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Scenario for March 8 Miss Spring. Competition and entertainment program "Miss Spring", dedicated to International Women's Day (March 8). Room decor, costumes

"Miss spring 2017" concert and competition program

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see your smiling faces in this hall.

Now spring is in the yard. We associate it with such words as love, charm, life, beauty. And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our festive, original, unforgettable Miss Spring 2017 contest.

The participants of our competition are like spring flowers: they are just as beautiful, delicate, sensual. Their beauty captivates us. Who doesn't love beauty?! Beauty will save the world!

And so, meet our contestants. (Exit to the song "Heroine")

Presentation of the contestants...

1. Here comes the number of times.

The sparkle of her beautiful eyes Violetta

Directly to the heart directs

And it makes you fall in love.

2. Number two - madam, what do you need!

And the whole audience is happy about it.

Let's clap her hands Polina

She has a good vision.

3. Here comes to us on stage,

Knowing your own worth,

Number three, business Lera

And the girl is like this!

4. Here is number four

Sasha smiles wider

And laughs and laughs

Also miss wants to be the first!

5. Number five! I'm crazy.

You look so like a fairy! Sonya

Bewitch, bewitch,

The mind immediately eclipses.

6. Number six. Heart on the heels!

What a girl guys. Angelina

If you look closer -

You can just be amazed.

So, all the participants on the stage - please sit down. Today we have to choose only one participant, who will be awarded the title of "Miss Spring 2017". And the skill of our contestants will be evaluated by a competent jury consisting of: (parents, librarian, cook, etc.)


1. The first competition of our program is called “Graceful Walk”

Everyone knows that the most beautiful posture and graceful gait of the girls of the East. We believe that our girls are no worse and now we will see for ourselves. Participants must walk around the stage with a book on their heads without dropping it, then turn around and return to their place.

Music number: Dance "Good spring flowers in the garden"


2.Competition "Lady's handbag"

Whoever a woman is, she always remains a lover of fashion. The most necessary accessory in addition to the image is, of course, a handbag. Many young people are scratching their heads, and what is the secret of this accessory, because at the right time, completely unusual objects appear from it. By the way, sometimes girls themselves cannot understand where such a treasure comes from in their purse and do not always quickly find something they need.

Let's find out what secrets this accessory hides (takes out silhouettes of handbags cut out of paper). In each of the bags there is a table with letters. Among them, horizontally and vertically, you can find words.







Music number: Song about spring


Guess a riddle about one of the fairy-tale heroines.

She is beautiful and sweet

Her name comes from the word "ash".

She ran so fast from the ball,

That she even lost her shoe. (Cinderella)

I didn't give you this riddle for nothing.

3. The next competition is called "Cinderella". Remember how the stepmother ordered Cinderella to plant rose bushes, clean all the dishes, sort out the grain? Today our contestants will feel themselves in the place of Cinderella. The task will be next.

Participants will have to take apart the beans and peas in containers for a while.

musical number : Dance "Cloud"

Quiz for viewers

3. What Russian holiday is complete without pancakes? (Pancake week)

4. Name the fairy tales whose title contains female names? (Cinderella, Thumbelina, Little Mermaid, Snow Maiden ...)

5. How can one name in one word the means by which Baba Yaga can be used to make Vasilisa the Beautiful? (cosmetics)

6. Flowers in a bunch? (bouquet)

7. What are the names of cloth or paper squares for wiping lips and hands after eating? (napkins)

8. Which outerwear has no sleeves? (vest)

9. What is cooked "in uniform"? (potato)

10. Riddle:

They are poured into the pan

And when they are baked, (pancakes)

It's called the sun.

Dance "spring called"

4. Competition "My light, mirror, say"

To hold this competition, it is necessary to prepare a mirror for each little princess. 5-6 girls sit in a circle, with their backs to each other. The host (teacher, daycare teacher, mother of one of the students) says:

"Stand for the sake of interest

Wonderful fairy princess.

Each mirror is given.

It will tell you the truth."

Girls begin to look in the mirror and take turns praising themselves: “I am beautiful”, “I am smart”, “I am charming”, “I dance beautifully”, “I have many girlfriends”, “I am a good student”, “I have beautiful hair " etc. The girl who gives herself the most compliments wins.

May every girl have good luck for many years, and for this you need a personal goldfish.

Music number: Song "Goldfish"

5.Competition. "Tie a bow."

Girls tie bows for boys.

6. Competition "Adroit culinary specialist"

Girls should get the candy out of the flour without the help of their hands. (There is flour in the plate, and there are sweets in the flour, you need to get them with your mouth)

Summarizing. It was difficult for the jury to choose one winner (It was agreed in advance that there would be all the winners, the crowns were awarded to everyone)

Musical number from the boys

The song "I'm a man, I'm a man"

Target: the formation in children of ideas of kindness, joy, friendly relations, the creation of a positive emotional mood among preschoolers.


1. Developmental tasks: develop creative imagination, memory, coherent speech of children, sense of rhythm, tempo, coordination of movements.

2. Educational tasks: to summarize the knowledge of children about the holiday.

3. Educational tasks: to cultivate emotional responsiveness; strengthen friendly relations; to cultivate beauty, expressiveness and grace of movements, a conscious attitude towards them.

Members : Host, Koschey, Baba Yaga.

Music sounds come out boys.
The boys stand in a checkerboard pattern, make several dance moves.
1. About five spring came to our house!

Again, we are all waiting for the holiday!
How we will sing, how we will dance!

But, only, where are our girls?

2. They bring beauty!

They said they'll be here soon!
While without them we perform

We read poems for women!

3. Dear mothers, grandmothers and aunts,

It's good that on this day and hour

You are not in the service, not at work,

In this hall, look at us!

4. We love you very, very, very,

We love selflessly - it's not a secret;

However, in short:

You have never been more loved!

5. So that today you all smile

Your kids have done a great job.

Accept our congratulations,

Check out the children's performance!

6. Why can't you see girls?

How long can you wait here?
I refuse further

Continue this holiday!

7. Oh, friends, because we forgot

What a holiday for them!
That's not how we invited them!

The girls are waiting for other words!

Everything. The best, the cutest,

The kindest and most beautiful
We invite girls!

We solemnly welcome them!

girls coming out

Girls come in to the music, go through the center, diverge through one to the right and left, stand next to the boys, in a semicircle.

Boy: Why didn't you go for so long?

Girls: (in chorus) We went to the hairdresser!

Boy: We have been waiting for you for a very long time!

Girls: (in chorus) And we chose outfits!

Boy: We've been planning for a long time!

8. We want to please our dear girlfriends
We will give them our warm hearts!

1. Today is such a wonderful day

And such an amazing one!

The stars came down to us from the sky

And everyone was warmed by beauty!

2 . And we will give you today

Joy, jokes and flowers,

Let's start soon

Spring Beauty Contest!

All together: "Mini Miss!"

Leading: But before we start the competition,

We will sing a song for our mothers.

The song sounds

The boys go to the chairs, the girls stand in a semicircle.

Presenter: And now the word to our contestants.

Girl 1: I got up so early today

I've been so worried since morning

After all, the competition is in kindergarten today

I must come dressed.

Girl 2: My mother bought me a new dress,

For this I would like to thank my mother.

Girl 3: And we twisted curls with our beloved granny yesterday,

So as not to spoil my curls,

Slept on curlers all night!

Girl 4: And my mother and I learned words,

So that I can read them without hesitation.

Girl 5: And we repeated all the movements with her,

So that I dance them beautifully in the hall!

Girl 6: And I tried on the dress all evening.

And she repeated songs about her mother.

Girl 7: And I chose a gift for my beloved grandmother.

And I was looking forward to this holiday.

Girl8: As the daughter of Alla Pugacheva -

I'll be a singer soon

Raw eggs ready to drink

Even though I really don't like them.

Girl 9: I also love to sing and a song for everyone, then I'll sing.

As a mother, I will knead the dough and invite you all to visit.

Girl 10: And we were looking for cool hairpins

Not in vain!

Women's beauty items

Everyone should see us!

Presenter: Oh, how much trouble and excitement!

Oh, how many worries and doubts!

Trust us girls, you are all beautiful!

And Varya, and Anya, Arisha, Masha, Angelina, Diana, Polina, Zarina, Alina.

Still, it's time for us to start.

I wish you success.

Yes, our task is not easy, how to choose the one

What is more beautiful than all, and would be kind and brave

A dancer and skilled at work?

How we choose it, I just don't know

(The girls go to the chairs)

Koshchey: Hi everyone. (Approaches parents) What are you doing here?

Baba Yaga: (Mimics girls) Oh, dressed up, think what beauties. And where are you going in your outfits?

Koschey: Listen, Yagusenka, where did we end up with you?

Presenter: You are in kindergarten! This is where kids are raised! And these are our guests, mothers and grandmothers. They came to us on the holiday of March 8

Baba Yaga: AAAA ... there it is.

Koschey: They came up with different holidays, you have nothing to do.

Baba Yaga: You don’t understand anything, Koshcheyushka, it’s so romantic! By the way, you can congratulate me too.

Koschey: Congratulations?

Baba Yaga: Yes! This is also my holiday...

Koschey: I completely forgot, you are also a grandmother. Only I have nothing to give you at all, my dear friend.

Baba Yaga: I don’t need anything, if only there is a dress like that…… (points to any girl) or shoes like this……..

Koschey: I knew that you would pester me: I want the same dress, I want the same hairstyle!

Baba Yaga: Of course I want! Look at all the girls here are smart and beautiful. How the princesses stand, and they look at me as a princess.

Presenter: Our girls are so smart because today we have a Mini-Miss contest.

Baba Yaga: I am also quite sweet, well-mannered and charming and I want to take part in your competition.

Koschey: You're not the right age for this contest!

Baba Yaga: At least you behave yourself here. And don't remind me of my age. I may be young at heart.

Presenter: Dear guests, stop arguing. And if you came to our competition, then take part as members of the jury. Do you agree?

Baba Yaga: Agree! We promise to evaluate the participants fairly!

Leading: And an independent jury will help you

Host: So the 1st competition - "ACQUAINTANCE".

Dear audience! Attention please!

The girls are worried, everyone is waiting ...

We announce the first round -

And let's start dating!

We invite the contestants to tell about themselves here,

To make it easier for the judges to evaluate them in the fight.

Girls come out, read quarters

1 dev. Zarina is a rare name, talented and smart

I will always succeed, I am not vindictive and modest.

I am beautiful and smart.

I really like to dream

And, of course, dance.

2dev I am Maria, but simply Masha
I love to sing songs
I can chat non-stop
And I don't let my mom get bored.

3 maidens I, Barbara, are all pretty

I'm a joker, a laugher will tell you any

I'm a fighting girl, a treasure is buried in me

From such a girl, Varya, the whole garden is seething.

4 maidens Fields, Polushka, Polina,

The name is sweet as a raspberry

Ruddy cheeks and a cheerful eye

I will be an artist, I will conquer all of you!

5dev Anya, Annushka, Anyutka, -
I'll take matters into my own hands.
I'll show you my perseverance
If you need help, I'll help.

6 maidens Arishka is my name.

Look, friends:

beautiful face,

Not stupid and not lazy.

I consider myself bold and determined

Kind and very sociable

7dev And I look like Thumbelina

Little and tender Angelina

I love to play with dolls

And receive gifts.

8 maidens Anya! How wonderful it is

Such a sweet name to wear.

I'm dangerous to our boys

It's hard not to love me, I'm diligent and obedient

I love figure skating, this is my calling.

9-10 maidens Well, we are sisters Alina and Diana!
Friendly girls, everyone is surprised!

Performing on stage is just a pleasure for us.

We will conquer you today, we will win the competition.

Leading: The jury evaluates the Acquaintance contest, and we continue to sing a song for mothers.

The boys walk towards the girls in a semicircle.

The song sounds: "My dear mommy"

Koschey: Well, dear viewers, prepare your hands for applause, I announce the next competition


Leading : And for this competition, the girls need the help of their boys to perform a fun polka

Polka "Well, goodbye"

(Baba Yaga and Koschey at this time are throwing various garbage candy wrappers around the dance).

Presenter: What have you done, pranksters?

Baba Yaga: What have they done, what have they done! Ali don't you see my dear? Made a mess!

Host: Why?

Koschey: We have such a nice job, to do nasty things. We can't do anything about it! We would be glad not to mischief, but ...... alas, it does not work.

Baba Yaga: We wanted to check what assistants you have.

Competition: "Take out the trash"

(collect more candy wrappers in a bucket)

Presenter: In the next competition, the expressive reading of the poem is evaluated.

Competition "Poetry"

Baba Yaga: Koshcheyushka, sit down with me right here, and put your ears on top of your head, and listen to the verses that these girls are reading.(They sit in front of the girls, and they stand in a semicircle)

Girl 1: Our dear mothers, we will grow up - and we will be ourselves

We work and serve, in general we will live well.

Girl 2: I will become a good cook, I will feed my family deliciously:

Soup, pancakes, potatoes.

I love to eat myself!

Girl 3: I will work at school

All the guys put "five"

And of course I won't forget

Help mom at home.

Girl 4: I will bring flowers in the house,

I'll plant flowers in the garden

So that in any season

Give you beauty!

Girl 5: I will heal the sick

Improve their health.

I'll tell them:

First of all, take care of your nerves.

Secondly, you try to do physical education. Although the doctors are ready to help, it’s better to be healthy!

Girl 6: I'll go to the hairdressers

Eyes, eyebrows let me down.

Come, our mothers, I will dye your hair.

With a thin small comb, I will quickly do my hair.

It will be fashionable, super-class!

Dads don't recognize you.

Girl 7: I want to become an accountant

I learn different numbers.

There is an accountant in a restaurant,

And in the factory, and in the bath.

He keeps track of money.

Where is the expense and where is the income.

He knows math

Counting the numbers quickly

Here is the expense, and here is the income -

Nothing will be lost!

Girl 8: I will go to school soon

I want to become a teacher.

A cheerful bell sounded

In yellow-red September,

School doors opened

Our noisy children.

In a long life exam

On the track indirect

Will lead to the land of knowledge

Our teacher is the helmsman.

Girl 10: And I will come to our kindergarten,

I'll start raising kids

'Cause it's so nice-

Play yourself, play

Fun with the guys!

Work is heaven!

Together: In the meantime, we only dream, we all play and play.(Go to the chairs)

Leading: In the meantime, our girls are dreaming, the boys perform ditties for them.



Today is a holiday for girls,

We need to sing ditties

Oh guys, in my ear

As a child, a bear came.

2nd boy.

I won't sing! -

3rd boy.

I also!

4th boy.

I'm shy!

5th boy.

I'm afraid!

2nd boy.

And let's sing together

Let them laugh!

We envy girls

They love to play

And for this, guys,

Need to buy dolls.

While mom is at work

To beautify your face

Her red lipstick

Can you color your lips?

Also in my mom's closet.

Can I take her shoes?

And secretly from mom at school

Show off your heels.

Our girls offended

We won't give today

Not even a stranger

Let's not get close to them.

We sang ditties to you,

Don't be offended

Clap your hands louder

Smile wider!

Leading: And the next contest is called"Golden Voice"For this competition, the girls prepared a fun song "Matryoshka", and you do not yawn the jury, who sings better, mark.

The song "Matryoshka" sounds

Koschey: Why sit and be silent, quickly get your hands, clap, let's.

Leading: The jury sums up the results of the competition. And we continue to congratulate our dear women.

You, friends, tell me straight

does your mom have a mom?

Who will cook compote for you?

Sew a dress for the holiday

Bake pancakes - of course

All: Grandmother

1 small Modern Grannies are all such beauties. young, businesslike, versed in everything

And any know-how, they, of course, do not care. I am with a computer on "YOU", and my grandmother is on "YOU"

Either he exposes recipes, then he congratulates someone, then he speaks on Skype, pretending to be serious.

2. reb. I hurried to Grandma: Grandma, let's have some tea?

But granny surprised-wait-a little bit, my friend.

My brother and I fell asleep, we waited in vain until late.

I am proud of my grandmother, she is modern.

The song is about grandma

Disguised boys come out. (To the music of Grandmother old woman)

Scene "At the entrance"

1Grandma What is the youth like? And deeds, and words,
Look at their fashions undressed chumps.
Before, we sewed dresses, wore fluffy skirts.
And now it’s not that, trousers, but skirts - in.
2grandmother Well, the dances, and the dances have become like foreigners
How they hit to dance step by step scratching,
They are shaking, like in a fever to look so shame and disgrace
They ride as if on a horse everything is bursting at the seams
Music tectonics Grandmothers dance
3.grandmother You and I didn’t dance like that, we studied the figures
Rock-n-roll, waltz, square dance There was taste and style in dancing
4 grandmother Yeah, you're right about that, my head is spinning,
How to look at it all, how to endure it all.
Reb . Stop grandma grumbling youth to discuss everything
We also have our own style, look at ours - a quadrille.

Spoon Ensemble

Leading: Here comes the end of our fun competition Mini Miss.
The word for summing up and awarding is given to our jury

Jury: We consulted and decided that all our girls get 25 points today. This is the highest mark of our competition. Let's welcome our members! All participants were awarded titles.

Koschey rewards girls:

Miss Artistry

Miss Beauty

Miss Charm

Miss Smile

Miss Charm

Miss modesty

Miss Kindness

Miss Tenderness

Koschey: On behalf of all men, I once again want to congratulate our lovely mothers, kind grandmothers and the most charming girls on the holiday.

Together: Congratulations!

. Music sounds. The boys go to the middle to the girls
Leading: How many mothers in this world!
And they are all very loved!
On our vast planet
The one and only!

Baba Yaga: We wish to live three hundred years,
May life be good!
The sky is bright and clear
And the soul rejoices!

The song "Zorenki is more beautiful than the sun" sounds

Scenario of the competitive program by March 8"Miss Impromptu Show" was written by real professionals, such a program can be held in any, even purely female team. No special preparation is required: you just need one good host and a desire to have fun. This is a wonderful example - programs about women and for women: with contests, table entertainment and compliments. (Thanks to the author of the idea from the site

Forewordie to the competition program "Miss impromptu show"

Leading: When the whole world talks about one of the women, then, most likely, this is a show business star. If the lady is known without exaggeration to the whole country, then we conclude that she is the wife of the president. If a woman is popular in wide circles in one city, then most likely she owns a beauty salon. But when a woman reigns supreme in the soul and mind of one man, it means that she is his beloved, the one and only!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Glad to see you at this gala evening. Moreover, it will be dedicated to Her Majesty the Woman! I think that the men gathered here today will not at all be against such a wonderful object for discussion. In the old days, the sages said that "there is always something new to say about women, as long as at least one of them remains on the globe." I am sure that this is the true truth, otherwise there would not be so many poems and songs on earth dedicated to the Beautiful Lady! (we turn on the soundtrack, under which the presenter recites).

Musical congratulations on March 8 "The most-most ..."

Lovely, nice, kind, cute,

And practical, besides very.
Your whims, smiles, your greatness
They drive us insanely crazy.
We can't do without you
It's not a trifle
I say it to you

We are nothing without you
Everyone knows that
Can't live without women
Smart, strict, domineering, very different,
But you are all beautiful as one.
You just learned to subordinate us,
So you reign over us always!

Thanks for the applause! They are for you ladies! After all, you are simply magical! As one witty and observant Italian said: a woman can make a salad, a tragedy and ... a hat out of nothing! A very subtle observation, isn't it?! Based on that, I suggest playing around a bit!

Game moment "Hat from nothing"

Leading: That's right, a hat in a woman's life is a separate chapter. Karl Lagerfeld used to say: add a little hat to a woman, a little bit of feathers, and any of them will turn into a beautiful and mysterious stranger! Apparently, the fashion designer of the "House of Coco Chanel" is right, especially if you recall the anecdote about two friends who met by chance. “Oh, what a hat you have,” one says to the other. "It must have cost you dearly?" “No, quite at a reasonable price: one scandal, two broken cups and a week of silence!” - answered her friend. So, ladies, let me offer you a "hat auction." Its conditions are as follows: it is necessary to recall literary, musical works and films, in the titles of which the cherished word “hat” is mentioned.

(the host needs to keep track of the most active participants, whom he will then invite to participate in the competition. There should be three to four people. The answer options are: "Straw hat", "Live hat", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sombrero", "Wizard's hat", etc.).

Competition "Reliable roof"

Leading: Let's speculate: what is actually a hat? Why is she needed? The first thing that comes to mind is the thought of protective function hats. Right? A hat is like a roof. This means that the hat should not only be beautiful and elegant, but also reliable. Move on. A hat is almost a roof, a roof is a good protection, and who can be the best protection for a real woman? Certainly, a real man! Please do not confuse: we are not interested in those men who are "hats", but those who are "roofs"! Reliable, strong and not leaking! Therefore, ladies, choose one such male defender from the audience!

(men go up on stage and are given funny clown paper caps; sewing needles are attached to the end of the caps - we immediately warn the players about this!).

Leading: We will decorate our "roofs" a little, because they should also be beautiful! No matter how you symbolize a roof-hat. Now each of you quite fits the definition of "elegant"! Spin around you please! Good! However, we are forced to check your reliability, because, unfortunately, even a very beautiful roof-hat can leak or have some other flaws! Ladies! Get one balloon! When I wave my hand, you will toss the balloons up, and the men you have chosen should pierce the balloon with a needle embedded in the cap. This is necessary so that the ball, God forbid, does not fall on the wonderful head of your lady! (the host addresses the men) You need to pierce the ball without the help of hands and feet, only by touching it with the tip of the cap! Whoever copes with the threat first - he won! In this case, you can butt the ball, press it with your head to the floor or walls, in general, use your head to the fullest! Do not be shy! And you, ladies, are not at all forbidden to toss the ball several times, but no more than three times!

Game episode "Salad"

Leading: Well, our ladies really made a hat out of “nothing” easily, especially since real men helped them, who can serve not only as a hat, but also as a whole roof! And now it would be interesting to see, and, perhaps, try a salad made also from “nothing”! No, no, we will not chop men. Especially since modern women prefer low-calorie foods, which can not be said about Russian fellows! However, the author of the statement familiar to us, most likely, had in mind the lack of suitable products. But this, I promise you, does not threaten us. But first, a little warm-up for you ladies!

Game decoy "In the garden, in the garden"

The host invites women to remember songs in which, one way or another, the names of berries and fruits are mentioned. It is imperative to keep an eye on the most active participants, three of which will become the next players. Possible answers: “The aroma of love beckons with a paradise apple”, “ Apples and pears bloomed ..”, “Raspberry beckoned us to itself ...”, “Apples in the snow ...”, “Horses in apples, white horses ...”, “Oh, an apple, yes on a plate. .." etc.

Leading: excellent results, girls! Introduce youreself! ( Members of this musical call their names). And we will get acquainted with the recipes for your fruit and berry salads later!

Competition "Chop cabbage"

Leading: As the dictionaries say, "salad" is, first of all, a mixture of different components. So we "mix" various cabbages. Why not a vitamin salad? But don't think that we are talking about broccoli and ordinary white cabbage. Now we will chop a cabbage of a different kind. Can you tell me what kind of cabbage people chop with special pleasure? (The word “money” is necessarily shouted from the audience). Certainly! Everyone will like this cabbage. However, it is very difficult to process. And now I will offer our heroines to pull one piece of paper out of my cabbage bag without looking. The catch is that, along with real banknotes of various denominations, ordinary pieces of paper will lie in a bag of cabbage. Each participant will have three opportunities to visit the coveted bag. The more money a participant collects by the total amount, the more certain her winnings are! Be careful: simple pieces of paper have the same size and texture as real money!

If, after three attempts, everyone has the same amount, then you can allow the ladies to “cut cabbages” one more time. The winner is given a cosmetic set, and all other participants - a tube of a good hand cream. Then everyone returns to their seats.

Game episode "Tragedy"

Leading: It's just wonderful that so far everything is working out exactly as the witty Italian noticed! It remains only to “prepare” the tragedy and, as usual, from absolute “nothing”! Moreover, let's try to play. I'm just sure that Russian women - the most talented women on earth - do not cost anything! So, listen to the third competitive task.

Game decoy "Tragic plot"

Leading: My enchantresses, do you know that every real tragedy, to achieve its full effect, must be distinguished by three unities? It is the unity of time, place and action. That is, everything should happen quickly, preferably in a confined space (in the bedroom or in the kitchen) and face to face with your wronged lover. However, let me tell you! You know all this yourself! Only one question remains unanswered: on what occasion to throw a scandal, that is, to arrange a tragedy ?! I invite the whole room to answer the question posed. The authors the best options rise to the stage and continue the competitive program.

Of course, there may be different reasons: coming home at drunk, a fishing trip instead of a planned trip to the theater, but you should choose three ladies who answered in a more original way, for example, being on a business trip, did not send daily wishes good morning and good night.

Competition "Find a handkerchief"

Leading: Let there be a "tragedy" ahead of us, nevertheless I will ask you, ladies, to name your names! Remember Shakespeare said. That the world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. And he also wrote the world-famous sad story about the love of the Moor Othello for the beautiful Desdemona. Yes, it all ended sadly! But I will not be afraid to offer you, ladies, to choose Othello for yourself from the hall, however, do not be alarmed, we will not allow murder! Who remembers why all the fuss flared up in this tragedy? Exactly! Because of a simple handkerchief! Isn't it a very insignificant thing, especially considering the consequences. But we will change the roles a little, and in our tragedy, women will strangle men ... a joke! We will not strangle anyone this time! Also a joke! It's just that our "Othellas" will receive handkerchiefs from us. You, dear men, need to carefully hide them in your clothes. At this time, women will turn their backs in my direction, and finally, they will notice what an attractive person is entertaining them all evening!

Leading: So, the scarves are hidden! Ladies, look closely into the eyes of these insidious traitors - what do they hide in their depths?! I give you half a minute, after which you give me your answer.

It is unlikely that women will immediately guess where their gentlemen hid their handkerchiefs. So the competition continues.

Leading : Well, well, it's really difficult! Therefore, I officially allow you to engage in assault, that is, simply touch this insidious subject. But rummaging through pockets and behind the scruff of the neck is prohibited! You can only lightly touch the clothes.

Here you can give two attempts to correctly locate the scarf. Someone will definitely find it. The one who did it first, won.

Final contest "Weak?"

Leading: I like the expression that a woman's strength is in her weakness. This is very true. Therefore, our final has such a name. For the “weak” competition, I invite three of our winners. The task is simple: each of you informs an honest company that she can do something special right now and thereby takes her rivals weakly. If the opponents are able to repeat the declared feint, then the game continues. If someone still does not dare to repeat, then, unfortunately, he drops out of the competition. This continues until there is no lady left whose trick no one but her can do. We'll give her the grand prize!

As competitive moments, the tasks to sit on the splits, take off the dress, kiss someone else's husband, and so on are not very suitable.


Leading: The famous author " little prince” attribute the expression that a woman is “the most obvious living flesh that radiates the most tender light.” I join the words of Exupery one hundred percent! After all, there is so much in a woman! She has been given such inner treasures by God that they are enough for many people around. She can be gentle and weak, but fearless and the strongest, she is kindness itself, but if necessary, she will be the most principled and tough. She knows how to love unconditionally! She does not measure her need for money and just expects reciprocal love and understanding from others. Men! Be attentive to the woman! Make sure that your woman never loses the feeling of her own pricelessness!

May your day be sunny, beautiful,

And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry, clean, clear.
O woman, always be happy!
When playing with primordial power,
This world was created by mother nature,
She is in you, O woman,
All your beauty and grace.
You have a gust of thunder, dawn shine,
The splendor of the mountains and the burrows of the rivers,
A joy to the eyes, a charm to the soul,
Through you the world and man are eternal.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The cultural event was held at a special school for children with intellectual disabilities.

Target: creating a festive atmosphere.


  • To cultivate a sense of pride and respect for a woman, a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, classmates.
  • To instill a sense of mutual assistance, friendly relations between the participants.
  • Develop Creative skills students.

Forms of organization of children's activities: reading poems, singing, participation in competitions of self-presentation, creativity, a blitz survey, as well as "Needlewoman", "Culinary", "Fashion Designers", "Lady's Handbag".

Event progress

(Slide 1)


She descended to the ground
Rays of dawn
And walked lightly
Leaving behind beads of dew.
And in the sky clear blue
Flocks of birds fluttered behind her.
And mesmerized by beauty
The revived look of tired faces.
It seemed to take it all in.
Love, and youth, and dreams.
But I gave a hundred times more
For the joy of a young soul.
And no matter what step - the grass is fresh,
The flowers have awakened from their sleep.
With its magical charm
The Spring Girl has arrived.

(Musical card - slide 2)

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! I'm glad to meet you again.
Now spring is in the yard. We associate it with such words as life, beauty, love, charm. And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our Miss Spring contest, dedicated to International Women's Day. (Slide 3)

Look how many lovely faces are in the hall and they are all different - blondes, brunettes, with fiery hair, blue-eyed and black-eyed. And all, of course, beauties and the first applause to all the girls, mothers and teachers gathered in this hall. (Slide 4)

Poem "Women's Day"
(Guzov Vitalik, Kupava Julia)

The sun shines outside the window
There was less snow.
Happy Women's Day
All beloved women.

Mom, grandmother, girlfriends,
All neighbors and old women,
Aunts, sisters, teachers...
Because because
They are better and warmer!

Leading: The participants of our competition are like spring flowers: so delicate, fresh, beautiful. And who doesn't love beauty? Beauty will save the world! And so, meet our contestants! (Slide 5)

The time has come to present competent experts, on whose benevolence and objectivity the fate of our contestants largely depends. They will certainly be able to distinguish real beauty, resourcefulness and talent. So, the competition will be judged by a jury consisting of _______________________________________________________________

The maximum score for each competition is three points.

Leading: The first competition of our program is called “Business Card”, since in any business card we find everything necessary information about its owner. And in order for us to get to know our contestants better, and to them each other, they will now exchange business cards, i.e. tell us about themselves and their interests. (Slide 6)

Leading: We got acquainted with the interests and hobbies of our contestants, and now we want to know how wise, witty and resourceful they are. (Slide 7)

"Blitz Poll"

We move on to the next task, which is called "Blitz - Poll".

Each participant must answer 3 questions, for each correct answer - 1 point. Remember, you need to be smart, resourceful and original in this task, as the questions will be comic.

What is the name of the girl with the unusual blue hair?

Snow White


- What is the name of the mother of the father or mother (grandmother).

- Continue the proverb: "Patience and work are all ... (grind)."

- What is the name of the girl who got into the fairy-tale country Through the Looking-Glass?

Red Riding Hood


- What is the name of women's dress sleeveless (sundress).

- Continue the proverb: "I finished the job, ... (walk boldly)."

How many petals does the famous magic flower have?


Who doesn't teach chicken? (eggs)

- Continue the proverb: "In a healthy body - ... (healthy mind)."

How many dwarf friends did Snow White have?


- Grows in the garden put in a salad; happens on a dress (polka dots)

- Continue the proverb: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have ... (one hundred friends)."

- What kind of person was talking, looking out of the train window?

man lost

Distracted man

Confused man

– He runs in the forest; this is the name of the hairstyle for boys; tasty cooked meat (Hedgehog)

- Continue the proverb: “Without labor, you can’t pull out even ... (a fish from a pond).”

- How many bears did Mashenka visit in the famous fairy tale?

- What is the name of the dishes in which porridge is cooked in the oven? (cast iron)

- Continue the proverb: "It's warm in the sun, with the mother ... (good)."

- How many naughty kids defeated the wolf in the fairy tale?

– Pledge of health (cleanliness)

- Continue the proverb: A friend is known ... (in trouble).

Leading: Everyone knows that the most beautiful posture and graceful gait of the girls of the East. We believe that our girls are no worse and now we will see for ourselves. The contestants must walk around the stage with the crown on their heads without dropping it, then give it to the next contestant and return to their place. (Slide 8)

The poem "Mom"
(Trusov Stas)

In the light of kind words
Lives a lot
But one is kinder and gentler than all -
Of two syllables, a simple word "ma-ma",
And there are no words dearer than it!

Leading: The next competition is called "Needlewoman". We will check whether our girls often help their mothers, whether they are good needlewomen. To do this, they must sew on a button. Speed, quality, aesthetic appearance are taken into account. (Slide 9)

Leading: Now our participants will demonstrate their culinary skills, as well as imagination and creativity. In the "Culinary" competition, girls need to make a dessert quickly and beautifully from the proposed fruits, and then come up with a name for it.

Estimated appearance food and speed of preparation. (Slide 10)

While the jury is summing up at the end three competitions, the boys will read the poem "Flowers" for all girls and women.

Poem "Flowers"
(Zinkevich Yury, Belsky Denis)

On holiday we will give
Mommy tulips -
cute, beautiful,
Like a mom's smile!

On holiday we will give
Grandmother snowdrops -
Strict and kind
How gentle granny!

On holiday we will give
All the girls crocuses -
naughty, bright,
What funny tricks!

On holiday we will give
Flowers for all women
After all, the eighth of March -
Beauty Celebration!


Fashion is always walking with us,
Sometimes serious, sometimes funny.
Fashion in deeds and deeds, but before -
The main fashion is fashion in clothes. (Slide 11)

Our next competition is called "Modelers". Participants need to dress their models beautifully, modernly stylish, fashionable (stick clothes pre-cut on the dolls located on the sheets - Appendix 1).

(A musical gift for all the women present in this room - slide 12.)

Leading: Whoever a woman is, she always remains a lover of fashion. The most necessary accessory in addition to the image is, of course, a handbag. So our next competition is called "Lady's Handbag". Many young people are scratching their heads, and what is the secret of this accessory, because at the right time, completely unusual objects appear from it. By the way, sometimes girls themselves cannot understand where such a treasure comes from in their purse and do not always quickly find what they need.
Now each contestant must take an item from her purse with her eyes closed and name it. (Slide 13)

Leading: Our participants are really, beautiful, resourceful, economic. But besides that, they are really talented. And, now, on this stage, a "Minute of Glory" will take place for them. Dear experts, I would like to ask you to evaluate the talent of our participants. (Slide 14)


Is in the world great power,
That robs you of rest and sleep.
Before her, the winter receded,
And this force is called Spring.
She is subject to nature and feelings,
We are all in her power.
Agree that it would be sad
If there was no spring in the world . (Slide 15)

The most exciting moment of our contest program "Miss Spring" has come. Our participants are invited to the stage for the awards ceremony. (Slide 16)

The word for congratulations is given to our esteemed jury - Appendix 2.

Leading: For all mothers present, the song “Mom, there is light in this word of the sun” will be performed (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky)

Photo album “Dedicated to our mothers” (Slides 17-50)

Leading: And at the end of today's holiday, I would like to say: dear women, today you are shining with happiness, we are glad to see your warm smiles and sparkling glances. Therefore we say to you:

Dear women, even if you are different,
One thing is for sure - you are all beautiful!
Be happy!
Be loved!
Be lucky in everything
So that all sorrows pass by,
So that only joy in the house!
To make the sun smile
Were true friends
Everything was decided
Everything came true
Forever - from "A" to "Z"! (Slide 51)

"Miss Spring" is a competitive show program for adults. Scenario for March 8. The hosts start the holiday, there are two of them, preferably men. If the team is female, it can be lovely ladies.

1st leader.

Hello dear friends!

2nd leader.

Good evening!

1st leader.

Tonight we decided to start with questions. Do you allow them to be asked to you?

2nd leader.

Thanks! What association do you have with the word "spring"?

1st leader.

What about the word "woman"?

2nd host (referring to the first host).

You know, for me the words "spring" and "woman" are inseparable. You say "spring", you remember a woman.

1st leader.

And if you say "woman", do you remember spring?

2nd leader.

Yes Yes! Quite right. Women, like flowers, bloom in spring. You walk around the city and see

A blonde girl walks towards her, modestly lowering her eyes. How it looks like a daisy!

1st leader.

But the proud lady, how she looks like a rose.

2nd leader.

And this sitting lady, what flower does it remind you of?

1st leader.

It looks like mountain lavender. Honore de Balzac compared women with flowers: "A woman is like a flower. A flower is fragrant and blooms under the rays of the sun. And a woman blooms from the love of a man."

1st leader.

All evening today, men, dear ladies, will talk to you about love.

2nd leader.

Do not think that we love you only once a year. We love you 365, and sometimes 366 days a year. But only one day a year can talk about it in their own words.

1st leader.

2nd leader.

Happy holiday to you, dear, beloved girls, women, mothers, grandmothers, sisters.

1st leader.

2nd leader.

This poem is dedicated to you.

"There are no ugly women!"

I declare to other skeptics

In a woman, a man opens

Something that others don't see.

Time is gaining momentum

Like a motor on the runway:

There are no ugly women

Too bad not everyone is happy.

In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops,

On the ground, under the blue sky

There are no ugly women

Among those who love and are loved!

Years! You have no power over a woman

And of course it's not a secret

For children, all mothers are beautiful,

So there are no ugly women!

Let the rains ring on the sidewalks

Let the snowflakes spin, teasing

I know: there are no old women,

If there are friends of their youth.

A woman forgets in grief

Draw love to your line:

There are no ugly women

You just need to see the beauty.

1st leader.

And now I will ask a question to lovely ladies. What do you think men like the most about women?

(Answers of women).

2nd leader.

Now a question for men. What do you like in women?

(Answers of men).


1st leader.

Yes, opinions clearly do not agree.

2nd leader.

And should not converge, because the woman

This is a woman and a man

This is a man!

1st leader.

And you and I, as men, it's time to raise a toast to the lovely ladies.

2nd leader.

A toast to the ladies!

Element, this lady.

How the eyes sparkle

Secretly, so sweetly sigh,

Won't say anything like

And there was a man

And there is none.

You look after her and do not understand

Either you mumble, or you eat.

What forms, what kind of camp,

If you're sober, you'll be drunk

Character female


He is both insidious and beckoning,

He's like chocolate in a wrapper

Tolerate his own living hell.

So what is this creature?

Why in the world is his recognition?

Not here to judge this,

Her fate gives us life.

But you also need to understand

She can take life

Who will ever understand a woman

It will go crazy and die right away.

That's why I still live

I don't understand anything about her.

Madame "Good" and Lady "Evil"

Men live in spite of everything.

But no matter what to say

And we can't live without these ladies.

We are all destined by nature

Be with this lady at the same time!

And to have it

I am ready to give my life.

And to bring down the male arrogance,

I'm ready to drink this mixture!

For lovely ladies!!!

1st leader.

Today we have an unusual evening. Our lovely ladies for what they just do not take

And everywhere they succeed.

1st leader.

Among those present there are excellent doctors, teachers (list of professions).

2nd leader.

But you forgot about the most important female profession.

1st leader.

What is it?

2nd leader.

And it's just


1st leader.

2nd leader.

ABOUT! This is the hardest job for women.

1st leader.

Tonight is going to be different. Women on it will try themselves at all unusual profession

Models and fashion models.

2nd leader.

They will take part in competitions: Miss Sponge...

1st leader.

Miss Long Legs...

2nd leader.

"Spring 200 ... years."


Those who wish to prepare for the last competition in advance, each participant is given a number, which she draws on a circle with a diameter of 8 cm and fastens on her left hand.

Competition nominations are being prepared at home:


Demonstration of clothes of a business woman.

"Beach Suit"

"Cellophane skirt".

1st leader.

To conduct the competition, we need to choose a competent jury.

Jury's choice: optional, according to the best complement for women, etc.

2nd leader.

The members of the jury took their places and are ready to work.

1st leader.

Well, let's start the Miss Sponge contest.

Miss Sponges.

1st part.

All women are encouraged to tint their lips. The hosts distribute paper rectangles 4x8 cm in size to everyone and offer to leave an imprint of their lips on the paper, making reverse side mark whose lips it is. The hosts collect rectangles with lip prints on a tray and give them to the jury.

At this time, toasts are raised "for lovely ladies" or dances are announced.

Summing up the results of the competition, places are awarded.

1st place

Miss Seductive Lips.

2nd place

Miss Sugar Lips.

3rd place

Miss Smile.

Awarding prizes to the winners.

2nd part of the competition

1st leader.

And now three of the most courageous, loving with all their hearts, sweet ladies, three of the strongest and most courageous men are invited to the stage.

Preparations are underway for this competition. Three contours of the lips are cut through in the old sheet. The sheet should be taller than the person. It is better to sew 2 sheets. Behind the sheet they put three men, with painted lips. They stick their lips out. The leader opens the curtain.

2nd leader.

Behind this curtain are charming ladies. They agreed to please you.

1st leader.

Each of you will choose your lips under some number (1, 2, 3) and kiss your lips. But then he has to pay for this thwarted kiss with a description of his kiss.

What did you feel when you kissed those lips.

2nd leader.

Agree, brave of the brave?

1st leader.

Those present in the hall envy you, I assure you, the courageous of the courageous.

After the kiss, the men talk about how they felt.

2nd leader.

Yes, you had such feelings that it is worth envying us. Would you like to see your chosen ones?

1st leader.

Sponges-1, sponges-2, sponges-3 are invited to the stage. (Men standing there come out from behind the sheet.) And these three brave men from the audience should be awarded with prizes.

1st leader.

Here are three of the happiest men in front of us. Those sitting in the hall will now envy you greatly.

Miss Long Legs.

2nd leader.

We continue our competition. We promise there will be no more giveaways. Cheer up, ladies.

Wishing ladies take the stage. The host from the audience invites two men, gives them a centimeter, and they measure the length of the woman's leg from the base of the foot to the hip. The results of the measurements are given by the jury. Music sounds. The jury sums up and announces the winner

Miss Long Legs.

1st leader.

Awarded with the Miss Long Legs award. Imagine who you are.

2nd leader.

Our two measuring women's legs are awarded for painstaking and difficult, but pleasant work.

Prizes for two men.

Competition "Poems about women".

1st leader.

Poets dedicated many poems to you, dear women. In these verses they express their feelings for you. Now we will find out how much you love poetry.

2nd leader.

You have to find out who owns these lines:

I remember a wonderful moment

You appeared before me.

(A.S. Pushkin)

1st leader.

To whom were the poems of the great poet dedicated? (A. Kern).

2nd leader.

We continue the competition.

It's nice to be your sister

I was bequeathed by ancient fate,

And I became crafty and greedy

And your sweetest slave.

(A. Akhmatova)

1st leader.

And sadly I fall asleep so

And in the dreams of the unknown I sleep:

Do I love you

I do not know,

But I think I love it!

(A.K. Tolstoy)

2nd leader.

love others

heavy cross,

And you are beautiful without convolutions.

And the charms of your secret

The riddles of life are tantamount.

(B. Pasternak)

1st leader.

Love love

Says the legend

Union of the soul with the soul of the native

Their connection, combination,

Their duel is fatal.

(F.I. Tyutchev)

2nd leader.

Here is the window again

Where they don't sleep again.

They drink wine

So they sit.

Or simply

Two will not separate.

In every house, friend,

There is a window.

(M. Tsvetaeva).

Prizes for correct answers.

Miss Spring Contest

1st leader.

Our lovely contestants were preparing for the contest at home.

2nd leader.

And now we present the participants of the competition. Participant No. 1 (Last name, first name, age, profession).

1st leader.

Women come out to the music and sit in a semicircle on the stage. Then they walk across the stage and leave.

Nomination No. 1 "Business Woman".

2nd leader.

Our participants at home prepared a suit for a business woman. Now they will show it to us.

It all depends on the imagination of the participants. The more humor they show, the more likely they are to win. The demonstration is accompanied by music. Competitor takes 5 steps forward, stops, hand on hip, 5 steps

Stop. Then he stops at the left wall of the stage. Other participants will approach her, completing the semicircle. The hosts announce the participants by numbers.

What are the costumes?

1. Secretary.

One-piece swimsuit, black hat on the head, on the neck a ribbon to match the heart-shaped apron, on the legs

Stilettos and black tights. In hand

Weekly journal and pen. On the chest is a business card with the inscription "Secretary".

2. Educator.

Dressed in a robe with rattles attached

To soothe children, 20 wipes

For wiping noses, several hooks

So that the children do not run away, there is a rope in the pocket

To pacify naughty children, a whistle around the neck

To quickly call the children from a walk. This is all explained during the demonstration of the costume.

3. Press woman.

Dress from newspapers fastened with adhesive tape.

4. Business Woman.

Woman in a suit hung mobile phones.

5. Miss pantaloons.

Woman in a jacket. Butterfly on the neck, instead of a skirt

Lace pantaloons.

Each nomination is evaluated. And the lined up participants are told points. After each nomination for viewers

Toasts, dances or whatever you see fit.

Nomination No. 2 "Beach suit".

1. A girl from Sochi, where the nights are dark.

Dressed in a black turtleneck, black gloves on her hands, black tights on her feet, a bright red one-piece swimsuit. A black nylon stocking is put on his head, a hat is on top, red large earrings are in his ears. On the face covered with a stocking, red lips are glued with adhesive tape, on the eyes

The white circles are the whites of the eyes. The hips are tied with a scarf, beach slippers on the feet and a bag on the shoulder. She goes out, takes out a rug from her bag and puts a huge bottle of "Sunburn" next to it, then lies down and sunbathes.

2. Girl with double protection.

Dressed in a swimsuit, a transparent cape. On the head is a builder's helmet. In the hands of an open umbrella. Helmet and umbrella

Double sun protection.

3. Shy.

She has a lot of clothes on. Slowly and embarrassed, she undresses, scattering her clothes. Remains in a blouse and pantaloons.

Nomination №3 "Cellophane skirt".

This is your wild fantasy. You can fold 2 meters of transparent film with folds under the adhesive tape into a skirt. Stick flowers, hearts, inscriptions on it. The skirt can be made from bags, colorful and bright. Make tops for skirts

Gas scarves, scarves. An interesting topic is obtained from the upper part of the cropped tights. This topic is easy to decorate with multi-colored tape.

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results and issues diplomas.: Miss "Modesty", Miss "Spring 200…", Miss "Sex Appeal", Miss "Charm", Miss "Smile", Miss "Promiscuity".

Couture gift.

1st leader.

And now, dear ladies, a gift for you

A new model from the collection "Spring 200…" haute couture Natalie

- "Universal Model of the Year".

2nd leader.

This model

A find for your husbands. Not a model, but a solid savings for their wallets. And for you, dear ladies, this model makes it possible to extract additional banknotes from someone's wallets. Savings are associated with the growth of women, the smaller the growth, the greater the savings.

1st leader.

The model consists of a sun-flared chiffon skirt, which takes 3 lengths of fabric to sew; petticoat, the length of which

60 cm, and a topic. Additional consumption of fabric for the topic is not required. It can be done by cutting off the top of the torn tights.

2nd leader.

The topic can be decorated with an application of multi-colored tape.

The model is being shown.

1st leader.

This model is universal. Depending on the situation, it can turn into different models.

2nd leader.

Model No. 1

- "Night Butterfly". If you are late for work, and your boss is coming towards you and meeting with him is obviously inevitable, you take the edges of your skirt and turn them into butterfly wings. Easily fluttering, invisible, like a moth, you fly past him, unnoticed by this pest. You


1st leader.

Model No. 2

- Disco. If your boss is a bore, doesn’t let you go ahead of time for a surprise party and you don’t have time to change clothes,

There is an exit! With a slight movement of your hand, you tie the opposite side edges of the skirt with a knot at the right thigh. The long skirt transforms into a seductive miniskirt with draping at the hip. The success of men is guaranteed to you. They won't take their eyes off your knees. If you walk, they will fall in piles to the right and left.

2nd leader.

Model No. 3

- Saving the Husband. Yes, this is the right way to cure a husband of alcohol and put him on the right path. If you returned from work, and he is already drunk, you stage a delirium tremens attack on your husband. With a slight movement of the hand, lift the edges of the skirt from the back and put it on the back of your head. It turns out a head cape, like the Madonnas in the paintings of the great masters. Then you take in your hands a scythe with which they mow the grass, or a sickle, and at worst a large table knife and say in a terrible voice to your beloved: "I

Your death has come for you. "And slowly approach him. Healing from alcohol is guaranteed by 99%, if you do not accidentally cut him. For safety, it is better to take blunt objects.

1st leader.

We remind you that this is an exclusive model from the collection "Spring

2005" House of models "Natali'E".

2nd leader.

On this high fashion and note, our holiday ends.

1st leader.

Once again, happy holiday to you, dear ladies, ladies of our hearts.

2nd leader.

1st leader.

Let ringing fun flow everywhere!

2nd leader.

Let the sun shine! Let the frost go!

1st leader.

Let a sprig of mimosa drive away the winter.

The song of the group "Freestyle" "Oh, what a woman" sounds.

Scripts and scenes. Scenarios on New Year for high school students, a scene for the new year for two Valentine's Day February 23 March 8 1 April 9 May cool watch and scripts. Lesson planning. Scenarios. . Scene scenarios for the new year for high school students scene for the new year for two Valentine's Day February 23 March 8 April 1 May 9 Classroom hours and scenarios. Scene. Scenario. Lesson planning. Scenarios. Scene. Multimedia. Scene scripts. Scene scenarios for the new year for high school students scene for the new year for two Valentine's Day February 23 March 8 April 1

  • Congratulations script on March 8 - script for March 8
  • Cheerful bachelorette party - script for March 8
  • Miss Intelligence - Script March 8
  • Miss Spring - competitive show program for adults on March 8
  • Holiday of the first spring flowers - script for March 8
  • Woman, spring, love - script for March 8
  • The Frog Princess - scenario for March 8
  • Friendship wins - script for March 8
  • And in jest and in earnest ... - script March 8
  • Come on, girls! - competition on March 8
  • Tale for March 8 - script for March 8
  • Mother's Day - a comic play to March 8
  • Holiday script for mothers and grandmothers - script for March 8
  • Mother's Day - matinee script for grades 1-4 on March 8
  • Scenario for March 8 for grade 1 - scenario for March 8
  • March 8 - solemn day - script for children 6-7 years old on March 8
  • Competition program by March 8 - scenario March 8
  • Come on, grandmothers - script March 8 for grades 1-4
  • In the cafe "Harlequin" - scenario carnival show for March 8
  • Evening of rest - script for March 8
  • Winnie the Pooh and Friends - Screenplay March 8
  • Which mom is better - script March 8 for children 6-7 years old
  • Mom is an expensive word - script March 8 for children 5-7 years old
  • Dedicated to mothers and grandmothers - children's holiday by March 8
  • School evening for grandmothers and mothers - script March 8
  • Mary Poppins - holiday script for children senior group kindergarten on March 8
  • Our cheerful teremok - matinee by March 8 for children 3-5 years old
  • By the forest lake - March 8 script for children
  • Invitation to an exhibition of paintings - script March 8
  • You are a woman, and you are right about this - literary and musical composition for March 8
  • March 8 - Mother's Day! - script for children 3-4 years old on March 8
  • Your holiday is crowned with a hearty smile - script for March 8
  • Spring, music, love - script for March 8
  • Here are our mothers - a holiday script for children 4-5 years old
  • Cinderella of the Year and Knight of the Year - competition script
  • Everyone will congratulate mom in their own way - script March 8
  • FEMALE. SPRING. LOVE - script for March 8 at school
  • Gingerbread Man on the contrary - a holiday script for mothers and grandmothers to March 8
  • March 8 for your beloved - scenario March 8
  • Cat's house - script for March 8
  • The wolf and the seven kids - a holiday on March 8 at school
  • Mom - my sun - scenario March 8 holiday for children 3-5 years old
  • I love my mom very much! - scenario March 8 holiday for children 2-3 years old
  • Two matryoshka dolls and colored tracks - script holiday March 8 for the second junior group
  • Your holiday is crowned with a hearty smile - the script for the festive concert by March 8
  • Shershe them - script for March 8
  • Supermama - script for a show program for middle school students
  • Talk to me, mom - script March 8
  • Chamber number 6. Comic congratulations for women - scenarios on March 8
  • Masha and the Bear - a holiday on March 8 for children of the younger group
  • Museum of Art - script for the performance at the teacher's evening dedicated to March 8
  • Mom's helpers - a holiday on March 8 for children of the senior group
  • On a desert island - scenario March 8 for preparatory group
  • Three girls (Dosya, Asya and Musya) - scenarios for March 8
  • Holiday scenario March 8 - scenarios for March 8
  • A dramatization of a fairy tale dedicated to March 8- scenarios March 8
  • Corporate event - scenarios March 8
  • Dance and game block - scenario March 8 concert number
  • The sun is radiant - a script for March 8 for children 3-4 years old
  • Holiday of our mothers - script for March 8 for children 4-6 years old
  • A fairy tale for mommy - a fairy tale-sketch performed by children 4-6 years old
  • Little Red Riding Hood - scenario for March 8 for children 6-7 years old
  • March 8 - Solemn Day - scenario March 8 for children 6-7 years old
  • Congratulations mom! - script for March 8 for children 6-8 years old
  • Oh! Red girls! - scenario for March 8
  • Short skits for the holiday of March 8 - scenes on March 8
  • March 8 - dramatization of a fairy tale - script March 8
  • Small weight - holiday script for International Women's Day
  • How Alenka lost her cat - March 8 script for nursery school children
  • Three moms - scenarios for March 8
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