. ........... 19

1. Economic content of housing and utilities

Currently, in Russia, the formation of market relations in housing and communal services has not been completed due to systemic reasons:

Subsidies for this sector of the economy,

Insufficiently developed system of contractual relations,

Ineffective tariff policy for housing and communal services, etc.

Federal decisions regarding reform of the housing and communal services sector are advisory in nature for local authorities, which leads to local subjectivity, monopoly of municipalities in management, and distortion in the formation of supply and demand in the field of housing and communal services. The practice of forming progressive forms of management of apartment buildings has not yet received sufficient distribution.

Many problems have arisen in the functioning of the housing and communal services sector, the difficulty of solving which lies in the fact that in a number of important theoretical and methodological aspects of their development, domestic research has just begun, and foreign experience from the point of view of the possibility of its application in Russian specific conditions has not been sufficiently studied. In turn, this requires an in-depth analysis of the economy of the housing and communal services of regions and municipalities, the main patterns of development of housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services as an economic category expresses the relationship between people regarding the production, distribution and consumption of specific (in the form of services) goods related to the sphere of personal and collective consumption. This is a full cycle of work that provides the final result - the sale of services directly to the consumer, including the maintenance of engineering systems, structural elements and repairs of residential buildings, including the fulfillment of requests for urgent emergency work, regardless of whether all work on the production and sale of services is carried out by one enterprise or individual works are entrusted by the general contractor to other enterprises and private firms.

It should be noted that the commonly used concept of “housing and communal services” does not correspond to modern content. It is necessary to distinguish between housing and utility services, since a housing service is the implementation of direct work on site for the technical operation of the housing stock, and a utility service is the delivery to consumers of material media with certain quality indicators (heat and electricity, water, gas, etc. .) produced by other manufacturers.

Thus, housing and communal services should be understood as housing and communal services provided to individuals and legal entities in accordance with municipal assignments by municipal enterprises and institutions or other legal entities at prices (tariffs) established in the manner determined by authorities. And the provision of housing and utility services is a set of works performed by the supplier with the participation and control of the organizer (customer) for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock, as well as for bringing the main types of utility services to direct consumers.

Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of housing and communal services

The problems of the housing and communal complex (HCS) acquire special significance at the municipal level, since it is here that it is possible to most fully take into account the needs of citizens and take specific measures to resolve issues of local importance in this area. However, the socio-economic situation in municipalities has a negative impact on the operation of communal infrastructure. As a result, the wear and tear of fixed assets in the housing and communal services sector continues to increase, and the reliability of life support systems decreases.

Housing and communal services is a large-scale sector of the national economy, including all housing infrastructure with engineering systems, gas and water supply networks and energy supply systems, service organizations. Housing and communal services are part of the municipal economy of the Moscow Region.

The housing and communal services sector consists of four sub-sectors:

1. Housing, incl. residential and non-residential buildings with a network of enterprises and organizations serving them.

2. Resource supply, incl. heat supply, electricity supply, water supply, sanitation.

3. Improvement and maintenance of housing stock, incl. road and bridge maintenance, landscaping, sanitary cleaning, waste disposal, repairs.

4. Household services, incl. bath and laundry facilities, hotel facilities, funeral services.

According to Federal Law No. 131, the powers of local self-government bodies in the housing and communal services sector are:

1. Settlements (rural, urban): problems of life support for the population (heat; gas; electricity; water and water supply; fuel; maintenance and construction of roads, bridges within the boundaries of the settlement; provision of housing, maintenance of the housing stock; creation of conditions for housing construction; transport services ; participation in the prevention and response to emergency situations; fire safety; public catering; trade and consumer services; collection and removal of household waste and garbage; landscaping);

2. Powers of local government bodies of a municipal district: problems of life support for the population of the district (electricity and gas supply to settlements; maintenance and construction of roads, bridges for public use; transport services between settlements; participation in the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations; protection of public order in the district; events inter-settlement environmental protection; disposal and processing of household and industrial waste; public catering, trade, consumer services);

3. Powers of local government bodies of the urban district: problems of life support of the district (electricity, heat, gas and water supply, sewerage, fuel, roads, bridges; construction and maintenance of housing stock, housing construction; transport services; participation in the prevention and mitigation of consequences emergency situations; public order protection, municipal police; fire safety measures; environmental protection; provision of public catering, trade, consumer services; collection, removal and disposal of household and industrial waste; landscaping).

The level of provision of housing and utility services to the population is one of the most important indicators of the quality of life in the territory of the municipality.

The object of municipal policy in the housing and communal services sector is to meet the needs of the population for services for maintaining the housing stock and local area, the needs for water, gas, heat, electricity and other services in accordance with current regulations and standards.

Currently, the level of maintenance of the housing stock in most municipalities does not comply with the rules and regulations for the technical operation of residential buildings. The current water supply system is unable to meet the population's water needs in accordance with regulations and standards. The heat supply system is technologically outdated and does not meet environmental requirements. The reasons for these problems are similar to other areas of the municipal economy: budget deficit and administrative management mechanism.

One of the primary tasks of the regulatory and legal support for the functioning of housing and communal services is the improvement of budget and tax legislation, which needs to be amended in order to ensure the spending powers of local governments in the housing and communal services sector.

Housing and communal services reforms will not bring the expected effect without changing the system of regulation of natural monopoly entities, whose products directly affect the cost of housing and communal services. Legislative regulation of natural monopoly entities operating at the local level must solve a number of problems: determining the forms and methods of regulation; delimitation of the competence of executive authorities of subjects and local governments; establishing a mechanism for mutual delegation of powers.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation is the main document regulating the legal and regulatory space in the housing and communal services sector. The modernization of relations between subjects of the housing and communal services complex, as laid down in the Housing Code, is fundamentally different from administrative reform. After all, in addition to federal and regional ministries and departments, service providers, management companies, and other specialized housing and communal services enterprises, the changes made directly affect literally every citizen of the country.

The emergence of new operators in the market of housing services and the supply of utility resources in the absence of proven and generally accepted schemes for transferring the industry into private hands, as well as a vacuum in the field of legal and methodological support for a new layer of numerous housing managers, led to the unregulated commercialization of the entire industry. Only after the introduction of the law on commercial concessions (Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On Concession Agreements” of July 21, 2005) did uniform rules of the game finally appear for large investors.

The Housing Code initiated the process of homeowners choosing a method for managing an apartment building and defined fairly strict deadlines for this. Against the backdrop of deep distrust in old forms of management, new management organizations are being created everywhere. Changing the form of management and replacing service providers are normal phenomena in a market economy, but in the absence of uniform standards for managing the housing stock, formal rules and procedures for the provision of services, taking into account the insufficient qualifications of new managers, they can lead to an uncontrolled growth of organizational, technical and financial problems.

Local government bodies, being the owners of property in the housing and communal services sector, are obliged to organize qualified management of this property. To do this, they must hire management companies that are independent in making management decisions under control from the owner; encourage the creation of homeowners' associations. When forming contractual relations with resource supply enterprises of housing and communal services, it is advisable for the management company and the administration of the municipality to act jointly on the part of the customer of services.

It is necessary to ensure openness of the tariff regulation process for interested parties, providing for the possibility of public hearings at meetings of the regulatory body, as well as the procedure for involving consumer representatives in the regulatory process. Tariff regulation procedures should work to develop partnership mechanisms between state authorities and local governments, business and the population.

Another, no less important problem that needs to be addressed is the issue of taxation of investments going towards the modernization of fixed assets and capital re-equipment of utility infrastructure. At the level of depreciation of fixed assets that exists today in the housing and communal services sector, the share of depreciation in the cost structure is 1-5%. It is obvious that replacing equipment significantly increases the share of depreciation, which will lead to a sharp increase in costs, an increase in VAT and, accordingly, an increase in tariffs for the population. It is necessary to provide rules that reduce the tax burden for enterprises implementing large capital projects in the housing and communal services sector.

A promising direction of development is a gradual reduction in the share of costs for capital investments in municipal infrastructure from the current budget while simultaneously increasing the share of investor funds and the own funds of utility companies. One of the ways to make these investments will be the transfer of engineering infrastructure facilities to Russian and foreign investors on the basis of concluded concession agreements.

The entry of commercial structures into the operation of utility systems stimulates the creation of competitive conditions in the provision of housing and communal services. However, the experience of private business shows that funds are not invested in modernization, but in short-term investment projects related to ongoing repairs. This is largely due to the fact that private companies operate mainly on a leasehold basis, which is not conducive to long-term capital investment.

The role of local governments in implementing the provisions of the Housing Code from a legal point of view is specifically described in the relevant articles of the said Code, mainly in Art. 14, 161, 165.

The following tasks of local self-government bodies for reforming housing and communal services are identified:

  1. improving the local regulatory framework,
  2. establishment of economically justified tariffs,

3. limiting monopolism in the housing and communal services system,

Kuban State Agrarian University named after. I.T. Trubilina


housing and communal services, local government bodies, management model of housing and communal services, utilities, political, Housing and utilities, bodies of local self-government, management model of housing and communal services, competitive environment

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Abstract to the article

The article examines the functioning of modern models of the system of municipal management of housing and communal services in Russia, its influence on the political socialization of individuals. It is proposed to borrow foreign experience in the field of providing public services to the population to apply it in Russian practice in order to create a competitive environment in the industry and make it more transparent.

Text of a scientific article

The reform of the housing and communal services sector in the Russian Federation has given rise to many problems, which, due to their specificity and totality, are of a political nature. This is primarily due to the fact that the number of citizens involved in the housing and communal services sector is increasing every year, and along the way, a lot of problems are emerging in this area. Changes in utility tariffs and the introduction of social norms for electricity consumption have a significant impact on the standard of living of the population, and, consequently, on the formation of their political views. Currently, the main directions of reform in the housing and communal services complex are housing construction, as well as housing and utilities. In this article we will focus on the functioning of the modern model for maintaining housing stock and utilities. Locally, the municipality bears responsibility for the functioning of this area. The key goal of the municipality’s activities in the housing and communal services sector is to carry out a set of measures to implement state and industry policies aimed at creating comfortable living conditions for the population in the housing stock. To resolve municipal issues of local importance, local government bodies of settlements, municipal districts and urban districts perform the following functions: - set tariffs for services provided by municipal enterprises and institutions; - regulate tariffs for connection to the public utility infrastructure system, - tariffs of public utility organizations for connection, surcharges to tariffs for goods and services of public utility organizations, surcharges to prices (tariffs) for consumers; - implementation of heat supply networks in accordance with the Federal Law “On Heat Supply”; - carrying out water supply and sanitation, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Water Supply and Sanitation”; - approval and implementation of municipal programs in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency. Based on the above, it would be more correct to study the housing and communal services sector as a territorial-sectoral system of a municipality. The main goal of municipal management of housing and communal services is “the most complete satisfaction of the needs of the population in accordance with current legislation and generally accepted moral standards.” The management of housing and communal services of municipalities is based on three main business models: - sectoral; - territorial; - intermunicipal multi-sectoral. The sectoral management model is used in urban areas and large settlements. In this case, services are provided mostly by private companies; they are usually highly specialized in nature. In rural settlements, about 80% of such enterprises are unprofitable, since with a small volume of sales of services, the costs of providing them are too high, and they also have low potential of management personnel, as a result of which such enterprises become unattractive for investors. The next model is territorial; it is used, as a rule, on the territory of small rural settlements and is a complex of organizations that provide a number of housing and communal services, each of which provides housing and communal services only within the boundaries of one settlement. More than 50% of such organizations are private. This structure was formed in 2009-2010. after the transfer of the corresponding property of the districts to the level of rural settlements for the implementation of the functions of municipal self-government within the framework of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation.” Practice shows that the activities of such organizations are ineffective for the same reasons as with the industry model - the share of unprofitable organizations is 60%. The intermunicipal management model operates in medium-sized districts and in some settlements and includes a network of organizations that provide public services in settlements within one district. Analyzing the activities of these organizations, it is necessary to note such positive factors as the concentration in “one hands” of the property, financial and personnel potential of the housing and communal services of the region, which allows for the implementation of a unified production and investment policy. Local government bodies use the following methods in managing housing and communal services: - direct management - directly carried out by the local government body; - management through departments of local governments that have an independent budget; - management through municipal enterprises; - municipal contract management - at municipal rates by private contractors; - municipal rental management - private tenants at their own rates with payment of rent and assignment of income; - municipal concession management - a formal concession while actually retaining the ability to manage the municipality; - concession management - private enterprises for a certain period on contractual terms; - private enterprise management of privatized property. Despite all the efforts made in Russia, the level of development of the housing sector does not meet the requirements: the tasks assigned to it are far from being fulfilled in full, which significantly reduces the quality of life of the population. In this regard, the housing and communal services problem remains one of the most pressing social problems in the country. The main disadvantages of the functioning of the housing and communal services sector at present are: - the lack of clearly defined goals for reforming the housing and communal services sector; - confusion in terminology in legislative and regulatory acts regulating the functioning of the housing and communal services sector; Over the past few years, the situation in housing and communal services has become so tense that it regularly attracts the attention of senior government agencies. The State Duma regularly discusses and adopts amendments to the laws regulating its activities, the leadership of Russia and the regions are engaged in reforming it, and the President of Russia pays special attention to this area.



The article examines the problem of the efficiency of functioning of the housing and communal services sectors at the municipal level. The author examined the specifics of maintaining and reforming the housing and communal services sector using the example of the Norilsk industrial region.

Key words: housing and communal services, Norilsk industrial region, municipal level.

The relevance of the study is due to the need to solve a number of theoretical and practical problems of management in the field of housing and communal services (HCS), taking into account the specifics of reforming the industry and developing the regional economy. The reform of the housing and communal services, including the policy of payment for housing and utilities, the system of social guarantees, as well as issues of increasing the efficiency of management and maintenance of the housing stock and infrastructure facilities, is an integral part of the general economic transformations in the Russian Federation.

Fundamental changes in the Russian economy and its transition to a market have highlighted with particular urgency the problem of the efficiency of functioning of the housing and communal services sectors. On the one hand, the process of privatization in the housing sector and the regulatory documents governing it significantly changed the structure of housing ownership, shifting responsibility for housing and communal services to the population to local authorities, which radically changed the system of economic relations in the industry. On the other hand, the deterioration in the quality of housing and communal services, the dilapidation of housing facilities and communal infrastructure, a decrease in the reliability of engineering systems, and the allocation of a significant share of local budgets for the maintenance of the industry required an adequate change in the forms and methods of management in the housing and communal services.

The processes of reforming economic relations and transferring powers to local authorities have given rise to many theoretical and applied questions related to the transformation of the entire management system of the housing and communal services complex in market conditions.

However, their solution still lags behind the needs of practice, which ultimately leads to a real decrease in the efficiency of the functioning of housing and communal enterprises.

Today, after years of reforms in the field of housing and communal services, many problems and contradictions have only worsened, which requires the choice of a more active position, effective and balanced actions on the part of municipal authorities in solving the problems of managing the development of the housing and communal services sector (hereinafter referred to as housing and communal services).

Currently, issues of managing the housing and communal services reform, increasing the efficiency of housing and communal enterprises, and finding adequate ways out of the crisis are being considered by Russian and foreign scientists. Here it is worth noting the works of E.V. Basin, I.V. Bychkovsky, Yu.A. Dmitriev, G.V. Gutman, O.A. Donichev, A.A. Dronov, A.Yu. Zhdankova, V. N. Leksina, B. Reno, I. V. Starodubrovskaya, R. Strike, A. V. Talonova, F. G. Tagi-Zade, G. P. Khovanskaya, L. N. Chernyshov, A. K. Shreiber, R. Spiner et al.

A review of scientific sources, regulatory documents, and analysis of methodological developments carried out by the author shows that the process of socio-economic innovation is characterized by inconsistency and contradiction. At the same time, there has already been a dynamic process of shifting the center of “gravity” in reforming the housing and communal services system from the federal to the regional and municipal levels, which has led to the emergence of new patterns and management mechanisms that require serious scientific understanding.

The development of housing and communal services occurs in difficult conditions, in every region in every municipal

Education has its own specifics of development and reform.

The housing stock of Norilsk is 4,487 thousand square meters. m of total area, this is 1051 buildings, including 1016 residential buildings and 35 dormitories. The number of apartments in residential buildings is 83,852, rooms in dormitories are 9,713, as of January 1, 2005, 44,798 apartments have been privatized. Of the total number of apartments, 265 apartments require a comprehensive overhaul with replacement of floor beams.

The age structure of the housing stock in Norilsk is as follows:

Up to 10 years - 14 buildings, or 1% of the total;

From 1 to 30 years - 578 buildings - 55%;

Over 30 years - 459 buildings - 44%.

Number of residents in the territory

municipality in Norilsk - 212.3 thousand people, including in apartments - 196.6 thousand people, in dormitories - 15.7 thousand people. Provision of total area per person in apartments is 21 sq. m. m, in dormitories -13.1 sq. m.

The management structure of the city's housing and communal services is not set up to control and reduce costs and has experience working under conditions of strict budget constraints. There is no competition in the provision of housing and communal services. Tender procedures for maintenance of housing stock and major repairs have not been developed.

Norilsk has the highest costs for major repairs in Russia - 20.3 rubles/m2. The financial stability of the city's housing and communal services will depend on the ability of the housing and communal services management system to ensure a reduction in costs for major repairs by checking their validity, standardizing and monitoring the quality of work, and changing the methods of selecting contractors for work.

Intensive capital renovations have not resulted in savings in residential maintenance costs or reductions in utility consumption levels.

Residential buildings in the city are not provided with devices for metering and regulating heat and water consumption. The city is experiencing a widespread “retopping” of buildings and a significant amount of heat is being lost.

The main heating networks are in dilapidated condition and require repairs. The city should at least have the opportunity to set tariffs for heat transport. When allocating a tariff for the transport of thermal energy, the costs of repairing distribution networks must be separated from housing services and included in the costs of transporting thermal energy. The city does not have a program of measures to improve energy efficiency in buildings and engineering infrastructure.

The main problems of housing and communal services management in Norilsk:

Formation of mechanisms for the operation of housing and communal services under conditions of strict budget constraints;

Reducing the costs of maintaining housing and communal services, which amount to almost 4 billion rubles;

Finding a balance in covering housing and communal services costs between the population and the budget;

The boundaries of responsibility are vague and are not established in contracts;

The system and conditions of contractual relations are not sufficiently developed;

The city has no influence on the prices for heat and water production, their transport and distribution.

All these and other problems indicate

about the need to reform the housing and communal services in Norilsk.

A number of serious steps were taken in this direction, including the development of a city Housing Policy Program, the main goal of which was to change the existing structure of servicing and managing the housing stock.

Within the structure of the Norilsk administration, several departments have been created and are functioning, dealing with management issues in the field of urban management:

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (UAiG);

Department of Urban and Housing and Communal Services (UZHKH);

Department of Capital Repairs and Construction (UKRiS);

Property Management (IP);

Housing Fund Administration (USiHF);

Department of Municipal Order (UMP);

Consumer Services Market Administration (CSMA);

Office of the Chief Power Engineer (UGE).

At the beginning of 2004, the management company (MC) Polar Capital was created. Urban

In March 2004, the administration delegated its rights to manage the city economy to the Polar Capital Management Company, and it, in turn, entered into agreements for the management of the municipality.

housing stock with housing service companies.

The distribution of management tasks for the housing and communal services of the Municipal Municipality "City of Norilsk" is reflected in Table 1.

Table 1

Tasks of housing and communal services management at the municipal level

No. 2 Tasks for managing housing and communal services of the Municipal Municipality "City of Norilsk" Housing and communal services UKRiS UMZ Management Company "Polar Capital" Service companies

1 Housing management + - + + +

3 Improving the quality of residential complex services provided + - - + +

4 Exercise and protection of property rights + + + + +

5 Formation and maintenance of a unified register of property + - + - -

6 Organization and control over the use of property + + + + +

8 Maintenance of social infrastructure facilities + + + + +

9 Implementation of urban planning policy + + - + -

10 Ensuring the functioning of municipal services + + + + +

11 Maintaining social, cultural, communal and household facilities in proper technical condition + + + + +

12 Implementation of municipal orders for goods and work + + + + +

13 Coordination of interaction between administration services involved in the operation of the life cycle + - + - -

In accordance with the stated objectives, the administration of the municipal formation “City of Norilsk” carries out a number of functions for managing the municipal housing stock and housing and communal services.

Among the main functions of municipal executive authorities for managing housing and communal services of the municipality "City of Norilsk" the following can be distinguished: strategic (political), normative and regulatory, executive and distribution, control and supervisory, providing functions of state property management.

The listed functions are distributed in various ways among all executive authorities, for example, regulatory functions are within the competence of the Housing and Public Utilities Department and the Polar Capital Management Company; control and supervisory functions are implemented in the activities of all municipal executive authorities of Norilsk.

The main shortcomings of existing functions include the following: lack of interconnections, functions not actually performed, or more often performed but missing, vague formulations, lack of structure, sometimes lack of legislative justification, duplication of management functions.

It should be noted: the absence of a supervisory authority over the quality of housing and communal services and the level of service provision; lack of regulatory, legal, organizational support for housing and communal services reform; failure to implement resource-saving measures (lack of meters and regulators for utility consumption).

Analysis of the effectiveness of the housing and communal services management scheme in Norilsk allowed us to formulate two main conclusions:

1) the chosen scheme for working with housing companies is effective;

2) the possibilities for further improving the efficiency of the city’s housing and communal services are significant, although hidden in the details of the planning process.

To improve the efficiency of the functioning of the city’s housing and communal services, it is necessary, in the author’s opinion, to carry out the following measures:

1) introduce into the practice of budget planning the minimum municipal standard for the cost of capital repairs of the housing stock for

1 sq. meter of total housing area per month;

2) divide the work on major repairs, which are carried out on the basis of standard service life between repairs and based on the results of surveys, and gradually increase the share of the latter;

3) justify the service life between repairs and ensure their stability;

4) ensure the complexity of work on individual buildings, do not “spread” the scope of work across many buildings, but concentrate them on a smaller number of buildings, but carry them out comprehensively;

5) enter a cost item for installing metering devices;

6) introduce a cost item for technical supervision of the quality of work performed and make wider use of instrumental methods for monitoring the quality of work.

In addition to the listed activities, it is necessary to revise the system of indicators for monitoring the performance of housing companies, developed by the housing and communal services department, which are in fact municipal standards for the provision of services. In our opinion, increasing the effectiveness of this system of indicators can be achieved by:

Introducing more stringent requirements for monitoring the quality and completeness of major repairs;

Introducing more stringent requirements for the uninterrupted provision of utility services. When assessing the quality of work of housing companies, the timing of possible interruptions in the supply of utility services should be reduced, and fines for their violation should be increased. The amount of the fine must at least exceed the cost of undelivered utilities;

Introducing relative characteristics that make it possible to compare the work of housing companies with service areas of different size and quality of housing, as well as introducing performance indicators for payment collection.

Based on the results of comparison of the activities of housing companies, it is necessary to introduce mechanisms of comparative competition in the housing sector for service areas.

At the same time, the author emphasizes that reforming the management system must take into account institutional inertia, therefore it is necessary to improve not so much the structure as the management practice as relevant experience is accumulated in the housing and communal services sector.

In order to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the housing and communal services, the housing and communal services department of the city of Norilsk uses the author's scheme.

In all northern territories there are opportunities to improve the efficiency of housing and communal services management. In a number of cases, the already established opportunities are poorly realized due to the formation of management institutions; in other cases, the transfer of part of the powers to the level of the subject of the Federation reduces the validity and effectiveness of management decisions; Finally, the most important problem is the shortage of qualified personnel, which leads to the centralization of the management system. Setting up housing and communal services management systems to solve the problems listed above should become one of the main tasks for the development of the northern territories.


1. Law of the Russian Federation “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” // Collection of legislation. 1995. No. 35. Art. 3506.

2. Abolin A. A. Main directions of reforming the housing and communal services of municipalities // Housing and communal services. 2005. No. 2. Part 1.

3. Alimurzaev G. N. Local self-government: towards a conceptual justification of the main tasks in the economic sphere // Russian Economic Journal. 1999. No. 3.

4. Dronov A. A. Prospects for the development of housing and communal services reform // Housing and communal services. 1999. No. 12.

5. Methodology for calculating the main socio-economic indicators of the standard of living of the population, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated July 16, 1996 No. 61.

6. Nemtsov B. On the work of local governments to implement the reform of housing and communal services // Municipality. 1998. No. 6.


The problem of efficiency of functioning of the housing-municipal branches of the economy at a municipal level is investigated in the article. The author examines the specificity of conducting and reforming of the housing-municipal services on an example of the Norilsk industrial region.

Key words: housing-municipal economy, Norilsk industrial region, municipal level.

Kuznetsov Igor Anatolievich
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Russia, Tambov State University. G.R.Derzhavina
[email protected]


One of the most important problems of the current stage of economic reform in municipalities is a radical change in the mechanisms for managing the development of municipal housing and communal services as a system that ensures the livelihoods of the population. The main task of municipal government is to form a management mechanism in the housing and communal services sector that allows it to function effectively in constantly changing conditions in market conditions. The article proposes and justifies the structure of the housing and communal services management mechanism.


municipality, management, housing and communal services, management mechanism

Recommended link

Kuznetsov Igor Anatolievich

On the issue of the structure of the mechanism of municipal management in housing and communal services// Regional economics and management: electronic scientific journal. ISSN 1999-2645. — . Article number: 907. Date of publication: 2007-03-25. Access mode: https://site/article/907/

Kuznetsov Igor Anatolievich
PhD, Associate Professor
Russia, Tambov State University. GRDerzhavin
[email protected]


One of the major problems of the present stage of economic reform in the municipalities is a radical change in governance arrangements of the municipal development of housing and communal services as a system that ensures the livelihoods of the population. The main objective of the formation mechanism of municipal government in the management utilities that allows to operate effectively in a constantly changing market conditions. The article suggested and substantiated the structure of housing management mechanism.


municipal, government, housing and utilities, the mechanism of control

Suggested Citation

Kuznetsov Igor Anatolievich

On the structure of the mechanism of municipal government in housing. Regional economy and management: electronic scientific journal. . Art. #907. Date issued: 2007-03-25. Available at: https://site/article/907/

Today, the housing and communal services of the municipality is a diversified economy in which all socio-economic relations are intertwined to support the livelihoods of the population and meet the needs of the manufacturing and service sectors. Improving socio-economic relations at the level of municipalities requires research into the theoretical and practical foundations of reforming the housing and communal services sector, identifying the features of the management system in this area in the process of the activities of multi-industry enterprises, developing management strategies and tactics in order to improve the efficiency and quality of housing and communal services for the population. Reform of the housing and communal services sector largely depends on the degree of organization of management influence on the part of local government institutions. To form an effective management system and develop the housing and communal services sector, it is necessary to resolve methodological issues about the structure of the management mechanism in housing and communal services.

The subject of this article is the emerging structure of the modern mechanism of managerial influence on the housing and communal services sector at the municipal level. The object of the management mechanism is the housing and communal services sector of the Russian economy, which has municipal characteristics.

Before determining the structure of the control mechanism, it is necessary to consider the interpretation of this category in modern economic science. The modern content of the categorical essence of the “control mechanism” is very broad and multifaceted, and also has a diversified focus. In the classical theoretical view, the control mechanism is considered as:

  • some managerial influence: “The control mechanism is the organization of influences aimed at achieving goals”;
  • action of management subjects: for example, E. Vershigora says that: “...the management mechanism is a set of purposeful actions of the manager and the management apparatus to coordinate the joint activities of people to achieve their goals”;
  • subject-object relationships: according to O. Lebedev and A. Kankovskaya: “... the control mechanism characterizes the variety of connections of subject-object management relations”;
  • a set of actions and methods of influence: from the point of view of R. Daft, “... the management mechanism is a set of actions and methods of influencing the activities of people in order to encourage them to achieve organizational goals.”

From our point of view, the management mechanism should be considered as a system of managerial influence on economic relations between management subjects conducting purposeful activities to manage the organization based on various methods. A management system is effective only if the management mechanism has a strictly established methodological structure. Emphasizing this idea, we agree with the opinion of V. Vesnin that “... management must ensure the orderliness of the corresponding system, its integrity, normal functioning and development.”

One of the most important problems of the current stage of economic reform in municipalities is a radical change in the mechanisms for managing the development of municipal housing and communal services as a system that ensures the livelihoods of the population. The processes of reforming the housing and communal services complex of the Russian Federation show that the success of reforms largely depends on a complete management system that harmonizes the interests of all its participants. The main task of municipal government is to form a management mechanism in the housing and communal services sector that allows it to function effectively in constantly changing conditions in market conditions.

The housing and communal services management system is a single mechanism, each element of which performs its intended function, interconnected with the functions of other elements (Fig. 1.).

Fig.1. Structure of the housing and communal services management mechanism

The structure of the management mechanism in housing and communal services at the municipal level includes:

  • formation of effective relationships in the housing and communal services sector between subjects and objects at the municipal level, as well as understanding the essence of economic relations between participants in the housing and communal services sector through the prism of interaction and implementation of human economic needs and interests;
  • determination of the principles of municipal housing and communal services management. These include: the principle of initiative and independence; administrative centralization; structure and interconnection; priority tasks and directions; investment attractiveness; equal social protection and justice; mutual trust and responsibility; innovation and modernization; scientific character;
  • determination of the specifics of municipal housing and communal services management, based on quantitative and qualitative indicators;
  • determination of the features of municipal housing and communal services management, which are formed under the influence of factors of both endogenous and exogenous nature;
  • determination of methods of municipal housing and communal services management. General: administrative and administrative, economic, socio-psychological, innovative. Private;
  • formation of the function of municipal housing and communal services management. General functions can be represented as: planning, organization, motivation, coordination and control. Private functions include direct coordinated management of a specific enterprise or a group of enterprises of a similar nature. The specifics of private functions are determined by a set of factors: economic, production, social, geographical, demographic, environmental.
  • formation of tasks of the mechanism of municipal management of housing and communal services. Common ones are: the formation of a strategy and tactics for managing housing and communal services facilities of the municipality; introduction of new forms and methods of management, improvement of management organization; development of competitive relations; management of ensuring the proper condition of housing and communal services enterprises and the effective provision of the required level and quality of services to the population; resolving issues of municipal improvement and road construction; exercising, in accordance with the law, control over the activities of the housing and communal services system of the municipality.

The control mechanism is the conductor of any management decisions. The result of the economic behavior of a particular person, group of people, organization, society entirely depends on it. The reform of such a complex system as housing and communal services cannot be successfully implemented without fundamental changes in the system of managing the housing stock and its infrastructure. The management mechanism in housing and communal services largely depends on strengthening the role of local government and broad involvement of the population in the decision-making process.


  1. Zaitseva O.A., Radugin A.A., Radugin K.A., Rogacheva N.I. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook - M.: Center, 1998.P.432.
  2. Vershigora E. Management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001. P.99.
  3. Lebedev O., Kankovskaya A. Fundamentals of management. - St. Petersburg, 1998. P.17.
  4. Daft R. Management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. P.864.
  5. Vesnin V. R. Management. - M., 2004.P.12.


  1. O. Zaitsev, A. A. Radugin, Radugin K. A., Rogachev N. Fundamentals of Management: Study Guide - Moscow Center, 1998.S.432.
  2. E. Vershigora Management. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2001. P.99.
  3. A. Lebedev, Kankovskaya A. Principles of Management. — St. Petersburg, 1998. P.17.
  4. R. Daft Management. — St. Peter, 2006. S.864.
  5. Vesnin VR Management. - M., 2004.S.12.

Features of the development of the housing and communal services system in a municipal formation (using the example of the Committee for Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "City of Dudinka")

The problem of housing and communal services is a nationwide one. Today, every region or municipality faces problems in this area. This chapter is devoted to the features of reform and development of the housing and communal services system in the city of Dudinka.

Structure of the housing and communal complex of the municipal formation "City of Dudinka"

The housing and communal complex of a municipality is a complex multifunctional technical complex that includes all types of services necessary for life. Four housing and communal services enterprises (2 private enterprises and 2 open joint-stock companies with 100% ownership of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district and property of the Krasnoyarsk Territory) provide the population of the city of Dudinka and five settlements of the municipality with electricity, heat, water, and carry out the maintenance and repair of housing and communal services facilities , serve municipal engineering infrastructure and public utility facilities (in the city - on a lease basis, in populated areas - under lease agreements and free use agreements).

The total area of ​​housing and communal services facilities under the jurisdiction of local governments is 475.7 thousand. m 2 or 10,807 apartments and 4 dormitories.

The average housing provision per person at the end of 2007 is:

19.2 m2 in urban areas,

From 6.3 m2 to 16.2 m2 in rural areas.

In 2002, 6 residential buildings with a total area of ​​666 m2 were put into operation on the territory of the municipality: 3 houses in the village of Khantayskoye Lake and 3 houses in the village of Potapovo. 12 families improved their living conditions.

Since 2003, housing construction in the municipality has been reduced to a minimum, which is primarily due to:

lack of budgetary funds;

high construction costs;

complex transport scheme for delivering building materials to villages;

lack of local contractors licensed to perform construction and installation work.

In 2007, the volume of dilapidated and unsuitable housing (according to statistical data) amounted to 6.7 thousand m2, including: in urban areas - 6.1 thousand. m 2 and rural areas - 0.6 thousand m 2.

The level of improvement of housing and communal services facilities is provided by the following types of services:

central heating - 95.4%,

hot water supply - 94.4%;

running water - 95.2%;

sewerage - 95.2%;

floor electric stoves - 84.9%;

In urban areas, the level of improvement is about 100%; in rural areas, housing and communal services facilities are equipped with central heating in only one village by 34.4%. There is no centralized hot water supply, cold water supply or sewerage in rural areas.

The average wear and tear of the main structural elements of housing and communal services facilities in the city of Dudinki is 18.2%, including:

metal roofing - 52%;

soft roof - 25%;

attic floors - 66%;

Electricity supply

The production and transmission of electrical energy to the city of Dudinka is carried out by OJSC Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company.

Maintenance of intracity networks is provided by Taimyrbyt OJSC and Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company OJSC. The length of electrical networks (cable and overhead) is 563 km, of which 223 km are municipally owned, wear and tear is 45%. The number of transformer substations is 45 units, of which 32 are municipal substations, including 8 transformer substations located in residential buildings, the average physical wear and tear is 50%. The installed capacity of the city's existing substations is 238,060 kW. Electricity losses in networks and transformers - 4%.

Electricity supply to 5 settlements is provided from autonomous diesel power stations in the amount of 6 units. The length of overhead power lines is 21.4 km, wear is 60%.

Existing power supply systems for populated areas are characterized by large losses in networks and low levels of efficiency in the use of fuel and energy resources. Electricity production is usually carried out by one or two diesel generator sets (DGS) with a total capacity not exceeding 300 kW/hour. The electrical load in an autonomous power supply system is a constantly changing value; during the day it can change 3-4 times, so the installations operate with a load from 50% to 110%. This leads to a decrease in the service life of the diesel generator set, as well as an increase in the level of specific fuel consumption and, accordingly, an increase in the cost of electricity. As of January 1, 2008, the average wear and tear of diesel generator sets is 65%.

In settlements, premises that do not meet safety standards are used for diesel power plant buildings. This indicates a low operating culture of generating capacities, leading to a sharp reduction in the service life of diesel generator sets.

Heat supply

Heat supply to the city of Dudinki is carried out centrally by the boiler house of the PTES of Dudinki OJSC Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company and which is the private property of MMC Norilsk Nickel OJSC.

Maintenance of urban heating networks is carried out by Taimyrbyt OJSC. The length of urban networks is 39.994 km in single-pipe terms, wear is 40%, 24 km of networks are in dilapidated condition and need to be replaced.

Great physical wear of pipelines affects the flow of make-up water in heating networks, which exceeds the standard flow. As a result, a significant part of the thermal energy is spent not on heating consumers, but on heating make-up water in networks. The actual service life of heating networks before the first corrosion failure is 3-5 years due to the lack of a water treatment system.

The length of the village heating networks is 1.6 km (Khantayskoe Ozero village - 1.3 km; Ust-Avam village - 0.3 km). The wear and tear of heating networks is more than 60%. Of the total length of heating networks, 30% have been in operation for more than 20 years.

Water supply

The adopted water supply scheme for the city of Dudinka is based on different sources of water supply: lakes, rivers. Dudinka and R. Yenisei, i.e. is combined. Operating water sources for the city of Dudinki - about. Samsonkino and Trekhozerka function by providing measures for year-round selection (accumulation of summer runoff from freezing streams in lakes, deepening through the construction of dams or dams);

The existing system of domestic and drinking water supply in the city of Dudinki is quite extensive; the length of the city water mains is 20.14 km, including 11 km that need to be replaced. The total wear and tear of equipment and utility networks is 55%.

Water is supplied from pumping stations (4 units) through water pipelines that have been in operation for more than 25 years, and have now sharply reduced their capacity, both in terms of water flow and pressure. Support structures require replacement or major repairs. A further increase in the wear and tear of networks and structures leads to a sharp increase in accidents, especially in winter, the damage from which significantly exceeds the costs of preventing them.

In rural settlements, water is taken from reservoirs within the villages. Water is supplied to consumers in 200 liter metal barrels, and individual disinfection is carried out.

Water disposal and wastewater treatment

The total length of the drainage system of the city of Dudinka to the treatment facilities is 36.94 km.

Of the total length, 30% of the networks have been in operation for 25 years or more, 21.3 km need to be replaced, the total wear and tear is 65%.

The city's main sewage pumping station and two wastewater pumping stations serve as a pressure-pumping unit for the city's central sewerage system, through which all household sewage waste undergoes primary treatment in crushing chambers and is supplied through a pipeline system to the city's wastewater treatment plants.

Currently, the building of the main sewage pumping station is in disrepair, with the threat of collapse, wear and tear is 100%.

The collected wastewater is processed at treatment facilities with a total capacity of 5,800 thousand cubic meters. in year. The capacity deficit of structures is about 18%.

There are no sewerage networks in rural settlements.

In the villages of the urban settlement of Dudinka: Khantayskoye Ozero, Ust-Avam and Levinskiye Peski there are 3 municipal baths. The cost of their maintenance is quite high, therefore, to ensure the availability of services, losses on the maintenance of bathhouses are compensated to service organizations from the city budget. In the two villages of Volochanka and Potapovo there are no baths.


The improvement of the urban settlement of Dudinka is characterized by the presence of the following external improvement objects (Table 1).

The maintenance of improvement facilities in the city of Dudinka is carried out by LLC PA "Ecolog" with a private form of ownership - open joint-stock company "Taimyrbyt". The road section includes 2 motor graders, 2 bucket loaders, 2 snow plows, 4 bulldozers, 1 excavator, 1 auger snow blower, 1 sand spreader, 4 sidewalk machines and 10 KamAZ dump trucks. The number of employees at the site is about 30 people, the average monthly salary in 2006 was 32,524 rubles.

Table 1

Analysis of key improvement indicators

External improvement objects

Quantitative characteristics of objects

Length of streets and driveways with improved surface, km

Length of unpaved streets in rural areas, km

Length of sidewalks and pedestrian paths with improved surface, km

Number of bus stops, pcs.

Size of areas, m2

Bridge length, m

Length of storm sewer and drainage systems, m

Number of traffic light objects, pcs.

Number of road signs, pcs.

Length of street lighting, m

Landscaping area, m2

Area of ​​burial sites, m2

In rural settlements, landscaping work and sanitary cleaning of public areas are carried out by three privately owned contracting organizations. The maintenance of burial sites is carried out by the municipal unitary enterprise "Ritual".

table 2

Analysis of the financial and economic state of housing and communal services

The name of indicators

Federal standard for the maximum cost of housing and communal services per 1 sq. meter installed, rub. / _IN. m

The actual cost of housing and communal services established in the tariff per 1 sq. meter, rub. /_IN. m

The established level of payments of the population is, %

Actual level of payments of the population, %

Income for the housing and communal services industry, thousand rubles

Expenses for the housing and communal services industry, thousand rubles

Profit (loss), thousand rubles

Actual volumes of financing from budgets of all levels, thousand rubles

Subsidies accrued to the population to pay for housing and communal services, thousand rubles

Subsidies repaid to housing and communal services enterprises from budgets of all levels, thousand rubles

Benefits provided to citizens to pay for housing and utilities, thousand rubles

Reimbursement of costs for providing benefits, thousand rubles

Accounts payable of housing and communal services enterprises, thousand rubles

Accounts receivable from housing and communal services enterprises, thousand rubles

At housing and communal services enterprises of the municipality, the outflow of funds exceeds their inflow, which negatively affects current economic activity and solvency.

The presence of receivables and payables indicates the unstable financial condition of housing and communal services enterprises. The increase in accounts receivable is significantly influenced by the growth of household debt.

According to the analysis of the Comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the municipal formation "City of Dudinka" in the field of housing and communal services, today there are the following problems Comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the municipal formation "City of Dudinka" for 2008 - 2017 // Consultant plus. Krasnoyarsk region. :

The crisis state of engineering infrastructure, which is due to the high level of costs in this industry;

Lack of a competitive environment in the market for providing services to the population;

High degree of depreciation of fixed assets for generating and network equipment;

Deterioration of the technical condition of housing and communal services facilities;

Physical and moral deterioration of the residential sector in settlements;

High degree of wear and tear on energy equipment and electrical networks, the city’s collector system, water supply, drainage and wastewater treatment systems;

Unsatisfactory technical condition of the structural elements of the main sewage pumping station;

Difficult financial situation of housing and communal services enterprises, lack of working capital;

Non-payments for consumed services;

Lack of devices for water intake and purification of drinking water in the villages of the municipality;

Lack of normal conditions for the maintenance of equipment used for water supply and improvement of villages;

Lack of baths in some villages;

Lack of properly functioning storm sewers, lack of drainage devices;

High wear of the road surface of the city's road network, courtyard areas;

Lack of street lighting;

The presence of undeveloped areas that give the city an unaesthetic appearance;

Lack of space for burials.

The main goals of the development of housing and communal services are the Comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of the municipal formation "City of Dudinka" for 2008 - 2017 // Consultant Plus. Krasnoyarsk region. are: increasing the efficiency of the functioning of housing and communal services; ensuring the reliability of life support engineering systems; improving the quality of provision of housing and communal services to citizens; ensuring favorable and safe living conditions for citizens.

The implementation of these goals is possible through the Comprehensive Program for the Social and Economic Development of the Municipal Formation "City of Dudinka" for 2008 - 2017 // Consultant Plus. Krasnoyarsk region. :

Introduction of market mechanisms for the functioning of housing and communal services, creation of conditions for a competitive environment;

Use of budget funds, including through the implementation of targeted programs in priority areas;

Development of the initiative of owners of apartment buildings;

Timely provision of fuel and energy resources to the population, social institutions and housing and communal services of the municipality.
