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Selling clothes online. How the business works and where to start. Own business: selling clothes via the Internet Where to sell your goods

Fewer people want to spend most of their lives sitting in the office from morning to evening. Many of them take risks and start selling on the Internet. The development of technology and the ability to access the network at any time make online business projects attractive, simple and quite profitable. However, this simplicity is deceptive and fraught with many unpleasant moments.

In order not to be disappointed in this type of activity, it is necessary to clarify a few key points before starting:

  • selection of the offered product or service;
  • the presence of a minimum client base;
  • site selection for sale
  • logistics;
  • advertising.

How to start selling online

Any business, including online, begins with the choice of goods or services that will be offered to consumers. At this point, the main thing is not to make a mistake. By choosing the least popular or not at all known positions, you run the risk of being left without earnings for a long time. A previously unknown product will be treated with caution. It is very difficult to develop a client base in this case. But at the same time, there is one main advantage: little or no competition.

If you are engaged in the promotion of goods that are in steady demand, then a large number of competitors may simply not allow such a business to develop. Companies that already have their regular customers will not let them go just like that. And you will have to make a lot of efforts to lure buyers to you.

  • contextual advertising - corresponds to the content of the site on which it is placed;
  • advertising banners - a graphic advertising "sign", you just need to click on it to get additional information;
  • spam mailing - simultaneous sending of offers to many random email addresses;
  • advertising in online games and social networks - as a rule, is both a background and unobtrusively reminds of the advertised product.

Unwittingly, a person will pay attention to advertising on the network. The more creative the ad, the more likely it is to get a client. Therefore, saving in this case is not worth it.

The issues of delivery and storage of goods should also be considered before the start of sales. In the case of small volumes, it is possible to do it on our own. But if there are a large number of orders, it is necessary to find and rent a room in which the goods will be stored. At the same time, remember that in terms of its humidity and temperature conditions, it must fully comply with the norm in order to prevent damage to the goods.

Delivery is also one of the important points. The more efficient it is, the better. Customers don't like to wait for a very long time, so fast delivery should be one of the benefits of a new business. If you can't do it yourself, it's best to hire helpers.

Before you start selling on the Internet, you need to find out all the tax nuances. A competent accountant or economist will prevent all the troubles that may arise in the course of work. You should not lose sight of such an important thing as taxes, because otherwise you can be left without a business at all.

Platforms for selling goods on the Internet

Once you have decided what you will sell, you should decide the following question: where? There are many platforms for selling goods on the Internet:

  • bulletin boards;
  • sites;
  • price aggregators;
  • lead generators;
  • coupon sites.

At the very beginning of your Internet trading journey, as well as with a limited budget, it is advisable to offer a product or service on bulletin boards. They are paid and free. That is why they are suitable for people with absolutely any starting capital. When working with such sites, it is very important to constantly update ads and raise them. All this does not cost any big money. Good writing is half the battle. Come up with an unusual ad, focus on the benefits of the product, and the buyer will not keep you waiting. Of course, it is much easier to find your client on large message boards with millions of users, but you should not neglect small sites either.

The most popular is your own website. If you wish, you can create it yourself. There are many constructors on which you will assemble your Internet resource for a nominal fee. A few hours of work and the site for sales is ready. But this option is only suitable if you offer only one type of product or service. In the case of a large assortment, more professional work will be required. Various web studios, freelancers, etc. will come to your aid. You only need to draw up a competent technical task and wait a certain amount of time. Naturally, the latter option is not suitable for a quick start of sales, but in the long run it justifies itself.

Price aggregators are sites that combine information on the same subject. If the topic matches your offer, pay some money and post your offer. During the day, such sites are viewed by several thousand people, so potential buyers will certainly be found there.

With the development of information technology, there are many more opportunities for earning. If you organize your own online store, you can earn income without leaving your home. How to sell things online? There is nothing easier even with a minimum capital. The main thing is to find the target audience, to correctly approach the issue of communication with potential buyers.

Why sell things online?

Before you start thinking about how to sell things over the Internet, you should understand if there is a desire to do just that. It should be remembered that any work requires perseverance and patience. You have to communicate with a variety of people. Sometimes you have to find an approach even to not the most pleasant customers. If such difficulties do not stop a potential businessman, then only profit awaits him in the future.

First, through the Internet, you can offer products to a wider target audience. Where can you sell things in real life? Only in the market or in the store. This means that only people passing by will see the product. The World Wide Web gives much more opportunities. Many hyped online stores were organized in the outback, and their owners began their careers sitting at their home computers.

What are the best things to sell?

Selling clothes and shoes on the Internet today is quite in demand. This is due to the fact that online stores usually offer products at a reduced cost. But it should be borne in mind that men are more practical. They won't buy jeans or a shirt without trying it on. It is easier for them to overpay, but to be sure that the product is perfect. Products aimed at women and children sell much faster on the Internet.

What items to sell? First of all, you should pay attention to seasonality. No one will buy T-shirts and T-shirts in winter, and down jackets in summer. Before selling things over the Internet, you should draw up a competent business plan. It is important to understand when sales will start. Based on this, it is worth buying a product. Summer items can start selling as early as mid-April, and winter items closer to October.

Practice shows that much more can be earned on clothing and footwear for children. Firstly, babies grow quickly, and parents have to regularly update their children's wardrobe, and this can be done more profitably via the Internet. Secondly, moms and dads tend to dress their kids really fashionably. A seller who has everything in order with taste will be able to earn good money.

Where to sell things?

There are several options for organizing online sales. Those who are just starting to run such a business should pay attention to social networks. You can create commercial pages here absolutely free of charge. But it should be borne in mind that the owners of sites such as Odnoklassniki or VKontakte do not welcome the organization of online sales with their help. Accounts are often blocked. Therefore, it is worthwhile to start several profiles at once.

Another option is bulletin boards. You can also start selling here for free. It is worth choosing resources that offer rating systems. As the indicators grow, the number of buyers will increase. In addition, on such sites, as a rule, buyers can leave reviews.

Those who have already tried their hand at online sales and realized that they can do such work perfectly should not delay organizing their own online store. It is not recommended to skimp on this issue. It is better to entrust the creation and promotion of your own website to a professional web studio. The cost will quickly pay off.

Photo preparation

How to quickly sell things? Everything is very simple! All you have to do is show the product in a favorable light. We are talking about photographs that will be posted on the bulletin board or in your own online store. Of course, it is much better if the product is filmed on a professional camera. But even with a smartphone, you can take good pictures. If we are talking about clothes, then you should buy a mannequin. The product will look even better on a live model. You can ask someone you know to pose.

The background of the photo also matters. If there is no suitable place indoors, it is better to photograph the goods on the street. Shoe models will look beautiful, for example, on green grass. It is recommended to remove the product from several angles at once, so that the buyer can view it from all sides. We must not forget to write captions under the photo. How to quickly sell things online? It is necessary to provide the potential buyer with the most complete information (available sizes, seasonality, possible defects).

Marketing and Advertising

The proverb “water does not flow under a lying stone” can also be attributed to the field of sales. If you do not advertise the product and do not come up with interesting promotions to attract customers, you will not be able to make money. How to submit things? You need to express yourself! At the initial stage, you will have to spend money on advertising on social networks. All e-mail boards also offer paid promotion. You have to spend money to earn a good reputation. And in the future, word of mouth will work, but on the condition that a really high-quality product is offered at a reasonable price.

Various promotions will also help increase sales. For example, if you buy every third item, you can offer free shipping. Or every Friday you can have a sale, offering things at a discount. People who buy a thing for a promotion will want to cooperate with the store in the future.

How much to spin?

In this matter, it is worth choosing the golden mean. Most offline stores set the markup at 100%. That is, if the item in the purchase costs 200 rubles, then the retail price will be 400 rubles. This is justified, since you have to pay rent. Prices on the Internet are often an order of magnitude lower. The cheat usually does not rise above 60%. And some sellers set the minimum price (add no more than 20%) and thereby increase sales at times. You can make great money not due to the difference between the wholesale and retail prices, but due to sales volumes.

Things are a little different with branded items. For those who decide to occupy this market segment, it is undesirable to set a minimum price for the goods. Customers will decide that they are offered a fake and will no longer want to return to the store.

What items can be sold online? Variety! There is always a buyer for every product. But the price has to be right. So, no one will buy a natural fur coat for 5,000 rubles or a knitted T-shirt made in China for 10,000 rubles.

Buyer Feedback

In order to increase the number of sales, it is worth communicating correctly with potential buyers, answering any questions that arise. The larger the volume of products offered, the more time you will have to devote to business. If you already have your own online store, you should create a feedback window through which the buyer can find out all the necessary information from the sales manager. The process should be automated as much as possible. It is advisable to connect SMS notifications that will notify you of new messages on the site.

Buyers need to create maximum convenient conditions. It is recommended to purchase multiple mobile phone numbers so that the customer can call within their own operator. In addition, it is desirable to offer several payment options for the goods. The more extensive the service, the faster the number of customers will grow.

How to set up an online store?

How to sell things online? In order for a business to bring maximum income and a minimum of problems, it is worth formalizing everything. You can do this not immediately, but a few months after the start. It is worth making sure that the business is going really well and will continue to develop. Most entrepreneurs who sell things over the Internet work on a single tax. Paperwork doesn't take long. Financial costs will also be small. At the same time, it will be possible to avoid fines for illegal trade.

Once a quarter, you will have to submit a tax return, taking into account income. For those who do not understand the nuances, it is better to entrust this work to an accountant. It is better to pay for the services of a professional than to pay a fine again.

How to earn more?

To get even more income, you should think about opening a real store in your own city. It can be a showroom where everyone can come and see the offered goods. A potential buyer will want to come to a real store only once. In the future, he will only buy things online if the products are of good quality. In addition, it should be borne in mind that there are still people who are not friends with computer technology and do not know how to use the capabilities of the World Wide Web.

You can make good money selling online. One has only to delve into all the nuances, know how to sell things, explore the market, see what products are already offered in the selected segment. To take an advantageous position, it is worth offering even more convenient conditions for a potential buyer. And, of course, you need to love your job.

Many people think about how to start their own business without starting capital - it is scary to take a loan, and their own funds are not enough even to open a small store.

The way out in this situation can be the sale of clothes at home. This type of business can be started by buying one bag of stock or stocking just one batch of clothes for the minimum amount in the showroom. In practice, some people like this type of business so much that they later prefer it to a traditional retail store.

It is also not uncommon for store owners, tired of the worries associated with supporting this type of trade, to start selling clothes at home. According to one of these entrepreneurs, Rosa, - while she was buying goods remotely and there were a lot of defects in the bags, the trade in the store was not going very well. Tired of such "pig in a poke", Rosa closed the store and began selling houses:

"I arrive on the day of delivery, I take bags of 3 immediately and in 2-3 days I sell almost to zero, I distribute the rest without sparing to everyone. The profit is obvious and there are no headaches!" Rosa says.

And who will go there?

As with traditional trading, there are two possibilities to attract buyers: very low prices, or to offer something that no one has offered them so far. The first path is a dead end: people will constantly want lower and lower prices, and in the end they may go to someone who can offer them this. The second way is more promising: you will not only be more competitive, but you will also be able to sell goods with a higher profit.

What is meant by the phrase "Offer something that is not available anywhere else"? No, we are not talking about some kind of exclusive clothing, although this is partly true. What you can oppose to competitors is your experience in consulting in choosing clothes; that is, you can become an image stylist for clients. When people see that their acquaintances admire the clothes they bought from you, they will become your regular customers and begin to recommend you to all their friends. So if you feel like you are ready to open your own "boutique at home" - this path is just right for you.

It is not worth reminding you that you will have to constantly improve your professional skills - be aware of fashion trends and at least know a little about fashion history; monitor the media dedicated to clothing and fashion. Moreover, to improve the quality of work with clients, you will also have to become a bit of a psychologist, like a personal hairdresser. But trust me, it will pay off handsomely.

Remember that the best evaluation of your work is when acquaintances of your clients ask for your phone.

What to sell?

When selling clothes at home, you can make the same mistakes as when selling stock in a retail store. But working from home on your own, you have a serious advantage: you can quickly find out the needs of each of your clients. At the first purchase of goods, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Make a list of your prospective clients.
  2. Find out which of them are interested in what clothes, what style they prefer, etc.
  3. if possible, try to find out if they are planning to buy any wardrobe items right now - perhaps someone wants to buy jeans, and someone needs a coat. Keep their needs in mind whenever you purchase a product.
  4. While the turnover of trade is small, it is better to buy clothes in showrooms and look at almost every item with your hands - otherwise there will be a lot of leftovers. In addition, many wholesalers have the opportunity to return unsold goods, which is very convenient when trading at home. Later, with an increase in turnover, it becomes more profitable to purchase bags, although it makes sense to look at bags at the initial stage, remembering your list of necessary goods. In some cases, with the successful sale of 4-5 items, you can immediately recoup the entire purchased batch.
  5. It is necessary, as in store trade, to keep track of new arrivals in showrooms and quickly get there - this is one of the key points for a successful purchase.
  6. Prices, especially at the beginning of the activity, it is better not to overestimate - because now you can buy almost any thing very cheaply, if it is not some kind of super-exclusive. Over time, when people realize that you are not just selling clothes, but also giving professional advice on shaping their own image, they will be ready to pay much more for things.
  7. Don't throw away your clothing packaging! When selling a thing, put it in the "native" package.
  8. Ideally, you need to purchase goods not focusing on specific customers, but having fallback options: for example, if you know that one possible client wants a cashmere coat in size 52, and you saw such a coat in the showroom, then first think carefully whether to take it or not if among your other regular customers there are no ladies with this size. If the client refuses, you need to understand whether you can sell this coat to someone else. As mentioned above, when buying in a showroom, this is easier - the goods can always be returned.

Where to hang

Despite the fact that the cost of equipment when trading at home is significantly lower than in a store, nevertheless, they are still there.

According to stockbiz, it's best to set up a home showroom with one or two clothes racks, two nice large full-length mirrors at an angle to each other, and a bright fixture with soft natural light. It is better to take lamps the same as those used in branded clothing stores.

It is better to make equipment mobile - so it can be moved when you are not trading.

All clothes should hang on the shoulders. Buy the right amount of hangers, preferably wooden ones - they do not bend under the weight of things and look “more solid” than plastic ones. Create a kind of “boutique” - do not show or offer crumpled clothes to people, get a steamer to bring things to a marketable appearance. All these tricks will allow you to sell clothes more expensive.

Don't forget to buy clothes covers. This will protect both your clothes and you from excess dust. The clothes themselves are best stored in a closed closet.

Carry your money

As in any trade, there are enough complexities. And a significant part of them when trading at home is associated with personal relationships with buyers - they become those with whom you were on friendly terms until recently. But if people enter the store of their own free will, then when working from home, at first you will have to actively invite people to your place, and not everyone will be ready for this. And those who come will expect some kind of special attitude towards them.

According to the story of one of the owners of a home-based business, all her friends try to buy a thing with the maximum discount or even on credit.

“As a result, they don’t give back for months. And my friends are generally afraid to come to me and buy - otherwise I’ll get rich. If you want to lose a friend, then give him a loan ...”

And there are many such situations. According to another entrepreneur -

"When selling at home, as I know, borrowing is a regularity. And with money, as they say, we will buy in a store...."

Here everyone must decide for himself how to behave in such situations. But if you decide to start selling clothes at home, you need to be prepared for this. Anna advises:

“Apparently, it’s realistic to sell to those people with whom it is possible to keep a distance. Or, alternatively, to say that you yourself took the goods for sale and sell at your own price, out of the kindness of your soul and out of friendship. This, however, is for those who knows how to lie honestly)))) "

Allergies don't belong here

People with household allergies should not trade clothes at home. At all.

Invisible dust always flies from any clothes. Most entrepreneurs who deal with clothes will confirm that after a long time working with clothes, unpleasant sensations often arise: itchy nose, frequent sneezing. Therefore, unfortunately, for those who are allergic, especially to dust, the path to this business is closed. Because health is more important.

In order to minimize the amount of dust at home, we recommend using covers for clothes and, if possible, storing them in a separate closet.

But the source of problems in the home trade is not only clothing. As Polina, one of the entrepreneurs, notes:

"You must be prepared that people will come sick and bring children with snot. And buyers who have already been and know your address can come without a call."

Rosa disagrees.

“No one has ever come to me without a call or warning. I don’t think you should be afraid of this. And snotty children don’t scare me)) patients can walk on the playground and in the sandbox. ... In extreme cases, dad can pick up the child watch while you're busy).

IP or not IP? Should I register with the tax office?

According to some, there is no point in registering: with a stretch, but trading at home can be called the sale of personal belongings by a private person.

But this is all for the time being. And in order not to feel like a deceiver, it’s still worth registering as an entrepreneur: at least in order to replenish your pension savings as an individual entrepreneur. Again, we should not forget about the promises to reduce the tax burden for self-employed citizens.

Well, it's trite - so calmer.

High technologies in everyday life

The farther, the more and more often you can see successful examples of trading at home using the Internet. Even if you have minimal computer skills and a digital camera, you can take photos of clothes for sale and post them on photo hosting sites, in a group on social networks. The presence of a smartphone will also help you - the Yula and Instagram applications provide a lot of opportunities for doing business: photographed - posted - sold.

Those who are very familiar with the Internet can even create a separate site - if time and skills permit. It's more convenient for someone here.


Selling clothes from home is a good way to try your hand at trading, gain entrepreneurial skills and, if done right, raise the initial capital to start something bigger. If you are not afraid of difficulties and you are ready to learn from your own experience - go for it!

"We also started with one mix" at home". We just called all our friends, and then friends of friends went. ;-) As a result, a month later we collected funds for the store. We did not use the Internet for these purposes, we probably had enough friends ... who are now our grateful customers in store.

Anna, entrepreneur

The World Wide Web of the Internet is a huge sales market where almost everyone trades. Services, knowledge, various goods, etc. become the subject of sale. On the pages of Runet, you can order anything. This phenomenon can be called the exchange economy, or peer-to-peer trading, or shared consumption, but regardless of the name, online sales have a huge impact on business and open up new perspectives at a frantic pace.

It's an opportunity to do business with people rather than using the services of giant corporations, a movement fueled by a growing number of marketplaces and applications. TO large corporations failed to completely capture the world, well, at least the virtual world remained for enterprising people. Consider the main ways to sell things on the Internet.

Starting an online business: how to sell a product through an online store

Opening an online store consists of choosing a product, evaluating the market, finding resources, and marketing.

Each new Internet business presents new unique opportunities and new challenges.

Product search

Finding, evaluating and choosing a product is a difficult task. There are thousands of possible variations, but it seems that they have all been used many times. To differentiate yourself from competitors in the market, you need to figure out your own strategy.

Understanding opportunities is the key to finding a niche and identifying a product to sell:

  • Define the buyer's problem.
  • Look for an empty niche.
  • Choose an interesting brand of goods.
  • Use your own experience and knowledge.
  • Use global market trends.
  • Satisfy consumer desires.

Where to look for ideas

The Internet contains many ideas, but due to the high competition in the most popular categories, choosing the right product becomes essential for success.

Perhaps you already had an idea that has been brewing for many years or a problem that you had to solve.

Once you've identified a few options, explore them on Google Trends . Where will you find out:

  1. What keywords are most often used when searching for these things.
  2. How often is the request made in your area.
  3. Seasonality of requests.
  4. What are they looking for with this query.

Search for partners

Choosing a name for the trading platform and analyzing the target audience are the next steps in opening an online store. When all evaluations are completed, it's time to find a supplier. When choosing, follow these criteria:

  1. Location. Speed ​​of delivery is important for business.
  2. Product quality. Defective products cause complaints from buyers.
  3. Terms of cooperation. The supplier offers too much batches of goods.
  4. Question price.

What sales mechanisms to use

The most popular schemes for attracting users to an online store:

  • paid contextual advertising;
  • free search traffic;
  • mailings;
  • content marketing;
  • social networks, etc.

Why Sell Baby Stuff Online

The children's fashion market is one of the most lucrative markets in the global fashion industry. Hehas shown tremendous resilience in the face of global economic turmoil and is expected to maintain a steady 4.2% annual growth rate.

Reasons for growth

Although children's clothing covers only 12% of the clothing market, it is in this sector that growth has been observed over the past few years..

Increasing demanddue to demographic shifts and increased purchasing power.

Parents start having children later, when they already have a more stable income and can spend more on children's clothes.

Modern tendencies

In addition to that,The children's fashion industry has recently begun to emulate the adult fashion industry - parents are worried about keeping their children "in trend".This means that there are more opportunities for small entrepreneurs to grow.

Toddler clothes have a lot of patterns and rich colors, while clothes for older children resemble their adult counterparts.

It's good to have a branding model before you start choosing products to sell.

Little implementation tricks: product presentation

Most people perceive information visually.When they browse websites, they only click on attractive images. This means that the seller has to put in more effort when selling online, so follow these tips:

  • Tip 1: The design of the page should be interesting and bright. Cveta influence people and their behavior.
  • Tip 2: Product photos should be aesthetic and clear.
  • Tip 3: The description of the product in the article should be made not long, containing useful information (brand, size, state of use and color) and motivating to action.
  • Tip 4: When selling online, it is better to make a presentation of several photos, where the item being sold is combined with other wardrobe items and is shown from all sides. This way the client will trust you.
  • Tip 5: Provide more product information. Buyer in It is important to clearly see the details of clothing and know the exact measurements.The more information you provide, the more likely the product will be purchased.

Methods for newbies: how to start selling clothes online

Start selling on social media In contact with, Facebook , Classmates) or using the services of online trading platforms. If the product is successfully sold, then open an online store.

Sales Methods

You can open a store and sell clothes, including children's clothes, using several mechanisms for organizing trade:

  1. Opening your own warehouse for products (advantages: fast shipment of goods, disadvantages: you need funds for large bulk purchases and rent a place to store them).
  2. Selling items after they arrive from the supplier's warehouse (advantages: reduced costs for the purchase / storage of goods, the formation of an extensive assortment, disadvantages: an increase in the period of delivery of products to the client, problems with the return of defective items).
  3. Dropshipping (a convenient sales method for beginners, your online store acts as an intermediary, having received an order from a client, you give it to a wholesaler who deals with it, and you are left with the difference).
  4. Affiliate program (the sale of things through the partner’s website, by pressing the Buy button, the client automatically goes to the resource from which the sale is already carried out directly, the intermediary receives the agreed percentage).

You can use one of these methods or several at once by concluding agreements with suppliers.

Sales analysis

Monitoring the quality and volume of sold products is carried out taking into account several factors:

  • number of visitors for a specific time period:
  • how many customers made a purchase;
  • the size of the average check;
  • how many visitors made repeat purchases;
  • margin percentage.

By monitoring and responding to these metrics instantly, you'll be making effective decisions that drive your success.

Selling your work: how to sell knitwear online

X obbi becomes a profession and therefore an additional source of income - many sell their creations online and thus increase their income.However, to really succeed, there are things you need to pay attention to. The most popular product sold in the Runet is do-it-yourself knitted items.

  1. To get started, start posting photos of your work wherever possible: on social networks, on local forums, websites, etc.
  2. Accompany photos with information about what you sell and fulfill orders. Indicate readiness to sell / accept an order.
  3. Design an independent store page in your personal blog (if there is no blog, open it). Promote your blog on any resources and post there the work that you want to sell. Be sure to include how to contact you.
  4. Dumping. It is easier for experienced craftsmen with an extensive clientele to keep prices, and beginners have to get out. Familiarize yourself with competitors' sites and set low prices for well-known goods, and leave real prices for original knitted patterns that are rarely found among competitors.
  5. Over time, experience will add strength and enthusiasm to move on and you will not have to sell things below market value.
  6. Open a knitwear store Fair of Masters. The free account allows you to install three instances. Minimum card for 60 rubles. per month - 13 works.
  7. Move forward, do not slow down, find new opportunities. If the first works are not sold, this does not mean that success will not come to you.

Where to sell

Forget your insecurities and don't listen "well-wishers". If you like it, others will like it too. Look for buyers everywhere. On the Internet, among acquaintances, acquaintances of a husband or friends.

The Internet is a limitless place to sell. Holidays are a great way to express yourself!

Handicrafts are in demand among foreign consumers. Platforms are especially popular: DaWanda or Etsy, eBay is also suitable. However, there are disadvantages, such as the time it takes to set up and take down the page., the cost of placing a stand, delivery of goods - all this needs to be financed.

How to realize your ambitions and find a niche as a beginner

There are two ways:

  1. Analyze the market, figure out what sells best, take into account where there is less competition and what things you can do.
  2. The second - create, make more quality products, maybe you will be able to create extraordinary things that will occupy their niche.

Where to sell unnecessary things: selling used things on the Internet

This problem is familiar to everyone: over the years, unnecessary things accumulate. Theyget dusty and take up a lot of space. Where and how to get rid of them? Howmake money on second-hand things?

This is best done on specialized sites that are known to many Internet users and where it is easier to find buyers. Marketplace sites are visited more often than online stores. You can sell almost everything on them. Most popular platforms:

  • Youla
  • OLX (Slando)
  • Avito

Some of the sites allow you to sell goods to people living nearby, while others (for example Avito) have a function that allows you to deliver goods to the buyer.

Additional earnings on a permanent basis in free time for enterprising men

A second income is a great way for men to get extra money if they have the time and energy. It can also help fill the gap in the budget that occurs during times of economic fluctuations. You won't earn a lot of money, but some "airbag" create.

Become a Consultant

Consulting is a great opportunityfor men who trade their knowledge and experience.Every time you make a proposal, recommend a process, create a plan, or manage, you are using consulting skills.To earn income, you just need to find someone who can use your experience.

Make money from your hobbies

Your hobbies cost money too. It could be:

  • Sale of digital photos.
  • Binding of books.
  • Sale of forged items.
  • Pottery.
  • Opening a blogetc.

Selling your stuff

A win-win way to make extra money is to sell things. It is universal for everyone.Look in the cabinetscheck the bookshelves, take a lookto the garage. Consider it's all rubbish. How many items do you actually use? MnHow many old books have been opened in the last year? Maybe you should use the library?When was the last time you played Mario Kart 64? Maybe bWould it be better if the house was less cluttered?

Do not try to sell everything at once, the process will not take much time and effort and will allow you to generate additional money.

Consider selling certain items in certain shops: sell used CDs in a music store, etc.

Use local resources and classified ads to sell bulky items.Try several sales methods andin just a month, your garage full of unused items will be empty.

Basic rules for selling things: how to sell online fast

Selling a product online allows you to reach a wider audience. According to statistics, 41% of the world's Internet users buy goods online. This is an area that cannot be fully explored, it is limitless and requires special study.

When selling n you must follow the basic rules that help you sell faster and spend as little effort as possible in the trading process.

  1. High-quality images of the items to be sold greatly increase the attractiveness of the offer.Many buyers do not even look at ads without illustrations.Therefore: upload a good quality product image.
  2. Color, shape, and price should be well thought out, as most online shoppers briefly focus on an image and quickly decide whether or not to look.
  3. Make sure you want to take a chance and click on your product. If this happens, additional information should be made available as much as possible.
  4. The product description should be as detailed as possible.This may include information about the fabric, its height and width, or other important details that are relevant to the use of the product. This improves the offer and reduces the number of requests.
  5. You must be open to further questions, so leave your contact information appropriately.

L logo and brand name will allow customers to immediately recognize your products.If the buyer has experience with your product, he will remember the logo and share it with other people. And inYou will form a certain client base. high yield savings account, create an emergency fund, and save a certain percentage for retirement!

E-commerce, this, in a sense, takes us back to the roots. The premise is that there are underused assets in our lives and we can use them in win-win trades.

If you want a piece of the pie, then go for it - sell things online. Start moving traffic. Good luck!

Probably the first niche that comes to any aspiring entrepreneur who wants to start trading on the Internet is clothing. This is the kind of product that people constantly buy, despite the economic crisis and other difficulties, because you need to walk around in something. The second point is that no matter how carefully you wear clothes, they wear out and almost every season of the year, we go to buy new things. In this article, we will talk about how to make money selling clothes online, and discuss the main "pitfalls" of this business.

I would like to note right away that we will talk about selling things not in the classic form using an online store, but rather in the format of using various platforms, such as bulletin boards, social networks and more. This approach allows even people with minimal start-up capital to start working, avoiding investing in launching and establishing business processes for an online store.

Pros and cons of this business

Before you start selling clothes online, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​what problems you may encounter, and besides, you need to evaluate the risks against the background of the benefits.

Benefits of this activity:

  • High demand for clothing.
  • The ability to make a good margin on the goods.
  • A wide range of categories of goods with which you can work.
  • Opening a trading business even with minimal capital.
  • Lots of dropshipping options.
  • It is easy to find suppliers of goods.

List of disadvantages:

  • High competition in the form of individual sellers and large chain stores.
  • Not always high quality clothes, especially if you want to work with things from China.
  • Returns due to size. It is necessary to clearly work out dimensional grids and show them in the product card.

Due to the fact that such a business is easy to start, we get high competition. But you can work, the main thing here is to monitor the quality of things and pricing policy.

Where to begin?

If the budget is limited, then you should start by choosing a narrow niche in which you will work. You can look in the following directions.

  • youth branded clothing.
  • men's clothing.
  • sports orientation.
  • large sizes.
  • women's clothing.
  • pajamas.
  • children's.
  • sale of overalls. For example, camouflage for fishing or hunting, or overalls for companies with their attributes.

You can choose a niche, such as women's golfs or men's shorts, and depending on the season, sell different types of goods. If the budget allows, try to expand the range of your Internet site, so you will increase the income from this business. If you look at what is the most popular among sales on the Internet, then these are women's and children's clothing. But men also order very often, especially when it comes to branded clothing.

Have you chosen a niche? Come up with a name for your store as you will use it to build your online reputation. It will not be superfluous to draw a logo, which will be one of the design elements of sales pages.

Clothing Suppliers

And here a stupor can come, because for a novice entrepreneur it is not clear where to order clothes for sale on the Internet, at wholesale prices, or at discounts. We will try to bring all the working methods of searching for goods for sale.

  1. Second hand. If the budget is straight minimal, then this is a good platform to start. With the right approach, you can buy branded items in good condition at a low price, and then resell them by multiplying the cost by x2 or x3. In order to find a quality product, you need to study the delivery schedules in various second-hand stores in your city, then go ahead and queue up to enter the top ten and choose the top items from what is available. But there is also a downside. Firstly, this is high competition, because many schoolchildren work in this business, and it is not always possible to get in line on time. Secondly, these are the stereotypes of people who do not want to wear used clothes, and this can play a negative role in the sale.
  2. wholesale markets. The main plus is that you can go and see the goods live, and even agree with the seller on the possibility of selling upon receipt of the order, without the wholesale purchase of goods. Huge selection for any price tag, in the end everything depends on quality. But there is also a minus - a lot of people work according to this scheme and the same type of product on the same bulletin boards can seriously differ in price, and you will be limited in terms of margins. In addition, most often in the markets, goods are brought from China and one should not forget to carefully check the quality of each product so as not to fall into marriage.
  3. drains. Here you can search for branded clothes of famous brands and quality items of lesser known brands, the main plus is that it is new here. Stocks are much more expensive than second-hand, but there are periods of promotions when discounts can be 25% - 80%, this is most often at the end of the season. You need to subscribe to a newsletter from various stocks and visit them during promotions when purchasing the required amount of goods.
  4. Chinese sites. These are Aliexpress and Taobao. The main advantage is cheap clothing. But the disadvantages are customs payments in case of exceeding the limit and the quality of these things. Yes, you can find chic products there, but the price tag on them will be rather big. As an option, you can consider and try to order a few things for sale.
  5. Tailoring workshops in your city or in the whole country. You can negotiate good wholesale prices and lot sizes with them. In addition, you can make your own adjustments to the design of products and independently choose materials, the cost of which will directly affect the final price tag of products. Alternatively, you can find novice designers and organize cooperation in the format of selling goods from them to you.
  6. Dropshipping. You will be the generators of targeted traffic for the goods that are sold by the partner store with which you will cooperate. When you receive requests, you send them to your partner, and he sends the order to the client on his own. You do not invest your own money in the product, but only generate sales. Pay close attention to an honest approach to work on the part of the partner, so that in the end you are not left without a legitimate profit.

In fact, you can find many options for the supply of goods for the clothing trade on the Internet. Google and Yandex will help you find the contacts you need. In addition, there are paid databases of suppliers, but you can figure it out on your own.

In stocks and second-hand stores, they usually look for the following brands: Stone Island, Supreme, Gosha Rubchinsky, North Face, Raf Simons, Y-3, Napapijri, Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger, and sports brands: Adidas, Reebok, Nike, Puma.

What websites can I use to sell clothes online?

Let's take a look at the platforms you can work with to trade and find clients.

  1. Social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte. Interaction with customers in most cases takes place in two formats. The first is the creation and promotion of your own pages, with the subsequent sale of clothes through them. The second is advertising in promoted publics or accounts where your target audience is. You can also promote the page with the help of paid advertising.
  2. Boards of announcements. Great for this business. They allow you to generate traffic to your ads and make sales. This is not always free, as you will need to pay for commercial ads or paid placement at the top of the page. Selling clothes on Avito (Russia) or Olx (Ukraine) can be a good source of income and you definitely need to use this channel to attract customers. A beautiful ad with a large number of photos and a text description will allow you to convey information to the client, and an adequate pricing policy will make a sale in a short time.
  3. Groups in messengers: viber, telegram.
  4. Own online store. It will be relevant if you sell new clothes on the Internet and have catalogs from manufacturers, or if you have purchased a stock of goods and keep them at your place. The store will need money for a developer, hosting and a domain. Website traffic comes from three sources: search queries, contextual advertising, and redirecting visitors from social networking pages and bulletin boards. The store can become a springboard for completing a transaction with a client. In addition, a full range of products will be presented here.

We advise you to experiment and try various sites and platforms for selling clothes, because, for example, Instagram can shoot for pajamas, and Facebook for men's bags. All this needs to be tested and, as a result, the budget should be redistributed to the most profitable advertising channels. This is an effective method of how to increase the sales of your clothes and at the same time not waste your budgets in the hope that everything will “go” soon.

What documents are needed?

At the beginning of your business, you will be testing niches and checking which categories of clothing you will be selling. If you will have a small number of sales, and you will resell clothes through bulletin boards as personal items, then you probably do not need to register. But if you take the matter seriously, launch groups on social networks and your online store, then you will need to draw up the relevant documents.

  • open IP.
  • indicate OKVED for selling clothes via the Internet. In Russia, this is the code 47.91. For Ukraine - 47.91.
  • recruit staff (if you hire workers).
  • have quality certificates for the goods, which can be requested from the manufacturer or supplier.

Collecting and processing all the documents will not be difficult. If something does not work out for you, you can seek the help of an experienced lawyer.


To sell clothes online, you will have to create high-quality content that will fill the product card and describe its benefits.

What is included in the list of required content?

  • Photos. The better they are and the more of them, the better for sales. After all, the client will be able to fully appreciate the thing he needs.
  • Description. This includes the color scheme, size, what it is made of, season and other characteristics.
  • Video review. An additional plus to filling the product card.
  • Size table. This information is provided so that a person can accurately assess whether this item of clothing is suitable for him or not.

The description can be short, but should contain all the main parameters of the product.

How much can you earn?

When selling clothes online, it is difficult to predict the level of earnings, since everything will depend on where you got this or that product. For example, if you find a branded item in a second-hand store, say a sweatshirt for $10 - $15, then it can retail for $30 - $45. If you buy new items on the market, then the markup is 45% - 70%, depending on the type of clothing.

conclusions. Now the older generation still has a huge number of prejudices, for example, how you can buy clothes without trying them on, or how to find out what quality they are without touching them, and this is quite logical, because before everything was bought that way. But the younger generation already thinks in a completely different way, they are driven by the desire to buy something unique, especially if you live in a small city where everyone dresses from the market, and finding original things is a whole problem. Therefore, it is profitable to engage in clothing trade on the Internet and there is no decline in this niche in the future.
