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Competition at the wedding of three girls under the window. How to make a scene for a wedding “Three girls under the window. Scene-congratulations from the new Russian

When choosing a scenario for a wedding celebration, almost all couples in love are wondering how to make the holiday fun and memorable for guests for a long time.

That is why the trend to organize themed weddings does not lose its position at the present time. Having arranged a festive banquet with contests in the style of funny fairy tales, future spouses and their guests will plunge into a unique atmosphere filled with funny jokes, comic skits and joyful mood.

Ideas for fairy tale scenes, impromptu, costumed congratulations

To organize a wedding celebration unforgettable, and the atmosphere - joyful and relaxed is quite within the power of even a novice host.

You just need to include entertainment program festive event competition "Tale for the wedding." Scenes with witty texts and the direct participation of invited guests always cause laughter, are awarded with applause - that is, they increase the degree of fun several times at once, allowing everyone to get to know each other, discarding conventions and defusing the atmosphere of a social event.

To make the wedding sparkle with fun, it is better to use short fairy tales familiar to everyone from childhood, the plot of which is known to everyone thoroughly. Such a decision will enable any person present at the holiday to become a participant in a comical story.

The more colorful the characters, the more interesting and fun the scene will turn out to be.

Here is a list of just a small list of fairy tales for contests and drawings at a wedding:

  • "Turnip";
  • "Three Bears";
  • plot from "Humpbacked Horse";
  • an excerpt from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - "Three girls under the window ...";
  • "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf".

It is desirable to choose a fairy tale in advance, having discussed the topic of entertainment with the newlyweds. This will cook all necessary props and musical accompaniment of the competition. The combination of modern incendiary compositions and good old fairy tales, of course, in the form of a remake, can give those present a lot of positive emotions from the ongoing action.

At the wedding, it is also customary to give gifts to the married couple.

Of course, each of the guests wants his present to become the most valuable and memorable for the newlyweds among other offerings.

This can be achieved if you prepare an original congratulation in the form of a mini-scene from some well-known fairy tale, rewriting the text to fit the theme of the festive event. As an option, the following lines are perfect (especially if they are said from the heart):

We wish you heartily and joyfully

So that you live sweetly!

(they give the newlyweds a jar of honey)

To overcome everything together

Do not part, do not get sick!

(give a car first aid kit)

Good luck let you smile

And let the house

will be a full bowl,

Love remains forever

Your reliable companion!

(here they are already presenting the main gift to the young). Any guest with bright charisma and a sparkling sense of humor can have fun, stirring up all those present, raising the mood with his little funny performance.

As a rule, people with such character traits are always surrounded by newlyweds, and they will gladly take part in amusing contests at a wedding banquet.

Scene "Three girls under the window"

Just one of the coolest and most humorous costume contests-skits is an excerpt from a fairy tale in verse by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", namely its very beginning. Phrases from the creation of the great poet, of course, are changed to more comic and amusing in meaning.

You can come up with the text yourself or find a suitable script on the Internet. In order for the mini-performance to be a clear success and evoke Homeric laughter and thunderous applause from everyone, the toastmaster should ask the newlyweds in advance which of their friends and relatives will best play the roles of fairy maidens.

The ideal option would be to invite representatives of the stronger sex to participate in the scene, because it is in their performance that the contenders for the king's hand will turn out to be incomparably hilarious and unforgettably colorful.

Here is an approximate list of props that may be required:

  • three colorful long sundresses (wonderful if they are sewn in the Russian folk style);
  • kokoshniks or bright scarves;
  • wigs with long hair or overhead braids;
  • balloons (they will make a chic female bust for each of the sisters);
  • a saucepan and a large ladle - for the cook;
  • a piece of fabric rolled into a roll - for a weaver;
  • a doll or a big baby doll - for the third girl.

The appearance of costumed young people in the hall will cause smiles on the faces of those present, laughter and joking comments.

In this video, another funny fairy tale for your wedding:

And the performance itself will obviously be fervent, fun, with jokes and ironic comments from the guests.

A wedding celebration is an important event not only for future spouses, but also for their relatives and friends. Everyone equally wants to have some fun from the heart at a beautiful and fun holiday. The use of costume contests and funny scenes with the direct participation of guests and newlyweds in the wedding scenario will create an atmosphere of liveliness and laid-back fun, which is sometimes so difficult to achieve in an unfamiliar company, because at such an event most people see each other for the first time.

Stop the noise and din
The king has come to visit you!
Stop eating and drinking
Give the word to speak!
They told me of course
That you are all quite successful,
Yes, in form, yes throughout
Celebrate your anniversary!
Here I came to you
Just a little late...
Where is my grandmother?!
What lagged behind the king?
Who will hand over to me
Anniversary order?
It's always me...
Why do I pay secretaries?
Babarikha come here!
Bring holy water!
They told me, of course,
The birthday girl is sinless.
It doesn't matter how long she lived,
And everything is beautiful and slender.
Ran to work
A bunch of shoes stopped,
No one could count
You slipped your boots!
And don't forget your family.
She gave birth to her husband (And gave birth to children),
And she is sociable
And strong in everything!
And today, here's
I want to baptize her!
Babarikha don't yawn
Sprinkle with holy water!
Sprinkle her frisky legs,
To carry her along the path,
To always succeed everywhere
Everywhere the first, as she sang!
And a light head
Steal unnoticed you ...
To be considered the best at work,
She needs brains!
Sprinkle her hands
To not know boredom!
Do not shake so that the little hands,
Pouring into glasses!
Sprinkle her nose
To keep in the wind
What and where - so that everyone knows
Yes, she called us more often!
To live life to the fullest -
From the inside, too, sprinkle!
(Pour a glass, ask for a drink)
To live - flourish,
In life, grief did not know!
So that your husband loves you
On the hands to wear!
Until the water runs out
Spray her man!
And now that's all the way
We look forward to hearing from you!
Little happiness in this life...
And pour us a glass!
Come on, come visit
Let's take it for the anniversary!
You Babarikha do not yawn,
Sprinkle guests rather
Live for you to the fullest
We drink for our ____________!
Eee! Don't get carried away!
Get ready for the road!
Good fun to all of you,
And we're leaving. Goodbye!

Scene for the anniversary, birthday "Three girls under the window"

Leading: Three maidens by the window
Spinning late at night
And not so much they spun,
How they spoke with their tongues!

1st: Something got boring for us!
Won't you go, girls,
Are we guests today?

Leading: Then the second picked up:

2nd: Drinking would not be a sin!
But where should we go
To accept us all?

Leading: The third did not guess for a long time,
Eyes become more cheerful ...

3rd: Won't you go, girls,
Together for an anniversary!
When we arrive, we say:
Come on, ____________ pour us!

Leading: And everyone went to _________________,
Celebrate birthday.
Now don't be surprised
________________ will congratulate you.

1st: Congratulations to the Anniversary
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!
Get gifts from us
They are very good:

2nd: So that the disease does not take you -
We present this salt.
Don't hold the seasoning
And lie down on the temechko.
From diseases of all
Helps, they say! (handed a pack of salt, put on the head)

3rd: I give you pasta
And I'll give you the recipe:
Brush your teeth in the evening
There will be no caries in the morning! (hands out toothpaste)

1st: You with this very gift
Do not grieve, do not be discouraged!
Slowly in your bath
Rub every place! (hand over a washcloth or sponge)

2nd: Try rabbit litter...
He is vigorous! He will get through!
And where healing honey,
Even if it doesn't taste like honey.

It tastes cool though
And sometimes they die from him,
The ones that survive
They live up to 100 years later! (candy peanuts in chocolate)

3rd: On this bright, glorious day
We congratulate you!
And to you with all my heart
Let's dedicate the dance!

Scene for the anniversary, birthday "Bantiki"

1. You didn't expect to meet us?
You have entered the country of babies.
When you were little
And you lived in the same country.

2. Now you have grown big,
You work for the good of the country,
But Kindergarten didn't forget
That's why they came to you.

3. Anniversary birthday
Marks all children. garden,
And about this without a doubt
Everyone is talking today!

4. Today is a holiday in kindergarten,
And Natalia in sight.
Receives congratulations
Dreaming of gifts...

5. We are kindergarten kids
Everyone is happy to congratulate aunt
We didn't just come
And they brought gifts

We will certainly put this bow on her head,
So that, like us, she too, be more beautiful and younger!
To know everything in the world
There is no more beautiful aunt ___________!

Aunt __________, like from a fairy tale, she beautifully paints her eyes
I took mascara from my mother and let them down too,
We have a beauty, all adult uncles like it.

Well, what little hands, not simple - golden
They are not more tender in the world
Adults and children know
And so they deserve bows!

And these bows on the legs, so that along the city paths
They ran fast, fast, to strike sparks with their soles
And in order to shade their beauty, you need to attach a bow to them.

And this one, no matter where, we attach it, but on the chest
On it are awards, titles and medals that we have not yet been given,
Gorgeous, but in any way, let the bow decorate your chest.

We have Deniska in the garden, he peed in his pants yesterday.
Do you know what he dreams about? Wish his mom was just as cool!
Deniska - he does not understand, it's an empty head,
She does not need such children who piss in their pants!

This bow is sexy
Always keep it up to date.
Wherever you are - both at home and not at home,
Put it on on the day of the sexual upsurge!

And we will tie this bow to the place,
What is closer to a chair or an armchair.
There, too, tie a bow,
To lure uncles to them,
To turn back and forth,
And they will say: “Wow!”

Well, how do you like Aunt ________? Like?
U.S. too! You are our beauty!
nice decoration,
For such a birthday!

Comic congratulations on the anniversary of the "Three Little Pigs"

Open soon! Who's celebrating here?
Who is the queen of the world here? Who is Irina's name?
We are from a fairy tale, as you know,
How interesting are you here!

Safe, no wolf
Lots of food, and lots of light!
After all, if the wolf is buggy, he will turn off the electricity.
Let's sit in the dark.

But times are not right now!
Irina presses the button, “Let there be light!”, and everything sparkles!
One click and there is no night.
Chubais will jump with envy.

Come on, let's all clean our ears to listen to the wishes
To you, Irina, from pigs to your golden anniversary!
So that you are always full, drink a full trough,
They scooped money with a net, and not just with a snout.

Let bad weather pass you by
If you grunt, then from happiness!
Our trio of piglets want to dance with you.
We wave handkerchiefs
Let's dance and dance!

Scene for Anniversary or Birthday “Congratulations from New Russian grandmothers”.

(two participants, dressed up in new Russian grandmothers, come out, dancing, and sing a couplet to the tune of ditties):

We do not sow and we do not plow,
But we are not sitting idle!
On the anniversary we sing and dance,
Let's make birthday people laugh!

Matryona (speaking):

A flower, a flower! Why are you so wrinkled today, like a roll of toilet paper?


Oh, don't talk, Matryona! I didn’t sleep all night, I kept thinking how it’s better for us to congratulate our birthday than to please him on such a day ?!

Judging by your appearance, you did not come up with anything worthwhile!


Well, why is that?! What do you think I am, good for nothing, or what ?!

So, your expiration date has long passed!


Say it too! Yes, all the men look back at me! There, look, and our Anniversary looks so mysteriously!

Sure, it's a mystery! Why, they say, they priperlis here, and even for a couple?!


Come on, Matryona, let's show him the full breadth of our repertoire!

Come on, Flower, sing along! You are the loudest among the two of us!

Flower: (sings to the tune of the song “Murka”)

You and I, Matryona, were lucky with the hack:
We will sing a verse to the hero of the day!
He adorned his shoulders with a new jacket,
He's a great authority! (last 2 lines repeat)

What are you, Flower? I don’t recognize you directly, you are our sentimental! Where did you get such a motive?!


Yes, it did…

You listen to what the birthday man should sing on the Jubilee:

(sings, addressing the Anniversary, to the motive of the song “A soldier is walking through the city”):

Your guests on the Jubilee
Sitting friendly!
Hints “Pour us!”
Their anxious look!
Prepared the toast
Everyone drinks for you!
“You are beautiful, there are no words!”-
Let's say love
Let's say love!

We will remember your anniversary!
We will fill all the glasses
And let's drink everything to the bottom today and more than once!
We wish you happiness
Believe that we are very happy
Congratulate you on the holiday
The most beautiful now!

(repeat the last 4 lines, marching up to the birthday man for a kiss, and then the Flower says):

Dear birthday man, respect the old ladies, drink with us on brotherhood, we will remember the century with a kind word!

(Congratulations on the Anniversary and drink with the birthday man for brotherhood)


(he is dressed in a black T-shirt, and on his chest is a thick chain, in his hands is an envelope with money or for fun - souvenir bucks)

— Lyudmila! Are you, in fact, we have a birthday girl in all respects, or what?
- I wish that no one crumbles a loaf on your head!
- I give you bucks for promotion - get rich,
- And the roof will be needed - contact me!


Three maidens by the window
Singing late at night!
You all ask about
Did they all sing together?
About my girlfriend
Sang songs on the anniversary!

(three girls come out, each sing their own song for the birthday girl)

1 GIRL (you can attach a long braid to her).
(sings a song to the motive “Birch, dear friend)

Lyubasha, dear friend,
You are my idol, my favorite!
Tell me, how is it without each other,
Tell me, how is it without each other
We treated you! (3 lines last repeat)

Soul reaching out for me
You put your hands on my shoulders,
When I feel bad - you are with me,
You, if it's bad - I'm with you,
Now you will not spill us with water forever! (3 lines last repeat)

(sings a song to the motive “We honestly want to tell you”)

I have to tell you honestly
I need a friend like this!
She is like the sun, friendly, sweet
And her kindness drove me crazy!

Lyuba, Lyuba, my dear friend,
Everyone around is delighted with you!
So stay the same always
I wish you happiness for many years! (repeat entire verse)

3 GIRLFRIEND (you can wear a wig and dress of a sultry Cuban, as the song is performed to the tune of “Beisana, beisana mucho ...”)

No you,
There is no better you
There is no prettier and smarter and kinder than you!
No you,
You are not cooler!
I am happy that you are called my friend!

We all love you, dear Lyubochka,
And we love you!
The kindest, very beautiful,
I repeat, love!

Let you
Everything works out!
May all your dreams and wishes come true on time!
Happiness let
Will not turn away!
Joy, love protect your home threshold!



As you know, without water
Neither here nor there!
We often suffer
From this nonsense.
But our birthday
Will eliminate problems
On her duty, we know
Water is not scarce!

For this, grateful residents will perform a touching song for our beautiful birthday girl!
(residents come out - a woman in curlers, in a dressing gown and with a basin in her hands, and a man in family shorts and with two glasses, one of which is filled with water, during the chorus he pours water from glass to glass)

(to the motive “How steamboats see off, not at all like trains”)

At our boiler room Tatiana
Works for a year
With hot water all the time
This is why our house lives!
Water from the tap in the kitchen splashes,
And the water warms us
And my heart trembles with joy
When there is water in the apartment!

Water, water, water runs
Water, water, all around water!

She watches the degrees
Water pressure is always good!
To treat work like this
You won't find people!
She is so funny
And the voice of the call, like a stream!
Charging everyone with optimism,
Shine in her eyes!

Water, water, water runs
Water, water, we always have!


SONG OF D'ARTAGNANA (the husband of the birthday girl is dressed in his suit):
(to the motive "I love you, life!")

- I love you, Tanya,
That in itself is not new!
I love you Tan!
I love you again and again!
After a hard day
I come home from work tired
You feed me
Even though you've worked hard!

Oh how the years fly by
Well, don't be sad, dear!
Guests will confirm everything -
You are as young as ever!
In the light of every day
I am so happy that I have no rest!
Kiss me
Let everyone know what it is!

Scene for the Anniversary or Birthday of a woman “Brownie”. (The brownie comes out - this is a participant in the scene with a shaggy beard and disheveled hair, dressed in a colorful shirt, belted with a rope and short pants with patches. He sings a song to the birthday girl to the motive of "Robin")

I beg you for courage
Pour me a glass!
I will say then in the hour of joy
Why come to you!

(the birthday girl pours a glass of brownie, he drinks and sings the next verse):

Do you like to clean everything in the apartment?
And cleanliness everywhere you watch specifically!
Corners trying to sweep better,
On the pope you whip me imperceptibly!

Please be kind
With me, Marina, henceforth,
In the corner so that, without fear, I
I could sit until dark!

Dear birthday girl, now accept a gift from me:

(takes out a broom)

I personally steamed this broom,
To make it softer in circulation! (slaps himself with a broom in different places)
And you can wave them without rules,
I declare to you on your birthday!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I want to bloom, bloom!
Today I promise everyone:
I will always guard your house!

Scene for the Anniversary or Birthday of a man “Chatushki from New Russian attendants”

(two men come out dressed up with new Russian grandmothers and sing verses to the tune of ditties, playing along on a children's balalaika or on a guitar):


Anniversary needs a couple
Say compliments!
So let's be piping hot
Remember them with Matryona!

Give me a word soon
Very itchy tongue!
I'm already ready
Congratulations - simply chic!


Tie your tongue tight
I won't give up my seat!
My compliment is much needed
I love the jubilee!

You forgot to see at all
Why did you come here!
A sign of attention really asks
Anniversary from us, bullshit!


You're right, I'm just bastard
When I see Vova!
But I'm shy to say "I love you"
He has his own family!

Drift, do not drift, but still you need
Be bolder with you!
So let's shout together:
“Happy Anniversary, dear!”

(approach the hero of the day with kisses)

(Childhood runs out skipping - this is a man dressed up as a little boy and sings to the tune of a famous song about childhood):

My childhood stay
Don't rush, wait!
Give me a simple answer
What's ahead?!

Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Frighten off any misfortune -
This, of course, in childhood
We must fall immediately!
I will tell you emphatically:
You are forgiven today!

So listen and do all my tasks:

I know you will remember
What I did as a child
How carefree with friends
You jumped on a skipping rope!

(suggest to jump rope)

To restore you
For further tricks of strength,
I suggest you drink
This super dope is cute!

(offer a glass of vodka to the birthday boy)

The ball is a child's best friend!
Remember childhood again
Step aside
And kick your knee!

(the birthday boy kicks the ball with his knee, and the guests loudly count how many times he can do it so that the ball does not fall)

Yes, you kick masterfully
What is there to say for a long time!
We owe you seriously
Very generous reward!

(jokingly they pour a glass of vodka to the birthday man)

We whistle from acacia trees
Did it many times as a kid!
musical variations
We are waiting for you now!

(they offer the birthday boy to play the children's whistle or pipe)

For these numbers
Together we will shout “Hurrah!”
And they also ask for a glass
Your guests are children!

(everyone drinks a toast together) happy childhood birthday)

(A man comes out - a participant in the scene, dressed in a scarf and an old colorful skirt with a jacket, he has a basket of drugs in his hands and he addresses the birthday man with the words):

Dear birthday boy!
Even though you look healthy
And he was in good health since childhood,
But still, darling, no offense
Accept these funds as a gift!
I am an expert in healing
And the healer's secret
I will open it to everyone on my birthday,
There are no more secrets!

(takes out a large head of garlic from the basket and introduces the first remedy):

Dope grass, don't argue with me
Eliminate any disease!
Eat tops and roots
To cleanse the intestines!
bad smell
Everyone will be plunged into a slight shock,
But you eat fundamentally
Dope grass root!

(gives garlic to the birthday man and takes out the second remedy - horseradish or a jar of grated horseradish, which you can buy in the store, introduces the second remedy):

For there to be no change
And everything in the family was friendly,
Once a week this fuck
At night, you really need to eat!
He will immediately raise the tone
And take care of your chakra!
He is, believe me, a champion,
Compared to Viagra!

(gives this tool and takes out the third one - a bottle of vodka, on which you can write “Moonshine” in large letters, introduces it):

Sprinkle with living water
You need everything in your apartment!
This method is not easy
But known all over the world!
You first from the inside
Please your body with it
And then sprinkle
All corners with their own water!

dora, dora, tomato,
We caught a thief in the garden
This is a small worm
I ate a barrel from an apple!
And we have a birthday
Gardener, well, just class!
She's always fine
Fruits, vegetables and beds!
That's why the question
We call the worm for interrogation:
Let the guests explain
Your excellent appetite!

(a man comes out dressed up as a worm, that is, you can put a very long green cap on your head, he greedily gnaws an apple, then sings a song):

(to the motive “We are cheerful guys, we are October guys”)

I, friends, are a signaling device,
From nitrate indicator!
If I eat an apple
So everyone can eat!

I respect the plum with a pear,
I just love cherries!
Don't scold me in vain
I'm more useful than aphids!

Dear birthday girl!
Let me be in your garden
I'll find a job!
I am a pest, but not harmful!
And this vitriol is copper
I give you in reserve
From aphids so that he saved the harvest!

Dear birthday girl!
One came to visit us
Extraordinary Citizen!
He looks a little weird
He wants to say thank you
And for what - now we find out.
Guest! We invite you!

(a man comes out with very large ears made of cardboard, foam rubber or sewn from something, he sings a song to the birthday girl):

(to the motive of a song about Cheburashka “I was once a strange nameless toy ...”)

I used to be weird
Eating manna porridge
That's why he grew those ears!
About trendy diets
I learned from the newspaper
And immediately, foolishly, immediately applied!

But somehow on Sunday
me for my birthday
Larisa invited and I decided to go,
From tasty treats
Have a nice experience
I could not go away for a long, long time!

I spit on the diet
Bought some candy!
Thank you, Larisa, I want to tell you
For inviting
And tasty food
After all, the ears have become cool again!

(removes big ears and says a toast):

To fix my result,
I ask everyone to pour now!

Dear birthday girl!
A guest from the East has come to you,
He is a famous doka in miracles!
On the carpet he, so quickly,
Arrived for the Anniversary!
This is the well-known and amazing Old Man Hottabych!

(Hottabych comes out in a dressing gown, a turban, with a long beard, with a rug under his arm. Folding his palms in an oriental way, he bows to the birthday girl, says to her: “Hello, O most beautiful of the birthday girls!” Then he turns to the guests: “Hello, honored guests! ”She spreads a rug, sits on it, bending her legs in an oriental way, and then says to the birthday girl):


Oh, the light of my eyes! The incomparable and most beautiful birthday girl Antonina! I came here to fulfill all your deepest desires! But first, my wisest one, let me ask you some wise questions!

(birthday girl allows)


I listen and obey!
Oh, my dearest! Let me hear my first question:
Is it possible to celebrate a birthday two days in a row?
(the correct answer is no, because there is a night between them!)

Oh, my darling! My second question: what is given to the birthday girl, and people use it more often than she?
(correct answer is name)

Oh, my wise one! And my third question: what kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a costume for a birthday girl?
(the correct answer is from the railway)

May there be peace and prosperity in your house, O healing balm of my soul!
And now I will fulfill all your secret desires! And I will do this with the help of your venerable guests, O most beautiful of the beautiful! And so that the guests do not resist your desires, I will pull out three hairs from my magic beard!

Listen and understand! (pulls out first hair)
Fulfill all wishes of the birthday girl! (pulls out second hair)
Let it be so, and not otherwise! (pulls out third hair)

(gets up from the rug, approaches the guests with an oriental bow and tells them):


Oh distinguished guests! Now you will fulfill the wishes of the birthday girl by completing these simple tasks. I beg you, for everything I’m ready, to pull out each of your tickets!

(Hottabych takes out a bag with numbers from his pocket and the guests draw them out in turn, then Hottabych gives them a task in turn):


Kohl came to the Jubilee,
Drink some vodka soon!

Have a glass of wine
For a rosy face!

Treat the neighbor on the left
A stack of vodka skillfully!

You, my friend, have the right
Smack on the cheek of a friend on the right!

compliment now
Birthday girl from us!

To make it more fun
Sing us a song soon!

Good guests today
Throw away your shyness
Tell a joke
This is what people want from you!

We'll have fun
If you get up now
In the pose of a swallow, my friend,
Toast telling us a small!

Birthday girl with us
Feast for the eyes, just class!
Come to her, hug
And smile at all the guests!

Kiss the birthday girl
Just don't play too hard!

Well, and you, my friend, the wall
Kiss, standing back
Forget for a while
About chondrosis, my favorite!

Describe a circle with your right foot
Knocking on the tummy with the left hand,
At the same time, you try to drink a glass,
Not a drop should be spilled!

Use modern jargon now
Confessing love to the birthday girl
My order is the strictest law,
You speak without hesitation!

(after completing all the tasks, Hottabych says):


Oh, beautiful birthday girl! And now the main surprise that I have prepared for you!
To please your wonderful eyes and ears, as well as to bring joy to distinguished guests, now my students will perform an oriental dance, not sparing their belly!

Description: The scene was written specifically for comic performance. Written with humor. Suitable for any fun occasion. Can be used on February 23 and March 8, for a wedding. Reads and learns easily. Written in the style of Pushkin's fairy tale "About Tsar Saltan".


Maiden 1
Maiden 2
Maiden 3


Three maidens by the window
We talked about one thing:
How to pick up a groom
To live better.

(1 girl)
I wanted girls
Live life like all queens.
Husband to dress better
Every day to entertain
He fulfilled all the whims,
And be sad, so as not to give.

(2 girls)
……………………… full version sketches……………………………

(3 girls)
It's not a sin to fly in the clouds
But will success come to you?
Where do you find these
Modest, smart, golden?
Life is not a fairy tale, girls!
It's worth relying on!

Guys all - du-ra ki !!!
Arguing with you is out of hand!

Groom, of course!
We must try together.
The goal is set - go ahead!
Luck awaits us together!


I was only able to agree
Someone started calling them all.
“Hey, Marina, Tanya, Ksyusha!
I am your friend, Andryusha!
Roll a ball in a bowling alley.

“Oh, you are our dear, Andryusha!
What a pleasure to listen to you!
Everyone is ready to play
We'll be there at five sharp!"

“Everything is covered, girls! (Andrew)
All of you guys will be waiting!
(1 girl)
“Here is luck basement!
To make us all rich!"

(2 girls)
You have to work hard
dress up well

(3 girls)
And lift eyelashes
To not take your eyes off.

Here are all three girls,
What beautiful queens...
And the lionesses are ready to fight!
The main thing is not to be lazy
And pick up all the guys
So that it is impossible to fall out of love!


It's time to have fun
Love and make friends.
We played bowling
And then they danced
Everyone walked late
And agreed in character
And in the morning they parted.

How long did the friendship last?
Maybe a month, maybe a year...
Relations were strengthened
The wedding is on...

So the weddings were celebrated,
Long remembered all the people.
Where are our three girls?
What's in store for them all now?

Our first girl
Revamped their life
Reality forgotten...
She quickly got tired of everything,
To her husband suddenly all cooled off
Dreaming about something else
Wants a new husband...

At our second girl
Youth, pigeons
Everything is there, whatever your heart desires
And the cottage is cool, huge!
Only happiness is so far away

End of introductory segment. To purchase the full version of the scene, go to the basket. After payment, the material will be available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 99 R kill

Scene "Three sisters on New Year's Eve"

There lived - there were 3 sisters: Marfushenka - the eldest, Nastyushenka - the middle one, Alyonushka - the youngest, and a mirror (it comes out modestly from the side). And so 3 sisters sang under the window late in the evening, they sang, they sang, they said how to marry them, as if in new year's eve find suitors. And now the elder sister, Marfushenka, comes to the center and says(music - there is hope to marry the prince), and the middle sister Nastyushenka screamed bitterly (music - loneliness bastard ), and the youngest Alyonushka said this(music - female happiness would be cute nearby).

And so the sisters decided to unwind and went to the New Year's disco: they showed off, had mercy in front of their mirror and spoke tenderly. The eldest Marfushenka was the first to approach the mirror and asked, “Am I the sweetest in the world, all the rouge and whiter?” And to her a mirror in response(music - well, why are you so terrible.)

And the second Nastya laughed at the mirror, quickly gathered herself, came up and asked: am I the sweetest in the world, all blush and whiter? ”And the mirror answered her(music. How did you get me)

Well, the younger Alyonushka only modestly approached the mirror, and it sang(music how beautiful you are today).

Only the mirror sang the door softly creaked and the Tsar enters the room - the side of that sovereign(music "Well, wait a minute"). And the sisters stood up modestly and bowed to the king. The sovereign was single, though no longer young. The king of the maidens looked and became thoughtful(music. Girls are different)

The girls were shy, but not at all taken aback. And the first decided to speak to the king -elder sister Marfushenka, came up and said so straight(music. Pupsik, my sweet pupsik)

The tsar did not expect such pressure, he already wanted to run away, then the second Nastyushenka jumped up, pushed the first away and said to the sovereign(Music Playboy is just a hero) , and the youngest Alyonushka was also not a bastard, went to the middle, straightened her hair, took a deep breath and said(music. Take me) And they joined in the dancemusic "Striptease")

The sovereign got agitated if he restrained himself, then the mirror arrived in time, well, the ear of the king sang that Alyonka was just(music. Sex bom). In euphoria, the tsar swam and, in joy, decided to bestow gifts on everyone not to forget anyone, and this is what the eldest Marfushenka asked(music Black boomer ), and the middle one said so directly (music. The best friends of girls are diamonds), and the youngest Alyonushka did not ask for any gifts, but only expressed her desire(music I want, I want you to like it). Oh, the king was at a loss, he wanted to please everyone. All the girls are good, and he said from the heart(music if I were a sultan).

Well, you know, the mirror here was indignant menacingly over the king, it bent down and said(music. what are you hinting at the royal muzzle?).

We are the king father, not in the east, so the bride must be chosen one and only. And the king thought, thought and thought, he went up to the girls and said so directly (music I just don't have any money.)

When sister Marfushenka heard these speeches, she was indignant, went up to the king and gave him a slap in the face and said(music went out.) And Nastyushka jumped up, almost knocked the tsar off his feet, but then she waved her arms and said in the tsar's eyes(music. I will send him to heaven for an asterisk.)

Our tsar understood everything here and was already looking at Alyonushka with fear, Alyonushka realized she looked at the tsar, but not menacingly, but affectionately, and she sang in a gentle voice(music I will kiss you).

The tsar decided not to doubt and get married to Alenka and did not forget the sisters, he took everything to the palace. Everything was wonderful and they played a wedding on New Year's Eve.

Our artists performed, but not everyone said, they forgot to congratulate you on the New Year(music. New Year).
