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The fastest water transport. The fastest ship. The world's fastest sailing ship

When it comes to speeds, they immediately talk about airplanes and cars. And the maritime mode of transport is unfairly bypassed. The history of navigation is accompanied by the desire of countries to build the fastest ship on the planet.

Speed ​​sailboats

The development of the sailing fleet was partly due to the export of goods from India and China. The British East India Company was founded in 1600. Then they built a flotilla of sailboats to transport spices. The company then switched to a more profitable tea trade.

Having been a monopoly for centuries, Britain could not rush to deliveries. But after the abolition of the monopoly in 1834, there were times of fierce competition. Fresh tea was valued in the market much higher than stale tea. And crowds of competitors rushed one faster than the other to deliver tea from the East to Boston or London.

The old ships moved slowly. And the high-speed clippers produced in the New World did not have a large capacity.

Masters and designers, after a long work on the project, in 1845 lowered the improved high-speed clipper "Reinbow" (Rainbow) with a capacity of 750 tons from the stocks in New York. The first flight to China and back paid off the sums spent on the construction. The speed of the ship turned out to be fantastic for those times - up to 20 knots per hour.

The fastest sailing ships in history were the "Lord of the Sea" and "Flying Cloud". The development of sailing navigation was facilitated by the study of the laws of physics and mathematics. In those days, ships were built "by eye". Designer John W. Griffith even built a test basin for ships. Together with Captain Robert Waterman, they built the Sea Witch clipper. This ship was the first to cover the distance from New York to Hong Kong in 74.5 days.

The former metropolis, impressed by the success of its competitors, began to build high-speed clippers in the manner of the American ones. But the ships turned out to be much smaller in capacity. As a result of the competition, 500 high-speed ships were launched over 15 years.

The fastest warships

Shipbuilding factories operate in Australia. A high-speed ferry was built at the Incat shipyard, moving on the principle of a catamaran. The idea of ​​re-equipping the ship for military purposes was put forward.

The US Navy leased the ferry in 2001, equipped it with weapons and converted it. The result was the fastest ship in the world, which was called "HSV-X1 Joint Venture".

The cargo-passenger ship was redesigned in such a way that 350 personnel and 800 tons of cargo were accommodated there. Transported cargo - vehicles and weapons. The cargo deck turned out to be 2670 square meters. m.

The hull of the ship is made mostly of aluminum. This lightens the weight of the structure. Communications, which are supposed to be present on the warship, are in full force.

The upper deck is equipped with a helipad, which simplifies the delivery of people and cargo.

The ship moves at a speed 4 times the speed of other warships. Power of 95,000 horsepower is developed thanks to two gas turbines and four diesel engines. The speed of the vessel reaches 66 knots per hour with a fair wind.

It is noteworthy that the ship is assembled according to a modular principle. It can be quickly converted to other uses without having to spend a lot of time parking for reconstruction. It turned out such a ship-transformer.

The fastest Russian warships

The 1st place among the ships of our country in terms of speed is occupied by the anti-submarine ship "Komsomolets of Ukraine". The Soviet fleet received 20 ships of this type at its disposal. Max speed developed by the ship - 34 knots. All four fleets are equipped with such fast ships. 20 tropicalized ships were built for India.

2nd place is held by the heavy nuclear cruiser Peter the Great. Of the ships that are not aircraft carriers, it is considered the largest. The vessel develops a speed of 32 knots and is designed to destroy enemy aircraft carriers. The ship was built in 1989, launched 9 years later. The vessel travels long distances, as it has no range restrictions. All services work autonomously, regardless of port calls.

3rd place behind the Guards missile cruiser"Moscow". This is a ship capable of performing diverse functions. Launched in 1983 from the stocks of the plant in Nikolaev. Able to reach speeds up to 32 knots, travels a distance of 6000 miles. This is the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The 4th place in terms of speed is occupied by the heavy aircraft carrier of project 11475 "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov".

The ship left the stocks in 1989 and was included in the Northern Fleet of Russia. The maximum speed that it develops is 29 knots. Previously, he served in the Mediterranean Sea, participated in the rescue operation of the Kursk submarine.

Fast yachts of the world

Dutch designer Frank Mulder, inspired by the adventures of the movie character James Bond, built the Octopussy yacht twenty years ago. This ship developed an unheard of speed of 50 knots.

The current record holder that Mulder built is called pretentious. In translation it sounds like this: "And the whole world is not enough." Developing a speed of 70 knots, the yacht consumes fuel at space speeds. Paxman gas engines with a capacity of 20,000 horsepower “eat up” about 57,000 liters of fuel per 500 km.

The yacht "Foners" was built by order of the king of Spain, a speed lover. Having changed the owner, the ship is rebuilt and modernized. Her previous top speed was 68 knots. For a while, the yacht was considered a record holder among other yachts in its class.

The king, fascinated more by speed than by the situation around him, did not bother to order a chic interior. It will accommodate 8 guests in a spartan setting. There is also a crew of 6 on board.

The yacht Alamshar, 50 meters long and 65 knots, belongs to an Islamic leader. Little is known about her, but the characteristics bring her to the third place in the ranking among yachts of this type. Designer Don Head claims the yacht is capable of 70 knots. But factory tests showed 65.

The ship's owner intended to install three Rolls-Royce engines designed for helicopters. In this case, the planned speed would be 80 knots, which is still an unattainable mark for yachts. But the design did not allow the installation of such motors.

"Gentry Eagle" (Eagle Gentry) is designed specifically for setting records. Tom Gentry is a man who is fond of all kinds of records. His name is constantly among the speed victories in the world of yachts. Eagle Gentry's personal record is crossing the Atlantic Ocean in 62 hours and 7 minutes. The previous record is exceeded by 23%. An 11,560 horsepower engine helped achieve such success. The yacht is able to move without entering ports, 1,500 miles.

The yacht "Wally Power" is 36 m long and has a speed of 60 knots. Five years ago, it was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest in the world.

Now ranked fifth. The yacht's futuristic design and incredible speed created an explosion of emotions in the world of yacht lovers. Three engines with a capacity of 16,800 horsepower, coupled with Rolls-Royce water jets, make it possible to reach such a speed.

During the preparation of the yacht for the competition, it was even tested in a wind tunnel. But at maximum speed, the ship travels no more than 360 miles without refueling. And in economy mode, it covers 1,500 miles.

The fastest submarine

Due to the secrecy of information, some facts reach civilians after decades. In 1971, an incredible event happened. The aircraft carrier USS Saratoga was returning from the Mediterranean to Miami. Unexpectedly, an acoustic report was received that an unknown submarine approached the board. No effort to "break away" from the pursuer did not lead to the desired result.

The submarine easily overtook the cruiser and did not lag behind a centimeter. The team was shocked by the amazing abilities of the submarine. Pride in the miracle of their own technology among the Americans was greatly shaken.

The sailors were frightened by the Soviet nuclear Submarine K-152 project 661 "Anchar", which remains the fastest submarine in the entire world fleet. Later it turned out that the submarine overtook the American aircraft carrier, using only one turbine.

The speed that the boat is capable of developing is 44.7 knots, which, in terms of earth units, is 80.4 km / h. But the boats are not found on the pages. Military secrets are inviolable.

The power of the human intellect is capable of generating incredible inventions. This often happens when there is competition. Or you need to deliver tea and spices from India or China faster than a competitor. Or there is a confrontation of world powers in world superiority. I would like this energy and aspirations to be directed exclusively towards the peaceful side. And then planes, cars, ships will be created only for the benefit of man.

The connection between supercars and high-speed executive boats is emphasized by the fact that two years ago, Cigarette, together with Mercedes, released a "black series": on the ground it was presented by the Mercedes C63 AMG Black Series, on the water - by the Cigarette Black Series Marauder 50. However, the dark side of Cigarette is - in blood. In the 1920s and 1930s in America, bootleggers transported their goods not only by land, but also by water. To remain elusive, the bandits had to make their boats more powerful. Then the dirty business came to naught, but the boats remained. The company name Cigarette is a tribute to one of those gangster boats that bore the exact same name. Marauder, on the other hand, is a reminder of those bad guys.

Speaking of bad guys, company founder Don Aronov, a 192-time (not a typo) winner of the 176-mile race from Long Beach to Mexico's Ensenada Bay, was shot to death under mysterious circumstances in 1987. But even though Don is dead, his work lives on. At one time, it was Aronov who laid the foundation for cooperation between Cigarette and the legendary engine manufacturer Mercury.

A pair of Mercury is also on the 50 Marauder SS. The total power of these engines is 2700 hp. s., which is enough for a 15.4-meter boat to take off at full speed above the water. Her top speed is listed as 120+ mph (i.e. "over 193 km/h", and then - as lucky). At the same time, ten lovers of sea trips can be lucky - that's how many seats there are on the Marauder SS. The luckiest ones are invited to stay in the bow of the boat, where there is a salon with a double bed.

It is not inferior to the Marauder SS in size or power. Monster 50 is also one of those boats that will be very crowded in the port, but for this he will repay complete freedom in open water. In the captain's chair, 20 instrument dials, 18 information lights, 6 control knobs and 5 pairs of passenger eyes will be directed at you. Unleash the 2,700 horsepower of his twin Mercury 1350s and 10 pupils will dilate from crazy acceleration. Why does the "monster" have such a long nose? It was in it that a rest room with two sofas, a bedroom, a toilet and all the equipment that the buyer wants to see there fit in - each boat is built for the customer and equipped based on his desires and capabilities. But, no matter how he shrinks, the price will not fall below half a million dollars.

There are many catamarans among boats of this class, since their width improves stability at high speeds, however, the classics are still boats with a V-hull, and in our review you will find only them and only in king size over 40 feet. Nor-Tech 5000, for example, stretched as much as 51.9 feet - almost 16 meters. To match the size and power - three Nor-Tech engines of 1000 hp each. With. every. As a result, the boat picks up speed without problems in the region of 170 km / h, but at the same time, which is important, it remains not too demanding on fuel - it runs on 98th gasoline.

If the Cigarette was once ridden by bandits, then the Donzi was driven by cops, albeit television ones (the heroes of the TV series and the movie Miami Vice: Vice). Model 43 is the largest in the line (13.1 meters), and if you think that water is designed to interfere with burning, then the Donzi 43 ZR has 2700 horse arguments to prove you otherwise. Load five passengers and just watch the speedometer needle go to the right and the fuel gauge needle to the left. The tanks here are 1890 liters, but this is only enough for a few hours of the race. In the bow of the boat there is a sleeping area and a relaxation area, which can be stuffed with any audio and video equipment. And it doesn’t matter that because of this the boat will become a little heavier and a couple of tenths of a second slower, but with such a “ inner world”He will be liked not only by the “morals department”, but also by the “Malibu rescuers”.

As a rule, the number in the name of boats of this class indicates the length in feet. 47 Lightning is slightly shorter than the first two participants in our review - 14.3 meters. Against their background, the rest of its characteristics may seem rather modest to you: 1400 horsepower for 6300 kg of weight. But this is just the case when the main thing is not the size and quantity of "forces", but the ability to use them. The Fountain shipyard is one of the oldest manufacturers of high-speed executive boats (they have been in this business since 1972) and prides itself on building their boats from start to finish, not even trusting third-party upholstery to third-party companies (however, it is natural that such units as engine, they come already assembled and, you guessed it, mostly from Mercury). Bottom line: recognized as reference control and acceleration to a frightening mark of 150 km / h. In addition to the motors in the 2.74-meter-wide housing, there was a place for a living room with a sofa bed, a bedroom, a shower and a toilet.

The Sunsation features paintwork by renowned customisers Mitcher T. This 13.1 meter boat has everything on board, including a shower, fridge and microwave. You can put a sandwich in it, set the timer for 20 seconds and hit full throttle. When the stove squeals, your F-4 will just exchange the second hundred km / h. If you want more data on acceleration, then here they are: from 50 to 80 km / h the boat accelerates in 5.7 seconds, and from 65 to 95 in 6.5. In other words, you will always have enough traction in reserve to break those 6 tons into an impressive spurt and push passengers into their seats even more. The maximum speed of the Sunsation F-4 is 160 km/h. Do you see the horizon line? You there.

When it comes to high speeds, for some reason everyone immediately remembers airplanes or cars. But in fact, boats also demonstrate super speeds. In our review - the 10 fastest ships in the world in history.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Soviet submarine K-222

The fastest submarine
Maximum speed: 83 km/h

This submarine was the only ship in its class. She could boast of a titanium case, two nuclear reactors water-to-water type with a capacity of 2 × 177.4 MW and two steam turbines with a capacity of 80,000 horsepower. Due to the combination of low weight and high power, the submarine could carry a crew of 82 sailors, 10 P-70 Amethyst anti-ship missiles and 12 533-mm torpedoes at a maximum speed of 44.7 knots.

2. Warship HCMS Bras D'Or 400

The fastest warship
Maximum speed: 116 km/h

This experimental Canadian hydrofoil is one of the fastest ships ever. The Bras D'Or was designed by Alexander Graham Bell and was powered by two Pratt & Whitney gas turbine engines. Unfortunately, the experiment was closed in 1971, and the only ship built was put on display at the Maritime Museum of Quebec.

3. Sailboat Vestas Sailrocket 2

The fastest sailboat
Maximum speed: 120 km/h

120 km/h doesn't sound like much, but for a boat that doesn't have an engine, it's impressive. Sailrocket 2 has broken all speed records in sailing.

4. Yacht World Is Not Enough

The fastest yacht
Maximum speed: 129 km/h

A luxury yacht that can reach speeds of 70 knots - what else is there to add?

5. Cigarette AMG Electric Drive Concept

The fastest electric boat
Maximum speed: 160 km/h

Mercedes-AMG has teamed up with Cigarette Racing to release the world's fastest electric boat. It has 12 electric motors with a total capacity of 2220 hp. With.

6. Pontoon boat Brad Rowland's South Bay 925CR

The fastest pontoon boat
Maximum speed: 184 km/h

The fact that someone has made a pontoon boat that can go up to 184 km/h is insane in itself.

7. Catamaran Spirit Of Qatar

The fastest catamaran
Maximum speed: 393 km/h

The Spirit Of Qatar catamaran uses twin Lycoming turbines with a total capacity of 9000 hp. With.

8. Problem Child

The fastest floatplane in the Top Fuel class
Maximum speed: 422 km/h

Top Fuel class hydroplanes are similar to the Top Fuel dragster, except that they race on water. Eddie Knox's Problem Child is the fastest boat in its class and, like the dragster, it's powered by an 8,000hp Hemi V8 engine. With.

9. Hydroplane Bluebird K7

The fastest seaplane
Maximum speed: 444 km/h

The K7 was the first of the crazy turbine floatplanes that set water speed records seven times from 1955-1964. During his last run, he reached a shocking speed of 444 km/h. Unfortunately, its pilot, Donald Campbell, died in 1967 while trying to reach a speed of 482 km/h.

10. Spirit Of Australia

The fastest boat
Maximum speed: 511 km/h

511 km/h is an amazing figure that is even more impressive when you find out that the "Spirit of Australia" was built by an enthusiast in the yard of his own house. Ken Warby designed the superboat in 1978. Ken Warby's boat speed record has not yet been broken.

High-speed border boat of the project FC-19 "Nurly Zhol" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Kazakh maritime border guards received at their disposal high-speed patrol boats built in Uralsk at the Zenit plant.

The situation with poaching in the Caspian Sea remains difficult. Constant illegal encroachments on Kazakhstan's biological resources by citizens of neighboring states are forcing the Kazakh authorities to strengthen the sea part of the border. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the Coast Guard Regional Directorate, together with Russian and Azerbaijani colleagues, conducts special operational and preventive measures to suppress acts of poaching (POMA). We are now preparing for the spring operation. Some time ago, Kazakh maritime border guards received at their disposal high-speed patrol boats built in Uralsk at the Zenit plant. We will tell about the fastest ships of the Caspian Sea in this report.

Hatch to the engine room of "Karaganda" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

At the forefront of our coast guard is the Nurly Zhol high-speed border boat of the FC-19 project, commander - foreman of the first article Berik Zhantleuov, and the Karaganda high-speed border boat of the Aybar project 0210, commander - senior lieutenant Zhanibek Telev. Both vessels were built in Kazakhstan on the instructions of the border service.

High-speed border boat "Karaganda" project 0210 "Aybar" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

“These are new high-speed boats that are supplied to us by the Zenit plant,” says Berik Zhantleuov. “We could not catch up with violators by water before. Only with the help of a helicopter. MAN engine of 1450 horsepower each, Rolls Royce water jet.The boat has a speed of up to 54 knots.It can travel a very long distance in a short period of time.12 nautical miles from the Kazakh coast to Russian territorial waters it will cover in 15 minutes.With preparations - about half an hour There are such violators who do not stop at voice commands, even when opening fire in the air. The only way- shoot at the engines. But you can just kill offenders on the spot. And speedboats allow you to avoid this."

The commander of the high-speed border boat of the FC-19 project "Nurly Zhol" foreman of the first article Berik Zhantleuov / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

According to the commander of the border ship, now there are fewer violators.

"You rarely find anyone. With the advent of these boats, we began to protect our biological resources more reliably. Previously, we chose more nets, and there were more detentions. And now they know that if they come to our territory and work for us, we will poachers usually catch with homemade hooks, nets, it all depends on what you want to catch. area of ​​the sea. Poachers are from Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Astrakhan. Turkmenistan. Most of all from Dagestan. They catch fish in whole auls. Well, there are enough of us," says Berik.

Checking documents of Kazakh fishermen / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Patrols are usually conducted in areas designated by the Coast Guard Command. Boats stay there for several days, slowly moving and observing the situation. Poachers usually leave foam balbers or "eggplants" - empty liter plastic bottles. They function as floats. Having found this balber, the border guards already know that there is a network. The fact of discovery is reported to the base, then sampling begins. In a month, the commander with his crew must be at sea for 15 days with a break of 3-4 days. Autonomy FC-19 - 5 days.

On patrol / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Berik Zhantleuov is almost never at home during the SIEM. For a month - only 2-3 times. Therefore, he sent his family to his parents, in South Kazakhstan. For four years in a row, foreman of the first category, Berik Zhantleuov, was the best boat commander in our coast guard. For this, he was presented with a state award. The Order "Aibyn" of the 3rd degree was handed over to the border guard personally by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kadyrzhan Mukanov / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Kadyrzhan Mukanov - Head of the Regional Coast Guard Department.

- Kadyrzhan Urakovich, how is the re-equipment of your service going?

The Coast Guard Regional Office is structural unit Border Service of the KNB and performs the tasks of protecting the border on the western borders of our country. The peculiarity is that the length of the border is about 2 thousand kilometers, and the lion's share is the sea direction. That is, we guard the border along the Caspian Sea for 1,500 kilometers. Based on this, we determine the composition of forces and means. I want to say that the equipping of the Coast Guard continues. A lot of equipment has already been received under the program of re-equipment and rearmament. These are, in particular, radar stations for monitoring the maritime situation. There is a re-equipment of the ship's composition. All our ships domestic production. They are being built at the Zenit plant in the city of Uralsk. This is a ship of project 0210 "Aybar", a new generation. He came to replace the outdated ships of the Berkut project. We put into service a ship called "Karaganda". The raising of the flag was carried out on it by the chairman of the KNB.

Flag of the Kazakh Coast Guard / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

The ship is now carrying out tasks to protect the border. This ship is very fast. Equipped with modern weapons. An important factor is that the habitability for personnel is very good. In addition, we already have 4 units of fast boats of the FC-19 project. In August 2016, our fleet was replenished with the latest development of the Zenit plant - the Sarbaz missile and artillery ship of project 300 Bars. This ship has weapons that are not on the previous ships of this project. For the first time, we received a hydroacoustic station for underwater reconnaissance and a rapid-fire artillery mount. Up to 1000 shots can be fired from it per minute and an object can be destroyed at a distance of 5 thousand meters.

The team of the high-speed border boat "Karaganda" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- How are operations carried out?

We are carrying out joint operational and preventive measures to protect the biological resources of the Caspian Sea. The first stage is held in the spring, in April. This is due to the spawning period of sturgeon fish. In one of the seasons, we conducted a sampling of networks at sea with a length of more than 300 kilometers. Can you imagine, yes? Damage was caused to poachers for 30 million tenge. About 130 tons of fish were prevented from illegal fishing. This is the result of our work. The second stage takes place during October. All the forces and means of the ship's composition were directed to the sea.

In the cabin "Karaganda". Vessel Commander Senior Lieutenant Zhanibek Telev / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- The border service at sea is very different from its land options. How and where do you prepare shots?

Of course, equipping with weapons and equipment is very important. However, the normal operation of this equipment is impossible without the training of personnel. We are now focusing our main efforts on training young officers. Officers are trained in Russian Federation, and we ourselves prepare secondary technical specialties and initial naval training at the maritime training center.

Morning building / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- How many ships does the grouping have, and what are your plans for the future?

Firstly, the Coast Guard Regional Directorate has 35 units of ships and boats. All of them are of domestic production. Ships are divided into projects. Project 300 - big ships with a displacement of 250 tons. The project is called Bars. We have 5 such ships. Project "Berkut" - ships with a displacement of 42 tons. These were the very first ships that were built at the Ural plant. Now they are already considered morally obsolete, they have served their time, and they are being replaced by ships of a new generation of the Aibar type. They are equipped with new weapons, in addition, the weapons are remotely controlled. Another type is the fast boats of the FC-19 project. They reach speeds up to 50 knots. This is a thunderstorm for all poachers. In the future, we plan to replace old ships - there are 7 of them - in stages. You can’t do everything at once, but we have a rearmament program until 2025.

Ship's cat Ivanych / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- How do poachers react to such serious changes?

Violators also come up with new tactics. Now poachers have practically ceased to go out in the daytime. Those who have permission to go to sea and the right to engage in fishing come out. Naturally, there are all sorts of tricks.

View of Bautinskaya Bay / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

The base of the ships of the Coast Guard Regional Directorate is located in the village of Bautino, 150 kilometers from Aktau. Previously, it was a fishing village, which was called the village of Nikolaevskaya. At the dawn of the last century, it was built by the Russian merchant Zakhary Dubsky. Officially, the village is considered a separate administrative unit, although it actually merges with another settlement in Mangyshlak - the city of Fort Shevchenko. Now Bautino has everything for a normal life. IN Soviet times the village was a shift.

Monument to Alexei Egorovich Bautin, the first chairman of the village council of the settlement of the same name in 1883-1919./ Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Refueling ships with diesel fuel and drinking water produced approximately once a week. By the way, waste from ships is not dumped into the sea, they remain in sealed tanks until they enter the base. The FC-19 is serviced on site. Recently, a shipyard was built in Bautino.

Talgat Turebaev / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Talgat Turebaev, captain of the first rank, deputy chief of staff of the Coast Guard Regional Directorate:

Today we guard state border not only with the help of ships, but also with helicopters, technical observation posts, etc. We use a variety of forces and means. The situation in the Caspian Sea is unsettled. There are violators of the state border.

- Tactics of poachers has changed?

Poachers used to go out on fishing and transport vessels (PTS). They develop a speed of 10-12 knots. These vessels took more fish because they have refrigerators. But since we had new ships, we began to patrol more often, began to detain them, and they began to transfer from large OBVs to small boats (MPS) such as canoes. Yes, and they use canoes now at night. They go out, put out fishing gear, and leave in the morning. And we're using a new tactic. From the helicopter we find a network. The crew throws out buoys, marks this place. Then a ship goes there, the crew removes these nets.

Mooring at sea / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

- So it turns out that the priority now is to make poaching a meaningless activity?

Even when they try to leave at night, we inflict economic damage on them - we etch all their networks. When a poacher comes for his nets, his catch, there is nothing there. They go back empty. It is no longer profitable for them to do this - the consumption of gasoline, oil, networks ... By the way, networks are expensive. It is already unprofitable for them to constantly buy them, refuel when there is no income.

- And what are the results?

Poaching in Lately decreased. Administrative fines are provided for illegal fishing of partial species of fish. Basically now we detain citizens of Kazakhstan. These are residents of Atyrau, Mangistau region, unemployed. First of all, they violate the state border - they go beyond the 12-mile zone. And then they are already considered poachers. According to the documents, they are allowed to fish at a distance of two miles from the coast. They violate the border from our side, from the inside. In the northern part of the Caspian, the food base is better, so all the fish go to spawn in the Ural-Caspian canal and in the Volga delta.


Technical parameters of the ship project 0210 "Aybar":

The power plant "Karaganda" / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

From technical description plant "Zenith": "The main power plant consists of three marine diesel engines MAN 12V-1800 with ZF 3050 reverse gears. The auxiliary power plant consists of two diesel generators STAMEGNA model SN500, each of which consists of a diesel engine with a capacity of 38 kW , 400 V, 50 Hz Emergency power source - one STAMEGNA model PK-20 emergency diesel generator consists of a 16 kW diesel engine, 400 V, 50 Hz Water jets - two Rolls Royce model 50 A3 controlled water jets providing the main propulsion and boat maneuvering, and one Rolls Royce model 45 A3 central unguided water cannon.

ADUNOK weapon system / Photo:, Grigory Bedenko

Of interest is the weapon system of the boat 0210 "Aybar". An automatic remote-controlled observation and firing system (ADUNOK) equipped with a 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun is mounted on a special console. With the help of special gyroscopes, the machine gun will always be directed at the target, despite the pitching and displacement of the ship in different planes. In addition, the complex includes a laser sight and a thermal imager for shooting at night. You can fire at any time of the day and in any weather, even in a strong storm with a guaranteed hit on the target.

High-speed border boat of the project FC-19 "Nurly Zhol"

Kazakh maritime border guards received at their disposal high-speed patrol boats built in Uralsk at the Zenit plant.

The situation with poaching in the Caspian Sea remains difficult. Constant illegal encroachments on Kazakhstan's biological resources by citizens of neighboring states are forcing the Kazakh authorities to strengthen the sea part of the border. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the Coast Guard Regional Directorate, together with Russian and Azerbaijani colleagues, conducts special operational and preventive measures to suppress acts of poaching (POMA). We are now preparing for the spring operation. Some time ago, Kazakh maritime border guards received at their disposal high-speed patrol boats built in Uralsk at the Zenit plant. We will tell about the fastest ships of the Caspian Sea in this report.

Hatch in the engine room "Karaganda"

At the forefront of our coast guard is the FC-19 project Nurly Zhol high-speed border boat, commander - foreman of the first article Berik Zhantleuov, and the Karaganda high-speed border boat of Aybar project 0210, commander - senior lieutenant Zhanibek Telev. Both vessels were built in Kazakhstan on the instructions of the border service.

High-speed border boat "Karaganda" project 0210 "Aybar"

“These are new high-speed boats that are supplied to us by the Zenit plant,” says Berik Zhantleuov. “We could not catch up with violators by water before. Only with the help of a helicopter. MAN engine of 1450 horsepower each, Rolls Royce water jet.The boat has a speed of up to 54 knots.It can travel a very long distance in a short period of time.12 nautical miles from the Kazakh coast to Russian territorial waters it will cover in 15 minutes.With preparations - about half an hour. There are intruders who do not stop at voice commands, even when opening fire in the air. The only way is to shoot at the engines. But this way you can just kill the intruders on the spot. And speed boats allow you to avoid this."

Commander of the high-speed border boat of the FC-19 project "Nurly Zhol" foreman of the first category Berik Zhantleuov

According to the commander of the border ship, now there are fewer violators.
"You rarely find anyone. With the advent of these boats, we began to protect our biological resources more reliably. Previously, we chose more nets, and there were more detentions. And now they know that if they come to our territory and work for us, we will poachers usually catch with homemade hooks, nets, it all depends on what you want to catch. area of ​​the sea. Poachers - from Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Astrakhan. Turkmenistan. Most of all from Dagestan. They fish in whole auls. Well, there are enough of ours, "says Berik.

Checking documents of Kazakh fishermen

Patrols are usually conducted in areas designated by the Coast Guard Command. Boats stay there for several days, slowly moving and observing the situation. Poachers usually leave Styrofoam balbers or "eggplants" - liter empty plastic bottles. They function as floats. Having found this balber, the border guards already know that there is a network. The fact of discovery is reported to the base, then sampling begins. In a month, the commander with his crew must be at sea for 15 days with a break of 3-4 days. Autonomy FC-19 - 5 days.

On patrol

Berik Zhantleuov is almost never at home during the SIEM. For a month - only 2-3 times. Therefore, he sent his family to his parents, in South Kazakhstan. For four years in a row, foreman of the first category, Berik Zhantleuov, was the best boat commander in our coast guard. For this, he was presented with a state award. The Order "Aibyn" of the 3rd degree was handed over to the border guard personally by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kadyrzhan Mukanov

Kadyrzhan Mukanov - Head of the Coast Guard Regional Directorate.

— Kadyrzhan Urakovich, how is the re-equipment of your service going?

- The Regional Directorate of the Coast Guard is a structural subdivision of the Border Guard Service of the National Security Committee and performs the tasks of protecting the border on the western borders of our country. The peculiarity is that the length of the border is about 2 thousand kilometers, and the lion's share is the sea direction. That is, we guard the border along the Caspian Sea for 1,500 kilometers. Based on this, we determine the composition of forces and means. I want to say that the equipping of the Coast Guard continues. A lot of equipment has already been received under the program of re-equipment and rearmament. These are, in particular, radar stations for monitoring the maritime situation. There is a re-equipment of the ship's composition. All our ships are of domestic production. They are being built at the Zenit plant in the city of Uralsk. This is a ship of project 0210 "Aybar", a new generation. He came to replace the outdated ships of the Berkut project. We put into service a ship called "Karaganda". The raising of the flag was carried out on it by the chairman of the KNB.

Flag of the Kazakh Coast Guard

The ship is now carrying out tasks to protect the border. This ship is very fast. Equipped with modern weapons. An important factor is that the habitability for personnel is very good. In addition, we already have 4 units of fast boats of the FC-19 project. In August 2016, our fleet was replenished with the latest development of the Zenit plant - the Sarbaz missile and artillery ship of project 300 Bars. This ship has weapons that are not on the previous ships of this project. For the first time, we received a hydroacoustic station for underwater reconnaissance and a rapid-fire artillery mount. Up to 1000 shots can be fired from it per minute and an object can be destroyed at a distance of 5 thousand meters.

Team of high-speed border boat "Karaganda"

- How are operations carried out?

— We are carrying out joint operational and preventive measures to protect the biological resources of the Caspian Sea. The first stage is held in the spring, in April. This is due to the spawning period of sturgeon fish. In one of the seasons, we conducted a sampling of networks at sea with a length of more than 300 kilometers. Can you imagine, yes? Damage was caused to poachers for 30 million tenge. About 130 tons of fish were prevented from illegal fishing. This is the result of our work. The second stage takes place during October. All the forces and means of the ship's composition were directed to the sea.

In the cabin "Karaganda". Vessel Commander Senior Lieutenant Zhanibek Telev

- The border service at sea is very different from its land options. How and where do you prepare shots?

- Of course, equipping with weapons and equipment is very important. However, the normal operation of this equipment is impossible without the training of personnel. We are now focusing our main efforts on training young officers. We train officers in the Russian Federation, and we ourselves prepare secondary technical specialties and initial naval training at the maritime training center.

morning building

- How many ships does the grouping have, and what are your plans for the future?

- Firstly, there are 35 units of ships and boats in the Regional Coast Guard Administration. All of them are of domestic production. Ships are divided into projects. Project 300 - large ships with a displacement of 250 tons. The project is called Bars. We have 5 such ships. Project "Berkut" - ships with a displacement of 42 tons. These were the very first ships that were built at the Ural plant. Now they are already considered morally obsolete, they have served their time, and they are being replaced by ships of a new generation of the Aibar type. They are equipped with new weapons, in addition, the weapons are remotely controlled. Another type is the fast boats of the FC-19 project. They reach speeds up to 50 knots. This is a thunderstorm for all poachers. In the future, we plan to replace old ships - there are 7 of them - in stages. You can’t do everything at once, but we have a rearmament program until 2025.

Ship's cat Ivanych

— How do poachers react to such serious changes?

— Violators also come up with new tactics. Now poachers have practically ceased to go out in the daytime. Those who have permission to go to sea and the right to engage in fishing come out. Naturally, there are all sorts of tricks.

View of Bautinskaya Bay

The base of the ships of the Coast Guard Regional Directorate is located in the village of Bautino, 150 kilometers from Aktau. Previously, it was a fishing village, which was called the village of Nikolaevskaya. At the dawn of the last century, it was built by the Russian merchant Zakhary Dubsky. Officially, the village is considered a separate administrative unit, although it actually merges with another settlement in Mangyshlak - the city of Fort Shevchenko. Now Bautino has everything for a normal life. In Soviet times, the village was a rotational one.

Monument to Alexei Egorovich Bautin, the first chairman of the village council of the settlement of the same name in 1883-1919.

Refueling of ships with diesel fuel and drinking water is carried out approximately once a week. By the way, waste from ships is not dumped into the sea, they remain in sealed tanks until they enter the base. The FC-19 is serviced on site. Recently, a shipyard was built in Bautino.

Talgat Turebaev

Talgat Turebaev, captain of the first rank, deputy chief of staff of the Coast Guard Regional Directorate:

“Today we protect the state border not only with the help of ships, but also with helicopters, technical observation posts, etc. We use a variety of forces and means. The situation in the Caspian Sea is unsettled. There are violators of the state border.

Has the poacher's tactics changed?

- Poachers used to go out on fishing and transport vessels (PTS). They develop a speed of 10-12 knots. These vessels took more fish because they have refrigerators. But since we have new ships, we began to patrol more often, began to detain them, and they began to transfer from large PTS to small boats (MPS) such as canoes. Yes, and they use canoes now at night. They go out, put out fishing gear, and leave in the morning. And we're using a new tactic. From the helicopter we find a network. The crew throws out buoys, marks this place. Then a ship goes there, the crew removes these nets.

Mooring at sea

- So it turns out that the priority now is to make poaching a meaningless activity?

- Even when they try to leave at night, we inflict economic damage on them - we etch all their networks. When a poacher comes for his nets, his catch, there is nothing there. They go back empty. It is no longer profitable for them to do this - the consumption of gasoline, oil, networks ... By the way, the networks are expensive. It is already unprofitable for them to constantly buy them, refuel when there is no income.

- And what are the results?

— Poaching has recently decreased. Administrative fines are provided for illegal fishing of partial species of fish. Basically now we detain citizens of Kazakhstan. These are residents of Atyrau, Mangistau region, unemployed. First of all, they violate the state border - go beyond the 12-mile zone. And then they are already considered poachers. According to the documents, they are allowed to fish at a distance of two miles from the coast. They violate the border from our side, from the inside. In the northern part of the Caspian, the food base is better, so all the fish go to spawn in the Ural-Caspian canal and in the Volga delta.

High-speed border boat of the project FC-19 "Nurly Zhol"

Technical parameters of the project ship FC-19:

Length - 19.8 meters;
Width - 4.3 meters;
Displacement - 26 tons;
Speed ​​- up to 53 knots;
Autonomy - 3 days;
Crew - 8 people;
Cruising range - 400 miles;
Seaworthiness - up to 5 points.
Armament - heavy machine gun NSVT 12.7 mm.

Technical parameters of the ship project 0210 "Aybar":

Length - 27.3 meters;
Width - 6.62 meters;
Displacement - 70 tons;
Speed ​​- 38-40 knots;
Autonomy - 7 days;
Crew - 16 people;
Cruising range - 600 miles;
Seaworthiness - 6 points.

Power plant "Karaganda"

From the technical description of the Zenit plant: "The main power plant consists of three MAN 12V-1800 marine diesel engines with ZF 3050 reverse gears. The auxiliary power plant consists of two STAMEGNA model SN500 diesel generators, each of which consists of a diesel engine 38 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz Emergency power source - one STAMEGNA model PK-20 emergency diesel generator consists of a 16 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz diesel engine. providing the main movement and maneuvering of the boat, and one central unguided water jet Rolls Royce model 45 A3".

ADUNOC weapon system

Of interest is the weapon system of the boat 0210 "Aybar". An automatic remote-controlled observation and firing system (ADUNOK) equipped with a 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun is mounted on a special console. With the help of special gyroscopes, the machine gun will always be directed at the target, despite the pitching and displacement of the ship in different planes. In addition, the complex includes a laser sight and a thermal imager for firing at night. You can fire at any time of the day and in any weather, even in a strong storm with a guaranteed hit on the target.
