Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Puppet theater script about princesses. The play is about a princess who studied poorly. Magic words "Sorceress"

this scenario is designed for a concert program. The numbering means the appearance of performing groups.

black lady
white lady

White Lady: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a King. His kingdom was small, with a small one. And he had an only daughter, he so doted on her, that he spoiled her so ... How can you ask me? See for yourself! (Announces) His Majesty the King.

King: Hello, hello, hello! Please sit down without further ado. (The courtiers bow) Well, what do we have today?

The Black Lady appears.

Black Lady: Your Majesty, this is incomprehensible, this is unbelievable! Princess, didn't close her eyes all night. She refused to eat and did not even deign to play backgammon.

King: My only daughter, my priceless treasure.

Black Lady: Mr. Poeter deigned to write a poem on this occasion.

King: A poem?

White Lady: (To the poet) Please, please!

Writer: M-mmmm.

The princess appears.

Princess: (To the poet) You are stupid as a cork. (To the White Lady) You look like a frog. (To Chernaya) And you... what's on your nose?

Black lady: What, what's on my nose? (tries to look at his nose)

Princess: The devils ate sausage! (She grabs a bundle with a poem from the Poet and runs away, the King and the others run after her).

White lady: That's it, good gentlemen!

Everyone except the princess.

King: My only daughter, my priceless treasure, is hopelessly ill, she suffers from malnutrition, lack of sleep, not attention. By decree of My Royal Majesty, I publish whoever heals the Princess, surprises, makes me laugh, I will give half the kingdom to him ... Close the door blowing.

White Lady: Your Majesty, there is a line of pityers outside the Royal Palace.

King: Don't start slowly.

White lady:

Princess and King.

King: Let's see what they have prepared for us...

White and Black ladies.

White: His Majesty, suffering inconsolably.

Black: (Aside) Well, it's up to him.

White: What did you say?

Black: I say number...

Poet, Black and White Ladies.

Writer: Mmmm.

White Lady: Number...

The black lady is alone.

Black: King, fool and tyrant. Half the kingdom is a great reward. Give it to the first person you meet? Well, no, it won't be. Let's see who wins! Number...

Princess and King and Black Lady.

King: My daughter, I have invited the most skillful groups in our Kingdom.

Princess: Boring, boring, boring.

Black lady: Your Majesty, two words. (King moves away) Are you making a huge mistake, half the kingdom for the whim of the Princess?

King: What?

Black lady: I ​​meant to say No...

Black Lady and Princess.

Black Lady: Your Highness, one question, Your Highness.

Princess: No!

Black lady: I ​​want to open your eyes to some things going on in our palace.

Princess: Not in yours, but in ours.

Black lady: Yes, yes! The king is out of his mind, and he wants to take everything from us!

Princess: Not with you, but with us.

Black lady: Yes, yes! He intends to give the first comer the kingdom and force you to marry. Yes, yes, my task is to warn and protect you.

Princess: Ah!

Black lady: There is a way out! Let's go. (to the hall) Give me a number quickly ...

White lady and King. Later Poet.

White Lady: Your Majesty, Your Majesty.

King: Close at last, the door is blowing.

A breathless poet runs in.

Lyricist: M-mmmm

White lady: Flies?

Poet: B-bbbb-trouble.

White lady: Miracles, the poet spoke.

King: There's a riot in the palace! (leaves in a hurry)

White lady: number...

All in turn, except for the Princess.

King: My only daughter, my priceless treasure (Crying) This is a conspiracy against the King!

White Lady: The princess stopped talking.

Poet: B-bbbbbb - big trouble.

Black lady: number...

All. Later Black Lady.

The princess is following her.

The black lady appears. Everyone stops. Pause.

All: Your Highness, what's wrong with you?

Black lady: number...

Black and White ladies. Later King and Princess.

White: It seems to me that what is happening in the Royal Palace is not without your fault.

Black: You are wondering! (deleted)

The King and Princess appear.

King: Daughter, but say at least a word.

The princess is silent.

White: Your Highness, answer us.

Princess: But...

White: Well….

Princess: But...

King: Well....

Princess: But...measure...

The black lady is alone.

Black lady: You must run before it's too late. Hide, disappear. The king is not so stupid. My song is sung. Run! Number...

All but the Black Lady.

King: Where did the Black Lady go?

White: She escaped, Your Majesty.

Princess: Daddy, what wonderful numbers. What interesting studios.

King: What? O miracle!

White: The princess is healed, Your Majesty.

Princess: Daddy, the greatest miracle of miracles is our creativity. I want to tell you friends that creativity is a great gift which not only heals, but works wonders. Create gentlemen, create!

Poet: V-vvv-everything!

Nadezhda Zemskaya, teacher


(Music, storyteller appears)

(sits on a chair)

In some kingdom

In some state

The vein was princess.

And she was not very - then brought up,

lazy and capricious.

And the Tsar-father thought, how would he like his daughter capricious re-educate. And he sent a letter to the Russian hero Ilya the Wise.

(MUSIC. A horse appears, grazes. The Bogatyr comes out)

Bogatyr: Look, brave man, we received a letter. (reads letter) Hello, my friend, hero Ilyusha! I request to you: come help my daughter capricious re-educate. And find devoted friends for her. Signature - Tsar father. (drops the letter)

Oh, and the King puzzled me. Okay, I'll think of something along the way.

(The hero takes a horse and rides to the castle.)

(In the castle in the window naughty princess.)

Princess: I do not want to deal with royal affairs. Oh, I'm sad, I'm bored. Nobody wants to play with me. I will punish everyone, I will put them in a dungeon. (turns to children) I want a miracle-wonderful, diva-wonderful.

(The hero drives up to the window of the castle)

Bogatyr: Hello, your highness. I heard you dream about a miracle.

Princess: Yes ... Do you know where to find it?

Bogatyr: People say that Baba Yaga has a magic mirror that grants wishes.

Princess: I want - I want such a mirror. Take me to Baba Yaga immediately.

Bogatyr: Well, if you are not afraid of difficulties and trials, let's go. I will take you to Baba Yaga.

(MUSIC. Change of scenery)

Princess: Oh, look, what a lovely pipe! (plays music) How beautiful it sounds! It's decided, I leave it to myself. (removes in "pocket")

(Petrushka goes to the meeting)

Parsley: (wails) How unfortunate I am. And why am I so unlucky. And I had to lose her...

Bogatyr: Why are you upset, Petrushka? What happened?

Parsley: The trouble is with me Bogatyr. I lost my magic pipe, now there is nothing to amuse the people with.

Princess: And what kind of flute?

Parsley: And my pipe is wonderful, multi-colored and its sound is magical.

Bogatyr: Your Highness, did you find this pipe?

Princess: No - no, mine is completely different.

Parsley: (crying) Oh… what should I do? I completely disappeared...

Princess: Enough, enough dampness to breed. Look, is this your pipe?

(As if he takes a pipe out of his pocket)

Parsley: My ... my ... Thank you very much! I will never forget your kindness!

Bogatyr: Well, Petrushka, we were glad to help you, but it's time for us to move on.

Princess: Yes Yes Yes! Let's go soon. We have lost so much time.

(Bogatyr and princess go away)

Parsley: Thank you, goodbye (referring to children) Oh hello guys! Don't you want to have some fun? (Children - YES) Then my magic pipe will play for you, and I will show the movements, and you will repeat after me.

(clapping hands

flute game

slap on the knees

stamped their feet

make a shelf with your hands

shake your head back and forth


stamped their feet

played the flute)

Parsley: Well done! Great fun! And now it's time for me to run, Father - the Tsar to entertain.

(Petrushka runs away to the castle)

Goat: (sings) Me-me-me…. (falls) Oh-oh-oh ... What a bad luck!

(At this time, Bogatyr and Princess)

Bogatyr: Aunty-Goat, what happened?

Goat: Yes, I fell, I lost all the fruits and vegetables, but I can’t collect them. When she fell, she twisted her leg.

Bogatyr A: Don't worry, we'll help you. For now, I will bandage your leg, and Their Highness will arrange fruits and vegetables in baskets.

Princess: Yes, it's easier than ever... (takes an apple) Fruit…. or a vegetable? Well, I'm not going to lay out anything yet. This is not a royal business!

Bogatyr: Your Highness, don't worry, if you don't succeed, ask the guys for help.

Princess: And it's true that it's me ... Children, help, answer - an apple is a fruit or a vegetable. (carrot, orange, cabbage)

Bogatyr: The guys helped you, now you need to thank them.

Princess: I'll tell the priest - he will send them a bag of gold.

Bogatyr: Gold is not needed, because you can thank with a magic word.

Princess: What is this magic word?

Bogatyr: Thank you.

Princess: And that's all! Thanks kids.

Goat: And thank you dear Princess.

Princess: Well, you, it was not at all difficult for me.

Bogatyr: Here are your baskets, and it's time for us to move on.

Princess: Yes, yes, we have a matter of national importance.

B. -I: A pinch of this, a little of that (fussing) Ready. I twist, twist, I want to brew a magic potion. Ugh, again nothing works. (She put her hands on her head)

Bogatyr: Hello, Baba Yaga! And what does it smell like here?

B.-Ya.: I am brewing a healing potion, but nothing comes out of it.

Princess: And why?

B.-Ya.: I have lived for 800 years, I have not heard a single magic word, I don’t know. And without them, the potion does not work.

Princess: And I know the magic word - Thank you!

B.-Ya.: Oh… But one word will not be enough…

Princess: And let's ask the guys, Children, what other magic words are there?

(Duplicates children's answers)

B.-Ya.: Hurrah! The potion is ready! Now I can cure any disease. Thank you granddaughter, and Ilyusha to you. And you guys Thanks a lot! (refers to princess and hero) For some reason, I was completely wrapped up in my potion and didn’t even ask why they came to me.

Bogatyr: Grandma came to ask you for a magic mirror, for our princess so that her wishes come true.

B.-Ya.: The thing is very valuable, but I won’t regret it for you. Here you go, let your wishes come true.

(gives a mirror princess)

Princess: (looks at the mirror) Ilyusha, I realized, I don't need this mirror. Harmful and I was capricious from that that I didn't have any friends. And my desire was to find them.

Bogatyr: But now you have many friends. And Parsley, and Aunt Goat and I will be your friend with pleasure.

Princess: (Hugs the hero) Thank you. I am very glad about this ... Grandma take a mirror, I don’t need it now. (gives the mirror to B.-Ya.)

B.-Ya.: That's good. I really like it the most.

Bogatyr: Thank you grandma for the warm welcome. But it is time for us to return to the palace, to the Tsar-father.

Princess: Goodbye!

(Bogatyr and Princess go to the palace.)

(B. -Ya. goes to the hut.)


Author: Princess and Bogatyr safely returned home. They were met by the Tsar-Father and he was very glad that his daughter became polite, kind and made friends. Guys, do you have friends? Do you know songs about friendship? Then together let's sing a cheerful song about friendship.

Target: development of stage skills and communication skills.

  • development of all types of speech;
  • develop the ability to understand the interlocutor;
  • develop the ability to convey an emotional state;
  • develop the ability to freely and liberatedly hold on during a speech, encourage improvisation by means of facial expressions, expressive movements, intonation, etc.
  • to exercise children in the ability to coordinate words and actions;
  • create a joyful mood in children;
  • create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities (decorations, costumes, attributes);
  • encourage creative self-realization, expressiveness in the performance of poems and dances;
  • encourage performing arts.

Enchantress:“I am a kind sorceress and now I will perform a miraculous miracle, with the help of a magic wand, we will find ourselves in an amazing country in which the Princess and her mother the Queen will live.

Magic words "Sorceress":

magic wand

I wave in the air

Magic will appear

The story begins.

Speaker: Once upon a time there was a Princess and her mother the Queen. The princess loved to travel. And then one day she asked her mother to go to a mysterious forest to find a magic flower there. Mom let her go, saying:

Queen:“If on the way, you feel something is not right, come back immediately!”.

Speaker: The princess has gone. She goes, and to meet her is a strange swamp in which a multi-colored frog sits. She sat and croaked.

Frog: Kwa-kva-kva, princess, where are you going?

Princess: I am looking for a magic flower, they say it can fulfill any desire. Do you know where it grows?

Frog: Kwa-kva, no, I don't know! Ask Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Princess: And where to find them?

Frog: Follow this path and don't turn anywhere. That's how you get out into the field.

Speaker: The princess said "thank you" to the frog for her help and moved on.

The clearing was quiet. The hut stood with its back to the princess, and in front of the forest. Here the princess says magic words.

Princess: Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and front to me.

Hut: Ko-ko-ko!

Speaker: The hut turned. Baba Yaga and Leshy came out of it.

Baba Yaga: Hello dear! Hello beauty!

Goblin: What came? Why did you turn the hut?

Princess: I'm looking for a magical flower. Do you know where it grows?

Baba Yaga: And you first come in, have some tea. Then start a conversation.

Speaker: The princess had no choice but to go into the hut.

Goblin went to put the samovar, and meanwhile Baba Yaga seated the princess at the table. Baba Yaga and Goblin decided to eat the poor princess.

Baba Yaga: Honey, could you help me take the pie off the heat.

Speaker: The princess was kind and hardworking, agreed.

Goblin: I have a magic shovel, it can fly. Do you want to try?

Speaker: The princess guessed that they wanted to put her in the oven, and came up with a trick.

Princess: I won't be able to! Better show how to sit on a shovel!

Speaker: Baba Yaga and Goblin sit down on a shovel, and the princess puts them in the oven. And in the meantime, she ran to the door to get out of the hut. Out of nowhere, a bat appeared and began to circle around the princess.

Bat: I know! I know! Where can you find the magic flower. I'll show you the way. It is not far.

Speaker: There was a hillock at the edge of the forest, and a magic flower grew on it.

Flower: I am a flower-petal

Bright just like an angel

I sing and give wishes.

Princess: Hello flower! I heard that you make one wish come true. So she went all the way to make this one wish.

Flower: They speak the truth. Say your wish, I will fulfill it!

Princess: I want a crown, but not a simple one, but so that I can teleport to another world.

Flower: Tear off my petal, spin - 3 times, pop - 2 times, stomp - 1 time.

Speaker: The princess circled - 3 times, clapped - 2 times, stomped - 1 time and a miracle happened. The crown was in her hands.

Flower: In order to go to another world, you need to turn it clockwise.

Speaker: The princess put the root on her head, turned it clockwise and found herself in another world. The world was amazing, snowy, cold. The Snow Queen herself reigned, and the watchman whom she fashioned was a snowman, not great in stature. Guarded the gates of snow. Here it is worth playing with snowballs. He noticed the princess and asks:

Snowman: Princess, what are you doing here? Where did it come from? Here is the realm of the Snow Queen and she does not like uninvited guests.

Princess: It's a pity, but I wanted to find friends here.

Snowman: Friends? And who are these friends? (Guys help.)

Princess: Let's play with snowballs, shall we?

Snowman: Let's!

Speaker: The princess and the snowman played, laughed, joked.

Then the Snowman decided to reveal the secret to the Princess.

Snowman: A cat is sitting in an ice cave. I want to introduce you to him!

Princess: Sure, let's go there!

Speaker: They went to the ice cave. There was a cat on a leash. He was sad to be alone.

Cat: The Evil Snow Queen won't let me go, she's holding me. Makes her serve. And I lived in another world, where it is warm, joyful, light. I don't remember how I got here. Eh!

Princess: We will release you. Snowman can you help me?

Snowman: Help, I have not done a single good deed. Come what may.

Speaker: Suddenly a storm arose and the Snow Queen appeared.

The Snow Queen: Oh, how dare you come here you mean girl! And you, Bigfoot, where are you looking?

Snowman: I will not, I will serve you!

The Snow Queen: Storms, blizzards and blizzards will turn the Princess into an icicle!

Snowman: I won't let her hurt! She is my friend.

Speaker: Suddenly a kind sorceress appears and wins with a wave of her magic wand. Snow Queen, and turns the Snowman into a handsome prince. And they all teleport back home together. After returning home, they become inseparable friends. About what happened to them, they told the Queen. After listening to them, the Queen kissed and hugged her daughter.

Queen: It's good that everything ended well. You are alive and well!

Speaker: Here is the end of the story! And who listened, well done!

Scenario puppet show"The Capricious Princess" for preparatory group kindergarten.(The tale is shown by the children of the preparatory group for children of other groups).

Musical directorRotai Svetlana Vladimirovna


(all heroes except the Storyteller are played by children)


(theatrical character. The teacher plays),



Bogatyr Ilya Muromets,


Parsley (doll),

Parsley Boy

(theatrical character)


Baba Yaga.

Presentation progress.

Music# Magic bells (from the song “Fairy tales walk around the world.” A storyteller appears).

Storyteller: Hello guys! I am a storyteller. I love to tell stories. Do you like fairy tales?( Children : Yes) . Then sit back and listen carefully.

In some kingdom

In some state

The vein wasprincess.

And she was not very - then brought up,

lazy andcapricious.

(opens a window in the Castle. The King and Princess appear in the window)

Music No. Song of the King (“You are in a hysterical mood” from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”. A pantomime is being played between the King and the Princess)

Storyteller: And the Tsar-father thought, how would he like his daughtercapricious re-educate . And he sent a letter to the Russian hero Ilya the Wise.

MUSIC No. Horse stomp (A horse appears, grazes. The Bogatyr comes out)

Bogatyr : Look, Burushka, we got a letter.(reads letter) Hello, hero Ilyusha. Come help my daughtercapricious re-educate . And find her friends. The king is a father.(drops the letter)

I'll go help.

MUSIC No. The stomp of a horse. (The hero sits on a horse and rides to the castle.)

Storyteller: And at this time in the Far Far Away kingdom, in the palace of the Tsar-father ...

(In the castle in the window naughty princess .)

Music No. Princess song "I don't want anything!" (short excerpt from

cartoon "The Bremen town musicians")

Princess : I do not want to study. I'm bored. Nobody wants to play with me. I will punish everyone, I will put them in a dungeon.(turns to children) I want miracles.

(The hero appears at the window of the castle)

Bogatyr : Hello, your highness. Are you dreaming of a miracle?

Princess : Yes ... Do you know where to find it?

Bogatyr : Baba Yaga has a magic mirror. It fulfills wishes.

Princess: (in commanding tone) I want this mirror. Take me to Baba Yaga.

Bogatyr : Go!

MUSIC No. Horse stomp. (mount a horse and leave)

Storyteller: And they set off on a long road, not an easy one.

Princess : (walks along the screen, notices the magic pipe)

Oh, look, what a lovely little pipe!

Music sounds No. Flute

Princess : How beautiful it sounds! I leave it to myself. (removes in"pocket", goes )

(Petrushka appears)

Parsley : (wails) Ah ah ah! Lost! Completely lost!

Bogatyr : (coming out from the other side of the screen) What happened, Petrushka?

Parsley : I have trouble. I lost my magic pipe. Now the guys have nothing to amuse.

Princess : ( goes to the screen behind Petrushka ) And what kind of pipe?

Parsley : So wonderful, colorful and her sound is magical.

Bogatyr : Your Highness, did you find this pipe?

Princess : No, no, mine is completely different.

Parsley : Oh-oh-oh... what should I do? I completely disappeared...(crying)

Princess : Enough, enough dampness to breed. Look, is this your pipe?

(shows flute)

Parsley : (takes a pipe ) Thank you very much! I will never forget your kindness!

Bogatyr : Well, Petrushka, we were glad to help you. And now it's time for us to move on.

(Bogatyr and princess go away )

Parsley : Goodbye!(referring to children)

Guys, hello! Wanna have some fun?(Children - YES) Then my magic pipe will play, I will show the movements, and you repeat.

(a parsley boy runs out to cheerful music, runs around the hall in a circle, stops in front of the children)

Parsley Boy: Hello! Let's have fun! Get up from your seats and repeat after me!

Music No. A goat walked along the bridge (shows movements, children repeat)

Parsley : Well done! Great fun! Now it's time for me to run. To entertain the king-father.

Music No. Fun Music (Petrushka runs away to the castle)

Music No. Any beautiful calm music (Change of scenery)

storyteller : Meanwhile, Bogatyr andPrincess went to the flower field.

Music No Exit Cockerel

Cockerel : (sings) Ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku….(falls) Oh-oh-oh ... What a bad luck!

(At this time, Bogatyr and Princess )

Bogatyr : Petya-cockerel, what happened?

Cockerel : Yes, I fell, I lost all the fruits and vegetables, but I can’t collect them.

Bogatyr : We will help you. We collect all vegetables and fruits.

Princess : Yes, it's easier than ever...(The storyteller raises an apple. The princess looks at it) The fruit is... or a vegetable? I don’t know. (capriciously) I won’t lay out anything. This is not a royal business!

Bogatyr : Your Highness, if you fail, ask the guys for help.

Princess : And it's true. Guys, help me.

storyteller : (referring to children)

Guys, let's help the princess sort vegetables and fruits into baskets.(brings two baskets). We will put fruits in the red basket, and vegetables in the green one. I will show you and you answer. (during the game, all the dolls hide behind the screen so that the child actors can rest)

Music No. Picking fruits and vegetables . (The storyteller picks up different vegetables and fruits. The children answer, the storyteller puts them in different baskets)

storyteller : (when everything is collected, holding one basket in your hands and facing towards the screen)

Your Highness! (Princess, Bogatyr and Cockerel appear on the screen)

Bogatyr : The guys helped you. We need to thank them.

Princess : I'll tell the priest - he will send them a bag of gold.

Bogatyr : No need for gold. Thank you with a magic word.

Princess : What is this magic word?

storyteller : Guys, what is the magic word to thank for a good deed?

Children : Thank you.

Princess : Really, I didn't know? Thanks guys.

Cockerel : And thank you, honeyPrincess (the storyteller passes the baskets through the screen)

Goodbye, guys(The storyteller gives the Cockerel a basket, everyone leaves)

Music No. Horse Music

(change of scenery. Hut of Baba Yaga)

Storyteller: And they continued their way through the dense forest. And they went to the hut of Baba Yaga.

Music № Song of Baba Yaga. (“You didn’t invite me to your place, but probably didn’t recognize me”)

Music No. Music Potions.

B. -I : A pinch of this, a little of that(fussing) Ready. I twist, twist, I want to brew a magic potion. Ugh, again nothing works.(She put her hands on her head)

Bogatyr: Hello Baba Yaga! And what does it smell like here?

B. -I .: I'm brewing a healing potion, but nothing comes out of it.

Princess : And why?

B. -I .: I have lived for 800 years, I have not heard a single magic word, I don’t know. And without them, the potion does not work.

Princess : And I know the magic word - Thank you!

B.-Ya.: Oh… But one word will not be enough…

Storyteller: Guys, let's help our heroes and remember all the magic words that we know (children call the magic words: thank you, please, hello, goodbye ...)

Storyteller: Baba Yaga, start brewing your potion, and we will prompt you.

Music No. Potion (B.-I brew the potion again, and the children loudly call the magic words)

B. -I. : Hooray! The potion is ready! Now I can cure any disease. Thank you Princess, thank you Ilyusha. And thank you guys so much!

(refers to princess and hero ) Why did you come to me?

Bogatyr : You have a magic mirror that grants wishes.

B. -I.: The thing is certainly valuable, but I will not regret it for you. Here you go!

(gives a mirror)

Princess : (looks at the mirror) No! I don't need this mirror. Harmful andI was capricious from that that I didn't have any friends.

Bogatyr : But now you have many friends. And Petrushka, and Petya the cockerel, and me, and the guys.

Princess: (bows) Thank you. I am very happy about this ... Grandma take the mirror, I don’t need it now.

B. -I.: That's good. I really like it myself (removes the mirror)

Bogatyr : Thank you grandma for the warm welcome. But it is time for us to return to the palace, to the Tsar-father.

Princess : Goodbye!

(Everyone leaves)

Music No. Song "Colors of different white, red" (from the cartoon Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf-2")

storyteller : Princessand Bogatyr safely returned home. They were met by the Tsar-Father. He was very glad that his daughter had become polite, kind and made friends. That's the end of the tale, and who listened - well done!

Music No. Song "There are friends, but for them friends have no days off."

storyteller : Meet our actors:(actors with puppets come out and bow, and the storyteller introduces everyone. Then the actors walk around the hall in a circle and go behind the screen)

Now it's time to get back to the group.

Music No. Exit from the hall.

For a girl’s birthday, such impromptu scenes are suitable. It's even funnier if there is an adult birthday girl in the role of a princess, Or a birthday boy in the role of a prince.

The best thing is to take any fairy tale, miniature or text of your own composition. Roles are easily defined - they are all nouns. And also consider the roles of the curtain, intermission and call. The presenter only has to read the text loudly and expressively, and the heroes have to enter into the image and perform all the actions.

Participants are invited, each of which is given a role. It is best to prepare signs with the names of the roles for this performance in advance and hang them around the necks of the artists, since the performance is played without costumes.



A curtain.

If there are a lot of people present, then you can add more additional roles: Bees, Breeze, Trouble, Horizon, Barrel of honey, Rays.
After the distribution of roles, the facilitator explains the conditions for the presentation and participation. Actors should play their roles, focusing on what the host will read. The most interesting thing is that the artists will not know the content of the production in advance, and all their actions will be complete improvisation at their discretion. The task of the leader is to enable the artists to take certain poses, depicting the actions that the leader calls. In the text, such necessary pauses will be indicated by three dots.

So, we begin our presentation, consisting of five actions.

Act one

A CURTAIN OAK… Easy BREEZE SPARROW And CUCKOO- flutter around the tree ..., the birds chirp ..., occasionally they sit on the branches to clean the feathers ... Waddled past BEAR… He dragged KEG WITH HONEY and shrugged off BEES… gray MOUSE- vole dug a mink under OAKSUN slowly rose above the crown OAK, spreading their RAYS in different directions… A CURTAIN closes...

Action two

A CURTAIN opens ... Stands on the stage THRONE… Included KINGKING stretches... goes to OKNU. wide open WINDOW, he looks around ... Wipes with WINDOW traces left by birds ... In thought, he sits on THRONE…appears PRINCESS with the gait of a light doe ... She rushes TO THE KING on his neck ... kisses him ... and together they salute THRONE... And at this time under WINDOW prowling ROBBER… He contemplates a plan to take over PRINCESSES… PRINCESS sits down at WINDOWROBBER grabs her and takes her away... A CURTAIN closes...

Act Three

A CURTAIN opens… On stage TROUBLEQUEEN crying on the shoulder KINGKING wipes a mean tear... and rushes about like a tiger in a cage... Appears PRINCEKING And QUEEN describe the kidnapping of the princess in colors… They stomp their feet… QUEEN falls at the feet PRINCE and begs to save her daughter ... PRINCE vows to find his beloved ... He whistles to his faithful HORSE..., jumps on him ... and is carried away ... A CURTAIN closes...

act four

A CURTAIN opens ... On the stage stands a sprawling OAK… Easy BREEZE blows its foliage ... Little birds - SPARROW And CUCKOO- sleep on a branch OAK… Under OAK, collapsed, lying BEARBEAR sucks her paw ... Occasionally dips it in KEG WITH HONEY... Back paw ... But then a terrible noise breaks the peace and quiet. This ROBBER drags PRINCESS... Animals scatter in horror ... ROBBER binds PRINCESS To DUBUSHE cries and begs for mercy ... But here, on his dashing KONE appears PRINCE... A fight breaks out between PRINCE And ROBBER… with one short blow PRINCE wins ROBBER… ROBBER under OAK gives oak... PRINCE untie the beloved OAK… by planting PRINCESS on HORSE... he jumps himself ... And they rush to the palace ... A CURTAIN closes...

Act Five

A CURTAIN opens… On stage KING And QUEEN waiting for the return of the young at the open WINDOWSUN already in the village HORIZON… And here PARENTS see in OKNE familiar silhouettes PRINCE And PRINCESSES on KONEPARENTS jumping out into the yard... CHILDREN fall at your feet FOR PARENTS... and ask for blessings ... They bless them and begin to prepare for the wedding ... A CURTAIN closes...

All artists are invited to bow.
