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Resource sheet sample excel. List of resources: purpose, form, order of compilation. Valuation of resources used in local estimate calculations

Is the most optimal. Both for the customer and for the organization performing construction work. Calculating an estimate using a resource method is the summation of the estimated cost of all costs and resources that will be needed for the complete construction of an object.

Thanks to such calculations, it will be difficult to deceive both the contractor and the customer.

Resource estimate - will help determine the professionalism of the contractor. This estimate is mandatory document, which is negotiated between the parties before carrying out work. The customer and the contractor are united by one goal, but in construction they have different roles. The customer wants to receive a quality-built facility at an adequate cost, and the contractor is obliged to organize the work and build the facility. If the contractor does not provide a resource estimate, the customer must ask how the contractor is going to perform the assigned work. Most often, “hack workers” or people who do not have sufficient experience in this field work without drawing up a resource estimate. You need to be careful. Such performers may offer suspiciously - low price for your services. But subsequently hand over an object of poor quality. Therefore, you need to immediately tune in to turn to honored masters and experts in their field, even at a higher price. Real estate is not built for a year, so it is not recommended to save on such things.

How to make estimates using the resource method.

When drawing up estimates using the resource method, experts pay attention to the following criteria:

  • First of all, waste on products and consumables is included;
  • The cost of services and work of specialists is calculated;
  • On complex objects and the use of special methods, it is necessary to take into account the work of special materials and tools;
  • The consumption of various resources, such as electricity, water and other energy carriers, is important to consider when working with a contractor.

When determining the cost of work, the parties are guided by the current tariffs and prices on the day the estimate is concluded. After the estimate is fully prepared, it will consist of several documents: a resource sheet and a local resource shift calculation. All indicators are calculated based on estimate standards; adjustments to coefficients are possible.

Local resource statement- this is a document in which everything is calculated production resources, necessary to execute the object. Indicators are calculated based on design data and government characteristics.

The estimate is calculated in two stages:

At the first stage, the calculation is carried out based on the physical volume of all the necessary resources that will be needed for the object and possible work. At the second stage, homogeneous resources that have a homogeneous code are summed up, after which a local resource list is formed.

The estimate has many positive aspects, the only drawback is that it takes a lot of time to develop accurate data. Budget and small companies try not to resort to this species calculation.

Local resource estimate calculation. The basis of this document is the summary statement of resources. The cost of estimated resources is calculated approximately without accurately estimating each resource.

Statement of resources - estimate document defining the need for material, labor and other resources for individual species works included in the LS.

It contains: 1) labor intensity, 2) standard requirement for resources in physical units. 3) the cost of a unit of measurement adopted in the LS 4) the cost of resources in conventional terms.

List of resources No. (line) On (line)

Compiled in prices of the year

2. Justification

3. Naimenov. Resources

6. Estimated price RUB including technical specifications

7. Total estimated cost, including technical specifications

9. Current price in rubles.

10. Current value

Note: gr. (8,9,10) if the cost is in current prices

Made up (feature)

Checked (damn)

58. Methods for determining development costs project documentation. Basic prices for the development of design documentation. Taking into account factors influencing the complexity of design.

For most objects, basic prices for the development of project documentation are calculated as of 2012.

Basic price - monetary expression of the cost of performing work on the development of complex documentation, which does not take into account the influence of complicating and simplifying factors on the complexity of design.

Base prices take into account: 1) profit 2) document development costs 3) taxes, fees and deductions attributable to the cost of work 4) base prices do not take into account taxes, fees and deductions included in the proceeds from the sale of goods, works and services.

Cost Methods design work:

1. Depending on the natural indicators of design objects.

2. Depending on the cost of construction

3. From labor costs for the development of project documentation

The 1st method is used in the case of the development of project documentation for new construction, reconstruction, modernization, restoration. If there is a price for the design object in the SBU for repair objects, it does not apply, nor does it apply if the natural design indicator of the object is less than half of the min. or more than double the max. values ​​given in the collection.

The 2nd method applies to the determination of a one-time price for repairs, if out of bounds.

3-1 if there is no object in the collection

Contractual price:*Ipr+N, Ipr-index of change in the cost of design work as of the date of conclusion of the contract, N-taxes.

Accounting for factors affecting the complexity of design.

1. The basic prices provide for average conditions for the performance of work

2. The influence of complicating (hardening) design factors is taken into account by introducing corrective coefficients. K to the base price Cb=Cb*K

The coefficient can be multiplied and should not exceed 1.6.

59. The procedure for determining the cost of developing design documentation, depending on the natural indicators of design objects.

The cost of development of project documentation Spr, bases in the basic price level for 2012 is determined by the formula:

Spr, base = Cb * Pki + Cdop + N.

where Cb is the base price for the development of documentation in prices for 2012, taking into account the cost of the main design work and determined by the collection of prices, thousand rubles;

Tsdop - the price of additional works (services) not included in the base price of P6, in the price level for 2012, thousand rubles;

Пki is the product of correction factors that take into account complicating (simplifying) factors and design conditions.

60. The procedure for determining the cost of developing project documentation depending on the cost of construction

The cost of developing project documentation is determined in accordance with the purpose of the objects using the formulas:

1) for objects of housing and civil purposes:


Cstr - construction costs in base prices based on the results of chapters 1-7 of the consolidated estimate (column 9c), thousand rubles;

L - standard cost of design work, in percentage, adopted depending on the category of complexity of the design object according to the data in Appendices 5 and 6 of these guidelines;

2) for industrial facilities and utilities:


where Csmr is the cost of construction installation work(construction and installation works) in base prices based on the results of chapters 1-7 of the consolidated estimate (column 9c - column 8 - column 7), thousand rubles;

Kotr-coefficient technical complexity design.

61. The procedure for determining the cost of developing project documentation depending on the labor costs of the design organization.

The method is used in the absence of cost standards for design work. The cost of design work is determined by drawing up planned calculations, which are an integral part of the contract for the implementation of design work.

The price of design work includes:

Labor costs for production personnel

Materials, purchased semi-finished products and components.

Production business trips

Other direct costs


Costs for expenses performed by third parties

62. The concept of an unchanged contractual (contract) price and the procedure for its formation. The procedure for adjusting the fixed price.

Document: Regulations on the procedure for the formation of negotiated (contract) prices and settlements between customers and contractors using objects: Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus March 03, 2005 Scope of application: Objects, architectural and planning buildings for the design of which were received before January 1, 2012

Document: Regulations on the procedure for the formation of a fixed contractual price for the construction of objects: resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on November 18, 2011. Scope of application: Objects for which architectural and planning buildings for the design were received after January 1, 2012.

Unchangeable contract price - the price is determined based on the results of the customer’s choice of a contractor based on the price offered by the winning contractor. It is documented in a protocol for agreeing on the contract price and is unchanged until the end of construction, with the exception of when it can be adjusted if:

At the initiative of the customer, in the prescribed manner, the design documentation;

tax legislation;

Involvement of a subcontractor and a different taxation system compared to taking into account a constant price;

The cost of materials and operation of machinery and mechanisms compared to that which was taken into account in the fixed price (if this is provided for in the construction contract);

Forecast price indices in construction recorded in the Ministry of Construction and Architecture;

Construction deadlines stipulated by the contract due to untimely financing of the customer’s work.

Contract bidding is a form of placing orders for the construction of works, provision of services, supply of goods for construction, involving the selection of a contractor or supplier on the basis of a competition.

During contract bidding, the following is calculated:

1. Customer’s price – the starting price of contract work (construction project) proposed by the customer for concluding a construction contract.

2. The price offered by the contractor is the price of contract work calculated by the contracting organization - applicant for concluding a construction contract.

They are formed on the basis of the project, including estimate documentation integral part which is a statement of the volume of work and resource expenditures.

The contractor also develops schedules:

1 construction schedule (arbitrary work);

2 schedule drawings.

Construction schedule of arbitrary works for....(name of the object, stage of work)

1. Rationale

2. Name of types of work

3. Unit of measurement

4. Quantity

6,7,8,9. Incl. By months, taking into account the forecast price index in construction

5-9 top - Cost, million rubles

At the agreed price on the date of conclusion of the contract

Advance payment for work

Calculation for completed stages of work

Payment schedule for construction (works performed)

(name of the object, stage of work)

1. Name of payments

3-6. Incl. by month

2-6 from above - Amount, million rubles

Including: advance payment for the purchase of materials, products and structures, advance payment for work, payment for work performed.

The price of the customer and the price of the contractor is determined by:

1. in prices as of the start date of construction using forecast price indices in construction until the end of the standard construction period;

2. including taxes and deductions.

Methods for determining the contractor's offer price:

1. resource;

2. based on the application of aggregated cost standards per unit area (capacity volume) of the facility, types or complexes of work developed by contractors and not exceeding those approved by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture;

3. by a combination of 1st two methods.

63. Resource method for determining the contractor's offer price.

The resource method for determining the contractor's offer price involves:

1 application of weighted average and current prices to resource consumption determined on the basis of the NRR;

2 accounting for expenses determined on the basis of norms in percentage terms;

3 accounting for predictive price indices in construction.


Pi- normative consumption in the i-th resource;

Qi - the weighted average or current price of the i-th resource, taking into account OHR and ODA and other costs attributable to the cost, as well as planned profit;

K - coefficient determined by the contractor, taking into account the compensation of risks caused by various unforeseen circumstances;

N - tax deduction

Ipr.p - forecast index used by contractors, taking into account price changes in the n-th month.


Ii - monthly forecast index in construction, calculated on the basis of the approved annual forecast price index;

Ci - monthly cost of work in accordance with the work schedule.

64. The procedure for settlements (C-2) between the customer and the contractor for the work performed. Certificate of acceptance of completed construction and installation works (С-2) Form and procedure for drawing up an act.

The order of payment for the work performed is determined

laws and building contracts. Per settlement

the period can be taken as 1 month, or another period of time

necessary to complete a stage of work or the entire scope of the contract.

The act of acceptance of the work performed С-2 serves as confirmation of the volume and cost of the work performed. Currently, there is no approved form of the act, therefore, contractors use the forms developed and approved by them.

Certificate of acceptance of construction and other special installation works No.

For.... a month.... 20.... years

Calculation of the cost of work in prices for....

1.number in order

2. items according to estimate

3. Rationale

4. Name of work and costs

5. Units change / Quantity

1-2-number (top)

6. Salary of workers

8. incl. Salary for drivers

7-8top - Operation of machines and mechanisms


10. Transport costs

11. Total cost

12. Labor costs, man-hour

6-11 from above - Cost: unit/total, rub.

Total direct costs...

Naming of expenditures

2. operation of machines and mechanisms

3. Incl. Salary for drivers

4. OHR and OPR

5. Materials

6. Incl. Customer materials

7. Transport costs

9. Temporary buildings and structures

10.Winter price increases

11. Total construction and other special installation work

12.Other costs

13. Social security contributions

14.Total other costs

15.Total value of current prices

16. Return of materials from temporary buildings and structures (for reference)

18.Total with taxes and deductions

19.Total work performed at current prices

20. Taxes and fees, calculations from revenue (except VAT)

21.Customer materials

22.Taxes on cost

23. Land tax

24.Environmental tax

To carry out settlement operations in the local estimate calculation, a “Local Resource Statement” is compiled in the form given in the appendix. 6.7.

The procedure for filling out the local resource statement:

    Column 2 “Code, standards numbers and resource codes” contains the code of the applied resource standard and the codes of the corresponding resources. For example, the code GESN 06-01-024-5 means that the State Elementary Estimate Standards for Construction Work (GESN) Collection No. 6 “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures monolithic" (GESN-2001-06), section 01 "Concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures" (GESN-2001-06-01), table. 024 (GESN 06-01-024) “Construction of basement walls and retaining walls”, column number 5 of table. 024 (GESN 06-01-024-5) - reinforced concrete up to 3 m high, 1000 mm thick.

    Column 3 “Name of work and costs, characteristics of equipment and its weight” contains the types of work and costs. When using GESN 06-01-024-5 “Construction of basement walls and retaining walls, reinforced concrete up to 3 m high, 1000 mm thick.” And after each type of work, the name of the resources from the adopted standard is entered in the following sequence: labor costs of construction workers, average level of work, labor costs of machinists, names of construction machines and mechanisms used, types of material resources used.

    In column 4 “Unit of measurement” the unit of measurement of types of work and individual resources is entered in accordance with the accepted standard (in our case GESN 06-01-024-5) - 100 m 3, man-hour, machine-hour.

    In column 5 “Quantity per unit” the rate of resource consumption is entered in accordance with the accepted standard (in our case GESN 06-01-024-5) 534.54, 29.02.

    In column 6, against the name of the corresponding type of work, the volumes of work accepted according to the design data in the units of measurement of column 4 are entered, and against the name of the corresponding resources - their quantity, calculated as the product of the resource consumption rate (column 5) by the volume of work in column 6, line name of the work and costs. In our example, the concrete walls of the basements are 630 m 3, so “Labor costs of construction workers” (534.54 * 6.3) = 3373.9 man-hours, “Labor costs of machinists” (29.02 * 6.3) = 182.83 man-hours, etc. d.

    At the end of the local resource sheet, the total indicators of resources that have the same codes and codes for cost elements can be highlighted and summarized: labor resources, construction machinery and mechanisms, material resources, which are then entered into the local resource estimate.

Examples of local resource statements are given in the appendix. 6.7.

  1. Valuation of resources used in local estimate calculations

3.1. Valuation of labor resources in local estimates

The specific amount of funds for wages at the current (forecast) price level can be determined by the formula:

Where 3 i– specific estimated amount of funds for wages at the current (forecast) price level for work of the i-th category, rub./person-hour; TO To in i – tariff coefficient For i– the third category of work performed in construction and repair and construction work (for educational purposes, accepted according to Appendix 13); TO Wed– tariff coefficient for middle-class workers employed in construction and repair and construction work in the region. For educational purposes, the average grade of construction work can be taken equal to 3.5, then TO Wed= 1.27 (adj. 13); Z fact– actual (at the time of calculation), according to data statistical reporting, or the projected (negotiable) average monthly wage for one worker (builder and machine operator) in a contracting organization for the future period, rubles/month ; t– the average monthly number of hours actually worked by one worker in a specific organization, not exceeding the standard value established by the authorized federal executive body - 164 hours/month.

Similarly, the amount of funds for wages can be determined in prices for products (services) for production and technical purposes of industrial enterprises.
