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Scenarios of performances for Easter. "Easter Egg". Scenario of a puppet theater performance for young children. You dance to us, come on

During the preparation of the Easter holidays and performances, there is a need to select a new, original script for the children's holiday performance for staging. Perhaps the following performance script will help someone solve this problem. Easter script children's play"Flower-Semitsvetik" based on the plot of the famous fairy tale by Valentin Kataev. In the public domain - published in full for the first time.

"Flower - Semitsvetik"

based on the fairy tale by V. Kataev


  • Zhenya girl
  • Grandmother
  • Petrovna (Grandma's neighbor)
  • Seryozha
  • White bears
  • Toys (dolls, bears, etc.)

Grandma's room. She is sitting in a chair, leafing through a book. There is a knock at the door, Petrovna enters.

Petrovna: Christ is Risen, Grigorievna! Can I come to you for a minute?

Grandmother: Truly Risen, Petrovna. Come in, dear, I have a red testicle for you.(old women kiss, sit down) Well, Petrovna, tell me where you've been. Well, read, for two weeks you were not seen, not heard.

Petrovna: You are my dear neighbor, because we have such a problem! Do you remember, even before Christmas, I told you about my granddaughter Vitya. Then in his village he climbed onto the roofs to throw snow, fell and injured his spine. So after all, his legs have not obeyed since then; don't stand, don't walk. Sits on a gurney, young, but like an old man. And then his daughter brought him to us in Moscow to some famous professor for a consultation. For two weeks, every God's day, we took Vitenka to this professor for all sorts of procedures. I, consider, spent my entire pension on a taxi.

Grandmother: Well, what did the professor say?

Petrovna: And then he said that my granddaughter was hopeless, that he would never get on his feet, so he would sit in a wheelchair all his life. (wipes his eyes with a handkerchief).

Grandmother: Wait, Petrovna, don't despair. You believe in God, you go to church. You know that despondency is the last thing.

Petrovna: So the professor...

Grandmother: A professor is a professor, but anything can happen. God has many mercy. And now is such a happy time - Easter of Christ; wonderful, one might say, time. For now, take the testicle to your Vitenka, and I'll come to you later. Now I can’t, I’m waiting for my granddaughter, Zhenya. Here it fits.

Petrovna: Thank you, Grigorievna. If you talk to you, it will make your heart feel better. You are like a kind sorceress. Come, we are waiting. (leaves)

Zhenya appears at the forefront. She is doing something in her mind.

Zhenya: When I left the house, 3 crows were sitting at the entrance, then there were 5 at the garbage dump, then I bought bagels for my grandmother at the bakery, and 2 more crows fought near the bakery, then there were 9 in the park on the trees and 4 in the flowerbed, and one more chased the dog. For some reason, this dog was spinning around me all the time. How many ravens were there? Oh, it turns out I've already arrived. This is my grandmother's apartment. I'll call now, my grandmother will look through the peephole, and I will put bagels in front of him. Like this! (puts the bundle forward and sees - there are no bagels, only one rope remains) Oh, mommy, where did the bagels go? It must have been that nasty little dog who ate them in the park while I was counting the crows. Well... What should I do?

Grandmother: Who is talking outside the door? Jenny, is that you? Come in, the door is not locked.

Zhenya: (quickly hides the rope in his pocket, enters) Hello, grandma! Christ is Risen! Congratulate you with Holliday. I just forgot my present at home, I'll bring it later.

Grandmother: Truly Risen, granddaughter! A gift - then so then, nothing. I'll show you my present (brings a flower pot). Look what an interesting flower I have grown! Each petal has its own color. Now it's yours, Zhenechka!

Zhenya: Thanks, grandma. Such flowers only exist in fairy tales. Grandmother! Or maybe he's magical?

Grandmother: Maybe magical. Well, you sit here for a while, and I'll go and put some tea. (leaves)

Zhenya takes the flower, sits down in an armchair, examines the petals, yawns, and gradually her eyes close together. Magical music sounds like the chime of small bells. Gentle g is heardslivers:

I am not a simple flower, but a magical one. I will fulfill your every desire, just tear off my petal, throw it into the wind and say:

"Fly, fly, petal,

across the west to the east,

across the north, across the south.

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

Be led in my opinion!”

Zhenya wakes up

Zhenya: It seems I fell asleep. And I had such a strange dream. Or maybe it wasn't a dream? Need to check. Well...

Fly, fly, petal,

across the west to the east,

across the north, across the south.

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

Tell me to have a full bunch of bagels again!

Magical music sounds. Zhenya looks into the chair, there are bagels

Oh, miracles! That's great! Interestingly, does Grandma know that the flower is magical? I'll go and ask. No I'm not going. I won't tell anyone. I am now the most important thing, I will do what I want! Such a good flower should be put in the most beautiful vase.

Takes a vase from the table, sings and dances with it, stumbles, the vase falls and breaks

Zhenya: No, no, grandma, it's all right.(whispers in a patter)

Fly, fly, petal,

across the west to the east,

across the north, across the south.

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

Tell the vase to be whole!

Sounds like magic music

Grandmother (included): Zhenya, there was a vase on my table, where is it? Didn't she break?

Zhenya: What are you, granny, here is your vase.

Grandmother: That's good. I'll go, Zhenechka, to our neighbor. The patient's granddaughter was brought to her, they grieve. I will invite them to tea with us.

Zhenya: Okay, grandma. And here is my gift to you - bagels for tea. It turns out I didn't forget them at home.

Grandmother: Oh, you're darkening something. I forgot, I didn't forget. Host, set the table.(leaves)

Zhenya: What do I want so special? I can do everything, and no one knows about it. So not interested(looking out the window). But Earring from the 5th "A" is coming. He is always so businesslike, important. Now I'll show him who's really important here. (shouting out the window) Seryozha, Seryozha! Come up to me, I'll show you something!

Enter a boy with a backpack

Zhenya: Seryozha, do you want me to show you what I have? You've never seen anything like this in your life.

Seryozha: I don't have time to chat with you. Again, some girly secrets. And I have an important job. I'm going to the North Pole on an expedition!

Zhenya: Oh, Serezha, take me with you.

Seryozha: What did you want! Girls are not taken to the North Pole.

Zhenya: Why did you come up to me? I would go to my North Pole.

Seryozha: I need to replenish my water and food supplies.(takes a bagel from the table, eats)

Zhenya: So you don't take it?

Seryozha: (with a full mouth) Nope.

Zhenya: Think! And you don't need to. I'll be at the North Pole without you now. Only not on your fake one, but on the real one. And you - a cat's tail!

Fly, fly, petal,

across the west to the east,

across the north, across the south.

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

Command me to be at the North Pole at once!

Magical music sounds. Furniture turns into snowdrifts

My mommy! Where is the sun, where is grandma's room? How cold, and I'm only in one dress. Oh, I'm freezing! Oh, icicles are made from tears!

Polar bears appear

1st Bear: Bears-brothers! Get out to build! We do roll call before dinner.

The first is nervous

The second one is evil

The third is in a beret,

Fourth - shabby,

Fifth - rumpled,

The sixth - pockmarked, -

The seventh is the largest.

All here

2nd bear: Where's dinner?

1st bear: And there he is, trembling behind a snowdrift.

The bears step on Zhenya and sing

Cold, cold, howling cold.

We bears need dinner.

Need breakfast and lunch.

Who are we? Predators or not?

We haven't eaten for three days

Worn out, lost weight.

And now this girl

We will swallow it like candy.

Zhenya: Oh, mothers, mothers, hurry, hurry, how does it say?

Fly, fly, petal,

across the west to the east,

across the north, across the south.

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

Order me to be at my grandmother's house at once!

Sounds of magic music, everything becomes the same.

Seryozha: Well, where is your North Pole?

Zhenya: I was there.

Seryozha: I did not see. Prove it.

Zhenya: Look - I still have an icicle hanging.

Seryozha: It's not an icicle, it's a cat's tail! What did you take?

Laughs and leaves

Zhenya: What do I want so special? (looking out the window) Won Tanya went out for a walk from the first floor. Oh, what a wonderful doll she has! (shouting out the window)Tanya, Tanya, come up to me, let's play!

Tanya enters with a huge doll in her hands.

Zhenya: Oh, Tanechka, what a beautiful doll you have!

Tanya: This was given to me for my birthday.

Zhenya: Let `s play. I'll be the doll's nanny, and you'll be the doll's mother. You go to work, and I will feed her, bathe her and put her to bed.

Tanya: No, you can't take it. You will remember her dress and get dirty, you will break the mechanism, she will stop walking.

Zhenya: Why will I break it?

Tanya: Because you broke all your toys.

Zhenya: Ah well. Well, I don't need your stupid doll! And why did you come here? Who called you? Go away, or I’ll, indeed, now I’ll pull out your doll’s legs and tear your dress! (Tanya leaves) Well, now I'll show everyone who has toys!

Fly, fly, petal,

across the west to the east,

across the north, across the south.

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

Command that all the toys in the world be mine!

Magical music sounds. Dolls, bears, hares and other toys come to Zhenya from all sides. They drag cars, wheelchairs on ropes, carry balls, push carriages, in which toys also lie. Dolls and animals surround Zhenya and dance around her. But this round dance is not good. Zhenya is pushed, squeezed and twisted more and more.

Toys (sing):

Mistress, mistress!

You play with us

Run, jump

tell us a story.

Mistress, mistress!

You dance to us, come on,

And we will slap you

in the palm of your heart.

We won't leave you

we won't let you go.

We will be with you

and eat and drink and sleep.

Now there will be no grief

now there will be no sadness.

You will be day and night

play, play, play.

Zhenya: Pretty, pretty! Will! What are you, what are you! I don't need so many toys. I was joking. I'm afraid! (She tries to escape from the round dance, but the toys do not let her in)

Fly, fly, petal,

across the west to the east,

across the north, across the south.

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

Tell the toys to get back to the stores as soon as possible!

Magical music sounds. The toys are gone.

That's the thing! Six petals, it turns out, spent - and no pleasure. Gotta be smarter. What should I tell you anyway? I order half a kilo of "bears", half a kilo of "barberries", one hundred grams of halva, one hundred grams of nuts ... And what's the point? Eat and nothing is left. No, a bike is better. No, a ticket to the circus is better. Or maybe better new shoes? Or maybe something even better?

Vitya enters the room on a wheelchair

Vitya: Hello, Happy Holidays! Is this Grandma Shura's apartment?

Zhenya: Hello. Yes, this is my grandmother.

Vitya: My name is Vitya. I came to my grandmother, we are your neighbors.

Zhenya: It's wonderful, Vitya, that you've come! I was very bored here. Let's play with you.

Vitya: Sure, let's play. What?

Zhenya: Let's catch up around the table?

Vitya: No, It is Immpossible. I can not walk.

Zhenya: What a pity! I would love to run with you.

Vitya: It's nothing you can do. The professor said it was for life.

Zhenya: How about for a lifetime? No, well, you can’t, for the rest of your life ... Is there really nothing that can be done? Oh, I know! This is nonsense, Vitya! Wait a minute, I am now. The last petal remained, blue, the most beautiful. I’ll tear it off - and I won’t have a magic flower ... Well, okay, well, let it be!

Fly, fly, petal,

across the west to the east,

across the north, across the south.

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led!

Tell Vitya to be healthy!

Magical music sounds. Vitya jumps up from his chair. To cheerful music, he and Zhenya run around the room.

Vitya: Zhenya! It's a miracle! I believed, I knew that a miracle would definitely happen to me on Easter! I'll run to tell my grandmother. Wait for me. (runs away)

Zhenya: So I don't have a magic flower. Everything flew by like a dream. And I don't regret it one bit! I'm just so tired this day! And grandma hasn't been coming for a long time.

Sits in a chair, closes his eyes. Magical music sounds. Grandmother and Vitya enter.

Grandmother: And here we are, Zhenechka! Did you fall asleep while you were waiting for us? Meet Vitya, the grandson of Masha's grandmother.

Vitya: Hello, Happy Holidays!

Zhenya: What are you, Vitya, we already know each other. You were just here.

Grandmother: No, baby, you must have dreamed it. Vitya was seriously ill and could not walk. And this afternoon he lay down to rest, and when he woke up, he suddenly got to his feet and went. The Lord did a miracle!

Zhenya: I do not understand anything. So, I dreamed everything? (looks around, sees a wheelchair). Grandmother! And where did this come from in our room?

Grandmother: I don't know, I don't know. On Holy Sunday, this does not happen.

Zhenya: You know everything, grandma, but you don't want to talk. Grandmother! Another miracle! My flower again with petals! Only now they are all blue for some reason.

Grandmother: But this is not difficult to explain. The good that has gone from you to people has come back in seven ways. Well, now, my dears, let's drink tea and thank God for everything!

© O.K. 2002 © Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian in Kosmodemyanskoye, © Olga K.

MBDOU DS KV No. 39 "Cinderella"
Scenario of the holiday-performance "Easter Joy"For teachers
Compiled by: Tochilina S.G.
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten
No. 39 Cinderella, Tuapse
Compiled by: Tochilina Svetlana Georgievna - 2015
The scenario of the holiday is designed for older children preschool age taking into account the mandatory preliminary work, on the subject of:
What do we know about how Easter is celebrated?
- The first red testicle (tradition)
Purpose: To arouse the interest of a modern preschooler in Orthodox culture, the desire to convey to children the light of love and beauty that Orthodox culture carries in itself. Support in children a sense of Easter joy; to acquaint pupils with the legend of the first Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ, to promote the formation good habit follow the holiday traditions of your people consciously. To introduce preschoolers to the origins of folk culture and educate them in the spirit of love and kindness.
Preliminary Work: Reading passages from Scripture; Viewing illustrations; listening to audio cassettes; performance creative works; Issues for discussion; basic concepts: Easter, "Easter eggs", significant words: "Christ is Risen!" - "Truly Risen!"
The celebration is held in the music hall. The hall is decorated with embroidered towels, a green willow, on the table in a ceramic plate Easter cake and Easter eggs. As the event progresses, props may change.
- Leading;
- Children;
- Angel;
- Live chicken;
- Mary Magdalene;
- Emperor Tiberius;
- Servant;
- Merchant;
- Noble.
Presenter: Dear children and adults! Today, the entire Orthodox people are celebrating, celebrating a wonderful holiday -
Bright Christ's Resurrection!
Holidays holiday and celebration of celebrations!. This great day comes to us bright warm sun, soft willow, birds chirping, fragrant Easter cake and painted painted eggs. People greet each other with the words: Christ is Risen! - "Truly Risen!"
Today we invite everyone to a holiday called "Easter Joy".
(Children enter the stage to the soundtrack of I. Haydn's melody "Concerto for Piano and Orchestra").
1st reb.- Everywhere the blessing is buzzing,
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
2-reb.- The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the fetters.
The nearby forest is already green ... ..
3-reb.- Here the earth is waking up,
…. And the fields are getting dressed………
Spring is full of wonders...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
4-reb.- Larks curl under the sun!
Sing: Christ is Risen!
Through all the bushes the robins sing:
Christ is Risen!
6-reb.- In all the windows the swallows shout:
Christ is Risen!
Boys: All girls…..
Girls and boys…..
Together: Sing: Christ is Risen!
Presenter: And in response to them all the adults sing:
(welcome from the audience is expected)
Guests: Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen!
(The song “Easter Joy” sounds (author unknown) performed by children)
(The curtain falls and a group of children appears on the stage with a beautiful basket in their hands, where there are eggs, the girls have Easter greeting cards).
1st boy: Look how many different testicles they gave me for the holiday!
(puts a basket and examines the contents, places it on the table, saying:
These wooden painted ones were given to me by my grandmother, and
this is very beautiful - mom. I like it so much!
1st girl: - And my grandmother gave me old Easter
postcards and each has its own inscription:
-Christ is Risen!
- Christ's Sunday - all the fun!
Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! - angels rejoice from heaven!
2nd girl: My friend, you know everything?! Tell me why at all
Easter cards have eggs painted on them?
1st girl: And in general, why do they paint eggs before Easter, and then
give them to each other as Easter gifts?
1st boy: I don't know for sure, it's just the way it is.
2nd girl: Nothing just happens. Someone must know the answer
to this question?!
(Mysterious music sounds, the children look at each other in surprise. And a beautiful Angel appears on the stage.) Angel: What miracles do not happen on a holiday. Even the angels
can come down from heaven and speak to people.
Boy: Wow! Girls: What a miracle!
Angel: Happy holiday to you with the Resurrection of Christ!
Christ is risen!
Children: Truly Risen!
Angel: Since ancient times, the egg has been considered a symbol of life. So,
from a pebble-like egg, a live chick can hatch. Mother hen incubates the egg by heating it
with its warmth, and a miracle occurs in it - the birth
(Mysterious music sounds again and the Angel disappears behind the screen. The children stand at a loss, they are amazed at what they saw and heard, and at this time a surprise moment is being prepared for the children and guests behind the screen.) (After a few seconds, an Angel appears with a basket in his hands, he takes out from it a real egg and says: Angel: Look, now a miracle will happen right before our eyes!
Because miracles happen, you just have to believe. Let's do it together
let's warm this egg with the warmth of our hands, the warmth of our hearts!
(Children carefully place their children's hands on the egg, as if warming it, and then the Angel carefully returns the egg to the basket, covers it with a soft napkin and after a few seconds ... ... ... .. Oh, a miracle! A real live chicken appears in the basket (the live chicken was in advance planted in a basket with an egg secretly from children)
(Children and adults are delighted, each of them tries to touch the chicken with his hands, touch him, the hall is animated)
Children turn
to the Angel: What a pity that from glass, plastic, porcelain,
wooden and chocolate eggs cannot hatch
real chicken, although they are so beautiful!
Angel: Guys, anyway, it is also customary to give such eggs in
Easter days, as a symbol of a real egg, a sign
future life and resurrection!
Would you like to hear a story about how with the words of Christ
Resurrected, the very first red Easter
(The scenery changes on the stage and to the music of F. May "Aldila" the Angel continues his story: After Jesus Christ was Resurrected, His disciples spread around the world with the news of the miracle of the Resurrection. Among the other disciples of Christ was Mary Magdalene. So one day in the glorious Mary came to the emperor in the city of Rome, guards stood at the entrance to the palace, and noble guests with rich gifts hurried to the emperor's chambers, where he majestically sat on his throne.
(The angel leaves the stage, on which there are new scenery: Rome. The palace of the emperor Tiberius.) Act one
Guard: Emperor Tiberius, there is an overseas merchant.
Tiberius: Let him in!
(The music of E. Grieg "March of the Dwarves" sounds, on stage there is a choreographic picture, which shows how a merchant brings a necklace of precious stones as a gift)
Merchant: Great emperor and lord! Take this as a gift
necklace: pearls, rubies and sapphires!
Tiberius: I will accept your gift. Go!
(The merchant bows and leaves)
Guard: The Egyptian ambassador....
(Music by J.S. Bach “Trio Sonata No. 1 Part 2” sounds, the ambassador enters with a tray of gold)
Egyptian Ambassador: Great King Tiberius! Accept this as a gift from us
gold in abundance. Let the gold increase the power
yours and strengthen the power of the state!
Tiberius: A worthy gift! I will accept it!
(Ambassador bows, leaves)
Guard: Noble……
(The music of V.A. Mozart “Piano Concerto, Part 1” in C major appears nobleman) Grandee: Tiberius Emperor, I brought a huge diamond
value and very rare properties. He deserves to shine
in the royal crown.
Tiberius: And I will accept this gift, go in peace!
(The grandee bows, leaves)
Action two
(Schubert's music "Ave Maria" sounds)
Tiberius: Who else is there?
Guard: Let's find out.
(Mary Magdalene appears on the stage and carefully holds something in her hands)
Guard: O woman, who are you? Do you know that everyone comes
to the emperor with gifts? What stones, jewels
Or do you bring fabrics to our ruler? Or maybe
what meal?
Maria: I am Maria, from the city of Magdala. I used to be often in the palace
happened. Today I have an important message! Once upon a time
I was also rich and brought valuable gifts.
Today I am rich only in faith in the Savior and the Lord
Christ! What can I give today? Here is a gift - an egg,
a symbol of eternal life - Christ is Risen! (Mary shows the guard an egg) (in the hand of a girl who plays the role of Mary Magdalene wooden egg, one half of which is painted white and the other half red, she holds it with the white side out)
Guard: Well, your gift is small, but if the message is important,
Tiberius: Mary Magdalene? What do you want?!
Maria: Tiberius is the emperor! I came to tell you about a miracle
Sunday. Christ is risen!
Tiberius (surprised): How can anyone be resurrected? Incredible
this is impossible! Only then will I believe in
Sunday when the testicle turns red.
(Maria imperceptibly changes the white side of the testicle to the red one and opens her palms) Guard: Oh emperor, look, the testicle is turning pink, no, it is getting dark .... ABOUT
miracle! It turned bright red!
(Tiberius does not believe his eyes, he carefully picks up and shows everyone a red egg)
Tiberius: Truly Jesus Christ is Risen! (Addresses the audience:
Christ is risen!
Spectators: Truly Risen!
Act Three
(The Easter troparion sounds, the Angel, historical characters and children-heroes reappear)
Angel: That's where the custom of giving for Easter comes from
red eggs.
Hero Girl: It turns out how the first Easter gift was given
(Sounds festive troparion performed by children)
In conclusion, one of the children reads the poem "Praise to the Risen One" by K.R.
Praise the Lord from heaven
And sing along!
The world is filled with His miracles
And glory unspeakable.
Praise the Lord from heaven
Hills, cliffs, mountains.
Hosanna! The fear of death is gone
Our eyes light up.
Praise the Lord from Heaven
And praise, people.
Risen Christ! Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!
Presenter: Dear children and adults! I would like to hope that the Paschal joy, the warm and kind word of the priest, and the story that you saw today is a story about that. as with the words: Christ is Risen! - the very first Easter egg was presented - let all this remain in your good children's hearts as long as possible.
Christ is Risen!!!
P.S. (And now let me introduce the young artists who played in our performance:
In the role of the Angel - Polina Dardaryan;
In the role of Mary Magdalene - Ilona Pistryak;
In the role of Emperor Tiberius - Zhenya Chirkov;
As a guard - ………..etc.
(Children really like this moment of presentation)
(Classical music used at the festival has a positive and beneficial effect on children's perception and contributes to the best understanding and conscious assimilation of what they see and hear)


(Easter fairy tale in Russian style)

Actors and performers:

    Princess Appolinaria



    Tsarevich Adrian

    Wise Peasant

    Prince overseas

    Amusement Princess


The princess sits on the throne, she is entertained by the courtiers - Russian song and dance. The princess claps her hands

PRINCESS: Pretty, pretty! Tired!

(singing and dancing stops) Your songs are already ringing in my ears!

The courtiers disperse to the sides of the throne, bowing their heads.

NURSE: So after all, they tried for you, my dear.

PRINCESS: They'd better come up with something new.

STORYTELLER: Do you want, princess, we will tell you a fairy tale?

PRINCESS: Listen, so be it.

The storyteller sits down at the throne and begins the story, the rest depict everything in their faces.

STORYTELLER: In a distant kingdom, in a distant state, there lived an old king.

One of the courtiers comes out, limping.

PRINCESS: I don't want a king, let there be a prince.

STORYTELLER : Well, be your way ... There lived a young prince

One of the courtiers jumps out.

PRINCESS: And I don't want a prince, let it be a princess.

STORYTELLER: (with some annoyance) There lived a princess.(depict a princess, someone is carrying a train from behind) And she was of indescribable beauty. (courtiers gasp and bow) Crowds of grooms went to her, and everyone was refused. But then one day the prince of an unknown country appeared - clever, beauties.

PRINCESS: I don't want handsome

STORYTELLER : He was ugly, humpbacked ...

Depicting the prince approaches the throne and knocks with a stick at the feet of the princess. The princess jumps up.

PRINCESS: What are you trying to scare me? And if I dream of this freak in a dream?

NURSE: But you, the sun, asked yourself ...

PRINCESS: Are you still going to argue with me?(hysterically) Get out of here everyone! Tired! Wow, I said!

The courtiers scatter, leaving only the nanny. The princess angrily throws after them a train and a hat left after them.


The king enters, the train and cap fall into him.

TSAR: You don't have a fight! And where are the guns, horses, officers?

NURSE : Well, you, sovereign, are not at all the same.

PRINCESS : Yes, this is a nanny. She kept screaming and shaking her head.

TSAR: Well, what next?

PRINCESS: I told her - your handkerchief will fly off.

NURSE : So he flew off.

TSAR: And right at the door?(Comes closer) Okay, I have no time to deal with your riddles here. An overseas prince has come to us - he is already heading here, he wants to ask for your hand.

PRINCESS: Again ask for a hand! Every day is the same, the same! Bored, tired! I don't need no prince!

NURSE: So you haven't seen him yet, my dear.

PRINCESS: Yes, they are all the same.

TSAR: I'm warning you for the last time. If you refuse this, I will take action!

NURSE: (scared) What are these measures, sir?

TSAR: What, what… Pedagogical!


NURSE: And, you, do not be angry, sir, but rather think about how to please the only child. After all, children need to be pampered, only then real princesses grow out of them.

TSAR: I'd love to please her, but I can't think of anything. After all, I need an heir, but she does not want to marry.

NURSE: I heard, I, the king - father, they said in the kitchen that a new miracle appeared in the Far Far Away kingdom, the Far Far Away state. I forgot the name, but it looks like an apple that rolls on a plate and, whatever you want, shows about the suitors too. Whatever you want, he will find suitors for our princess.

TSAR: Are you talking about a computer or something, but it costs a lot of money, how much gold - silver will have to be paid for it.

NURSE: Ah, you, do not pity the king - father, al you have no gold - silver in your chests.

TSAR: Is it really gold - silver that I got so easily, how much I fought from a young age, did not sleep at night, and even my father worked hard and his father worked so that our state would become rich, and you say do not regret.

NURSE: So after all, you have only one child, and the future of our state depends on it.

TSAR: Well, okay, I persuaded her, I’ll buy my daughter a computer, maybe at least she’ll stop being bored.


The scene is silent. The servants take away the chests and then bring the boxes with the computer.


SERVANT: So, tsar sovereign, we brought you this overseas miracle, and with it a very smart person who knows everything about him and will teach our princess everything.

TSAR: Come in, good man, glad to meet you, but in our opinion you know how to speak.

GUEST: But what about the king - father, I know many languages, with his help I learned everything(points to computer) .

TSAR: So, he teaches all kinds of languages, but for me, for example, what benefit can there be from him?

GUEST: And you, the king - father, there will be a lot of benefits. For example, how did you send messages to your friends before that?

TSAR: How? Usually: he put a messenger on a horse and handed him a letter, he delivered it.

GUEST : Well, now you can fire both the messenger and the horse, and send the letter to e-mail, it will immediately come to your friend, if he, of course, also has a computer.

TSAR: Well, then you will teach me all these wisdoms, I am a capable king.

GUEST: Please, the king - father ...(leaves and takes boxes) .


NURSE: Well, what is the king - father, are you satisfied with your gift?

TSAR: Very satisfied. I'm glad you convinced me to buy it. The daughter now does not scandal, does not act up. She sits at the computer all day long, the teacher is very pleased with her, says that she is very capable, my daughter went all in me, I was also very capable, but he takes a lot of money from me.

NURSE: Do not feel sorry for the king - father, it seems that training is coming to an end. The princess says that she has already learned everything.

TSAR: If only it was good for her.


In a few weeks. The princess comes out uncombed and unwashed, casually dressed.

PRINCESS: I really want to sleep, what time is it now? Nanny, nanny come here, tell me if it's morning or evening, I don't understand something? I couldn't tear myself away from the computer.

NURSE: Oh, my child, you really didn’t go to bed, because it’s already morning ... Look in the mirror how pale you have become.

PRINCESS: Oh, nanny, I don’t feel like looking at myself in the mirror at all, it’s much more interesting to look at the computer, I’ll go to sleep a bit and go back to him.(leaves)


The king enters.

TSAR: What is happening with my daughter, something I do not like her appearance.

NURSE: Oh, and do not say the king - father. Our princess doesn’t leave this damned computer at all, she stopped going out into the garden, she doesn’t breathe air. The computer says the trees are more beautiful and their color is better, and the birds say in the computer which ones you want to sing, not only sparrows and tits.

TSAR: It is not true, we have many other birds. But what to do, after all, the princess will completely wither away. I need to marry her off as soon as possible, and I need an heir. After all, they said that this computer could find any overseas groom. What is she not looking for?

NURSE: Yes, it seems she found it, the king is a father, he should arrive soon, she herself invited him.

TSAR: That’s nice once she chose him herself, maybe we’ll play a wedding, God forbid.


TSAR: Nanny, call the princess soon, her prince has arrived, whom she herself has chosen, let him come.

(nanny leaves and returns with the princess)

PRINCESS: Well, father, maybe I will like this prince, in the computer he didn’t even look bad.


The king is brought a throne and placed next to the throne of the princess. The herald announces: His Highness the Prince of Overseas Rashit-ibn-Suleiman al-Farukh with his retinue. Music. The overseas prince enters, bows and kneels before the throne.

PRINCE Z: Oh, beautiful Ap ... Apolinnaria! I do not know how to speak Russian much, but I overcome all distances, I swim across the ocean…

PRINCESS: Like you, but on the computer you looked completely different ...

PRINCE Z : And you, princess, are even more beautiful than on the screen. Oh yeah! And I see that I am not wrong!

PRINCESS: You were wrong. You can swim back.

PRINCE Z A: But I, I...

PRINCESS : I am the last letter in the alphabet! Farewell!

TSAR: Girl, change your mind!

PRINCESS : I don't change my mind.

PRINCE Z A: I do not expect such a reception! This is a scandal!

TSAR: (leaves with the prince) Our apologies, our deepest apologies...


PRINCESS: I am unhappy nurse, I am so unhappy!

NURSE : Why, baby?

PRINCESS : From the fact that he turned out to be completely different from what he introduced himself to me on the computer, but what a nasty voice he has, what should I do now nanny.

NURSE : And here you are, admire - what earrings and necklaces the overseas prince sent you as a gift - maybe you will have more fun.

PRINCESS: (takes out necklace, looks at it) I'm tired of your necklaces, wear them yourself!

The princess throws the necklace, and she runs away in the other direction.


The king enters, the necklace flies at him.

TSAR: What a miracle! No matter how I enter, something always flies towards me!(to the nanny) Where is the princess?

NURSE: Her Highness is angry...

TSAR: How dare she! It's not her, it's me who's angry!

Knock on the door: "May I come in?"

TSAR: (loud) Come in, who else is there?(under one's breath) Ugliness! So many courtiers, and the king himself receives visitors. Idlers! I'll fire everyone!

Prince Adrian enters...

ADRIAN: No need, Your Majesty, to fire anyone. I'm just for you.

TSAR: Adrian, my boy! How you have grown, how you have matured!

ADRIAN : My father sent you a bow and gifts for Shrovetide.

TSAR : Where, have you been disappearing for the past few years, something I haven’t seen you for a long time,

ADRIAN : I'll tell you a secret, just don't tell the princess. Three years ago, some strange illness came upon me, Everything seemed bad to me, she was in complete anguish, I didn’t want to live, and one friend advised my father to give me up for education to a wise man who lived in a monastery, and there I spent these three years , my illness was gone. And what I just didn’t learn there, no, even the most dirty work is not terrible.

TSAR : What a miracle, I'm so happy for you, who would raise my daughter like that, wait, wait, but you didn’t accidentally come to woo?

ADRIAN : To be honest, I wanted to, only later - after all, Shrovetide is coming soon, and there is Great Lent - what kind of weddings are there?

TSAR: What if we hurry?

ADRIAN: Does Pauline already agree? After all, we had not seen each other for so many years, since childhood.

TSAR: And no one will ask her consent.

NURSE : But how is it, sir, it’s impossible to force ...

ADRIAN: And, indeed, your majesty, I was hoping that the princess herself ...

TSAR: I really hoped. Appolinaria refuses everyone indiscriminately, is always dissatisfied, rude. I really don't know what's going on with her.

NURSE: The doctor said she was depressed, or, how is it in another way .... Ah! Melancholy.

TSAR : She is spoiled, not melancholy! I promised to take action and I will take it. Since she refuses all suitors, then let her marry the first person she meets.(whispers to Adrian) And that first person will be you!

ADRIAN : But she can recognize me...

TSAR : Don't worry about it. I, brother, came up with this!

She hugs the prince by the shoulders and leads him away, whispering something.

NURSE: Their measures, you see, are pedagogical, but has anyone thought about the princess?


The princess sits on a throne and nervously flips through a book. Nearby, the king gazes intently at the door.

PRINCESS: Well, what are we waiting for?

TSAR: The first comer.

PRINCESS: Well, dad, don't, please. It's cruel.

TSAR: It's nothing you can do. I gave my word, but the king's word(pause) harder than cracker.

PRINCESS: And suddenly he will be a freak of some kind?

TSAR: Nothing, for a man beauty is not the main thing.(Knock on the door) . Whoever it is, come in, everyone is welcome today.

Adrian enters, disguised as a poor peasant, on his feet he has bast shoes, a knapsack behind his shoulders.

ADRIAN: Hello, tsar father, they didn’t order to execute, they told me to say a word.

TSAR: (pretty rubbing hands) I command, speak.

ADRIAN: The thing with me, tsar father, is simple. There is a small plot of land next to my garden, but the owner, therefore, is not. One sedge and feather grass grows there. Is it possible for me, tsar father, to buy that land for myself, because I decided to marry, I need to expand the economy.

TSAR : Do you have, Adri ... what is your name?

ADRIAN: Yes, they call Andryukha.

TSAR: Do you, Andryukha, have a suitable bride?

ADRIAN: Haven't looked yet yet.

TSAR: Then I congratulate you, you can marry my daughter, (brings the princess closer) Princess Apolinnaria.

ADRIAN: (looking at the princess) Does she know how to work? I have a farm.

PRINCESS : How dare you!

TSAR: (to the princess) Hush!(to Adrian) Will learn.(puts the princess next to Adrian, joins their hands, the princess pulls her hand away) And we will not delay the wedding, otherwise the Great Lent is just around the corner.

The wedding march sounds.


Village hut. The princess takes a broom, studies it, then a tong, then a pot.

PRINCESS: (shaking off dress and hands) Fi, how dirty, nasty everything is, and even there is no water to wash your hands.

Adrian enters, takes off his coat.

ADRIAN: Well, little wife, will you serve dinner on the table or wait until the evening?

PRINCESS: And what to serve on the table? There isn't even water here.

ADRIAN: Water can be dragged from the hole, the river is not far away.

PRINCESS: Listen, would you bring something to eat, huh? I'm so hungry. I love you know what?(with delight and hope)

Ukrainian borscht with lard and sour cream.

ADRIAN: What are you, my dear, lard and sour cream, when Lent began? You bake more bread - and we will be full.

PRINCESS: (indignantly) Bake your own bread?

ADRIAN: Of course, what's so special about it? And you also need to tidy up the hut - look, the cobwebs are all around, the floors are not washed, the pots are not cleaned.

PRINCESS: You only know how to mock. I'm the king's daughter, I'm not supposed to do dirty work.

ADRIAN: Why is this work dirty - the most ordinary. You just try - you yourself will be pleased that you did everything with your own hands.

PRINCESS: But I can't, I can't.

ADRIAN: And you pray well, the Lord will help. And in the evening, be ready, let's go to the temple with you - after all, Great Lent, and fasting without prayer is like a war without a battle.

Adrian takes the tools, gets dressed and leaves.


The princess returns with a yoke and full buckets. He sits down on a bench, exhausted.

PRINCESS: Where did I get? Not life, but some kind of hard labor. Also post. Involuntarily, you will begin to regret that you were capricious in the palace a lot. But you have to get out somehow. So, bread.(walks around the hut in thought) Bread, bread - what is it made of?(pulls out small bags from behind the stove) Sand - not that, lime - not that. Oh Lord, help me!

ADRIAN (Behind the door) : I feel sorry for her. She's good, but she's too spoiled. So she asks the Lord to help her. Or maybe it was the Lord who brought me to her in order to teach the mind to reason. But she won’t accept any help from me, she’s too proud. I’ll dress up as a miserable wanderer, if she accepts the wanderer with kindness, then he will repay her kindly, teach her everything.(Adrian in front of the door changes into a wanderer and enters) .

WANDERER: Hello hostess, I'm a poor wanderer, I'm coming from afar, can you find a piece of bread for me or at least a cracker?

PRINCESS: Come in, good man, it’s not locked, only I haven’t baked bread yet, I haven’t had time, maybe you can rest a little, and in the meantime I’ll bake bread.

WANDERER: I see you are a kind, hard-working girl, but I just don’t want to rest, let me better help you bake bread, and so that you always have an assistant, I will give you one magic book for your kindness. Are you able to read?

PRINCESS (to the side) : Thank God, at least they taught me this in the palace.(to a wanderer) I know a little, I hope that I can figure it out.

WANDERER: Well, look, we find in the table of contents the word bread and a page, and everything is written on it, read it.

First we take two pots of flour,

And we sow it through a sieve on the table.

Then two pots of warm water

And we dissolve a spoonful of yeast in it

Add a spoonful of salt and sugar

Mix it up and let it sit for a bit.

Then add half the flour

Knead the dough and you rest.

When two or three hours pass like this

Then your dough will do.

Then from the flour we left

We will knead the dough for bread, pies

WANDERER: I got it?

PRINCESS (to the side) : Who else would explain to me what flour is.(to a wanderer) Almost everything, you lie down, lie down, and I will try to bake bread.

WANDERER: Well, okay, I'll lie down on the bench for a while(lays down and watches the princess all the time)

PRINCESS : Or maybe the book is about flour, so even with the letter "M". Flour is a white or gray free-flowing substance that is obtained by grinding wheat or rye. Oh, yes, I saw such a substance behind the stove in a bag, and I thought it was chalk. Here it is flour, it's great what a useful book the wanderer gave me. It was all God helped me, because I prayed to him before the stranger came, I will pray again before baking bread.(Prays, then starts baking bread) Oh, how difficult it is to knead the dough, especially when no one taught you how to do it.

WANDERER: Well, so I rested a little, now I will help you cope with the dough, you need to knead it until it starts to stick out of your hands. Now the dough is ready, cover it with a clean cloth, let it stand.

PRINCESS: Yes, it takes a long time to bake bread, I'm already dying of hunger.

WANDERER: And you, so as not to be bored, clean up while in the hut, that time will fly by quickly.

If you take a broom in your hands,

Can you sweep the floor?

You sweep everything into a corner,

and then you take the owl.

You will take a rag in your hands

Dust everywhere you will erase it.

And then suddenly you notice

all around became clean

PRINCESS: And, really, how clean it was. Oh, the dough is already coming out of the pan, now what to do with it?

WANDERER: And now we put it in a mold and put it in the oven and after some 30-40 minutes it will be ready, look at the clock so that it does not burn out.

(the princess puts the clock in front of her and sits down near the stove, and quietly falls asleep, the wanderer leaves and changes into Adrian, enters the door)

ADRIAN: Hey, wife, why are you sleeping in broad daylight, I have already come to dine, what will you feed?

PRINCESS: And I baked bread for you, only it is in the oven.

ADRIAN: Come on, get it soon, and that is, I really want to.

PRINCESS (to the side) : And then I don’t know how to get it out of the oven.

Adrian takes a fork and takes out bread.

PRINCESS (to the side) : Oh, that's why this flyer is needed!

ADRIAN: Have you really baked such beautiful bread yourself, cuts it off and tries it, but what a delicious one.

The princess tries the bread.

PRINCESS: You know Andryusha, I have never tasted such delicious bread in my life. Why, I was not the only one who baked it, the wanderer helped me,

ADRIAN: Where is he?

PRINCESS: How is it that he left and did not wait for the bread.

ADRIAN: Well, he probably needed to urgently go somewhere, probably he was afraid to be late for the church service, maybe he will come in on the way back, then you will thank him.

PRINCESS: He also gave me a magic book, now I can cook everything for you.

ADRIAN: While fasting is going on, you don’t need to cook anything special, except for baking potatoes in the oven, and there are pickles and cabbage in the cellar, I have prepared it since autumn, and for Easter you will have to bake Easter cakes so that you can treat the father of the tsar and treat yourself break your fast.


The princess eats bread, drinks kvass and reads a cookbook.

PRINCESS: Sturgeon in aspic with horseradish, tongue in white sauce with raisins, chicken baked in dough, but I haven’t eaten anything for a long time.

Knock on the door.

PRINCESS : Come in!

The nurse enters, rushes to the princess and hugs her.

NURSE: My child, my sun!

PRINCESS: Hello babysitter.

NURSE: Well, dear, is it not boring for you here, not dreary?

PRINCESS : Yes, there is no time to be bored here, otherwise you will die of hunger.

NURSE: My poor, you have turned so pale, emaciated. And what's on your table?

PRINCESS: Eat yourself, babysitter. Here is kvass, here is bread, here is a baked potato.

NURSE: Fiends! They really want to kill you! Here, take some presents for you from the palace, and I will run.(puts a basket on the table) I'm afraid the king might not notice my absence.



PRINCESS: Post ... And eat something as you want, something tasty! It happened in the palace(closes eyes and imagines on palms like on plates) sterlet's ear, swan giblets, German puff, Turkish halva ... I wonder what the nanny brought me?(opens basket) Oh, these are my favorite sandwiches - with butter and cheese, with ham! Well, eat quietly - Andryusha will not know.

He sits down at the table, takes a sandwich and opens his mouth wide. Knock on the door. The princess jumps up and hides the sandwiches.

PRINCESS: (loud) Come in!

The Stranger enters.

WANDERER: Hello daughter, you know me.

PRINCESS : How can I not recognize you, because you helped me so much last time, only you didn’t taste the bread. Andryusha, my husband decided that you were probably in a hurry to go to work ...

WANDERER: Your husband was right, you stand in the service and don’t feel like eating, God gives you strength.

PRINCESS : Sit down grandfather, eat potatoes with cucumber and drink kvass. I have now learned to make kvass, everything according to your book.

WANDERER: Thank you dear, and what is it with you, I have become weak with my eyes, but it smells of something delicious.

PRINCESS (embarrassed) : Yes, my friend brought me all sorts of sandwiches, with ham, with cheese.

WANDERER: It means that she wanted to introduce you into sin, well, God is her judge, and you and I will give it all to the birds. Now they are hungry and cold, you can feed them

PRINCESS : How well did you come up with this grandfather, now we’ll do it, only you sing.

WANDERER: Fasting is already coming to an end, 40 days have already flown by imperceptibly, and tomorrow is already Palm Sunday.

PRINCESS: When my husband comes home from work, we will go to the forest for willows, and tomorrow morning to the temple. If you want, stay with us, you will go with us.

WANDERER: No, thank you, I still have a lot to do, I need to go to my friends, and I’ll come to you before Easter, I’ll help bake Easter cakes, goodbye.

PRINCESS: Well, I didn’t have to try the delicacies, well, that’s good. There was some joy in my heart. Where? Whether from the fact that she helped the poor, or from the fact that the Lord delivered from sin. And I'm not bored at all. And when Andryusha likes my cooking, it's especially nice. Maybe you should not regret that you left the palace?


A wanderer is visiting the Princess

WANDERER: Well, that daughter, imperceptibly the post then passed.

PRINCESS: Unnoticed, grandfather, Easter is already tomorrow, but at first I thought that I would never wait, now I have to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, did you promise to help me last time?

WANDERER : Of course I will help, since I promised, but you yourself have learned a lot, take your book and get to work. I brought you all kinds of accessories for Easter cake from the city, good people gave, there are eggs, and raisins, and almonds, and butter, and everything else.

PRINCESS: Thank you grandfather, I'll read it now.

So that our Easter cake is more magnificent and more convenient, and tastier

We will take a dozen eggs and beat together with sugar.

Almonds, candied fruits, vanillin and butter glass one

We put it all in the dough and pour everything into forms

As it suits, we put it in the oven and we will bake for about forty minutes,

When our Easter cake cools down, we will decorate it at the same time

Fudge, marmalade, sprinkles, chocolate

And then, of course, it is necessary to consecrate it in the church.

WANDERER: Well, that's good. What is opara you already know, and then everything is in order(start baking) .


Adrian enters the king and bows from the waist and gives a testicle.

ADRIAN: Christ is Risen, tsar father!

TSAR : Truly Risen, Adrian. Where is Appolinaria?

NURSE: Yes, you don’t have to answer, I know: she probably can’t get up from fatigue and hunger and lies(in a crying voice) the poor thing is in the hut, and the holiday is not her holiday.

ADRIAN: And here it is not. She is now christening with the poor at the palace gates, distributing gifts to everyone, asking who has what need.

TSAR: Can you tell me how she is, is she still naughty?

ADRIAN: What are you! As her idleness ceased, so did her whims as if by hand - there was simply no strength left. She was, in fact, a kind and hardworking girl. It was her negligent tutors in the palace who ruined it, let's not point fingers at them.

NURSE: So I felt sorry for her, my dear, I tried to save her from all troubles.

TSAR : So our plan worked, prince?

ADRIAN: Worked. You simply don’t recognize your daughter, and all because she asked God for help in everything, so it was easy for her to cope with everything.


The princess enters

PRINCESS: Christ is Risen, father, Christ is Risen, nanny.

ALL: Truly Risen.

TSAR : Daughter, how beautiful you have become, and ruddy, and what a smile you have,

PRINCESS: Here, father, are Easter cakes and eggs, Andryusha and I consecrated them ourselves in the Church.

TSAR : Did you bake it yourself?

PRINCESS : Of course, it’s true, one familiar wanderer helped me learn everything.

TSAR : What kind of stranger?

PRINCESS : I'll explain to you later, father, the king, but now you better try Easter cake.

TSAR (trying) : Yes, I have never eaten such delicious Easter cakes in my entire life. Well, Andryusha, let's reveal a secret to the princess?

ADRIAN : The secret is not one, but two, firstly, I am not Andryukha, but Tsarevich Adrian, and we have known each other since childhood, and secondly, I was also a wanderer, it was God who instructed me to help you in this way.

PRINCESS: So it was you and your dad who put on such a comedy for me?

TSAR: Daughter, just don’t be offended, because we wanted the best.

PRINCESS: Daddy, you have no idea how happy I feel. I now know as many as three sure remedies against despondency and melancholy.

NURSE: What?

PRINCESS : Fasting, prayer and work. You know, a wanderer, that is, Adrian, told me: you need to pray as if everything in your life depends only on God, and work as if everything depends only on you. And then there will always be a real Easter in the heart.

ADRIAN: Wise words, only I didn't come up with them, I'm my mentor from the monastery.

final song


Scenario Easter morning for kindergarten and elementary school.



Bogatyr Alyosha

Bogatyr Nikita

Bogatyr Dobrynya


Donkey Moses






The Bremen Town Musicians


The prince sits at the table with a bored look.

Suitable Kolyvan. What do you miss, prince? Eat some gingerbread.

Prince. I don't want to spoil my appetite before dinner. I'm bored.

Kolyvan. If you don't want gingerbread, treat yourself to an egg. Expensive today is an egg for Christ's day.

Prince. Will you sell me an egg from my chicken coop? And why is it red? I don't want that color!

Kolyvan. No, prince, it just says so. So, they always make eggs red at Easter.

Prince. Who is doing? Why i do not know?

Kolyvan. Well I do not know. It's customary for Easter.

Prince. I did not accept such an order. Who ordered?

Kolyvan. Yes, that's what they said before you were born. If you want, let's ask Julius, he's in charge of our library.

Prince. Julius is resting at sea, but I sent him on vacation after Shamakhi, otherwise he suffered fear.

Kolyvan. Then let's send the heroes, let everyone find out.

(announced over loudspeaker):

Bogatyrs Dobrynya, Ilya, Alyosha are summoned to the prince. I repeat: the heroes Dobrynya, Ilya, Alyosha are summoned to the prince.

The rich appear.

Alyosha. Why did the prince call?

Dobrynya. Did the villains attack?

Ilya. Have the dark forces prevailed?

Alyosha. Or again who bewitched?

Prince.- No. Here is the question national importance. Why do they make red eggs for Easter?

We do not know. (chorus)

Prince.- If you don't know, then find out. Here is my princely command.

The prince and Kolyvan leave. And the heroes are confused:

Alyosha. Where do we find out?

Dobrynya. We have to ask our wives. They are the smartest.

Ilya. They sing, they go on tour to Far Far Away in the evening. Let's go soon.

Three high school girls appear on the stage, perform the song "They sat on the golden porch."

Ilya. Alyonushka, Nastasyushka, Lyubava, help me out. The prince has given the task. Why a red testicle for Christ's day?

Nastasya. We do not know. Here you have to think...

Alyona. Wait, my friend, Cinderella, maybe she knows - says Alyonushka, I wrote an article about her.

Dobrynya.- How will we find the way to it?

Lyubava. And we will give you a ball of guidance, it will show you the way anywhere.

Throws a ball, music sounds, scenery changes. Cinderella appears, performs the song "Believe me."

But yesterday I dreamed
As if the prince rushed after me,
On a silver horse
And the dancers greeted us
Drummer and trumpeter
48 conductors
And one gray-haired violinist.

At least believe, at least check
It was a wonderful ball
And the artist on the cuff
He painted my portrait.
And the famous sage said,
That there is no sweeter me
The composer sang me songs
And the poetry was written by the poet.

At least believe, at least check
So I danced a quadrille
That 13 cavaliers
They couldn't breathe.
And the orchestra was on a roll
And all the people laughed
Because the piano
The king himself played the gavotte.

At least believe, at least check
I was spinning like a top
And that's probably why
Lost a shoe.
And when my dream faded
Like night clouds
They stood on my window,
Two crystal slippers.

Alyosha. Hello, beautiful girl, Cinderella. Alyonushka, your friend, sent us from Kyiv. We cannot give an answer to the question: why a red testicle for Christ's day?

Cinderella. Hmm, you are doing a difficult job. But I don't know the answer. Maybe my friends, the Bremen Town Musicians, can help you?

Cinderella. They are currently on tour in Munich. But it’s a long ride on horseback, I’ll give you my official car now, (a children’s car leaves).

The scenery is changing. Musicians come out, sing the song of the Bremen Town Musicians.

There is nothing better in the world
Than friends wander around the world
Those who are friendly are not afraid of anxiety
Any road is dear to us
Any road is dear to us
La la la la la la

We will not forget our calling
We bring laughter and joy to people
Us palaces tempting vaults
Will never replace freedom
Will never replace freedom
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
Our carpet is a flower meadow
Our walls are giant pines
Our roof - the sky is blue

Our happiness is to live such a fate
La la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la her her her her her

Ilya. Brothers, tell me, the prince set the task: why a red testicle for Christ's day?

Troubadour. Well, and, prince, you have. In our country, even the king does not know such questions, and even more so the answer. It is necessary to apply to the head of the World Library, Dunno. He became smart after he returned from the moon. Drive to him.

The scenery changes, Dunno comes out singing a song.

There are many unexplored countries

Some of it is true, some of it is a lie.

And nothing is known, but still interesting.

Say, in the north, ice and snow,

There whole year the blizzard does not subside

There on the drifting ice floes

You can see a penguin.

But unknown, but unknown

Seems like a lot of books have been written.

But how dry and fresh.

How interesting, how interesting

Where they rose to the skies

Mountains and forest.

Somewhere in the jungle between the vines

A big baboon gallops along the branches,

Big peacocks walk

The hippos look out of the mud.

Let's say sands and sands in the desert,

You might as well die of boredom.

And somewhere the oceans rage

Far - far countries ...

How interesting, how interesting

But unknown, but unknown

Seems like a lot of books have been written

But how dry and fresh,

How interesting, how interesting.

To get to this place

Where they rose to the skies

Mountains and forest.

Dobrynya. Hello Dunno. You are said to be the smartest. Tell us the answer to the question.

Ilya. Why a red testicle for Christ's day?

Dunno. Brothers, I have never heard of such a thing. It is necessary to contact someone smarter.

Thumbelina might know. You need to contact her.

The scenery is changing. Thumbelina appears and sings a song.

The flower opened and entered

I am in this world now.

And the scent of a flower.

Chorus: Sings, sings, and breathes all around.

How bright is the light

Warm and wonderful in it.

I will drink flower nectar,

Wash them with dew

And warm sunshine

I will extend my hand.


I want to sing and dance

Flutter like a moth

Open to everyone, know everything

Joy and warmth.


Ilya. Beloved beauty, tell me why a red testicle for Christ's day?

Thumbelina. Well, I can give you the answer to this question. This is a parable. I will tell you now.

At this time, in Kyiv.

Prince. Moses! Moses! Deaf, right? Look, Julius sent me a letter from vacation.

Moses. Yes, this is not a letter, this is a video message.

Prince. What's there?

Moses. Signed, look how the seagulls dance over the sea wave.

Prince. Well, open it up, let's take a look.

Dance number "Seagulls".

Moses. Beautiful. Maybe, too, we’ll go to rest as soon as we find out why an egg is expensive for Christ’s day ...

Prince. Boring.

Kolyvan. Would you like to dine, prince?

Prince. Did the rich call?

Kolyvan. No, bright prince, the pigeon mail only reported that they were last seen in Munich.

Prince. In Munich?! Did they, instead of the princely command, decide to rest? So I'll show them when to return, send them to the farthest outpost.

Kolyvan. That's it, it's long overdue. Maybe the loto? For one or two?

Prince. Are you up to the old again? (shows fist), look at me. Let's sing better, something, or dance?

Kolyvan.- Yes, I can't sing, bright prince, and I can't dance.

Prince. And who can?

Kolyvan. Someone who, the wives of heroes. They are our stars. They are going on tour in the evening. Let's call before we leave?

Prince. Well, come on, at least somehow the time will pass faster.

The wives of the heroes come out, sing the song "There was a birch in the field."

The rich appear.

Prince. Well, they finally showed up. Have a rest? Sunbathed? And the prince's decree was fulfilled, - the Prince asks displeasedly.

Alyosha. Done, prince. Tugarin was easier to defeat than to find the answer to your question.

Prince. Well, tell me.

Alyosha. Before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel that He taught them. Mary Magdalene also went to preach Christ. She was the first to know that Jesus Christ was resurrected when early in the morning she came to the tomb of the Lord to anoint His wounded body with myrrh (scented oil). But she found a huge stone rolled away from the tomb, and the angel who was there told her that Christ had risen!

Ilya. Having come to Rome to preach the Gospel, Mary Magdalene appeared before the emperor Tiberius and, offering him an egg as a symbol of immortality, said: “Christ is risen!” The emperor was surprised and said:

How can anyone rise from the dead! It's hard to believe it. It's as hard as believing that this white egg will turn red!

And while he was still talking, the testicle began to change color: it turned pink, darkened and, finally, became bright red!

Dobrynya. Following the example of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, we now give each other red eggs for Easter, confessing two events: the life-giving death of the Lord and His glorious Resurrection.

On Easter, it is customary to give gifts, to “be christened”, to congratulate on the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

The priest gives gifts to students in grades 1-4 and kindergarten.

High school students perform the song "Miracle".

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Orthodox calendar

Ascension of the Lord

Rev. Simeon the Stylite on Marvelous Mountain (596). Rev. Nikita, Stylite of Pereyaslavsky (1186). Blzh. Xenia of Petersburg (glorification 1988).

Mchch. Meletios Stratilates, Stephen, John, Serapion the Egyptian, Kallinikos the sorcerer, Theodore and Faustus and with them 1218 soldiers with their wives and children (c. 218). Rev. Vincent of Lerins (before 450). Martyrs, in the Fereydan Valley (Iran) from the Persians suffered (XVII) (Georg.) (movable celebration on the day of the Ascension of the Lord).

Morning - Mk., 71 credits, XVI, 9-20. Lit. - Acts, 1 credit, I, 1-12. Lk., 114 credits, XXIV, 36-53.

At the great vespers, "Blessed is the husband" is not sung. In the morning, magnification: “We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor the hedgehog in Heaven with Your Most Pure Flesh Divine Ascension.” After the Gospel - "Seeing the Resurrection of Christ." Katavasia "Divine cover ...". Instead of "Honest" we sing the refrains of the holiday. 1st refrain: “Magnify, my soul, who ascended from earth to Heaven, Christ the Life-giver.”

At the end of Matins and at the liturgy he dismissed: "who in glory ascended from us to Heaven and to the right hand of God and the Father, Christ our true God ...".

At the liturgy, the antiphons of the feast. Entrance verse: "God ascended with a shout, the Lord with a trumpet." Trisagion. Instead of “Worthy” - “Magnify, my soul ... You are more than mind and words ...”. Instead of "Videhom the True Light ..." - "Thou ascended in glory ..." (before giving).

In the evening on the feast, a great vespers is performed with an entrance and a great prokeimon.

We congratulate birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Venerable Nikita the Stylite of Pereyaslav

Venerable Nikita the Stylite

Venerable Nikita the Stylite of Pereyaslav was a native of the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and was in charge of collecting state taxes and taxes. In 1152, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky moved the city of Pereyaslavl and the stone church in the name of the All-Merciful Savior to a new location. In connection with the costs of building the city and the temple, an increased collection of taxes from the inhabitants of the city was carried out. Nikita, who led these collections, robbed the inhabitants mercilessly, collecting huge sums of money for himself. This went on for many years. But the merciful Lord, desiring to save all sinners, led Nikita to repentance.

One day he came to church and heard the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Wash yourself and you will be clean, take away the wickedness from your souls ... learn to do good ... deliver the offended, judge the orphan (protect the orphan) and justify the widow” (Is. 1, 16-17). Like thunder, he was shocked by these words that penetrated into the depths of his heart. Nikita spent the whole night without sleep, remembering the words: "Wash yourself and you will be clean." However, in the morning he decided to invite friends in order to forget the horrors of the previous night in a cheerful conversation. The Lord again called Nikita to repentance. When the wife began to prepare dinner to treat the guests, she suddenly saw in a boiling cauldron either a human head pop up, or an arm, or a leg. Terrified, she called her husband, and Nikita saw the same thing. Suddenly, a dormant conscience awakened in him, and Nikita clearly realized that with his requisitions he was acting like a murderer. “Alas for me, I have sinned a lot! Lord, guide me in Your way!" With these words, he ran out of the house.

Three versts from Pereyaslavl there was a monastery in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita, where Nikita, shocked by a terrible vision, came. With tears, he fell at the feet of the abbot: "Save the perishing soul." Then the hegumen decided to test the sincerity of his repentance and gave his first obedience: to stand at the monastery gates for three days and confess his sins to all who pass by. With deep humility, Nikita accepted the first obedience. Three days later the abbot remembered him and sent a monk to see what he was doing at the monastery gates. But the monk did not find Nikita in the same place, but found him lying in a swamp; he was covered with mosquitoes and midges, his body was covered in blood. Then the abbot himself with the brethren came to the voluntary sufferer and asked: “My son! what are you doing with yourself?" "Father! Save a perishing soul,” Nikita replied. The hegumen dressed Nikita in a sackcloth, himself led him into the monastery and tonsured him into monasticism.

Taking monastic vows with all his heart, the Monk Nikita spent days and nights in prayer, singing psalms and reading the lives of the holy ascetics. With the blessing of the abbot, he put heavy chains on himself and dug two deep wells in the places of his monastic deeds. Soon the monk intensified his feat - he dug a deep round hole and there, placing a stone cap on his head, he stood, like the ancient pillars, for fiery prayer. Only the blue sky and the night stars he saw from the bottom of his pillar-well, and a narrow underground passage led under the church wall - through it the Monk Nikita went to the temple for worship.

Thus, striving for a good deed in the monastery of the Great Martyr Nikita, the Monk Nikita himself ended his life as a martyr. One night, the relatives of the saint, who came to him for a blessing, were seduced by his shining chains and crosses, mistaking them for silver, and decided to take possession of them. On the night of May 24, 1186, they dismantled the covering of the pillar, killed the ascetic, removed the crosses and chains from him, wrapped them in coarse linen and fled.

Before the morning service, the sexton, who came for a blessing to St. Nikita, discovered a dismantled roof and informed the abbot about it. The abbot with the brethren hurried to the pillar of the saint and saw the murdered saint, from whose body a fragrance emanated.

Meanwhile, the killers, having stopped on the banks of the Volga River, decided to divide the booty, but they were surprised to see that it was not silver, but iron, and threw the chains into the Volga. The Lord also glorified these visible signs of the saint's secret deeds and labors. On the same night, Simeon, a pious elder of the Yaroslavl Monastery in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, saw three bright beams of light over the Volga. He reported this to the abbot of the monastery and the elder of the city. The cathedral of priests and numerous townspeople who came down to the river saw three crosses and chains "like a tree floating in the waters of the Volga." With reverence and prayers, the chains were transferred to the monastery of the Great Martyr Nikita and laid on the tomb of the Monk Nikita. At the same time, healings took place. Around 1420–1425 Saint Photius, Metropolitan of Moscow, gave his blessing to open the relics of Saint Nikita. The abbot of the monastery with the brethren performed a prayer service, then they opened the birch bark with which the incorrupt body was wrapped, but suddenly the grave was covered with earth, and the relics remained under a bushel. In 1511–1522 a chapel was erected in the name of the Monk Nikita, and in the 19th century, Archpriest A. Svirelin compiled an akathist to the saint.

Troparion to the Monk Nikita the Stylite, Pereyaslavsky

In the Orthodox sense, youthful desires hate / and valiant morals perceive, you defeated the enemy, / and in prudence you pleased God, / and from above from Him receive the gift of miracles, / drive away demons, heal ailments, / Nikito more glorious,// pray to Christ God, yes save our souls.

Translation: Having hated youthful passions with an Orthodox mind, and having begun to struggle courageously, you defeated the enemy, and in your zeal pleased God, and from above received from Him the gift of miracles: to drive away demons, to heal diseases. Glorious Nikita, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion to the Monk Nikita the Stylite, Pereyaslavsky

For the sake of Christ, from your servants, you endured a necessary death / and you received the crown of incorruption from Him, / to those who come in faith from your honest tomb, give healing, / O Reverend Nikito, / prayer for our souls.

Translation: For the sake of Christ, you suffered a violent death from your servants and received an incorruptible crown from Him, but when you come with faith from your revered tomb, you give healing, O reverend Nikita, a prayer book for our souls.

Prayer to the Monk Nikita the Stylite, Pereyaslavsky

Oh, all-honourable head, reverend blessed Father, Nikito reverend martyr! Do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in your holy and auspicious prayers to God and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, good father and chosen one of Christ, as if you have boldness towards the Heavenly King, and do not be silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love. Remember us, unworthy, at the Throne of the Almighty and do not stop praying for us to Christ God: for you have been given the grace to pray for us. It is not imaginary that you are a dead being, if you have passed away from us in body, but after death you are still alive. Do not depart from us in spirit, preserving and keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of demons, our good intercessor and prayer. Even more, and the relics of your cancer are always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with angelic hosts, with Incorporeal faces, with Heavenly powers at the Throne of the Almighty God is worthy of having fun. Leading you truly and living after death, we bow down to you, and we pray to you, and have mercy on us, even pray for us to Almighty God for the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance and unhindered to pass from earth to Heaven, and grief some ordeals, and airy princes, and eternal torment will be delivered to us, and to be the heir of the Kingdom of Heaven with all the righteous, who have pleased Him, our Lord Jesus Christ, from time immemorial. He deserves all glory, honor and worship with His Beginningless Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Reading the Gospel Together with the Church

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of John. Chapter 12, Art. 19-36.

19 The Pharisees said among themselves: Do you see that you do not have time for anything? the whole world follows him.

20 Of those who came to worship on the feast, there were some Greeks.

21 They approached Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying: Lord! we want to see Jesus.

22 Philip goes and tells Andrew about it; and then Andrew and Philip tell Jesus about it.

23 Jesus answered and said to them, The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.

24 Truly, truly, I say to you, if a grain of wheat, falling into the ground, does not die, it will remain alone; and if he dies, he will bear much fruit.

25 He who loves his soul will destroy it; but he who hates his soul in this world will keep it to eternal life.

26 Whoever serves me, let him follow me; and where I am, there my servant will be also. And whoever serves me, my Father will honor him.

27 My soul is now indignant; and what should I say? Father! deliver me from this hour! But for this hour I have come.

28 Father! glorify your name. Then a voice came from heaven: I have glorified, and I will glorify again.

29 The people who stood and heard That, said: this is thunder; and others said: An angel spoke to him.

30 Jesus said to this: This voice was not for me, but for the people.

31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out.

32 And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Me.

33 This He said, signifying by what death He would die.

34 The people answered him: We have heard from the law that Christ abides forever; how then do you say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? who is this Son of Man?

35 Then Jesus said to them: For a little while longer, the light is with you; walk while there is light, lest darkness overtake you: but he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going.

36 As long as the light is with you, believe in the light, that you may be children of the light. Having said this, Jesus departed and hid from them.

(John ch. 12, 19-36.)

cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses

CHRIST - A SOURCE OF LIVING WATER: Word on the 5th Week of Easter, O Samaritan

IN O name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

IN Today Sunday we remember the gospel conversation with the Samaritan woman. The liturgy sings of Christ, Who, in a conversation with a woman from the village of Sychar, made it clear that the Source of living water, leading a person to eternal life, is He. Whoever wants to quench his bodily thirst can go to a well dug in the ground, whoever wants to quench his spiritual hunger must go to Christ.

(MP3 file. Duration 09:34 min. Size 8.76 Mb)

Hieromonk Nikon (Parimanchuk)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

IN section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: online courses " Archpriest Andrey Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to be baptized themselves, or who want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R The section consists of five categorical conversations, which reveal the content of the Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed, explain the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism, and provide answers to common questions related to this Sacrament. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT The lectures of the course are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course Topics:

    • Conversation #1 Preliminary Concepts
    • Conversation #2 Sacred Bible Story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation #4 Christian Morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • FAQ
    • Orthodox saints

Reading the lives of the saints of Dmitry Rostov for every day

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Radio "Vera"

Radio VERA is a new radio station that talks about the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith.

TV channel Tsargrad: Orthodoxy
